Change of HeartHelping you become a woman of influence Faith @ Work
When I was a manager at the Michigan Department of Social Services, I worked with a woman who was known in our office for her negative attitude. "Susan" had good technical skills, but scowled frequently and replied gruffly to others. One day when I passed Susan in the hall, I noticed the typical sour expression on her face. God nudged me to pray for her. "Lord," I asked, "please soften her heart. Replace whatever makes her angry with your love."
A few months later, Susan applied for a position in my department. I hired her based on her technical skills and her professional demeanor during the interview process. However, because of her attitude, I knew she'd pose a challenge for my staff and me. I remembered my prayer and realized God could use me to soften her heart. As I prayed for Susan daily, God worked in me, helping me to listen to Susan without reacting to her gruff, aggressive style. I told her I was praying for her, and she began to trust me. As she shared past painful experiences at work, I gained insight and prayed more specifically for her. Over time, I saw God soften Susan's heart.
I was amazed at the way God used my prayer to pour his love into Susan's life. God reminded me that he not only wants me to pray for, but to be involved with the hurting people around me.
—Peggy Kapuscinski, Michigan