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Nitro : Nitro 12/6/04
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/7/2006 9:06 PM

Results 12/06/04 Live From Detroit, Michigan

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Bret Hart defeated Dark Matter

Dark Match #2: Chris Corruption defeated Chris Benoit

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro opens up with The Nitro Girls Dancing:

Tony: Welcome once again to WCW Monday Nitro

Tenay: It's great to be here tonight from Detroit where tonight we are going to see WCW World Heavyweight Champion Maven facing off against the very man he beat for that title Christian in a Non-Title Match

Madden: Plus we got Kane taking on Test!!!

Tony: Eric Bischoff is back in charge of WCW and is here tonight and is expected to have a few announcements so without further ado lets send it back to our GM Eric Bischoff

:Backstage: Eric's Office:

Eric Bischoff: Hello and its great to be home(Crowd Cheers). Now I must say that I would much rather be out live in the arena but right now I do not want to leave my wife's side but...I do have a few announcements concering the pay per view after Armageddon and thats the Royal Rumble. Now it has come to my attention that Smackdown! has already announced the first five names to there rumble as well as the first five diva's for the joint rumble which is why I am prepared to announce the first ten entrants as well as the first five WCW Diva's. Now without further ado. The First five diva's for WCW are....Stephanie McMahon, Torrie Wilson, Tara Rayge, Nidia, and Sunny. Please keep in mind that the losers of the Jackie Gayda/Scarlett Armageddon and Dawn Marie/Trish Stratus Armageddon matches will more then likely be added to the list. Now the first ten WCW Entrants into the WCW Royal Rumble are.....Test, The Hurricane, Chris Walker, Booker T, John Bradshaw Layfield, Shantell Angle, Jamie Noble, Rico, AJ Styles, and Edge. Now that I got that out of the way enjoy the show.


Tony: How about those names for the Royal Rumble

Tenay: Well the Royal Rumble is already shaping up to be a great pay per view

Penser: The Opening Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Jamie Noble Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, The team of Nidia and the WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Jamie Noble

Madden: Here comes Jamie and Nidia

"Figure 09" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: There opponents, 1st from Chicago, Illinois weighing in at 215 Pounds, Damien Rage

Tenay: Damien Rage making his return to WCW and is a former WCW TV Champion

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His partner being accumpied to the ring by Twister X, From London, England, Scarlett

Tony: Scarlett made her debut with a big win over Trish Morris despite Trish Stratus trying to cost Scarlett the match

Tenay: Scarlett is going to face Jackie Gayda at Armageddon in a #1 Contender's Match for the WCW Women's Title

Jamie Noble & Nidia vs Damien Rage & Scarlett W/Twister X
Noble & Nidia attack Rage & Scarlett coming into the ring and Nidia throws Scarlett through the ropes to the floor while Noble whips Damien into the corner and Noble charges in and hits a big clothesline and then a bulldog. Jamie then picks up Damien and slams him down hard on the mat and Noble then drops a jumping a knee into the face of Damien Rage who tries to get up as Jamie Noble kicks him several times in the ribs. Damien Rage gets into the ropes as Jamie kicks him several times in the ribs but referee Andy Thomas pulls Noble back but Jamie charges in anyway but gets nailed with a spear by Damien Rage. Rage then pounds away at Noble but Nidia comes in the ring and grabs Damien by the hair as Damien shoves Nidia down, Damien then goes back to pick up Jamie but Jamie lowblows Damien Rage and then rolls him up with a small package for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Jamie Noble then catches Damien with a clothesline as both men got back up. Jamie Noble then grabs Damien Rage and starts to go for the Trailor Hitch but Scarlett comes in and delivers a DDT on Noble causing Nidia to re-enter the ring and Nidia spears down Scarlett and attacks her. Nidia gets knocked off by Scarlett who gets back up but Noble attacks Scarlett knocking her down causing Twister X to get into the ring and Twister X knocks down Noble with a big right hand causing a DQ as Jamie and Nidia roll out to the floor.
Winners: Jamie Noble & Nidia by DQ

Penser: Your winners by DQ, Jamie Noble & Nidia

Tony: Jamie Noble and Nidia get the DQ win thanks to Twister X intrefering trying to defend Scarlett

:Damien Rage and Twister X are having words about Twister costing them the match and Damien starts to walk away but turns around and sucker punches Twister down before leaving as Scarlett checks on Twister:

Madden: I like this Damien Rage though, Twister X cost them the match and Damien showed Twister what he thought of him


:The S.C. is shown is coming out of Do or Die's Locker Room as a camera crew rushes in there to find Do or Die laid out in a pool of blood:

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown, WCW Heat, & WCW/SCWE Armageddon

After The Break:

Tony: Welcome back and we have learned that paramedics are tending to Do or Die who was apparantly jumped inside his locker room by the S.C.

Tenay: Do or Die as everyone knows was going to be on Kane's Team at Armageddon but from what we have heard is now out

Madden: Thats too bad isn't it

Tony: Well since we have a moment since the Randy Orton/Do or Die match is not going to take place lets run down the Heat Card this week

Tenay: You are going to see The Hurricane in action taking on S.C. member Lance Storm

Madden: Tara Rayge defends her newly won WCW Women's Hardcore Title against Sunny

Tony: Chris Walker returns to action as he takes on The Cheat

Tenay: In the main event its going to be Torrie Wilson taking on Stephanie McMahon

Tony: You can see all that on Heat this Wednesday Night plus we have learned the Armageddon Card is now finalized as well

Tenay: The WCW World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line when Maven defends against Randy Orton

Tony: War Games occures when Kane captains a team of The Hurricane, Mikey G, and we have just learned Chris Walker against The S.C. led by Christian and also consisting of Test, Edge, and Lance Storm and the winning captain gets a WCW World Title Shot at The Royal Rumble

Madden: The WCW Women's Championship is on the line when Trish Stratus defends against te returning Dawn Marie plus JBL defends the WCW US Title against Booker T, AJ STyles, and WCW TV Champion Shantell Angle in a Fatal Four Way

Tenay: Jamie Noble defends the WCW Cruiserweight Title against Rico and Petey Williams in the first ever Ultimate X match plus Jackie Gayda faces Scarlett in a #1 Contender's Match for the WCW Women's Title where the winner gets a Title Shot at the Royal Rumble

Tony: A WCW Women's Hardcore Championship Battle Royal will occur as well as a #1 Contender WCW TV Title Battle Royal

Brief Ad for Dawn Marie's Return Airs:

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 9:06 PM

Tony: Well its time to see a little preview for Armageddon when two of the three participants in the Ultimate X Match square off

Tenay: This is going to be a great match I think

Madden: I hope Petey takes out Rico tonight

Penser: The following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"O Canada" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Windsor Ontario, Canada weighing in at 179 Pounds, Representing The S.C., Petey Williams

Madden: I like this Petey Williams

"You Look So Good To Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 228 Pounds, Rico

Tenay: Here comes the flamboyant Rico

Rico vs Petey Williams
Rico starts off doing a striper like dance and he tell Petey he is the hottest guy he hasever seen. Petey laughs then runs and knocks Rico down with a huge right hand. Petey then says that he doesn't care what Rico thinks and then Petey starts to lay the boots to Rico. Petey then picks Rico up and whips him off the ropes and he hits Rico with a big clothesline. Petey then laughs a little bit more then he picks Rico up and sets him up for a Invertebreaker but Rico wiggles out and gets behind Petey and slaps his ass. Petey has a disgusted look on his face as he tunrs around and Rico kisses him. Petey then throws Rico down and almost vomits. Petey then tunrs around and gets hit with a Roundhouse Kick. Rico then sits on top of Petey and starts to rub back and forth. Petey throws Rico off of him and rolls out to the floor. The ref starts the count but Petey stays out there. 1...2..3...4..5... Petey jumps back onto the apron. Petey climbs back in and Rico runs at him but Petey hits him with a couple of right hands. Petey then goes up top and Rico gets up and Petey hits him with a Dropkick. petey then covers Rico for the 1...2...2.5. Rico kicks out. Petey argues with the ref a bit then he picks Rico back up and goes to hit him with a big right hand but Rico ducks it and hits Petey with another Roundhouse Kick. Rico then starts to do some gay taunts to Petey who then gets up and goes to hit Rico but misses and hits the ref. Rico looks shocked as Petey hits him with a big right hand. Petey then picks Ric oup but Rico kicks Petey in the gut. Just then Jamie Noble comes running out as Petey grabs Rico from behind. Jamie goes to hit Rico with his belt but Rico ducks and Jamie hits Petey. Then Rico hits Jamie with a Spinning Kick and Jamie hits the mat and rolls out to the floor. The ref comes two and Rico pins Petey for the 1...2..3.
Winner: Rico

Penser: Your winner, Rico

Tenay: Rico just beat Petey!!!

Madden: No this was not right, Jamie Noble accidently hit Petey

Tony: Was it really an accident?

Tenay: Either way, Rico just beat Petey Williams


:Randy Orton & Stephanie McMahon are shown exiting Maven & Jackie's Locker Room:


Tenay: What is Randy Orton and Stephanie doing coming out of Maven and Jackie's Locker Room?

Madden: Maybe they wanted to wish them luck tonight

Tony: For some odd reason, I strongly Doubt that

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Boo's as The White Limo pulls out

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall, 1st making there way to the ring, The team of Jerome Morris, The WCW Televison Champion Shantell Angle, and the WCW United States Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield

Madden: Wow Jerome and Shantell got to ride in the limo with JBL

Tenay: Trish Morris is not here tonight because she recently found out that she was pregnant and congratulations go out to Jerome and Trish for that news

"Can You Dig It" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, The Team of Shelton Benjamin, AJ Styles, and Booker T!!!

Tony: This is going to be a great match I think

JBL, Shantell Angle, & Jerome Morris vs Booker T, AJ Styles, & Shelton Benjamin
JBL starts the match off with AJ Styles as JBL tells AJ he should just go back to CCW where belongs and JBL turns around as AJ then dropkicks JBL in the gut in the back knocking JBL into Shantell. JBL turns around and AJ delivers a leg kick to the face of JBL knocking him down. AJ Styles then kicks JBL in the gut and AJ goes to whip JBL off the ropes but JBL reverses and sends AJ off the ropes and JBL connects with a big boot taking down AJ. JBL then goes to pick up AJ but AJ hits a uppercut to JBL and AJ Then delivers a DDT putting down JBL. AJ Styles then makes the tag out to Booker T who comes in as JBL tags out to Jerome Morris. Jerome comes in but Booker T meets him with a side kcik to the face. Booker T then opens up on JErome with right hands and Booker whips Jerome off the ropes and Booker hits a big backdrop on Jerome. Booker T then waits as Jerome gets back up and Booker kicks him in the gut and Booker bounces off the ropes and goes for the Ax kick but Jerome moves and Jerome then grabs Booker and trips him down and is going for the Liontamer but booker kicks Jerome back down to the mat. Booker T and Jerome both get up and Booker T delivers a huge chop to Jerome backing him up into the ropes Booker T then goes to whip Jerome off the ropes again but Jerome ends up kicking Booker south of hte border, Jerome then grabs Booker and goes for the Thrillseeker on him but Booker elbow's Jerome in the head and Booker T then grabs Jerome and hits the Book End on him. JBL comes into the ring and hits a clothesline from hell out o nowhere on Booker T. This causes AJ to come off the top rope taking down JBL. Shelton Benjamin tags himself in and comes into the ring and waits for Jerome to get up but Shantell Angle comes in and hits a babewatch slam on Shelton Benjamin before getting pulled out ot the floor by Booker T. Jerome Morris though puts one arm over top of Shelton for the 1---2--3.
Winners: JBL, Shantell Angle, Jerome Morris

Penser: Your winners, JBL, Shantelll Angle, & Jerome Morris

Tony: All hell broke loose here but Jerome Morris was able to cover Shelton for the win

:JBL, Booker T, AJ Styles, & Shantell are all going at it on the floor as referee's rush out to seperate the four:

Tenay: These four want at each other in the worst way and its all about JBL's US Title

Commercial Ad for WCW Heat, Spiderman 2 on DVD, & Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3

After The break:

Tony: Welcome back but we have to go backstage right now because something is going on


:Sean Morley & Maven are shown talking as Jackie Gayda is sitting on a bench with a ice pack on her neck:

Sean Morley: Don't worry, we are going to get to the bottom of this

Maven: Orton is a dead man. I dont' care what I have to do but tonight Orton is going to pay

Sean Morley: I would rather you wait and let me and Eric handle this

Maven: He and his whore put there hands on my fiance and I am going to let it go? I don't think so.

:Maven then goes back over and checks on Jackie as Sean Morley leaves the office:

:Parking Lot:

:Randy Orton & Stephanie McMahon are shown running towards there car:


Tony: We know that Randy and Stephanie obviously attacked Jackie Gayda

Tenay: I just recieved word that Former RAW GM and CCW GM, Brandon has arrived here

Madden: Brandon is here. Did somebody tell him this is WCW

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"This is a Test" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied to the ring by Tyson Tomko, Represneting The S.C., He is one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 280 Pounds, Test

Madden: Test is going to destroy Kane again

:Fire Explodes as "Slow Chemical" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, weighing in at 328 Pounds, Kane

Tenay: Kane the S.C. have been at odds for some time now

Test W/Tyson Tomko vs Kane
Kane and Test start off walking around and eyeing each other up. Kane stops and just stands there. Test hits Kane in the face with a huge right hand. Kane stumbles a bit then stops and just laughs. Test looks a little worried and Kane charges at him. Kane goes to grab Test but Test ducks under his hands and grabs Kane and hits him with a huge clothesline. Test then picks Kane up and hits a Pumphandle Slam on Kane. Test then starts to lay the boots on Kane. Test then goes to cover but Kane grabs him and throws him off. Kane gets up and walks toward Test. Test runs at him but Kane grabs him and goes to hit a Chokeslam but Test kicks Kane in the stomach a number of times and Kane finally lets go. Test retreats to the corner as Kane is coming closer at him. Test then drops to the mat and rolls out to the floor. Test walks to Tyson as they seem to be discussing something as Kane is just standing in the ring looking at Test. The ref starts the count 1....2...3. Test climbs back onto the apron. Test then gets in and starts talking to Kane. Kane seems unamused as Test then goes to hit Kane but Kane ducks and Test hits the ref. Tyson then comes into the ring as Test goes and grabs a chair from outside. Tyson hits Kane with a Bike Kick and starts to hit him with huge right hands. Kane then grabs Tyson and hits a Powerbomb on him. Test comes back in as Tyson rolls out to the floor. Test then hits Kane right over the head with the chair and Kane falls to the mat. Test then hits kane in the stomach with the chair a couple of more times. Test then picks Kane up and hits him with a Big Boot. Tyson then comes back in and he picks Kane up and hits him with a huge Powerbomb. Test and Tyson both laugh as Test covers Kane and Tyso nwakes the ref up. The ref counts the 1...2..2.5. Kane throws Test off of him. Test and Tyson are looking at each other dumbfounded. Tyson the goes to hit Kane with another Bike Kick but Kane moves and chokeslams Tyson. The ref then goes to signal fr the bell but stops since tyson never hit Kane while the ref was awake. Test looks around the ring and then climbs to the top rope. Test then screams big Red REtard at Kane. Kane just starts to walk at Test as test jumps off and hits Kane with a big dropkick. Test then quickly covers for a 1...1.7. Kane kicks out. Kane then sits up as Test signals something to Tyson. Test distracts the ref by going for the chair and Tyson comes into the ring and tries to keep Kane down. Kane then throws Tyson off of him and charges at Test. Test ducks under Kane's huge right hand and Kane knocks the ref out this time. Tyson then hits Kane from behind as Kane just looks at him. Then Test hits Kane from behind. Kane then looks at Test and then both men start hitting him. Test and Tyson start laying the boots into Kane. Then Test goes to get the chair again as Tyson keeps stomping away. Kane then grabs Tyson's leg and throws him and he almost hits Test. Test then goes to hit Kane with the chair but Kane grabs it and throws it out of the ring. Just then Christian starts to run out to the ring. Kane starts to hit Test with right hand after right hand but Christian seeing his opprotunity hits an Unprettier on Kane. Then Christian tells Tyson something nd Tyso npicks Kane back up and hits a Powerbomb on him. Then Test picks Kane up and Test hits a Big Boot on him. Then Test picks Kane up again and hits a Test Drive on him. Christian and Tyson go over to the ref as Test puts his foot on Kane. The ref comes two and counts the 1...2..2.9. Kane kicks out again. All three men look at each other very worried, but Christian then hits the ref from behind. Christian then signals to the back. Trish comes running to the ring with the tag titles. She Christian and Test tell Tyso nto keep Kane busy as they go get the titles. Tyso ngets on top of Kane and starts to punch Kane. Kane then throws Tyson off of him. Kane then starts stomping away on Tyson. Trish hands the titles to Test and Christian. Test goes back to the ring as Christian kisses Trish and runs back to. Test gets in the ring and Kane turns around and Test hits Kane with the belt. Then Chritsian comes in and hits Kane with the belt. Kane is busted open as Test covers him. Trish wakes the ref up and he counts the 1..2..3.
Winner: Test

Penser: Your winner, Test

Tenay: Test gets the win but not without alot of help here

Tony: Kane really impressed me and if the numbers game wasnt in Test's advantage

Madden: Excuses, Test was going to win no matter what

:Parking Lot:

:Maven & Jackie Gayda are shown leaving the arena as Coach approaches them:

Coach: Maven where are you going considering you and Jackie both got matches tonight

Maven: We are going after that piece of trash and his slut girlfriend

:Maven gets in the car and slams the door as the car then speeds off:


Tony: Well Maven vs Christian and Trish Stratus vs Jackie Gayda is not going to happen now thanks to them leaving the arena and Eric Bischoff has apparantly made this decision so I guess the next match is the Main Event of the evening

Penser: The Main Event of Nitro is scheduled for one fall

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Represneting The S.C. from Toronto, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, Edge

Madden: Here comes Edge

"St. Anger" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From The Bronx, New York weighing in at 200 Pounds, Mikey G

Tenay: Here comes Mikey G

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 9:07 PM
Edge vs Mikey G
The bell rings as Mikey G begins to open up on Edge with a few powerful right hands and then he whips Edge off the ropes and follows up with a big knee to the chest. Mikey quickly picks Edge up and he goes for a Suplex but Edge reverses it into a pinfall and he hooks the leg 1-----------2--------kickout by Mikey G. Edge is in control now and Edge delivers a German Suplex. He climbs up top and waits for Mikey to get up and he attempts at a diving Spear, but Mikey moves just in time as Edge goes crashing into the match. Mikey gets up a little shaky but he delivers a big shot to the head of Edge knocking him back down. Mikey locks in the Sharpshooter as Edge screams and looks like he is going to tap out but he somehow makes his way towards the ropes and grabs them and Mikey is forced to break the hold. Mikey waits for Edge to get up and as he does he goes for the 3 handled Cradenza but Edge reverses it into another type of Suplex and he pins Mikey's shoulders down 1-------------2----------Mikey kicks out again and they are both back to their feet quickly and Mikey locks Edge in a Sleeper hold. Edge elbows Mikey in the chest and breaks out of the hold and then Edge throws himself off the ropes and delivers a big Spear to Mikey G! Instead of covering Edge picks him up and goes for the Edgecution but Mikey stays up and Edge hits the ground and Mikey G rolls Edge up 1-----------2--------2.9---------Edge just kicks out. Edge gets up and goes to Spear Mikey again but Mikey moves out of the way and Edge is about to fall but he keeps himself up and Mikey tries to Spear Edge himself but Edge kicks him in the gut and delivers the Edgeacution in the center of the ring and covers Mikey 1----------2---------3.
Winner: Edge

Penser: Your winner, Edge

Tenay: Edge scores the shocking win here over Mikey G

Madden: Mikey G has lost a few steps so this is no upset.

:The Entire S.C. makes there way to the ring and all start to attack Mikey G until the Hurricane hits the ring. The Hurricane takes down Petey Williams and Lance Storm but Test takes out Hurricane with a big boot but then Chris Walker hits the ring and Chris Walker knocks down Edge and then Test as pyro explodes as Kane makes his way to the ring and Kane clears house on the S.C. as Kane delivers a chokeslam to Petey Williams and Lance Storm and then Edge as Christian, Test, Trish, & Tyson bail out of the ring and into the entry way as Kane, Hurricane, & Chris Walker check on Mikey G as....

:Nitro Goes off the Air: