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Nitro : Nitro 11/29/04
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/7/2006 9:03 PM

Results 11/29/04 Live From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Petey Williams defeated Goldberg & The Undertaker

Dark Match #2: Chris Corruption defeated The Mauler

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro opens up with The Nitro Girls Dancing:

Tony: Welcome once again to WCW Monday Nitro. We are just days removed from one of the more shocking Pay Per Views in KSCWE History.

Tenay: We are coming to you live from the KSCWE Arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and tonight we got a great night of action

Madden: It's great to be home

Tenay: Plus Scott Hill announced that the CCW Brand has been closed and several of the CCW Superstars are now full fledged WCW Stars and some of those will be in action live here tonight

"Line in the Sand" hits, Crowd is stunned

Tenay: What the hell thats Evolution X's music

Penser: Please welcome Evolution X!!

Tony: SCWE's Evolution X is walking down to the ring here on WCW Monday Nitro!!

Tenay: There is that turncoat Matt Walker along with his brother Jason and sister Kaylee

Madden: Hey don't be hating on them. They did what they had to do

:Evolution X gets into the ring as Matt Walker gets a microphone:

Matt Walker: Welcome once again to the WalkerZone!!! Now I know you all thought you would never see Matt Walker again in a WCW Ring but I guess this proves you wrong because I am back for my final WCW Appearance. I am here to not wrestle but to serve as special guest referee for the WCW Tag Team Title Main Event and I will call that match right down the middle so no worries about me being unfair and helping out my "boys" Do or Die and Mikey G.

:Matt smirks as he hands to the microphone to Scott Hill:

Scott Hill: It's great to be home(Crowd Cheers). Now I know you are all wondering why E-X is here and well Smackdown is going to be here tomarrow night so we all in town and well I have decided to make sure the Main Event is fair. We are going to have ourselves a Lumberjack match. Evolution X will be serving as the Lumberjacks for this match. Now I know you have noticed that not all of E-X is here but Vince and Kurt are taking care of some business for tomarrow night's Smackdown! and I would also like to point out that the RAWDome is hanging above the arena tonight and the RAWDome will be in action......tomarrow night on Smackdown!(Crowd Boo's). Oh and one more thing. Eric Bischoff, Marrisa Bischoff, and Sean Morley are not going to be here in the arena tonight and Stone Cold Steve Austin was already removed as Sheriff meaning WCW is under Evolution X Control

:Scott hands the microphone over to Triple H:

Triple H: Well its always good to be here in WCW to realize just how far I have come. Now I have brought my wrestling gear tonight so if any WCW Superstar wants to be a big shot and decide to take on the very best in WCW History then by all means I will be the one in the GM's Office.

"Line in the Sand" hits as Evolution X leaves

Tony: I can't believe what we just heard

Tenay: An E-X run WCW!!!

Madden: Triple H is going to wrestle tonight. How great is that


:Jerome Morris & The Cheat are shown entering the WCW Locker Room and are given evil looks as they head to there lockers:

:Another Area Backstage:

:E-X is shown entering there Office but when they get in there the S.C. is already in there as the door closes behind them:


Tony: What now E-X and The S.C. are running WCW?

Madden: Well thats obviously what is happening now

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW United States Championship

"Longhorn" hits as the white limo pulls out as the Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield

Madden: Here comes good old JBL

Tenay: JBL is a former WCW US Champion and is looking to regain the title tonight

Tony: Last Thursday JBL's team did not do so good as they were defeated by Maven's team which did consist of Booker T on it.

"Can You Dig It" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent from Houston, Texas weighing in at 250 Pounds, The WCW United States Champion, Booker T

Tony: Here comes Booker T to the ring

Tenay: Booker T won the title on October 11th of this year

WCW United States Championship: Booker T(C) vs JBL
Referee Chris Kay shows off the US Title to both men as JBL tells Booker he is bringing the title back home. Both men then lock up as JBL shoves Booker T down and JBL starts to smile as Booker T gets back up and Booker locks up again with JBL and this time Booker knocks down JBL. Booker T then tells JBL to bring it as JBL and Booker T lock up once more and Booker T locks in a headlock on JBL and Booker quickly flips JBL down to the mat as Booker T puts pressure while holding the headlock, JBL is able to get his foot into the ropes as Booker T has to break the hold. Booker T gets back up as JBL gets up and is not happy. Booker T and JBL then go to lock up again but JBL kicks Booker T in the gut and JBL delivers a big right hand to the side of Booker's head. JBL then whips Booker off the ropes and JBL goes for a big boot but Booker T ducks it and Booker T then stops and Booker kicks JBL in the gut and Booker bounces off the ropes and Booker goes for the Ax Kick but JBL moves out of the way and JBL delivers a big boot to Booker's gut after he missed and JBL then delivers a big DDT on him. JBL then picks up Booker T and whips him off the ropes and JBL bounces off the ropes and JBL lays out Booker T with the clothesline from hell. JBL covers Booker T for the 1---2--2.8-shoulder up. JBL can't believe it and JBL shoves Chris Kay down as JBL then goes to pick up Booker T but Booker grabs JBL and hits the Book End on him. Booker T then covers JBL but Chris Kay is still down and can not count. Booker T then gets up and goes over and is trying to wake up Chris Kay when Shantell Angle hits the ring and Shantell gets into the ring and Shantell hits Booker T in the back of the head with her TV Title belt as JBL gets back up and picks up Booker T and delivers a powerbomb on Booker T and covers him as Shantell rolls out to the floor as Chris Kay is coming to and counts the 1---------2----------2.8-AJ Styles pulls Chris Kay out to the floor. JBL gets up and has words with AJ who gets up on the apron and AJ then leaps over the ropes and takes down JBL with a dropkick. Shantell then gets back into the ring and Shantell goes to hit AJ but AJ ducks and AJ then dropkicks Shantell out to the floor. Booker T gets back up and see's AJ Styles in the ring and Booker T then hits AJ down thinking it was AJ who hit him. Booker T then starts to stomp away at AJ and knocks him out to the floor as JBL is waiting and JBL then takes out Booker out with a Clothesline from hell and JBL covers as Chris Kay counts the 1--------2----------3.
Winner: JBL (WCW US)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW US Champion, JBL

Madden: JBL has done it!!

Tenay: Booker T thought it was AJ who attacked him but it was Shantell Angle

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown, WCW Heat, & Survivor Series Replay

After The Break

Tony: Welcome back to WCW Monday Nitro and I am still suprised what we just saw

Tenay: Well coming up next we are going to see Edge taking on the monster Kane

Madden: Kane should be suspended for his actions lately

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, Edge

Madden: Here comes one of the S.C.'s better members in Edge

"Slow Chemical" hits as Pyro explodes and the crowd cheers

Penser: His opponent, weighing in at 328 Pounds, Kane!!!

Tenay: Here comes the Big Red Machine Kane!!!

Tony: We have found out that at Armageddon it will be the S.C. taking on a team captained by Kane where the winning team's captain will recieve a WCW World Heavyweight Title Shot at The Royal Rumble.

Kane vs Edge
Edge attacks Kane as he is coming into the ring and Edge is pounding at Kane who throws Edge back and Edge gets back up and attacks Kane again but Kane knocks Edge down with a throat shot. Kane then delivers a big right hand to Edge knocking Edge back into the corner and Kane follows in with a throat shot again to Edge but Edge kicks away at Kane in the gut and Edge revers getting Kane in the corner and Edge pounds away with kicks and right hands knocking Kane down in the corner. Edge then starts to choke Kane in the corner with his foot to the throat until referee Mike Posey warns Edge about a DQ. Edge backs off for a minute as he has words with Mike Posey as Kane pulls himself up in the corner and Edge goes to hit Kane but Kane delivers a big boot knocking down Edge. Kane then goes up top as Edge struggles up and Kane comes off the top hitting a lariet taking down Edge. Kane then gets back up first and Kane is waiting for Edge to get up but Edge wisely rolls out to the floor. Edge signals to the back as Petey Williams makes his way to the ring. Edge then gets back into the ring as Petey is cheering Edge on at ringside. Edge and Kane lock up with Kane throwing Edge back into the corner. Petey Williams then jumps on the apron as Kane turns his attention away and Kane goes over towards Petey who jumps off the apron and Edge then goes for a spear and connects with it on Kane as Edge pops up gloating but Kane sits up and Edge's smile turns to a look of shock as Edge starts to pound away at Kane and Edge then whips Kane off the ropes and Edge locks in a sleeper hold on kane. Kane though rams Edge back into the corner breaking the hold and Kane then waits as Edge comes out of the corner and Kane delivers a chokeslam on Edge. Petey Williams rolls into the ring and goes after Kane but Kane delives a big boot takign down PEtey and then waits as Petey gets up and Kane then grabs him and chokeslams him as well!! Kane then turns around as Edge is back up and Edge goes for another spear but Kane moves as Edge spears into the corner and Kane grabs Edge and chokeslams him once again and Kane covers Edge for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Kane

Penser: Your winner, Kane!!!

Tony: Despite Petey Williams attempted inteferene, Kane proved to be to much for the S.C. tonight

Tenay: An impressive win for Kane

:After the match. Edge is not happy about losing the match and is throwing a fit on the floor by upsetting the steel steps as Petey tries to calm him down:

Tenay: This is showning alot of class here by Edge. I mean he is throwing a temper tantrom


:Eugene is shown coming out of E-X's Office:

Commercial Ad for Survivor Series Replay, Spiderman 2 on DVD, Alladdin on DVD

After The Break:


:Edge & Petey are shown heading back to there locker room when Coach T walks past:

Coach T: Great job out there big guy

:Edge stops and then turns around and spears Coach T from behind. Edge then picks up Coach T and rams him into the wall and starts to pound away on him as Petey Williams tries to pull Edge off but Edge ends up ramming Coach T's head into the wall several times busting the back of it open as Edge finally is pulled off as referee's and paramedics tend to Coach T:


Tony: Edge has really gone off the deep end

Madden: Well I guess we won't be seeing Jerome Morris vs Coach T tonight then

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Television Championship

"It's all about the Benjamins" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Orangeburg, South Carolina weighing in at 245 Pounds, Shelton Benjamin

Tony: Here comes Shelton Benjamin who has a golden chance tonight

"Dip It Low" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 118 Pounds, The WCW Television champion, Shantell Angle

Tenay: This is the second time we are seeing Shantell tonight considering Shantell helped cost Booker T the WCW US Title

Madden: The More we see Shantell the better

WCW Television Championship: Shantell Angle(C) vs Shelton Benjamin
Shelton offers to shake hands with Shantell before the match but Shantell smirks and the two of them lock up with Shelton locking in a headlock but Shantell then starts to make motions as referee Nick Patrick orders Shelton to break the hold since she is a lady. Shelton complains to Nick Patrick as Shantell then dropkicks Shelton into the referee knocking Nick Patrick down. Shantell then goes for a kick to Shelton but Shelton grabs her foot and swings her around and then grabs her and hits the T-Bone Suplex but Tyson Tomko hits the ring and Tyson hits Shelton from behind. Tyson Tomko then picks up Shelton Benjamin and whips him off the ropes and Tyson hits a Big Boot knocking him down as Tyson then puts Shantell on top of Shelton as he wakes up Nick Patrick to count the 1---2--3.
Winner: Shantell Angle

Penser: Your winner and still WCW TV Champion, Shantell Angle

Tony: This match never got going thanks to Tyson Tomko interfering plus Nick Patrick getting knocked down

Tenay: Shelton would be TV Champion if Nick Patrick didn't get knocked down, Shantell made a early mistake and Shelton made her pay but no ref and Tyson Tomko of the S.C. then made Shelton pay

Madden: He solved the problem of this match guys

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WCW Heat, & Spiderman 2 on DVD

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 9:04 PM

Tony: Well we have just found out that next week we are going to see JBL, Shantell Angle, and Jerome Morris teaming up to face off against Booker T, AJ Styles, & Shelton Benjamin

Tenay: Well lets go backstage now because we have gotten word somebody has just went in E-X's Locker Room


Triple H: Well look who it is.
Randy Orton: How are you guys. I can't believe you guys are running the show.
Triple H: Hey you know how it is when your E-X and by the way congrats on finally being #1 Contender.
Matt Hardy V1: Yeah even though it took you long enough to finally get a shot
Randy Orton: Well you know how things have been since you guys left. Everyone has dodged me. I am the "Legend Killer"
Triple H: That you are and tonight is going to be great seeing you beat the living hell out of Torrie Wilson and Hurricane.
Randy Orton: Yeah thats a walk in the park for me and Steph
Triple H: Yeah and just so you know if anyone tries to help the Little Super Hero. We got your back
:Stephanie looks on with a look of disgust and she wispers something to Randy:
Randy Orton: Steph they wouldn't do that to me
Triple H: Yeah Steph we wouldn't stab Randy in the back so quiet being bitter because you had the best thing and blew it
:Stephanie rolls her eyes:
Triple H: Oh go ahead and try to pretend like it doesn't bother you. I think we all know that you want to play the game again but those days are long gone.
Stephanie McMahon: Whatever but I am trying to look out for Randy and you guys do have a tendancy of turning on you're friends
Triple H: Steph that won't happen with Randy. Randy is like my son. Hell let me break this down for you so you can understand it. Randy is sorta like DJ off Full House. I mean he is the oldest of the bunch, Charlie was Stephanie and Ryan Cage there is the adorable Michelle.
:Ryan looks at Triple H rather strange:
Triple H: Seriously and you got Uncle Jessie over there with Matt and Kurt would be like Joey because frankly put they both are missing a few screws.
Stephanie McMahon: Correct me if I am wrong but didn't you guys turn on Charlie?
Triple H: Charlie Haas took what was mine and that is why we disowned him. Randy isn't going after what is mine. Randy is just following in my footsteps like he always does. I mean he is banging you isnt he?
:The rest of E-X turns there heads as Stephanie storms out of the locker room:
Triple H: Randy don't worry you got my word no member of E-X will turn on you. We are your family.
:Randy Orton nods his head and goes out after Stephanie:


Madden: I am a bit confused about what we just saw

Tenay: Yeah I think we all are

Tony: Anyway moving on

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Did my time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

Tenay: Trish Morris is making her WCW here

Tony: Trish is the wife of Jerome Morris

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her opponent, From London, England, Scarlett

Tony: Scarlett is also making her WCW Debut here and was a former 2x SCWE Women's Champion

Tenay: Trish Morris was a former SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion by the way

Tony: We have learned that Jerome Morris and Twister X are both banned from ringside

Scarlett vs Trish Morris
Scarlett and Trish Morris both lock up as Scarlett backs Trish up into the corner and gives Trish a clean break. Scarlett and Trish Morris are about to lock up again when "Time To Rock N Roll" hits over the PA as Trish Stratus walks down to the ring with her WCW Women's Title. Scarlett & Morris both glance over at Trish and Trish points to Scarlett and tells her the WCW Women's Title meant alot more then the SCWE Women's but Trish Morris then attacks Scarlett from behind. Trish then delivers a big bulldog on Scarlett and Trish pounds away at Scarlett and picks her up and then throws her though the ropes to the floor as Trish keeps referee Chris Kay's attention as Trish Stratus goes over near Scarlett and Trish kicks Scarlett in the ribs. Trish then picks up Scarlett and rams her into the steel steps before rolling her back into the ring as Chris Kay asks Trish what she did and Trish says she just helped up Scarlett as Trish Morris then stomps away at Scarlett before picking her up and Morris then whips Scarlett off the ropes and Morris puts her head down for a backdrop but Scarlett stops before then and grabs Trish Morris and delivers a DDT on her. Scarlett and Morris are both slow to get up as Scarlett kicks Morris in the gut and Scarlett then hits the Scarlett Stunner and Scarlett goes over to a corner and is waiting for Trish Morris to get up but Trish Stratus then goes over towards Scarlett destracting her as Trish Morris gets back up and she attacks Scarlett ramming her into the corner and Morris then pulls her out and sets her up for the Blonde Bitch Ride but when she Scarlett in the air for it, Scarlett goes over top and gets behind Trish for a sunset flip for the 1---2---3 as Scarlett rolls out to the floor and leaves through the crowd as both Trish Stratus & Trish Morris are shocked.
Winner: Scarlett

Penser: Your winner, Scarlett

Madden: What the hell just happened?

Tenay: Trish Morris was going for one her trademark finishers but Scarlett countered into a sunset flip for the upset win

Tony: An impressive debut win for Scarlett

Madden: No this is not right

:Backstage: E-X's Office

:Triple H, Ryan Cage, Scott Hill, Matt Hardy, & Matt Walker are shown getting ready to leave the office when Julianne, Lindsay, Kaci, Kelli, & Mallory block the door and wisper something into there ears and then walk off as the 5 men look at each other:

Triple H: Well Randy is the legend killer and we have to cut the cord at some point.


Tony: Well up next we are going to see a little mixed tag action

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a mixed tag match

"Eye of The Hurricane" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, The team of The Hurricane & Torrie Wilson

Tenay: Our camera's overheard this earlier

:Footage from earlier in the day:

:The Camera man is shown outside Torrie Wilson's Locker Room while Torrie can be heard talking:

Torrie Wilson: Hurricane I know you're shy but this is going to help you tonight in our match. Trust me

The Hurricane: Ok Citizen Wilson

:A Few seconds go by:

The Hurricane: Holy batman

Torrie Wilson: It's ok Hurricane, you can touch them if you like.

The Hurricane: Um...I sense Hurradanger

:The locker room door then opens as The Hurricane runs out of the door and a puff of air shaks the camera as Torrie comes out of locker room wearing a robe before going back in and closing the door:

:Footage Ends:

Madden: Damn that Hurricane

Tony: We have been told we have to take a short commercial break.

Commercial Ad for Survivor Series Replay

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 9:04 PM

Tony: Welcome back and The Hurricane & Torrie are both in the ring awaiting Randy and Stephanie

"Big Pimpin" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: There opponents, The Team of Stephanie McMahon and the #1 Contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Tenay: Randy Orton was recently announced #1 Contender and will challenge the WCW World Champion at Armageddon

Madden: Lance Storm could be the champ since this week on Heat's return Lance Storm challenges Maven for the title

:Randy Orton gets into the ring and then points to entry way:

"Line In the Sand" hits, Crowd is mixed

Madden: Here comes Evolution X

Tenay: Why must E-X come out here?

Tony: Where is E-X?

Madden: Well I am sure they are coming they are just waiting a little while I guess?

Randy Orton & Stephanie McMahon vs The Hurricane & Torrie Wilson
Randy Orton is still looking at the entry way and is calling for E-X to come out when Hurricane then dropkicks Orton from behind knocking Orton out to the floor as Hurricane taunts as Orton gets back up and is not happy. Orton then gets on the apron but Hurricane delivers a big right hand knocking Orton off it. Orton then kicks the guard rail in anger and then gets back into the ring. The Hurricane allows Orton to get up as Orton tells Hurricane he is the #1 Contender and both men lock up with Orton shoving Hurricane down and Orton tells Hurricane he has a real lady not a slut and Hurricane then spears down Orton and starts pounding away on Orton who shoves Hurricane off as Orton rolls over to his corner as Hurricane pounces on him again pounding away some more as Orton tags out to Stephanie McMahon meaning Torrie Wilson is also legal. Stephanie comes in and grabs Hurricane but Torrie grabs Stephanie from behind and shoves her down to the mat. Randy Orton rolls out to the floor as The Hurricane gets back up in the ring as Torrie picks up STephanie but Stephanie delivers a uppercut knocking Torrie back but Stephanie then bumps into the Hurricane and Stephanie turns around to see Hurricane staring at her and Steph goes to slap Hurricane but he blocks and his holding her arm and Steph goes to hit him again but Hurricane blocks the other arm as Torrie then grabs Stephanie's pants and yanks them down revealing Stephanie's black thong as Orton then pulls Hurricane out to the floor and Stephanie quickly goes to pull up her pants but Torrie then kicks Stephanie in the but knocking her over as Stephanie pulls her pants back up, Torrie drops a big leg elbow on Stephanie and Torrie then picks up Stephanie and throws her in the corner where Torrie delivers a few big chops to STeph and then grabs Steph and climbs up top and comes off with a Tornado DDT. Meanwhile on the floor Hurricane & Orton are going at it but Orton lowblows the Hurricane and knocks him down. Torrie Wilson is waiting in the ring for Stephanie to get up when Orton grabs Torrie's foot and trips her down and Orton gets back into the ring and picks up Torrie but Torrie kicks Orton between the legs and Torrie then slaps Orton hard across the face but Stephanie then hits the RKO as Torrie turns around. Stephanie covers Torrie for the 1---2---2.7-Hurricane pulls Stephanie off. The Hurricane then climbs up top and comes off with a lariet knocking down Orton and Stephanie goes to hit Hurricane but he ends up tripping Stephanie down causing her to head butt Orton between the legs as Orton rolls out to the floor in pain as Stephanie goes over the to the ropes applogizing. Torrie Wilson is back up now and torrie tells Hurricane something as The Hurricane grabs Stephanie and Stephanie goes to kick Hurricane but he catches her foot and Stephanie is begging him to not do anything but Hurricane then spins Stephanie around right into a Chick Kick from Torrie Wilson who knocks down Stephanie. The Hurricane see's Orton getting up and The Hurricane then leaps over the top rope crashing down onto Orton as Torrie gets a smile on her face and goes outside and gets a leather strap from under the ring!! Torrie gets back into the ring as Stephanie is getting up and Torrie delivers the Torrie Wilson STunner on Stephanie. Torrie though does not cover and tells the crowd she is going to give them what they want and Torrie then grabs Stephanie's pants and pulls them down again!!! Torrie then delivers several shots to Stephanie's backside with the strap as Stephanie rolls out to the floor and fixes her pants. Meanwhile The Hurricane and Orton are going at it still and Hurricane rolls Orton back into the ring but Orton catches Hurricane coming in and Orton then picks up The Hurricane and rams him shoulder first into the ring post and pulls him out and is looking for the RKO when "Line In the Sand" hits. Torrie Wilson is also still in the ring looks in the entry way as Randy Orton lets Hurricane go and Orton walks over to the end of the ring and starts smiling as Torrie is checking on Hurricane. Randy Orton is smiling but it quickly turns into a look of shock as Maven walks out wearing a E-X shirt!! Randy Orton is screaming at Maven as Hurricane then rolls up Orton for the 1---2--3.
Winners: The Hurricane & Torrie Wilson

Penser: Your winners, The Hurricane & Torrie Wilson

Tony: The Hurricane just pinned The #1 Contender!!

Madden: What The Hell.....NO

:The Hurricane & Torrie celebrate in the entry way as Maven takes off the E-X shirt and tells Orton he got him as Stephanie tries to calm down a pissed off Randy Orton:

Tenay: Maven just pulled a fast one on Randy Orton and it kept him destracted allowing The Hurricane to win


:Tyson Tomko is shown approaching Shantell Angle's Locker Room when Goldberg appears and Goldberg tells Tyson that he is next and Goldberg then goes for the spear but Tyson walks inside Shantell's Locker Room and procedes to shut the door as Goldberg runs right into the door and Tyson opens the door as Goldberg is laying there out cold:

Tyson Tomko: .... ...


Tenay: Well up next we are going to find out who is going to accept Triple H's challenge

"Child's Play" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: The Following Contest is for the SD World Heavyweight Championship and is scheduled for one fall, first making his way to the ring, weighing in at 248 Pounds, From Louisville, Kentucky, Eugene!!!

Tony: Eugene is going to take up Triple H?

Madden: Well thank god for this. I am going to enjoy this

Tenay: My only guess is Eugene is trying to do this for his Uncle

"Line In the Sand" hits, Crowd Rises to there feet and is mixed

Penser: His opponent, Being accumpied to the ring by Evolution X, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Weighing in at 265 Pounds, He is the Smackdown World Heavyweight Champion, He is the "Game" Triple H

Madden: Here comes E-X

:As E-X is making there way out to the ring, Randy Orton barges out and gets in Triple H's face as both of them have words as Orton then slaps Triple H across the face as Matt Hardy & Matt Walker are both ready to pounce but Triple H tells everyone to stay back and Triple H then tells Orton something as Randy Orton then says something else and Triple H points to the ring as Randy Orton nods his head and walks towards the ring with E-X in pursuit:

Tenay: What is going on?

:Scott Hill walks over and gets a microphone as "Line In the Sand" stops playing:

Scott Hill: This match is now a Tag Team Match as it will be Eugene teaming up with Randy Orton to face Triple H & Matt Hardy Version 1

Tony: Woah

Triple H & Matt Hardy V1 W/Scott Hill, Matt Walker, Ryan Cage, & Jason Walker vs Randy Orton & Eugene
Triple H starts the match off as Randy Orton demands to start off with Triple H as Triple H & Orton get face to face and are jawing with one another and Triple H then slaps Orton across the face and Orton responds with a right hand and Orton then hits a few more backing Triple H into the ropes and Orton then whips The Game off the ropes and Orton hits a big backdrop on Triple H and then a dropkick knocking Triple H down but Matt Hardy comes into the ring  but Eugene comes in and Eugene clotheslines Hardy down and Eugene then starts to fly around the ring like a bird as Matt Hardy & Triple H regroup on the floor when Randy Orton stops Eugene and Orton smiles at Eugene before uppercutting him and Orton then hits the RKO on Eugene. Triple H then rolls back into the ring as The Game delivers a Pedigree on Eugene and covers him for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Triple H & Matt Hardy V1

Penser: Your winners, Triple H & Matt Hardy V1

Tenay: You mean to tell me this was a set up?

:Jason Walker slides in a steel chair while Ryan Cage slides the sledgehammer in as Randy Orton puts the chair around Eugene's ankle when The Hurricane hits the ring but The numbers are too great for The Hurricane is quickly taken down as Maven then hits the ring next and Maven knocks down Ryan Cage and Jason Walker but Randy Orton goes to hit the RKO on Maven but Maven knocks Orton down but Matt Hardy blindsides Maven down as E-X starts to attack him as well:

:Matt Hardy & Matt walker then pick up Maven as Orton smacks him across the face but Booker T & AJ Styles hit the ring but Jason Walker & Ryan Cage cut them off at the pass when "Holding Out for a Hero" hits. Triple H looks at Matt Walker who shakes his head about his song playing when the crowd erupts as panCAKEman emerges out of the crowd streaking his way into the ring as E-X clears out of the ring as Chris Walker is begging for E-X to come back but E-X is saying thats ok considering Chris's naked state. Chris then attempts to check on Maven and Hurricane who quickly get back up as Hurricane checks on Eugene who seems to be injured:

Tenay: Chris "panCAKEman" Walker is back!!!

Tony: panCAKEman has just streaked his way back into KSCWE and he couldnt have done it at a better time

Madden: Damn it

Tony: E-X sure got out of the ring in a hurry

Madden: Would you stay and fight a naked man?

:Backstage: S.C.'s Locker Room

:Christian is shown in the locker room outside the bathroom door with Celine Dion's "The Power of Love" playing:

Christian: The whispers in the morning
Of lovers sleeping tight
Are rolling like thunder now
As I look in your eyes

I hold on to your body
And feel each move you make
Your voice is warm and tender
A love that I could not forsake

'Cause I am your man
And you are my lady
Whenever you reach for me
I'll do all that I can

Lost is how I'm feeling lying in your arms
When the world outside's too
Much to take
That all ends when I'm with you

Even though there may be times
It seems I'm far away
Never wonder where I am
'Cause I am always by your side

We're heading for something
Somewhere I've never been
Sometimes I am frightened
But I'm ready to learn
Of the power of love

The sound of your heart beating
Made it clear
Suddenly the feeling that I can't go on
Is light years away

:Lance Storm & Petey Williams are then shown listening to the door when the door opens as Tyson Tomko walks out and Lance and Petey look rather confused as the door shuts but then Trish Stratus walks out of the bathroom door smiling and pulls Christian into the bathroom:

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown, WCW Heat, & Spiderman 2 on DVD

After The Break:

Tony: Welcome back and boy has tonight's Nitro been shocking

Tenay: E-X running the show, Hurricane upsetting Randy Orton, Christian singing to Trish even though his S.C. mates obviously thought it was Tyson, Edge snapping on Coach T, Eugene going to the hospital thanks to E-X's attack and Chris Walker's shocking return

Tony: And we are set to see The Cheat in action making his WCW Debut

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Numb" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring weighing in at 240 Pounds, From New York, New York, The Cheat

Tenay: The Cheat is a former SCWE Tag Team Champion as well as being a former SCWE RAWCore Champion which he was four times

"I am" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent from Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 202 Pounds, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

Madden: I am getting sick of seeing AJ Styles

AJ Styles vs The Cheat
The bell rings as AJ And the Cheat lock up and The Cheat is first to make a move. He gets AJ into a Sleeper but soon enough AJ gets out of it and he throws the Cheat off the ropes following up with a big knee to the gut of the Cheat. AJ picks him up and he delivers a big Suplex to the Cheat. AJ quickly goes up top and he waits for the Cheat to get up and delivers a diving Spear. AJ makes the first cover of the match, 1.............2...........Cheat kicks out and they both quickly make their way to their feet and The Cheat begins to open up on AJ with lefts and rights and finally knocks AJ down with a huge right. The Cheat picks AJ up and delivers a huge DDT onto AJ and covers, 1...............2...........AJ kicks out and The Cheat quickly gets up and delivers a big legdrop onto AJ. Instead of covering he picks AJ up again and goes for his own suplex but AJ in mid-air reverses and takes Cheat down. He lands in pin formation and hooks the leg, 1............2............The Cheat kicks out. They both get up and the Cheat low blows AJ! The Cheat then nails the Cheaters Downfall onto AJ. He covers, 1...................2...............2.9..............AJ kicks out and everybody is suprised. The Cheat picks AJ up again and he goes for another one but AJ backs away and the Cheat falls down. AJ then delivers a German Facebuster. He picks the Cheat up again and he sets him on the turnbuckle and then he delivers a Hurricanranna from the turnbuckle all the way down to the ground!! Both men are motionless now for a little while as AJ starts to get up. He does and he waits for the Cheat to get up. He does and then AJ grabs the Cheat and delivers the Styles Clash!! He covers for the 1...............2.............3.
Winner: AJ Styles

Penser: Your winner, AJ Styles

Tony: A big win for AJ Styles over the Cheat

Tenay: The Cheat gave it his all but AJ was too much for him

Final Commercial ad for Spiderman 2, Aladdin, Day After Tomarrow

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 9:05 PM

Tony: Well its time for our Main Event

Tenay: This match is going to a lumberjack match for the Vacant Tag Team titles which were last held by Matt Walker and Test but with Matt Walker going to SCWE, Eric Bischoff held the titles up

Penser: The Main Event of Nitro is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Tag Team Championships and will be a Special Referee Lumberjack match

"Line in the Sand" hits, Crowd Rises to there feet and boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, The Lumberjacks, Evolution X

Tenay: Well here comes Evolution X

Tony: Triple H, Scott Hill, Matt Hardy, Ryan Cage, Jason Walker, and Randy Orton are all coming out here

Madden: Does this mean Randy Orton is back in E-X?

Tenay: I don't know

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, being accumpied by Trish Stratus and Tyson Tomko, weighing in at a combined weight of 515 Pounds, From Toronto, Canada, Representing the S.C., The Team of Test and Christian!!

Madden: Here comes the S.C.

Tenay: Why is Trish and Tyson out here?

Tony: Um guys they are coming this way

:Trish Stratus & Tyson Tomko go over to the announce table and Tyson removes Tenay and Tony from there seats as Trish sits down and puts on a head set as does Tyson:

Trish Stratus: Finally the Real A Team

Madden: Welcome Trish and Tyson

Trish Stratus: Mark its a pleasure to be out here with you calling this match

Tyson Tomko: ... .. ..

:Lance Storm, Edge, & Petey Williams come down to the ring and stand next to the ring apparantly as lumberjacks as well:

Madden: I guess Lance, Edge, and Petey are lumberjacks as well?

Trish Stratus: That would be correct Mark and um Mark, my face is right here

Tyson Tomko: .... .. ... ....!!!!!!!!!

Trish Stratus: It okay Tyson, he didn't know any better

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Now the Special Guest Referee from Right here in Pittsburgh, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

Trish Stratus: You know I used to not like Matt but I have changed that opionion of him now though because he is really a great guy

Tyson Tomko: . .....

Madden: Well the people here are giving him a great ovation

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Finally, Making there way to the ring, weighing in at a combined weight of 415 Pounds, The Team of Do or Die and Mikey G

Tyson Tomko: . .... ..... ....

Trish Stratus: I do too

WCW Tag Team Championship: Lumberjack Match: Christian & Test vs Do or Die & Mikey G; Special Referee: Matt Walker
Mikey G starts the match off with Christian as Matt Walker goes over and checks Mikey's boots for weapons and while he is doing that, Christian attacks Mikey. Christian shoves Mikey back into the corner and Christian starts to kick away at Mikey but Mikey fights back and shoves Christian in the corner where Mikey pounds away at Christian until Matt Walker pulls Mikey back and warns him as Mikey G looks pissed knowing he can't touch Walker. Mikey though does have some words with Matt Walker as Christian gets back up and attacks Mikey from behind knocking him down. Christian then pounds away at Mikey as Christian gets off as Matt Walker tells Christian to watch the fists but Test then comes in the ring and Test drops a big elbow on Mikey G. Test then picks up Mikey and whips him into the corner where Test hits a charging clothesline on him and Christian follows it up with a clothesline of his own to Mikey in the corner. Mikey falls down in the corner as Christian then drives his boot into the throat of Mikey as Do or Die then comes in and pulls Christian off but Matt Walker quickly gets Die back. Christian then picks up Mikey G and throws hims outside to the floor where Lance Storm, Edge, & Petey Williams put the boots to Mikey G. Lance and petey pick up Mikey as Edge then hits a spear on Mikey G as Do or Die then goes down and Die knocks down Storm and Petey but Randy Orton attacks Die from behind as the rest of E-X looks on as Storm & Edge roll Mikey G back into the ring as Petey & Orton double team Die on the floor. In the ring, Matt Walker gets his guitar and smashes it over Mikey G's head as Mikey starts to get up and Christian then covers Mikey as Matt Walker counts the 1---2--3.
Winners: Christian & Test(WCW Tag)

Penser: Your winners and New WCW Tag Team Champions, Christian & Test

Trish Stratus: My baby did it

Tyson Tomko: ...!!!

Trish Stratus: Well Mark its been fun

:Trish & Tyson leave the announce table and get into the ring:

:Do or Die is rolled into the ring as Matt Walker delivers the Pittfall on Die as Evolution X stands in the ring along with the S.C.:

Madden: Well we hope you enjoyed WCW Monday Nitro because what a Nitro it has been an...

"I'm Back" hits over the PA as Eric Bischoff walks out to the entry with microphone in hand

Eric Bischoff: I hope you enjoyed yourself tonight boys because I have done some looking into my contract and according to it. I have full control over WCW meaning as of next week. No More Evolution X and Scott that also means no more you because if you show up with any of your boys then I will sue the pants off of KSCWE because you will be creating a unsafe working environment for myself and my pregnant wife and as far as the S.C. and Randy Orton goes....See you guys next week because I got some great ideas for you guys.

"I'm Back" hits as E-X looks pissed while Orton and the S.C. got a stunned look on there face

:Nitro Goes off the Air:

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