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Blair Mason

wht.png picture by heathersshizz

Wrestler's Name: Blair Maria Mason
Date of Birth:
October 22, 1981
Monroe, Louisiana
Billed From: Tokyo, Japan
Marital Status: Single

Character's Face: Jillian Hall
Weight: 123 lbs
Wrestling Attire: Normally Blair will wear a pair of wrestling tights paired with a top to match, and sometimes she goes mor casual wearing jeans or a skirt to the ring with a cute top that shows off her stomach.

In-Ring Wrestling Psychology: Blair's strategy in the ring mostly consists of keeping her opponent grounded. She is very quick in her movements whether they be from the top rope of a series of kicks she never wants to slow herself down. Blair also has an advantage in the fact that she has a good amount of balance and flexability due to her years with Martial Arts.
None yet

In-ring Name: Blair Mason
Modern-Day Magaera
Theme Music: "Beautiful Disgrace" by Orgy
Crowd Allignment: Heel
Trained by:
Pro Wrestling SEM; Tokyo, Japan
Wrestling style: 
Martial Arts, technical, high flying
Alliances: Abigail Cole
Enemies: Everyone else

Common Moves [10-20]

1. Forearm Strikes
2. Axe Kick
3. Spinning reverse kick
4. Spinning backfist
5. Backhand chop
6. Knee Drop Bulldog
7. Tiger Feint Kick
8. Seated Senton
9. Repeated quick kicks to the sides
10. Double Underhook Backbreaker
11. Corkscrew Flipping Neckbreaker
12. Tiltawhirl inverted DDT
13. Kip-up Rana
14. Springboard Forearm
15. Diving Hurracarana
16. Diving Leg Drop Somersault
17. Somersault corkscrew senton
18. Titawhirl Cutter
19. Moonsault
20. Arabian Press

Signature Moves [2-3]
Fugly (Reverse Indian deathlock with arms in surfboard and foot stomp AKA Curbstomp )
Beautiful Disgrace (Corkscrew neckbreaker)

Finishing Moves [2-3]
Vanity's Curse (Opponent is sitting or standing on the top of the turnbuckle Blair will come at them with a 540 kick, can also work on a standing opponent but is most often used when the opponent is on the turnbuckle ,here)
Magaera's Fury (450 splash)

Biography: Blair Mason was born in Oct. 1981 to a single mother in Monroe, Louisiana. Blair grew up quickly having to help her mother pay bills and such. Blair found herself drawn to being active in high school. She was on the field hockey team as well as the volleyball team. Throughout her school years Blair also particiated in martial arts. When she was 15 she went to the national compeition and won third place in the teen division. Blair was very passionate about martial arts and once she was done with high school she went to a community college getting a degree in communications. Blair continued to be active in martial arts through college and once she graduated she moved out to Japan to study it further. However Blair found herself draw to another sport, professional wrestling. Blair found herself training through a Japanese promotion, Pro Wrestling NOAH's developmental promotion Pro Wrestling SEM. After training through them Blair spent two years in NOAH and then began to wrestle through New Japan Pro Wrestling. She spent another three years there before making her way back to the states after being scouted by WWE talent agents. This will be Blair's debut into American Professional Wrestling.

Entrance: The lights in the arena dim down a little bit as "Beautiful Disgrace" begins to blast through the PA system. Dark red and pink circle around the arena through the crowd as Blair Mason steps out onto the ramp. The crowd fills with boos as she stands with one hand on her hip. She brings her hand down and then presents herself to the crowd lifting her chest and chin in the air as a short display of fireworks go off in front of her. She lets her arms come down to her sides as she makes her way down the ramp. On each side of her the crowd reaches forward trying to slap her hand or pat her on the back but Blair stays strickly in the middle avoiding those that she considers herself better than. She strides down towards the steps and bounces up them quickly. She then steps onto the apron walking down it till she is in between the two turnbuckles. She wraps her arms around the ropes looking out to the booing crowd. She shakes her head laughing at them. She then backflips into the ring with the help of the top rope. She turns to look at the other side of the crowd popping up her hair as if she is too good for them. She then steps back and rests herself by leaning on the top rope while she waits for her opponent to enter the ring.