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Issue #60 May/June
Infuse some variety into the ways you use the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in prayer. This acrostic will help you add depth and creativity to your praying while reminding you that His name should always be our primary focus for intercession.
My Jesus, You are the . . .
Light of the World, so I will invite Your warmth and radiance into all the dark and cold places of my life, that You might expose and remove my sin and selfishness.
Only Wise God, so I can boldly ask and receive from You all necessary insight, guidance, and direction for my life today.
Rock of My Salvation, so I will rest secure and safe, knowing that You have already done everything to save me and keep me in Your love forever.
Desire of All Nations, so I will passionately proclaim Your truth and beauty in every place, expressing to others the delight I have found in You.
Justifier, so I do not have to work today to be accepted by God, but can simply live in the grace that has made me pure and lovely in Your sight.
Emmanuel, so I will enjoy and practice Your wonderful presence in my life today, knowing that You are with me always.
Strength of My Soul, so I come to You in humility, delighting in my weaknesses, that Your power may be demonstrated through me in every situation I encounter.
Unchanging Friend, so I will enjoy Your faithful companionship and rest securely in Your always reliable love and commitment to me.
Savior, so I will kneel before Your cross in grateful worship and will live by faith in the one who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Cornerstone, so I will confidently base my well—being on the truth of who You are and allow You to build my life by Your strength and stability.
Healer of My Soul, so I will come to You with all my hurts, disappointments, and fears to receive Your supernatural touch of wholeness, encouragement, and peace.
Resurrection and the Life, so I will let You live through me today in the triumph You have already achieved over all sin and death.
Image of the Invisible God, so I will draw near and gaze upon You in intimacy today that You might reveal the fullness of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to my heart.
Shield of My Salvation, so I will trust You today to protect my faith and preserve my life in You by Your promise and power.
Truth, so I will come to You with all my doubts and questions, receiving counsel from Your reliable Word and consolation from Your Spirit in order to live with confidence in this world.
—By Daniel Henderson