Some People can be so rude they do not need their music turned up so loud that it shakes the house so badly and throbs in your head making you nauseous. I dont do that to them I respect people and their homes. we dont need to hear that rap grap raised that loud wo wants to her f this and suck this and hump this or kill this. I dont that is for sure. cars do not need hyped up stereos these people will get deaf before they are 30 or 50. if they dont the rest of us are going to be that way. I might turn my music up loud to listen to with my ear phones but I do have it turned down just right in the car.
sometimes I hear a guy with his bike booming music too and that makes ya sad, for he has nothing better to spread that sensation around where people who are older dont need to hear it. if its my neighbors next door they dont need to do that for I am not turning up mine loud, I am getting to the point to start doing that and let them hear disco, country and soft rock loudly that it vibrates them...
but I cant be that mean I want to do it you know I do, its sad, if its not the trains vibrating the house its those radioes turned up loud and the cops can give tickets for this I wish they were around right now some disturbing the peace tickets would be just right about now. I am not going to call for I dont want dope neighbors getting on me about it...