Season's Greetings
You don't have to do anything elaborate to fill your home with Christmas cheer. These little touches won't take a lot of your time, but they'll convey holiday charm in a big way.
Designed by Abby Damrauer
Rooms All Agleam
The soft glow of candlelight always lends a cozy air, and these ideas will light beautiful memories:
For extra shimmer this season, stud pillar candles with prong-backed rhinestones, and trim with ribbon.
To turn any clear container into a holder, fill it with sea salt—this will keep the candle in place and the salt has a snowy effect just right for this time of year. Try this with etched, tinted or holiday-theme glassware for especially lovely results.
Turning ordinary white pillars to filigreed gold with this candle makeover couldn't be simpler. Cover lengths of lace with spray adhesive on one side and affix to candles. Spray-paint gold, so paint goes through lace onto the candle. When paint is dry, peel off the lace to reveal a gorgeous gold pattern.
Get a hurricane lamp into the spirit by circling it with pinecones, then tucking in a few sprigs of greenery for color.
This sensational centerpiece can be done in a jiffy: Fill a generous-size glass compote with a mixture of sand and tiny silver and gold stars, then insert tall taper candles of the same metallic hues. Use thin or thick tapers—thin ones allow you to include more—to make any arrangement you wish.
Decorative plant pots become unique candleholders—it's as simple as 1-2-3. Place a fat candle in smaller pots; larger ones can hold more. Fill pot with oasis, top this with candles and circle with berries or moss.
Goblets and other special occasion stemmed glassware are also festive holders. Place a votive candle inside, then tie a luscious bow around the stem of the glassware.
Welcoming Details
From a different take on mistletoe to a ho-ho-ho- centerpiece, these will bring smiles to people of all ages.
Here's an inexpensive version of a kissing ball: Poke stems of mistletoe and faux blooms in a Styrofoam ball, and hot-glue on a ribbon hanger. Suspend from the doorway and wait for the greetings to begin.
Make overnight company feel extra special with a mini-bouquet on the doorknob of the guestroom. Wrap a purchased party hat with gold paper; trim with a paper doily and bow. Fill a plastic bag with a water-soaked oasis and insert this into the upside down hat. Poke in stems of fresh flowers. Remember to water when needed.
M-m-m-m! A fresh wreath in the bathroom smells even more aromatic when the family takes a steamy shower or bath.
Try this shiny twist on the usual evergreen wreath—it starts with a purchased metal wreath form and solid-color tree ball ornaments. Use all one hue, or combinations of tones, such as gold and silver, or red and green. Affix balls in bunches to the form with florist's wire. Wrap with a complementary or matching gauzy ribbon.
A sweet invitation to dinner: Use chunks of ribbon candy as whimsical place card holders. Guests can take the candy home with them or eat after the meal.
Put on a gala flower show: Fill a clear, glass vase with dime-store garlands of gold beads, stick in stems of yellow amaryllis. Or, do paperwhites with pearls—absolutely stunning.