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General : Friday's horoscope
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From: MSN Nickname鈾メ簞尉艎脨楼锟?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 1/2/2009 2:47 PM

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

You may feel as if you are riding on a high-tension wire today as the electrical current flips on and off. One moment the lightning strikes and you know the secrets of the universe, but the next moment all is dark and you can't remember what you just saw. Although you may be tempted to control these alternating waves, you would be wasting your time. Simply ride them while observing your reaction to the constant change. Your goal now is to become more comfortable at both ends of the spectrum.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

You could be surprised by the suddenness of your own reactions today. If you are involved with a social group or work as part of a team, it may be a struggle to keep your feelings to yourself. Don't withhold what's most significant to you, even if it means that you won't be included as one of the crew. Having integrity is more important than receiving approval.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

It's challenging for you to decide what's more important today -- expressing your freedom or buckling under the pressure of authority and meeting your obligations. It may come down to a home versus career issue, but whatever you choose, the outcome won't be exactly what you expect. Ultimately, doing what makes the most sense is more important than escaping responsibilities for the day. There will be time for play over the weekend.

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)

You might as well resign yourself to having a strange day that doesn't unfold according to your plan. Someone may come storming into your world today, disturbing the status quo for no apparent reason. Although the excitement could upset your balance, it's better to engage the crazy energy than to ignore it. Trying to avoid the oncoming changes will only intensify them.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

You may have financial obligations that must be handled now, yet there are still some pieces of the puzzle that are missing. It's hard to know the best way to manage your current situation until you have gathered all the necessary information. Nevertheless, you cannot stand by and do nothing today. Make a choice based on the data you already have. You can always modify it later on when you know all the facts.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Today someone in your world may do something so surprising that it is shocking. Other people's expressions of individuality can be so outside the box that you don't even know what to think. Instead of saying things you'll later regret, it's probably smart to temporarily withhold your reaction while you process your emotions. It's okay to let others know you were caught off guard and you need time to consider your position before you can respond.

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

There could be an unexpected break in your routine that unnerves you today. But it also brings you a sense of exhilaration as you are freed from the boredom of your work. You may have a hard time determining a new course of action instead of simply partaking in the regularly scheduled activities. Don't worry so much about what you should do; let your heart guide you through the day.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Today you may wake up with a creative burst, ready to turn your day into something special. But your intentions could be thwarted by uncontrollable circumstances. Whether your boss gives you an extra assignment or a friend needs your assistance, you might have to spend your extra time working, rather than at play. Keep in mind that fateful winds are now blowing through your life, so don't waste too much energy fighting against the inevitable.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Work obligations may pull you out of your holiday reverie today. It's not just about heading back to your job now or worrying about the hard times ahead; you don't want things to continue exactly as they have been. You might even want to shake things up a bit, just for the sake of change. But don't push anything too quickly. There is plenty of movement coming your way and you're better off being patient as long as you can.

Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)

Your responsibilities are complicated now, for you may have obligations to several people -- and your promises might even contradict each other. This is a time when your ability to simplify chaos can really come in handy. Obviously, you cannot do everything. Set your priorities and then let everyone know exactly what you can and cannot do. Others will appreciate your honesty.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

In your ongoing battle between doing what you please and doing what you should, independence should win out over responsibility today. But this isn't a long-term solution; it's just your current reaction. An impulsive decision could upset someone enough that he or she might resist your further progress. Don't fight back or things will only get more complicated. You'll be more successful if you can avoid direct confrontation for a while longer. A little distance from the situation will provide you with a fresh perspective.

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

You have likely been vacillating back and forth, unsure of how best to express yourself within the context of a relationship. One moment you are outrageously unorthodox, rebelling against authority. The next moment you are patching up hurt feelings by being a good boy or girl and doing exactly as you are told. Tense situations may require extreme reactions, but losing your temper won't help anything. Be as diplomatic now as you can to make everyone's life easier, including your own.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname鈾メ簞尉艎脨楼锟?/nobr>Sent: 1/2/2009 2:50 PM

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Today someone in your world may do something so surprising that it is shocking. Other people's expressions of individuality can be so outside the box that you don't even know what to think. Instead of saying things you'll later regret, it's probably smart to temporarily withhold your reaction while you process your emotions. It's okay to let others know you were caught off guard and you need time to consider your position before you can respond.

Well I hope this is good surprising.