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Nitro : Nitro 11/8/04
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/7/2006 8:29 PM

Results 11/8/04 Live From Portland, Oregon

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Matt Matlock fought The Undertaker to a No Contest

Dark Match #2: Jamie Noble & Nidia defeated Chris Benoit & Lana Star plus Ricky Benoit & Taina Orton

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro opens up with The Nitro Girls Dancing:

Tony: Welcome to WCW Taboo Nitro!!!

Tenay: We are coming to you live from Portland, Oregon and tonight is a first because you the fans have decided the matches

Madden: I think tonight sucks with the exception of the diva matches

Tony: Plus we will have more on the breaking story from last week's RAW in which Eric Bischoff was assaulted by Evolution X and we have learned that Eric Bischoff is not expected here tonight as a result

Penser: The Opening Contest of Taboo Nitro is scheduled for one fall and will be a....

:Fan Polling Shows:

Ladder Match-32%

Leather Strap Match-48%

Falls Count Anywhere-20%

Penser: Leather Strap Match for the WCW Television Championship

Tony: A Leather Strap Match will take place here tonight

"Dip It Low" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, She is from Toronto, Canada weighing in at 118 Pounds, She is the WCW Television Champion, Shantell Angle

Madden: Who is Shantell going to be facing though?

:Fan Polls Show:

Jamie Noble-32%


Lance Storm-44%

The Undertaker-0%

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: Her opponent representing the S.C. from Calgary Alberta, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, Lance Storm

Tenay: Lance Storm gets the title shot as voted on by you the fans in a Leather Strap Match

WCW TV Championship: Shantell Angle(C) vs Lance Storm
Lance Storm & Shantell both stare at each other as the WCW Title is held up and the Leather Strap is tied onto both of there wrists as the bell sounds. Shantell and Lance lock up with Lance backing Shantell into the corner and Lance gives a clean break. Shantell then comes out but STorm catches her with a powerslam and Shantell starts to grab her back and complaining as Lance Storm then goes to see if she is actually ok!! Shantell then pokes Storm in the eyes and rolls him up in a small package for a 1--2--2.5-kick out. Both people get back up to there feet and Shantell goes to hit STorm with a clothesline but Storm ducks and Lance Storm then grabs Shantell and hits a russian leg sweep. Lance Storm then gets back up and goes for the Sharpshooter but Shantell gets itno the ropes as Lacne STorm then gets the strap and hits Shantell in the back with it as she was getting up knocking Shantell into a corner and Lance Storm goes to hit Shantell again but she kicks him south of hte border and Shantell goes up to the middle rope and then hits a tornado DDT on Lance storm and Shantell gets the strap and starts whipping away at Lance Storm's stomach as he rolls over to the ropes while Shantell continues to strap away but Lance Storm grabs Shatnell by her pants and pulls her into the ropes and then trips her and Lance storm then goes for The Sharpshooter again and this time locks it in as Shantell is screaming out as Lance Storm holds the ropes for more leverage as Shantell is screaming in pain and is raising her hand to tap out but Randy Orton comes running down to the ring and Lance Storm lets go of the move as Orton gets on the apron and Lance Storm knocks Orton down off the apron but the strap is between storm's legs now and Shantell see's it and she pulls up on the strap as it goes into Lance's manhood and Lance Storm falls down in pain as Shantell gets the strap together and whips away at Lance STorm some more as Storm ends up rolling out to the floor and then Storm pulls Shantell out to the floor as well. Lance Storm then rams her back first itno the ring and Lance Storm then rolls her back into the ring barely and grabs the strap and starts to choke her with it!!!  Randy Orton then comes near Storm again as Storm lets go of the chokehold and rolls back itno the ring as referee Chris Kay warns Orton. Lance Storm then pulls Shantell in the middle of the ring and Lance Storm goes to hook her leg for the maple leaf but Shantell ends up grabbing Storm's head and pulls him into another small package as Chris Kay counts the 1---2--3.
Winner: Shantell Angle

Penser: Your winner and still WCW TV Champion, Shantell Angle

Tony: Shantell Angle has just retained the TV title

Tenay: She caught Storm off guard with the small package

Madden: Randy Orton's destraction played a big roll in this though because if he didn't break up that Sharpshooter then I think Lance Storm is TV Champion


:Sean Morley is shown with Jackie Gayda & Stephanie McMahon:

Sean Morley: Ladies I know you are aware of the possible stipulations for your match tonight so lets take a look at the polling

:Fan Poll Results Shown:

Shower Match-36%

EYOB Match-28%

Bra & Panties/Paddle on a Pole Match-36%

Sean Morley: Very Close Polling and it seems to be a tie so this is what we are going to do Ladies. We are going to have ourselves a Bra & Panties Paddle on a Pole Shower Match and that match will be right after our commercial break.

Commercial Ad for CCW Wreckage Debut, SCWE Smackdown!, & Survivor Series

After The Break:

Tony: Welcome back and lets send things backstage to where we are about to witness a Shower Match!!

Madden: A Bra & Panties Paddle on something Shower Match

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship: Jackie Gayda(C) vs Stephanie McMahon
Jackie Gayda and Stephanie McMahon go to shake hands but Stephanie then slaps Jackie across the face and Stephanie then rams Jackie into the back of the shower wall and Stephanie grabs a hold of Jackie's shirt and starts tearing at it trying to get it off but Jackie ends up tripping Stephanie down but Steph gets Jackie's shirt off revealing Jackie's red bra. Jackie though grabs Stephanie's pants as Stephanie is trying to get up and Stephanie is trying to kick Jackie away and Stephanie turns over trying to get Jackie off  and does that and Stephanie starts to get up but Jackie ends up kicking Stephanie hard in the ribs while getting up knocking Stephanie back down and Jackie grabs her shirt and starts to choke Stephanie with it. Jackie Gayda then goes over and turns on the water as she drags Stephanie over near the water and puts her face up itno the foccet as hot water is coming out and Stephanie starts screaming and elbow's Jackie in the gut and Stephanie rams Jackie into the wall. Stephanie then grabs Jackie's pants but Jackie pushes back ramming Stephanie into the side wall and Jackie then moves out of the way and grabs Stephanie and DDT's her on the floor!!! Stephanie is out cold as Jackie Gayda then starts to smile as she grabs Stephanie's shirt and removes it revealing Stephanie's black bra and Jackie Gayda then grabs a hold of her pants and Jackie starts to pull them down as Stephanie starts to wake up but not in time as Jackie has removed Stephanie's pants revealing Stephanie's black pair of panties. Jackie Gayda then goes over and pulls the paddle down from where it was hanging but when she was getting it. Stephanie spears her from behind causing the paddle to go free. Stephanie then goes to get it but Jackie trips Stephanie up causing Stephanie to fall flat on her face and the floor is now slippery as Jackie is having a hard time getting up and Stephanie is crawling after it and nearly reaches it but Jackie grabs a hold of Stephanie's panties and Stephanie keeps crawling as the panties start to come down!! exposing Stephanie's backside!!! Stephanie then ends up kicking back and hitting Jackie in the chest with her foot and Stephanie grabs back and pulls them back up as she grabs the paddle and walks over towards Jackie but Jackie then spears down Stephanie before she can do anything and Jackie opens up on Steph with rights and lefts. Jackie Gayda hten grabs the paddle and waits or Stephanie to get up but Stephanie starts to beg off as Jackie draws closer and Stephanie then backs up into a corner and Jackie continues to come in as Stephanie stands up and Stephanie goes to hit Jackie but Jackie ends up kicking Stephanie in the gut and Jackie bends Stephanie over and Jackie hits Steph in the butt with the paddle for the win.
Winner: Jackie Gayda

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Jackie Gayda

Tenay: The people in the arena loved watching that

Madden: I loved watching that

Tony: Well you the people voted for that match and those ladies produced


:Stephanie McMahon is shown leaving the shower area holding her butt while wearing a robe now when Randy Orton comes up to her and the two are shown having heated words at first but then end up walking off together:


Tony: Well Randy Orton who used to be engaged to Stephanie McMahon was just seen checking up on Stephanie after her match

Tenay: I wonder what was going on there

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and will be a....

:Fan Polling Shown:

#1 Contender for WCW Tag-46%

Tornado Tag Team-50%

Hardcore Rules-4%

Penser: Tornado Tag Team Match

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring being accumpied by Amy Walker, Representing The Triple Threat, weighing in at a combined weight of 410 Pounds, The Team of Jason Walker & Do or Die

Tony: Here comes Jason Walker and Do or Die who are former WCW Tag Team Champions

Tenay: The Triple Threat seems to have taken on a new look on life lately

"Eye of The Hurricane" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents weighing in at a combined weight of 439 Pounds, The Team of The Hurricane & Eugene

Madden: I hate these guys

Tony: The Hurricane & Eugene picked up an impressive win last week over Matt Matlock and Chris Benoit and look to continue there success tonight

Tornado Tag Team Rules: The Hurricane & Eugene vs Jason Walker & Do or Die W/Amy Walker
The Hurricane locks up with Do or Die while Jason Walker goes to lock up with Eugene but Eugene goes behind Jason Walker and Eugene shoves Jason WAlker into Do or Die and Eugene stars clapping as Die & Walker are not happy as Hurricane does his Super Hero Pose. Die & Walker regroup and then Walker locks up with Hurricane and forces him down with ease and Die goes to lock up with Eugene but Die kicks Eugene in the gut and Die then throws Eugene out to the floor as Hurricane and Walker are about to lock up again but Die attacks Hurricane. Jason Walker and Die then throw Hurricane in the corner and both men double team with him with kicks to the ribs and pick up Hurricane and deliver High Tymes on Hurricane as Jason Walker covers but Eugene comes into the ring and Eugene knocks down Die with a right hand and then kicks Jason Walker off Hurricane and Eugene then knocks down Die again with a clothesline and Eugene kicks Jason Walker in the gut and whips him off the ropes and Eugene then bounces off the other side of the ropes and Eugene hits the Pounce on Jason Walker!! Eugene gets back up clapping as Die goes to hit him but Eugene catches Die with a Rock Bottom. Eugene pins Do or Die for a 1---2--2.5-Amy Walker gets on the apron and is destracting the referee as Jason Walker is getting back up and JAson Walker attacks Eugene and picks up Eugene and drops him down as Jason Walker then locks in the Walls of Walker but The Hurricane comes over and grabs Jason Walker by the throat and Hurricane is about to chokeslam Jason Walker but Walker kicks Hurricane in the ribs and Jason Walker then hooks Hurricane for a Pittfall but Eugene gets back up and hits Jason Walker and Eugene then goes for a Stunner on Walker but Die knocks Eugene down from behind. Die then throws Eugene out to the floor as Jason Walker goes out after Eugene and starts to work him over on the floor. In the ring Do or Die picks up The Hurricane and Die is about to go for the Death Trap but Hurricane counters into a backslide for the 1---2--3.
Winners: The Hurricane & Eugene

Penser: Your winners, The Hurricane & Eugene

Tony: The Hurricane & Eugene just scored a huge upset!!!

Tenay: I don't believe it

Madden: FLUKE

:Do or Die & Jason Walker can't believe that they lost as Hurricane & Eugene celebrate in the ring when Jason Walker & Die then break up the celebration and shockingly Jason Walker & Do or Die extend there hands and shake hands with Hurricane & Eugene:

Tony: Good sportsmanship right there

Madden: The Triple Threat has went soft

Commercial Ad for CCW Wreckage, SCWE Smackdown!, & Seed of Chuckie

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 8:30 PM

Tony: Welcome back once again to WCW Monday Nitro

Tenay: So far Taboo Nitro has lived up to the hype and we are no where near finished yet

Madden: The RAWDome still hangs above our head hoping to be used tonight

Tony: Well our next match is going to be for the WCW United States Championship so lets see what type of match it will be first

:Fan Polling is Shown:


Ladder Match-44%

Coal Minor's Glove-32%

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Ladder Match for the WCW United States Championship

Tony: A Ladder Match has been chosen

"Can You Dig It" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 250 Pounds, The WCW United States Champion, Booker T

Tenay: Booker T will face one of four guys here

Penser: His opponent...

:Fan Polling Results are Shown:

Randy Orton-32%



Mikey G-20%

"Big Pimpin" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent from St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Madden: The People have picked the right man for the job

Tenay: Randy Orton gets another shot at becoming the first ever four time WCW US Champion tonight

WCW United States Championship: Booker T(C) vs Randy Orton
Booker T and Randy Orton are both explained the rules as the Ladder is set up on the floor and referee Nick Patrick calls for the bell. Booker T and Orton are talkign trash to one another when Orton then slaps Booker T across the face and Orton is telling Booker T what he is going to do as Booker then comes out of nowhere with a left hand and then a right hand and Booker starts to open up on Orton backing him up into the corner as Booker is pounding away at him and Booker kicks Orton in the ribs several times and Booker T then puts Orton up top and Booker starts to climb up and Booker then delivers a top rope super plex!! Booker T starts to get back up as Orton is grabbing his back as he gets up and Booker T kicks Orton in the gut and whips Orton off the ropes and Booker T hits a big spinebuster on Orton. Booker T then is waiting as Orton gets up grabbing his back and Booker T kicks Orton in the gut and Booker bounces off the ropes and goes for the Ax Kick but Orton moves out of the way and Orton then hits the RKO on Booker T!! Orton then rolls out to the floor and Orton goes over and grabs the ladder and takes it down and slides it back into the ring. Randy Orton then gets back into the ring as well and picks up the ladder as he see's Booker T getting back up and Orton then hits Booker in the ribs with the ladder. Orton then drops the ladder and grabs Booker T and pushes him back into the corner where Orton delivers several upper cuts to Booker T and Orton then grabs Booker T by his chin and Orton tells Booker T that nobody pisses off the Legend Killer and Orton then looks as if he is going to spit in Booker's face but Booker knocks Orton's hand away and delivers a kick to the gut and then a upper cut of his own and Booker grabs Orton and hits the Book End on Orton. Booker T then waits on Orton to stand back up and Booker T kicks him in the gut and bounces off the ropes again and this time hits the ax kick and Booker T does the spin a roonie back up to his feet and Booker T then picks up Orton and throws him out to the floor. Booker T then sets up the ladder in the center of the ring and Booker T starts to climb up but Randy Orton some how manages to get back up and into the ring and Orton pushes the ladder over causing Booker T to straddle the ropes. Orton then grabs Booker T and brings him back into the ring and Orton whips Booker T off the ropes and Orton hits a big backdrop on Booker T.  Randy Orton then picks up Booker T and hits another RKO on him and Orton then rolls Booker T out to the floor. Orton then sets up the ladder as he starts to climb when....

:GTV Airs:

:Randy Orton is halfway up the ladder as Mikey G appears on the Nitrovision.

Mikey G: Hello Randy. I know your in the middle of a match right now but I think you should know something since after all you like screwing people out of things like you screwed me out of the TV Title.

Madden: What is Mikey G doing?

Mikey G: that regard I thought you should know about your girlfriend Shantell because she likes to screw people too.

:With that the camera pokes into a locker room and water is heard running and Shantell Angle can be heard moaning:

Mikey G: I just thought you would like to know what your girlfriend is up to.

:GTV Ends:

Tenay: I am speechless

:In the ring. Randy Orton has climbed down from the ladder and Orton takes off towards the backstage area leaving Booker T alone as he climbs back into the ring and Booker looks around realizing Orton is gone and Booker T climbs up the ladder and grabs the title:

Penser: Your winner and still WCW US Champion, Booker T

Tony: Booker T retains but what about what Mikey G did

Madden: Shantell Angle got caught in the shower with another guy and Mikey G exposed that to Randy Orton just when Orton was about to reclaim his US Title


:Randy Orton is shown approacing the locker room that was on the GTV and Orton hurries into the locker room only to find Shantell Angle in towel:

Randy Orton: Where is the son of a bitch

Shantell Angle: What?

Randy Orton: Whoever was in the shower with you

Shantell Angle: What are you talking about?

Randy Orton: I saw it

Shantell: Saw what?

Randy Orton: You were in the shower with another man

Shantell: No....

:Randy Orton goes into the shower area but can't find nobody and then barges out of the locker room looking for Mikey G now and as soon as Orton turns the corner the camera goes back into the locker room only to reveal Tyson Tomko coming out of a closet:

Shantell: He is gone and Tyson thanks for solving my problem

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WCW Nitro Next week, & CCW Wreckage

After The Break:

 Tony: Tyson Tomko was the guy with Shantell Angle

Madden: I should have known. Shantell had a problem and Tyson solved it

Tenay: What is Randy Orton going to do once he finds out?

Madden: This is better then Melrose Place!!

Tony: Well its time for another Taboo Nitro Match as you the fans voted but before that lets see who will be facing WCW World Heavyweight Champion Maven in tonight's Main Event

:Fan Polling is shown:

Matt Walker-32%



Hulk Hogan-8%

Tenay: It looks like Christian will be getting his Rematch against Maven tonight

Madden: The Peep's have spoken

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Tag Team Championship and will be a...

:Fan Polling is shown:

Table Match-20%

Hardcore Match-44%

Tornado Tag-36%

Penser: Hardcore Rules Match

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Representing the S.C. weighing in at a combined weight of 419 Pounds, They are the WCW Tag Team Champions, Edge & Petey Williams

Tenay: Here comes the defending Champions

Madden: I think the S.C. is going to pull this match out no matter who they face

Penser: There opponents...

:Fan Polling is shown:

Chris Benoit & Matt Matlock-8%

Do or Die & Jason Walker-20%

The Hurricane & Eugene-20%

2nd & 3rd Place Finisher in WCW World Title Bracket-52%

Tenay: You have got to be kidding me

"This is Test" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st from Toronto, Canada weighing in at 280 Pounds, He is a member of the S.C., Test!!

Madden: Test's first match in monthes

Tenay: This is not good for Matt Walker because you got three S.C. members and only him

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His partner, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 210 Pounds, He is a member of the Triple Threat, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

Tony: Matt Walker is walking into a set up now

:Matt Walker walks about half way down to the ring before stopping and Matt Walker starts to smile as The Hurricane & Eugene then come out from the crowd as does Jason Walker & Do or Die from another side and Shane Douglas on the third side of the ring:

Tony: Look guys....

Madden: What the hell. This is not fair

Tenay: This is a Hardcore Rules Match and I think the S.C. has just walked into a set up!!!

:Petey, Edge, & Test all try and make a break for it out near Shane Douglas's side as Matt Walker rushes down to the ring and Douglas knocks down Petey while Walker knocks down Edge and the other guys also swarm over there as Test is able to escape into the crowd but Edge & Petey Williams get rolled back into the ring where Matt Walker is now waiting for them.

WCW Tag Team Championship: Edge & Petey Williams(C) vs Matt Walker & Test
Matt Walker immedialtly goes to town on Edge with right hands while Edge is still down and Petey Williams gets back up and Petey tries to leave again but Jason Walker & Hurricane attack Petey and roll him back into the ring where Shane Douglas is waiting on Petey with a strap and Douglas starts to strap away at Petey. Lance Storm then comes running out to the ring with a steel chair but Storm stops before getting into the ring as Die & Eugene are waiting for Lance Storm to come into the ring as Jason Walker and Hurricane work over Petey Williams in the ring while Matt Walker & Shane Douglas work over Edge. "Fire then explodes" as "Slow Chemical" hits as Kane then starts to walk towards the entrance way as Lance Storm is trapped after Do or Die comes out to the floor. Storm goes to hit Die with the chair but Die kicks Storm in the gut and Die then rolls Storm into the ring where Eugene is waiting and eugene grabs Storm and hits the Rock Bottom on him. Die then gets back into the ring as Kane gets into the ring and everyone in the ring backs up from Kane who waits as Lance Storm struggles up and Kane grabs Storm by the throat and delivers a chokeslam on him. Petey Williams then gets lifted up and thrown into Kane who chokeslams Petey and Matt Walker then gets up in Kane's face and Matt Walker tells him that Edge is all his as Kane then reaches down and picks up Edge and delivers a monster chokeslam to Edge. Test is now shown in the entry way watching as Matt Walker picks up Edge and points out to Test and Matt Walker delivers the Pittfall on Edge and covers him for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Matt Walker & Test (WCW Tag Team Champions)

Penser: Your winners and new WCW Tag Team Champions, Matt Walker & Test

Madden: I don't believe it

Tony: Matt Walker and Test are Tag Team Champions!!!

Tenay: Matt Walker we thought was walking into a set up but instead it was the S.C. who entered a set up thanks to Matt Walker having lots of back up

Madden: How the hell did Matt Walker unite all these people

Tony: I just got word that Kane is going to be apart of Matt Walker's team at Survivor Series against the S.C.

Madden: Great....

Commercial AD for CCW Wreckage Debut-Long Ad

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 8:30 PM

Tony: I still can't belive what we just saw

Tenay: The S.C. just got out numbered but where was Tyson Tomko and Christian to help there guys?

Madden: Christian has a match later tonight

Tony: Notice Test put his tail between his legs and took off leaving the S.C. to get destroyed

:Backstage: S.C.'s Locker Room

Christian: Trish lets go

Trish: We can't leave. You are facing Christian for the title and I have to defend my WCW Women's Title

Christian: Screw it. We have to get the hell out of here now before they come for us

:Test comes into the Locker Room:

Test: Car's ready

:Trish and Christian grab there bags and leave the locker room:

Trish: Where is Tyson?

Christian: Screw him. He is on his own now

:Trish & Christian head for there car but are stopped by Sean Morley:

Sean Morley: Where do you think you two are going?

Christian: Leaving the arena for our own safety

Sean Morley: I don't think so

Christian: Get out of my way before I hurt you again

Sean Morley: you can leave but if you leave then Trish better leave her Women's Title and you both will not be coming back for any brand

Christian: Come on its not safe. I am looking out for my well being

Sean Morley: I tell you what I will do. I will make sure that nobody interfere's in Trish's match or your match or else they will be fired but nobody from the S.C. can interfere on your end or else the ban is lifted

:Christian smiles:

Christian: Deal


Tony: It looks like Christian got what he wanted

Madden: No Matt Walker, No Super Heroes, No Monsters so I think Christian and Trish can win now

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and is....

:Fan Polling Results is shown:

#1 Contender for US Championship-13%

Coal Minor's Glove Match-46%

Elimination Match-41%

Penser: a Coal Minor's Glove Match

"St. Anger" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From the Bronx, New York weighing in at 200 Pounds, Mikey G

Tenay: Here comes Mikey G who we have already seen once here tonight

:As Mikey G is coming to the ring, Randy Orton comes running out of nowhere and attacks Mikey G from behind. Orton then rams Mikey G into the guard rail as Mikey G starts to fight back as several referee's come running out and try to restore order as both men have to be pulled apart:

Tony: Mikey G & Randy Orton are going at it right here right now and I guess Mikey G won't be apart of this match

:Sean Morley appears on Nitrovision:

Sean Morley: Since Randy Orton and Mikey G want at it so bad then next week it will be Randy Orton taking on Mikey G on Nitro but right now I want security to escort you both out of the arena now!!!

Tenay: Mikey G vs Randy Orton next week on Nitro

"You Look So Good To Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Making his way to the ring, From Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 228 Pounds, Rico

Tony: Well this will now be a one on one contest

"JBL's Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's as the Limo pulls out

Penser: His opponent, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield

Madden: JBL is going to destroy Rico tonight

Tenay: JBL is great but Rico is great at getting in people's head

Coal Minor's Glove Match: JBL vs Rico
JBL and Rico lock up with Rico going behind JBL and Rico then presses himself up against JBL who quickly breaks away and JBL seems disgusted by it. JBL then goes down near his stuff and pulls out his hand lotion and cleans his hands again and then rubs it on his back as Rico blows JBL a kiss and JBL throws the lotion down and ends up hitting a cheap shot on Rico knocking him down. JBL then stomps away at Rico knocking Rico out to the floor and JBL goes over to the corner with the pole and starts to climb up as Rico gets back into the ring and ends up pulling the back of JBL's shorts down as Rico then starts smiling as the crowd gets a view of JBL's backside and JBL then kicks Rico back and JBL pulls his shorts back up but Rico shakes the ropes causing JBL to straddle the top rope and Rico then grabs JBL and kisses him knocking JBL out to the floor. Rico then climbs up and grabs the coal minor's glove as JBL starts to walk out but Booker T walks down to the ring and Booker T has a steel chair backing JBL back up to the ring where Rico is waiting and JBL backs into Rico and turns around as Rico then kisses JBL again!!! JBL shoves Rico down and JBL is spitting but Booker T then grabs JBL from behind and rolls him into the ring as Rico gets back into the ring and Rico has the coal minor's glove on and Rico goes to hit JBL but JBL ducks and JBL kicks Rico in the gut and JBL grabs the glove and JBL hits Rico in the head with it as JBL covers rico for the 1--2--3.
Winner: JBL

Penser: Your winner JBL

Tenay: JBL pulls this match out

Tony: Rico's mind games were working but once Rico went to use the glove, Thats where JBL turned it around

Madden: Like there was any doubt that JBL would win

:Booker T checks on Rico as JBL walks back up the entry way celebrating his win:

Tony: Well up next guys is the WCW Women's Championship Match

Madden: I hope its Expose Your Opponent's Breasts!!!

Commercial Ad for CCW Wreckage, Seed of Chucky, & SCWE Smackdown!

After The Break:

Tony: Well we are down to the final two matches of the night

Tenay: Let's find out who will be challenging Trish Stratus for the WCW Women's Championship and what type of match it will be

:Fan Voting Shown:

Torrie Wilson-46%

Stephanie McMahon-25%

Jackie Gayda-21%


Tony: It will be Torrie Wilson challenging Trish Stratus up next but what kind of match will it be?

:Fan Voting Shown:


Shower Match-25%

Bra & Panties/Paddle on a Pole-17%

Madden: YES

Tenay: It will be a EYOB Match up next

Madden: There has only been three EYOB Matches in history and the first one. Nobody but Eric Bischoff saw the Breasts but Cynthia Diamond's breasts got exposed in the second match and Shantell Angle had her breasts exposed before but tonight Torrie Wilson or Trish Stratus will be letting it all be shown on Nitro

Tony: For the young children who may be watching Nitro please turn off your TV's now

Penser: The Following Contest is a Expose Your Opponents Breast Match for the WCW Women's Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts)

"Need a Little Time" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Toronto, Canada, Torrie Wilson

Tenay: Here comes Torrie Wilson

"Time To Rock N Roll" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: Her opponent, Also from Toronto, Canada and represneting the S.C., She is the WCW Women's Champion, Trish Stratus

Madden: I hope they both lose!!

WCW Women's Championship: EYOB: Trish Stratus(C) vs Torrie Wilson
Torrie Wilson attacks Trish Stratus as she enters the ring. Torrie then whips Trish off the ropes and Torrie puts her head down as Trish stops and Trish then then DDT's Torrie down. Trish then stomps away at Torrie before picking Torrie up and slamming her down again. Trish then goes for a Figure 4 Leg Lock on Torrie Wilson but Torrie kicks Trish back knocking her down. Torrie then gets back up to her feet as does Trish and both ladies lock up with Torrie going behind Trish and Trish tries to go behind Torrie but Torrie ends up grabbing Trish's pants and pulls them down exposing Trish's white pair of panties and Torrie then knocks Trish down and Torrie rips the pants completly off. Trish gets back up to her feet as Torrie throws the pants into the crowd and Trish spears down Torrie as the crowd is going nuts now. Trish is pounding away at Torrie as Torrie ends up knocking Trish off. Torrie then gets back up near the ropes as Trish charges over and clotheslines Torrie over the top to the floor. Trish then rolls out to the floor and Trish goes to clothesline Torrie but Torrie ducks and Torrie then kicks Trish in the gut and Torrie rips Trish's shirt off revealing Trish's pink bra!!! Trish Stratus covers up making sure nothing is poking out of her top and Trish as Torrie is smiling and Trish then heads for the back as Torrie throws Trish's shirt into the crowd. Torrie Wilson is not happy with Trish leaving the ringside area but Torrie gives chase and as Torrie disappears backstage she ends up getting knocked back out into the entry way by Trish Stratus who is now wearing a robe and Trish ends up ripping off Torrie's shirt revealing Torrie's blue bra. Trish though isn't done and goes after Torrie's bra but Torrie ends up kicking Trish backwards knocking her down. Trish Stratus then looks like she has something in her hand now that she got from a robe's pocket and Torrie goes to grab Trish but Trish throws powder in the face of Torrie Wilson as Torrie is blinded and Trish gets back up and Trish connects with a chick kick on Torrie wilson. Trish Stratus then removes Torrie's pants revealing her blue thong as the crowd goes nuts again and starts a we want puppies chant up as Trish then goes to grab Torrie's bra but Torrie ends up ripping Trish's robe off from her and Trish realizes Torrie is swinging wild and Trish heads for the back again as Torrie finally starts to see again and Torrie realizes Trish went backstage again and Torrie carefully heads to the back as Trish is shown waiting as Torrie then charges at Torrie but Tyson Tomko blocks the way as Torrie stops dead in her tracks and starts to back up but The Hurricane The Triple Threat then ends up attacking Tyson Tomko as Trish tries to leave but Torrie chases down Trish and chases her into a locker room as the camera is trying to keep up as fighting is heard but then Trish Stratus comes out of the locker room holding a pipe and Torrie's bra as Referee Charles Robinson see's Trish with the bra and calls for the bell.
Winner: Trish Stratus

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Champion, Trish Stratus

Madden: DAMN IT

Tenay: Trish Stratus is lucky to be Women's Champion

Tony: Something is still going on backstage


:Security is shown holding back The Triple Threat from Tyson Tomko who is getting helped away by Test and Trish Stratus as The Hurricane is shown helping Torrie Wilson now who is covered up in Hurricane's cape:

Final Commercial Ad for CCW Wreckage, SCWE Smackdown!, & Seed of Chucky

After the Break:


:Torrie Wilson is shown in her locker room as The Hurricane is shown standing with his back turned to a changing thing as Torrie Wilson is shown putting the cape up and then removes her thong:

Torrie Wilson: Thank you again Hurricane for helping me

The Hurricane: All in a days work

Torrie Wilson: I will get my revenge on that bitch

The Hurricane: What Citizen Stratus did was very wrong

Torrie Wilson: Hurricane can you do me another favor and hand me those clothes

:The Hurricane grabs Torrie's bag and tries to give it to Torrie and Torrie ends up pulling The Hurricane back with it as Hurricane ends up falling backwards out of it with a wide eyed expression:


Tony: Well guys its time for the Main Event

Madden: I am upset about us getting cheated out of seeing Torrie Wilson's breasts and that little wanna be Super Hero just saw everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tenay: This thing with the S.C. and The Triple Threat who seems to have formed an alliance with The Hurricane and Kane as well is heating up

Penser: The Main Event of the evening is scheduled for one fall and it is a RAWDome Match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship!!

Tony: Here we go

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger weighing in at 235 Pounds, The Leader of the S.C., Christian

Madden: Here comes the next WCW World Heavyweight Champion!!

Tony: Christian is making his RAWDome Debut here

Tenay: This is the first RAWDome match since September 13th

"Tough Enough Theme" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent from Shendandoah Valley, Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, The WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Maven!!

Tenay: Maven is making his third RAWDome Appereance and Maven is 1-1 in them

Tony: This is going to be great

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 8:31 PM

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: RAWDome: Maven(C) vs Christian

Maven and Christian are face to face as Nick Patrick explains the rules of the match as the RAWDome Lowers into place and the bell sounds as Christian tells Maven he has his title and Matt Walker can't save him now and Maven just smirks and the two men lock up with Christian starting to back Maven into the corner but Maven then reverses and gets Christian in the corner and Maven gives a clean break as Christian goes for a cheap shot but Maven hit tosses Christian down. Maven then hits a dropkick on Christian as Christian rolls out of hte ring to the floor and is not happy about maven getting the upper hand to start the match out. Christian then gets back into the ring as he and Maven lock up a gain and Maven then over powers and forces Christian down as Christian gets back up and starts complaining to the referee about Maven using the hair but Nick Patrick tells Christian he is only here to count the pinfall or award a tap out and Christian  challenges Maven then to a test of strength and when Maven goes for it, Christian kicks Maven in the gut and Christian delivers several right hands to him. Christian then whips Maven into the corner and Christian charges in but Maven gets his feet up and knocks down Christian with a boot to the face. Maven then backs up climbing up to the top as Christian gets back up and Maven delivers a missile dropkick to Christian. Maven then gets back up and Maven waits as Christian gets up and Maven then clotheslines Christian over the top to the floor. Maven then climbs up top as Christian is getting up on the floor and Maven comes off the top and hits a crossbody taking Christian out. Both men are down and hurting as Maven starts to move around first and starts to pull himself up as Christian rolls under the ring partly and Maven gets back up and starts to pull Christian out but  Christian then sprays Maven in the face with a fire extinguisher and Christian then pulls out a kendo stick and hits Maven in the ribs with it several times and then in the back taking down Maven and Christian then picks up Maven and rams him back first into the RAWDome. Christian then grabs Maven by his head and runs with him and rams him back into hte RAWDome face first time time and Christian then rolls Maven back into the ring and Christian gets into the ring and waits for Maven to get up and Christian then kicks him in the gut and goes for the Unprettier but Maven counters into a backslide pin for a 1---2---2.6-kick out. Christian beats Maven back up by hitting maven in with a knee to the face and Christian then pounds away at Maven and Christian hooks Maven's legs and goes for a Texas Cloverleaf but Maven grabs Christian and gets him into a small package for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Christian and Maven both get back up and both men start to exchange rights and lefts but Maven starts to get the upper hand and Maven whips Christian off the ropes and Maven hits a big backdrop on Christian. Maven then dropkicks Christian through the ropes to the floor. Maven then goes off the ropes as Christian is getting up on the floor and Maven hits a baseball slide into Christian knocking Christian into the RAWDome. Maven then goes out to the floor and grabs Christian and rams him into the RAWDome face first. Maven then rolls Christian back into the ring and Maven goes up top looking for the Blockbuster but Christian ducks as Maven misses and wipes out and Christian then waits for Maven to get back up and Christian kicks Maven in the gut and Christian delivers the Unprettier but then...

"Holding Out for A Hero" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Tony: Matt Walker's music just came on

Madden: He can't interfere though and Christian has to just cover Maven to win!!

:Matt Walker appears in the entry way and has Trish Stratus with him and a guitar in his other hand as Christian looks stunned to see Trish beind held as Matt Walker comes down to the ring with her as Tyson Tomko then is dragged out to the entry way by Jason Walker, Shane Douglas, & Do or Die:

Tenay: Matt Walker has Trish Stratus and Tyson Tomko has been taken out of the equation by The Triple Threat!!!

:Matt Walker is holding Trish as Shane Douglas walks down to the ring and holds Trish now as Matt Walker is mouthing off to Christian who is now yelling back at Matt Walker and Matt Walker tells him its payback as Matt Walker then grabs the guitar and is about to Trish with it as Christian is begging for Matt Walker not to and Matt Walker tells Christian to lay down then for Maven but Christian refueses and Matt Walker then is ready to do it but Christian finally says fine but when Christian turns around Maven is waiting on the top rope and Maven hits the Blockbuster on Christian and Maven covers Christian for the 1---2--3.

Penser: Your winner and still WCW World Heavyweight champion, Maven

Madden: Christian just got screwed

:Shane Douglas lets Trish go as the RAWDome starts to raise up but Matt Walker then ends up smashing the guitar over Trish's head anyway!!:

Tony: Matt Walker just smashed the guitar over the head of Trish Stratus anyway!!

Tenay: This thing between the S.C. and The Triple Threat has been taken to a level I don't think we have ever seen in KSCWE

Madden: This is not right

Tony: What is going to happen next week between these guys?

:Matt Walker picks up Trish Stratus and rolls her into the ring to Christian as Matt Walker tells Christain that this only the beginning and he let her off easy as...

:Nitro Goes off the Air:

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