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Nitro : Nitro 11/1/04
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/7/2006 8:27 PM

Results 11/1/04 Live From Seattle, Washington

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Kane defeated Ricky Benoit

Dark Match #2: Rico defeated Randy Orton by Count Out

:Footage From Halloween Havoc is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro opens up with The Nitro Girls Dancing:

Tony: Welcome once again to WCW Monday Nitro and we are one night removed from a shocking Halloween Havoc!!!

Tenay: We saw it as a new WCW World Heavyweight Champion, WCW Women's Champion, WCW Television Champion, WCW Hardcore Champion and WCW Women's Hardcore Champion were crowned

Madden: Plus we saw the return of Test and boy did he make a impact

Tony: More on that later on but right now we are going to hear from our new WCW World Heavyweight Champion

"Tough Enough Theme" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts


Tony: Congratulations go out to Maven for a great win

Madden: Even though it had its controversy

:Maven gets into the ring with Jackie and after a few moments of the crowd cheering he prepares to speak

Maven: Thank You for that great reaction(Crowd Goes Nuts Again). This is really a dream come true but....I know that some people are already questioning my WCW Title Win due to the help of The Triple Threat and let me tell you that I am deserving of this Title and I am going to be a fighting champion starting tonight with Jamie Noble and next regardless of the Taboo Nitro Outcome. I will leave there as WCW World Champion. I can face Christian in a rematch, Matt Walker, Test, or even The Sheriff himself Hulk Hogan and it could be a casket match, 2 out of 3 falls or even the RAWDome becauase I have achieved my dream and I am going to be damned if I let anyone take it away from me.

"This is a Test" hits, Crowd Boo's as Test walks out to the entry way with a microphone

Tenay: We are being joined by the recently returned Test

Test: Well looky here. Its the jackass that stole the WCW World Heavyweight Championship from Christian. You see Maven next week it could be me vs you for that title and that would be a perfect way for me to make my in ring return because I have been told that I have the night off tonight so I just came out here to let you know that it if is me that faces you then I hope you realize that you are going to go down in history has the guy that was the person who started the Testicle Era

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Chants USA as Christian comes out next to Test with a microphone

Christian: Hold on there big man. I know we are on the same team and everything but lets remember who the leader is now. Now Maven you have my  title because if it wasnt for that jackass Matt Walker coming out like the Power Rangers or whatever the hell he was then I would still be WCW World Champion because you know and I know and these jackasses know that I had you beat. You are a fake champion. You are champion because of Matt Walker and after my Stratusfying Nation votes me in to face you for my title then come November 8th. The Peep's will be happy to know that there leader is back on top of WCW.

Maven: Hell you both seem to be talkign alot of trash but the fact is I could beat both of you no problem so how about you boys come get some if you are so brave.

Madden: Maven has a death wish

:Christian & Test drop there mics and start to walk towards the ring as Maven is in the ring waiting for them when The Triple Threat comes out from the crowd and stands in the entry way as Test & Christian quickly backtrack up the entry way and Matt Walker then goes after them as Christian & Test take off for the backstage area:

Tony: The S.C. is now in retreat mode

Madden: Matt Walker is not right in the head

:Parking Lot:

:Christian & Test are shown getting into a car as the car then speeds off with Matt Walker coming up a little short on his chasing after them:


Tony: Well Christian and Test have left the arena

Tenay: Speaking of people not here. WCW GM Eric Bischoff and Assistant GM Marrisa Bischoff are not here tonight due to KSCWE Business and I have it on good word that the Sheriff Hulk Hogan is not here either meaning that possibly nobody is in charge tonight

Madden: Certantly somebody is running things

Penser: The Opening Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Nidia Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Houston, Texas, Nidia

Tenay: Shockingly there is no Jamie Noble with Nidia

"Nothing Can Fly" hits, Crowd Still Boo's

Penser: Her opponent, From St. Louis, Missouri, Taina Orton

Tony: Taina Orton is not on the ballot for the WCW Women's Championship match next week

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, 1st from Greenwich, Connecticut, she is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Stephanie McMahon

Tony: Stephanie McMahon left Halloween Havoc last night as WCW Women's Hardcore Champion

"Need a Little Time" hits, Crowd Continues to cheer

Penser: Her partner, From Toronto, Canada, Torrie Wilson

Tenay: The Former WCW Women's Champion is on her way to the ring

Torrie Wilson & Stephanie McMahon vs Nidia & Taina Orton
Nidia starts the match off with Stephanie McMahon as both ladies lock up and Stephanie backs Nidia into the ropes and Steph gives Nidia a clean break as Nidia then spits her gum in the face of Stephanie and Nidia spears Steph down and Nidia starts pounding away at Steph and pounding her head off the mat several times. Steph then kicks Nidia back off her and Steph goes over and tags in Torrie Wilson as Nidia tags out to Taina Orton. Taina charges at Torrie who backdrops her and Torrie then waits and hip tosses Taina  back down after Taina had gotten up. Torrie then picks up Taina and whips her into the corner where Torrie delivers several kicks to the ribs of Taina and Torrie then grabs Taina by the head and Torrie moves into the corner and climbs up and delivers a Tornado DDT on her. Torrie then covers Taina for a 1--2--Nidia breaks up the pin and Nidia grabs Torrie off her and Nidia throws Torrie shoulder first into the ring post. Stephanie McMahon then comes into the ring and attacks Nidia from behind and Stephanie throws Nidia out to the floor and Stephanie then gets restrained by referee Mike Posey. During that Nidia slides in the WCW Women's Hardcore Title to Taina Orton who is holding the title and Torrie goes to grab Taina and Taina swings the title at Torrie but Torrie ducks and Torrie kicks Taina in the gut and Torrie then hits the Torrie Wilson Stunner on Taina and slides the title out of the ring as Torrie covers for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Torrie Wilson & Stephanie McMahon

Penser: Your winners the team of Torrie Wilson & Stephanie McMahon

Tony: Torrie Wilson and Stephanie McMahon pick up an impressive win here

Tenay: Both ladies made there case to face Trish Stratus next week

Commercial Ad for SCWE RAW, SCWE Smackdown, & Halloween Havoc replay

After The Break:

Tony: Welcome back

Tenay: We still have no word on who is running WCW tonight

Madden: I am sure we will find out sometime tonight

Tony: We have gotten word something is going on backstage so we have to go back there right now


:Stephanie McMahon is shown laid out as Nidia covers Stephanie with a referee who counts the 1---2--3. Nidia is the new WCW Women's Hardcore Champion. Nidia though is not done and Nidia then says she has to show the people what she would do to Trish Stratus next week and Nidia then rips the shirt of Stephanie McMahon revealing Steph's black bra and Nidia then starts going for her bra until several backstage official's come running and pull Nidia off Stephanie saving Stephanie from the embarassment:


Madden: DAMN IT

Tenay: Nidia is the new WCW Women's Hardcore champion and was going to try and expose Stephanie's breasts to the world right here tonight but thank god that the officials got there

Madden: No its not. I wanted to see them

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The S.C. from Calgary Alberta, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, Lance Storm

Madden: Here comes Lance Storm to the ringside area

"St. Anger" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent from the Bronx, New York weighing in at 200 Pounds, Mikey G

Tenay: Well Mikey G is here tonight

Tony: Last night Mikey G did not show up for his match against Shantell Angle although we found it was because Randy Orton attacked him backstage

Tenay: And speaking of Randy Orton and Mikey G. I have found out that both men will be on different Survivor Series teams this year although that is all the information we have

Lance Storm vs Mikey G
Lance Storm attacks Mikey G as he is getting into the ring and Storm then whips Mikey off the ropes and Storm delivers a big backdrop on Mikey. Lance Storm then waits for Mikey to get up and Storm kicks Mikey in the gut and Lance Storm goes for a Russian Leg Sweep and connects with it and Lance Storm then grabs Mikey's legs and goes for a sharpshooter but Mikey kicks him back. Mikey G then gets back up to his feet as Lance Storm then gets back up and Mikey G and Lance Storm start to exchange right and left hands with Mikey kicking Storm in the gut and Mikey then goes for the 3 Handled Cradenza and hits it. Mikey G then waits in the corner for Storm to get back up but a fan comes out of the crowd and trips Mikey G and then yanks him back ramming his manhood into the ring post. The fan then takes off his hat to reveal Randy Orton as Charles Robinson calls for the bell.
Winner: Mikey G by DQ

Penser: Your winner by DQ, Mikey G

Tenay: What is Randy Orton's problem?

Madden: I don't know but he isn't done yet.

:Randy Orton gets into hte ring as Lance Storm pulls Mikey out of the corner and Storm and Orton are putting the boots to Mikey until Matt Walker hits the ring with a steel chair chasing Orton and Storm out of the ring. Matt Walker then helps up a shocked Mikey G as Matt Walker then leaves the ring:

Tony: Matt Walker just came to the aid of his former Triple Threat partner

Tenay: I think Mikey G was more suprised then anyone by that


Rue: Hello guys. I just wanted to let you know that I am standing outside the Replacement GM's office who I have been told has been hired by Eric Bischoff as the new Chief of Staff right here in WCW although I have no clue who it is and if you are thinking its Hulk Hogan. It is not because Mr. Hogan is currently away on the road with his daughter but I hope to let you know who it is the moment I find out.


Tony: The new Chief of staff?

Madden: How many staff members is Eric Bischoff gonna hire?

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Eye of The Hurricane" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring weighing in at a combined weight of 439 Pounds, The Hurricane & Eugene

Tenay: We saw Eugene make his unexpected return last night to the aid of The Hurricane and there opponents tonight

Tony: Well The Hurricane has told us that Eugene is now his new Sidekick

Madden: Its only fitting. I mean There both not all there in the head

"Whatever" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: There opponents weighing in at a combined weight of 443 Pounds, The team of Chris Benoit & Matt Matlock

Tony: Last Night Matt Matlock and Chris Benoit teamed up with The Hurricane and tonight they are on different teams

The Hurricane & Eugene vs Matt Matlock & Chris Benoit
The Hurricane starts the match off with Chris Benoit as both men shake hands and then lock up with Benoit backing The Hurricane up into the corner as Benoit gives Hurricane a clean break and Hurricane and Benoit go to lock up but Hurricane ducks down and goes behind Benoit and but Benoit quickly reverses and gets behind Hurricane and Benoit hits a German suplex on Hurricane and Benoit gets back up and delivers as second German Suplex to him as Benoit then lets go of Hurricane as Hurricane rolls over and makes the tag to Eugene. Eugene comes into the ring and Eugene then wants to lock up with Benoit but Eugene goes behind Benoit then and Eugene hits a german suplex on Benoit and Eugene holds on and hits another german suplex and Eugene is about to do another one but Benoit trips Eugene down and Benoit gets back up getting his sense of where he is back as Eugene  slowly gets up and Benoit then hits a big chop on Eugene backing Eugene up into the corner where Benoit delivers several chops to him but Eugene then grabs Benoit and puts him in the corner and eugene delivers several chops to Benoit. Eugene then hip tosses Benoit out of the corner. Eugene then waits for Benoit to get up and Eugene charges in looking for a gore but Benoit moves as Eugene runs into the corner and Benoit grabs Eugene coming out and benoit hits a german suplex and holds on for a second german suplex and then a third one before Benoit lets go of Eugene and Benoit then goes up top and tags in Matt Matlock and Benoit comes off hitting the Top Rope Headbutt as Matt Matlock comes into the ring and picks up Eugene and delivers the B.F.A. on Eugene. Matlock then covers Eugene for a 1---2---2.6-Hurricane breaks up the pin. Hurricane then knocks Matt Matlock back into his corner where Benoit tags himself back into the ring and Hurricane is forced out by referee Mike Posey as Eugene crawls over and makes the tag to Hurricane as Hurricane climbs up and Hurricane comes off the top taking down Benoit with a flying clothesline. Hurricane then gets attacked from behind by Matt Matlock but Eugene comes back into the ring and Eugene spears down Matt Matlock. The Hurricane and Chris Benoit both get up and Hurricane goes to grab Benoit but Benoit grabs Hurricane's arm and goes for the Cripper Crossface but Eugene comes over and grabs Benoit and Eugene whips Benoit into the corner and Eugene then charges in hitting a Stinger Splash and Eugene does a Sting like Woooo before delivering the Scorpion Death Drop on Benoit. Eugene then clotheslines Matt Matlock to the floor as Hurricane picks up Benoit and hits the Eye of The Hurricane on him and covers for the 1---2--3.
Winners: The Hurricane & Eugene

Penser: Your winners, The Hurricane & Eugene

Tony: The Hurricane & Eugene pick up the big win here

Tenay: Eugene & Hurricane for a first time team meshed very good while Matt Matlock and Chris Benoit did not mesh so well

Commercial Ad for SCWE RAW, SCWE Smackdown, Suvivor Series

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 8:28 PM

Tony: Welcome back to WCW Monday Nitro

Tenay: We have seen alot of odd things occur tonight like Mikey G getting aided by his former Triple Threat ally in Matt Walker

Madden: Plus WCW is being run by this Shadow Figure who nobody seems to know about

Tenay: Well Shadow figure is a term I wouldn't use but the person whoever he may be has yet to let himself be known

Tony: We have to send things backstage because something is going on

:Backstage: Outside The Women's Locker Room

:Torrie Wilson is shown being held by Tyson Tomko as Trish Stratus is talking trash to her about what she can do to her as William Regal, Lance Storm, Edge, & Petey Williams look on when The Hurricane & Eugene come running as Edge & Petey start to brawl with them and then Tyson lets go of Torrie as, Tyson, Trish, Regal, Lance storm, Edge, & Petey backtrack as Matt Walker, Do or Die, Jason Walker, & Shane Douglas come with chairs as the S.C. hurries away as The Hurricane checks on Torrie


Madden: The S.C. is being stalked!!!

Tony: Thank god The Hurricane, Eugene, & The Triple Threat came along when they did

Tenay: The S.C.'s day's of being bullies appear to be over finally

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"JBL's Theme" hits, Crowd is mixed as The White Limo pulls out

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield

Tony: The Former US Champion JBL came close at Halloween Havoc to winning the US Title

Tenay: Tonight JBL faces off with Booker T one on one in a Non-Title Match up

"Can You Dig It" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 250 Pounds, The WCW United States Champion, Booker T

Madden: Here comes the Booker man

Tenay: Booker T retained the US title at Havoc by defeating JBL and Randy Orton in a Triple Threat Match

Booker T vs JBL
Booker T and JBL talk trash to each other before finally locking up with JBL backing Booker T into the corner and JBL lets Booker go as he gives him a big smile and JBL then offers to shake Booker's hand as Booker seems rather confused but does shake hands with JBL as JBL then lets go of Booker and JBL goes outside the ring and gets his lotion and starts to clean his hands as Booker looks pissed and Booker goes outside after JBL but JBL ends up hitting Booker in the head with the lotion and JBL grabs Booker and rams him head first into the ring post. JBL then slams Booker down on the floor as JBL drops an elbow on Booker. JBL then removes the monitors from the announce table as JBL picks up Booker T but Booker delivers a few right hands to the gut of JBL and Booker grabs JBL and seems ready to Book End JBL through the announce table but JBL elbows Booker in the back of the head and JBL then clubs Booker T several times in the back and JBL turns Booker around and JBL is about to powerbomb Booker through the announce table but Booker ends up ramming JBL backing into the ring apron and Booker picks up JBL and rams him back first into the ring post as Booker T then rolls in and out of the ring and Booker picks up JBL and rolls him back into the ring. Booker T then gets into the ring and waits for JBL to start to get up and Booker kicks JBL in the gut and booker bounces off the ropes and goes for the Ax kick but JBL moves his head and JBL then then hits a clothesline taking down Booker T. JBL then waits for Booker to start to get up and JBL bounces back off the ropes and delivers a big boot to the face of Booker knocking Booker down. JBL then covers Booker for a 1--2--2.5-shoulder up. JBL then picks up Booker T and whips him off the ropes as JBL also bounces off the ropes and JBL hits the clothesline from hell on Booker T. JBL then covers Booker T for the 1---2---2.9-JBL pulls up from Booker T and JBL shakes his head no and JBL then throws Booker T out to the floor as JBL goes outside after Booker T. JBL then picks up Booker T and sets him up for a powerbomb and JBL then delivers the Powerbomb on Booker T through the announce table as Rudy Charles calls for the bell.
Winner: Booker T by DQ

Penser: Your winner by DQ, Booker T

Tenay: JBL just snapped

Madden: I like the mean streak JBL showed here tonight

Tony: JBL had Booker T beat after the clothesline from hell but instead JBL got DQ'ed for powerbombing Booker T through the announce table as referee's are checking on Booker T now who could be hurt


:Jamie Noble & Nidia are shown heading for the ring when Jackie Gayda attacks Nidia from behind and Maven then attacks Jamie Noble as Jackie rams Nidia into a wall and covers her for the 1---2---3. Jackie Gayda is the new WCW Women's Hardcore Champion. Meanwhile Maven drags Jamie Noble out to the entry way:


:Maven apperas in the entry way dragging Jamie Noble down as Maven then knocks Noble down on the entry way and Maven then picks up Jamie again and runs him down to the ring and rams him into the side of the ring before rolling Jamie Noble into the ring as referee Nick Patrick comes to the ring:

Tony: I guess we are going to see Maven vs Jamie Noble for the WCW world Title now!

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Maven(C) vs Jamie Noble
Maven gets into the ring as Jamie Noble is trying to back away as Maven is stalking towads Jamie Noble who starts to pull himself up and he is begging off Maven but Noble then kicks Maven in the gut and Noble delivers a few forarm shots to Maven knocking Maven back and Noble goes to whip Maven off the ropes but Maven resverses sending Noble into the ropes and Maven then hits a big powerslam on Noble. Maven then waits for Jamie to get up as Jamie is holding his back and Maven then hits a dropkick knocking Jamie through the ropes to the floor. Maven then climbs up top as Jamie Noble is getting up on the floor and Maven comes off the top and nails Noble with a crossbody as both men are slow to get up as Nick Patrick starts a 10 count. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-Maven starts to get up-8-Maven picks up Jamie Noble and rolls him back into the ring-9-Maven rolls back into the ring as well. Maven covers Noble for a 1--2--2.9-shoulder up. Maven can't believe how close he was and Maven then goes up top but Noble ends up shaking the ropes causing Maven to straddle the top turnbuckle as Jamie Noble then climbs up top with Maven and Noble hits a top rope Noble Bomb on Maven. Jamie Noble then drags Maven away from the ropes and Noble covers Maven for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Jamie Noble though thinks he got the 3 and starts to celebrate as referee Nick Patrick is trying to tell Jamie he didn't get the 3 and Noble then shoves Nick Patrick back and Nick Patrick is about to DQ Noble but Maven ends up rolling up Jamie Noble for a 1---2--2.7-kick out. Maven then delivers a arm drag take down on Jamie Noble and Maven and Noble both get back up and lock up with Noble locking in a headlock on Maven but Maven sends Noble off the ropes and Maven delivers a big backdrop on Noble and Maven then delivers a dropkick to Noble after he gets back up. Maven then quickly goes up top and waits for Jamie Noble to get back up and Maven comes off the top and hits the Blockbuster on Noble. Maven covers Jamie Noble for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Maven

Penser: Your winner and still WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Maven

Tony: Maven has just successfully retained the WCW World Title

Tenay: Maven picks up the impressive win here tonight over the Cruiserweight Champion

Madden: Maven had to sneak attack Jamie Noble to beat him in my mind.

Commercial Ad for Seed of Chuckie, SCWE RAW, & SCWE Smackdown

After The Break:

 Tony: Well we have gotten word that we have Eric Bischoff on the phone so lets link up right now with the GM of WCW Eric Bischoff

:A Picture of Eric Bischoff appears on the screen:

Tenay: Eric can you hear us?

Eric Bischoff: Yeah guys

Tony: Well we are just wondering why are you not here tonight in Seattle?

Eric Bischoff: Well I am away on business along with my wife Marrisa  although I can not say where or what I am doing

Tony: Well then can you tell us who is in charge then?

Eric Bischoff: My new Chief of Staff is in charge tonight

Madden: Come on Mr. Bischoff. Let us know who it is

Eric Bischoff: You will find out later tonight I promise you that

Tenay: Have you seen anything that has happened so far tonight on Nitro?

Eric Bischoff: Yes I have and I must say I can't wait for Taboo Nitro to see the interesting matches and be sure to be on the look out for the other matches that will be announced after the title matches are finalized because next week's Nitro is going to be something out of this world.

Tony: Well we are going to let you go but we hope you get your business settled and we will see you next week

Eric Bischoff: See ya guys

:The Phone is heard being dead now as Eric's picture disappears:

Tony: Well we have just heard from WCW GM Eric Bischoff

Madden: That was kind of pointless

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"Time To Rock N Roll" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada, She is representing The S.C., The WCW Women's Champion, Trish Stratus

Tony: Here comes the new Women's Champion Trish Stratus

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her opponent, From Chattanooga Falls, Ohio, She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Jackie Gayda

Tony: Jackie Gayda has been a little busy tonight as she defeated Nidia earlier in the evening to regain her WCW Women's Hardcore Championship

Tenay: This is a possible match for next week for on Taboo Nitro

Trish Stratus vs Jackie Gayda
Trish and Jackie lock up with Trish backing Jackie up into the corner and Trish then goes to knee Jackie in the gut but Jackie ends up reverseing and gets Trish back into the corner and Jackie knee's Trish several times in the gut and Jackie then hip tosses Trish out of the corner. Nidia then comes running down to the ring though and gets into the ring and goes to attack Jackie but Jackie knocks down Nidia but Trish then rolls up Jackie Gayda with a handful of the tights for the 1--2--3.
Winner: Trish Stratus

Penser: Your winner Trish Stratus

:Trish gets back up and rolls out to the floor quickly as Jackie is pissed but as Trish is leaving Torrie Wilson attacks Trish from behind and Torrie then rolls Trish back into the ring as Torrie gets into the ring after Trish and Trish tries to back up and leave but Jackie knocks down Trish with a right hand but Nidia tries to go after Jackie but Torrie grabs Nidia and knocks her down and Trish rolls out to the floor again but Stephanie McMahon this time attacks her and Steph rolls Trish back into the ring as Torrie throws Nidia out to the floor. Torrie, Jackie, & Steph have Trish surrounded as Trish then screams out as Tyson Tomko then makes his way to the ringside area as Torrie, Steph, & Jackie look a bit worried and take there eye of Trish allowing Trish to escape the ring but Tyson and Trish take off through the crowd as Maven comes running down to the ring with a chair:

Tony: Trish Stratus stole one thanks to Nidia but Trish nearly got what she deserved

Tenay: No question about that but Tyson coming out to ringside allowed Trish to escape but Maven was not going to let Tyson do anything to the diva's

Madden: This has not been a good night at all for the S.C.


:Shantell Angle is shown heading for the ring with her WCW TV Title around her waste:

Commercial Ad for 100th RAW-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Welcome back from the break

Tenay: Up next we are going to see the new WCW TV CHampion in action in a Non-Title Match against the former SCWE World Heavyweight Champion....The Undertaker

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"Dip It Low" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 118 Pounds, The WCW Television Champion, Shantell Angle

Madden: Shantell Angle is the first female WCW TV Champion in history

Tony: She won the title under controversial circumstances though thanks to Mikey G being attacked backstage by who we believe is Randy Orton

Madden: There is no proof though

:Lights Dim down to a blue surrounding as "Graveyard Symphony" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Death Valley weighing in at 328 Pounds, The Undertaker

Tenay: Here comes the Phenom

Shantell Angle vs The Undertaker
The bell rings and Shantell challenges Taker right away but he shoves her against the ropes but she comes back and dropkicks him down. Shantell laughs at the Undertaker and he gets back up and she goes to clothesline him, but Undertaker moves and sends Shantell from the ring. Undertaker follows her out and when he gets out there, Shantell slaps him and Taker turns away and Shantlell rams him face first into the Ring post. Shantell throws Taker back into the ring and she goes for a cover 1-------------2---------Taker kicks out. Shantell gets up and off of Taker and she begins to climb up top. She goes for a moonsault but Taker rolls out of the way and Shantell hits the mat hard.Taker gets up and picks Shantell up and goes for a Chokeslam, but Shantell low blows him without the ref seeing and Taker falls to his knees. Shantell then delivers a Chick Kick and he falls down. She goes up top again and this time connects with a Moonsault. She covers, 1--------------2---------Taker kicks out again. Shantell is getting angry and as she tries to pick Taker up, Taker trips her down. He then climbs up top and delivers a flying clothesline to Shantell. He covers 1------------2--------2.5------Shantell kicks out. Taker picks Shantell up again and he looks to go for the Last Ride as Randy Orton steps out onto the entrance way. He lifts Shantell up but she shockingly reverses into a Huricanranna! She hooks the legs, 1--------------2---------2.5 Taker breaks out of it and they both get up but Randy Orton gets up on the ring apron. Undertaker lifts Shantell up for a Chokeslam but he puts her down and goes to hit Orton but Orton jumps down and Shantell comes up behind Taker and rolls him up, grabbing the tights for the 1--------------2-----------3!
Winner: Shantell Angle

Penser: Your winner Shantell Angle

Tony: The Undertaker may have won it if it wasn't for Randy Orton coming out here

Madden: Shantell Angle just beat The Undertaker though!!!

Tenay: A big win for Shantell Angle even though there was some controversey

:Parking Lot:

:Christian & Test are shown arriving back at the arena and neither man looks very happy:

Final Commercial Ad for SCWE RAW 100th Show-Long Ad

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 8:28 PM

Tony: Well Test and Christian are back here at the arena for some reason

Madden: They were not looking very happy

Tenay: Well the Main Event is up next and it features WCW Tag Team Champions Edge and Petey Williams taking on Matt Walker and Do or Die in a Non-Title Match

Tony: Well I am sure we are going to find more information on why Christian and Test are back shortly

Penser: The Main Event of the evening is scheduled for one fall and it is a Non-Title Match

"Hello Ladies" hits, Ladies Go Nuts

Tenay: That's Val Venis's Music

:Val Venis walks out to the entry way with a microphone:

Val Venis: Hello Ladies(Women Go Nuts). The Big Valbowski is happy to be back here in WCW but you see Ladies The Big Valbowski is back here not a wrestler...but as the new Chief of Staff. That's right. I am once again Eric Bischoff's Chief of Staff so for the ladies they can be Chief Venis but for everyone that is Chief Morley but that is not the only reason I came out here. I came out here because I want to announce a slight change to the Main Event because instead of a Non-Title Tag Team Match we are going to have a Six on Six Match tonight in which Christian, Test, Edge, Petey Williams, Lance Storm, & Randy Orton will take on Matt Walker, Shane Douglas, Do or Die, Jason Walker and any two people that they can find before the match starts and in the interest of fairness. I am banning all parties from ringside so no William Regal, Tyson Tomko, or Trish Stratus thank you and enjoy your Main Event

"Hello Ladies" hits, as Val heads for the back

Tony: How about that news

Tenay: Sean Morley aka Val Venis is the new Chief of Staff and we are going to have a 12 man tag main event now

Penser: The New Main Event of hte evening is scheduled for one fall and it is a 12 man tag match(Crowd Goes Nuts)

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring weighing in at a combined weight of 1174 Pounds, The Stratusfying Canadians

Tony: Here comes Christian, Test, Edge, Petey Williams, & Lance Storm of the S.C.

"Big Pimpin" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: There partner from St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Madden: Here comes Randy Orton

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Tony: I wonder if they got anyone?

Penser: There opponents weighing in at a combined weight of 1251 Pounds, The Team of The "Franchise" Shane Douglas, Do or Die, Jason Walker, The Hurricane, Mikey G, & The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

Tony: I don't believe it

Tenay: Mikey G and The Hurricane have answered the call and are coming to the ring with The Triple Threat

Tony: Mikey G is a former Triple Threat member while The Hurricane is a former partner of Matt Walker

Matt Walker, Shane Douglas, Do or Die, Jason Walker, Mikey G, & The Hurricane vs Christian, Test, Edge, Petey Williams, Lance Storm, & Randy Orton
Matt Walker hits the ring first and goes right after Christian & Test who bail out to the floor as the rest of Walker's team gets into the ring chasing out the rest of the S.C. & Orton who are about to go through the crowd but don't as Referee Nick Patrick tries and restrains Matt Walker's team. Randy Orton agree's to start the match off as does The Hurricane as both men are about to lock up but Mikey G comes into the ring and attacks Orton knockign Orton out to the floor as Mikey G then chases Orton through to the backstage area. The Hurricane then tells Petey Williams to come itno the ring but Test steps over the top rope into the ring and The Hurricane then tags out to Matt Walker as Test then climbs back over the top and tags in Lance Storm as Lance Storm is not happy and Matt Walker goes into the S.C. corner as Test & Christian get off the apron and Walker knocks down Edge & Petey and pulls Lance Storm into the ring. Matt Walker then whips Lance Storm into his corner where Walker kicks away at STorm before Christian comes into the ring and attacks Walker from behind. Shane Douglas then comes into the ring and Douglas chases Christian out to the floor and then through the crowd. Jason Walker & Do or Die then get into it with Edge & Petey battling them into the crowd. This leaves Matt Walker & The Hurricane vs Test & Lance Storm as Lance Storm is putting the boots to Walker but The Hurricane comes into the ring and knocks down Lance Storm and STorm tags out ot Test as Test comes into the ring and attacks The Hurricane and Test throws The Hurricane to the floor as William Regal comes down to hte ringside area despite being banned from ringside and Regal kicks The Hurricane in the ribs and slides brass knuckles into the ring to Lance Storm but Eugene comes down to the ring with a guitar and slides it into the ring to Matt Walker who picks up the guitar and Walker ends up smashing it over the head of Lance Storm while Nick Patrick was trying to get Test out of the ring. Eugene then ends up chasing Regal into the ring as Test see's Matt Walker back up and Test backs away from the ring and Test leaves through the crowd as Matt Walker then covers Lance Storm for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Matt Walker, Shane Douglas, Do or Die, Jason Walker, Mikey G, & The Hurricane

Penser: Your winners the team of Matt Walker, Shane Douglas, Mikey G, The Hurricane, Jason Walker, & Do or Die

:Lance Storm rolls out of the ring but William Regal stands up and backs up right into Matt Walker who then picks up the brass knuckles and knocks out Regal with a right hand with them. Matt Walker then picks up William Regal and drags him to the corner and Matt Walker takes him up top and Walker delivers the SkyWalker onto William Regal as Matt Walker has a sick smile on his face as Test is shown staring from the crowd as paramedics come running down to to the ring to check on William Regal.

Tenay: Matt Walker has just hit the SkyWalker on William Regal

Tony: That move put Test out for monthes

Madden: Matt Walker has snapped I am telling you

Tony: This was a crazy fast paced Main Event and in the end Matt Walker kept his promise of injuring a S.C. member because William Regal is being taken out of here on a stretcher.

:Shane Douglas, Do or Die, Jason Walker, & Mikey G return to the ring as Hurricane & Eugene are in the ring as Matt Walker is begging for Test to come back to the ring as Shane Douglas tries to calm down Matt Walker as...

:Nitro Goes off the Air: