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Nitro : Nitro 1/3/05
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/8/2006 8:02 PM

Results 1/3/05 Live From Las Vegas, Nevada

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: None

Dark Match #2: None

:Footage From FNME is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro opens up with The Nitro Girls Dancing:

Tony: Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro!! and Happy New Year to everyone

Tenay: If you missed Friday Night Main Event then you missed the crowning of a new WCW World Champion and that man is believe it or not....Rico

Madden: I was there and I still can't believe it

Tony: KSCWE Owner Scott Hill is here tonight for an apparant big blockbuster announcement but lets get Nitro off and running

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall

"Hitman" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, weighing in at 245 Pounds, Bret "Hitman" Hart!!

Madden: Here comes The S.C.'s Bret Hart

Tenay: The S.C. picked up a big win at Friday Night Main Event over AJ Styles, Chris Walker, & The Hurricane

"Can You Dig It" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 250 Pounds, Booker T!!!

Tony: Here comes the former Multi-Time US Champion

Tenay: Booker T was involved in the World Title Elimination Chamber and was the second guy eliminated by Randy Orton

Booker T vs Bret Hart
Booker T and Bret Hart lock up to start the match out Booker backs Bret into the corner and gives him a clean break. Bret Hart though takes a cheap shot hitting Booker in the face and Bret pokes his head between the ropes as Referee Chris Kay holds Booker back as Bret and Booker lock up again with Bret locking in a headlock on him but The Book sends him off the ropes and Booker hits a big back elbow to the face of Bret knocking him down. Bret Hart starts to get up as Booker opens up on Bret with right hands backing him into the ropes as Booker hits a big clothesline on Bret knocking him over the top to the floor. Booker though does not let Bret off easy and goes out to the floor after him and Booker grabs Bret up and rams him back into the guard rail. Booker then picks up Bret and whips him into the steel steps. Bret is grabbing his back as Booker picks up Bret and rolls him back into the ring, booker gets into the ring as Bret catches him coming in and Bret pounds away with stiff right hands to the side of Booker's head and Bret then hits a Russian Leg Sweep on him. Bret covers Book for a 1---2--kick out. Bret Hart then picks up Booker and slams him down and Bret climbs up to the middle rope and goes for a elbow but Booker moves out of the way and gets back up quickly and kicks Bret in the gut and Booker bounces off the ropes and hits the Ax Kick and Booker does the spinaroonie back to his feet as Bret Hart also gets up and Booker grabs Bret and hits the Book End and Booker covers him for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Booker T

Penser: Your winner, Booker T

Tenay: Booker T gets the big win here tonight

Tony: Bret Hart had been hott but Booker T dominated tonight

:Backstage: Rico's Locker Room:

:Rico is shown with the WCW World Title as he is looking at himself in it when Randy Orton walks into the room:

Randy Orton: Rico....buddy. I know you probably think I am upset that you stole the WCW World Title from my fingers but I'm not. You deserve it

Rico: Why thank you Randy

Randy Orton: And Rico I know your the type of man that would do the right thing and give me a WCW World Title Shot down the road

:Just then JBL enters the locker room:

JBL: Hello there Rico. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye but congratulations on your big win

Rico: Thank you John

JBL: Excuse me Randy

:JBL pushes Randy out of the way and gets next to Rico:

JBL: Now Rico I have a great idea I want to share with you since after all we are now both members of the Gold Club

Rico: What is your idea?

JBL: Think about it. Rico vs JBL in a Champion vs Champion Match. It could be great

Randy Orton: No it wouldn't be. I mean everyone wants to see Randy Orton vs Rico for the WCW World Title

JBL: No JBL vs Rico

Randy Orton: Randy Orton vs Rico


Randy Orton: Randy Orton

:JBL and Randy Orton get nose to nose:

Rico: Gentlemen don't fight over little old me now. I will think about what you both have said and get back to you at a later time but unless you want to help me clean off then I suggest you leave

:JBL and Orton both look sick as they hurry out as Rico gets a rag and starts to clean off the WCW World Title:

Rico: Wow I didn't know cleaning this title was so disgusting to them


"I'm Back" hits as Eric Bischoff makes his way out to the entry way as the Crowd Cheers

Eric Bischoff: Hello Las Vegas(Crowd Cheers). It's always great to be back here in Vegas but I have a big announcement for Next Week's Nitro. It is the final Nitro before the Royal Rumble and Next Week's Nitro will be a special one because we are going to see only Four Matches however the Matches are all great. The WCW World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line when Rico or Jamie Noble defend it against an opponent of there choosing plus we are going to see three Battle Royal's. Each One will determine something special. The Big Battle Royal will be the Do or Die Battle Royal because the Winner of the 10 Man Battle Royal will be granted #25 in the Royal Rumble. However the final four all have something to gain or lose because if you are the first guy eliminated from the final 4 then you will be entering The Royal Rumble at #3, If you are the next to last guy eliminated then you enter at #2 and if you are the last person eliminated then you enter at #1. Now the first Six Eliminations in this match will be able to take there chances with the Tumbler. Now the rest of the Male Roster will be taking part in another Battle Royal where the winner of that one will be granted #20 in the Battle Royal and as far as the Diva's are concerned they will all be taking part minus Trish Stratus and Jackie Gayda in a match where the winning Diva will be guaranteed at least #19 because they will be able to pick between two numbers along with the SCWE Diva who wins there match on Smackdown! next week so next week will be a night to remember.

:Scott Hill then appears on the Nitro Vision:

Scott Hill: Eric I hate to interupt you but I have elected to remain backstage to make this announcement and it is that tomarrow night on Smackdown!. The Entire WCW Roster will be there because we are going to the Roster Shake Up so for Six members of WCW and Six members of SCWE. This is there final week on that brand and this can totally change The Royal Rumble Card.

"Girls In Cars" hits as Scott disappers off the Nitro Vision and Eric heads to the back

Commercial Ad for Roster Change up on Smackdown!

After The break:

Tony: Welcome back and how about the announcement we just heard

Tenay: Tomarrow night we are going to Smackdown!

Madden: Six guys from each brand are changing shows and I remember last year's Roster Shake Up between RAW and WCW and that ended up being really crazy

Tony: Well I can't wait for tomarrow night now and how about Next Week's Nitro is going to be a can't miss either

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW United States Championship

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The S.C. from Calgary Alberta, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, Lance Storm

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd is mixed as The White Limo pulls out with the Horns

Penser: His opponent, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, The WCW United States Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield

Tony: This should be a great match

Madden: A Real American vs a Canadian

WCW United States Championship: JBL(C) vs Lance Storm
Referee Charles Robinson holds up the US title as he calls for the bell. JBL and Lance Storm both exchange words with each other as JBL shoves Storm back and JBL smirks as Lance Storm comes back with a right hand to JBL. Storm then opens up on JBL with several right hands and Storm then goes for a clothesline but JBL kicks Storm in the gut and JBL delivers a DDT on him. JBL covers Storm for a 1 count. JBL then gets back up as does Lance Storm but JBL opens up on Storm with right hands and JBL whips Storm off the ropes and JBL goes for a Big Boot but Storm ducks and Lance then hits a Super Kick to JBL. Lance then covers JBL for the 1---2--2.5-kick out. Lance Storm is a little shocked but Lance grabs JBL's leg but JBL kicks him down to the mat. JBL then gets back up as does Lance Storm who comes at JBL but JBL delivers a big clothesline knocking down Storm. JBL then waits for Storm to get up and JBL bounces off the ropes and JBL goes for the clothesline from hell but Storm ducks and Lance kicks JBL in the gut and Lance Storm DDT's JBL. Storm then grabs JBL and hooks the Maple Leaf but JBL is able to get into the ropes thus forcing the break. Lance Storm gets off JBL and tries to pick him up but JBL low blows Lance Storm and JBL then hits a DDT on Storm. JBL then picks up Lance himself and JBL sets him up for his Powerbomb but Tyson Tomko comes out and gets on the apron detracting Charles Robinson as Bret Hart then hits the ring from the crowd but JBL catches Hart with a Big Boot and JBL picks up Bret and whips him off the ropes and JBL hits the Clothesline from hell on him and JBL then goes over and knocks Tyson off the apron but Lance Storm rolls up JBL then and Storm holds the ropes for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Lance Storm (WCW US)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW US Champion, Lance Storm

Tony: Lance Storm just cheated his way to the US Title

Madden: He did but JBL would have done the same thing

Tenay: Bottom line the S.C. just screwed JBL out of the US Title

:Backstage: Rico's Locker Room

:Rico is shown looking the fruit basket he got when Maven walks in:

Maven: Look I just came here to congratulate you on winning the WCW Title

Rico: Well thank you buddy

Maven: If I couldn't win it then I am glad it was you but just know this. I am coming for you because I want my rematch soon

Rico: I wouldn't expect anything else from you

Maven: Anyway I gotta get ready for my match so good luck tonight against Jamie Noble


Tony: Rico faces Jamie Noble in a little while for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship while Maven teams up with Jackie Gayda to face Christian and Trish Stratus

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Cool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From The Caribbean weighing in at 243 Pounds, Carlito Caribbean Cool

Tenay: Here comes Carlito to the ring who is looking to make a big impact on WCW like he had on SCWE

"I Am" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 202 Pounds, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

Tony: Here comes AJ Styles who has been on a little bit of a losing skid in recent weeks

AJ Styles vs Carlito Caribbean Cool
AJ Styles then drops down off the turnbuckle and approaches Carlito, meeting him nose-to-nose. AJ  then grins which urges Carlito to strike AJ  with a fist to the side of the head, the match now announced officially underway. Carlito continues his barrage of punches to AJ and beats him into the ropes before opting to Irish whip AJ  across the ring. As AJ bounces off the ropes and begins his return, Carlito goes for a clothesline, which is ducked by AJ  who retaliates with an abrupt tornado DDT and follows up with an attempted pin fall. 1�?…Carlito kicks out. AJ and Carlito then both make it to their feet and Carlito, now quite angered with the ease AJ has had thus far, rushes at AJ and connects with quite a fierce spear, taking AJ off his feet. Carlito doesn't go for the pin fall however, instead he grabs on to the rope and begins mud hole stomping on his opponent as a way to relieve his rage. He then climbs up the second rope directly above AJ and leaps off, connecting with a big splash before attempting the cover. 1�?�?AJ kicks out as Carlito leans over in complete disbelief. Carlito then begins slapping the ring canvas frantically, accusing the referee of a slow count as AJ slowly makes his way to his feet. Carlito sees this and approaches AJ, kicking him in the gut and setting him up for a power bomb, yet AJ reverses it and backdrops Carlito over his head, slamming him down onto the mat. Carlito quickly gets back to his feet but is met by a kick to the stomach from AJ, causing him to double over, clutching his gut. Much to the delight of the fans, AJ then hits a German Face Buster onto his opponent. AJ then climbs back to his feet and walks over to the other side of the ring. He then grabs the corner rope, looks around the arena with a cocky grin as he waits in  preparation for Carlito as he clambers to his feet. As soon as he does so, AJ quickly hits his finisher the Styles Clash on his opponent, as Carlito comes down with a crash obviously knocked out, AJ then leans onto his opponent's chest with a grin, counting along with the referee and the rest of the crowd. 1�?�?!
Winner: AJ Styles

Penser: Your winner, AJ Styles

Tony: AJ Styles gets a big win here tonight

Tenay: AJ is back on the winning side of things

Commercial Ad for The Royal Rumble-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:02 PM

Tony: Welcome back to Nitro

Tenay: We still have several big matches to come and tomarrow night on Smackdown! we will be in Dallas, Texas for the Roster shake Up as announced by Scott Hill earlier

Madden: I just hope we get some great guys and don't lose anyone good

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Mixed Tag Match

"Tough Enough Theme" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Jackie Gayda and Maven!!

Tenay: Jackie Gayda who will face WCW Women's Champion Trish Stratus at The Royal Rumble where as Maven is the former WCW World Champion and is now scheduled to be in the Royal Rumble

"Peep Show starts to play but stops as Celine Dion appears in the entry way


Tenay: Well we are in Las Vegas

:Celine then starts to sing "My Heart Will Go On" as The Crowd is mixed in reaction:

Penser: There opponents, being led to the ring by Tyson Tomko, Representing The S.C., Christian and the WCW Women's Champion, Trish Stratus

Tony: Ok...The S.C. is being sung to the ring by a fellow Canadian

Tenay: This is great, I may not like the S.C. but I love Celine Dion

Christian & Trish Stratus W/Tyson Tomko vs Maven & Jackie Gayda
Christian starts the match out with Maven as Christian slaps Maven across the face and laughs at him for not being WCW world champion anymore and Maven comes back with a right hand and a few more backing Christian into the ropes and Maven the clotheslines Christian over the top to the floor. Maven then grabs the ropes and flings himself over them crashing onto Christian. Maven pounds away on Christian before eventually picking him up and Maven whips him into the Steel Steps. Maven then goes over and picks up Christian but Christian low blows Maven and Christian then rams Maven's head off the ring steps and Christian rolls Maven back into the ring. Christian then gets back into the ring himself and Christian picks up Maven but Maven delivers a right hand to the gut of Christian and Maven rolls up Christian in a small package for a 1--2--2.5-kick out. Maven and Christian both get up but Maven hits a dropkick knocking Christian back down. Maven then kicks Christian in the gut and Maven whips Christian off the ropes and Maven hits a big backdrop on Christian. Christian then tags out to Trish Stratus forcing Maven to tag in Jackie Gayda as Trish is telling Jackie she doesn't stand a shot in hell of beating her at the RR. Both ladies lock up with Trish locking in a headlock and Trish then flips Jackie over and Trish locks in more pressure but Jackie uses her legs to break the hold and Jackie gets Trish stuck between them but Trish breaks out as both ladies get back up to there feet and Trish attacks Jackie getting up and Trish kicks Jackie in the gut and Trish shoves Jackie into the corner and Trish hits several chops to Jackie and Trish then lefts up Jackie putting her up top and Trish backs up and goes for the Stratusphere but Jackie blocks and shoves Trish back as Trish smacks her face off the mat and Trish stands up and turns around right into a crossbody from Jackie. Jackie stays on for the 1---2--2.7-Christian pulls Jackie off causing Maven to enter the ring and Maven knocks down Christian with a right hand as both Maven & Christian get into it as Referee Mike Chiota tries to regain order, Jackie is back up and Jackie hits a Modified RKO on Trish but Tyson Tomko comes into the ring and Tyson hits a Big Boot to the face of Jackie Gayda knocking her out cold as Tyson then puts Trish on top of Jackie as Chiota see's it and counts the 1---2--3.
Winners: Christian & Trish Stratus

Penser: Your winners, Christian & Trish Stratus

Tenay: I think Maven and Jackie had this match in hand until Tyson Tomko made his presense felt

Madden: He is the problem solver and he solved the problem for sure

:Backstage: Just outside Jamie Noble's Locker Room

:Randy Orton & Stephanie McMahon are shown exiting the Locker Room as Orton & Stephanie are both carrying dented Chairs:

Commercial Ad for FNME Replay-Long Ad

After The Break

Tony: We have gotten word that after what we just saw, Medical Attention was served to Jamie Noble and Nidia and they are both expected to be fine although Jamie Noble has been taken to a local medical facility as a precaution

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

Sean Morley: Eric what are you going to do now that Jamie can't wrestle Rico?

Eric Bischoff: Well I think I am going to let Rico pick his own challenger for tonight

Sean Morley: No I think thats a bad idea because he will just pick Maven

Eric Bischoff: You know what maybe your right so then I got it. Since we are in Las Vegas tonight I will spin the Wheel and Make The Deal because One of Eight Men will be picked for the title Shot

Sean Morley: Who are the Eight Men?

Eric Bischoff: Maven, Randy Orton, Booker T, Kane, JBL, The Hurricane, Lance Storm, & to make things interesting....

Sean Morley: Tyson Tomko?

Eric Bischoff: What?

Sean Morley: Let it be Tyson, Trust me

Eric Bischoff: Fine Tyson Tomko


Tenay: How about that guys, Rico will now face one of eight guys after Eric spins the wheel

Tony: Somebody could be pulling Double Duty here

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

Madden: Here comes The Billion Dollar Princess

Tenay: Stephanie McMahon has already made her impact felt by attacking Nidia while her boyfriend Randy Orton attacked Jamie Noble

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her opponent being led to the ring by Twister X, From London, England, Scarlett

Tony: Here comes Scarlett

Tenay: Both of these ladies did good in the Elimination Chamber last Friday but Trish Stratus ultimatly won out

Scarlett W/Twister X vs Stephanie McMahon
Stephanie starts the match by yelling at Scarlett for bringing Twister X down to the ring. Scarlett replies by asking Stephanie if she's scared she won't win. Stephanie is pissed and spears Scarlett to the ground. Steph starts to pound away at Scarlett. Steph eventually begins to choke her. The referee pulls Stephanie off her as Scarlett coughs. Twister X checks on Scarlett on the side of the ring. Stephanie has had enough and grabs Scarlett by her hair as she screams. Stephanie slams her to the mat and goes for a quick cover, but Twister X is already on the ring apron distracting the referee. Stephanie goes over and scares Twister to the ground. She turns back to Scarlett who Bitch Slaps her. Stephanie stumbles backwards and Bitch Slaps Scarlett to the ground. Stephanie points at Twister X and starts to argue with him as Scarlett gets up. Scarlett grabs Stephanie by her hair and DDT's her to the mat. The fans begin to cheer as Scarlett hits another DDT on Stephanie. Scarlett quickly grabs Stephanie's hair and throws her across the mat. Scarlett kicks Stephanie in the back. Stephanie rolls out of the ring. Scarlett slides out and Irish Whips Steph into the ring post. The referee counts 1--2-- Scarlett slides Stephanie back into the ring and quickly follows. Stephanie grabs Scarlett's leg and pulls her to the mat. Stephanie and Scarlett both get up at the same time and lock up. Scarlett get the upper hand and puts Steph in a head lock. Scarlett whips her into the ropes and hits clothesline on Stephanie. Suddenly Randy Orton runs down to the ring and attacks Twister X from behind. Scarlett immediately bitches at Randy from the ring. Stephanie staggers up and sees Scarlett distracted. Stephanie grabs Scarlett and delivers a huge RKO to her. Stephanie covers for the 1--2--3.
Winner: Stephanie McMahon

Penser: Your winner, Stephanie McMahon

Tony: Stephanie McMahon gets the win thanks to Randy Orton

Madden: Scarlett shouldn't have taken her eye off the ball

Commercial Ad for The Royal Rumble-Long Ad

After The break:

Tony: Up next we are going to see the WCW Television Championship defended

Tenay: Brandon defends the title against Jerome Morris

Penser: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Television Championship

"Home" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, From Denver, Colardo, weighing in at 185 Pounds, Jerome Morris

Madden: I think we are going to see a new TV champion crowned tonight in Jerome Morris

"Shoot to Thrill" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 241 Pounds, The WCW Television Champion, Brandon

Tony: Jerome Morris challenges his former boss

WCW Television Championship: Brandon(C) vs Jerome Morris
The bell rings and right away Brandon begins to open up on Jerome Morris. Brandon delivers a big right hand to Jerome that knocks him down and then Brandon picks up Jerome and delivers several German Suplexes. He once again picks up Jerome but this time Jerome low blows him and sends himself off the ropes and follows up with a flying lariat. Both men are down as they try to gain strength back and Jerome is first up as he waits for Brandon to get up. Brandon gets up as Jerome kicks him in the gut and delivers a huge DDT and covers Brandon for the 1..........2........Brandon kicks out. Jerome picks Brandon up and sets him up for the Cocky Cutter. He goes for it but Brandon keeps himself up and Jerome falls on his ass as Brandon begins to laugh at him and picks him up and follows with a Fameasser. Surprisingly Brandon then climbs up top and he goes for the Big Elbow Drop but at the last second Jerome moves out of the way and Brandon hits the ground. Jerome takes his time getting up and he locks in a Sleeper hold on Brandon on the ground. Brandon looks like he is going to tap but he comes back and begins to make his way to his feet, still in the sleeper. When they are both standing, Brandon elbows his way out of the hold and finally Jerome breaks it. Brandon makes an attempt at the Rush but Jerome moves out of the way just in time and catches Brandon in position for the Thrill Seekers. Brandon though elbows him in the head and once again delivers a Fameasser. He waits for Jerome to get up and as he does, Brandon catches him with the Rush. Brandon covers Jerome for the 1........2.......3.
Winner: Brandon

Penser: Your winner and still WCW TV Champion, Brandon

Tony: A Big win here for Brandon over Jerome Morris

Tenay: Jerome did great bt Brandon was just too much for him tonight


:Bret Hart is shown talking to somebody on a cell phone:

Bret Hart: Yeah I don't see why we invited that bitch here tonight anyway. I can't stand her but you know the all mighty God Christian wanted her here so she was here but thank god I didn't have to put up with her

:The Camera then zooms out to show Christian and Tyson standing behind Bret:

Bret Hart: Yeah I'll talk to you later bye

:Bret hangs up the phone and turns around:

Bret Hart: Oh hey guys

Christian: Hey guys is all you got. Well since you think Celine Dion sucks then maybe I should let you in on a little secret. She does suck

Bret Hart: Huh

Christian: Yeah I can't stand her but it was a good publicity stunt to have her here thats why

Bret Hart: Oh thank god, I really can't stand her. I am almost ashamed of being Canadian because of her

:Lance Storm then hits Bret from behind as Tyson and Christian join in putting the boots to Bret:

Christian: You dumbass, I lied about not likeing Celine. She is the greatest singer in the world

:Tyson and Storm hold him as Trish walks up to Bret and Trish knee's Bret in the groan as Christian then unprettiers Bret on the concrete floor.

Christian: Guys take out the trash

:Tyson and Lance pick up Bret and drag him over towards the dumpster and toss him in:


Madden: Well I guess Bret Hart is gone from the S.C. now

Tony: Well that was a bit shocking but we got our next match up nearly ready

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Closure" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From New York, New York weighing in at 241 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Tenay: Here comes Jamie Gunz who returned last Nitro although was attacked during the match by Randy Orton and wants revenge tonight

"I Get Around" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Madden: Here comes the rightful WCW World Champion

Tony: Randy Orton did very good in the Elimination Chamber at Friday Night Main Event but came up short

Randy Orton vs Jamie Gunz
Jamie and Orton begin the match by circling around the ring and looking at each other. Jamie then runs at Orton and Orton elbows Jamie in the face and then he grabs Jamie and whips him into the corner. Orton walks over and starts to deliver chest slaps to him. The crowd is going nuts from the slapping noises as Orton taunts a bit. Jamie then grabs Orton and whips him into the corner. Jamie then climbs the ropes and starts to pound away on Orton. The crowd counts down the punches 1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10. Jamie jumps down and then starts to kick at Orton's ribs. Jamie then walks out into the middle of the ring and starts to taunt as Orton pulls himself up and he lays against the turnbuckle. Jamie then runs at Orton but Orton gets a boot up and connects it with Jamie's face. Orton then shakes his head and walks over to where Jamie is laying. Orton picks him up and knees him in the stomach few times. Orton then whips Jamie off of the ropes and hits a Flying Crossbody on him. Orton then pins Jamie for the 1----2----2.6. Jamie kicks out. Orton then picks Jamie up again but Jamie knocks Orton's arms off and knocks Orton over with a big right hand. Jamie then lays the boots into Orton. Jamie then picks Orton up and brings him into the middle of the ring and then knocks him over again. Then Jamie goes up top and hits a Gunz Saul on Orton. Jamie then covers for the 1---2---2.9. Orton kicks out. Jamie gets up and starts to argue with the ref. As Jamie is arguing with the ref Orton gets up on his knees and lowblows him. Even though the ref was right there he didn't see it because Jamie was distracting him. Orton then gets up and looks at Jamie. Orton then puts his foot on Jamie and the ref counts the 1---2--2.1. Jamie icks out but then Orton kicks him in the back of the head. Orton starts to taunt again as Jamie is trying to get up. Orton is laughing and then he picks Jamie up and whips him off of the ropes. Orto nis readying for another Flying Crossbody but Jamie grabs the ropes and then ducks and flips Orton over the ropes. Jamie then turns around and jumps up on the ropes and jumps off and hits a Frogsplash on Orton. Both men are laying on the floor in pain. Jamie gets up first and picks Orton up. The ref starts the count out as Jamie then rolls Orton back into the ring. Jamie then sits on top of Orton and slaps him across the face. Jamie says that Orton is his little bitch. Jamie then kicks Orton in the stomach. Jamie then taunts a bit and then picks Orton up. Jamie is going for a Osaka Street Cutter but Orton hits Jamie with a big right hand. Orton then stumbles back and lays against the ropes. Orton has a dead stare as Jamie is trying to get back up. Orton then comes to and walks over to Jamie. He gets down on one knee and starts to pound away on Jamie, saying he is no one's little bitch. The ref comes over and tells Orton to stop. Orton keeps going and the ref tells him that if he doesn't stop he is disqualified. Orton looks at the ref and then gets up off of Jamie. Orton then kicks Jamie in the side. Orton the picks Jamie up and is getting ready for an RKO but as Orton is running at him Jamie drops to the ground and Orton runs into the turnbuckle. Jamie then grabs Orton and brings him into the middle of the ring and Jamie hits a Last Breath on Orton. Jamie goes to pin as Steph runs down to the ring. She tries to get in but the ref stops her and Jamie gets up and is yelling at her to leave before he bitch slaps her. Orton slowly starts to get up but Jamie is going back to Orton. So Steph then lifts up her shirt and Jamie and the ref stare at Steph's black bra. Orton then gets up and hits the RKO on Jamie and drags him into the middle of the ring. Steph pulls her shirt down and then sees Orton and Orton covers Jamie for the 1----2----3.
Winner: Randy Orton

Penser: Your winner, Randy Orton

Madden: Stephanie showed off her bra to get Orton the win!!

Tony: Jamie Gunz could have won that if he didn't get destracted

Tenay: When we come back we will find out who challenges Rico for the WCW World Title

Final Commmercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!-Long Ad

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:03 PM

Tony: Well its that time now

:Eric Bischoff appears on the Nitro Vision:

Eric Bischoff: Well its that time to spin the wheel

:Eric spins the wheel as it goes around several times but Sean Morley grabs it and stops it on Tyson Tomko:

Eric Bischoff: What are you doing?

Sean Morley: What?

Eric Bischoff: Why did you stop it

Sean Morley: I didn't

Eric Bischoff: Yes you did

Sean Morley: My bad spin it again

:Eric spins it again and Morley bumps into the wheel stopping it on Lance Storm:

Eric Bischoff: Get out of here

Sean Morley: Why?

Eric Bischoff: Obviously you have something wrong with you if you keep touching the wheel

Sean Morley: Fine

:Sean Morley leaves Eric's office as Eric spins the wheel again and the wheel goes around several times before stopping on Randy Orton:

Eric Bischoff: Congratulations to Randy Orton for earning the title shot

:Randy Orton who was still at ringside gets back into the ring and is smiling:

Tony: It will be Randy Orton vs Rico

Tenay: How much gas is left in Orton's tank though

Penser: The Main Event of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. 1st already in the ring, The Challenger, being managed by Stephanie McMahon, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, Randy Orton

Madden: Orton got enough left in his tank to win plus he got the Steph factor

"Venus" hits as the Crowd goes Nuts

Penser: His opponent from right here in Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 228 Pounds, The WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Rico!!!

Tenay: The Hometown Hero!!

Tony: A great hero's welcome from Las Vegas's own Rico

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Rico(C) vs Randy Orton W/Stephanie McMahon
Referee Nick Patrick shows off the WCW World Title as Orton tells Rico that he screwed him out of his destiny but it gets corrected tonight and Rico blows Orton a kiss and Orton is pissed and goes to hit Rico but Rico ducks and then slaps Orton's ass. Orton is not happy as he turns around quickly and Rico is smiling at him and Orton goes to hit Rico again but Rico ends up catching Orton with a drop toe hold causing Orton hit the mat face first and Rico gets behind Orton as he starts to get up and Rico is behind Orton moving his hand behind Orton and Orton quickly rolls out to the floor. Rico then dances around the ring and then rolls out to the other side of the ring and Rico hugs several fans in the audience as Orton is flipping out on the floor and grabs a chair and smashes it against the ring post. Stephanie finally is able to calm down Orton as he gets back into the ring as Rico also gets into the ring and Orton attacks him coming in. Orton whips Rico into the corner and Orton charges in but Rico gets his feet up catching Orton in the face as Orton backs up and grabs his face as Rico then grabs Orton and Kisses him!!! Orton shoves Rico back as Orton is wiping the kiss off and Orton rolls up Randy for a 1---2--2.5-kick out. Orton then gets back up and Orton catches Rico with a clothesline. Orton then gets on Orton and starts to choke him as Nick Patrick warns Orton and Orton stops but Orton picks up Rico and throws him out to the floor. Randy Orton then follows Rico out to the floor and Orton picks up Rico who tries to fight back but Orton knee's Rico in the head. Orton then smacks Rico face first off the announce table before rolling Rico back into the ring. Orton then goes up top and Orton comes off looking for a cross body but Rico ducks and Orton hits hard and as he gets up, Rico hits a spinning Rico kick on Orton. Rico covers but Stephanie McMahon gets on the apron and yells at Nick Patrick who goes over to take care of her and Nick Patrick ejects Stephanie from ringside and Stephanie tries to talk her way out of it but Rico comes over and Rico grabs Stephanie by her hair and Stephanie goes to slap Rico but Rico blocks the slap and Rico then pulls Stephanie into the ring!! Stephanie gets back up to her feet and tells Rico he can't do that to her and she goes to slap Rico again but Rico blocks and Rico turns Stephanie around and slaps her ass!! Stephanie is in shock but Randy Orton is getting back up and turns around Rico and goes for the RKO and hits it. Orton covers Rico but Nick Patrick is telling Stephanie to get out and Stephanie is exiting the ring but during that Maven hits the ring and Maven goes up top and Orton see's Maven and gets up as Maven catches Orton with the Blockbuster and Maven rolls out to the floor quickly as both Orton and Rico are down and Nick Patrick starts a 10 count. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-Rico crawls over and puts his arm over Orton for the 1---2---2.8-shoulder up.  Maven can't believe it as he yells for Rico to get up and Rico starts to get up as does Orton and Rico goes to hit Orton but Orton kicks Rico in the gut and Orton goes for the RKO but Rico grabs Orton and ends up hitting the Fashion Changes on Orton and Rico hooks the legs of Orton for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Rico

Penser: Your winner and still WCW World Champion, Rico

Tony: Rico has done it!!!

Tenay: Rico just defeated Randy Orton

Madden: Not again. Orton had the title within his grabs yet again and it got torn away

"Celebration" hits as Balloons fall from the arena top as Maven gets into the ring as Jackie Gayda, The Hurricane, Chris Walker, and several other WCW Wrestlers come to the ring as well as hold up Rico who proudly displays the WCW World Title to his hometown fans as Randy Orton has to be restrained on the floor by Security:

Tony: What a great way to end Nitro from Las Vegas, We will see you all tomarrow night on Smackdown!. Good Night

:Nitro Goes off the Air: