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Nitro : Nitro 12/27/04
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/7/2006 9:30 PM

Results 12/27/04 Live From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

:Nitro opens up with an empty arena:

Tony: Welcome to the special Best of 2004 Edition of Nitro. Tonight we are going to show you The 8 Greatest WCW Nitro Matches as voted on by you the fans

Tenay: Next we are going to be back live with you for another great Nitro

Madden: Well lets get this party started

Tony: The first match of tonight's Nitro is from June 14th's Nitro and it is for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Tenay: It was Nitro Roulette and The Wheel determined a Ladder Match which saw Champion AJ Styles defend against Evolution X's Victoria Helmsley

:Footage Is Shown:

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: AJ Styles(C) W/Jenna Banks vs Victoria W/Triple H & Stevie Richards
Referee Charles Robinson is explaining the rules to both AJ Styles & Victoria and Triple H gets on the apron and tells AJ that if he does anything stupid then it will be his ass and AJ starts jawing with Triple H allowing Victoria to deliver a forarm shot to AJ and a few more backing AJ into the ropes and Victoria whips AJ off the ropes and goes for a clothesline but AJ ducks and AJ is about to deliver a right hand to Victoria but stops and Victoria then delivers a boot to the gut of AJ and Victoria delivers a snap suplex to AJ. Victoria then goes to pick up AJ but AJ gets her into a small package but the match is not pinfall. AJ then gets back to his feet with Victoria and AJ tells Victoria to bring it but Victoria flips AJ off and the two lock up with AJ going behind Victoria and AJ knocks Victoria into the corner and AJ then backdrops her. AJ then goes up top but Stevie gets on the apron and AJ kicks Stevie off but Victoria shakes the ropes causing AJ to straddle the top turnbuckle and Victoria then delivers a superplex off the top rope. Victoria and AJ are both slow to get up but Victoria gets up before AJ and Victoria goes to pick up AJ but AJ then grabs Victoria's head and drops down ramming her chin off his head sending Victoria flying back to the mat. AJ gets up and goes up top but Triple H and Stevie are about to get on the apron but AJ then does a Shooting Star Press to the floor taking out Triple H & Stevie Richards. All 3 men are down as Jenna Banks is cheering for AJ to get up but Victoria rolls out to the floor and grabs the ladder and slides it back into the ring but AJ Styles is back up and hits Victoria from behind and AJ throws Victoria int the railing but Triple H and Stevie are both up and Stevie goes to hit AJ but AJ delivers a boot to Stevie's gut and AJ snap suplex's Stevie. AJ though then gets nailed by a monster clothesline from Triple H who picks up AJ Styles and The Game Drops AJ throat first on the railing. Victoria then gets back into the ring and sets up the ladder but does not climb and Victoria stops Triple H's assault on AJ and she tells Hunter to back off telling him she can do it herself and Victoria then picks up AJ and rolls him back into the ring. Victoria then gets on the apron and does the flipover the ropes leg drop on AJ and Victoria does not climb the ladder yet and picks up AJ and Victoria delivers spin around sidewalk slam on Styles. Victoria then starts to climb up the ladder but AJ Styles some how managed to kick the ladder out causing Victoria to come crashing down hard. Triple H is about to get into the ring but Stevie Richards stops Triple H and tells him to back off. Triple H then starts screaming for Victoria to get back up as AJ gets back up. AJ then sets the ladder up and AJ starts to climb up but Victoria gets back up and low blows AJ and Victoria then powerbombs AJ off the ladder. Victoria then starts to climb up again but AJ gets back up and grabs Victoria's leg and Victoria climbs down but AJ catches her coming down with a dropkick  causing the ladder to tip over on top of Victoria. AJ then picks up Victoria and throws her out to the floor and AJ sets the ladder back up and starts to climb but Triple H comes out of nowhere and hits Jenna Banks from behind. Triple H then picks up Jenna and sets her up for a Pedigree which causes AJ to start to climb down but Victoria comes up from behind and delivers a Sledgehammer shot to the back of AJ who is still on the ladder. Victoria then grabs AJ and gets him in position and Victoria delivers a Widow's Peak off the ladder. Triple H lets Jenna go and Victoria grabs the Sledgehammer and delivers a few shots to the gut of AJ Styles before dropping the weapon and climbs up the ladder and unhooks the  Cruiserweight Title.
Winner: Victoria (Cruiserweight)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Victoria

:Footage Ends:

Madden: And that night was great

Tony: Well lets move into our second match which was from August 2nd's Nitro and it was the first ever Musical Chairs

:Footage is shown:

Musical Chairs: Maven vs JBL vs Sara vs Sting vs Charlie Haas vs Ric Flair vs Shayn Flair vs Dawn Marie vs Lana Star vs Stephanie McMahon vs panCAKEman vs Tyson Tomko

All 12 people glare around the ring at each other as the music starts to play and all 12 people circle the 11 chairs 3 times and finally the music stops with all the people diving back for the chairs but Tyson Tomko is left out. Tyson Tomko is not happy but is forced to leave as the music starts to play again with all 11 people getting up and a chair being removed. The Men and Diva's circle the chair 4 times this time and the music stops with the people diving back with JBL being left out and JBL does not take kindly to being eliminated and delivers a cheap shot to Maven as Referee's restrain JBL and Maven gets up as the music plays and the referee removes another chair as JBL is being escorted to the back. Maven is keeping an eye on JBL and they go around 2 times with the music stopping with Shayn Flair and her father both being the last 2 and Ric shoves Shayn down to the mat to get the last chair. Shayn is not happy and has words with her father who Woooo's at her. This leaves 9 people left as the music starts to play and they circle one time and the music stops with Lana Star being left out.  The Music starts to play again with the final 8 and they go around 3 times and the music stops with Charlie Haas being left out. Charlie starts to leave as the music starts to play and the people start to circle but Haas then attacks Sting from behind. Sting fights back and knocks down Haas with a right hand but Ric Flair attacks STing from behind knocking him down as the music stops and Flair jumps back in his seat. Sting is now eliminated as Sting is pissed but police come down and remove Sting from the ring and escort him to the back. The final 6 are now about to start and it is Sara, Maven, Stephanie, Dawn, panCAKEman, & Ric Flair. The 6 people start to move around the ring and Stephanie McMahon is messing with under her shirt and then pulls her bra out much to the crowd's delight as Ric Flair is checking her out from behind and Woooing. The Music stops and the people go back and Ric Flair is standing in front of Stephanie about to sit down when Stephanie flashes Flair(although the camera only see's her back) who is in shock as Stephanie pushes him out of the way and sits down as the crowd is going nuts. Flair is not happy about being eliminated but is forced to go as Stephanie then puts her bra as the music then starts to play again as the final 5 circle the 4 chairs, They circle them 6 times and it stops finally with panCAKEman, Maven, & Steph sitting down and Dawn is about to but Sara grabs Dawn by her pants and rips them right off exposing Dawn in her pink thong. Dawn's instinct is to cover up as Sara knocks her out of the way and sits down. Dawn Marie rolls out of the ring not happy and is trying to cover up and heads to the back. The final 4 are now ready as the music plays once again but as they are going around JBL appears on the Nitrovision outside of Maven's Locker Room where Jackie Gayda is getting ready and JBL smirks as he is about to enter and Maven leaves the ring and heads off to the back as the music stops and Sara, Steph, and panCAKEman sit down. The music plays once again with the final three circling the ring and they do so three times and both Sara and Stephanie are trying to butter up panCAKEman and destract him and the music finally stops with Sara and panCAKEman getting back to the chairs and Steph tried to beat panCAKEman but ends up sitting on his lap and he smiles as Stephanie jumps up kinda disgusted as she is forced to leave to a standing ovation though. The music starts for the final time as panCAKEman and Sara both circle the last chair and they circle 4 times before it stops and Sara beats panCAKEman back to the chair.
Winner: Sara

Penser: Your winner of Musical Chairs, Sara

Charisma Adams: Sara congratulations and next week it will be you taking on the winner of the Jackie Gayda, Trish Stratus, & Shantell Angle Women's Hardcore Title Match

Tenay: Sara will challenge for the Women's Hardcore Title next week live on Nitro

:As Sara is celebrating her win, Kelli Helmsey comes out of the crowd and gets in the ring with a Steel Chair and hits Sara in the back. Kelli then waits for Sara to try and get up and Kelli bashes it over Sara's head busting her wide open and Kelli then is ready to do more damage but Jackie Gayda runs out to the ring to make the save:

:Footage Ends:

Commercial Ad for Friday Night Main Event-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Well the first musical chairs was a great thing in which Sara came out on top

Madden: And Stephanie McMahon gave Ric Flair an eye's full

Tenay: Well Mark our next match is something your going to love because up next we have the Shower Match

Tony: It was Jackie Gayda taking on Stephanie McMahon for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship on November 8th's Nitro which was the first ever Taboo Nitro

Madden: This was a great match

:Footage is shown:

Tony: Welcome back and lets send things backstage to where we are about to witness a Shower Match!!

Madden: A Bra & Panties Paddle on something Shower Match

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship: Jackie Gayda(C) vs Stephanie McMahon
Jackie Gayda and Stephanie McMahon go to shake hands but Stephanie then slaps Jackie across the face and Stephanie then rams Jackie into the back of the shower wall and Stephanie grabs a hold of Jackie's shirt and starts tearing at it trying to get it off but Jackie ends up tripping Stephanie down but Steph gets Jackie's shirt off revealing Jackie's red bra. Jackie though grabs Stephanie's pants as Stephanie is trying to get up and Stephanie is trying to kick Jackie away and Stephanie turns over trying to get Jackie off  and does that and Stephanie starts to get up but Jackie ends up kicking Stephanie hard in the ribs while getting up knocking Stephanie back down and Jackie grabs her shirt and starts to choke Stephanie with it. Jackie Gayda then goes over and turns on the water as she drags Stephanie over near the water and puts her face up itno the foccet as hot water is coming out and Stephanie starts screaming and elbow's Jackie in the gut and Stephanie rams Jackie into the wall. Stephanie then grabs Jackie's pants but Jackie pushes back ramming Stephanie into the side wall and Jackie then moves out of the way and grabs Stephanie and DDT's her on the floor!!! Stephanie is out cold as Jackie Gayda then starts to smile as she grabs Stephanie's shirt and removes it revealing Stephanie's black bra and Jackie Gayda then grabs a hold of her pants and Jackie starts to pull them down as Stephanie starts to wake up but not in time as Jackie has removed Stephanie's pants revealing Stephanie's black pair of panties. Jackie Gayda then goes over and pulls the paddle down from where it was hanging but when she was getting it. Stephanie spears her from behind causing the paddle to go free. Stephanie then goes to get it but Jackie trips Stephanie up causing Stephanie to fall flat on her face and the floor is now slippery as Jackie is having a hard time getting up and Stephanie is crawling after it and nearly reaches it but Jackie grabs a hold of Stephanie's panties and Stephanie keeps crawling as the panties start to come down!! exposing Stephanie's backside!!! Stephanie then ends up kicking back and hitting Jackie in the chest with her foot and Stephanie grabs back and pulls them back up as she grabs the paddle and walks over towards Jackie but Jackie then spears down Stephanie before she can do anything and Jackie opens up on Steph with rights and lefts. Jackie Gayda hten grabs the paddle and waits or Stephanie to get up but Stephanie starts to beg off as Jackie draws closer and Stephanie then backs up into a corner and Jackie continues to come in as Stephanie stands up and Stephanie goes to hit Jackie but Jackie ends up kicking Stephanie in the gut and Jackie bends Stephanie over and Jackie hits Steph in the butt with the paddle for the win.
Winner: Jackie Gayda

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Jackie Gayda

Tenay: The people in the arena loved watching that

Madden: I loved watching that

Tony: Well you the people voted for that match and those ladies produced

:Footage Ends:

Tenay: Well it is just me and Tony for the moment because during the last match, Mark ran off someplace

Tony: Who knows where he went

Tony: Anyway lets not waste anymore time and lets get right into the next match which is from September 13th's Nitro

Tenay: It was the Second Ever and currently the last Musical Chairs

:Footage Airs:

Tony: We will see

Tenay: For the record Sara, Tyson Tomko, and Maven are the only people to take part in the first Musical Chairs

Musical Chairs: Maven vs Jackie Gayda vs William Regal vs Tyson Tomko vs Jamie Noble vs The Rock vs Trish Stratus vs The Hurricane vs Sara vs Shantell Angle vs Oklahoma vs Shane Douglas
The 12 WCW Superstars look around at each other as the music starts to play and the 12 people move around the 11 chairs and they do this for 3 trips until the music suddenly stops and everyone reaches there chairs except for Oklohoma. Oklohoma is not happy but is gone. The Music Starts to play again with 11 people now and immediatly stops with The Rock being left out without a chair. The Rock claps for the 10 finalists as he heads for the back. The Music Starts to play again and the 10 people move around the 9 chairs twice and then it stops with Jamie Noble and Sara going for the final chair but Sara stops Noble and grabs his hands and place them on her breasts and tells him something that causes Jamie to hesistate allowing Sara to sit down in the chair as Jamie Noble is not happy about leaving as Sara laughs and waves as Noble is forced to the back. The final 9 now start to move as the music plays and they are half way around when the music stops and The Hurricane is about to sit down but Tyson Tomko shoves The Hurricane down and then gets the final chair. The Hurricane is not happy but does not fight back and tells Tyson he will pay for his crime against The Hurricane. There are now 8 People as the music plays and they move around the chairs once and the music is still going as they circle the chairs four more times and the music finally stops with everyone racing for the chair but William Regal is left without a chair. William Regal then shakes Tyson's hand and kisses Trish's hand before leaving. This leaves the final 7 as Maven and Jackie are alligned while Tyson and Trish are as well. The Music is playing as Shantell and Sara are having words back and forth as they circle the chairs once and the music stops playing and both ladies go for the final chair but Trish ends up moving it as Shantell was about to sit down and Sara hurries and sits down in it as Shantell then shoves Trish in her chair knocking her causing Tyson to get in Shantell's face as Referee's hurry to restore order and force shantell to the back. This leaves the final 6 now as Shane Douglas and Sara form an alliance as well as they circle the chairs three times and as they are about to do it a forth time Sara trips Jackie Gayda causing Jackie to fall and the music stops and everyone makes it back to there seats as Jackie Gayda is eliminated but Maven is not happy about it and neither is Jackie but Sara tells Jackie its the name of the game. The final 5 get up and move around the chairs one time and are moving around a second time when it suddenly stops and everyone gets back except Tyson and Trish and Tyson is about to sit down but Tyson stops and instead lets Trish sit down meaning Tyson is eliminated. Tyson tells Trish to kick there ass as he leaves. The final 4 is now set with Maven, Shane Douglas, Sara, and Trish Stratus. The final 4 move around the 3  Chairs as Shane Douglas and Maven are having words while Trish and Sara are also having words and the music stops with Shane Douglas being left in the cold after Douglas got into a arguing match with a fan. Shane douglas is not happy and Douglas tries to hit the fan while on his way out but is restrained and forced to the back. The final 3 now start to circle and do so 5 times before the music stops as everyone races back as Maven and Sara reach the chairs first meaing Trish Stratus is eliminated. Trish has words with Maven and Sara before leaving but the final's are set now and both people circle the final chair three times and Sara then tries to flirt with Maven who seems to be taken with it until the music stops and Maven grabs the chair right before Sara could sit down and Maven then moves it to another part of the ring and Maven sits down for the victory as Sara is screaming and Maven is gloating as Jackie joins in the ring to celebrate.
Winner: Maven

Penser: Your winner of Music Chairs #2, Maven

Tenay: Maven is the new Musical Chairs champion

Madden: Wow Maven has done it

:Footage Ends:

Commercial Ad for Friday Night Main Event

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 9:31 PM

Tony: Well we are officially half way home now

Tenay: Now are into the Heavy Hitters so to speak

:Mark Madden comes back with a drink and a tub of popcorn:

Tenay: Where did you go?

Madden: To get something to eat and drink. We are heading into the Main Event portion now

Tenay: Well the next match was from August 30th's Nitro and it was for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tony: Matt Hardy Version 1 faced off against Matt Walker inside the RAWDome

:Footage Airs:

Penser: The Main Event of the evening is Scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Cheers) and will be fought inside the RAWDome(Crowd Goes Nuts)

Tony: This should be a classic

Penser:(Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck hits, Crowd boo's) 1st making his way to the ring, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 210 Pounds, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker

Tony: Matt Walker has a chance to regain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship tonight

Tenay: Matt Walker is no stranger to the RAWDome having defeated DDP in it Febuary 5th of this year

Penser:(Mattitude Countdown Starts into Live For The Moment, Crowd Boo's) His opponent, From Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in at 225 Pounds, Representing Evolution X, The WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Matt Hardy Version 1.0!!!

MattFact: Matt Hardy wrestled in the very first RAWDome

MattFact#2: Matt Hardy and Kelli are the Golden Couple of WCW

Tenay: That first MattFact was correct but what Matt left out was that he did not win and was defeated by Hulk Hogan for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Tony: Will the same thing happen once again?

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: RAWDome: Matt Hardy V1(C) vs Matt Walker
Referee Nick Patrick shows both men the WCW World Heavyweight Championship as The bell sounds. Walker and Hardy are jawing back and forth and Hardy tells Walker he beat his ass last night and Walker then goes for a cheap shot but Hardy blocks and opens up on Walker with right hands backing Walker up into the ropes and hardy then backs up and hits a big clothesline sending Walker over the top to the floor. Matt Hardy then waits and leaps over the top crashing on top of Matt Walker. Hardy pounds away on Waker on the floor and picks up Walker and rams him into the side of the RAWDome. Hardy then slams Walker down hardy on the floor and Hardy gets up on the apron and is about to go for the Mattitude Leg Drop but Walker is able to roll out of the way before Hardy does it. Walker is trying to get up as Hardy gets back on the floor and Hardy kicks Walker in the ribs and rams him face first off the steel steps. Hardy then grabs Walker and throws him head first into the RAWDome as Walker appears to be out of it as Hardy grabs Walker and rolls him back into the ring. Matt Hardy follows Walker in the ring and Hardy picks him up and slams him down near the corner as Hardy goes up and hits the Mattitude Leg Drop. Hardy covers for a 1---2--2.7-shoulder up. Matt Hardy can't believe Walker kicked out and Hardy picks up Walker and this time is about to go for the Twist of Fate but Walker counters into a German Suplex and Walker holds on and gets back up and hits a Second German Suplex and Walker then hits a third German and lets off the move. Both men are down and trying to get up and Hardy starts to get up first but followed by Walker and Hardy goes to hit Walker but Walker delivers a kick below the belt on Hardy and Walker then hits his own Twist of Fate on Hardy!! Walker then locks in the Walls of Walker on Hardy who is screaming out in pain as he tries to get the ropes and Walker sits back as Hardy is doing everything in his power to reach the ropes and finally does and Nick Patrick orders a break but Walker does not break until the ref is about to call for the DQ. Walker then stomps away some more at the lower back of Hardy and picks up Hardy and Walker delivers a snap suplex on Hardy who is riving in pain as Matt Walker feels the match going his way now and Matt Walker picks up Hardy and sets him up in the corner and Walker kicks away at Hardy before putting Hardy up top and Walker climbs up for a super plex but Hardy blocks and Hardy delivers a right hand to the gut of Walker and Hardy then sets up Walker up top for a Twist of Fate but Walker counters and ends up hitting a top rope bridge pin!!! Walker can't hold the pin though once he hits the mat and both men are laid out in the ring as the crowd is chanting Holy Shit. Neither man is moving as Nick Patrick has no choice and starts to count 1-2-3-4-5-6--7-Matt Walker starts to move a bit-8-9-Matt Walker pulls himself back up and Referee Nick Patrick stops counting as Matt Walker then covers Hardy for a 1---2--2.6-shoulder up. Matt Walker can't belive Hardy kicked out and Walker picks up Hardy who is still out of it and Walker goes for the Pittfall but Hardy counters while Walker was setting it up and Hardy hits an Unprettier!! Hardy then covers Walker for a 1---2--2.7-shoulder up. Hardy can't believe it now and Hardy waits for Walker to get up and Hardy grabs Walker and goes for a Side Effect but Walker elbow's Walker in the head and Walker flips around and ends up hitting the Stroke on Hardy. Walker covers Hardy for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Matt Hardy is growing upset and rolls out to the floor and grabs his guitar and brings it into the ring and Walker is about to hit Hardy but Hardy kicks Walker in the gut and grabs him and Hardy hits a Side Effect on Walker. Hardy is slow to cover though but finally throws an arm on Walker for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Matt Hardy gets up and grabs the guitar but while doing this Walker lowblows Hardy and Walker once again goes for the Pittfall but Hardy does a mule kick to the head of Walker and Hardy then grabs Walker while he has his back to Hardy and Hardy goes for and hits a Fate Twister on Walker. Hardy covers Walker for a 1---2--3. Matt Hardy starts to celebrate but Nick Patrick notices Walker's left leg was under the bottom rope and Nick Patrick informs Hardy the match is not over and Hardy is livid and kicks Nick Patrick in the gut and Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on him!!! Hardy then gets up and turns around right into a Guitar shot by Matt Walker. Walker covers Hardy but there is no referee and Matt Walker is pissed and is trying to wake up Nick Patrick but realizes it can't be done so Walker grabs Hardy and throws him outside to the floor and follows him out there, Matt Walker grabs Hardy and rams him into the side of the RAWDome and Walker then grabs Hardy and sets him up for another Twist of Fate but Hardy gets life again and rams Walker into the RAWDome and Hardy and Walker then start brawling it out on the floor. Hardy is rammed back into the side of the ring by Walker and Walker then goes to hit Hardy but Hardy ducks and Hardy kicks Walker in the gut and Hardy delivers a DDT driving Walker head first into the floor. Hardy then picks up Walker and rolls him back into the ring and gets in the ring and checks on Nick Patrick. Nick Patrick starts to come too as Matt Walker is still out. Matt Hardy picks up Walker and goes for another Twist of Fate but Walker was apparantly playing posum and ends up countering the Twist of Fate into the Pittfall. Walker covers Hardy then for the 1--------------2---------------3.
Winner: Matt Walker (WCW World)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Matt Walker

Tenay: What a great match

Madden: Matt Walker is now a two time WCW World Champion

Tony: Matt Hardy went for a Twist of Fate and Walker countered into the Pittfall for the victory in a match of the year canidate if you ask me

Tenay: What a great Nitro we have had tonight and we hope you enjoyed  but we are out of time, Good Night

:Jason & Amy Walker along with Jasmine are helping Matt up who is holding the WCW World Title in the air as Randy Orton, Kelli Helmsley, & Shantell help Matt to the back:

:Footage Ends:

Tony: That was a classic

Tenay: Yeah but what is ironic is that Matt Walker and Matt Hardy are both in Evolution X on SCWE now

Madden: Let's get to the next match, its even better

Tenay: Well the next match was from April 19th's Nitro and it was the first and only time the Nitro Reaction Annihilator was used

Tony: Matt Walker took on The Game Triple H for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

:Footage Airs:

Al Snow: If Walker has a chance, its tonight in his hometown with Triple H's mind on other things

Coach: At least Triple H seems calm now and is even wearing his "Trophy Title"

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Nitro Reaction Annhilator: Triple H(C) vs Matt Walker
Both men are looking above there heads at the area's above them. Triple H and Matt Walker then get face to face and lock up with Triple H quickly overpowering Walker and throwing him down to the mat. Triple H then tells Walker to get his ass back up as Matt Walker does get up and wants to lock up again and when he goes to Walker goes to kick Triple H in the gut but The Game catches his foot and Triple H swings Walker around and then delivers a brutal clothesline folding Walker up. Walker is grabbing his neck as Triple H picks up Walker and whips him off the ropes and Triple H then delivers a high knee taking down Walker. Triple H is laughing as he picks up Walker and sets up Walker already for a Pedigree but Matt Walker backdrops the game and as Triple H gets back up, Matt Walker hits a dropkick taking down The Game, Matt Walker then clotheslines Triple H over the top rope as he gets back up knocking HHH out to the floor. Matt Walker then starts to climb up the rope ladder in the middle of the ring and Triple H gets back up and into the ring as Walker reaches the top and gets on the scaffling and choses to go into the first of four sections and Walker grabs a Guitar and waits for Triple H to get back up but Triple H isn't going up. Matt Walker carries his guitar and gets back on the scaffling and carefully makes his way over to The Section across from the one he was just in and Walker picks up a Sledgehammer and once again makes his way to the scaffling now with a guitar and sledgehammer in his hands. Walker then goes over to the the third section and sets the sledgehammer down as he opens the door but to his shock after the door opens fireworks start going off and Walker ends up knocking the sledgehammer down into the ring and Walker himself almost falls off the scaffling and this gives Triple H the chance to climb up which he does and Walker tries to get back up as he is hanging off and Walker eventually gets back up and on his feet as Triple H reaches the top. Walker then goes over to the the third section and sets the sledgehammer down as he opens the door but to his shock after the door opens fireworks start going off and Walker ends up knocking the sledgehammer down into the ring and Walker himself almost falls off the scaffling and this gives Triple H the chance to climb up which he does and Walker tries to get back up as he is hanging off and Walker eventually gets back up and on his feet as Triple H reaches the top. Walker hurries into The Third section and slams the door shut as Triple H just smiles and opens the fourth section and finds a Stun Gun and Triple H gets a sick look on his face with the Stun Gun and HHH goes out of the section and heads back towards the ladder and starts to climb down as Walker hurries out and attempts to knock HHH off but Triple H tries to stun him with the stun gun causing Walker to back off. Walker then screams something to HHH about Victoria as Walker heads into the third section which causes HHH to drop the stun gun and climb back up and Triple H enters the section as Walker goes to hit him with the guitar but The Game catches Walker with a boot to the stomach and Triple H grabs the guitar and bashes it over Walker's head. Triple H then covers Walker but the ref is still in the ring and that is the only place a pinfall can take place. Triple H then picks up Walker and rams him into the side of the cage and Triple H kicks Walker on the way back and delivers a big spinebuster. Triple H then picks up Walker again and sets him up for a Pedigree but Walker trips Triple H down and then slingshots him into the cage. Walker then catches Triple H in position and delivers The Pittfall as Triple H is out cold. Walker then covers HHH but realizes the same thing that HHH did about the pinfall and Walker then opens the door and starts to drag HHH out but Triple H starts to get back his senses and Walker lets  go of Triple H and is about to climb down but Triple H gets back up and htis Walker from behind causing Walker to nearly fall off but Walker holds on as Triple H starts to climb down and Walker is able to get himself near the ladder and also climbs down with Triple H slightly ahead. Triple H reaches the bottom as Walker is a bit away and Triple H picks up the Stun gun but Walker lets go of the rope ladder and ends up taking out Triple H with a cross body for a 1---2---2.9-shoulder up. Matt Walker then picks up the stun gun but Triple H low blows Walker and Walker ends up throwing the stun gun out of the cage!! Triple H then sets up Walker for the Pedigree but Walker is able to ram Triple H into the corner, Walker then delivers a few shoulder thrusts in the corner, Walker then is able to pick up Triple H and sit him down on the corner and Walker tries to set up Triple H for the Skywalker but as he is doing this Victoria runs down to the ring and somehow has the key to the paddlock and is able to open up the door as Ric Flair & Stevie Richards also enter the cage and both men get into the ring as Victoria switches the padlock locking it from the inside now.  Walker see's Flair and Richards and goes to fight them off and knocks down Richards and then Flair but Victoria picks up the Sledgehammer and hits Walker in the back with it as he falls to his knees as Victoria then drops the weapon and picks up Matt Walker and delivers a Pedigree to him as Flair and Stevie check on Triple H who is pissed and orders that Walker be picked up as Triple H grabs the Sledgehammer and the game delivers a shot to the stomach of Matt Walker and Triple H then delivers a Pedigeree to him. Triple H hooks the leg as Nick Patrick counts the 1---2--3.
Winner: Triple H

Penser: Your winner and Still WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H

Coach: Triple H just got the win

Al Snow: What a Brutal match but how did Evolution X get the keys to the door?

:Evolution X  continues to assault Matt Walker as Shane Douglas and Jasmine come to the ringside area and are trying to get in and Eric Bischoff comes out and is ordering the Nitro Reaction Annihilator to be raised which finally it does and Douglas and Jasmine get in the ring but get greeted rudely as Richards and Flair attack Douglas and Victoria attacks Jasmine getting into the ring and Victoria rams Jasmine shoulder first into the ring post, Triple H meanwhile continues to pound away on Matt Walker until the crowd erupts as Kurt Angle hits the ring and Ric Flair goes to hit him but Angle sprays him in the face with mace and Angle then does the same to Richards and then Victoria and Angle delivers an Angle Slam over the top to Victoria who lands hard on the floor which causes Triple H to snap and attack Angle, Triple H starts to choke Angle and Angle is unable to get him off as Eric calls for security to restrain The Game and it takes several security and referee's to restrain Triple H from Kurt Angle who rolls out to the floor and once he catches his breath tries to get back in the ring but is also restrained:

:Footage ends:

Tony: Well that was truely a crazy match

Madden: And now Matt Walker is a proud member of Triple H's Evolution X

Tenay: Weird things do happen

Tony: Well we got the next big match ready to go already and it was from July 12th's Nitro

Tenay: It saw Marrisa Bischoff challenge Dawn Marie for the WCW Women's Championship inside of a Steel Cage

Tony: What's really amazing is that we found out later on that Marrisa was actually pregnant in this match

:Footage is shown:

Madden: Dawn Marie was the very first Women's Champion in this company and I think she will survive another night with the gold and defeat Marrisa

WCW Women's Championship: Steel Cage: Dawn Marie(C) vs Marrisa Bischoff
Marrisa and Dawn lock up but Marrisa overpowers Dawn, pulling her into a headlock. Dawn uses her strength to elevate Marrisa into a backdrop but Marrisa reverses with a backflip landing on her feet. Marrisa pushes Dawn forward causing her head to bounce off the steal cage. Marrisa comes forward with a viscous clothesline but Dawn ducks and Marrisa flies into the steel cage. Dawn hits a quick swinging neckbreaker on Marrisa. Dawn quick to get the match over sets Marrisa up for the Hallow Horizon version of the STF but Marrisa rolls out of it. Dawn and Marrisa both get to there feet, Dawn goes for the clothesline but Marrisa ducks and does the chick-kick sending Dawn flying to the mat. Marrisa starts to climb the cage but Dawn grabs her legs from underneath her causing her face to bounce off the ropes. Dawn hits a suplex. Dawn showcases her athleticism and flip rolls over mounting Marrisa. Dawn starts with big slaps but Marrisa rolls her into a pin fall using her legs. The referee begins the count but a quick kick out by Dawn forces both girls back to their feet. Marrisa goes for the knockdown but Dawn ducks and pulls her up for the Devine Valley Driver version of the F-5 but Dawn is too close to the ropes and Marrisa clings to the turnbuckle and executes the Sugar & Spice, head scissors takedown off the top of the ropes, sending Dawn across the ring. Marrisa goes for the pin but Dawn kicks Marrisa into backing up against the cage. Dawn rises to her feet and rams her shoulder into Marrisa causing her lower back to clash with the cage. Dawn hits a hard DDT on Marrisa. Dawn looks over at Marrisa with disgust as she walks to the door. but Marrisa refuses to stay down as she drop-kicks Dawn into the turnbuckle unexpectedly. Marrisa picks up dawn in the electric chair drop and nails it with perfection. Dawn lays motionless on the floor and Marrisa climbs the cage. Dawn stops her in her tracks picking her up for the powerbomb but Marrisa quickly reverses with a Marrisacarana. Dawn gets angered by Marrisa's taunting, when Marrisa comes over for the clothesline Dawn ducks and pulls the ropes with her causing Marrisa to fall in the fine space between the ropes and the cage. Dawn sees Marrisa is stuck and walks to the door. Steps on the apron and smells fresh air. Marrisa frees herself and grabs Dawn by the hair before her feet touch. Marrisa forces Dawn back into the ring. She climbs up the turnbuckle and goes for the Light Out Moonsault but Dawn rolls out of the way and Marrisa hits the ring with a thud. Dawn runs and finishes it off with a drop-kick to the face. Dawn starts walking back to the door but Marrisa grabs onto Dawn's leg. Dawn angered grabs Marrisa by the hair and pulls her up off the ground but Marrisa elbows Dawn in the gut and finishes it off with a powerbomb. Marrisa climbs to the top of the cage and Dawn tries to stop her but it's too late, so Dawn starts climbing too. Both divas are on top of the cage lining. Dawn tries to make Marrisa lose balance but Marrisa knocks Dawn all the way back to the ring with a chick kick ensuring the win for Marrisa. Marrisa is about to climb down the cage when she listens to the fans. Marrisa knows she needs to put on a good show for the people, so she does the unbelievable, a Lights Out Moonsault off the top of the cage decimating Dawn Marie in the middle of the ring. Both woman are completely annihilated by the devastating move but Marrisa crawls over and covers Dawn for the pin. The referee drops for the count 1.....2......3
Winner: Marrisa Bischoff (WCW Women's)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW Women's Champion, Marrisa Bischoff


Tenay: Marrisa connected with a Lights Out Moonsault from the top of the cage and just like that we have a new Women's Champion

:Eric Bischoff makes his way to the ring congratulates his wife on her victory as balloons fall from the ceiling and a few of the superstars come out to join in the celebration:

:Footage Ends:

Commercial Ad for Friday Night Main Event-Long Ad

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 9:31 PM

Tony: Well guys we have only one more match left

Tenay: It was voted as the Greatest Nitro Match of 2004. It was from May 17th's Nitro

:Footage Airs:

Coach: The Two Big Wrestlemania Winners colliding Live on Nitro Right now for the Biggest Prize in WCW

Al Snow: Does it get any better

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H(C) W/Victoria vs Matt Walker W/Jasmine
Referee Nick Patrick shows both men the WCW World Title and Triple H tells Walker that is the closest he will ever come to the title and The Game then slaps Walker across the face and Walker responds with a right hand knocking back the Game and Nick Patrick sounds the bell to officially start the match as Walker opens up on Triple H with right hands knocking Triple H back into the ropes and Triple H pokes his head through the ropes causing Nick Patrick to tell Matt Walker to give Triple H a break and Walker does as Triple H then takes a cheap shot knocking down Walker and Triple H starts to smirk as Walker gets back up and Triple H clotheslines Walker down and The Game then gets on top of Walker and starts to open up on him with fists to the top of Walker's head as Nick Patrick finally gets in and tells Triple H to get off and Triple H and Nick Patrick have a few words as Triple H starts to pick up Walker and The Game then scoops up Walker and slams him down hard, Triple H then bounces off the ropes and delivers a big knee to the head of Walker. Triple H then picks up Matt Walker and delivers a suplex to Walker and The Game tells Victoria on the floor that Walker is done and goes to pick up Walker but Walker pokes Triple H in the eyes and Walker delivers a few European Uppercuts to Triple H knocking him back and Walker then dropkicks Triple H in the knee taking down the Game. Matt Walker then goes to work on The Game's right leg and Walker goes for a Figure 4 but Triple H kicks Walker into the corner and Triple H then rolls up Walker for a 1---2--2.7-kick out. Both men get back to there feet and lock up again with Triple H forcefully throwing Walker to the mat. Triple H tells Matt Walker to get back up to his feet and Walker does that but The Game opens up on Walker again and then whips Matt Walker off the ropes and delivers a high knee to the face of Walker. Triple H then picks up Matt Walker off the mat and sets him up for a Pedigree again but Walker backdrops Triple H. Walker then delivers a boot to the gut of Triple H as he gets back up to his feet and Walker goes for a Twist of Fate but Triple H sends Walker into the ropes and Triple H delivers a boot to the stomach of Walker and Triple H then delivers a nasty looking DDT to Walker. Triple H then covers Walker for a 1--2--2.5-kick out. Triple H can't believe it and has words with Nick Patrick and Triple H waits for Walker to get up again but Matt Walker blocks Triple H's right hand attempt and Walker opens up on The Game knocking him into the ropes and Walker clotheslines Triple H over the top to the floor. Walker then leaps over the top rope on to Triple H on the floor. Walker starts to pound away on The Game until Victoria goes near Walker and Jasmine comes over and tries to chase away Victoria but Nick Patrick comes out and seperates the 2 ladies but Stevie Richards hits the ring and attacks Walker from behind and rams him into the guard rail and is pounding away at him until Shane Douglas races down to the ring and chases Stevie Richards through the crowd but as a result of this Triple H is able to get the upper hand back and rolls walker into the ring and Triple H gets in the ring and whips Walker off the ropes and hits a big powerslam, Triple H then picks up Walker and whips him off the ropes again and this time hits a huge Spinebuster on him and Triple H tells Walker he isnt done yet and picks up Walker for a third time and whips him hard into the corner causing Walker to fall down from the impact hitting. Triple H then goes over and picks up Walker and sets him up in the center of the ring and The Game hits a Pedigree and covers for the 1---2--2.9-Jasmine yanks Nick Patrick out of the ring as Nick Patrick then warns her if she does it again she will be ejected and Walker will be DQ'ed. Triple H is pissed as a results and starts having words with Patrick and shoves Nick Patrick down and Nick Patrick then threatens to DQ The Game and Triple H as result flips him off and is ready to hit him again but Walker sneaks up behind Triple H and gets him in position and Walker hits the Pittfall!!! Walker covers Triple H for a 1---2--2.5-Victoria yanks Nick Patrick out to the floor and Patrick warns Victoria just as he did for Jasmine and Matt Walker is now not happy about all this and Kelli Helmsley makes her way to the ring and starts to destract the referee Nick Patrick as Victoria then sneaks into the ring with a chair and hits Walker from behind which cuases Jasmine to come into the ring and attack Victoria and the 2 ladies start to go at it as Nick Patrick then tries to break up Victoria and Jasmine as Kelli slides the chair to Triple H who sets it up and picks up Walker and sets him up for a Pedigree on a Steel Chair and The Game hits it and Triple H is about to cover when Kurt Angle hits the ring and Angle hits an Angle Slam on Triple H as Kelli then is yelling for Nick Patrick but Francine comes out and yanks Kelli off the apron causing Kelli to smack her face off the mat. While Nick patrick is trying to seperate Victoria and Jasmine both ladies end up knocking out Nick Patrick as both Triple H and Matt Walker are out as Angle is standing over Triple H telling him payback is still a bitch but then Angle gets hit from behind from a fan who jumped the baracade but the fan turns out to be Matt Hardy V1 who then delivers a Fate Twister on Angle and Hardy picks up Walker and is about to deliver a Twist of Fate when Bret Hart hits the ring and Hart delivers a right hand knocking down Hardy and Bret Hart then opens up on Hardy as he got bakc up and and the Hitman clotheslines Hardy down and Bret Hart is about to lock in the Sharpshooter on Hardy when Triple H nails Hart from behind knocking him to the floor but Triple H then gets caught by Walker who goes for another PittFall and connects, Walker covers but Nick Patrick is still down and Victoria renters the ring with a Steel Chair and hits Walker in the back but then Jasmine spears down Victoria and starts to go to work on her. Finally several referee's come down to the ring and are trying to regain control as Eric Bischoff also comes down and is screaming that all parties must leave the ringside area or else. Kelli Helmsley and Francine leave but Eric tells Matt Hardy he is allowed to remain at ringside as is Victoria, Jasmine, & Kurt Angle. Triple H and Matt Walker are both in there own corners now as if it was a boxing match due to Eric stopping the match to regain control and Bret Hart is about to remain at ringside but Eric ask's him to leave and Bret Hart and Eric have words and come to some sort of agreement and Bret heads for the back as Eric calls for a referee shirt and gives it to Kurt Angle who is now the Special Guest Referee. Shane Douglas and Stevie Richards then both reappear and Eric tells Stevie to head to the back or else and Shane Douglas is allowed to be at ringside which does not sit well with Triple H or Matt Hardy but Angle calls for a quick bell as walker attacks Triple H from behind and Walker hits a german suplex into a pin for a 1---2---2.6-kick out. Walker then catches Triple H with a small package for a 1---2--2.7-kick out. Walker then delivers a boot to the gut of Triple H and Walker goes for a Pedigree of his own but Triple H trips Walker down to the mat and then sling shots him into the corner and Triple H hits a backdrop on Walker coming out of the corner. Triple H then gets back up catching his breath and waits for Walker to get back up and once he does Triple H goes for a boot to the gut but Walker grabs Triple H's foot and swings him around and Walker tries to set up Triple H again for the PittFall but Victoria gets on the apron as Angle goes over to tell her to get off, Matt Hardy V1 gets in the ring and Hardy delivers a boot to the stomach of Walker and Hardy goes for a Twist of Fate on Walker but Walker shoves Hardy into the ropes and Walker hits a big clothesline knocking down Hardy but Triple H gets back up to his feet and The Game then catches Walker with a boot to the gut and hits a Pedigree on Walker as Hardy rolls out to the floor as Triple H covers Walker for the 1--2--2.9-Jasmine gets into the ring and is telling Angle about Hardy trying to interfere and Shane Douglas sneaks into the ring and is eyeing up Triple H but Kurt Angle turns around and tells Douglas he has to leave ringside as does Jasmine as they are livid and during this Matt Hardy re-enters the ring and Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Walker as Triple H covers again for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Triple H

Penser: Your winner and still WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H

Coach: Triple H is still World Heavyweight Champion

Al Snow: All Hell just broke loose

Coach: We saw everything I think tonight

Al Snow: Kurt Angle, Bret Hart, Eric Bischoff, Shane Douglas, Jasmine, Francine, Kelli Helmsley, Matt Hardy, Victoria, Ric Flair, Stevie Richards all got involved here but thanks to Matt Hardy it is Triple H leaving as WCW Champion

Coach: This may be a Match of the Year Canidate though

:Footage Ends:

Tony: Well that match did turn out to be a Match of the Year Canidate and has to be a favorite to take home that award

Tenay: We hope you had a Good Christmas but we are out of time

Madden: Don't Miss Friday Night Main Event this Friday

Tony: Good Night

:Nitro goes off the Air: