Easter Charm
How To Make Marbled Eggs.
You will need:
Egg blower, extra-large eggs, mixing bowls, measuring spoons, white vinegar, assorted paste food colorings, paper towels, olive oil, fork.
Prepping eggs: With an egg blower, pierce the top and bottom of each egg, puncturing the yolk; carefully expel the contents. Rinse, let dry.
Dyeing pastel base:
In a small, deep bowl, combine 1/2 teaspoon vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon paste food coloring and a little boiling water; add warm water to fill.
Briefly immerse egg; remove and dry with paper towel.
In a wide, shallow bowl, combine 2 teaspoons vinegar, 1 teaspoon, paste food coloring, a little boiling water and warm water to bring liquid to no deeper than a half inch.
Add 1 tablespoon olive oil. Run a fork through this mixture, creating curlicues of oil on surface.
As oil swirls, place dyed egg in mixture and roll once around the bowl to pick up oil streaks.
Remove egg; pat with a paper towel. Let dry. Tip: If you break any shells, use the pieces to test out shades of dye.
Designed By: Helen Raffels