My morning started like any other, I spent it watching Good Morning America, as I curled up on my sofa with my cup of coffee putting my morning prayer off until the last minute. It was finally time to put on my sweats and go for my morning walk.
As I sped along in my walk cranking up the christian music on my walkman I could help but notice how thick the fog was this morning, as it hung heavily among the trees dampening my hair. I turned the corner to the Rocklin Cemetary, a popular walking place for many of the residents here in my neighborhood. But today as I made my way up the walkway my eye caught a glimps of a tent and chairs and a track where a coffin soon will be. My heart felt very heavy with sadness, what a awful way to loose a loved one, on a week where we are supposed to gather with our friends and loved ones to give thanks. Then I wondered could this not be any ordinary fog this morning? Perhaps the dampness was the tears of angels weeping for another loved one lost to his/her family on this day. Without any thought I quickly bowed my head in silent prayer, I asked to to please grace this person's family with his presence on this day, shine down on them with love, and let your strength be their rock and their shield on this very day, let them not be alone not this very morning.
As I walked out of the graveyard I glanced up at the sky, I could see the fog blowing away and the splender of blue began to appear as if out of no where. I could not help but notice the grounds men were not the only ones preparing for this person's funeral today, God was preparing also, the sun began to shine brighter filling the moist air and the cemetary with a golden light, and warmth and I felt as though someone wrapped in comfort. It seemed as though it was following me out of the grave yard shining it's light on the flowers and trees and then on me.
It was then I knew I was walking in God's light. There are no words to describe the peacefulness I had in my heart as I made my way home. I love the Lord I thought to myself and he truly loves all of us.