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ECW : Fury 11/26/03
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 11/22/2006 6:29 AM

Fury Results - November 26th, 2003

The Pyros go off as the Fury Theme plays and ECW Fury opens:::

Cole - Ladies and gentelmen wlecome to another excitng edition of ECW FURY!!!! I am Micheal Cole alongside my partner TAZZ!!!

Tazz - Thanks Cole and what a night it's going to be beause we are starting off the night with some extreme action!

Tony - (Mystkal's Music hits, crowd is mixed) the following contest is a triple threat elimination match for the ECW extreme championhip!!!.....making his way to the ring first.....JT Mystikal!!!!! (Corrupton's music hits, crowd cheers)....and the second opponent.........Chris Corruption!!!! (Steven's music hits, crowd is mixed) and on his way to the ring, the current Xtreme Champion, Steven Richards!!!!!!

Triple Threat Elimination Xtreme Championship
Steven Richards vs. Chris Corruption vs. JT Mystikal
o Chris Corruption by JT. Corruption goes to clothesline Jt but JT ducks and Corruption Nails Steven who goes over the top rope and outside the ring. Corruption turns around and walks into a JT dropkick and JT goes for the pin....1...kickout by Corruption. JT picks up Corruption and throws him to the outside and follows. Steven makes his way over to JT and nails him in the back with a trash can lid, then nails Corruption. Steven throws Jt back in the ring and stomps away on Corruption. Stevn goes under the ring to pull out a table. Stevn goes to throw it into the ring and JT baseball slides it into Steven's face and Steven falls into Corruption. Jt gets on the ring apron and hits an Asai Moonsualt on both men into the pin....1.....2 kickout by both men. Steven takes corruption and throws him back in the ring then grabs the table and gets in. JT sets the table up in the corner and JT walks over to Corruption as Corruption gets up Jt delivers a few hard chops which back him up into the corner. JT mounts Courruption and begins a 10 punch. Stevne coems up from behind the two with a kendo stick and low blows JT. Corruption then seizes the opportunity and powerbombs JT to the outside. Corruption taunts JT to get back in the ring when Steven rolls-up Corruption for the pin...1......2.....Corruption gets his foot on the ropes. Steven goes over and grabs the table and sets it up in the middle of the ring. and turns back aroun into a Karate kick to the gut from Corruption. Corruption then sets Steven up on the table and goes up top and hits the Sinner's denial and pins steven for the 1-2-3. Steven richards has been eliminated!!! Corruption goes outside the ring and follows JT who is making his way up the ramp. JT gets to the curtain and gets clotheslined form behind by Corruption. Corruption goes to pick up JT when from behind the curtain comes Christian with a chair and nails him across the head and JT gets the pinfall.
Winner: JT Mystikal (Xtreme)

Tony - And here is your winner.....JT Mystikal!!!!!

Cole - JT has become the new Xtreme champion here tonight!!!!!

Tazz - Yeah  he did bt you've got to wonder, if Christian hadn't come down to the ring would JT have pulled it off.

Cole - Well thats a question to be answered anoter day, but right now we are gonna take you backstage1


::Holly Matthews is seen etering the arena and enters her locker room Vince Russo approaches her dor and is about to knock wheh he decides not to and leaves::

::End of footage::

Cole - The lovely Holly Matthews has entered the building!!!

Tazz - And for Holly to actually be here, this must be good. But what the hell was up with Vince? But coming up next is the Fury debut of Vampiro!

Tony - (Sahy' Music hits, crowd cheers) the following Non Title contest is scheduled for one fall.....making her way to the ring first.....ShayDawg!!!!! (Vampiro's music hits, crowd is mixed)....and his opponent...on the way to the ring.....Vampiro!!!!

Non-Title Match
ShayDawg vs. Vampiro
Shay and Vampiro lock up. Vampiro shoves Shay down and taunts her while she rubs her head. Shay and Vampiro lock up again and Vampiro gets in a headlock. Shay sends Vampiro into the ropes and hits a shoulder block which Vampiro luaghs off. Shay dropkicks Vampiro in the knees. Vampiro falls to his knees and Shay then dropkicks him in the head and goes for the pin but Vampiro kicks out. Shay picks up Vampiro and sends him into the turnbuckle chest first. As Vampiro bounces back, Shay leap frogs over him and dropkicks Vampiro in the back off the head. Shay goes for another cover...1....2...kickout by Vampiro. Shay goes to pick up Vampiro and he throws a handful of powder in her face. Shay begins holding her face and swinging at the air when Vampiro nails shay with the nail in the coffin and goes for the pin...1......2....29999 shay kicks out. Vampiro is shocked by this and goes to hit another nails in the coffin when Shay counters it into a pin and gets the 1....2.....3!!!!
Winner: ShayDawg

Tony - And here is your winner.....SHAYDAWG!!!!!


::Christin is backstage watching Shay's match with a huge smile on his face::

::End of footage::

Cole - Well Chrisian seems to be very happy about something.

Tazz - Looks like he has a thing for ShayDawg.

Cole - Coming up next folks, JT Mystikal will find out he will be defending the Xtreme championship at Starrcade against when we come back from this commercial break so stic around

Commercials: 8 Crazy Nights, 28 Days Later, NAVY & Air Force...WWE Smckdown Here Come The Pain.

:::End of Commercial Break:::

Tony-(Russo's Music hits, fans are mixed)
Ladies and gentelmen please welcome on his way to the ring...Vince Russo

Cole- Here comes the othr half of ECW Vnce Russo

Tazz- His first appearence on Fury since it's debut so this should be really good!

Vince Russo - You know..... I was sitting in the back sipping my double latte when I saw the most beautiful women in the world walk into the arena....Holly Mathews!!!! She is possibly everything a man could want and I have everything that she could ever need......Money.....and power!!! and I have been known to be called a New Jersy Stallion in the bedroom. So Holly do me the honors and come down to the ring.

Tony-(Holly's Music hits, fans cheer)...please welcome on her way to the ring Holly Matthews.

Vince Russo - (Cirlcling Holly while checking her out) Holly, in my room I have two first class tickets to Antigua a a 5-star hotel accomadations at the Holiday Inn. and there is nobody back there deserving my company on such a fine occassion. So Holly, what do you say?

:::Holly thinks about it as Vince contnues to check her out and Holly draws her hand back and lays a huge slap on Vince and the crowd goes wild and Holly's muic hits and she leaves the ring as Vince rubs his face:::

 Cole - Ha ha, Vince got exactly what he deserved.

Tazz - Yeah that Holly is one tough cookie.

Xander Fry vs. Rex vs. Brock Lesnar
Tony:(Here Comes The Pain hits crowd is mix) the following contest is a triple threat match making his way to the ring...Brock Lesnar!(Rex's music hits crowd cheers) and second making his way to the ring....Rex!(Xander Fry's music hits and the crowd boo's) and the challenger Xander Fry! The three men stand in the middle of the ring talking trash. Brock strikes first punching Xander Fry and then sending him to the ropes. Rex grabs Brock and hits him with a DDT. Rex goes over to Xander Fry and clotheslines him over the top rope. Rex runs over to Brock and the two exchange punches Brock hits Rex with a harsh right hand to his jaw knocking him to the mat. Xander Fry gets back in the ring and goes after Lesnar. Fry turns Lesnar around and then lifts him up and hits Brock with a military press. Rex gets up and charges after Xander but he ducks sending Rex over his shoulder. Rex lands as his right foot knocks the ref down. Rex rolls out of the ring as Xander Fry picks up Lesnar but he low blows Xander. Both men lay in the ring as Rex gets up outside and pulls a chair out from under the mat. In the ring Brock and Xander Fry slowly get up Rex throws the chair into the ring trying to find strength to get back in the ring. Brock gets up before Xander kicks him in the stomach and then nailing him with the F5.Brock stands in front of the chair looking at it smiling when Rex ges up top and jumps off the Turnbuckle hitting Brock Lesnar with a bulldog right onto the chair. Rex throws the chair out of the ring as the ref starts to get up and Rex covers Brock 1.....2.....3

Tony - And here is your winner.....Rex!!!!!

Cole - Rex is the number one contener for the Xtreme championship at Starrcade!!!!!

Tazz - What a huge win for Rex!!!! and what a huge opportunity fr him as well.

Cole - The only one's left is JT and Raven....the two "leaders" of their survivor teams will face off next.


Kane is seen sitting in his locker room contemplating the beating he i gonna give Raven

::End of footage::

 Cole - That can't be too good. The look on Kane's face told the whole story!!!

Tazz - Yes it did cole.....this hs got to have raven thinking about the worse

Cole - Well he'not gonna have too much longer to think because his match is comming up right after our final commercial break!!


::End Commercials:::

Cole - Well Tazz it's about that time. This shoudl be good!!!!!

Tazz - As Jr would say Cole....this one is gonna be a slobberkocker!!!!! and in my eyes a match of the year candidate!

Tony-(End of Everything hits, fans cheer) The following contest is a non-title match schduled for on fall......introducing first, on his way to the ring, RAVEN!!!!!! (The fire goes off and Kane's music hits, crowd is mixed)
....and his opponet on his way to the ring....Kane!!!!!!!!

Non-Title Match
Raven vs. Kane
Raven gets up in Kane's face and begisn to badmouth him when Kane laughs at Raven. Raven slaps Kane and Kane is no longer laughing. Kane goes ot hit Raven but Raven Ducks and jumps on Kane's back and locks in a sleeper. Kane almost goes to his knees but Kane rams Raven into the turnbuckle. Kane then delivers the back elbow the Raven and sends him across the ring and follows it up with a clothesline. Kane then picks up Raven for a tombstone and raven gets free only to get clotheslined by Kane. Kane hits a jumping elbow drop on Raven and follows it with a pin...1...2...Raven gets his shoulder up. Raven rolls out of the ring followed by kane. Raven takes a rest on the steel steps as Kane charges him and ges drop toe hold right into the steps! Kane's forhead begins to bleed and Raven smashes kane head against the step again and rolls Kane back into the ring. Raven sits up on the top turnbuckle and waits for Kane to get up and hits a top rope bulldog. Raven goes back up top and Kane sits up. Raven gets down. and as Kane ges up jumps onto Kane's back again and locks in another sleeper this time bringing kane to his knees. the ref picks up Kane's hand and drops it...1.......The ref picsk up kanes hand again and drops it.....2...........the ref picks up kanes hand again and Kane grabs a hold of the ref's hand and shoves the ref across the ring. Kane gets to his feet and snapmares Raven over him. Raven gets up and Kane nails a big boot to Raven. Kane signals for the chokeslam and grabs Raven by the throat. Raven then lowblows Kane and nails the Raven effect which at this point Christian and JT hit the ring. JT nails Raven with his title belt then christina delievers the Unpretier to Raven headfirst on the title belt. The Ref calls for the bell and Shay and Chris Corruption make their way to the ring and attack Kane.
Winner: Raven by DQ

Cole - Oh my God what in sam hell is going on here!??!?!?

Tazz - All hell is breaking loose

POSTMATCH: Christian and JT continue the attack Raven as Kane fights off Shay and Chris Corruption on the outside of the ring. Back in the ring Christian nails Raven with another unprettier followed by a DoomsDay Knockout by JT. Christian and JT then go hold back Chris and Shay as Kane gets in the ring and is about to chokeslam Raven......

:::Stone Cold's Music his and he makes his way to the ring::

Stone Cold - Hold on there just one damn minute Kane. Now I know you are a monster and you obviously want Raven real bad (Kane Shakes his head) So I am gonna make it real simple for you can chokeslam him and then I can suspend you indefinately can have Raven at StarrCade in a match for the ECW Heavyweight championship!!!!!!

:::Fans go nuts as Kane throws Raven to the outside and snatches the mic from Stone Cold:::

Kane: I Waaant Raven!!!!! I want the ECW heavyweight title! And I Will stop at nothing to get it!!!!! Because I want Raven to suffer!!! I Waaaant Raven to bleeeeed!!!

:::Kane does the fire thing as Stone Cold goes outside and grabs a chair and uses it to blast Raven across the head ads Christian and JT make their way up the ramp with Stone Cold:::

Cole - What the hell!!!!!! Stone Cold, Christian & JT Mystikal have joind forces here tonight on Fury!!!!!!

Tazz - Plus Kane is the Number one contender for Raven's title at Starrcade!!!!! What a bombshell dropped here by the texas rattlesnake

Cole - You have got to believe that is why Christian had such big smile on his face earlier!!!! But i guess we'll find out next week because we are out of time here tonite on Fury, GOODNITE!!!!!

:::Fury Goes off The Air:::

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