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HOUSEHOLD HINTS : 10 Ways to Make Your Home a Haven
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From: MSN NicknameJOYANDPEACE1  (Original Message)Sent: 11/21/2003 12:26 AM
10 Ways to Make Your Home a Haven

holiday From turning your bedroom into a cozy getaway, to basking in the glow of a homemade candle, surround yourself with warmth and comfort this season:

  1. Invite Joy into Your Home
    When it comes to creating a warm, welcoming home, attention to detail is far more important than budget and space. For instance, have you ever walked into an exquisitely furnished home and yet felt unwelcome? Or entered a modest apartment and never wanted to leave? It is within the walls of a calm home that joy is most easily experienced. Discover how you can create a blueprint for joy in your own
    with this simple exercise by Zen Organizer Regina Leeds.

  2. Turn Your Bedroom into a Cozy Sanctuary
    Turn your bedroom into your ultimate escape. It doesn't take a lot of work or a lot of money, and yes, it'll be worth it. After all, what's better than snuggling in a warm bed (by yourself, or with the one you love)? So if you don't have a cozy blanket for the winter, get one now or put it on your gift list. It's the easiest way to add that "aaah" feeling to your bedroom.

  3. Try an Ancient Space-Enhancing Secret
    Turn your home into an inviting retreat with help from feng shui, the Chinese discipline that teaches you how to attract and enhance your life energy (chi) according to how your space is arranged. Feng shui can bring positive results to every aspect of your life, including your home.

    You can create an environment that welcomes health, happiness and love just by moving some furniture and adding a few objects. Start by placing positive elements such as plants, candles, wind chimes and soothing colors around your home. Plus, get more quick tips with a simple lesson in feng shui.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJOYANDPEACE1Sent: 11/21/2003 12:26 AM
Candles, flowers, color and more:
page 2 of "10 Ways to Make Your Home a Haven"

  1. Simple Details Make a Big Difference
    You don't need a paint job or a furniture makeover to add a sense of light and laughter to your home. You can cheer up your interior with small, inexpensive touches and see big changes! Start by simply clustering candles on a plant stand or draping cozy throws over sofas and chairs. Find six more ways you can warm up your home this season from Soulful Home Maker Tracey McBride.

  2. Bring the Bloom Indoors
    Blooming indoor plants bring the beauty and vibrancy of an outdoor garden into your home. Whether you like lavender, jasmine or even flowering maple, Green Thumb Fran Sorin will show you five blooming beauties that are bound to brighten any room.

  3. Create an Indoor Fountain
    Water is soothing to the soul -- that musical trickling sound, the constant but quiet movement. So why not soothe yourself and your loved ones with an indoor fountain? You can make one in as few as four steps. What a treat for a coffee table, bedside stand or even in a front entrance (it's also great feng shui) -- perfect for greeting holiday visitors!

  4. Promote Happiness with Color
    One of the easiest ways to transform a room is with a new coat of paint. But which color matches your mood? Will the yellow in your kitchen soothe guests and keep family members happy? Can the colors violet, blue and green make a small room look bigger? Find out how to brighten the walls of your home and keep your spirits high with the Color Therapy Quiz.

  5. Bask in the Glow
    Candles are the perfect way to add a warm feeling to your home. An easy alternative to installing a dimmer switch, candles can create a friendly feeling in the living room, add sparkle to a dinner table and promote romance in the bedroom (plus, everyone looks better by candlelight!). Whether it's a cluster of tea lights, a grouping of candlesticks or a solitary three-wick giant, let the glow of candles fill your rooms -- and your heart -- with warmth and light.

  6. Cleanse Your Space and Spirit
    Treat your spiritual space the same way you treat your home -- keep it clean. Try this simple space-cleansing ritual -- all you need is a smudge stick (you can get one at any health food store), a bell and a few loud claps (that's right, hand claps) -- to clear your home of unwanted negative energy, and welcome in the joy.