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KSCWE Interviews : Rob Van Dam 7/19/05
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 7/19/2005 10:44 PM
KSCWE Interviews
Rob Van Dam
KSCWE: Well Rob thank you for taking the time to do this interview, First Question has to be what you have been to since leaving KSCWE?
Rob Van Dam: Well, just relaxing really. I've made a few special appearances at a few Indy feds, but that's about it. Really just focusing on being retired and having as much fun as I can.
KSCWE: Who would you say you enjoyed wrestling during your time in KSCWE?
Rob Van Dam: My favorite matches would probably have to be against Y2J Chris Jericho. Sometimes we were the best of friends, sometimes we were the worst of enemies....but we always but on one helluva show.
KSCWE: What Superstar would you have liked to face but never really had a chance?
Rob Van Dam: Matt Hardy. He was always on a different brand than I was. I would have also like to had RVD/Nash vs. HHH and Kurt Angle.
KSCWE: How does it feel to know that you have gone down in history as one of the greats in KSCWE?
Rob Van Dam: Well, I take great pride in knowing I was one of the founding cornerstone's of KSCWE. We did it before it had the "K". (Laughs) At the time, I was only the 2nd three time world champion ever in the fed. Nobody can ever take that away.
KSCWE: Final Question has to be will we ever see Rob Van Dam grace the KSCWE with his presense again?
Rob Van Dam: That's a tought one for me. It's hard to balance a full-time career in KCSWE and all the other things that come with it. I don't think I would ever come back full time.....but you may see in a special appearence or special PPV match from time to time. Just because I'm retired, doesn't mean I'm not still the whole F'N show.....Rob.....Van.....Dam!!!
KSCWE: Well Rob thanks for taking the time to do this interview and enjoy your retirement and do you have any last words to the people of KSCWE?
Rob Van Dam: Yeah, to all the young talent starting out. Keep working hard, keep your head on straight, and your time will come. Just stay positive and focused

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