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Tutorials : Lavender Snow tut
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From: MSN NicknameRealgeminigirl2  (Original Message)Sent: 11/7/2007 3:16 PM

Artwork Suzanne Woolcott
Do not use her artwork without a licence

Scap pieces by Clarey

Open  the starter Psp Image provided.
You will see there are 7 layers.
The layers that are hidden keep hidden for now.

You will see the grey layer is highlighted,
This is because as we add layers underneath
they will stay under the framework.

Here we go.
Add new raster layer
With your selection tool, start to draw a square on each box.
make sure you are holding down the shift key while doing so.
also make sure you are drawing on the white of the frame.

Paste your image or paper as a new layer.
selections > Invert > delete.
do NOT deselect
Now paste your tube as a new layer
hit delete.
Select none.
I lowered the opacity on the tube to 64%.

At this point click back onto your grey layer.
and floodfill it with white
(Or colour you choose)
Now add the mask layer provided.

Again add your heart & Doodle layers.
add a light grey dropshadow to these two.
You will find the drop behind your frame;
so to make it easy to move them use your deform tool.

Now add your Copyright and name.
(or leave name of if you wish to make other tags)

Now to start messing with our layers.

Unhide the layer named snow1
Merge all > Copy
paste in AS.
Back to psp.

Edit > Undo Merge all.
X out Snowpile1 & snow1

Unhide Snowpile2 and Snow2.
Merge all > Copy
Take to AS > Hit CTRL L once.
Back to psp

Edit > Undo Merge all.
X out Snowpile2 & snow2

Unhide Snowpile3 and Snow3.
Merge all > Copy
Take to AS > Hit CTRL L once.
Staying in As now

You should now have three frames
Edit > select all
Animation > Reverse frames
Animation > Frame properties > Chane to 40 >ok

Optimize wizard and save as.


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