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KSCWE Interviews : The Cheat-12/30/04
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/31/2004 12:17 AM
KSCWE Weekly Interviews
Five Questions
KSCWE: Now its no secret that you have had a rough go at it in KSCWE, what makes you keep on going with the company?
The Cheat: it is fun, it is the best experience in a wrestling organization that i've ever had
KSCWE: Back on RAW towards the end you had  become a major player, what was your best accomplishment?
The Cheat: i would say that my best accomplishment would be winning my first gold in KSCWE. Being the tag champ was cool... too bad it was short ended
KSCWE: Talk about your WHW Experience thus far?
The Cheat: well, I have been really busy with other things, but whenever I come back it is still as interesting as the first time.
KSCWE: When the day comes for you to be called up, What brand would you rather be on?
The Cheat: To be honest, my career outside KSCWE is taking me too far, I do not really wish to be brought up. I am WHW for life. But, sometime in the future when things clear up, I am coming for WCW.
KSCWE: Any chance we could see a F.C. or Crimson Calling Reunion in WHW considering most of the members of that group are currently in WHW such as yourself, Goldberg, The Mauler, and John Cena
The Cheat: not any time soon... I am looking at a singles career for myself. It is about time that people get to know The Cheat and not Crimson Calling or Fatal Coalition. When the time comes, I will be on top. Not a group with me in it.
KSCWE: Thank you Cheat for your time

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