Full of charisma
Financially successful
A caring listener
Great sense of humor
Physically fit
Fashionable dresser
Well mannered, appreciates the finer things
Full of thoughtful surprises
An imaginative, romantic lover
Nice looking (hair is preferred on his head)
Opens car doors, holds chairs
Has enough money for a nice dinner
Listens more than he talks
Laughs at my jokes
Carries bags of groceries with ease
Owns at least one tie
Appreciates a good home-cooked meal
Remembers birthdays and anniversaries
Seeks romance at least once a week
Whatever age group you are in, I want this book to provide hope for you as only the Word of God can. I want you to be excited about what the Potter can do in your marriage. If the Lord can hold the heart of a king in the palm of His hand and turn the king’s heart like rivers of water, then He can turn your marriage into something that resembles heaven on earth!
Each chapter will also contain a special section for men titled, “Hints for Him.�?These hints will aid a man to give a woman what she needs.
Scattered throughout each chapter will be a parallel thought from my husband’s section of this book, titled, What Every Man Wants in a Woman. You will find similar comments from me scattered through the pages of his section of the book. These comments will be called “He Says . . . �?in this section of the book and “She Says . . . �?in my husband’s section. As you read these parallel ideas, you will recognize clearly the differences in the way a man thinks from the way a woman thinks. They demonstrate the essence of this book—and these clearly recognizable differences are the reason why we thought it was important to write the book together.
Lastly and most importantly, each topic will end with a prayer of repentance for the things we have done wrong within our marriages and a prayer of new beginnings to enable us to start fresh in our quest to be the best we can be in our relationships with our loved ones and with our Father in heaven.
John and Diana Hagee will be doing a multi-city media and book-signing tour in January and February to Dallas/Ft. Worth, San Antonio, Houston, Phoenix, Jacksonville, Greenville, Nashville, Atlanta and others. Don't miss these events!