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ECW : Revolution 7/27/05
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/12/2006 7:09 AM


Results 7/27/05 Live From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Dark Matches Air before Revolution

Dark Match #1: Shawn Michaels defeated James Hardy

:Pyro Goes off to open up Revolution:

Tenay: Welcome once again to ECW Revolution coming to you once again from the ECW Arena

West: Yeah and tonight we have learned that a major announcement is to be made from ECW GM Paul Heyman concerning ECW

Tenay: Yes and one thing Paul Heyman has told is that all ECW Titles are the online tonight and the big Tag Main Event advertised has been changed to a Fatal 4 Way for the ECW TV Title and a New ECW World Champion is going to be crowned here tonight but lets send things to the ring for the opening contest

ECW FTW Championship: The Rock(C) W/Kira Lang vs Twister X
Match starts with both men locking up in the middle of the ring. The Rock overpowers Twister and quickly backs him up into the corner. The Rock lets off and delivers a few chops to Twister and Twister falls down. The Rock drags Twister into the middle of the ring but Twister takes his foot and kicks The Rock, knocking him down. Twister gets back up and starts kicking The Rock. Twister then lifts up The Rock and irish whips him into the ropes, The Rock bounces off the ropes and runs at Twister, The Rock uses the momentum and knocks down Twister. The Rock pins Twister-1....2....kickout. The Rock gets up and lifts up Twister and puts him in a headlock. The Rock applies more pressure and then lets off and shoves Twister down. The Rock goes to pin Twister again-1...2...kickout. Twister quickly gets up and kicks The Rock in the face and then quickly pins The Rock-1...2...kickout. The Rock looks at Twister and then gets up. Both men start exchanging right and left handers. The Rock overpowers Twister again and knocks him down. The Rock then picks Twister up and irish whips him into the corner. The Rock runs over to Twister and splashes him. The Rock laughs at Twister as he falls down again. The Rock starts putting the boots to Twister and then drags him to the middle of the ring. The Rock stands at Twisters head as the crowd cheers and Kira is clapping her hands. The Rock takes off his elbow pad and throws it into the crowd. The Rock runs over to the ropes and bounces off them, runs to the other said and bounces off the ropes and then connects the peoples elbow! The Rock the covers Twister-1...2...3
Winner: The Rock

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still ECW FTW Champion, The Rock

Tenay: The Rock scores another win to retain the FTW Championship over Twister X

West: The Rock is really making a name for himself


:Stevie Richards is shown heading into a Locker Room:


Tenay: What the heck is he doing here tonight

West: I don't know

Tenay: Former ECW World Champion Stevie Richards who never lost the title is here!! I thought he was on SCWE now

West: So Did I

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Next Big Thing" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 295 Pounds, The "Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar

West: Well here comes The Pain

"Hey You" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Austin, Texas weighing in at 210 Pounds, Paul London

Tenay: Paul London is going to have his hands full with the monster Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar vs Paul London
The bell rings as Brock Lesnar and Paul London lock up. Brock overpowers Paul and catches him in a Sleeper hold. Paul cant escape so Brock lets go and whips him off the ropes and follows up with a big clothesline knocking him off of his feet. Brock picks him up and lifts Paul over his head and then drops him over the top ropes. Brock laughs at Paul and waits for London to get up. Paul finally gets up and struggles to get back in the ring but finally does and Brock goes over to him but Paul low blows him and Brock falls to one knee. Paul climbs up top and waits for Brock to get up. When he does he goes over towards Brock but Paul launches at him and nails him with a Missile Dropkick. Paul covers Brock 1................2............Brock throws Paul off of him and Paul hits the mat hard. Brock gets up and so does Paul as they try locking up again but Brock just shoves Paul away. Paul tries for a dropkick but Brock backs up and Paul hits air. Brock picks him up and backs him up into the corner then throws him into the reverse corner and follows up with a clothesline. Paul comes forward and Lesnar kicks him in the gut then follows up with the F'5!! He covers Paul for the 1...............2.............3
Winner: Brock Lesnar

Miss Shannon: Your winner, Brock Lesnar

Tenay: Brock Lesnar picks up the impressive win

Commercial Ad for SCWE/ECW SummerSlam-Long Ad

After The Break: 

Tenay: Well Don up next the ECW Tag Team Title's are going to be on the line

West: I wonder who Tommy and Sandman are going to be defending against?

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Enter Sandman" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making there way to the ring, Weighing in at a combined weight of 490 Pounds, They are the ECW Tag Team Champions, The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer!!

West: Well Tommy and Sandman better be expecting anything because there is no telling who may walk through that curtain

"One Step Closer" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: There opponents, Being accumpied by Lexus Carr, Stevie Richards and Simon Dean better known as The bWo!!!

Tenay: The bWo is back on ECW!!!!!!

ECW Tag Team Championship: Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman(C) vs Stevie Richards & Simon Dean W/Lexus Carr
Dreamer and Sandman attack Stevie and Simon as they enter the ring as Tommy knocks Simon into the corner while Sandman takes his Kendo Stick and goes for a Russian Leg Sweep but Stevie elbows Sandman in the head as Stevie takes the Kendo Stick and smashes it over Sandman's head while Simon Dean and Dreamer brawl it out as Stevie comes over and hits Dreamer in the back with the Kendo Stick as Simon then kicks Dreamer in the gut and hits the Simon Effect as Stevie connects with the Stevie Kick to Sandman as Stevie covers Sandman for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Simon Dean & Stevie Richards (ECW Tag)

Miss Shannon: Your winners and The New ECW Tag Team Champions, Stevie Richards & Simon Dean

West: The bWo is back and they just took back there ECW Tag Team Title's

"This is Extreme" hits as Paul Heyman walks out to the ring with the ECW World Title

Tenay: Here comes our boss

West: He got the ECW World Title as well

:Paul Heyman gets into the ring and gets a microphone:

Paul Heyman: Well congratulations Stevie and Simon(Crowd Cheers). It's good to see you back in ECW after you bailed on it the first time(Crowd Boo's). You see your the reason I have to make this announcement. You see Scott and Stevie Hill have elected to pull the plug on ECW(Crowd Boo's) due to the fact we are not producing that well and frankly I don't blame them because you look at ECW now and ECW is not on the same level SCWE or WCW is which is why I have signed a contract with SCWE(Crowd Chants You Sold Out). Maybe I did but its because of Stevie Richards that I did but Stevie I have been told that your back on ECW tonight since its the final ECW Show and since your here you might as well take back your ECW World Title because I have gotten Special Permission to make one final ECW World Heavyweight Title Match but it will not be tonight(Crowd Boo's) but at SummerSlam when it will be Stevie Richards taking on....TRIPLE H for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship and the winner of that match will be the last ECW World Champion in History

"This is Extreme" hits as Heyman leaves

Tenay: I can't believe this

West: ECW is closing? I'm out of a job

Tenay: Well I'm not, I can go back to WCW

West: Lucky you

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of the evening is scheduled for one fall and it is for the ECW Television Championship

"St. Anger" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, From the Bronx, New York, weighing in at 200 Pounds, Mikey G

West: Well here comes Mikey G who can become the final ECW TV Champion

"Wreck" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: The 2nd Participant, From Long Island, New York weighing in at 287 Pounds, Mick Foley

Tenay: Mick Foley went from being #1 Contender for the ECW World Title to getting a chance to become the final ECW TV Champion

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/12/2006 7:09 AM

West: To think that ECW ends at SummerSlam when a guy never wrestling in ECW has a chance to win the ECW World Title

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: The 3rd Participant, From Calgalry Alberta, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds and being led to the ring by Kristen Storm, He is Lance Storm

Tenay: Lance Storm is a former ECW TV Champion

"Spleen" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Finally, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 202 Pounds, He is the ECW Television Champion, AJ Styles

West: The final Match in the ECW Era as far as Revolution Goes starts now

ECW Television Championship: AJ Styles(C) vs Lance Storm vs Mick Foley vs Mikey G
The bell rings as all four men get into their respective corners as AJ Styles goes towards the center of the ring and begins to taunt Mikey G as Lance Storm attacks AJ from behind. Mick Foley then clotheslines Lance down. Mikey picks AJ up and begins to open up on him as Mick Foley stomps a mudhole in Lance Storm. Mikey whips AJ right into Foley. Foley turns around and begins to walk over towards Mikey but Lance Storm low blows Foley and Foley drops to the ground. Storm and Mikey then begin to double team AJ as they deliver a double suplex then the two begin to stomp away at him but Foley clotheslines both Mikey and Storm down. Foley wastes no time and picks Storm up and goes to hit him but Storm blocks his punch and begins to open up with right hands on Foley. Mikey just goes off towards the corner we he begins to undo the turnbuckle padding. AJ Styles gets up and dropkicks Mikey down but Mikey trips AJ down as well. Mikey gets up and tries throwing AJ into the corner but AJ stops himself and delivers a big suplex on Mikey. As AJ turns around Lance clotheslines him down. Lance then goes outside the ring and grabs the title and claims that it is his title as he begins to walk away but AJ chases him up the entrance way but Lance Storm then nails him with the title!! Lance Storm drops the title on him and walks back towards the ring and gets in only to be met with a right hand from Mick Foley. Mikey then quickly rolls up Mick for the 1.......................2................Mick kicks out. Lance Storm is quick to assaulting Mick as Mikey tries to join in but Lance says he got it as the two exchange words and AJ Styles re enters the ring and climbs up top then delivers a Missle Dropkick taking out both Lance and Mikey. AJ then quickly covers Mikey but Mick breaks up the pin before it starts. Lance Storm then gets up and delivers a Superkick to Mick Foley. Instead of covering Storm then gets up and walks away and finally disappers behind the curtain. Mikey and AJ lock up again as Mikey the delivers a low blow and then nails the 3 handlded cradenza on AJ. He covers AJ for the 1....................2................3
Winner: Mikey G (ECW TV)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and New ECW Television Champion, Mikey G

Tenay: Mikey G is the final ECW TV Champion in history

West: Mikey G did it after Lance Storm spat in the face of ECW by walking out

Tenay: Well Revolution is done and Don it was a pleasure working for you and I wish you the best of luck in the future and I am going to try and get to the bottom of why Lance did this to ECW because I got a feeling Lance is going to WCW where I will be at. Thank You all for supporting ECW and Good Night

:Revolution Goes off the Air: