Hi All!
I'll try to be brief describing my site; I know you all have lives. My group is very small; I don't know alot of people and I haven't become internet marketing savvy yet, so my site is underdeveloped. My heart and intentions are not. I believe there is a real need for those of us who do not have the benefit of an equally yoked, Godly marriage to share encouragement (not griping).
From experience I've learned to confess God's Word over my husband, my marriage and not to murmur and complain with friends. It didn't happen overnight, but it CAN be done.
I want to invite you to add a post to the site and/or send an email. Let's encourage each other and help those who are not doing as well as ourselves to walk through. God deals with us all differently, but loves us all the same; remember that! I had become bitter, resentful and downright hard to deal with. I didn't want to see the beauty of a Christian family going to church and worshiping together, because I developed a spirit of jealousy and bitterness. You can get through it as I did, but it takes ownership of our faults and much prayer!
Thank you for visiting; I look forward to chatting with you soon. I speak (type) God's blessings over you and yours.