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Nitro : Nitro 5/30/05
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2006 10:42 PM

Results 5/30/05 Live From Kansas City, Missouri

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: The Jackal & Christine defeated The Undertaker & Lita

Dark Match #2: None

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

:Nitro Girls Dance to Open Up Nitro:

Tony: Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro!!! We are coming to you live from Kansas City, Missouri

Tenay: We are just 24 hours removed from UnCensored which was a hell of a night with alot of twists and turns

Madden: Yeah and tonight is the start of the King of The Ring

Tony: Before that starts we have an announcement to make. Following UnCensored last night, WCW has sent Tommy Dreamer, John Cena, Brish Cena, and Jeff Jarrett to SCWE so we wish all of those superstars the best of luck in WCW

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Monday Nitro is Scheduled for one fall and it is a 1st Round WCW King of The Ring Tournament Match

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 268 Pounds, The "Outlaw" Billy Gunn

Tenay: Here comes Billy Gunn who is trying to become the first guy to advance into the 2nd round

"Hello Ladies" hits, Crowd Continues to boo

Penser: His opponent, From Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 260 Pounds, He is one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions, Val Venis

Madden: Val Venis and Simon Dean left UnCensored as Tag Team Champions

Tenay: Yeah and also turned on Rico as a result

WCW King of The Ring 1st Round: Billy Gunn vs Val Venis
Referee Mark Johnson calls for the bell to start the match out as Val and Billy have some words before shaking hands much to the crowd's surprise as neither guy attempts a cheap shot. Val and Billy then lock up as Val goes behind Billy but Billy elbows Val in the face as Billy then turns around and knocks down Val with a big right hand as Val gets back up, Billy whips Val off the ropes and Billy hits a big backdrop on Val as Val gets up grabbing his lower back as Billy hits a dropkick knocking Val into the corner face first as Billy rolls up Val then for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Billy Gunn catches Val as he gets up with a right hand and Billy then picks up Val in a bench press and slams him down as Val is hurting from it as Billy clotheslines Val down again. Billy then picks up Val once more and Billy whips Val off the ropes and Billy puts his head down for another backdrop but Val is able to stop this time and kicks Billy in the chest as Val then chops Billy back a few times and Val then whips Billy off the ropes and Val hits a big spinebuster on Billy as Val starts to taunt to the ladies as Billy is getting back up and Val hits a running knee to hte head of Billy knocking him back down as Val picks up Billy and Val slams him down near the corner as Val goes outside and climbs up top but Billy gets back up and catches Val up there as Billy sends Val flying off the rope and Billy then hits a running clothesline knocking Val back down as Val struggles up, Billy kicks Val in the gut and Billy goes for the Fameasser but Val counters into a sidewalk slam. Val Venis gets back up as does Billy Gunn and Val Venis works over Billy and Val whips Billy off the ropes again and Val hits another Big Spinebuster and Val then points to the top turnbuckle calling for the Money shot and goes outside but Rico comes out towards the ring carrying the 10 pound weight from UnCensored that he was hit with as Val see's him and Val bails out to the floor as Rico gives chase as Val goes into the crowd with Rico in pursuit as Referee Mark Johnson starts the 10 count. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-Mark Johnson then calls for the bell 10.
Winner: Billy Gunn by Count Out

Penser: Your winner and advancing into the 2nd Round of the WCW King of The Ring Tournament, Billy Gunn

Tony: Billy Gunn has become the first guy to advance into the second round

Tenay: Rico has come for some revenge and chased Val Venis right to the backstage area

Madden: Damn Rico anyway


:Val Venis is shown running still as Rico appears still stalking after him as Val Venis runs into Eric Bischoff's Office:

Eric Bischoff: What the hell do you want?

Val Venis: Mr. Bischoff I need your help

:Rico then bursts into the office trying to hit Val who hides behind Eric:

Eric Bischoff: Hold up a damn minute. I know whats going on here and Rico you can not intefere in any more matches.

:Rico does not look very happy:

Eric Bischoff: However when it comes time for Maven vs Rico, Val Venis you and Simon are banned from ringside so both of you get the hell out of my office

:Rico leaves smiling as Val waits as Security comes in and escorts him out making sure Rico does not try another attack:

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WCW Heat, SCWE OverDrive

After The Break:

Tony: Well Eric Bischoff just laid down the law

Madden: Yeah he was pretty fair although Val and Simon should not be banned from ringside

Tenay: It's only fair

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a 1st Round WCW King of the Ring Tournament Match

"Getting Away With Murder" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Cape Breton, Island, Nova Scotia, Canada weighing in at 225 Pounds, Matt Matlock

Tenay: Well here comes Matt Matlock who came up short last night in his Last Man Standing Match with AJ Styles

Tony: The winner of this match will face Billy Gunn next week in Round 2 of the King of The Ring Tournament

"I Predict A Riot" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Tenay: Jamie Gunz came very close last night to winning th WCW World Title but thanks to Test it was not to be

Madden: Yeah and Jamie Gunz tonight is going to get eliminated from the King of the Ring Tournament

WCW King of The Ring 1st Round: Jamie Gunz vs Matt Matlock
Referee Chris Kay calls for the bell to start the action as Jamie and Matlock lock up with Jamie overpowering Matlock shoving him down to the mat as Matlock gets up and appears to be in pain still from his match the night before as Jamie Gunz goes to work on Matlock with a few right hands but Matlock pokes Jamie in the eyes and then goes to work on Jamie with a few right hands and Matlock kicks Jamie in the gut and goes for the Matlock-Go-Round and hits it on Jamie as he hooks the leg for a 1---2--kick out. Matlock then grabs Jamie's head and delivers a few right hands to Jamie busting open the wound from UnCensored he had as Matlock picks up Jamie and goes for the B.F.A. but Jamie fights back and shoves Matlock back into the ropes as Jamie then hits a big clothesline knocking him down. Jamie wipes away the blood on his head and Jamie waits as Matlock gets up and Jamie goes off on him with several rights and lefts as Matlock tires to cover up as Jamie whips Matlock off the ropes and Jamie hits a big backdrop on Matlock. Jamie Gunz seems to have snapped as Jamie picks up Matlock and continues to pound away at him and takes Matlock and rams him shoulder first into the ring post as Jamie pulls Matlock out and Jamie whips Matlock off the ropes and Jamie hits the Blackhole Slam on Matlock as Matlock appears to be out of it as Jamie picks up Matlock again and Jamie sets him up and hits the Last Breath. Jamie does not cover though as Jamie then goes for the Hallow Bullets but The Jackal comes running out to the ring and gets into the ring as Jamie greets him with a right hand knocking him down as Jamie waits as The Jackal gets back up and Jamie picks him up for the Last Breath and hits it on The Jackal but Jerome Morris then appears in the entry way as Jamie locks eyes with him and Jamie tells Jerome to bring it as Jerome starts to walk down the entry way when Matlock rolls up Jamie and Matlock holds the ropes for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Matt Matlock

Penser: Your winner and Advancing into the 2nd Round of the WCW King of the Ring Tournament, Matt Matlock

Madden: Matlock beat Jamie Gunz!!!

Tony: The Jackal's attempted and interference and Jerome Morris's destraction caused Jamie this match and Matlock used the ropes as well

:Jamie Gunz is livid in the ring about the lose and goes out to the floor and gets a Steel Chair as The Jackal & Matt Matlock retreat to the backstage area as Jamie chases after them with the Chair:

Madden: I think somebody needs a little help

Tenay: Jamie Gunz was screwed over


Rue: I am standing here right now with WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Christian along with Test who returned last night at UnCensored. Now the first ques....

Christian: Rue I don't have time for your pointless interviews. You see Test returned at my request, he is not fully cleared to wrestle quiet yet but is able to serve as my Personal Problem Solver now and I know I have Tyson as well but since Trish has been having a rough period right now, I am giving Tyson to Trish as a present. Now the reason Rue I demanded this time was because I wanted to first off congratulate Christy Hemme on her great win at UnCensored and Next week its going to be my honor to team up with Christy in a Mixed Tag Contest. Now I don't know who has the guts to face us but whoever it is better be ready for a wrestling lesson.


Tony: Well we heard from Christian there

Madden: Test as a problem solver, I hope these guys don't become a problem now for Christian

Penser: The Following Contest is Scheduled for one fall and it is a 1st Round WCW King of The Ring Tournament Match

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 278 Pounds, Edge

Tenay: Edge is trying to join Billy Gunn and Matt Matlock in round 2

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:42 PM

Madden: I don't see Edge winning this match against a red hot Love Machine

"Machine" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From Los Angelos, California weighing in at 227 Pounds, Representing The Naturals, The WCW United States Champion, The Love Machine

Tenay: Here comes the Love Machine

Madden: The Next King of The Ring Champion

WCW King of The Ring 1st Round: The Love Machine vs Edge
Referee Nick Patrick calls for the bell to start the match out as TLM tells Edge he should just forfit now since he is in the ring with a real legend and Edge smirks as he locks up with TLM and TLM goes behind Edge but Edge ends up snapmaring TLM over as TLM gets back up, Edge hits a few big chops backing up TLM as Edge whips TLM off the ropes and Edge charges hitting a forarm to the face of TLM knocking him down, TLM gets back up as Edge runs and hits another clothesline on him knocking him down again, Edge then picks up TLM and kicks him in the gut as Edge goes for the Edgeactution but TLM counters into a bridge pin for a 1--2--kick out. TLM gets back up as does Edge and TLM opens up on Edge and then goes for a Belly 2 Belly Suplex which he hits as TLM starts to get his cocky smile back as TLM picks up Edge and TLM slams Edge down again as TLM delivers a big elbow to Edge and The Love Machine then starts to choke Edge until Nick Patrick reaches 4 as TLM breaks it and does it again until 4 as Nick Patrick warns TLM as The Love Machine picks up Edge and sets him up for a suplex and hits a big Stalling suplex as TLM then gets up and signals for the end as TLM picks up Edge and sets him up for the Pepsi Plunge but Edge fights back and shoves TLM back as Edge hits a big clothesline knocking him down as Edge then gets in the corner and waits as TLM gets back up and Edge hits a Big Spear on TLM laying him out as Edge covers TLM but Jonathan Tomcoat hits the ring as Edge gets up and Edge hits a Spear on Jonathan as well. Edge then turns around right into the Pepsi Plunge from The Love Machine who has a 1---2--2.8-shoulder up. TLM can't believe Edge kicked out and TLM shoves Nick Patrick back telling him that he shouldn't try to screw him over and Nick Patrick threatens to DQ TLM when Edge rolls up  TLM for a 1---2--2.8-kick out, TLM gets back up as Edge catches him with a forarm shot knocking him down as Edge gets in the corner again waiting for a Spear and goes for it but Jonathan Tomcoat gets in front of TLM and takes the Spear as TLM then hits Edge as he gets up and TLM goes for The Pespi Plunge again but Edge counters into a backdrop as Edge waits for TLM to get back up and Edge kicks TLM in the gut and hits the Edgeacution on TLM as Edge rolls TLM over and covers him for a 1---2--Nick Patrick becomes distracted by Dawn Marie who is trying to enter the ring as Nick Patrick is trying to stop her and Edge can't believe it but Lita comes out to the ring and Lita grabs Dawn down from the apron and Lita knocks Dawn down as Nick Patrick then counts a 1---2--2.8-shoulder up. Edge grabs his head in total disgust and tells Nick Patrick to pay attention as Edge picks up Jonathan Tomcoat who is getting up and Edge sends JT over the top to the floor as Edge is once again waiting in the corner as TLM gets up and Edge charges but TLM hits Edge with something just before the Spear and its the Slapjack but Nick Patrick saw the weapon and calls for the bell as TLM tries to explain himself.
Winner: Edge by DQ

Penser: Your winner as a result of a DQ and Advancing into the 2nd Round of the WCW King of The Ring Tournament, Edge

Tenay: Edge has advanced as a result of the Slapjack hit

Madden: This should have been a No DQ Match


:The Cabinet is shown heading towards JBL's Personal Limo when JBL stops when he see's something:

JBL: Mick Foley?

:Mick Foley then walks into the picture:

Mick Foley: Hello Mr. Layfield

JBL: What the hell are you doing here son

Mick Foley: I signed a new contract with Eric Bischoff and I am officially back

JBL: Last Time I saw you, you were causing me to throw up from your little streaking thing which was the nastiest thing I have ever seen

Mick Foley: Aww it wasnt that bad and if your not careful JBL, I can always go streaking right here in Kansas City, Missouri(Crowd Pops in the arena)

JBL: Son you listen here, YOU EVEN ATTEMPT IT, I will retire you once and for all. You were a reject on RAW and then a piss poor GM in WHW so Mick Foley why don't you get the hell out of my brand

Mick Foley: Aww JBL don't be like that. I think I know what you need

:Mick Foley then sticks his hand down his pants and pulls out Mr. Socko:

Mick Foley: Say Hello to Mr. Socko!!!!

:JBL looks disgusted as The Basham's then attack Mick Foley from behind as Foley turns around and starts to hit Doug & Danny but Orlando attacks Mick Foley and then JBL does as well as the 4 men knock Mick Foley down and start to stomp away at him and then pick up Mick Foley and ram him into a wall:

JBL: Son you just found out what I do to the trash that tries to embarass me so get the hell out of my brand right now

:The Cabinet then walks away as Mick Foley is laid out:

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WCW Heat, SCWE OverDrive

After The Break:

Tony: That was not right what happend back there

Tenay: Mick Foley did nothing to deserve that

Madden: I am glad that JBL did that to that fat slob Mick Foley, Nobody wants to see an overweight person

Tony: Yeah...have you looked in the mirror lately?

Madden: What are you saying?

Tony: Nevermind

Penser: The Following Contest is Scheduled for One Fall and it is a 1st Round WCW King of The Ring Tournament Match

"Wake Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Denver, Colorado, weighing in at 195 Pounds, The WCW Television Champion, Jerome Morris

Madden: Here comes Jerome Morris

Tenay: Jerome Morris has already made his impact felt distracting Jamie Gunz which I believe cost Jamie his match to Matt Matlock

Madden: Jerome didn't do nothing

"Simon Says" hits, Crowd Continues To Boo

Penser: His opponent, Being accumpied to the ring by Lexus Carr, From New York, New York weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions, Simon Dean

Madden: This is going to be a good match

Tony: Simon Dean is undefeated in singles action still but can he continue the winning streak

WCW King of the Ring Round 2: Jerome Morris vs Simon Dean W/Lexus Carr
Referee Rudy Charles calls for the bell to start the match out as Simon tells Jerome he should use the Simon System and Jerome responds by telling Simon to piss off and Simon does not like that at all and ends up opening up on Jerome with several right hands as Simon whips Jerome off the ropes and Simon hits a big backdrop on Jerome. Simon then attacks Jerome as he is getting back up and Simon picks up Jerome and slams him down as Simon then gets down on the ground and does a few push ups as Jerome gets back up and see's Simon doing them, Jerome is not happy about being shown up as Simon gets back up and Jerome shoves Simon back telling him nobody does that to Jerome Morris and Simon tells Jerome to calm down and take a sip of the Simon Protein Shake but Jerome tells him to piss off again and Jerome opens up on Simon with several right hands and Jerome whips Simon off the ropes and Jerome hits a big spinnign heel kick to Simon laying him out as Jerome gets back up and catches Simon as he is getting up and Jerome hits the Thrill Seekers as Jerome then quickly goes right into the Liontamer and locks it in the center of the ring as Simon Dean is screaming out in pain from it as Lexus is telling Simon to hold on as Val Venis makes his way out to the ring and Val gets on the apron as Jerome breaks the hold and Jerome goes over and knocks Val off the apron with a right hand but Lexus has thrown the bag of goodies into the ring as Simon pulls out the Simon Powder and Simon throws it right into the eyes of Jerome blinding jerome as Simon gets back up and kicks jerome in the gut and Simon hits the Simon Effect and covers Jerome for the 1---2--2.9-Jerome gets his shoulder up as Simon looks shocked and Simon goes over to his bag and starts to dig through it as Jerome is getting back up as Lexus tells Simon to watch out but Simon turns around right into a kick to the gut as Jerome hits the cocky Cutter on Simon Dean but Jerome does not go for the cover but instead picks Simon up and sets Simon up for the Last Breath and Jerome looks into the camera and says "This is for you Jamie" as Jerome then delivers the Last Breath. Jerome then goes for the pin but Lexus Carr is on the apron and has Rudy Charles's attention as Jamie Gunz starts to walk towards the ring with a Steel Chair in hand as several referee's come out to restrain Jamie as Jerome is telling them to get him out of there but Jerome turns around right into the Porn Drop from Val Venis as Val then puts Simon's arm on Jerome as Lexus gets off the apron for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Simon Dean

Penser: Your winner and advancing into the 2nd Round of the WCW King of the Ring Tournament, Simon Dean

Tenay: Simon Dean has beaten Jerome Morris!!!

Madden: Jerome just got screwed but I dont think by Val, it was Jamie Gunz's fault

:Jerome Morris gets back up and is not happy and is telling Jamie that he will get payback as Jamie breaks free from the referee's and enters the ring with the Steel Chair as Jerome bails out to the floor as Jamie chases after Jerome to the backstage area:

Tony: Well Jamie Gunz isn't done with Jerome Morris just yet

Madden: Run Jerome Run!!!


:Jerome Morris is shown running down the hall as Jamie Gunz comes into the scene stalking Jerome with the Steel Chair as Jerome runs into Eric Bischoff's Office as Jamie Gunz is shown right behind him and Jamie kicks the door in as he walks in:

Eric Bischoff: STOP RIGHT THERE. WHAT THE HELL is with you people barging in my office like its a public restroom. THIS IS MY OFFICE DAMN IT

Jerome Morris: Eric he is stalking me

Eric Bischoff: Jerome I saw what you did so this is what is going to happen. Jerome and Jamie you two are not allowed to go near each other tonight or Next Week

Jerome Morris: Oh thank you Mr. Bischo...

Eric Bischoff: Jerome you didn't let me finish. In two weeks, Nitro is from Las Vegas, Nevada and it will be Nitro Roulette and Jerome Morris will settle this thing with Jamie Gunz once and for all and since I have been coming up with the wheel matches, I have a little wheel here

:Eric pulls out a little replica of the Nitro Roulette Wheel and then spins it and smiles as it stops:

Eric Bischoff: In two weeks it will be Jerome Morris vs Jamie Gunz in a.....CASKET MATCH

:Jerome looks worried as Jamie smiles:

Eric Bischoff: Don't worry Jerome because to make sure you two are ready for it, Next Week on Nitro, Both of you will have Casket Matches to Warm Up and Jamie since you broke my door in your facing The Basham Brothers in a handicap match and Jerome your facing the loser of Randy Orton/Lance Storm for your TV Title so get the hell out of my office and next time knock

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, KSCWE Magazine, WCW Heat

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:43 PM

Tony: Well Eric Bischoff just dropped a few big bombshells

Tenay: Yeah two weeks Nitro Roulette, Jerome Morris vs Jamie Gunz in a Casket Match and Jerome and Jamie both have warm up matches next week

Madden: Jamie Gunz has to face The Basham's in a Handicap Casket Match and Jerome has to defend his TV Title against either Lance Storm or Randy Orton in a Casket Match. Neither Match is fair

Tony: Don't Cross The Boss

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a 1st Round WCW King of The Ring Match

"Whatever It Takes" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, Being accumpied to the ring by Dawn Marie and Representing The Naturals, Randy Orton

Madden: Here comes The Legend Killer with the Legendary Diva Dawn Marie

Tenay: Randy Orton is trying to move forward in the King of The Ring Tournament but has a tough draw

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: His opponent, Representing The S.C. and being led to the ring by Kristen Storm, From Calgary Alberta, Canada weighign in at 240 Pounds, The WCW Hardcore Champion, Lance Storm

Tenay: Both of these guys have been US Champion and both are apart of big time groups as Orton is a member of the newly formed Naturals with The Love Machine and Jonathan Tomcoat and Lance is a proud member of the S.C.

WCW King of The Ring Round 1: Lance Storm W/Kristen Storm vs Randy Orton W/Dawn Marie
Lance Storm and Randy Orton lock up in the center of the ring with a collar and elbow tie up. Orton Irish whips Lance Storm to the ropes, as Storm bounces back Orton kicks him the gut. Randy Orton lifts Lance up for what looks like a powerbomb but lance storm wriggles out and pins Orton up with a small package. The men are by Dawn Marie as the ref begins to count 1....2... Dawn pushes the men over causing Orton to now pin Lance, Kristen Storm runs over to Dawn and pushes dawn out the way the ref counts 1....2... Kristen Storm now pushes the two men so Lance is now pinning. Dawn gets up and the two women start bitching at each other as the ref starts the count 1...2...2.8 kick out by Orton. The ref warns both women about interference and tells Kristen to go back to the opposite side of the ring. Both men get up and lock up, Orton lifts Lance up with a backdrop but Storm wriggles forward and flips Orton over with some sort of snap mare. Lance Storm and Orton get up, Orton kicks Storm in the gut and goes for the RKO but Lance pushes Orton to the ropes and Orton bounces back and is hit with a big super kick by Storm. Lance covers Orton but Dawn gets on the apron. The ref tells Dawn to get down but she wont. Lance Storm gets up and walks over to Dawn and she jumps down but when Lance turns back to Orton he is hit with a big drop kick from Randy. After a few seconds both men get up and Lance Storm runs towards Orton, Randy hits a big clothesline to Lance Storm. Randy Orton climbs up to the top rope, Lance Storm gets up and is knocked down by Orton who launches off the turnbuckle with a diving Cross Body, the move also hit the ref knocking the ref down and out. Dawn Marie grabs a steel chair from under the ring and slides it into the ring for Orton. Kristen Storm runs over and grabs the steel chair just before Orton could get it. Kristen slides it to Lance, and before Orton can turn to get it he is hit over the head with the steel chair by Lance Storm. Dawn Marie isn't impressed and starts to chase Kristen Storm around the ring as Lance covers Orton and the ref gets back up 1....2....3.
Winner: Lance Storm

Penser: Your winner and advancing into the 2nd Round of the WCW King of The Ring Tournament, Lance Storm

Tenay: Lance Storm has just become the 5th Guy to advance into the Second Round

Madden: Dawn and Kristen both got involved but Lance Storm proved he was the better man by knocking off Randy Orton

Tenay: It has not been a good night for The Natural


:Maven and Billy Gunn are shown talking as Billy ends up shaking hands with Maven as Billy also shakes hands with Val Venis and gives him a pat on the back as Billy walks away as Maven is smiling:


Tony: What was that all about with Maven and Billy Gunn?

Tenay: I wish I knew but I don't like it whatever it may be

Penser: The Following Contest Is Scheduled For One Fall and it is a 1st Round WCW King of The Ring Tournament Match

"Rock" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Miami, Florida weighing in at 220 Pounds, The Rock

Tenay: The Rock defeated The Jackal to earn the right to get into the King of The Ring Tournament last Monday Night

Madden: Yeah but big deal, Rock earned the right to face JBL who is going to destroy him because we already saw what JBL did to Mick Foley

"Longhorns" hits as the Limo pulls out as JBL, The Basham's, OJ, & Haley get out as the Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, Being led to the ring by The Cabinet, From New York, New York, Weighing in at 290 Pounds, John Bradshaw Layfield

Madden: JBL is already in a fowl mood because he is not WCW World Champion and Mick Foley pissed him off some more so you know The Rock is done for

Tony: I disagree and I would not be shocked if The Rock got the upset although with the Cabinet at ringside its going to be hard

WCW King of The Ring 1st Round: JBL W/Orlando Jordan, Doug Basham, Danny Basham, & Haley Scott vs The Rock
The Rock and JBL are staring at each other as Charles Robinson signals for the bell. JBL starts to laugh at The Rock. The Rock then runs at JBL and starts to open up on him. The Rock then kicks JBL in the stomach and goes for the Rock Bottom but JBL gets out and gets behind Charles Robinson. JBL is telling Charles Robinson to protect him as The Rock is walking towards him. JBL then gets in front of Charles Robinson. JBL then grabs The Rock and whips him into Charles Robinson knocking him out. The Rock looks at JBL who says he doesn't even want to waste hi time. At that point the Basham's and Orlando Jordan come into the ring. The Rock gets up and knocks Orlando Jordan down with a big right hand. Then Doug Basham comes at The Rock but The Rock hits him with a boot to the face. Danny then runs at The Rock but The Rock starts to open up on Danny. The Rock goes for the Rock Bottom but Orlando hits The Rock from behind. Orlando and the Basham's then start to lay the boots into The Rock. Orlando then holds The Rock up as the Basham's starts to open up on him. JBL then helps Haley into the ring. Haley gets right up to The Rock and slaps him in the face. JBL then tells everyone to get out. So the Basham's and Haley get out as Orlando starts to get Charles Robinson up. The Rock is standing there as JBL hits him with the Clothesline From Hell. JBL then covers The Rock for the easy 1...2...3
Winner: JBL

Penser: Your winner and advancing into the 2nd Round of the WCW King of The Ring Tournament, John Bradshaw Layfield

Tenay: The Rock just got mugged and screwed out of the KOR

Madden: What are you talking about? JBL beat him fair and square

Tony: JBL had his goons do the dirty work

:The Cabinet is in the ring as The Basham's and OJ continue to put the boots to The Rock when "Wreck" hits as Mick Foley hits the ring as Mick Foley is attacked by Doug & Danny but Foley knocks down both guys  with big right hands as Orlando goes to hit Foley but gets kicked south of the border as Mick Foley pulls out Mr. Socko and then rams it down Orlando's mouth as JBL gets a Steel Chair from Haley and goes to hit Foley but Foley ends up getting Mr. Socko on JBL until Doug & Danny hit Foley but The Rock gets back up and The Rock opens up on Doug & Danny as OJ and JBL retreat out of the ring as The Rock hits a big clothesline on Doug Basham sending him over the top while Mick Foley throws Danny through the ropes to the floor as JBL and Orlando are gagging in the entry way:

Tony: Good for Mick Foley and The Cabinet got what they deserved

Madden: Mick Foley should not be sticking that dirty smelly sock down JBL's throat. He could get a disease from that

Tenay: Well JBL shouldn't have started a fight with Mick Foley then

Tony: Well none the less, JBL will now face Lance Storm Next week in the 2nd Round

Commercial Ad for WCW UnCensored Replay-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Well we have two matches to go

Madden: Yeah Maven vs Rico and out next one, Brandon Davis vs AJ Styles and who cares about that one

Penser: The Following Contest is Scheduled for one fall and it is a 1st Round WCW King of The Ring Tournament Match

"I Am" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 202 Pounds, AJ Styles

Tenay: AJ Styles last night knocked off Matt Matlock in a very violent Last Man Standing Match but AJ said he is ready for tonight even if he is less then 100%

"American Made" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: His opponent, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, Representing The Hulkamaniacs, Brandon Davis

Tony: Here comes Brandon Davis

Madden: I hope they eliminate each other

Tenay: The winner of this match will face Simon Dean next week

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/10/2006 10:43 PM

WCW King of The Ring Tournament Round 1: Brandon Davis vs AJ Styles

AJ and Brandon circle each other as Charles Robinson signals for the bell. AJ and Brandon walk to the middle of the ring and shake each other's hands. The two then start to open up on each other. Brandon goes for a right hand but AJ ducks it and starts to open up on Brandon. AJ then grabs Brandon and whips him off of the ropes. As Brandon is coming back AJ hits him with a dropkick. AJ then picks Brandon up and hits him with a DDT. AJ then covers Brandon for the 1....2...2.1....kick out. AJ then picks Brandon up again but Brandon breaks the hold and starts to open up on AJ. Brandon then hits a Spinebuster on AJ. Brandon then starts to put the boots into AJ. Brandon then picks AJ up and whips him into the corner. Brandon then climbs up the turnbuckle and starts to punch AJ in the head as the crowd chants... Brandon jumps off of the turnbuckle. Brandon then starts to kick AJ in the stomach. AJ slides down onto the mat. Brandon goes for a kick to the face but AJ falls over and rolls out to the ring. Charles Robinson is about to start the count when AJ jumps back up onto the apron. AJ climbs back through the ropes. Brandon and AJ begin to circle each other again. Brandon goes for a big right hand but AJ ducks it and hits Brandon with another dropkick. AJ then climbs the turnbuckle and goes for the Shooting Star Press and hits it. AJ then covers Brandon for the 1...2...2.8....kick out. AJ can't believe it. AJ then picks Brandon up and whips him into the corner. AJ then runs at Brandon but Brandon gets his boot up and hits AJ in the face. As AJ is stumbling backwards Brandon comes out of the corner. Brandon then turns AJ around and hits him with a DDT. Brandon then picks AJ up and hits a Belly to Belly Suplex on him. Brandon then hits another one on AJ. Brandon then goes for a third Belly to Belly Suplex and hits it. Brandon then covers AJ for the 1...2...2.8...kick out. Brandon looks a little pissed as he picks AJ back up. Brandon then whips AJ off of the ropes but when AJ comes back AJ hits Brandon with a dropkick. AJ then gets up but Brandon gets up to. The two men then run at each other. The two then lock up. Brandon starts to get the upper hand but AJ breaks the hold and kicks Brandon in the stomach. AJ then starts to open up on Brandon. AJ then hits Brandon with a big right hand. AJ then kicks Brandon in the stomach. AJ is going for the Styles Clash but Brandon starts to punch AJ in the stomach. AJ finally lets go. AJ is holding his stomach as Brandon stumbles backwards a bit. AJ then starts to stand up straight and Brandon uses his chance to hit AJ with The Rush. Brandon then covers AJ for the 1...2...3
Winner: Brandon Davis

Penser: Your winner and advancing into the 2nd Round of the WCW King of The Ring Tournament, Brandon Davis

Tony: Brandon Davis wins this hard fought match over AJ Styles

Tenay: AJ came up short tonight but put up a hell of a fight

:Brandon Davis offers his hand to AJ who takes it as the two men shake hands in the middle of the ring when Eric Bischoff Apears on Nitrovision:

Eric Bischoff: I really hate to interupt you two and may I say that was a great match but AJ I have some news for you. You have been traded to SCWE(Crowd Boo's) to complete a prior trade. I wish you the best of luck AJ and remember there will always be a spot for you on WCW if things don't work out for you in SCWE

Final Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WCW Heat, SCWE OverDrive

After The Break:

Tony: Well AJ Styles we wish you the best of luck in SCWE but moving on, its Main Event Time and this match is more then just another King of The Ring Match, its two former friends going at it after what one did to the other last night

Tenay: Maven in one of the most shocking and sickening moves ever made in KSCWE History turned on Rico last night by hitting him with a 10 Pound Weight and I hope Rico kicks Maven's ass now

Penser: The Main Event of WCW Monday Nitro is Scheduled For One Fall and it is a 1st Round WCW King of The Ring Tournament Match

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Charlestown, West Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is one half of the WCW Mixed Tag Team Champions, Maven

Madden: Here comes the new and improved Maven

Tenay: Maven who used to be a standard mark for whats right with the company is now a perfect example of whats wrong with it for what he did last night

Tony: Maven should be ashamed of himself

"Venus" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 228 Pounds, Rico

Tony: Rico does not look happy

Tenay: Go get him Rico

Madden: You guys can't cheer for one person

Tenay: Shut up Mark

WCW King of The Ring Round 1: Maven vs Rico
Referee Nick Patrick calls for the bell as Maven is smirking asking Rico how is head is as Rico charges at Maven who ducks between the ropes as Nick Patrick gets Rico to back up as Maven pokes his head back into the ring and Maven gloats a little more as Rico attacks Maven and opens up on him with several right hands and Rico clotheslines Maven over the top to the floor. Rico then goes outside to the floor after Maven and attacks Maven some more as Rico hits several kicks to Maven knocking Maven down as Rico gets on top of Maven and starts to pound away at Maven until Maven knocks Rico off as Maven gets back up and rolls back into the ring as Rico follows and Maven gets up as Rico knocks Maven down and Rico pounds away at Maven some more. Rico then picks up Maven but Maven knocks Rico back by shoving him as Rico then goes to hit Maven but Maven hits a dropkick knocking down Rico as Maven gets back up as does Rico and Maven charges at Rico who hits a spinning heel kick knocking down Maven, Maven is getting up as Rico gets behind Maven and hits the Fashion Changes but Rico doesn't cover Maven and instead goes outside to the floor and looks under the ring for something and Rico eventually pulls out a Leather Strap as Rico gets into the ring with the strap as Maven is getting up as Rico whips Maven's back with it as Maven screams out from the pain as Rico hits Maven a few more times with the strap as Maven ducks out to the floor as Rico follows but Maven hits Rico down out of desperation as Maven stomps away at Rico as he gets up and Maven goes to whip Rico into the Steel Steps but Rico reverses sending Maven into them as Maven is hurting as Rico grabs Maven and rolls him back into the ring as Rico then gets back into the ring as well as Maven is begging off but Lexus Carr comes out to the ringside area with Simon's bag of goodies as Rico see's her and tells her to get out of here as Maven gets back up and Maven hits Rico from behind, Maven then whips Rico off the ropes and Maven hits a big powerslam on Rico as Maven then picks up Rico but Rico uppercuts Maven and Rico then hits another Rico Spinning Kick but Lexus Carr slides the bag into the ring and gets on the apron distracting Nick Patrick as Rico goes over to the bag and digs through it and finds the weight that Maven used from the previous night as Rico takes it out as Maven is begging off but Billy Gunn hits the ring and hits Rico from behind knocking him down as Billy Gunn opens up on Rico but Rico blocks a right hand and knocks down Gunn but Maven picks up the 10 pound weight and ends up hitting Rico right in the right knee with it as Maven then hits Rico's knee a few more times as Rico lets out loud screams from the pain as Maven slides it out to the floor as Billy also rolls out to the floor as Lexus gets off the apron as Maven locks in a Maple Leaf as Rico has no choice and taps out from the pain.
Winner: Maven

Penser: Your winner and advancing into the 2nd Round of the WCW King of The Ring Tournament, Maven

Tony: Maven has moved on thanks to Billy Gunn and Lexus Carr

Tenay: I don't know why Billy helped Maven here but Maven will now face Edge next week in the 2nd Round

Madden: I think Maven and Billy Gunn formed an alliance of sorts and it just paid major dividends

Tenay: We need medical help out here for Rico whose knee is hurt and I hope somebody really soon gives Maven whats coming to him

Tony: We are out of time, Don't miss Heat this Wednesday for the 1st Round of the WCW Queen of The Ring Tournament and until Next Monday, Good Night

:Nitro Goes off the Air:

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