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Nitro : Nitro 3/7/05
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 2:06 PM

Results 3/7/05 Live From Atlanta, Georgia

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: None

Dark Match #2: None

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

Tony: Welcome once again to WCW Monday Nitro

Tenay: We are coming to you live From Atlanta, Georgia where tonight we are going to find out who Lance Storm will face at Wrestlemania 2 when we see a Ten Man Battle Royal

Madden: Plus I have gotten a scoop that WCW and SCWE have made a trade that Mr. Bischoff will announce in a little bit

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The S.C. From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 296 Pounds, Edge!!

Tenay: Here comes Edge to the ring

Tony: Edge is going to look to end a undefeated streak tonight

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Continues to boo

Penser: His opponent, From New York, New York weighing in at 215 Pounds, Simon Dean

Madden: Simon Dean has looked good thus far but Edge is going to be good test

Tenay: This should be a hell of a match

Edge vs Simon Dean
Edge attacks Simon Dean as he comes into the ring and Edge shoves Simon into the corner and Edge delivers several boots to the gut of Simon Dean and Edge then picks up Simon and puts him up top and Edge climbs up and goes for a super plex but Simon fights back and shoves Edge off, Simon Dean then comes off looking for a crossbody but Edge ducks and Edge then kicks Simon in the guts and hits the Edgecution on Simon and covers him for a 1---2--kick out. Edge does not look happy about the kick out and Edge has words with Referee Mike Posey but Edge gets his composure and Edge waits as Simon gets back up and Edge goes for a spear but Simon moves out of the way as Edge spears the turnbuckle but did brace himself but walks right into Simon Dean who goes for Simon Says but Edge elbows Simon in the head several times and Edge picks up Simon and slams him down with a spinebuster. Edge then goes for the Edgelock but Simon fights back and kicks Edge down as Simon rolls out to the floor. Simon Dean is gloating about how smart he is but turns around right into a baseball slide from Edge. Edge then gets on the floor and starts to pound away at Simon Dean with several right hands as Edge then picks up Simon and drags him towards the steel steps and pounds Simon's head off them. Edge then backs up a bit and waits as Simon struggles up and Edge charges in for a spear but Simon moves out of the way as Edge spears the steel steps. Edge appears to be out cold as Simon Dean picks up Edge and rolls him back into the ring and Simon Dean gets back in and Simon covers Edge for a 1---2--2.8-shoulder up. Simon Dean can't believe it but Simon goes over to his bag and pulls out a weight lifting belt but Simon gets back up and Edge somehow is up and spears Simon down but Edge is grabbing his shoulder and can not make a cover as Simon gets back up around the same time Edge does and Simon kicks Edge in the gut and Simon hits the Simon Effect and covers Edge for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Simon Dean

Penser: Your winner, Simon Dean

Tony: Simon Dean gets the big win here tonight

Tenay: Edge took himself out of this match when he went for the spear on the floor and hit the steel steps

Madden: He went for it all and came up with nothing

:Eric Bischoff then appears on the NitroVision:

Eric Bischoff: Congratulations Simon on a great win but I do have some news for you and that is that I just completed a trade with SCWE and Simon you are now apart of SCWE so good luck and I'll give you an hour to get your things and to get the hell out of my arena

:Eric disappears off the NitroVision as Simon is shocked:

Tony: Simon Dean is going to SCWE

Madden: I told you there were some trades but I didn't expect Simon Dean to be one of them

Tenay: Well good luck to Simon on SCWE then

Madden: I wonder who we got for him

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WCW Heat, WHW Boiling Points

After The Break:

Tony: Well we are still reeling from that trade we just heard about

Madden: Well get over it

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

:Eric is shown on the phone as Marrisa is sitting on a couch watching Eric:

Eric Bischoff: Rico you are not getting Maven or Jackie, I know there your buddies but I am not interested in trading them but I will trade you her but I want the people I said before so is it a deal?.........Good. I'll let her know after her match

:Eric hangs up the phone as he whispers something in Marrisa ear and she starts smiling:


Madden: I think some more trades have been made

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

Tenay: Stephanie McMahon is looking to stand out here tonight because Steph has had a rough few monthes as of late

Tony: Well she did make it to the finals of the Mixed Tag Tournament only to lose last week

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her opponent, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, Scarlett

Tony: Scarlett is still trying to find her spot here in WCW but seems to have made a close friend in Brandon

Madden: She also made an enemy last week in Eric Bischoff

Stephanie McMahon vs Scarlett
Stephanie McMahon and Scarlett lock up as The bell sounds and Stephanie locks in a headlock on Scarlett but Scarlett picks up Stephanie and drops her back with a backdrop. Scarlett gets back up first and Scarlett opens up on Stephanie with several chops backing her up into the corner and Scarlett kicks Stephanie in the gut and then Scarlett picks up Stephanie up top and Scarlett climbs up and Scarlett goes for a superplex and connects with it. Scarlett rolls over and covers Steph for a 1---2--shoulder up. Scarlett gets back up and waits for Stephanie to get up and Scarlett goes for the Scarlett Stunner but Steph swings Scarlett around and Stephanie hits a chick kick to Scarlett. Stephanie then goes for a Figure 4 Leg Lock but Scarlett grabs Stephanie and gets her with a small package for a 1---2--kick out. Both ladies get back up to there feet and Steph and Scarlett start jawing with each other as Stephanie then slaps Scarlett knocking her back as Stephanie then delivers a knee to the face of Scarlett and Stephanie whips Scarlett off the ropes and Stephanie hits a Lou Thez Press and Stephanie opens up on Scarlett and then grabs her head and bounces it off the mat several times. Stephanie gets back up and Steph picks up Scarlett and Stephanie sets up Scarlett for the Pedigree but Scarlett trips Stephanie down and then sling shots her into the corner as Stephanie bounces back out, Scarlett kicks her in the gut and hits the Scarlett Stunner. Scarlett covers Steph for a 1---2--2.9-Stephanie gets her foot on the bottom rope. Scarlett thinks she got the win but Chris Kay has to tell Scarlett and by the time he gets her attention, Stephanie rolls up Scarlett and holds the tights for a 1---2---2.9-kick out. Stephanie can't believe it and Stephanie argues with Chris Kay as Scarlett gets back up and Scarlett goes for the Scarlett Kiss but Stephanie ducks and Scarlett lays out Chris Kay. Stephanie then connects with the RKO on Scarlett and covers but there is no referee. Stephanie can't believe it but gets a smile on her face as Stephanie goes outside to the floor and gets a Steel Chair and slides it into the ring. Stephanie then eyes up Scarlett as she gets up and Stephanie goes to hit Scarlett but Scarlett kicks Steph in the gut and Scarlett hits another Stunner on her. Scarlett then picks up the chair and is about to hit Stephanie with it when Randy Orton hits the ring and turns Scarlett around and Orton hits the RKO on Scarlett. Orton then puts Stephanie on top of Scarlett and gets out of the ring as Chris Kay starts to come too but Brandon comes running down and Brandon knocks Orton down from behind and Brandon yanks Chris Kay out to the floor as Brandon rolls into the ring and picks up Stephanie who starts to beg Brandon off as Randy Orton gets back into the ring and Orton goes to hit Brandon but Brandon lets go and moves as Orton stops right before hitting Steph but turns around and Brandon comes with the Rush but Orton moves as Brandon lays out Stephanie with it. Randy Orton then connects with the RKO on Brandon though as Orton is gloating but Scarlett hits a chick kick on Orton knocking him down as Scarlett then drags Steph to the corner and goes up top and goes for and hits a Split Legged Moonsault. Scarlett is hooking the leg but Chris Kay is still down on the floor as Randy Orton yanks Scarlett off. Orton then picks up Scarlett as Scarlett goes for a low blow but Orton backs up and Orton then knee's Scarlett in the face as the crowd boo's loudly as Orton picks up Scarlett and tells her she is going to get the RKO but Brandon turns Orton around and Brandon knocks Orton down with a right hand as Orton rolls out to the floor and Brandon follows as Brandon & Orton brawl up the entry way as Chris Kay finally gets back into the ring and Scarlett picks up Stephanie but Stephanie catches Scarlett with the RKO. Stephanie then hooks the leg for a 1-------------2------------2.9-shoulder up. Stephanie is not happy about it and Stephanie picks up the steel chair that is still in the ring and Stephanie waits again for Scarlett to get up and Stephanie then goes to hit Scarlett but Scarlett catches her with the Scarlett Kiss as Scarlett falls on top of Stephanie for the 1----------2-----------3.
Winner: Scarlett

Penser: Your winner, Scarlett

Tenay: Scarlett gets the win despite alot of outside interference

Madden: Brandon had no right getting involved

Tony: Brandon came out here after Randy Orton tried to interfere

Madden: But still...


:Christy Hemme is shown heading for the ring as Simon Dean walks past her with his gear:

Simon Dean: Christy I just wanted to wish you good luck tonight

Christy Hemme: Yeah thanks

Simon Dean: I mean it Christy, I hope you win the WCW Women's Hardcore Title and you were a great assistant

Christy Hemme: Thanks and good luck I guess in SCWE

:Another Area Backstage: Randy & Steph's Locker Room

Stephanie McMahon: I can't believe this

Randy Orton: I know...

:Just then Randy Orton's Cell Phone rings as Randy answers it and walks away while talking on it as Stephanie is throwing things:

:Eric Bischoff's Office:

:Eric is shown on a cell phone as Marrisa is laughing as Eric is getting frustrated:

Eric Bischoff: No Rico you can not have Maven and Jackie....I know there your friends but I am not going to trade you them because frankly put unless your giving up Evolution X or the Pittsburgh Connection you ain't getting them......I'll let them know later just like your going to wait until after the people I am getting's matches tomarrow to let them know about the trade....Yes Rico, Simon is already on his way to Washington and he will be there in time for your stupid little SCWE Show and how did you get the job anyway......Now thats too funny

:Marrisa gets off the couch and whispers something in Eric's ear before walking into another room:

Eric Bischoff: I have to go take care of some things bye Rico

:Eric hangs up the phone and throws it on the couch before going in the other room with Marrisa and a do not disturb sign goes on the door as it gets shut and can be heard being locked:

Commercial Ad for Wrestlemania 2-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:08 PM

Tony: Well up next we are going to see the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship Defended

Madden: Tara Rayge is going to wipe the floor with Christy Hemme

Tenay: Well it should be a interesting match

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship

"Walk, Idiot, Walk" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger from Telemaca, California, Christy Hemme

Tony: Christy Hemme has a chance for her first title win here tonight

Madden: She doesn't stand a chance without Simon Dean

"Alive" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Her opponent, Represesenting the S.C. from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Tara Rayge

Madden: Tara Rayge is the greatest Women's Hardcore Wrestler ever

Tenay: That's your opionion but I do agree that Tara is good

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship: Tara Rayge(C) vs Christy Hemme
Christy and Tara lock up in the middle of the ring. They push and pull at each other until Tara gets the upper hand and whips Christy to the ropes. Christy bounces back and is slammed to the floor by Tara. Tara stomps on Christy before sliding out the mats. Tara lifts up the ring apron and starts to get lots of weapons from under the ring. Tara picks out a chair, some wooden sticks, a aluminum pole, some street signs and a mop. Tara singles out the chair, Christy hits a baseball slide to the chair which hits Tara's face. Tara drops the chair and falls back into the ring barrier. Christy rolls out the ring and kicks at Tara's gut, Christy lifts Tara up and drops her down on the ring barrier. Christy covers Tara 1...2... kick out by Tara. Christy picks up Tara by her hair and hits a snap suplex. Christy covers Tara again 1....2... kick out by Tara. Christy turns to the crowd and raises her arms in the air, the crowd cheer for her, she turns around and walks over to Tara, Tara performs a drop toe hold on Christy making Christy's head smash off the steel steps. Christy's head is opened up and blood trickles down her face. Tara helps Christy up and rolls her into the ring. Tara gets in the ring and climbs to the top rope She launches off wit a moonsault but Christy gets her knee's up. Tara rolls around the ring clutching her stomach. Christy pulls herself over the edge of the ring and grabs a street sign that Tara got out of the ring a while ago. Christy gets herself up to her feet and smashes the sign over Tara's head. Christy locks on a simple leg lock on Tara. Tara reaches out and screams in pain. She claws at the ring canvas until she grabs the bottom rope. The ref pulls Christy off, Christy takes a breather while Tara gets up, Tara runs at Christy, Christy ducks a clothesline from Tara, Christy goes for a chick kick but Tara grabs her leg, Tara slams Christy to the mat and uses the leg she's holding to begin the Sola-nero. After a few seconds Christy taps out to the sharpshooter
Winner: Tara Rayge

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Tara Rayge

Tony: Tara Rayge retains her Women's Hardcore Title here

Tenay: Well Christy Hemme will get another shot at the title at Wrestlemania 2 in the Women's Hardcore Battle Royal

Madden: Tara Rayge like Trish has done with the Women's Title has proven to be unstoppable

:Backstage: Randy Orton/Stephanie McMahon's Locker Room

:Randy Orton is shown packing his bags:

Stephanie McMahon: Where the hell are you going?

Randy Orton: I got a phone call so I am leaving

Stephanie McMahon: Like I said where are you going?

Randy Orton: Washington, D.C.

Stephanie McMahon: That's where Smackdown! is you can't just go to Smackdown

Randy Orton: You can if your on the SCWE Roster

Stephanie McMahon: What?

Randy Orton: I went to Bischoff already and requested a trade which apparantly has been made

Stephanie McMahon: And what about us?

Randy Orton: I'll call you when I get there

Stephanie McMahon: You know there going to turn on you again just like before

Randy Orton: Matt called me and said I am needed because there out numbered and if I do recall Hunter was the guy that made me what I am and I owe him so if he needs my help then I am going to be there for him

Stephanie McMahon: What about your match with Brandon at Wrestlemania and the Battle Royal tonight?

Randy Orton: The Battle Royal I am out of and Brandon gets off lucky knowing I wont take his title now

Stephanie McMahon: I can't believe your throwing everything away just because E-X says jump

:Randy Orton walks out of the locker room and heads towards the parking lot as Stephanie chaes after him and is still yelling at him when Marrisa Bischoff walks up to Stephanie:

Marrisa Bischoff: Boy sis you are having lots of trouble keeping men

:Stephanie just rolls her eyes and starts to walk away:

Marrisa Bischoff: You know you and Randy are not being split up

Stephanie McMahon: He wasn't traded?

Marrisa Bischoff: No he was but so were so good luck in SCWE Sis

:Stephanie looks on in shock as Marrisa walks away laughing:

Commercial Ad for Wrestlemania 2-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Well it looks like Stephanie McMahon and Randy Orton have just joined Simon Dean in going to SCWE

Tenay: That's a few big blows to the WCW Roster

Madden: Well I am going to miss Stephanie personally

Tenay: Well its time to get serious because up next we have the big #1 Contender's Battle Royal where the winner will go to Wrestlemania 2 to face Lance Storm for the United States Championship

Penser: The Following Contest is a 10 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to Determine The #1 Contender for the WCW United States Championship(Crowd Cheers)

"Metalingus" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, JJ Stallion

Tony: JJ Stallion has been a SCWE IC Champion before which is the equal to the US Title

"Wake Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 2nd Participant, He is one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions, Jerome Morris

Madden: Jerome Morris is a Tag Team Champion currently and could shock some people here

"Closure" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: The Third Participant, He is the other half of the WCW Tag Team Champions, Jamie Gunz!!!

Tenay: Jamie Gunz has been a SCWE IC Champion before

"Corperate Ministry" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The Fourth and Fifth Entrants, Representing The Genetic Stroke, Raven and The Undertaker!!

Madden: Here comes Eric Bischoff's Hired Help and both are former World Champions

"Machine" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Penser: The 6th Entrant, The Love Machine

Tenay: The Love Machine is argubly one of the greatest US Champions of all time so if he wins tonight he has to be a favorite come Wrestlemania but may have the biggest Bulls Eye on his chest

"American Made" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The 7th Entrant, He is the WCW Television Champion, Brandon Davis

Tony: Brandon Davis is trying to earn a shot at the US Champion in hopes of being a Double Champion

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 8th Entrant, The Leader of the Cabinet, John Bradshaw Layfield

Madden: Awww no limo

Tenay: JBL has been a US Champion before so he knows what he is gunning for here

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: The 9th Entrant, Maven!!!

Tony: I think we know who the fans are behind and its the former World Champion Maven

Madden: Who is going to replace Randy Orton though?

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Finally, Representing The S.C., Tyson Tomko

Tenay: Tyson Tomko is Christian's Right Hand Man and my guess is to win this battle royal to give Lance Storm the night off

#1 Contender US Title Battle Royal: JBL vs The Love Machine vs Raven vs The Undertaker vs Maven vs JJ Stallion vs Brandon Davis vs Jerome Morris vs Jamie Gunz vs Tyson Tomko
The Bell Sounds as all 10 Men Look around at each other and JBL, TLM, Maven, JJ Stallion, Brandon Davis, Jamie Gunz, Jerome Morris, & Tyson Tomko all go right after Raven & The Undertaker. JBL, Tyson, Jerome, & TLM work over The Undertaker while Maven, JJ, Jamie Gunz, & Brandon work over Raven. JJ & Jamie hold Raven up as Brandon hits the Rush on him and Maven picks up Raven and sends him flying over the top to the floor. Raven has been eliminated. Meanwhile The Undertaker tries to fight back knocking down Jerome and TLM but JBL connects with a Clothesline from hell on The Deadman as Tyson picks him up and throws him out to the floor. The Undertaker has been eliminated. The G.S. is not happy about being singled out but are told to leave the ringside area as the remaining 8 look around at each other. JBL, TLM, Jerome, & Tyson Tomko are on one side of the ring while Maven, JJ, Brandon, & Jamie Gunz are on the other side and all 8 men start to battle it out with Maven & Tyson going at it while Jerome & JJ battle it out as well as TLM with Brandon and JBL with Jamie Gunz. Tyson gets the upper hand on Maven and tries to throw Maven out but Maven holds onto the ropes but Brandon hits Tyson from behind as Brandon and Maven both start to double team him as The Love Machine joins in making it a 3 on 1 attack on Tyson Tomko as all three men then get Tyson over the top to the floor. Tyson Tomko has been eliminated. Tyson is not happy about the elimination as TLM tries to dump Maven out but Maven lands on the apron. Brandon and TLM battle it out again as JJ Stallion and Jerome are going at it and Jamie Gunz comes over and attacks JJ Stallion from behind as Jamie and Jerome both start to double team JJ as JBL comes over and JBL hits Brandon in the back until Maven pushes JBL away and JBL & Maven have words and then both men start to exchange lefts and rights back and forth as JBL backs Maven near the ropes and JBL goes for a Big boot but Maven ducks and JBL straddles the top rope and Maven hits a dropkick knocking JBL out to the floor. JBL has been eliminated. Maven gets up and tells JBL to get the hell out of his ring when The Love Machine grabs Maven and dumps him over the top to the floor as well. Maven has been eliminated. Maven is in shock as Referee's restrain JBL & Maven away from each other. This leaves the final 5 being The Love Machine, Jerome Morris, Jamie Gunz, JJ Stallion, & Brandon Davis. Jamie & Jerome continue to double team JJ Stallion as Brandon & The Love Machine battle it out. Jerome and Jamie pick up JJ and are looking for a side to toss him out and try to but JJ holds onto the ropes for dear life as Jerome is trying to get him out when Jamie Gunz picks up Jerome and dumps him over the top to the floor. Jerome Morris has been eliminated. Jerome is pissed and is screaming at Jamie as Jamie tells him its every man for himself. Jamie Gunz goes back to work on JJ Stallion while TLM & Brandon exchange rights and lefts. Brandon gets whipped off the ropes by TLM but Brandon connects with the Rush on TLM. Brandon gets back up and picks up The Love Machine and throws him over the top but TLM lands on the apron as Brandon tries to get him out as Jamie Gunz has JJ Stallion on the apron as well trying to get him out when Jerome Morris returns and sneaks into the ring and goes up to Jamie Gunz and dumps him over the top to the floor. Jamie Gunz has been eliminated. Jerome Morris leaves the ring and Jamie and him have words going back up the entry way. This leaves the final 3 of Brandon, TLM, & JJ Stallion as Brandon still is trying to get TLM out as JJ Stallion comes over and helps out but TLM  gets back into the ring as JJ & Brandon stomp away at The Love Machine and then pick him up as JJ holds TLM as Brandon pounds away at him. Brandon then backs up and goes for another Rush but TLM breaks free as Brandon hits it on JJ Stallion. Brandon gets up and walks right into the Pepsi Plunge as The Love Machine see's JJ trying to get up and The Love Machine pick up JJ Stallion and sends him flying over the top to the floor. JJ Stallion has been eliminated. This leaves Brandon and TLM as The Love Machine picks up Brandon and goes to throw him out Brandon reverses sending The Love Machine over the top to the floor.
Winner: Brandon Davis

Penser: Your winner, Brandon Davis

Tony: Brandon is going to Wrestlemania to face Lance Storm!!

Madden: The Love Machine had it won

Tenay: Great showings by alot of these guys but Brandon is getting the US Title Shot at Wrestlemania 2!!

Final Commercial Ad for Wrestlemania 2-Long Ad

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 2:09 PM

Tony: Well its Main Event time now

Tenay: A Big Mixed Tag Main Event

Madden: Christian and Trish are going to make short work of Walker and Jackie

Penser: The Main Event of the Evening is a Mixed Tag Contest and it is scheduled for one fall

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Being accumpied by Tyson Tomko, From Toronto, Canada, Representing The S.C., The Team of WCW Women's Champion Trish Stratus and WCW World Heavyweight Champion Christian!!!

Madden: Here come the Power Couple of WCW arguably the second best couple in KSCWE History only behind Triple H and Victoria

Tenay: Christian and Trish have been very dominant

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, 1st from Cleveland, Ohio, Jackie Gayda

Tony: Jackie and Trish have had some classic battles over the last few monthes

Madden: Yes and the outcome has always been the same and will remain the same, Trish beating Jackie

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: Her partner, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 195 Pounds, The 2005 WCW Royal Rumble Champion, Chris Walker!!!

Tenay: Here comes Chris Walker

Tony: Chris Walker is going to be facing Christian at Wrestlemania 2 for the WCW World Title as well as Scott Steiner who has gotten into the match

Madden: Chris Walker gets a lesson from the King of Canada here

Christian & Trish Stratus W/Tyson Tomko vs Chris Walker & Jackie Gayda
Jackie and Trish start things off as Trish points out to Jackie that she has never beaten her and Trish starts to laugh as Jackie then tackles Trish to the ground and Jackie starts to pound away at Trish until Trish knocks Jackie off and Trish gets back up as Jackie spears down Trish again and pounds away at her some more as Trish rolls out of the ring to the floor where Christian and Tyson meet her to regroup. Jackie goes to go after them but Nick Patrick holds her back into the ring but Chris Walker goes over the side they are on and Walker dives off smacking into Tyson who knocks Christian and Trish down. Walker then pounds away at Christian as Trish gets back up and Jackie reaches over the top rope and grabs Trish by her hair and starts to pull her up but Trish fights back and drops down driving Jackie's throat off the top rope as Trish then gets back up and rolls into the ring. Nick Patrick gets Chris Walker and Christian back into the corners as Tyson Tomko is also back up and Trish Stratus meanwhile is stomping away at Jackie and kicks her several times in the ribs knocking her to the other side of the ring. Trish then picks up Jackie near the corner and Trish hits several chops to Jackie. Trish then puts Jackie up top and Trish backs up and then goes for the Stratusphere and connects with it. Trish then waits as Jackie struggles up and Trish goes for the Chick Kick but Jackie ducks and Jackie then catches Trish with a right hand knocking her down as Jackie tags out to Chris Walker. This brings in Christian as well as Christian goes to hit Walker but Walker blocks it and kicks Christian in the gut and Walker hits a high knee to Christian knocking him down. Chris Walker then opens up on Christian some more with right hands backing him up to the ropes and Walker whips Christian off the ropes and puts his head down as Christian kicks Walker in the chest as Christian then hits a clothesline on Walker. Christian then does a little taunt as he picks up Walker but Walker delivers a few right hands to Christian's gut and Walker then catches Christian with a upper cut and Walker then goes for a Twist of Fate but Christian hits Walker in the back while going for it and Christian then sets up Walker for the Unprettier but Walker shoves Christian off the ropes and Walker then hits a big backdrop on Christian. Christian gets back up grabbing his back as Walker kicks him in the gut and Walker sets him up for the Walkerflip as Trish Stratus comes into the ring causing Nick Patrick to stop her allowing Tyson to come into the ring as Walker lets go of Christian and hits Tyson a few times but Christian hits Walker from behind and holds him as Tyson goes for a Big Boot but Walker is able to escape as Tyson lays out Christian with a big boot and Walker then dropkicks Tyson over the top to the floor as Walker picks up Christian and hits the Walkerflip on him and Chris Walker is about to cover but then looks at Jackie Gayda and tags out to Jackie as Jackie and Trish enter the ring and Trish and Jackie both start to exchange right hands but Chris Walker goes after Trish as Trish turns towards Walker allowing Jackie to hit Trish in the back and Jackie then picks up Trish and slams her down as Jackie goes up top as Chris Walker grabs Trish and sets her up and Walker actually hits the Walkerflip on Trish Stratus!!! Jackie Gayda then comes off the top hitting a Moonsault as Walker keeps Christian out of the ring as Nick Patrick counts the 1---2---3.
Winners: Chris Walker & Jackie Gayda

Penser: Your winners, Chris Walker & Jackie Gayda!!

Tony: Walker and Jackie have done it

Madden: How can Chris Walker be proud of himself for what he did to Trish

Tenay: Chris Walker hit the Walkerflip on Trish followed by a Jackie Gayda Moonsault and Jackie has finally pinned the Women's Champion

:Tyson and Christian help Trish out of the ring as Christian makes sure she is ok as Lance Storm, Edge, & Petey Williams come out to the ring as Tara helps Trish to the back as The 5 S.C. men surround the ring and then start to get into the ring:

Madden: Now the S.C. will get there revenge

Tony: This isn't a fair fight but then again this is the S.C.'s way

:Chris Walker goes over to where Edge just is and Walker knocks Edge down off the apron as he gets Jackie out of the ring as Lance Storm and Petey Williams attacks Walker from behind but Jackie is out of the ring and is able to get towards the back as the S.C. pounds away at Walker as Storm & Petey hold Chris Walker until Maven & Brandon Davis hit the ring as Maven knocks down Petey and Storm with right hands as Brandon knocks down Edge with a big clothesline and then Tyson with a few right hands before clotheslining him out to the floor:

Tenay: Thank god for Maven and Brandon

:The S.C. is regrouping on the floor when Scott Steiner, The Undertaker, & Raven appear in the entry way and are laughing at the S.C.:

Tony: This thing between The S.C., The G.S. and this little unit is getting very personal very fast

Tenay: Well just a reminder to watch Heat this Wednesday Night and No Nitro Next Week so the next time we will see you will be at Wrestlemania 2 but tune into Heat for the Finalized WCW Side for Wrestlemania 2

Tony: Good Night

:Nitro Goes off the Air: