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Hadley Harper

hadleypro.jpg picture by heathersshizz

Wrestler's Name: Hadley Judith Harper
Date of Birth:
March 22, 1984
Hometown: Sevilla, Spain

Billed From: Las Vegas, Nevada
Marital Status: In a relationship

Character's Face: Melina Perez
Weight: 122 lbs
Wrestling Attire: She always is wearing something that will show off her stomach and always something that is tight.

In-Ring Wrestling Psychology: Hadley always talks down at her opponents and does that inside of the ring too in order to throw her opponents off. Hadley is also very quick with her moves.
OCW Women's internet champion (1x)
OCW Women's champion (2x)
OCW Hall of Fame class of 2008
OCW Superstar of the Month June
GWE Women's champion (1x)

In-ring Name: Hadley Harper
The Extreme Sensation
Theme Music: "Remember the name" by Fort Minor
Crowd Allignment: Heel
Trained by:
Nora Greenwald
Wrestling style:
High flying
Alliances: Heather Mackenzie
Enemies: AJ Caine, Bryclynn Summer, Jasmine Stephens, Teal Moore

Common Moves [10-20]

1. standing moonsault
2. corkscrew ddt
3. spin-out powerbomb
4. flying clothesline
5. backflip kick
6. corkscrew moonsault
7. head scissors takedown
8. monkey flip
9. head scissors armbar
10. rolling wheel kick

Signature Moves [2-3]
1.Remember the name (STF)
2. Plastic
(moonsault slam)

Finishing Moves [2-3]
1. Beautiful Disaster (standing corkscrew senton)
2. Extreme Sensation
(360 shooting star press)

Biography: Hadley Judith Harper was born on March 22, 1984 in Sevilla, Spain. She was born to american parents and lived in Spain until she was 8 years old. Hadley ajusted well to her new surroundings. She was quite popular in school and always had someone there for her. She hung out with the rich socialites of Las Vegas and was quite wealthy herself. Hadley found her passion for wrestling when she was 15. After she attended a small federations show with a close friend. Hadley thought about wrestling all the time and even had her parents buy her an actual ring so she could practice the moves. After basically training herself Hadley went through training only to learn more about thing she already knew. Hadley got out of the training and immediatly started her career in the OCW. Hadley was in OCW for about a month and got her shot at her first professional title. Hadley won, and gained the Women's internet championship for the first time. Hadley then worked her way up the ladder getting a shot at the OCW women's championship, she lost the match by a hair, but was rewarded the belt just two days after. Hadley held her title for three months until she was screwed out of it by Justin Klein who was posing as a woman. Hadley regained the belt at Immortality against Jade Taylor. OCW closed it's doors a short while after and Hadley found herself in Global Wrestling Empire. In her first match in the company she won the vacant women's championship in a fatal four way against Eve Guerrero, Jade Jiles, and Chandler Evers.

Without title: "Remember the Name" by fort minor is playing as the lights begin to enter a strobe like feeling. The colors change to purple and pink as the music picks up the pace. All of the sudden it all stops and a spotlight opens up on Hadley Harper who stands at the top of the ramp with her back turned out to the crowd. She poses for the crowd, the all of the sudden the lights start to flash again. Hadley then turns around starting to walk down the ramp. She rolls her eyes at the fans as they scream things at her, some good some bad. She shakes her head laughing as they ask for high fives. She then walks towards the steel steps making her way up them fast. She gets up onto the turnbuckle and turns around to look inside the ring. She jumps down off the turnbuckle and makes it to the middle of the ring looking out to the boos coming from the crowd. She simply fluffs her hair as she waits for her opponent faking a yawn.

With title: "Remember the name" begins to play over the speakers there are boos heard from the crowd as Hadley's video begins to play on the tron. The lights then start in with a strobe like feeling and the colors in the arena change to purple and pink as the music picks up the pace. All of the sudden it all stops and a spotlight opens up on Hadley Harper who stands at the top of the ramp with her back turned out to the crowd. She holds her championship high up in the air above her head. Hadley then turns around with the title over her head still. The lights start up again with the music. She grins as she hears the boos. She then starts down the ramp keeping the title up in the air. People reach out for her to slap their hands but she laughs at them stepping away as she brings down her title, she pats it as if she was better than them. The boos get louder as she gets closer to the ring. Hadley walks over towards the steel steps walking up them. She walks to the middle of the turnbuckles and swings her leg through the middle and top rope holding onto her title. She takes her time ducking under the ropes and getting into the ring making the crowd pop with cheers for a second. Hadley holds her title up once again as she reaches the middle of the ring. She brings it down as she looks into the camera. She yells some things into the camera as she pats her title, directed either towards the fans or her opponent. She then looks towards the entrance ramp waiting for the match to begin.