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The Soul Journey 6 Part Program


Understand Your Threefold Nature


Know Yourself


Explore and Heal the Personality


Develop and Express Soul Consciousness


Discover Life Purpose


Imagine - The Key to Developing Soul Consciousness


Counselor Training Course


Explore your Spiritual Growth Journey

Know yourself, understand soul, heal your personality and develop soul consciousness.
A more meaningful and rewarding life awaits you.

What is soul?
And how do we live a soulful life?

People everywhere are searching for well-being:
for meaning, purpose, fulfillment, health and happiness.
For life to be good, we need to feel useful and appreciated.
And we long for great relationships—to love and to be loved.

Behind all of these human desires is the creative impulse of soul.
It moves through each of us and through the world we create.
And when we can understand, love and respond to soul,
we find meaning in all of our experiences ?even the difficult ones.

On the other hand, when we resist the movement of soul within because we don’t understand what’s happening, we become ill, have accidents, experience emotional pain, struggle with money, work and relationships ?Life becomes a real challenge.

Do you yearn to make sense of your pain and struggles?
To find a way through your challenges to greater peace and joy?
To make a difference with your life?

Then take your spiritual growth journey called "The Soul Journey" ?Grasp the bigger picture of who you are. Discover how to distinguish your personality from soul. And learn practical ways to develop and express soul for a life of meaning and purpose.

Change your consciousness and you’ll change your life

With over 30 years of study, counseling and teaching, Andrew Schneider has acquired a depth of understanding of soul consciousness that is rarely found in today's literature. (Learn more about Andrew by clicking here.)

And now Andrew is offering you his extensive knowledge of body, mind, soul and Spirit in  The Soul Journey Explore this 6 book series that maps out your personal path to soul consciousness. And get one year access the Soul Journey Library.  For more details ...

Bring soul into your life

We all want to make a difference, to know our life has been worthwhile.

But we cannot make a lasting difference at home and in the world unless we do so from a higher level of consciousness than personality life. This higher level is soul life, our essence.

And so we invite you to explore the many nuances and the depths and power of this soul life. Andrew Schneider’s programs offer the most practical, grounded approach to bringing spirituality into daily living available anywhere.

As a first step, sign up in the top left corner of this page for our free bi-weekly newsletter, Soul Perspectives, to explore a bigger picture of life. And receive a free email series, “What is Consciousness??

And when you yearn for deeper answers to the questions of your life, embark on The Soul Journey program. You may purchase the e-books individually for $29 (USD), but if you seek the whole picture, we urge you to purchase the complete program for $149 (USD) PLUS one year access to The Soul Journey library. Order the Soul Journey now, for immediate download.

P.S. Whether we call it following our spiritual journey, or living a more meaningful and loving life, it is all about responding to the basic impulse that draws us to becoming more conscious and compassionate.  Let The Soul Journey be your guide as you expand in consciousness and make a difference in your life and the lives of others. Learn more now about how this Spiritual Growth Journey PLUS one year access to The Soul Journey library can support you.

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