I will miss MSN groups but everything has to end and so many I call my friends. I suppose I will find people sooner or later and rejoin their groups. Wish this didn't have to happen but it is. Billies Help Page for Pain Understanding will be moving into their own .org Domain in about 2 weeks. The group addy will be:
http://billieshelppageforpainunderstanding.org/ We found that is is really reasonable at Lunar Pages. Also, at Vista Pages they will move you if you want a stand alone group. We will continue to help anyone in pain at the MSN group till it is time to move and that address is:
We have moved and are up and running. I am amazed at the great response our members have had. The website is nearly complete and ready to help anyone in Chronic Pain. The old site is nearly torn down and are just leaving enough up so our members will slowly drift the right way. Teddie thank you so much for placing this board here for us. Hugs, Billie