by Lydia Harris
"...May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me" (John 17:23).
Read: John 17:20-24
Reflect: If you could enlist anyone to pray for you, who would you ask? Would you ask your parents, spouse, child, sibling, minister, neighbor, coworker, friend, or all of the above? And what would you ask them to pray about? Would it be for good health, financial provision, or the salvation of a loved one? Our prayer requests reflect our desires and needs.
If I could choose anyone to pray for me, I would ask the most powerful pray-er I know. Yet after I read today's passage, I realized I already have the prayers of the Mighty One. Jesus, now seated at the right hand of God, was praying for future believers. What a precious thought that you and I were included!
What are Jesus' prayers for us? He prays for unity among believers and the salvation of unbelievers; and these two prayers are linked. He desires believers to become one with him and live together in unity in order that others may see Christ in us and believe in Him. In verse 24, Jesus also reminds God the Father how deeply He longs for us to be with Him in glory.
I want to follow Jesus' example in prayer and pray not only for my desires but also for the desires on His heart. When I pray for love and unity among Christians and for the salvation of those around me, I'm praying for others as Jesus prays for us.
~ Loving Father, help me demonstrate Your love and unity as I work with people around me. May others see Christ in me and believe in Him.
Questions: What do you appreciate about Jesus' prayer in John 17? Based on Jesus' prayer, are there ways you can make your prayers more effective?