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Nitro : Nitro 2/21/05
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 1:47 PM

Results 2/21/05 Live From Cancun, Mexico

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Shayn Flair defeated Charisma Adams

Dark Match #2: Raven fought Brandon to a No Contest

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro Opens up with Eric Bischoff in the ring:

Eric Bischoff: Now I know that all of you are probably wondering why I did what I did last week but let me explain myself shortly but right now I would like to address Christian and the S.C.. Guys last week was a one shot deal and from this moment on, there is no relationship between Eric Bischoff and the S.C. for I have realized that I can put together a much better and stronger stable just using the S.C. blue print but now I must explain why I had Young Walker taken out and you se...

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits as Chris Walker makes his way to the ring to a loud response

Tony: Chris Walker is coming to the ring guys

Madden: Poor Mr. Bischoff we need help out here now

:Chris Walker gets into the ring as Eric motions to the entry way and backs away from Chris:

Eric Bischoff: Now Chris don't do something your going to regret.

:Chris Walker ignores Eric and goes after him as Eric tries to get out of the ring but Chris stops him from exiting but during that Raven comes running down the ramp way and into the ring as Raven then attacks Chris Walker:

Tenay: Raven just attacked Chris Walker

:Raven pounds away at Chris Walker but Walker fights back and knocks down Raven as smoke then fills the ring and when it stops smoking, The Undertaker is in the ring and standing behind Eric Bischoff who bumps in to him. The Undertaker then grabs Eric Bischoff by the throat as Chris Walker tells Taker he wants him and Taker lets go of Eric as Chris Walker then grabs Eric by his coat but Taker then turns around Chris Walker and hits a big thrust hit to Walker knocking him down as Taker then starts to stomp away at him:

Madden: The Undertaker is with Eric Bischoff!!!

Tony: I guess this is about that new stable Eric was talking about

:Taker and Raven pound away at Walker as they pick him up and hold him as Eric Bischoff looks at him:

Eric Bischoff: Now this looks familiar, Where have I seen this before? Wait I know now, Last Week and lets see what comes next...I know a Karate Kick

:Eric then takes off his coat as he gets ready to kick Chris but he fights back and Chris Walker knocks down Raven with a back elbow and Taker with a right hand as Chris then kicks Eric in the gut but Scott Steiner comes down to the ring and Scott Steiner then picks up Raven and sends him flying over the top to the floor and Scott Steiner clotheslines The Undertaker over the top as Chris Walker sets up Eric Bischoff for a Walker Flip but Scott Steiner then takes out a lead pipe and hits Chris Walker in the back of hte head with it:

Tenay: Not Scott Steiner

Eric Bischoff: See Chris this is what I was talking about. Meet the leader of my new group, The GENETIC STROKE

:Scott Steiner then takes Chris Walker and drops him with a Freakliner as Raven and The Undertaker get back into the ring and Raven picks up Walker and then hits a Evenflow on him before The Undertaker picks up Chris Walker and then chokeslams him down as The Undertaker, Scott Steiner, Eric Bischoff, & Raven all raise there hands in celebration:

Tony: I can't believe what we just  saw

Madden: I can, The Birth of the Greatest Group in KSCWE History


:Simon Dean is shown getting ready for his match as Christy Hemme watches on with a look of disgust:

Simon Dean: Christy are you ready for your match?

Christy Hemme: Yes

Simon Dean: Christy just remember that now you can win because you are using my Simon System and Scarlett is not so a person in great shape like yourself can beat a fat british whore like Scarlett and tonight I will team up with JBL to defeat JJ Stallion and whoever he has as a partner

Christy Hemme: Yeah I am sure you will


Tony: Well its time to get Nitro started

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall and it is a Mixed Tag Team Tournament Round 2 Match

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Representing The S.C., The Team of The WCW United States Champion, Lance Storm and the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Tara Rayge

Tenay: Lance Storm and Tara Rayge advanced here last week by defeating Jerome Morris and Flame by DQ last week

Madden: I don't think there is any stopping the S.C. express

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, The Team of Maven and Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Maven and Jackie Gayda defeated JBL & Christy Hemme last week to advance here

Tony: Maven and Jackie were the early pick to win the tournament and may still pull it out

WCW Mixed Tag Team Tournament Round 2: Maven & Jackie Gayda vs Lance Storm & Tara Rayge
Maven starts the match out with Lance Storm as both men lock up with Storm locking in a headlock but maven shoves Storm off the ropes and Maven then hits a big dropkick knocking down Storm. Maven gets back up as does Storm and Maven opens up on Storm with several kicks and punches knocking Lance against the ropes as Maven whips Storm off the ropes and Maven then hits a big backdrop on Lance. Lance gets up near the ropes as Maven charges at him and clotheslines him over the top to the floor. Lance Storm gets back up as Maven then sling shots himself over the ropes onto Lance Storm. Maven then picks up Lance Storm and Maven tries to throw him over the guard rail into the water but Lance Storm holds on and elbows Maven in the gut and Storm smashes maven's head off the guard rail. Lance Storm then hits a Russian Leg Sweep backwards driving Maven into the side of the ring. Lance Storm then gets back up and rolls Maven back into the ring as Lance gets into the ring and Lance Storm kicks Maven's legs out from under him. Lance Storm then stomps away at Maven's left leg and Lance Storm then goes for a sharpshooter but Maven fights back and knocks Lance Storm down. Maven gets back up as does Lance Storm and Maven makes the tag out to Jackie Gayda meaning Tara must come in as well as Jackie charges over and attacks Tara coming into the ring. Jackie then takes Tara and throws her shoulder first into the ring post. Jackie then grabs Tara and slams her down to the mat as Jackie then drops several elbows to her. Jackie then picks up Tara but Tara fights back with several right hands to the gut of Jackie and Tara then picks up Jackie and hits a spinebuster on her. Tara then goes for the Sola Nero but Jackie grabs Tara and gets her with a small package for a 1---2--kick out. Both ladies get back up as Tara and Jackie then lock up as Jackie gets a headlock on Tara and Jackie quickly flips Tara over taking her down to the mat and Jackie continues to apply the pressure but Tara fights out of it and gets Jackie off as both ladies get back up, Raven and The Undertaker make there way down the entry way and stand next to the ring as Jackie and Maven turn there eyes to them as Tara then attacks Jackie from behind. Tara picks up and slams Jackie down as Tara then mounts Jackie and pounds away at her. Tara then gets off Jackie and picks her up and Tara slams her down closer to the ropes as Tara goes up top and goes for the Rayge effect but Jackie rolls out of the way as Tara hits the mat hard and Jackie gets back up to her feet and Jackie then hits a rolling pin on Tara for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Jackie then pounds away at Tara and whips her off the ropes and Jackie goes up to for a Hurricanrana but Tara holds back as Jackie hits the mat hard as Tara goes for the Sola Nero again but Jackie kicks Tara back into her own corner as Tara tags in Lance Storm and Maven also comes in as Storm goes to hit Maven but Maven blocks and knocks down Storm with a right hand. Maven then picks up Lance Storm after he gets back up and Maven slams him down again as Maven then goes up top as Lance Storm gets up and Maven comes off and hits the Blockbuster. Maven goes to cover him but Raven yanks referee Mike Posey out of the ring as The Undertaker gets into the ring and The Undertaker grabs Maven by his throat but Maven kicks in him the gut several times but Raven shoves the referee down and rolls into the ring and attacks Maven from behind as Mike Posey calls for the bell. Raven turns Maven around and hits the Evenflow DDT.
Winners: Maven & Jackie Gayda by DQ

Penser: Your winners and advancing to the Finals by DQ, Maven and Jackie Gayda

Tony: What the hell is Raven and The Undertaker's beef with Maven?

:Raven and Taker continue to work over Maven as Tara tries to get Lance Storm out of the ring as Jackie Gayda grabs a steel chair and gets into the ring with it but The Undertaker grabs the chair away and then grabs Jackie by her throat and chokeslams her as Raven pounds away at Maven but during that Lacy Alexander & Shayn Flair attack Tara Rayge from behind as Lacy and Shayn ram Tara into the guard rail as Scott Steiner also comes out and picks up Lance Storm and drops him throat first over the guard rail before The G.S. leaves as referees come out to tend to the fallen wrestlers:

Tony: We have to take a commercial break and we need some help out here for Maven, Jackie, Tara, and Lance Storm

Commerical Ad for SCWE Smackdown, WHW Boiling Points, WHW Great American Bash

After The Break:

Tony: Well paramedics are tending to Lance Storm, Tara Rayge, Maven, and Jackie Gayda backstage after that horrible attack by the G.S.

Madden: I am shocked at that

Tenay: Well next week Maven and Jackie Gayda will be in the finals of the Mixed Tag Team Tournament but lets try and move on now

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"I Stand Alone" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California, Joy Giovanni

Tony: Here comes Joy Giovanni who is looking for a big win

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Her opponent, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, Flame!!

Tenay: This Flame is a nut job

Madden: I think Flame is just a bit weird

Tony: Well this match should be very interesting

:Marrisa Bischoff appears on the Nitro Vision:

Marrisa Bischoff: I was sitting back here watching the action and you know I think this match needs something special....I think this should be a Hardcore Rules Match so ring the bell

Tony: You have got to be kidding me, This is not good for Joy Giovanni

Hardcore Rules: Flame vs Joy Giovanni
Flame is smiling in the ring as Joy looks a bit worried as the bell sounds to start the match as Joy goes out to the floor and goes under the ring and gets a garbage can full of weapons and throws it into the ring as Flame just stares at Joy and Joy gets back into the ring and gets a kendo stick out and Joy gets ready to hit Flame as Flame just smiles at Joy and Joy hits Flame in the ribs with it and then in the back several times knocking down Flame and Joy stops hitting Flame as Flame starts to get back up smiling. Joy looks at Flame funny as Flame tells her to hit her again as Joy drops the kendo stick and picks up the garbage can and Joy then smashes it over Flame's head busting the top of Flame's head open as she starts to bleed a little and Joy then covers Flame for a 1---2--kick out. Joy then waits as Flame starts to get up and Joy goes for the Joy Superkick but Flame grabs Joy's foot and swings her around and Flame hits a big clothesline on her. Flame then picks up Joy and throws her through the ropes to the floor as Flame follows Joy outside and Joy then hits a few right hands to Flame and Joy goes to whip her into the steel steps but Flame reverses as Joy hits hard. Flame then picks up Joy and drags her over towards the entry way and Flame then shoves Joy's head under water!!! Joy is trying to get back up as Flame keeps pressure down as Referee Chris Kay rushes over and tries to pull Flame off Joy as Joy is trying to pull her head up and finally Flame lets go as Joy comes back up and is coughing and spitting out water as Flame then goes over and pulls out the garbage can and waits as Joy comes back up and Flame smashes it over Joy's head knocking her out cold as Flame then covers her for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Flame

Penser: Your winner, Flame

Tony: This Flame is a psycho

Tenay: Marrisa Bischoff knew exactly what was going to happen to poor Joy when she booked this match and Flame didn't disappoint

Madden: This is the type of girl you do not want to fool around with. Talk about your Fatal Attraction


:Randy Orton is shown exiting out of Eric Bischoff's Office with a huge smile on his face:


Tony: I don't know what Randy Orton is so happy about, he has to face Scott Steiner and Lacy Alexander later on

Madden: Well up next guys we get to see The Debut of Simon Dean and I have been looking forward to this

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied by his Personal Assistant Christy Hemme, From New York, New York weighing in at 215 Pounds, Simon Dean!!

Madden: I can't believe Simon got Christy

Tony: Christy Hemme lost a bet and for the rest of February must be Simon Dean's personal assistant

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Penser: His partner, Also From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, Being led by his Chief of Staff, Orlando Jordan, He is John Bradshaw Layfield!!

Madden: Two Successful New York Businessmen working together, Nothing Can stop them

"Word Up" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, 1st from Levittown, New York, weighing in at 250 Pounds, JJ Stallion

Tony: JJ Stallion is looking to get on the winning side of things but my quesiton is how will The Undertaker fare now that he is working for Eric Bischoff

:Eric Bischoff then appears on the Nitrovision:

Eric Bischoff: JJ I hope you werent expecting The Undertaker to team up with you now because that is not going to happen(Crowd Boo's) but since I am a fare man I will allow you about 10 seconds to find a partner if not then you must go it alone, good luck and that starts now

Tony: JJ Stallion can't get a partner that fast

"American Made" hits, Crowd Cheers

Tenay: Maybe we were wrong

Penser: His partner, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, The WCW Television Champion, The "American Badass" Brandon Davis

Tony: Brandon has answered the call

JBL & Simon Dean W/Orlando Jordan & Christy Hemme vs JJ Stallion & Brandon Davis
Brandon and JJ have a few words as Brandon starts the match out with JBL as JBL tells Brandon he is nothing but a ingrate and JBL slaps Brandon and Brandon smirks and then opens up on JBL with several right hands and Brandon then whips JBL off the ropes and Brandon hits a big powerslam on him. Brandon gets back up and waits for JBL to get up and Brandon then delivers several chops to JBL backing him up into the corner and Brandon then climbs up and starts to pound away at JBL with several punches but JBL moves out of the corner and drops down as Brandon smacks his face off the top turnbuckle. JBL gets back up and is grabbing his face as JBL waits for Brandon to get up and JBL then hits a big running boot to Brandon knocking him down. JBL then picks up Brandon and whips him off the ropes and JBL hits a big spinebuster on him. JBL then picks up Brandon and JBL sets him up for a Powerbomb but JJ stallion comes into the ring and hits a clothesline knocking down JBL. Simon Dean starts to come in but JJ knocks Simon off the apron but JBL gets back up and JBL takes down JJ with a big boot but Brandon is also up and Brandon connects with the Rush on JBL. Brandon hooks the leg but Charles Robinson is distracted by Orlando Jordan. Brandon gets back up and Brandon goes over and knocks Orlando Jordan off the apron as Simon Dean comes into the ring and attacks Brandon from behind. Simon Dean pounds away at Brandon as JBL rolls out to the floor and JBL yanks JJ out to the floor as well as JJ and JBL exchange right hands as Orlando Jordan gets off the apron and rushes over there but gets knocked down by JJ. In the ring Simon Dean continues to pound away at Brandon as Simon then goes for the Simon effect but Brandon picks up Simon Dean and runs him back into the corner and Brandon then drives his shoulders into Simon Dean Several times. Stephanie McMahon then comes down to the ring though and gets on the apron distracting Charles Robinson as Randy Orton also sneaks down to the ring as Brandon is telling Stephanie to get away as Simon Dean is telling Christy to give him his bag which she reluctantly does. Meanwhile on the floor JBL & Orlando are double teaming JJ Stallion as JBL and Orlando then pick up JJ and ram him into the side of the ring and JBL and Orlando then let go of JJ as they go over to the guard rail and look down at the water and they both smile realizing what they should do but when they turn around JJ hits a big running clothesline knocking Orlando, JBL, and himself over the guard rail as all three men crash into the pool!!! Simon Dean meanwhile has gotten out a weight lifting belt and goes to hit Brandon but Brandon turns around and hits the Rush on Simon Dean but Stephanie is still destracting Charles Robinson as Randy Orton then comes into the ring and attacks Brandon and Orton goes for the RKO but Brandon shoves him off the ropes and Brandon hits the Rush on him as well as Christy slides a weight into the ring to Simon Dean who picks it up and Simon then hits Brandon in the back of the head with it while he was still yelling at Orton, Simon throws it out to the floor as Steph gets off the apron to check on Randy as Simon Dean covers Brandon for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Simon Dean & JBL

Penser: Your winners, Simon Dean and JBL

Madden: Simon Dean just pinned the TV Champion

Tony: Not without help

Tenay: Christy Hemme, Randy Orton, and Stephanie McMahon not to meantion that weight aided Simon in beating Brandon

Commercial Ad for WHW Great American Bash-Long Ad

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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 1:48 PM

Tony: That last match was crazy and we have gotten word that at Wrestlemania 2 it will be Randy Orton challening Brandon for the WCW Television Championship

Tenay: Well guys I have just been handed a note that says that next week right here on Nitro it will be JJ Stallion facing JBL due to the fact JJ embarassed JBL by knocking him into the pool

Madden: Well that was horrible especially for poor Orlando though who was in a suit

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Tag Team Championship

"Basham Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Representing The Cabinet, From Columbus, Ohio weighing in at 502 Pounds, Danny & Doug, The Basham Brothers

Tony: Here comes JBL's Secretary's of Defense

Madden: We are looking at my pick for the new Tag Team Champions

"Wake Up" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Penser: There opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 436 Pounds, The WCW Tag Team Champions, Jamie Gunz & Jerome Morris!!

Madden: Where is Beyonce?

Tony: Beyonce could not make the trip down to Cancun this week but should be here next week for Nitro

Tenay: Jerome and Jamie are an odd pairing compared to The Basham's but none the less Jerome and Jamie are very dangerous opponents

WCW Tag Team Championship: Jerome Morris & Jamie Gunz(C) vs Doug & Danny Basham
Jamie Gunz starts the match out with Doug Basham as both men lock up with Jamie Gunz locking in a headlock but Doug Basham sends Jamie off the ropes and both men hit each other shoulder first. Jamie and Doug both bounce off the ropes and collide again as Doug goes to do it again but Jamie then hits Doug in the back knocking him into the ropes as Jamie goes over and puts his knee into Doug's lower back and starts to choke him. Jamie Gunz then picks up Doug Basham and Jamie pounds away at him before slamming him down on the mat. Jamie then drops several big elbows to Doug Basham. Jamie then picks up Doug but Danny Basham charges into the ring and attacks Jamie Gunz from behind as Jerome Morris tries to enter but Nick Patrick stops him as Danny Basham then picks up Jamie Gunz and hits the Brain Damage on him as Danny covers Jamie Gunz as Doug rolls out to the floor as Nick Patrick counts the 1---2--Jerome Morris breaks up the pin. Jerome Morris then stomps away at Danny Basham as Referee Nick Patrick orders Jerome out. Danny Basham gets up as does Jamie Gunz and Danny goes for a big clothesline but Jamie Gunz ducks and Jamie kicks Danny in the gut and then picks him up and hits the Last Breath on him but Doug Basham comes back into the ring and attacks Jamie Gunz as Jerome Morris has had enough and shoves Nick Patrick down and attacks Doug Basham as Nick Patrick calls for the bell.
Winners: Doug & Danny Basham by DQ

Penser: Your winners by DQ, Doug & Danny Basham

Tony: All four men are brawling as all hell has just broken loose

:Lance Storm and Edge then hit the ring as Edge spears down Doug Basham as Lance Storm connects with a super Kick on Jerome Morris but then Raven and The Undertaker hit the ring as The Undertaker hits a big chokeslam on Jamie Gunz and then on Edge as Raven hits a evenflow on Lance Storm and then connects on Danny Basham as Eric and Marrisa Bischoff appear on the Nitrovision:

Eric Bischoff: Bravo guys. Now in case you didn't realize something. Let me announce a new Wrestlemania 2 Match and that is Tag Team Turmoil. The following teams are entered in. Lance Storm and Edge, Jamie Gunz and Jerome Morris, Doug and Danny Basham, Raven and The Undertaker, and Maven and a partner of his choosing. Now there could be more teams added but so far thats it and since I am here I should announce that Scott Steiner and Lacy Alexander have dropped out of the Mixed Tag Team Tournament so Randy Orton and Stephanie McMahon automatically advance into the Finals next week.

:Backstage: S.C.'s Locker Area

Christian: Can you believe him. That is a man on a ego kick

Trish Stratus: Totally

Christian: I can't believe I pulled strings and got Bryan Adams to sing for his wife last week and then he turns around and treats me like this

Trish Stratus: Well wait, he is helping you out with your Chris Walker problem and he isnt exactly taking anything out on me or you

Christian: True...

Trish Stratus: So what if Lance got beat up, at least we are fine still and you can talk to Eric after Nitro tonight and make a deal can't you

Christian: Trish your brilliant

Trish Stratus: I know


Tony: Well up next we are going to see some diva action

Tenay: It will be Scarlett taking on the promising new comer Christy Hemme

Madden: Christy Hemme is so much better with the Simon System

Tenay: She may not like using it but she is stuck with it

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Walk, Idiot, Walk" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Telemuca, California, Christy Hemme!!

Tony: Luckily for Christy I guess Simon let her go for the night

Tenay: Christy Hemme may be winless but its just a matter of time for a win to come her way

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her opponent, From London, England, Scarlett!!

Madden: Here comes the lovely Scarlett

Tenay: Scarlett better not underistimate Christy or else she could be upset

Christy Hemme vs Scarlett
The match starts as the women circle each other. Christy and Scarlett then lock up. Scarlett gets the upper hand and kicks Christy in the stomach. Scarlett then opens up on Christy with a couple of right hands. Scarlett goes for a big right hand but Christy blocks it and she hits Scarlett. The two keep exchanging blows until Scarlett swings with a big right hand but Christy ducks and Scarlett spins around. Christy then pushes Scarlett down and then Christy flips Scarlett over and opens up on her. Christy then goes to climb to the top rope but Scarlett gets to her feet. Christy makes it to the top but when she turns around Scarlett is underneath her and she grabs her and throws Christy off of the top rope. Scarlett then taunts a bit. Christy is trying to get to her feet but Scarlett runs over and kicks her in the back of the head and knocks her down again. Scarlett then picks Christy up and whips her off of the ropes. Scarlett is getting ready for a dropkick but Christy holds onto the rope. Scarlett then runs at her but Chrsity ducks and sends Scarlett over the ropes, but Scarlett grabs onto the top rope and hangs on. Christy tries to punch Scarlett off of the apron but Scarlett blocks it and hits Christy with her own right hand. Scarlett then goes for a clothesline but Christy ducks and the two women begin to exchange blows again. Scarlett gets the upper hand and hits Christy with a uppercut. Scarlett then picks Christy up and sets her up for a DDT and hits it. Scarlett then pins Christy for the 1---2---2.6---kickout. Scarlett then picks Christy up and whips her into the corner. Scarlett then runs at Christy but Christy gets her elbow up. Scarlett is stumbling around as Christy knocks her down with a right hand. Christy then picks Scarlett up and is ready to hit a Snap Suplex on her but Scarlett fights out of Christy's grip. The two women then circle each other again. Then Christy runs at Scarlett but Scarlett ducks and kicks Christy in the stomach and then hits a Scarlett Stunner on her. Scarlett is about to pin Christy as Simon Dean makes his way to the ring. Simon makes his way up the small path and gets into the ring. The ref tries to stop Simon from getting in but Simon forces himself into the ring. Simon then starts to talk to Scarlett about his Simon System. Christy gets up and starts to argue with Simon that she can handle this herself. The ref then pulls Christy aside and starts to talk to her as Simon sprays dust into Scarlett's eyes and gets out of the ring. Christy then tells the ref to look as he sees that Simon is gone and he lets Christy go. Christy then grabs Scarlett and hits a Hemme Love on her. Christy then pins Scarlett for the 1---2---3
Winner: Christy Hemme

Penser: Your winner, Christy Hemme

Tony: Christy Hemme got the win  but thanks to a unwanted assist by Simon Dean

Madden: She wants you to think she didnt want help

Tenay: Well this is a shame if you ask me because this match was going good until Simon Dean got involved

:Christy Hemme and Simon Dean continue to argue as Brandon comes down to the ring and chases away Simon and Christy as Brandon then gets into the ring and checks on Scarlett:

Tony: Brandon just came out to get himself some of Simon Dean for earlier tonight but the coward took off

Madden: Brandon tried to sneak attack Simon but Simon and Christy saw it coming and got out of the way and now Brandon is trying to pick up Scarlett

Tenay: I wouldn't say that much, I think Brandon is trying to help out a friend

Commercial Ad for Wrestlemania 2-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Well guys up next we are going to see some Mixed Tag Team Action

Tenay: The Golden Couple of WCW and Leaders of The S.C.

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Mixed Tag Team Contest

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Being accumpied by Tyson Tomko, They are From Toronto, Canada, Representing The S.C., The WCW Women's Champion Trish Stratus and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Christian

Madden: Here comes the Golden Couple of WCW

Tenay: Christian and Trish are not getting a very warm reception here

"Breaking The Habit" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, 1st from Long Beach, California, Sara

Tony: Sara is looking to score a big win over Trish and get right back into the WCW Women's Title Hunt

"I Am" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: Her partner, from Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 202 Pounds, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles!!!

Tenay: Here comes AJ Styles to the ring

Tony: This should be a interesting contest since AJ Styles is finally back on WCW

Christian & Trish Stratus W/Tyson Tomko vs AJ Styles & Sara
The Bell Sounds as Christian attacks AJ Styles right after the bell and Christian pounds away on AJ and throws him through the ropes to the floor as Christian then destracts Nick Patrick as Tyson Tomko hits a Big Boot on AJ. Tyson then picks up AJ and rolls him back into the ring as Christian pounds away at AJ and picks him up and slams him back down. Christian then mounts AJ and pounds away at him with several punches. Christian then gets off AJ and starts to taunt as Christian turns around and goes to pick up AJ but AJ delivers several right hands to the gut of Christian and AJ then continues to pound away at Christian and AJ whips Christian off the ropes and AJ hits a dropkick knocking down Christian. AJ then goes over and tags out to Sara as Trish Stratus also comes in. Sara and Trish start to exchange right hands as Christian comes back in and Christian hits Sara in the back as Nick Patrick then orders Christian out as Tyson Tomko then yanks AJ off the apron and Tyson rams AJ face first into the ring post as Trish Stratus waits for Sara to get up and Trish hits a Chick Kick on Sara. Trish then picks up Sara and hits the Stratusfaction and covers her for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Christian & Trish Stratus

Penser: Your winners, Christian and Trish Stratus

Tenay: Tyson Tomko played a big role in this match

Madden: That didn't take very long

:After the match, Edge and Lance Storm come out to the ring as Edge and Lance Storm join Tyson and Christian in a attack on AJ Styles while Tara Rayge and Trish Stratus put the boots to Sara and Trish and Tara take Sara and throw her over the guard rail into the pool as Tyson and Edge do the same thing to AJ Styles as Christian gets a microphone:

Christian: Now I just heard a rumor before I came out here that next week Scott Steiner is going to face Chris Walker and you know what thats all fine and dandy and I know everything is making a big deal now because of this new G.S. group which is obviously nothing more then a S.C. rip off and Scott Steiner wishes he was in my shoes so you go ahead Scott and wrestle Chris Walker because I am going to laugh my ass off if Chris Walker beats you because that would just show the big difference between you and I because come Wrestlemania, I am going to destroy Chris Walker. Thank you

"Peep Show" hits as the S.C. starts to leave

Tony: What a crazy and wild Nitro it has been with the Gentetic Stroke forming and raising all kinds of hell and we have gotten it confirmed now that next week Scott Steiner will face Chris Walker in the Main Event

Tenay: That is a big match for next week but what is going to happen between the S.C. and the G.S. is what I want to know because both groups seem to want to control WCW but we are out of time good night

:Nitro Goes off the Air: