The following ten statements reflect the results from the thousands of men surveyed. Here is what a man wants in a woman.
He wants intimate fulfillment.
He wants a recreational playmate.
He wants a beautiful wife.
He wants a committed homemaker.
He wants admiration.
He wants a woman of moral virtue.
He wants someone with a sense of humor.
He wants intelligence.
He wants someone he can totally trust.
He wants someone who is absolutely honest.
I am the pastor of eighteen thousand people and have been in the ministry for forty-six years. Much of this book will be gleanings from the pain, agony, and success of hundreds of these precious people whom I have known over the decades. They are people just like you, and they have battled through the same crises you are now facing. I have created composite stories that will illustrate the marriage issues I have discovered from my years of counseling. The names and details of the stories are not real, but the issues in marriage these stories illustrate are very real and may give you hope for being able to resolve the negative issues you are facing in your own marriage relationship.
At the end of each chapter you will have an opportunity to ask God to help you make the changes necessary to become the husband He wants you to be. Use the prayers he has included, and then continue praying your own prayer, committing to Him to do the work necessary to give your wife the husband she wants.
"What women want in a man may not be what God wants them to have. What women want in a man is not as easily received as we may think. We have much to do with what we want from other."--Diana Hagee