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Nitro : Nitro 12/20/04
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/7/2006 9:28 PM

Results 12/20/04 Live From Boston, Massachusetts

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: None

Dark Match #2: None

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro opens up with The Nitro Girls Dancing:

Tony: Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro!!

Tenay: We are just 24 hours removed from a great night of action at Armageddon

Madden: It was great but tonight should be even better guys because its the final Nitro of 2004!!!

Tony: That it is and tonight you are going to se...

"Real American" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts in the arena

Tenay: It's Hulk Hogan!!

Madden: Oh god

Penser: Please welcome the Sheriff of WCW, HULK HOGAN

Tony: Hulk Hogan made his shocking return to KSCWE last night and making the S.C.'s night a living hell

:Hulk Hogan gets in the ring and does a few taunts and rips off his shirt before getting a microphone:

Hulk Hogan: Hello Hulkamaniacs(Crowd breaks out into a Hogan Rules Chants). Thank You for that great reception but you know something Maniacs let me tell you why I am here. I was sitting at home watching WCW lately and I have noticed how the S.C.'s numbers continue to grow and how the S.C. continues to rule WCW and that is something that I can not stand for anymore. They run down America and none of WCW seems to be able to stand up to them so you know what brother, Hulkamania will Stand up to them(Crowd Goes Nuts). That's right S.C., Whatcha Goin Do when Hulkamania Runs WILD ON YOU and that night is not going to be next week or the week after that night starts tonight because Eric Bischoff has put me in charge of running WCW so tonight's show is going to be slightly altered a bit but tonight is going to be a night to remember. I promise you that

"Real American" hits as Hulk does a few poses before leaving:

Tenay: Hulk Hogan is running Nitro tonight!!

Madden: Damn it DAMN IT DAMN IT

:Backstage: S.C.'s Locker Room

Christian: Can you belive the nerve of that guy

Trish Stratus: I know...He should just roll over and die

Christian: Yeah well we will worry about him later because right now my fellow Canadians we must address everything that has been going on. We have lost Petey Williams and Edge for different reasons, Petey for being a little jackass and Edge getting hurt but....Tara Rayge we would like to welcome you officially into the S.C.

:Tara smiles:

Christian: Now I don't know where Test is and honestly who cares because if he doesn't show up for our match tonight, then I got a suitable replacement in my Problem Solver right big guy

Tyson Tomko: ...!!

Christian: Good then and Lance tonight you have to go out there and take out that Big Red Freak Machine so good luck and Tyson make sure he gets the job done


Tony: Well the S.C. seems ready despite Hogan's promise to make there life a living hell tonight

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall

"Cool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From The Caribbean, weighing in at 243 Pounds, Carlito Caribbean Cool

Madden: Great pick up for WCW

Tenay: Carlito was acquired last night by WCW from SCWE for a Wrestler to be named later and it is a solid pick considering Carlito is a former US Champion already

"Can You Dig It" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 250 Pounds, Booker T

Tony: Here comes Booker T to the ring who came up a little short last night at Armageddon for his quest to become the first ever 4x WCW US Champion

Booker T vs Carlito Caribbean Cool
Carlito attacks Booker T getting into the ring and Carlito rams Booker back into the corner and Carlito delivers several chops to Booker and then spits his apple in the face of Booker T which pisses Booker T off to no end as Booker throws Carlito back into the corner and Booker opens up on Carlito with rights and lefts and Booker whips Carlito out of the corner off the ropes and Booker hits a big backdrop on Carlito. Carlito gets up near the ropes as Booker T hits a big clothesline sending Carlito over the top to the floor. Booker T then goes to go outside after Carlito but referee Andy Thomas stops Booker T.  Carlito is on the floor and grabs something from out his knee pad as he gets back itno the ring and Booker grabs Carlito and delivers a right hand to his head and Booker T whips Carlito off the ropes again and Booker hits a big side kick to the Carlito sending him down. Booker T then waits for Carlito to get up but Carlito swings a slap jack at Booker but Booker ducks and kicks Carlito in the gut and Booker bounces off the ropes and Booker hits the Ax kick on Carlito and does the spin a roonie back up to his feet. Booker T then covers Carlito for a 1---2---2-.8-Carlito gets his foot on the bottom rope. Booker T can't believe it and picks up Carlito but Carlito still has the slap jack and hits Booker in the knee with it before throwing it out to the floor. Carlito then clotheslines Booker's knee taking him down to the mat. Carlito gets back up and stomps away at Booker's leg and Carlito then goes for a Figure 4 but Booker grabs Carlito and gets him with a small package for the 1---2--2.7-kick out. Carlito is upset as Booker tries to get up and Carlito goes to hit Booker but Booker grabs Carlito and hits the Book End on him!! Booker T covers Carlito for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Booker T

Penser: Your winner, Booker T

Tenay: Booker T gets the huge win here tonight over Carlito

Madden: Carlito walked into the Book End and it was his downfall

:After the match, Carlito chopblocks Booker T and starts to work over his leg again until refeere's finally pull him away and they help Booker T to the back:

Tony: Carlito is sore loser here

Madden: He was mad about losing, you gotta love his fire

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WCW Heat, & Friday Night Main Event

After The Break:

Tony: We welcome you back once again and guys our next match is already in the ring ready to go

Tenay: That's right, Jamie Gunz is back after a long time and D-Von Dudley is looking to get on a little singles winning streak here

Jamie Gunz vs D-Von Dudley
Referee Mike Chiota explains the rules and calls for the bell as Jamie Gunz and D-Von Dudley both lock up as Jamie knee's D-Von in the gut and Jamie then whips D-Von off the ropes and Jamie hits a back elbow knocking down D-Von Dudley. Jamie Gunz then opens up on D-Von with a few right hands sending D-Von back against the ropes and Jamie goes to whip D-Von off the ropes but D-Von reverses sending Jamie off the ropes as D-Von puts his head down for a backdrop but Jamie Guns stops and kicks D-Von in the face. Jamie then grabs D-Von and hits the Gunz on him and covers him for a 1---2--2.5-shoulder up. Jamie Gunz then picks up D-Von again but Randy Orton hits the ring and Orton turns Jamie around and Orton hits the RKO on him!!! causing the DQ. Orton then waits as D-Von gets up and Orton hits an RKO on him as well.
Winner: Jamie Gunz by DQ

Penser: Your winner by DQ, Jamie Gunz

Tenay: Randy Orton has just messed up this match

:Orton gets a microphone:

Randy Orton: Tonight was going to be my night. I was supposed to be WCW World Heavyweight Champion but that did not happen. Now do I blame Stephanie? No do I blame E-X? No. I blame this all on WCW

Tony: How is this our fault?

Randy Orton: And until I win my WCW World Title, I am going to make everyone's life a living hell so Mavne bring your little title and get your ass out here now so I can win the damn title like I was supposed to last night

Tenay: Well Maven isn't coming

:Randy Orton goes outside and grabs a fan over the railing and Orton ends up RKOing the fan on the floor.


Tenay: He can't do that!!! He just crossed the line

:Orton goes to grab another fan when "Holding Out for a Hero":

Tenay: That's not Maven's music but that is a Walker's music

:Randy Orton rolls back into the ring as Chris Walker hits the ring and Orton attacks Walker coming in and picks him up and Orton goes for the RKO instantly but Chris Walker ends up hooking Orton's arms and Chris Walker hits the Pittfall on Orton as Orton rolls out to the floor as Stephanie McMahon comes out and checks on him as Chris Walker is yelling for him to get back up and get into the ring:

Tenay: Chris Walker just took out Randy Orton!!

Tony: Chris Walker is really starting to take after Matt if you ask me

Madden: He found a counter to the RKO and more then that a counter to get the RKO into the Pittfall

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits as Chris Walker is still yelling for Orton to come back as Orton and Stephanie retreat up the entry way with Orton screaming at Chris:


:Sean Morley is shown entering Hulk Hogan's Office:


Tenay: Wow guys what a shocker we just saw

Tony: Chris Walker just owned Randy Orton

Madden: Well he caught Orton off guard thats all

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, being accumpied to the ring by Tyson Tomko weighing in at 240 Pounds, From Calgary Alberta, Canada, Representing The S.C., Lance Storm

Madden: Here comes the MVP of Armageddon for The S.C.

Tenay: Lance Storm did get the big win for the S.C. last night

Tony: Notice The S.C. got the numbers game tonight

"Slow Chemical" hits as Pyro explodes

Penser: His opponent weighing in at 328 Pounds, Kane!!

Tenay: Here comes The Monster Kane

:Kane walks half way down to the ring but stops and turns around:

"Real American" hits as The Crowd Goes Nuts

Tenay: Here comes Hulk Hogan out here

Tony: I guess Hulk Hogan is going to be in Kane's corner tonight

Madden: Wait now thats not fair

Kane W/Hulk Hogan vs Lance Storm W/Tyson Tomko
Lance Storm attacks Kane as he is coming over the ropes and Lance is pounding away but Kane shoves Storm down as Lance gets up and goes to hit Kane but Kane hits a big boot to Lance. Kane looks pissed and picks up Lance and whips him hard itno the corner and follows up with a big clothesline on Lance. Kane quickly grabs Storm and delivers a devistating chokeslam on Storm. Tyson Tomko goes to get into the ring but Hogan yanks him off the arpon and Hogan opens up on Tomko with right hands and Hogan then clotheslines Tyson down as Bret Hart hits the ring but walks into a Kane chokeslam as well. Lance Storm struggles back up and kane grabs him again and delivers a second chokeslam and covers Storm for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Kane

Penser: Your winner, Kane

Tenay: Kane just destroyed Lance Storm

Tony: A Pissed off Kane just took out his anger on The S.C.'s Lance Storm

:Hulk Hogan gets back into the ring as "Real American" hits and Hogan poses a little bit for the fans after stopping Kane and Kane ends up joining in as Lance Storm is helped to the back by Bret Hart and Tyson:

Tenay: Hogan promised tonight would be a bad night for the S.C. and by god its a bad night thus far

Madden: This posing is making me sick. I mean he got a "monster" like Kane in there posing for crying out loud


:Sean Morley is shown on a cell phone:

Sean Morley: Don't worry Mr. Bischoff. I have everything under control so take the next few days off

:Sean starts to listen:

Sean Morley: Mr. Bischoff I will inform those superstars about the trade and Mr. Bischoff I know that you are a new daddy and congratulations yet again on that but if you can't make it to Boiling Point for whatever reason, I would be more then happy to take your place.

:Sean listens again:

Sean Morley: Okay thank you Mr. Bischoff and tell Marrisa I said hello.

Commercial Ad for Armageddon Replay-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 9:29 PM

Tony: Welcome back once again

Tenay: Apparantly some trades have been made guys

Madden: I wonder who got traded

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Time To Rock N Roll" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Representing the S.C., She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Tara Rayge and her partner, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Trish Stratus

Madden: The Golden Canadians

Tenay: Trish and Tara both have gold but are facing two divas who want to make a splash in the division

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, 1st from, London, England being led to the ring by Twister X, Scarlett

Tenay: Scarlett came up short at Armageddon against Jackie Gayda but is still a top notch diva here

"Need a Little Time" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her Partner, From Toronto, Canada, Torrie Wilson

Tony: Here comes Torrie Wilson to the ring

Tenay: A former Multi-Time Women's Champion

Trish Stratus & Tara Rayge vs Scarlett & Torrie Wilson W/Twister X
Trish Stratus starts the match off with Torrie as Trish starts to make fun of Torrie for liking The Hurricane and Torrie is not happy and spears down Trish and Torrie starts to open up on Trish with right hands as Tara comes back in and hits Torrie from behind. Tara then whips Torrie off the ropes and Tara goes for a clothesline but Torrie ducks and Torrie comes off the ropes and hits a big Lou Thez Press and opens up on Tara but Trish hits Torrie off. This brings in Scarlett who is quickly stopped by referee Chris Kay. Trish Stratus picks up Torrie and holds her as Tara delivers a few boots to the gut of her and Tara and Trish whip Torrie off the ropes again and Torrie ends up hitting a double clothesline taking them down. Torrie then goes over and tags out to Scarlett who goes up top and Scarlett comes off with a crossboyd taking down both Trish and Tara. Scarlett then gets back up and grabs Tara and throws her through the ropes to the floor and Scarlett goes to pick up Trish but Trish pulls her into the ropes and Tirsh then kicks Scarlett in the back. Trish gets back up and grabs Scarlett and delivers a big clubbing blow to the lower back of her and Trish then backdrops Scarlett. Trish then goes to work on Scarlett's right leg by stomping away at it. Trish then drags Scarlett over towards her own corner and tags out to Tara Rayge who comes in. Tara stomps away at Scarlett's leg and Tara then goes for the Sola-Nero but Scarlett kicks Tara back into the corner and Scarlett starts to crawl away as Tara grabs her foot as Scarlett got closer to Torrie but Scarlett hobles back up and connects with a Enziguri on Tara taking her down. Scarlett then leaps towards the ropes and makes the tag to Torrie Wilson who comes in and Torrie clotheslines Tara down and Torrei knocks Trish off the apron and Torrie then kicks Tara in the gut and hits the Stunner on her. Scarlett then reaches in and tags herself back in and comes into the ring as Torrie is not happy and Torrie and Scarlett have words about the tag as Tara crawls over and tags out to Trish Stratus who comes in and goes to sneak attack Torrie but Scarlett connects with the Scarlett Kiss to Trish as Torrie then knocks Tara over the top with a clothesline as Scarlett covers Trish for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Scarlett & Torrie Wilson

Penser: Your winners, Torrie Wilson & Scarlett!!!

Tenay: Scarlett just pinned the WCW Women's Champion!!!

Tony: This has to be a major upset

Madden: FLUKE

"Hello Ladies" hits over the PA as Sean Morley walks out to the entry way

Sean Morley: Hello Ladies(Ladies Go Nuts). I just wanted to come out here to announce that on Friday Night Main Event per the order of Eric Bischoff. It will be Trish Stratus defending her WCW Women's Championship against...Scarlett(Crowd Cheers).

Tony: Scarlett is getting her title shot now

Sean Morley: Torrie Wilson, Stephanie McMahon, Nidia, and Tara Rayge inside of the Elimination Chamber(Crowd Goes Nuts)

"Hello Ladies" hits as Sean Morley leaves while Trish Stratus throws a fit in the ring

Tony: Scratch that because how about that blockbuster

Madden: That's not fair for Trish

Tenay: An Elimination Chamber for the WCW Women's Title at Friday Night Main Event. Just like the last one. This is going to be great to watch


:Randy Orton is shown on a cell phone:

Randy Orton: Alright Hunter I understand and I do appologize for her actions so if thats what it will take to make things right between us all again then so be it and I will make sure she is there tomarrow night in Chicago.

:Orton hangs the phone up:

Randy Orton: Alright Steph tomarrow night you're going to Smackdown for one night to take your punishment

Stephanie McMahon: But Ran....

Randy Orton: If you want to stay with me then you'll do it. You screwed me out of my destiny and whats worse is now a little streaker boy embarassed me because everyone thinks I am a joke now so do this and let me get refocused and me knowing I have the support of E-X makes things a hell of a lot easier on me

Stephanie McMahon: Fine I'll do it


Madden: Do what?

Tenay: Who knows

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

"Figure09" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st The Challenger, Making his way to the ring, From Chicago, Illionis weighing in at 215 Pounds, Damien Rage

Tenay: Damien Rage is a former TV Champion as well as well as European Champion

"Jamie Noble Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From West Hanover, Virginia weighing in at 200 Pounds, The WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Jamie Noble

Madden: Where is Nidia?

Tenay: Nidia ha been banned from ringside by Hulk Hogan

Tony: Last Night Damien Rage came up short in the TV Title Shot tonight but Jamie Noble did successfully defend his Title against Rico and Petey Williams in the first ever Ulimate X

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Jamie Noble(C) vs Damien Rage
Damien is saying that he will be the new Cruiserweight champ and Noble just laughs at him. Damien then runs at Noble but Noble just moves and pushes Damien into the corner. Noble starts to laugh at him as Damien gets back up and runs at Noble again, and again Noble moves and then shoves Damien into the other corner. Noble then says that Damien will never be good enough to make it in KSCWE and he will be a minor leaguer for life. Damien then gets up and runs at Noble again. Noble goes to move but Damien stops and kicks Noble in the gut and then whips Noble into the corner. Then Damien runs over and climbs up on the turnbuckle and starts to punch Noble in the head as the crowd counts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Damien then jumps off and starts to kick Noble in the gut. Then Damien drags Noble into the middle of the ring and starts to lay the boots into Noble. Damien then goes over to the turnbuckle and climbs up. As Noble gets up, Damien hits him wit ha dropkick. Damien then covers for the 1----2----2.8. Noble kicks out. Damien then picks Noble up but Noble hits Damien in the stomach and throws him into the corner. Then Noble starts to choke Damien with the rope and his boot. The ref warns Noble to break the hold. Noble does and then has some words with the ref. Noble then goes to turn back to Damien and Damien hits him with a big clothesline. Damien then sets Noble up for the Raging Effects but Noble counters it and then hits Damien with a big right hand. Noble then drags Damien into the middle of the ring and gets him in a Trailer Hitch. Damien tries to get to the ropes but Noble keeps him in the middle of the ring. Damien has no choice but to tap out.
Winner: Jamie Noble

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Jamie Noble

Madden: Jamie Noble is still your Champion

Tenay: Jamie Noble has really dominated the Cruiserweight Division and will now head into 2005 as Cruiserweight Champion and also will be entering his 4th Straight Month as Champion

Commercial Ad for Friday Night Main Event-Long Ad

After The Break: 

Tony: Welcome back once again and up next is some great mixed tag action

Tenay: Last Night Randy Orton came up short in large part due to E-X shockingly turning on Orton

Madden: Well tonight is going to fix that but at least Randy gets to take out some anger on Maven and Jackie

Penser: The Following Contest is a Mixed Tag Match and is scheduled for one fall

"I get Around" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st Making There Way to the ring, Stephanie McMahon and The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton!!!

Madden: Here comes WCW's Golden Couple

"Tough Enough Theme" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, 1st making her way to the ring, Jackie Gayda and her partner, The WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Maven

Tenay: Jackie Gayda is going to The Royal Rumble to challenge the WCW Women's Champion where as Maven is set to defend against Christian

Randy Orton & Stephanie McMahon vs Maven & Jackie Gayda
Orton & Stephanie attack Maven and Jackie as they are getting into the ring and Orton and Steph both get Maven & Jackie in a corner and both stomp away at them but Maven & Jackie both reverse opening up on Orton & Steph and Maven then looks at Jackie and Maven whips Orton out and Jackie does the same to Stephanie as Orton & Steph end up colliding. Maven then picks up Orton and throws him outside to the floor as Jackie picks up stephanie and slams her back down and drops a big elbow on her. Jackie then picks up Stephanie but Stephanie pokes Jackie in the face and Steph then picks up Jackie and slams her down. Stephanie then grabs Jackie's leg and goes for a figure 4 leg lock but Jackie kicks Stephanie into the corner and Jackie rolls up Steph coming out for a 1---2--2.5-kick out. Meanwhile on the floor Maven & Orton are now brawling into the crowd and are out of sights of the camera crew. In the ring, Jackie gets back up and Jackie connects with a right hand to Stephanie and Jackie then goes to whip Stephanie off the ropes but Steph reverses sending Jackie off the ropes and Steph puts her head down as Jackie leaps over Steph for a sunset flip and Jackie gets the 1--2--2.5-kick out again. Jackie gets back up and is a little frustrated but Jackie kicks Stephanie in the gut and Jackie goes for a Perfect Plex but Stephanie counters into a small package for the 1---2--2.8-kick out. Jackie and Stephanie both get back up and Stephanie kicks Jackie in the gut and Stephanie goes for the RKO but Jackie ends up turning around and getting Stephanie with a backslide for a 1---2--3.
Winner: Jackie Gayda & Maven

Penser: Your winners, Jackie Gayda & Maven!!

Tony: Jackie Gayda did it again with the backslide!!

Madden: I can't believe her lucky streak

Tenay: Stephanie went for an RKO but Jackie countered into a backslide


:Matt Walker & The Hurricane are shown getting ready as Torrie Wilson tries to motivate them:


Madden: How in the hell is The Hurricane so lucky?

Tenay: He is a good guy I guess

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Television Championship

"Shoot to Thrill" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st the challenger, From Knoxville, Tennessee, weighing in at 241 Pounds, Brandon

Tenay: Brandon won a Over The Top Battle Royal to earn this shot

Tony: The Former RAW GM is also a former European Champion as well as Intercontinental

"Dip It Low" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Her opponent, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 118 Pounds, The WCW Television Champion, Shantell Angle

Tenay: Shantell has been a great TV Champion since she won the title from Mikey G

Madden: She is just a great woman

Tony: These two are rumored to have dated a few years ago before arriving in KSCWE

WCW Television Championship: Shantell Angle(C) vs Brandon
Shantell starts off the match by running at Brandon who then throws her down. Brandon walks over as Shantell is crawling back into the corner begging him not to do anything. Brandon then stops for a second and Shantell gets up and kicks him in the face. Then Shantell jumps on Brandon's back and starts to choke him. Brandon then backs into the corner and Shantell lets go and jumps onto the top rope. Brandon turns around and Shantell connects with a dropkick. Shantell covers for the 1--2--2.1. Brandon throws Shantell off of him. Shantell crawls back to the corner and starts to plead with him, saying that she is sorry. Brandon laughs and then picks her up and whips her into the opposite corner. Brandon then comes running at her and Shantell ducks under him and pushes him into the corner. Shantell then jumps on his back again and starts to punch him in the head. Brandon then grabs Shantell and throws her off of him. Brandon then goes to grab Shantell but she rakes him in the eyes and then smacks him in the face. Brandon gets a real pissed off look and tries to grab Shantell but she runs away and goes out to the ring. Brandon is just waiting for her to come back in as the ref starts the count 1-----2-----3----4. Shantell gets up on the apron. Brandon goes to hit her but the ref stops him and tells Shantell to get into the ring. Once Shantell is back in the ref restarts the match. Brandon goes to grab Shantell but she falls underneath him and low blows him. The ref doesn't see the low blow and Shantell gets up and hits a dropkick on Brandon. Shantell picks Brandon up and whips him into the corner. Shantell then hits a Tornado DDT on Brandon then Shantell covers for the 1---2---2.6. Brandon kicks out. Shantell gets up and starts to kick Brandon. Shantell then goes to get up to the top rope but Brandon gets up and picks her up off of the turnbuckle and then throws her back down onto the ring. Shantell then starts to crawl to the ropes as Brandon grabs her leg and pulls her back to him. Brandon then picks Shantell up and then pushes her back down and laughs a bit. The ref tells Brandon to cut it out as Shantell kicks Brandon in the knee and then pushes him down and laughs at him. Then Shantell gets on top of him and slaps him again. Shantell then gets up and goes to pick up Brandon but Brandon pushes Shantell back off of him. Brandon then shoves Shantell over and locks a Sharpshooter on her. Shantell starts to scream in pain as the ref checks on her. Shantell tells Brandon to please stop and Brandon tells her to kick out. Shantell gets tears in her eyes as the ref tries to tell Brandon to let her go. Brandon is about to when Shantell taps out. Brandon then breaks the hold and celebrates his victory.
Winner: Brandon (WCW TV)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW TV Champion, Brandon

Tenay: We have a new TV Champion!!!

Madden: Brandon should be arrest for being a woman beater!!

Tony: Shantell has been very dominating in the men's divison, she can handle herself but tonight just ran into a Red Hot Brandon

Final Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!-long Preview

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 9:29 PM

Tony: Welcome back once more and we are just about ready for our Main Event

Tenay: The S.C. vs The Hurricane and Chris Walker

"Hello Ladies" hits, Ladies go Nuts as Sean Morley walks out with a mic in hand

Sean Morley: Now I just came out here to announce that at Friday Night Main Event. The WCW World Heavyweight Championship will be defended inside of an Elimination Chamber when Maven defends the WCW World Title against Test, Booker T, Kane, John Bradshaw Layfield, and...Randy Orton. Also at Friday Night Main Event. WCW will announce a few names that will be moving over to SCWE Smackdown! but not until Friday Night Main Event. So enjoy the Main Event and be sure to have a Merry Christmas

"Hello Ladies" hits as Sean Morley heads to the back

Tenay: What a Match for Friday Night Main Event

Madden: Randy Orton is going to bring home the gold

:Backstage: Randy Orton's Locker Room

Randy Orton: YES!!! I am going to finally achieve my destiny

Stephanie McMahon: Randy I really don't want to do the bachelor party for them

Randy Orton: Stephanie you have to. If you don't then E-X is coming for me again and I want them on my side. Triple H is my hero and I don't want him coming for me so you gotta do this and then after wards its over. I will win my WCW World Title and you will regain the WCW Women's Title

Stephanie McMahon: Yeah I guess your right

Randy Orton: Don't worry Steph nothing bad can happen with this. They have given me there word


Tony: Well its time for the Main Event

Tenay: This match is going to be great

Madden: Finally The Hurricane & Chris Walker are going to be put away

Tony: Well I have learned that everyone is banned from ringside meaning No S.C. not even Tyson Tomko and no Torrie Wilson or anyone else

Madden: That's not fair but The S.C. won't need the numbers for this match

Penser: The Main Event of the evening is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Tag Team Championship

"Hero" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Weighing in at a combined weight of 386 Pounds, The Team of The Hurricane and Chris Walker!!

Tenay: Here comes Chris Walker who has been Red Hot and The Hurricane who has been on a roll himself

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: There opponents, Weighing in at a combined weight of 515 Pounds, The WCW Tag Team Champions, Representing the S.C., Test and Christian!!!

Tony: The S.C. won War games last night at Armageddon but we saw a little desention between Christian and Test

Madden: Everything is fine, Trust me

:Christian & Test get into the ring when "Real American" hits as Hulk Hogan walks out to the entry way with a microphone:

Hulk Hogan: Brothers sorry to interupt the start of the match but I just got off the phone with Easy E and he told me that we are going to announce the first name that was traded since he is in this match. So Test pack your bags and exit the ring brother because you're going to SCWE.

:Christian looks pissed and is screaming as Test smiles and backs up and waits for Christian to turn around and Test lays out Christian with a Big Boot and throws the Tag Title belt on Christian as he leaves the ring and flips off Hurricane & Chris Walker:

Tenay: Test is going to SCWE!!

Madden: Why did Test lay out Christian?

Hulk Hogan: Ring the bell dude

WCW Tag Team Championship: Christian(C) vs Chris Walker & The Hurricane
The Hurricane quickly goes and covers Christian for a 1--2--2.9-shoulder up. The Hurricane picks up Christian and whips him off the ropes and The Hurricane hits a big backdrop on Christian. The Hurricane then goes for the Shining Wizard but Christian ducks out of the way and christian gets back up and takes out The Hurricane's leg. Christian then puts The Hurricane's leg in the ropes and jumps on it as Hurricane screams out in pain as Christian picks up The Hurricane and whips him off the ropes but Hurricane tags out to Chris Walker as Christian locks in a Sleeper Hold on him. Chris Walker comes into the ring and is waiting for Christian to break the hold which Christian finally does but turns around into a boot to the gut and Chris Walker sets up Christian and hits the Walkerflip and Chris covers Christian for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Chris Walker & The Hurricane (WCW Tag)

Penser: Your winners and new WCW Tag Team Champions, Chris Walker & The Hurricane!!


Madden: It's not fair, Christian got laid out by Test before the match and it was a handicap match

Tony: It's still a 3 count on the #1 Contender but we are sadly out of time, Do not miss Heat and Merry Christmas from everyone here on Nitro...Good Night

:Nitro Goes off the Air: