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Nitro : Nitro 5/2/05
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 10:13 PM

Results 5/2/05 Live From Indianoplis, Indiana

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Raven fought Lance Storm to a No Contest

Dark Match #2: Danny Basham defeated Jeff Jarrett

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro Girls Dance to Open Up Nitro:

Tony: Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro!!

Tenay: Tonight we are going to see Tara Rayge and JBL have there first title defenses as WCW Women's and WCW World Heavyweight Champion Respectivly plus the WCW Women's Mixed Tag Title's are on the line and Mikey G makes his Nitro return taking on WCW US Champion Brandon Davis in a Non-Title Match

Madden: Tonight's Nitro is going to be great plus tonight we are going to have an announcement concerning the 100th Nitro which is coming up on May 16th

Penser: The Opening Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Can You Dig It" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 250 Pounds, Booker T

Tony: This match is a rematch from last week when Booker T came up on the short end of the stick and Booker demanded a rematch

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent being accumpied to the ring by Lexus Carr, Representing Fabulously Fit, From New York, New York weighing in at 220 Pounds, Simon Dean

Madden: Simon Dean defeated Booker T last week and will do it again

Tenay: Simon Dean has been on a role since arriving and did very well on SCWE during his run there

Simon Dean W/Lexus Carr vs Booker T
The bell sounds to start the match as Simon reminds Booker that he beat him last week and Booker should really try the Simon System and Booker tells Simon ok and asks Simon for a protein which Simon gets from Lexus and goes to hand it to Booker but Booker hits a right hand knocking down Simon and Booker then stomps away at Simon and picks him up and Booker whips him off the ropes and Booker hits a big side kick to the face of Simon knocking him down, Simon starts to get up as Booker T opens up on him with chops to the chest backing up Simon into the ropes and Booker hits a few more chops and then whips Simon off the ropes again and Booker hits a big backdrop on Simon who gets up slowly and walks right into a spine buster from Booker T. Simon rolls out to the floor grabbing his back as Booker T taunts in the ring while Lexus Carr checks on Simon Dean who gets a can out of his bag and starts to drink a Simon Protein Drink when Booker T goes over and grabs Simon by his hair and pulls him up as Simon throws the drink in Booker's face blinding Booker T as Simon Dean gets back into the ring and attacks Booker T in the back clubbing him several times and Simon then goes for the Simon Effect but Booker T shoves Simon back into the corner and Booker hits a few more shoulder blocks to Simon and Booker backs up as Simon staggers out and Booker T goes for the Book End and hits it on him. Booker T covers but Lexus Carr gets on the apron distracting referee Chris Kay as Booker T then gets up to go after Lexus but Val Venis comes out of the crowd and into the ring and attacks Booker T from behind as Val Venis hits the Porn Drop on Booker T as Val rolls out to the floor as Simon Dean gets back up and pick up Booker T and Simon hits the Simon Effect for good measure and covers Booker T for the 1--2--3.
Winner: Simon Dean

Penser: Your winner, Simon Dean

Tony: Simon Dean gets the win again over Booker T but thanks in large part to Lexus Carr and Val Venis

Madden: Fabulously Fit sticks together

Tenay: Well Booker T will get his revenge sometime down the road, I can promise you that

:Backstage: Marrisa's Office

:Scott Hill, Stevie Hill, Kellianne Hill, & Marrisa Bischoff are shown in the office relaxing watching the action when Billy Gunn walks into the office:

Billy Gunn: Sorry to interupt you guys but I just thought you should know that I heard from a few other wrestlers in the locker room that Hulk Hogan is apparantly going to show up here tonight

Scott Hill: Where did you hear this?

Billy Gunn: I overheard Brandon Davis and Maven talking

Scott Hill: Alright thanks Billy

Billy Gunn: Not a problem boss and if you need help with him, you know I will be more then happy to help you out

Scott Hill: Thanks


Tony: Well Billy Gunn is a sell out

Madden: How is he a sell out, I happen to think he is looking out for Number 1 and there is nothign wrong with that

Tony: It is still not right

Tenay: Guys I hate to break this up but we have gotten word something is going on backstage


:Raven is shown being jumped by The Basham's & Orlando Jordan as Doug & Danny then hit the Ball & Gag on Raven as Orlando Jordan covers Raven for the 1--2--3. Orlando Jordan is the new Hardcore Champion. Orlando & The Basham's get the title and run off as The Undertaker appears on the scene checking on Raven when Marrisa Bischoff appears in the scene with Kellianne Hill:

Marrisa Bischoff: Well I hate to break this up but I have some news for you Taker...You have been traded to SCWE along with Booker T to complete an earlier trade so get your things and get out of my arena...NOW

Commercial Ad for SCWE RAW 1 Night Only, SCWE Vengeance, & WCW Heat

After The Break:

Tony: Well I am rather shocked about what we just saw

Madden: Orlando Jordan is the new Hardcore Champion

Tenay: Plus Booker T and The Undertaker are no longer WCW Superstars and are now officially members of the SCWE Roster

Madden: Well I say good ridance

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Championship

"I Stand Alone" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California, The Challenger, Joy Giovanni

Tenay: Here comes Joy Giovanni who has a golden chance here

Madden: Joy could win the WCW Women's Title!

"Alive" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Penser: Her opponent, From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Tara Rayge

Tenay: Tara Rayge has the fan support now and is making her first Women's Title Defense

Madden: I hope we see a new Champion

WCW Women's Championship: Tara Rayge(C) vs Joy Giovanni
Tara and Joy lock up in the center of the ring. They push at each other, edging towards the ropes, eventually the two divas fall between the middle and top rope. They land on the mats outside, Joy grabs Tara and goes to whip her into the ring steps but Tara stops herself just in time, she turns around and hits a drop toe hold on Giovanni as she runs towards Tara. Joy's forehead catches the corner of the ring steps and makes her bleed. Tara throws Joy into the ring. Tara lifts Joy up and hits a perfect snap suplex. Tara covers Joy 1...2...2.7 kick out by joy Giovanni. Joy is starting to lose quite a bit of blood when Tara looks around and locks in a Sola-nero on Joy. Joy screams out in pain and quickly grabs the nearby bottom rope. Tara Rayge pulls Joy away from the ropes and puts more pressure on joy, soon after Joy taps out
Winner: Tara Rayge

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Champion, Tara Rayge

Tony: Tara Rayge has successfully retained the Women's Title

Tenay: Joy Giovanni put up a good fight but Tara Rayge was too much for her tonight


:Billy Gunn is shown heading towards his locker room when he walks past Brandon Davis, Maven, & DDP who are all stairing at him:

Billy Gunn: Can I help you?

Brandon Davis: What?

Billy Gunn: What are you looking at?

Brandon Davis: What?.....What?....Are you talking to me?....I know the little stooge isn't talking to me

:Billy Gunn shakes his head and heads down the hall:

Maven: I guess he wants to go call Scott and Stevie and tell on you Brandon

Brandon Davis: Yup

:Billy Gunn stops before going in his locker room and smirks and walks into the locker room and shuts the door then:


Tony: Well up next we are going to see Rico making his official WCW Return

Tenay: The last time Rico appeared on Nitro, he was WCW World Heavyweight Champion

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Television Championship

"Venus" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 228 Pounds, Rico

Tenay: Rico returned to WCW along with Fabulously Fit members Simon Dean, Val Venis, and Lexus Carr although Rico has not been seen with them since Souled Out and obviously Rico is not approving of Val and Simon's actions as of late

"Wake Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at 195 Pounds, He is the WCW Television Champion, Jerome Morris

Madden: Jerome Morris has been red hot lately

Tenay: Well until last week when Edge scored the upset win in the Non-Title Match

Madden: Jerome was burned out from Souled Out, you do know he defeated Jamie Gunz in a brutal Cage Match plus did well in that Battle Royal so he was tired

Tenay: Excuses, Excuses

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:14 PM

WCW Television Championship: Jerome Morris(C) vs Rico

Both men start circling the ring as the bell rings. Rico blows Jerome a kiss but Jerome moves. Jerome charges at Rico but Rico quickly moves and gets behind Jerome. Jerome is confused wondering where Rico went. Rico grabs Jerome's ass. Jerome turns around and kicks Rico then gets out of the ring.The ref starts counting-1..2..Rico rubs off the kick and taunts the crowd, then blows another kiss at Jerome. Jerome gets a sick look. Rico climbs out of the ring and goes over to Jerome. Jerome quickly opens up on Rico, giving him right and left hander's and shoves Rico down. Jerome kicks Rico and throws him back in the ring and gets back in the ring himself as the refs count stops at 7. Jerome quickly pins Rico-1...2...kickout. Jerome gets mad and pins Rico again-1...2..another kickout. Jerome gets up and helps up Rico, who then quickly gives Jerome a kiss. Jerome is whipping it off then Rico starts opening up on him. Rico takes Jerome and slings him into the ropes, Jerome bounces off the ropes and Rico clotheslines him. Rico pins Jerome-1...2...kickout. Rico gets up and starts kicking Jerome. Rico then helps up Jerome and elbows him, making Jerome fall on his hands and knees. Rico smiles then gets on Jerome's back and rides him. Jerome slings Rico off him and quickly starts stomping a mud hole in Rico. Jerome shakes off the disgust and then lifts Rico up. Jerome starts delivering chops to Rico, slowly sending him back into the corner. Jerome starts choking Rico, the ref tells him to let go and starts counting-1...2...3...4..Jerome breaks the hold. Jerome walks away from Rico and then quickly charges at him for a splash but Rico quickly sticks his boot up and meets Jerome's face. Rico shakes off the grogginess and concentrates on Jerome. Rico pushes Jerome down on his back and Rico begins to open up on him. Rico stops beating up Jerome and smiles at the crowd. Rico pins Jerome-1...2...kick out. Rico says that was a 3 count to the ref but the ref says it wasn't. Rico gives the ref a sad face as Jerome kicks Rico in the back of the head. Jerome quickly picks up Rico and whips him into the corner. Jerome gets out of the ring and grabs the TV title then slides back in the ring. Jerome stalks Rico as the ref tells him don't use the title and tries to grab it from Jerome. Rico starts to get up on his feet as Jerome shoves the ref down and Rico turns around. Jerome cracks Rico in the head with the TV title. Jerome laughs at Rico as the ref calls for the bell
Winner: Rico by DQ

Penser: Your winner by a result of a DQ, Rico

Tony: Jerome Morris just saved his TV Title

Tenay: If Jerome wouldnt have hit Rico with the TV Title, I think we would have seen a new TV Champion

Madden: No way, Jerome just didn't want to waste his time anymore


:Maven & Jackie are shown heading for the Entrance when Scott & Stevie Hill appear:

Scott Hill: Maven I just wanted to let you know personally that if any of the old Hulkamaniacs interfere in anything tonight that you will be suspended immediatly so good luck out there

:Scott & Stevie head off as Maven rolls his eyes and continues on his way towards the entrance with Jackie:


Tony: Why are they doing this?

Madden: They are trying to make sure things run smooth

Tenay: They are on a ego kick is what they are on

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Mixed Tag Team Championship

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, They are the WCW Mixed Tag Team Champions, Maven & Jackie Gayda

Tony: Congratulations to Maven and Jackie on there marriage last week

Madden: I heard only one wrestler attended the wedding since it was private and guess who it was

Tenay: Who?

Madden: Rico

Tony: Well Rico does look up to Maven

"Fight" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: There opponents, The Challengers, The Team of The Jackal and Christine

Tenay: The Jackal and Christine has a big chance here to get some gold

Madden: I think if The Jackal can keep Maven busy, Christine can take out Jackie

WCW Mixed Tag Team Championship: Maven & Jackie Gayda vs The Jackal & Christine
Jackie and Christine start the match off. The two divas go to lock up but Christine kicks Jackie in the gut, Christine throws her to the turnbuckle and runs towards her hitting a ho train type attack on Jackie. Christine steps back as Jackie falls forward into a belly to belly suplex from Christine. Jackie clutches her back as Christine covers her for a two count. Christine lifts Jackie up for a suplex, Christine uses her strength to hold Jackie up there but Jackie wriggles out and lands behind Christine, Jackie hits a modified twist of fate on Christine, Jackie quickly climbs to the middle rope, Christine gets up, and see's Jackie on the middle rope, Christine turns and tags in The Jackal. The ref tells Maven that he must come in. Maven gets in the ring and starts punching at the jackal, Maven Irish whips Jackal towards Jackie who is still on the middle rope, Jackie launches off and hits The Jackal with a cross body. The ref orders Jackie to get on the apron as Maven launches off the top rope with a cross body of his own on a now standing Jackal 1....2...2.6 kick out. Maven helps Jackal to his feet and hits a picture perfect brain buster. Maven covers Jackal 1...2... Christine runs into the ring and kicks the back of Mavens head. Jackie gets in the ring and spears down Christine. The two divas brawl at the edge of the ring as Maven watches, Jackal crawls up behind maven and rolls him up tightly! 1....2...2.9 kick out by Maven! Both men get up and look at each other, Jackal ducks a clothesline from Maven and goes for an Jackal effect while Christine gets the upper hand with Jackie, and lifts her up for a power bomb. Maven counters the DDT from Jackal and hits a dropkick to his chest. Jackie Gayda counters the power bomb into a hurricanrana throwing Christine and herself over the top rope. Maven climbs to the top rope and launches off with the block buster when Jackal gets up. Maven hits it and hooks The Jackals leg 1...2...3
Winners: Maven & Jackie Gayda

Penser: Your winners and still WCW Mixed Tag Team Champions, Maven and Jackie Gayda

Tony: Maven and Jackie pick up the impressive win to retain there titles

Commercial Ad for SCWE Vengeance-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Well in the last match, Maven and Jackie retained there titles

Madden: They got lucky

Tenay: Well I don't think luck had anything to do with that

Madden: Well in our next match, Billy Gunn is going to put our new Number One Contender in his place

Tony: Time will tell on that

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 268 Pounds, The "New Age Outlaw" Billy Gunn

Tenay: Here comes Billy Gunn

Madden: Billy Gunn is going to take Jamie Gunz to school tonight

"I Predict a Riot" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Tony: Jamie Gunz is set to face JBL at UnCensored for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in what should be a great match

Tenay: Jamie Gunz is looking to knock off a former SCWE World Champion in Billy Gunn tonight

Jamie Gunz vs Billy Gunn
Billy attacks Jamie as he enters the ring and Gunn pounds away at Jamie's back and Billy then hits a big clubbing blow knocking Jamie down as Billy stomps away at Jamie before driving his knee into the back of Jamie who screams out from the pain as Referee Mike Posey tells Billy to back off as Jamie Gunz starts to get back up but Billy gunn moves and kicks Jamie hard into the ribs. Billy then picks up Jamie and Billy sets him up for the No Intro's Needed but Jamie elbows his way out and Jamie then hits a big clothesline knocking down Billy as Jamie Gunz waits as Billy gets up and Jamie clotheslines him down again and Jamie waits as Billy  gets up and Jamie hits a big dropkick knocking Billy down once more as Billy rolls out to the floor to regroup as Jamie Gunz rolls out to the floor in pursuit and goes to hit Billy but Billy turns around and pokes Jamie in the eyes as Billy Gunn then rams Jamie Gunz's face off the ring apron and then off the ring post as Jamie Gunz is down as Billy Gunn stomps away at him before picking up Jamie and Billy scoops him up and drops him face first off the barricade as Billy Gunn gets back into the ring and back out as Billy Gunn stomps away at Jamie some more before picking up Jamie Gunz and Billy slams him down on the floor as Billy gets a sick smile on his face as Billy then pulls back the padding on the floor but Jamie Gunz gets up and attacks Billy Gunn from behind as Jamie Gunz then rams Billy back first into the ring post as Jamie Gunz then grabs Billy and rolls him back into the ring as Jamie Gunz gets back into the ring as Billy is trying to beg off as Jamie moves in slowly and Billy then low blows Jamie Gunz but referee Mike Posey was on the floor putting the padding back and did not see it as Billy Gunn pounds away at Jamie and picks up him and Billy hits a DDT on Jamie Gunz and Billy Gunn then covers Jamie for a 1---2--kick out. Billy Gunn looks a bit annoyed and picks up Jamie and sets him up for the No Intro's Needed and Billy hits it this time and covers for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Billy Gunn can not believe it and has words with Mike Posey before noticing Jamie Gunz trying to get as Billy Gunn then calls for the Fameasser and goes for it but Jamie counters into the Black hole Slam and Jamie covers for a 1--2--2.9-shoulder up. Jamie Gunz gets up slowly as Billy Gunn is also starting to get up and Jamie then grabs Billy and goes for the Last Breath but Billy is able to wiggle free and Billy then kicks Jamie in the gut and Billy goes for the Fameasser but Jamie shoves Billy off the ropes and Jamie hits a big spine buster on him but Jerome Morris comes out and gets on the apron as Jamie Gunz goes over and Jamie knocks Jerome off the apron with a right hand but Billy Gunn ends up low blowing Jamie from behind and when he turns around, Billy Gunn hits the Fameasser on Jamie Gunz and Billy covers Jamie with a handful of tights for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Billy Gunn

Penser: Your winner, Billy Gunn

Tony: Billy Gunn thanks to Jerome Morris's destraction just cost Jamie Gunz the match

Madden: Billy Gunn was going to win either way and I think Billy Gunn has a right to face the WCW World Champion now or at the very least face Jamie Gunz for the title if he wins it


:Brandon Davis is shown heading towards the ring when Val Venis & Simon Dean attack Brandon from behind as both men ram Brandon into a wall when DDP rushes into the scene and DDP knocks down Simon Dean with a right hand but Raven attacks DDP from behind when Rico rushes into the picture and Rico turns Raven around and opens up on Raven but Mikey G comes into the picture and attacks Rico from behind as Billy Gunn who has just gotten backstage attacks Brandon who was getting up as Security comes and restrains everyone as Marrisa Bischoff, Scott, Kellianne, & Stevie Hill all appear:

Marrisa Bischoff: Since you 8 want at each other so bad then at UnCensored it will be a 8 Man TLC Match for the United States Championship featuring all of you


Tony: All hell just broke loose backstage but I guess the Brandon Davis/Mikey G match won't happen now

Tenay: No kidding but now Brandon Davis has to defend the US Title against 7 other men at UnCensored

Madden: I just got word that next week there will be an 8 Man Tag Match featuring the 8 men as Brandon Davis, DDP, Rico, and Raven will take on Val Venis, Simon Dean, Mikey G, and Billy Gunn

Tony: Well that match should be a good one then

Tenay: I have just gotten word that a limo has arrived backstage but we have to take a short commercial break and hopefully we can find out who was in that limo when we come back

:Commercial Ad for WCW Heat, SCWE RAW 1 Night Only, & WCW UnCensored:

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:15 PM

Tony: Well the limo was checked out but nobody was in it

Madden: I hope its not Hulk Hogan

Tenay: Well regardless we have to move on and up next we are going to have one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions in action

Penser: The following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 296 Pounds, Edge

Tony: Here comes one of the hottest guys in WCW

Madden: Can he beat The Cabinet though because you know Danny will be with Doug and they are the WCW Tag Team Champions

"Basham Theme" hits, Crowd boo's

Penser: His opponent, Representing The Cabinet, From Columbus, Ohio weighing in at 242 Pounds, He is one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions, Doug Basham

Tenay: Well I am a little suprised that there are no other Cabinet members

Madden: They must be with JBL getting him ready for his first WCW World Title Defense

Edge vs Doug Basham
The Bell Sounds as Doug Basham attacks Edge immediately and Basham pounds away at Edge's back and Basham then sends Edge off the ropes and Basham hits a big powerslam on Edge. Basham then pounds away at Edge with several right hands as Basham picks up Edge and Basham goes for a Reverse neck breaker but Edge shoves Doug away into the ropes and Basham goes for a clothesline but Edge ducks and then hits the reverse X-Factor on Basham and Edge hooks the legs for a 1---2--kick out. Edge gets up as does Doug Basham and Edge pounds away at Basham and kicks him in the gut as Edge goes for the Edgecution and hits it. Edge then gets up and goes for the Edgeacator but Orlando Jordan runs down to the ring and gets on the apron distracting referee Charles Robinson as Edge lets go of Doug and goes over and knocks down Orlando when Danny Basham comes out of the crowd and pulls Doug out of the ring and Danny gets into the ring and lays down as Edge goes over and Edge goes for the Edgecator again but Danny kicks Edge back into the referee knocking him down as Danny gets up and goes for a clothesline but Edge ducks and opens up on Danny and knocks him down with a right hand but Orlando gets into the ring and attacks Edge from behind as Doug Basham also gets into the ring and all three men then start to put the boots to Edge when John Cena hits the ring and Cena knocks down Orlando Jordan with a right hand and then Doug Basham and Cena ducks a clothesline from Danny and Cena then hits the FU on Danny Basham as Edge gets back up and Edge then hits the Spear on Doug Basham as Cena picks up Orlando and sends him flying over the top and Cena kicks Danny out to the floor as Cena helps Charles Robinson into position as he counts the 1---2--3.
Winner: Edge

Penser: Your winner, Edge

Tony: I don't believe it, Edge has just overcome the odds

Madden: No he didnt, John Cena helped him win

Tenay: Well thanks to John Cena, Edge has just defeated Doug Basham despite the attempted interfernce from Orlando Jordan and Danny Basham

Madden: This isn't fair

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Boo's as The White Limo Pulls Out

Tony: Are we going to move right into the Main Event?

Tenay: I guess so

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, 1st making his way to the ring, From New York, New York, Being accumpied to the ring by Haley Scott and Representing The Cabinet weighing in at 290 Pounds, He is the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield

Madden: JBL is defending the WCW World Title for the first time

Tenay: Well Orlando Jordan, Edge, & The Basham's are leaving with escorts so obviously they are banned from ringside

Penser: His opponent, Already in the ring, He is the Challenger, From...

:John Cena goes out to the floor and attacks JBL before he can get into the ring as Cena opens up on JBL with several right hands and Cena rams JBL head first against the barracade and Cena then rolls JBL back into the ring:

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: JBL(C) W/Haley Scott vs John Cena
JBL is begging off of Cena who goes in and kicks JBL right in the chest knocking JBL down as Cena stomps away and then mounts JBL and pounds away at him with several right hands before JBL shoves Cena off. Cena gets up as JBL is getting up and Cena goes to work on JBL and backs him into the corner where Cena delivers a few boots to the gut of JBL and Cena climbs up and delivers several right hands to JBL's head before JBL shoves Cena off. Cena gets back up as JBL charges at Cena but Cena ducks a clothesline and Cena opens up on JBL and then tells him he can't see him and delivers a big spinebuster to JBL. Cena then bounces off the ropes and goes for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and hits it on JBL as Cena gets up and starts calling for the FU as JBL staggers back up but Haley Scott gets on the apron distracting Nick Patrick as Orlando Jordan hits the ring again but OJ gets knocked down by a Cena Right hand but JBL sneaks up behind Cena and then low blows him as Orlando rolls out to the floor as JBL knocks down Cena with a right hand. JBL then picks up Cena and JBL whips Cena off the ropes and JBL hits a big powerslam on Cena. JBL hooks the leg as Nick Patrick counts a 1--2--shoulder up. JBL tells Nick Patrick to count faster as JBL picks up Cena but Cena delivers a few right hands to the gut of JBL and Cena picks up JBL and delivers an atomic drop to him and Cena then picks JBL and hits the FU on him!! Cena covers but Haley Scott is on the apron again as Orlando Jordan gets into the ring but Cena knocks him down with a right hand but The Basham's hit the ring and attack Cena as all three men put the boots to Cena as Nick Patrick see's this and calls for the bell as all 4 Cabinet members put the boots to Cena
Winner: John Cena by DQ

Penser: Your winner by DQ, John Cena

Tony: This isn't right

Tenay: We could have had a new champion but now John Cena may not leave here in one piece

:As The Cabinet continues to put the boots to John Cena, Edge hits the ring then and Edge delivers a right hand to Danny Basham and then to Doug but JBL hits Edge from behind knocking him down but Jamie Gunz hits the ring and Jamie Gunz knocks down Orlando Jordan with a right hand and starts to back up JBL but Jerome Morris hits the ring behind Jamie and Jerome chopblocks Jamie down:

Tony: We need more help out here

Madden: The Numbers game is working out here

Tenay: Somebody needs to come out here to help these guys

"Real American" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts


Madden: NO!!!!!!!!!!!

:Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring pointing at the Cabinet and Jerome Morris as Hogan slides into the ring and The Basham's start to stomp away as Hogan gets up and Hogan then grabs Doug & Danny and rams there heads together and Hogan knocks down Orlando Jordan with a right hand as The Basham's get up near the ropes and Hogan then hits a big clothesline sending them both over the top to the floor as Orlando Jordan then hits Hogan who turns around and points at OJ as Jordan goes for a right hand but Hogan blocks it and Hogan sends Orlando off the ropes and Hogan hits a Big Boot to Orlando as JBL rolls out to the floor and retreats with Haley Scott as Jerome Morris has gotten a Steel Chair and Jerome hits Hogan in the back knocking Hogan down to his knee's and Jerome hits Hogan again but Hogan gets back up and starts to Hulk Up as Jerome drops the chair and Jerome tries to hit the Cocky Cutter but Hogan pushes Jerome off the ropes and hits a Big Boot to Jerome knocking him down as Hogan then rips off his shirt and Hogan calls for it as he bounces off the ropes and Hogan drops the Big Leg Drop on Jerome Morris as Jamie Gunz, Edge, & John Cena get back up as The Cabinet retreats as Jerome rolls out to the floor while Jamie Gunz, Edge, & John Cena thank Hulk Hogan:

Tony: Hulk Hogan has returned!!!

Tenay: It's been a few weeks since we have seen The Hulkster but now he is back and kicking ass

Madden: Oh God Somebody help me

:Hulk Hogan starts to taunt in the ring as...

:The Final Commercial Ads for SCWE Vengeance-Long Ad:

After The Break:

:Hulk Hogan is in the ring with a microphone:

Hulk Hogan: You know something Maniacs, I came back tonight for a reason and that reason is to call out Scott and Stevie Hill right now(Crowd Cheers)

Madden: What is he smoking, Scott & Stevie Hill already kicked his butt once

Hulk Hogan: Come on you two aren't cowards are you?

"Girls In Cars" hits, Crowd Boo's as Scott & Stevie Hill walk out into the entry way with a microphone

Scott Hill: Here we are so what do you want

Hulk Hogan: What I want brother is a chance to get my hands on you two pun...

:Billy Gunn comes out of the crowd and attacks Hogan from behind as Scott & Stevie rush towards the ring as well as Billy Gunn pounds away at Hogan:

Tenay: This was a set up

Madden: And The Hulkamaniacs can't help him either

:Scott & Stevie are about to enter the ring when Hogan turns the table on Billy Gunn and Hogan knocks down Gunn with a right hand and Hogan picks up Billy and sends him flying over the top to the floor as Scott & Stevie back away from the ring as Hogan gets the mic:

Hulk Hogan: Is that the best you two can do because I am still standing here but if you two want to show you much guts you got then how about in two weeks at the 100th Nitro, you two step into the ring with myself a partner...somebody who isn't an active wrestler since I would not want an unfair advantage

Scott Hill: Like who?

Hulk Hogan: How about......ERIC BISCHOFF

"I'm Back" hits over the PA as The Place Erupts as Eric Bischoff appears on the Nitro Vision as Scott Hill's eyes widen

Eric Bischoff: May 16th, I return to run my Show and whether you two want this match or not, frankly I don't care because as General Manager of WCW, I have the right to book it so inside the RAWDome, It will be Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan vs Stevie Hill and the person who I look forward to destroying, Scott Hill because payback is going to be a bitch!!!!!!!!!

Hulk Hogan: So whatcha goin.....When Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff Run Wild on You!!!!

"I'm Back" plays again as Scott & Stevie look dumbfounded as...

:Nitro Goes off the Air: