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ECW : Revolution 7/6/05
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 11:18 PM


Results 7/6/05 Live From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Dark Matches Air before Revolution

Dark Match #1: Chad Chaos defeated Stanley Ryan Tiger

:Pyro Goes off to open up Revolution:

Tenay: Welcome once again to ECW Revolution

West: Tonight we are once again in the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and boy Mike do we have a show for you

Tenay: After last week's raging success of Revolution, Tonight we are going to have a Gigantic Six Man Tag Main Event plus the ECW TV and ECW FTW Title's are on the line and lets go down to the ring for the first of two title matches

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of ECW Revolution is scheduled for one fall and it is for the ECW FTW Championship

"The Rock" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Miami, Florida weighing in at 220 Pounds, The Rock!!

Tenay: The Rock jumped ship to ECW from SCWE and The Rock took Tazz up on his offer when Tazz said he would fight anyone anytime

"13" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: His opponent from the Red Hook District of New York City, weighing in at 240 Pounds, He is the ECW FTW Champion, The "Human Suplex Machine" Tazz!!!

West: Tazz is here but my question is what shape is Tazz in because he just returned to the ring recently after being an announcer for so long

ECW FTW Championship: Tazz(C) vs The Rock
The bell rings as Tazz locks up with the Rock and the catches him in a headlock. Tazz releases the Rock from the hold and Irish whips him off the ropes and catches him followed by a Belly to Belly suplex. Tazz laughs at the Rock and picks him up again but the Rock delivers an uppercut to Tazz and clotheslines him down. The Rock then begins to stomp a mud hole in Tazz, but quickly picks him up and sets him on the top rope. He then begins to swing away at him. He hits him as the audience counts 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10. The Rock jumps down as Tazz falls to the ground. The Rock once again picks Tazz up and whips him off the ropes and then bounces himself off the opposite side as the two meet in the middle and Rock clotheslines him down hard. The Rock is quick to his feet and he waits for Tazz to get up and as Tazz does the Rock delivers a Samoan Drop. The Rock quickly crawls over to Tazz and covers him for the 1..................2...............Tazz kicks out. Tazz kicks the Rock away and gets up and knocks the Rock down then he picks him up and delivers a Release Tiger Suplex. Instead of covering Tazz picks the Rock up again and picks him up for a Release German Suplex but the Rock elbows Tazz and breaks out of the hold then clotheslines Tazz down. Tazz quickly gets up but the Rock delivers a blow to Tazz' head and catches him before he falls over. He calls for the Rock bottom and nails it. Then he does the peoples eyebrow and gets the audience fired up. He throws off his elbow pads and delivers the People's Elbow to Tazz. He covers Tazz for the 1....................2...................3
Winner: The Rock (ECW FTW)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and The new ECW FTW Champion, The Rock

Tenay: The Rock has just beaten Tazz!!!

"So Far Away" hits, Crowd Boo's as Vince Russo walks out into the entry way

West: Here comes The Assistant GM, Vince Russo

:Vince pulls out his microphone:

Vince Russo: Well I just wanted to inform you Rock that you will be defending that FTW Title in a Rematch against Tazz on The Next Revolution which is scheduled for July the 20th so Good Tazz I suggest you come in better shape for that match

"So Far Away" hits as Vince Russo walks backstage

Tenay: The Rock vs Tazz Part II on The Next Revolution which will be in two weeks

West: That should be interesting to say the very least

:Backstage: Paul Heyman's Office

:AJ Styles, Tommy Dreamer, & The Sandman are shown in the office:

AJ Styles: I deserve to be #1 Contender for the ECW World Title

Tommy Dreamer: Me and Sandman deserve a Tag Title Match

Paul Heyman: You all need to shut the hell up

:AJ, Tommy, & Sandman shut up as Heidenreich looks angry as he stands next to Paul Heyman:

Paul Heyman: Now this is what will happen, If AJ you can get the winning pin then you can get a ECW World Title Match but Tommy or Sandman if you get the pin then you guys can get the ECW Tag Team Title Match that you want but its one or hte other and if you lose then well neither side gets what you want now if you will please get out of my office before Heidenreich gets angry

Heidenreich: You won't like me when I'm angry

:The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer leave the office as AJ looks like he wants to say something but ultimatly doesnt and leaves:

Heidenreich: Pauly I don't like AJ, I don't want to be his friend

Paul Heyman: Don't worry nobody else wants to be his friend either and you know what to do if AJ is on the verge of winning right

Heidenreich: Yes, I will go help my friends...Mick Foley, Stevie Richards, and my good buddy Simon Dean

:Heyman smiles as does Heidenreich:

Commercial Ad for KSCWE Friday Night Main Event-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tenay: Well we just found out that if AJ Styles gets the pinfall in the Six Man Tag he gets Stevie Richards one on one for the ECW World Title but if Tommy Dreamer or The Sandman get the pin then they get The ECW Tag Team Title Shot against Stevie Richards and Simon Dean

West: Yeah that should make things interesting in that six man tag

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"I Stand Alone" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Short Hills, New Jersey weighing in at 237 Pounds, Raven!!

West: This is going to be an awesome match with two former World Champions going at it

"St. Anger" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: His opponent from the Bronx, New York weighing in at 200 Pounds, Mikey G

Tenay: Well Mikey G last week picked up a triple threat win in which Raven was involved and now Mikey G must try and beat Raven one on one

Mikey G vs Raven
The bell rings as Mikey G and Raven circle each other. The two get closer and talk smack to each other as Raven then delivers a rake to the eye of Mikey G. Mikey turns away but then turns back and hits Raven in the face and then begins to open up on him with right hands. The two fall on the ground with Mikey still delivering the punches as he then lets off and picks Raven up then delivers a German Suplex while pinning him for the 1....................2................Raven kicks out. Both men are quick to getting up and they lock up in the center of the ring but Raven low blows Mikey. Jimmy Korderas sees him doing this and begins to argue with him as Raven is trying to cover up for it. Mikey then quickly pulls Raven down and rolls him up for the 1....................2..............2.9........Raven barely makes it out in time as he then stands up and pushes Mikey right into Korderas. Raven then picks him up and delivers the Raven Effect to him. He makes sure Korderas is down and goes outside the ring to get a steel chair. He throws it back in the ring then he gets in himself and picks the chair up and goes to hit Mikey but Mikey rolls out of the way. Raven is shocked as Mikey then trips him causing him to drop the chair. Raven rolls out of the ring and tries to pull Mikey out but Mikey instead delivers a Baseball slide and knocks Raven down. Mikey gets out of the ring and throws Raven back in then grabs the chair and goes to hit Raven when Jimmy Korderas grabs the chair from Mikey and throws it out of the ring. Mikey begins to argue with him as Raven gets up and waits for Mikey to turn around. Raven kicks Mikey in the gut and calls for the Raven Effect but shockingly Mikey turns it into his own Fisherman Suplex. Mikey climbs up top and delivers a huge Top Rope Elbow Drop. He crawls over to Raven and pins him for the 1........................2......................3
Winner: Mikey G

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Mikey G

Tenay: Mikey G gets the win over Raven and Mikey G has a legitimate beef now to be #1 Contender for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

West: Well somebody is going to get the shot and Mikey G wouldn't be a bad choice


:Referee's are shown breaking up Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman, & AJ Styles:

AJ Styles: You two just do your job and let me get the win

Tommy Dreamer: Screw you

:Referee's pull AJ away as Dreamer and The Sandman don't look happy:


West: Uh oh some problems it looks like already popping up

Tenay: Well AJ Styles is obsessed it seems with being ECW World Champion and Dreamer and Sandman are obsessed with being ECW Tag Team Champions

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the ECW Television Championship

"Sexy Boy" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From San Antonio, Texas, The "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels

West: HBK has a chance to win the TV Title here

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Calgary Alberta, Canada being accumpied by Kristen Storm, weighing in at 240 Pounds, He is the ECW Television Champion, Lance Storm

Tenay: Here comes the TV Champion who last week defeated Mick Foley in a hard fought match

ECW Television Championship: Lance Storm(C) W/Kristen Storm vs Shawn Michaels
Lance and HBK start the match with having a few words. Lance then swings at HBK, knocking him down. Storm then starts kicking him, yelling at HBK. Storm then lets off and rolls HBK on his back. Storm starts giving HBK right and left hander's, then Storm pins HBK-1...2...kickout. Storm gets up and lifts up HBK, Storm drags HBK to the ropes but HBK gets his strength and Irish whips Storm into the ropes. HBK quickly runs at Storm, clothesline Storm overboard. Kristin checks on Lance as HBK gets out of the ring. Kristin runs from HBK as he gets over to Lance. HBK lifts up Lance and throws him into the security wall. HBK delivers some chops to Lances chest. HBK then grabs Lance and throws him down on the ground. HBK starts delivering boots to Lance. HBK struts around as the crowd cheers, then Lance gets up and shoves HBK down. Storm lifts up HBK and whips him into the ring post, busting him open. Lance then goes over to HBK and lifts him up, and puts him back in the ring. Lance pins HBK-1...2...kickout. Lance looks at the ref who says its a 2 count. Lance gets up and kicks HBK in the head, making the wound bleed more. Lance then drags HBK in the middle and signals for the Maple Leaf. HBK gets on his back and kicks Lance in the ass, knocking down Lance. HBK gets up as does Lance and both men start exchanging right and left hander's. HBK overpowers Lance and shoves him down. HBK goes out into the floor and gets a chair and throws it in the ring. HBK gets back in the ring and gets the chair, HBK beats the chair on the mat a few times, waiting for Lance to get up. Lance gets up and HBK swings the chair but Lance ducks. Lance quickly dropkicks the chair and the chair hits HBK in the face. Lance then pins HBK-1...2....HBK puts his foot on the ropes. Lance looks at the ref and at HBK and gets mad. Lance rolls HBK over on his stomach and gets the chair. Lance delievers a few chair shots to HBK's back. HBK is rolling in pain as Lance drags HBK in the middle of the ring. Lance signals for the Maple Leaf and applies to HBK. HBK starts screaming in pain as Lance applies more pressure. HBK gives up and starts tapping out.
Winner: Lance Storm

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still ECW TV Champion, Lance Storm

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 11:18 PM

Tenay: Lance Storm scores a great win over Shawn Michaels

West: Well after our final commercial break we will be back with the big Six Man Tag Main Event

Final Commercial Ad for KSCWE Curse of The Game-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tenay: Well its time for the Main Event

West: This is going to be very interesting to say the least

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of Revolution is scheduled for one fall

"Enter Sandman" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring, weighing in at a combined weight of 490 Pounds, The Team of Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman

West: Well here comes Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman who have been having some issues earlier tonight with AJ Styles who is there own partner

"Spleen" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: There partner, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 202 Pounds, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

Tenay: Well AJ Styles, Tommy Dreamer, and The Sandman all want to win but all want to get the pinfall for various reasons

"Wreck" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: There opponents, 1st From Long Island, New York weighing in at 287 Pounds, Mick Foley!!!

West: Here comes Mick Foley now

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Miss Shannon: His partners, Being accumpied to the ring by Lexus Carr, weighing in at a combined weight of 445 Pounds, They are the ECW Tag Team Champions Simon Dean and Stevie Richards who is also the ECW World Heavyweight Champion

Tenay: Well Stevie and Simon better be prepared after there adventures last night which we can not go into detail about but if you watched Smackdown! you know exactly what we are talking about

West: Yeah and I know we have extra security at the arena as a result to keep uninvited guests out

Stevie Richards, Simon Dean, & Mick Foley W/Lexus Carr vs AJ Styles, Tommy Dreamer, & The Sandman
Referee Mark Johnson rings the bell to start the match out as Mick Foley starts things out with AJ Styles as Foley and AJ go to lock up when Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman enter the ring and attack AJ Styles!!! Mick Foley backs up as Dreamer and Sandman put the boots to AJ Styles and throw him out to the floor as Mick Foley then opens up on Dreamer knocking him down and then The Sandman as AJ Styles gets up on the floor and gets back into the ring and AJ goes up top and comes off hitting a cross body taking down Tommy Dreamer but Mick Foley then kicks AJ in the gut and Mick Foley goes for a Double Arm DDT but AJ rams Foley back into the corner and AJ then rams his shoulder into Foley a few times as he takes him out and sets him up for a Styles Clash but Stevie Richards and Simon Dean both attack AJ Styles when Mikey G hits the ring and Mikey G attacks AJ Styles!! Raven then hits the ring right after him as Raven joins in with Mikey double teaming AJ Styles as Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman open up on Richards and Simon knocking them out to the floor as Lance Storm hits the ring followed by The Rock and then Tazz and then SRT and Chad Chaos as everyone is fighting with everyone as Stevie Richards and Simon Dean wait on the floor as Mikey G ends up hitting a Super Kick on The Sandman as Mick Foley quickly covers for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Stevie Richards, Simon Dean, & Mick Foley

Miss Shannon: Your winners, Mick Foley, Simon Dean, and Stevie Richards

Tenay: All hell has broken loose here

"This is Extreme" hits as Paul Heyman walks out with a microphone

Paul Heyman: Since you guys can't keep your hands off each other then at Friday Night Main Event there will be a 12 Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal for #1 Contendership for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship with only Simon Dean and Stevie Richards not taking part and....HEIDENREICH WILL BE IN IT so gentleme....

:Just then Triple H, Matt Hardy, Ric Flair, & Charlie Haas hop over the railing and attack The bWo From behind:


:The Triple H and Ric Flair continue to put the boots to them as Mick Foley rolls out to the floor to try and help out but David Flair comes over the railing followed by Ryan Cage and The Dudley's as ECW and SCWE Superstars do battle:

West: SCWE has invaded the ECW Arena

Tenay: This is a direct result of what the bWo did last night

:As everyone is fighting with everyone then "Glass Shatters" as The Place Erupts

West: It can't be

:Stone Cold Steve Austin then rides out on his 4 Wheeler as Superstars brawl in the ring as Evolution X, Ryan Cage, and The Dudley's see Austin coming and head back out into the crowd with the bWo & Mick Foley in pursuit!!! while in the ring, Stone Cold gets in as the ring empties out with the exception of AJ Styles who is getting back up and AJ backs right into the Sheriff who kicks him in the gut and then hits a Stone Cold Stunner on him:

Tenay: The Sheriff has shown up at ECW REVOLUTION!!!

West: Look at the respect he got, Even the SCWE guys took off

Tenay: The bWo have started a interpromotional War and at Friday Night Main Event a ECW #1 Contender's Battle Royal but right now its all about Stone Cold Steve Austin drinking his beer right here in the ECW Arena, See you in two weeks

:Revolution Goes off the Air: