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Nitro : Nitro 8/1/05
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/12/2006 6:59 AM

Results 8/1/05 Live From Hershey, Pennsylvania

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Jackie Gayda defeated Christine

Dark Match #2: The Rock defeated The Jackal, Twister X, Paul London, & Brock Lesnar

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

Tony: Welcome once again to WCW Monday Nitro and tonight is a Special "Night of Champions" and we would like to welcome back Mike Tenay to the booth

Tenay: It's great to be back

Madden: Well Mike is better then Scott Hudson I guess

Tony: Well Scott Hudson was good too but lets get things started with a Tag Team Title Match

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship

"Venus" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, The Challengers, Being accumpied to the ring by Lexus Carr, weighing in at a combined weight of 453 Pounds, The Team of Rico and Simon Dean better known as Fabulously Fit!!!

Tenay: Fabulously Fit back together again

"99 Problems" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: There opponents being accumpied by Holly Mathews, From Atlanta, Georgia weighing in at a combined weight of 468 Pounds, They are the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Scott & Chris, The Wright Brothers

Madden: I don't think Fabulously Fit can beat The Wright Brothers since Rico has been out of action for a while and The Wrights have been red hot

Tony: Well we are still waiting on this special guest referee

Penser: The Special Guest Referee....

"Hello Ladies" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: VAL VENIS!!!

Tony: Val Venis is back and is the Special Referee!!

Madden: Wait this isn't fair, Val is allied with Rico and Simon, He is in Fabulously Fit for crying out loud

Tenay: Val Venis who is currently out injured is here to be the Specail Guest Referee

WCW Tag Team Championship: Scott & Chris Wright(C) W/Holly Mathews vs Simon Dean & Rico W/Lexus Carr; Special Referee: Val Venis
The Bell Sounds as Scott Wright starts things off with Rico as Rico goes behind Scott Wright and Rico then grabs Scott's butt as Scott quickly gets away as he tags out to Chris Wright while grabbing his butt as Chris Wright comes in and tells Rico he can't do that to him as Chris Wright and Rico lock up with Rico going behind Chris but Chris quickly goes for a elbow but Rico ducks it and Rico then grabs Chris's crotch area as Chris starts to squirm as Rico then grabs Chris and kisses him as Chris shoves Rico away as Chris tags out to Scott Wright as Chris gets on the floor and seems to be sick as Scott Wright relunctily enters the ring and tells Val Venis he should do a better job refereeing as Val then gets in Scott's face as the two argue but Rico goes behind Scott and Rico slaps Scott's ass again as Scott turns around quickly and Rico kicks him in the gut as Rico then opens up on Scott with a few right hands as Rico grabs Scott's arm and Rico twists it around between his legs as Rico then does a kick to the face of Scott Wright knocking him down as Rico waits as Scott gets up and Rico gets behind Scott and starts to ride him as Scott quickly realizes what Rico is doing and flies out to the floor as The Wright Brothers are pissed off as Holly gets the SCWE Tag Titles and the three of them start to leave as Val Venis yells to them that if they are counted out they lose the Tag Titles by Referee's Discreation since they are just walking out as The Wright Brothers Quickly turn around and hit the ring as Scott and Chris both attack Rico as Simon comes into the ring and Simon grabs Chris and opens up on Chris with right hands when Scott Wright charges to hit Simon but Simon moves as Scott lays out Chris with a clubbing blow to Chris's head as Scott walks right into a kick to the gut as Simon goes for the Simon Effect but Scott picks up Simon and ends up hitting a Spinebuster on him, Scott then connects with a high impact dropkick to Rico knocking Rico down as Simon Dean is back up but Scott kicks Simon in the gut and Scott hits a big DDT on him as Scott Wright then hits a clothesline on Rico knocking him down as Chris Wright comes into the ring but Val Venis tells Chris to get out of the ring as Chris is forced out as Scott is putting the boots to Rico but Simon attacks Scott from behind as Simon Dean picks up Wright and slams him down as Val then tells Simon to get out which he does as Scott tags out to Chris while Rico tags out to Simon as Simon and Chris both etner the ring but Chris goes for a right hand but Simon blocks it and opens up on Chris Wright as Simon then grabs Chris and hits the Simon Says on him but Scott Wright comes and knocks down Simon Dean from behind as Scott Wright picks up Simon for the Wright Bomb but Rico comes in and kicks Scott in the gut causing him to drop Simon as Rico then hits a Rico kick to Scott laying him out as Scott rolls out to the floor as Rico grabs Chris as he gets up and hits the Fashion Changes to him as Scott Wright then pulls Rico out to the floor as he got up but Simon covers Chris but Holly Mathews gets on the apron distracting Val Venis but Val walks over to Holly as she is telling Val all kinds of stuff and Val seems to be eyeing up Holly when Lexus Carr throws Simon's bag of goodies into the ring to him as Simon gets out his weight lifting belt and Simon starts to whip Chris Wright with it as Chris is screaming out as Scott Wright re-enters the ring but Simon hits him as Rico yanks Scott back out to the floor as Rico whips Scott into the steel steps as Simon throws the belt out to the floor as Simon picks up Chris and hits the Simon Effect on him while Holly was trying to tell Val about what was going on but Val ignored it as Simon covers as Lexus points as Val then goes and counts the 1---2--3.
Winners: Simon Dean & Rico (SCWE Tag)

Penser: Your winners, and New SCWE Tag Team Champions, Rico and Simon Dean

Tony: We got new Tag Team Champions

Madden: That wasn't fair

Tenay: Well Val was appointed by Eric Bischoff as Special Referee

:Holly Mathews enters the ring and gets in Val's face telling him he screwed them over as Holly then slaps Val across the face when Lexus Carr attacks Holly from behind knocking her down as Holly tries to get out of the ring but Simon blocks her way out as Lexus rips Holly's pants off her revealing Holly's pink pair of panties as Val picks up Holly and puts her over his knee as Rico hands Val Simon's weight lifting belt which he folds and Val then hits Holly's backside several times with it before letting Holly go who rolls out to the floor grabbing her butt as Scott and Chris check on Holly:

Madden: That wasn't right

Tony: Well Holly tried to mouth off to Fabulously Fit and she just paid for it

Tenay: Well maybe that was a little out of line but Holly should have known better

:Backstage: nWo's Locker Room

:The Entire nWo is shown in the Locker Room:

Christian: Last week will not happen again understand me

Billy Gunn: Yeah

Jerome Morris: Yes

Christian: Good and Hogan you better know your role tonight in the RAWDome

Hollywood Hogan: Excuse me?

Christian: You heard me, you make sure I win or else your going to regret it later brother

:Hollywood Hogan goes to stand up but Eric stops him:

Eric Bischoff: Don't worry Christian, everything is under control, Last Week's freak accident won't repeat itself, I promise

Christian: Good


Madden: Christian laying down the law

Tenay: Well he better be ready for the RAWDome because the nWo can't help him there

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Television Championship

"Getting Away With Murder" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Cape Breton, Island, Nova Scotia, Canada weighing in at 225 Pounds, Matt Matlock

Tony: Matlock got this shot by winning a #1 Contender's  Battle Royal at Friday Night Main Event

Madden: It's also Matlock's birthday so Happy Birthday Matt

"Wake Up" hits, Crowd Boo's Louder

Penser: His opponent, Representing The nWo, From Denver, Colorado weighing in at 195 Pounds, The WCW Television Champion, Jerome Morris

Tenay: Jerome is the longest reigning TV Champion in history

WCW Television Championship: Jerome Morris(C) vs Matt Matlock
The bell rings as both men stare at each other. Jerome then gets face to face with Matlock and tells him that he will own him. Matlock turns his head and smirks at the crowd and then shoves down Jerome. Matlock starts putting the boots to Jerome, but Jerome quickly rolls out of the ring. Matlock gets down from the ring and attacks Jerome from behind. Matlock then lifts up Jerome and throws him back in the ring. Matlock gets in the ring and quickly pins Jerome-1...2...kickout. Matlock says damn it and then lifts up Jerome. Jerome surprises Matlock and opens up on him. Jerome whips Matlock into the corner turnbuckle, Jerome runs at Matlock and splashes him. Jerome laughs as Matlock falls down. Jerome starts kicking Matlock and then slaps him in the back of the head. Jerome then pins Matlock-1...2...kickout. Jerome looks at the ref as the ref says its a 2 count. Jerome then puts Matlock in a headlock and applies more pressure, the ref asks Matlock if he wants to quit, Matlock says no. Matlock slowly gets momentum built up and makes it to his knees, Jerome trys to get Matlock back down, but Matlock fights back. Matlock then stands up and falls on his back on Jerome. Matlock rolls over and pins Jerome-1...2...kickout. Matlock gets up and lifts up Jerome and opens up on him. Matlock then irish whips Jerome into the ropes, Jerome bounces off them and comes towards Matlock, Matlock kicks Jerome down and laughs at him. Matlock then puts Jerome in the Matt-Lock. Jerome is screaming in pain as Matlock doesnt budge. The ref askes Jerome if he wants to quit but Jerome shakes his head. Matlock still doesnt budge and laughs at Jerome. Jerome somehow makes it towards the ropes and grabs a hold of them. Matlock doesnt let go as the ref counts 1-2-3-4, Matlock breaks the hold. Matlock then quickly pins him-1...2...Jerome puts his foot on the rope. Matlock sees it and gets up. Matlock then drags Jerome into the corner and goes for The Matlock Drop, but Jerome counters it and Jerome shoves Matlock off the turnbuckle and Matlock goes into the ref, knocking the ref down. Jerome slowly gets up and laughs at Matlock and is about to leave the ring when Jamie Gunz comes running down the ramp and attacks Jerome. Jerome and Jamie have a few exchanges but Jamie gets the best of him and kicks Jerome in the stomach and hits the Last Breath on Jerome. Jamie puts Jerome back in the ring as Matlock is getting up. Jamie backs up the ramp and smiles as Matlock wakes the ref and then goes over to Jerome. Matlock lifts up Jerome and hits the B.F.A on Jerome. Matlock smirks as he covers Jerome-1......2......3
Winner: Matt Matlock (WCW TV)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW Television Champion, Matt Matlock

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/12/2006 7:00 AM

Tony: We got a new WCW TV Champion!!!

Tenay: Why did Jamie Gunz do that?

Tony: The only logical thing I can come up with is payback for all the times Jerome has cost him matches

Madden: Well Jamie Gunz just gave Matt Matlock a huge Birthday Present here tonight because Matlock is the TV Champion

Commercial Ad for SCWE SummerSlam-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Well I am still in shock over that last title change but we got more title matches to come

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Championship

"Did My time" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, Representing the nWo, From Denver, Colorado, Trish Morris

Madden: Here comes the very lovely Trish Morris who I think may become Women's Champion right here tonight

"Alive" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: Her opponent, From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Tara Rayge

Tony: Tara has been a fighting champion and definatly has had her share of problems with some of the WCW Divas

Tenay: Yeah watching WCW I can definatly see that Tara has a huge bullseye on her

WCW Women's Championship: Tara Rayge(C) vs Trish Morris
The bell sounds and the Hershey audience rock the Arena with cheers for Tara Rayge and Trish Morris. The two women circle each other not taking their eyes from the glare of the others. Trish Morris points at Tara and shouts 'nWo for life!' Tara shouts 'nWo sucks!' and the crowd begin to chant it getting Trish Morris pissed off. She runs at Tara but Tara steps out the way causing Trish to fall through the middle rope to the outside mats. Tara uses the ropes for leverage hitting a diving crossbody from inside the ring to the outside knocking down Trish Morris. Tara Rayge jumps to her feet and picks up Trish Morris, Trish breaks free from Tara and knocks her down with a clothesline. Trish picks up Tara's legs and sets her up for a toss, and she does Toss Tara in the direction of the ring announcers desk. But some how Tara manages to land on the table on her feet, she backflips off the table with a moonsault knocking down Trish Morris. By this time the referee has counted to four. Tara Rayge picks up Trish and kicks her in the gut, Rayge then rolls Trish into the ring and climbs in after her. Tara covers Trish but only scores a two count. Tara gets up and helps Trish up, She irish whips Trish into the turnbuckle and quickly charges towards Trish hitting a turnbuckle clothesline. Morris stumbles out of the turnbuckle without falling down but she stumbles right into a small package pin by Tara Rayge 1...2... Trish rolls over pinning Tara 1...2.. Tara flips back over pinning Trish 1....2... once again Trish Morris rolls over pinning Tara 1...2.. kick out! Both women roll away from each other and get up looking at one another. Trish Morris doesnt look happy and she walks over to Tara and the two divas start having words. Trish Morris goes to slap Tara but Tara blocks it and hits a headbutt to Trish, She then sends Trish to the ropes but Morris counters it and irish whips Tara to the ropes, Tara bounces back and is kicked in the gut by Trish Morris, Trish then runs to the ropes and bounces back to a bent over Tara, Morris hits a neckbreaker to Tara. Trish then picks up Tara and locks her arm around Tara's neck, Trish jumps to the top rope and goes for the stratusfaction but Tara flips Trish over, Trish lands on her feet and manages to catch Tara with a knee to the gut. Trish lifts up Tara with the Blonde Bitch Ride and she hits it! Trish Morris falls on Tara hooking her leg 1....2....2.8 kick out by the champ. Trish Morris is in shock! She gets to her feet and grabs a hold of both tara's legs. Trish tries for the Blonde Bitch Walls but Tara manages to push her off after a strugle. Trish lands hard into the turnbuckle as Tara gets up she notices Petey Williams running down to the ring with a canadian flag hockey stick, he slides into the ring and Tara thinks she is about to get smacked with the stick, she begs Petey to stop. Trish morris runs up behind Tara and geos to attack her but petey Grabs Trish's arm before she can do anything. Petey smashes the hockey stick over Trish's head knocking her out! The ref calls for the bell.
Winner: Trish Morris by DQ

Penser: Your winner by DQ, Trish Morris

Tony: Trish Morris gets the win by DQ thanks to Petey Williams attacking her but why

Madden: Its obvious, Petey still wants Tara and just helped save Tara's title

Tenay: Well Tara doesn't look happy about losing this match via DQ

Commercial Ad for SCWE SummerSlam-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Welcome back to WCW Monday Nitro and what a crazy night it has already been

Tenay: Yeah and the fun is only starting

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW United States Championship

Tenay: This should be a very good match seeing as the rivalry all these men have going

"I Predict a Riot" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Tony: Here comes Jamie Gunz who wants to get back his US Title

Tenay: Jamie has already made an impact tonight helping Matt Matlock win the WCW TV Title from Jamie's long time rival Jerome Morris

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 278 Pounds, Edge

Tony: Here comes Edge who like Jamie is also a former WCW US Champion and would love to be it for a second time

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Finally, Representing The nWo, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 268 Pounds, He is the WCW United States Champion, Billy Gunn

Tenay: Here comes Billy Gunn

Madden: Billy is going to beat Edge and Jamie down

WCW United States Championship: Billy Gunn(C) vs Jamie Gunz vs Edge
Charles Robinson holds up the United States Championship as all three men are looking at each other. Charles Robinson then signals for the bell. Jamie goes right after Edge, The two begin to exchange right hands as Billy just watches. Billy starts to taunt as Jamie gets the upper hand on Edge. Jamie then hits Edge with a Suplex. Jamie then runs at Billy and knocks him down with a big right hand. Jamie then starts to put the boots to Billy. Edge gets back up and helps Jamie. Jamie then pushes Edge and says stay out of his way. Edge stands back as Jamie goes to work on Billy. Edge then hits Jamie form behind. Edge hits Jamie with a German Suplex. Edge then picks Billy and whips him into the corner. Edge then turns around as Jamie gets up. The two have words. Edge and Jamie begin to exchange right hands again. Edge ducks a right hand from Jamie and kicks him in the gut and then hits a DDT on him. Edge for the Edgecater but Billy hits Edge from behind. Billy then hits Edge with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Billy then picks Edge up and hits him with another Belly to Belly. Billy then picks Edge up for a third but Jamie hits Billy from behind. Jamie then hits Billy with the Three Amigo's. Jamie then starts to taunt. Edge starts to get back up and runs at Jamie but Jamie hits Edge with a big boot. Jamie then gets on top of Edge and begins to open up on Edge. Jamie then picks Edge up and whips him into the corner. Billy then gets back up and runs at Jamie but Jamie hits him with a big boot. Jamie then climbs the turnbuckle and hits Billy with a Gunz Sault. Jamie then covers Billy for the---1---2---2.8---Edge breaks up the pin. Jamie then goes for a big right hand on Edge but Edge ducks it and gets behind Jamie and hits him with another German Suplex. Billy then starts to get u pas Edge hits him with a Snap Suplex. Edge then picks Billy up and hits him with another Snap Suplex. Edge then hits a third Snap Suplex on Billy. Edge then locks in the Edgecater on Billy. Billy starts to cry out in pain. Jamie then gets up just as Billy is about to tap. Jamie runs at Edge who lets go of Billy and the two begin to battle back and forth. Jamie then kicks Edge in the gut and throws him into the corner. Jamie then goes over to Edge but Billy rolls Jamie up with a Small Package for the---1---2---2.8---kick out. Jamie and Billy then both get up and start to circle each other. Billy runs at Jamie but Jamie kicks Billy in the gut and goes for a DDT and hits it. Jamie then taunts as Edge comes out of nowhere and tries to hit Jamie with a Spear but Jamie sees Edge and moves and Charles Robinson get nailed. Jamie and Edge begin to exchange right hands again as Petey makes his way to the ring. Petey hits Edge from behind and then throws him out to the floor. Billy then rolls out to the floor and grabs a chair. Jamie and Petey are staring each other down as Petey then says Tara will be his. Petey and Tara begin to exchange right hands. Jamie then throws Petey out to the floor. Petey goes back up the ramp way but Jamie comes out the floor and hits Petey from behind. Jamie and Petey then begin to brawl through the crowd. Billy then slides the chair into the ring and then goes over and grabs Edge. Billy then rolls Edge into the ring. Billy then gets in and grabs the chair but Edge rolls Billy up with a Small Package but Charles Robinson is still out. Edge then breaks the pin and him and Billy begin to circle each other. Edge then hits Billy with a big right hand and then Edge starts to open up on Billy. Billy falls to his knees and is begging Edge off. Edge then goes to grab Billy but Billy low blows Edge. Billy then grabs the chair and hits Edge in the head. Billy then lays it on the mat and hits a Fameasser on Edge with his face hitting the chair. Edge is busted wide open as Billy wakes the ref up. Billy then puts his boot onto Edge for the--------------1--------------2--------------3
Winner: Billy Gunn

Penser: Your winner and still WCW US Champion, Billy Gunn

Tenay:  Billy Gunn retains here but not without Petey Williams getting involved yet again

Tony: Something has to be done about this

Madden: Give Billy credit, he defied the odds and retained the WCW US Championship

Tenay: I do take my hats off to Billy Gunn, he got the job done but what I'm saying is that he didn't do it without cheating and some help

Madden: As long as you win is all that matters and the nWo is on the board in a good way now

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WHW Impact!, & WCW Starrcade

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/12/2006 7:01 AM

Tony: Welcome back and boy have things been crazy tonight

Tenay: Interference all around Nitro tonight

Madden: And the night is only half way done!!

Tony: That's right and up next we are going to see yet another title match except this one is for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship

"Spade" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, The Challenger, From Baltimore, Maryland, Jai!!

Madden: I like Jai and even though her crew is now in WHW which for those of you who don't know is the KSCWE Developmental Brand

Tenay: Well Jai is going to have to face a fighting champion

"LoveFuryEnergyPassion" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her opponent, From Sanford, North Carolina, She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Lita

Tony: Here comes Lita who last week pinned the WCW World Champion Christian


Tenay: In the books it says Lita pinned Christian though

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship: Lita(C) vs Jai
The ring is filled with various weapons as the bell sounds. Lita and Jai look at the weapons around the ring and then lock horns with a collar and elbow tie up in the middle of the ring. They push and pull at one another, The Champ gets the upper hand and whips Jai to the ropes, as Jai bounces back Lita grabs a steel sheet which is lieing amongst other weapons in the ring and she smashes it over the head of the challenger. Lita falls to her knees and covers Jai, she hooks her leg 1...2.. Jai kicks out. Lita lifts up Jai and irish whips her to the turnbuckle, Jai crashes hard within in then turnbuckle, she stumbles out and falls right into a snap suplex from Lita. Amy flips herself up and picks up a trash can lid which lies nearby, Lita raises it above her head and goes to smash it off Jai's head but Jai gets her foot up just in time causes the trash can lid to smash off Lita's head. Jai gets up and pulls Lita into the turnbuckle she places a steel chair before Lita and takes a few steps back. Jai charges towards the turnbuckle lita is sitting in and Jai hits a turnbuckle dropkick to the steel chair which smashes into Lita. Before Lita can fall out Jai sets her up once again, Jai charges towards Lita once again and goes for another dropkick but just before contact Lita rolls out the way. Lita jumps to her feet and hits a bulldog to Jai. Lita climbs up top and jumps off going for a diving Hurricanrana but Jai counters it into a powerbomb right on a Trash Can. Jai pushes Lita off the trash can and covers her 1...2... 2.8 kick out by Lita. Jai picks up Lita and attempts the Mind - Eraser. But Lita wriggles out of it and lands behind Jai, Lita lifts up Jai hitting her with a spinning out powerbomb. Lita goes to cover Jai but Jai catches Lita off guard with a small package 1...2..2.9 kick out by Lita. Lita rolls out to the ring apron and stands up on it. Jai runs towards her but Lita drives her shoulder in Jai's gut, Lita flips over Jai and goes for a sunset flip but Jai holds the ropes to stop her from falling down, Jai sits on Lita's chest pinning her 1...2... kick out by Lita. Lita gets up, When Jai turns to Lita she is smashed over the head with a wooden stick, Jai falls through the ropes to the mats outside the ring. Jai holds her head but slowly starts to get up. Lita take a few big steps back and then runs towards the ropes she launches over them with a suicide diva knocking Jai back down. Now both diva's are laid out on the mats. Both women start to get back up but then the sound of Boo's begin to echoe throughout the arena. Trish Stratus runs down the steel ramp and as Lita gets up Trish Stratus nails her with a big Chick Kick. Jai looks a little suprised as she falls across Lita in a pin 1...2...3
Winner: Jai (WCW Women's Hardcore)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Jai

Madden: Jai has done it

Tenay: Thanks to Trish Stratus

:Trish picks up Lita and throws her out to the floor as Christian and Tyson Tomko make there way out to ringside area:

Tony: What are they doing out here?

Madden: Closer look?

:Tyson keeps the Referee's and Officials back as Trish picks up Lita and holds her as Christian tells her that she thinks it was funny pinning him last week but payback is due when Edge comes running to the ring but Tyson Tomko blocks Edge as Tyson and Edge brawl it out as Christian sets up Lita for the UnPrettier and tells Edge this was for him brother and then delivers the UnPrettier on the floor as Lita is not moving as Christian gets up smirking as Christian and Trish start to walk off as Tyson keeps Edge away as Edge finally shoves Tyson back and runs over to Lita checking on her:

Tony: That damn Christian

Madden: Wow don't piss Christian off

Tenay: I know he was the butt of the jokes lately about Lita pinning him but come on now that wasn't right

Tony: We are going to take a commercial break as the paramedics tend to Lita

Commercial Ad for SCWE Smackdown!, WHW Impact!, KSCWE Designs

After The Break:

Tony: Well Lita has been taken to a local medical facility along with Edge riding along and I hope Christian gets repremanded for it

Tenay: It was uncalled for

Madden: Well I don't know, Lita has been bragging about beating Christian so Christian just proved to Lita she can't really beat him

Tenay: You make me sick Mark

Penser: The Following Contest is a Six Man Tag and its scheduled for one fall

"Bodem Beach Terror" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied by Raven Flair From Fayetteville, North Carolina weighing in at 226 Pounds, The "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Tony: Well here comes The Fallen Angel

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His partner, Being accumpied by Kristen Styles, From Calgalry Alberta, Canada, weighing in at 240 Pounds, Lance Storm

Tenay: Lance Storm was one of ECW's  Biggest Stars but now is back here in WCW

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Chants Asshole

Penser: Finally, From Charlestown, Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, The 2005 WCW King of The Ring, Maven

Madden: Here comes the Next WCW World Champion

"American Idiot" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: There opponents, 1st from Windsor, Ontario, Canada weighing in at 180 Pounds, Being accumpied by Scott D'Amore, Petey Williams

Tony: Petey Williams has been sticking his nose in alot of people's business lately

"Wreck" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His partner, From Long Island, New York weighing in at 287 Pounds, Mick Foley

Tenay: Here comes Mick Foley who like Lance was another Top ECW Star that now makes WCW Home Once Again

"Learn To Fly" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: Finally, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 210 Pounds, Jason Walker

Tony: Jason Walker who has really become one of WCW's Most Popular Stars since coming back to WCW through the Draft Lottery is leading his team to war here

Maven, Lance Storm, & Christopher Daniels W/Raven Flair vs Jason Walker, Mick Foley, & Petey Williams W/Scott D'Amore
The bell rings as Lance Storm starts off the match with Petey Williams. The two men lock up as Lance catches Petey in a headlock. Lance shoves Petey off the ropes and shoulder blocks him down. Petey gets back up as Lance begins to open up on him and tries whiping him off the ropes again but Petey holds on to Lance and clotheslines him down. Petey picks Lance up and delivers some right hands and backs him up into the corner but Lance turns him around and kicks him then tags in the Fallen Angel. The Fallen Angel enters the ring but Petey runs over to him and begins to open up on him and but gets knocked down by Maven. Referee Charles Robinson has some words with Maven as Petey gets up and tries to go after Maven but the Fallen Angel takes out Petey with a DDT. He covers Petey for the 1..................2............Petey kicks out. Maven then tags himself in as the Fallen Angel is pissed. Maven picks Petey up and begins to throw right and left hands at him then finally knocks him back down with a big right hand. Maven climbs up top but the Fallen Angel tags himself back into the match as Maven gets down and gets in the Fallen Angel's face as Petey tags Jason Walker in and Jason goes over and pulls Maven into the match. Jason kicks Maven in the gut and follows up with the Walk of Fate. Jason then climbs up top but Lance Storm shoves him off and he hits the mat hard. This causes Mick Foley to get into the ring and argue with Charles Robinson. Maven then exposes the turnbuckle padding on the corner. He picks Jason Walker up and bashes Jason's head off the exposed turnbuckle busting Jason wide open. Maven goes to cover but Mick Foley who is still in the ring breaks the pin up. Lance Storm then enters the ring and clotheslines Mick over the top rope. The two fall to the outside but continue to fight. Maven shouts to Storm to take Foley out. Maven then turns around to see Jason Walker standing in front of him and Jason throws Maven off the ropes but the Fallen Angel tags himself back in as Jason backdrops Maven. Jason then  tries to lock Maven in the Walls of Walker but the Fallen angel clotheslines Jason down. Maven then gets up and shoves the Fallen Angel as the Fallen Angel shoves back so Maven kicks him in the gut and DDTs him!! Jason then tags in Petey and the two of them clear Maven out of the ring. Elsewhere Lance Storm dropkicks Foley down then walks over to where Maven is and the two pull Jason out of the ring as the throw him into the crowd. They both enter the crowd as they begin to stomp away at him. Maven picks Jason up by the hair and begins to walk away with him with Lance Storm following but Mick Foley gets up and walks over to them and grabs Storm and begins to throw punches at him. Maven throws Jason to the ground and Foley knocks Storm down. Several referees then enter the scene and seperate Maven from Jason as Storm low blows Foley and begins to pound away on him but more referees try restraining them. Back in the ring Petey has the Fallen Angel in a Sharpshooter as the Fallen Angel finally reaches the ropes forcing Petey to break the hold. Petey gets up and picks the Fallen Angel up and sets him up for the Canadian Destroyer when Raven Flair gets on the apron distracting Charles Robinson when Jerome Morris hits the ring and turns Petey around as Jerome then hits the Cocky Cutter on Petey as Jerome rolls out to the floor and knocks down Scott D'Amore with a right hand as Daniels goes up top and hits the BME for the 1--2--3.
Winners: Maven, Lance Storm, & Christpher Daniels

Penser: Your winners, Maven, Lance Storm, & Christopher Daniels

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/12/2006 7:01 AM

Tony: Jerome Morris has just stuck his nose in Petey Williams business and cost him the match

Tenay: That has to be payback for Petey attacking Jerome's wife Trish earlier in the night

"I'm Back" hits as Eric Bischoff walks out into the entry way

Eric Bischoff: Since there is a major problem with interfering in other people's matches with a certain few superstars then this is what will happen. At Starrcade its going to be Jamie Gunz vs Edge vs Petey Williams vs Jerome Morris in a #1 Contender's Match for the WCW United States Championship(Crowd Cheers). Plus while I am out here I also want to announce Billy Gunn will defend that very US Title against Jason Walker at Starrcade. Now back to the four superstars I just named since they all have a grude with one another then Next Monday Night on Nitro its going to be a Six Person Mixed Tag Match where you will see Jamie Gunz, Petey Williams, and Tara Rayge taking on Edge, Jerome Morris, & Trish Morris

"I'm Back" hits as Eric heads to the back

Tony: I have to give Eric Bischoff credit there he made the right calls there

Madden: Jason Walker vs Billy Gunn at Starrcade plus Jamie vs Edge vs Petey vs Jerome as well

Tenay: Yeah and Next week a Six Person Mixed Tag Match

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it will be fought under Hardcore Rules

"Bring Me to Life" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st makinig her way to the ring, From Phoenix, Arizona, Phoenix Silvermoon

Madden: We got another Flame right here

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Continues to boo

Penser: Her opponent, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, Flame

Tenay: Well Flame is also in this match so it should be very interesting seeing as Phoenx and Flame are both known for loving this kind of environment

"Art of War" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: Finally, From Raleigh, North Carolina, Kristin Styles

Tony: Kristin Styles is back now and got put in this match after saying she once dated Eric Bischoff

Madden: Something Eric Bischoff denies and that really pissed him off so he booked Kristin in this match

Hardcore Rules: Flame vs Phoenix Silvermoon vs Kristin Styles
The camera pans around the ring seeing various weapons laid about such as Trash Cans, road signs, Kendo sticls, a hair dryer and a globe. The bell sounds as Flame and Phoenix stare down Kristin Styles. The two 'psycho' divas charge at Kristin and knock her down with a double clothesline. Both Flame and Phoenix pick Kristin up and hit her with a double hair toss. The two divas start to stomp their way at Kristin Styles. They pick her up once again but this time Kristin hits a hard right hand to Flame and hits a rugby tackle to Phoenix but before she can do anymore damage Flame clubs down hard on Kristins back. She hits her wih a russian leg drop. SIlvermoon tries to get Kristin but FLame wants her too the two divas argue it out, Kristin Styles climbs up to the middle rope and launches off with a crossbody but Silvermoon and Flame catch her in a 'fall away slam' type hold and they fling her into the turnbuckle. Kristin lands hard on the top turnbuckle and falls off to the mats outside. Flame turns to Phoenix but Silvermoon smashes a Globe over FLame's head coering her whole head. Flame runs around the ring like a headless chicken while Phoenix tries to contain her laughter. The referee starts to laugh while Flame eventually gets the Globe off her head, she see's the referee laughing and she jumps on him, She smacks in him in the face but because of the DQ rules the referee can do nothing. She smacks away at him untill Phoenix pulls her off and the referee rolls out of the ring with a bloodied nose. Some EMT's come down and help the referee up as a new referee comes down to the ring. By this time Kristin Styles has got back in the ring and knocked Phoenix out of the ring and is tied up with Flame in the centre, Kristin sends Flame off to the ropes when Flame bounces back Kristin hits her iwth a high impact dropkick. Flame rolls out of the ring as Phoenix gets back into the ring, She charges up behind Kristin but Kristin catches her with a powerslam driving her into the rings flooring. Kristin picks up a kendo stick and smashes it across Phoenix's back. Kristin lifts Phoenix up and attemps powerbomb to Phoenix but Phoenix wriggles through hitting a senton to Kristin, Phoenix picks up a trash can and smashes it off Kristins Head. Phoenix lifts up Kristin and goes for an Phoenix Wings but Kristin pushes her away, Phoenix bounces off the ropes and is hit with a Styles Clash from Kristin, Styles covers Phoenix 1...2..2.9 Flame braks up up and pushes Phoenix out of the ring and locks in a FLamming Ambition on Kristin eventually Kristin can only tap out
Winner: Flame

Penser: Your winner, Flame

Tony: Flame gets the win here but Kristin Styles puts up a good fight

Madden: Kristin Styles gave a good fight but Flame was too much for her

Tenay: Well I hope Eric Bischoff is happy that he got his mission across


:Christian and Tyson are shown heading towards the ring when Lance Storm walks up to them:

Lance Storm: Hows it going guys

Christian: Good to see you back Lance, Tyson has something for you

:Tyson then hands Lance Storm the WCW Hardcore Title:

Christian: I think that belongs to you

Lance Storm: Thank You

Final Commercial Ad for SCWE SummerSlam-Long Ad

After The Break:

Tony: Well I guess Lance Storm is now the WCW Hardcore Champion

Tenay: I guess so

Madden: Well Lance gave Tyson the Hardcore title when he went to ECW and now Tyson returned it back to Lance

Tony: It's time now for the RAWDome Main Event

Penser: The Main Event of the evening is a RAWDome Match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts)

"Voodoo Child" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Special Guest Referee, Representing The nWo, Hollywood Hogan

Madden: Hollywood Hogan is going to call things right down the middle

Tenay: Why don't I believe that

"King of My World" hits, Crowd Boo's Loudly

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing the nWo and being accumpied by Tyson Tomko, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 235 Pounds, He is the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Christian

Tony: Why is Tyson Tomko coming out here

Madden: Its allowed and Tyson is always with Christian

"For Whom The Bell Tolls" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis

Tenay: Can Brandon Davis finally win the WCW World Title

Madden: No he won't, he can't beat Christian and being in the RAWDome will make no difference

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: RAWDome: Christian(C) W/Tyson Tomko vs Brandon Davis; Special Referee: Hollywood Hogan
The RAWDome hits the ground after Brandon enters into the ring as Christian attacks Brandon immediately as Christian shoves  Brandon into the corner and Christian delivers several boots to the gut of Brandon as Christian then chops Brandon a few times but Brandon quickly reverses as he opens up on Christian when Tyson Tomko enters the ring and Tyson charges to hit Brandon but Brandon moves as Tyson runs into Christian and brandon then hits a belly 2 belly suplex on Tyson. Brandon then catches Christian coming at him with a big spinebuster as Brandon goes for a Sharpshooter and locks it in as Christian is screaming out as Hogan goes for a walk as Tyson gets up and Tyson hits a clothesline knocking Brandon down and breaking the hold, Tyson then goes to work on Brandon with right hands as Christian joins in making it a two on one assault as Christian holds Brandon in place as Tyson backs up and goes for his Big Boot but Brandon hits a mule kick to Christian as he moves out of the way as Tyson hits the Big Boot taking out Christian as Tyson then tries to help up Christian appologizing when Brandon hits the Rush on Tyson!! Tyson rolls out to the floor as Brandon waits for Christian to get up and Brandon goes for the Rush on Christian and hits it as Brandon covers but Hollywood Hogan takes his time going down and counts a 1---------------------------2-----------------kick out, Brandon is not happy and gets in Hogan's face as Brandon shoves Hogan as Hogan doesn't take kindly to being pushed and pushes Brandon back as Christian rolls up Brandon with a handful of tights for a 1-2-2.8-kick out, Christian then attacks Brandon as he gets up by hitting a elbow on him as Christian then starts to choke Brandon until Hogan finally tells him to stop as Christian picks up Brandon and throws him out to the floor as Tyson Tomko then opens up on Brandon and Tyson takes Brandon and rams him into the RAWDome as Tyson then rams him again as Christian tells Tyson to throw him back as Tyson rolls Brandon back into the ring as Christian picks up Brandon and sets him up for a UnPrettier but Brandon shoves Christian into Hogan as the two collide and Brandon then hits a Extreme Shudder on Christian as Brandon covers but Tyson gets into the ring and Tyson attacks Brandon as Tyson picks up Brandon for the Problem Solved but Brandon escapes and Brandon hits the Extreme Shudder on Tyson Tomko as Brandon then picks up Christian and Brandon throws Christian out to the floor as Brandon goes out after Christian and Brandon takes Christian and rams his head off the steel steps and then off the RAWDome as Brandon starts to grind away as Christian is screaming out in pain as Christian starts to bleed from the grinding as Brandon finally stops and Brandon rolls Christian back into the ring as Brandon gets in after Christian who is begging for mercy when Tyson hits Brandon from behind knocking him down again as Christian picks up Brandon and this time hits the UnPrettier as Christian tells Hogan that this is how you take out the garbage and not screw up like last week as Christian then goes to cover as Hogan counts the 1---2--2.9-Brandon gets his shoulder up. Christian can't believe it and starts to yell at Hogan to count faster as Hogan tells Christian to just beat him as Christian and Hogan have some heated words as Christian then slaps Hogan across the face and tells him to do the right thing or else as Christian then goes to get Brandon but Hogan turns Christian around and knocks him down with a right hand as Tyson then gets back into the ring as Tyson goes to hit Hogan but Hogan blocks and then grabs Tyson and Christian and rams there heads together as Christian falls down again as Hogan whips Tyson off the ropes and hits a Big Boot on him as Tyson rolls out to the floor but Christian hits Hogan from behind and Christian sets up Hogan for the UnPrettier and hits it as Christian is gloating about it when Hogan gets right back up and is Hulking Up as the GIANT Center is going nuts as Christian turns around and see's Hogan back up as Christian goes to hit Hogan but Hogan blocks and opens up on Christian with a few right hands backing him up into the ropes as Hogan whips Christian off the ropes and then hits a Big Boot on him as Hogan then asks the crowd for what they want to see and Hogan hits the ropes and then hits the Big Leg Drop on Christian as Tyson re-enters the ring and goes to hit Hogan

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/12/2006 7:02 AM

but Hogan see's it and blocks it as Hogan opens up on Tyson with right hands backing Tyson into the ropes as Hogan clotheslines Tyson over the top to the floor as Christian struggles up to his feet but then gets taken back out by a Rush from Brandon Davis who covers as Hogan counts the 1---2--3.

Winner: Brandon Davis (WCW World)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Brandon Davis

Tony: My God, Brandon Davis has done it



:Brandon is celebrating in the ring as Jerome Morris & Billy Gunn are trying to hit the ring but Eric Bischoff is restraining them as Christian is screaming for them to attack as Eric orders them to the back which they go as Christian and Bischoff are then arguing as Eric walks past Christian and enters the ring as Brandon Davis looks a little uneasy with Hogan and Bischoff in the ring as Eric walks up to Brandon and offers his hand which Brandon looks to the crowd and finally shakes hands with Eric as Hogan and Brandon then pose the crowd as Jason Walker, Fabulously Fit, Mick Foley, & Several Other WCW Superstars hit the ring to join in the Celebration:

Tony: Tonight is a Great Night to be a WCW Fan because we have a New World Champion, Somebody who stands for everything that is right in WCW

Madden: I am going to be sick

Tony: We hope you have enjoyed tonight's "Night of Champions" Until Next Monday, Good Night

:Nitro Goes off the Air:

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