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Nitro : Nitro 10/3/05
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:40 AM

Results 10/3/05 Live From Sacramento, California

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Christopher Daniels defeated Bobby Roode

Dark Match #2: Johnny Devine defeated Jack

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

Tony: Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro!! We are back after a one week vacation

Tenay: Yes and New WCW GM, Paul Heyman, yes thats right Paul Heyman is in the house

Madden: Yeah and Paul Heyman is going to deliver with a Night of Champions

Tony: Every WCW Title is on the line here tonight so without further ado

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Hardcore Championship

"American Idiot" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, being accumpied by Scott D'Amore from Windsor, Ontario, Canada weighing in at 180 Pounds, Petey Williams

Tony: Here is Petey Williams who is getting a good chance to win some Hardcore Gold

"You Can't Run" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent being accumpied by Holly Mathews, From San Antonio, Texas weighing in at 328 Pounds, He is the WCW Hardcore Champion, Stanley Ryan Tiger

Madden: Well I like Petey but SRT is a monster and this Hardcore Environment fits him to a T

Tenay: It should be interesting thats for sure

WCW Hardcore Championship: SRT(C) W/Holly Mathews vs Petey Williams W/Scott D'Amore
The bell sounds as Petey charges at SRT as SRT goes for a right hand but Petey ducks and opens up on SRT but SRT grabs Petey and knees him in the gut and SRT then throws Petey into the corner as SRT drives his knee into the gut of Petey several times. SRT then takes Petey and throws him out of the corner as SRT waits as Petey gets back up and SRT hits a big running clothesline flipping petey inside out as Petey rolls around in pain as SRT picks up Petey as Petey delivers a few right hands to the gut but SRT drives his knee into the face of Petey as SRT then whips Petey off the ropes and SRT hits a powerslam on him. SRT then picks up Petey again and gorilla press's him and then slams him down as Petey arches his back from the pain as he rolls out to the floor as SRT goes outside after Petey and knocks him down with a big clothesline as SRT then takes Petey and rams him into the steel steps as SRT picks up Petey again and rolls him back into the ring as SRT gets on the apron and goes up top as Petey gets up and SRT comes off hitting a lariat as SRT tells Holly the match is over when Bobby Roode and Johnny Devine hit the ring and both attack SRT as they take SRT and whip him off the ropes and the Team Canada members hit a double dropkick knocking down SRT as Roode and Devine both start putting the boots to SRT as Holly is calling for back up as Christopher Daniels hits the ring and Daniels knocks down Devine and then Roode but Petey Williams gets back up and hits Daniels from behind as Petey takes Daniels and rams him into the ring post as SRT gets back up and SRT grabs Petey and hits the Tiger Trap on Petey as he covers but Roode & Devine break it up instantly as Daniels then gets a chair from Holly as Daniels hits Devine in the back and then Roode over the head as Daniels throws the chair down as he picks up Roode and throws him out to the floor and then picks up Devine and throws him outside as well as Daniels waits as Devine & Roode gets up and Daniels sling shots himself over the ropes taking out both guys as SRT gets up and grabs the Chair and has a sick smile on his face but D'Amore slides the hockey stick into the ring to Petey who gets in position as SRT goes to pick up Petey but Petey low blows SRT with the hockey stick as Petey then sets up SRT for the Canadian Destroyer but SRT is too big to execute it on as SRT then counters into an Alabama Slam as Petey is hurting as SRT grabs the chair as Petey gets up and SRT smashes the chair over Petey's head laying him out as SRT then covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: SRT

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Hardcore Champion, SRT

Tony: SRT is still your Hardcore Champion but not without alot of interference

Madden: Well it was a Hardcore Match and boy did things get Hardcore

:Paul Heyman appears on Nitro Vision:

Paul Heyman: Well it seems we have some problems here tonight with these two groups so Next Monday Night since I am a man of action, It's going to be Team Canada vs The Conspiracy in a Six Man Tag Match and since Scott Wright has basically said he doesn't want anything to do with The Conspiracy I am going to allow Holly to find a third man tonight but Holly if you don't have a third man by tonight, then it will be a Handicap Match.

:Heyman smirks before disappearing from the Nitro Vision:

Tony: Paul Heyman already making his impact felt

Tenay: No kidding and now Holly has to find a partner for SRT and Daniels

Madden: Well I like Paul Heyman so far, he is laying down the law, this is not like when he was Co-GM or when he ran ECW, he finally has talent and doesn't have to share it with anyone and I think things are going to be great now

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After The Break:

Tony: Well things are definatly getting interesting

Tenay: Well Paul Heyman has already made an appearance and a match for next week and we are barely going

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship

Madden: Now we got some Hardcore Diva Action

"I Break Things" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Presidio, Texas, Tapanga Britt

Tony: Tapanga Britt has been a diva on the rise in the last few weeks

Tenay: She has definatly been looking great

"Crucify" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Her opponent, From Montgomery, Alabama, Skylar Thomas

Tony: Skylar Thomas is back after an injury and looking to pick up where she left off

Tenay: Is ring rust going to be an issue tonight though with Skylar

"The Only" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: Finally, From Baltimore, Maryland, She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Jai

Madden: Well here comes Jai who has been a great Women's Hardcore Champion

Tenay: Well this match is definatly going to be interesting

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship: Jai(C) vs Tapanga Britt vs Skylar Thomas
The bell sounds as Tapanga and Skylar both attack Jai from the go as Jai fights back knocking down Skylar but Tapanga gets Jai and Tapanga whips Jai off the ropes and hits a big hurricanrana on Jai as Jai gets up, she walks right into Skylar who kicks her in the gut and Skylar hits a big DDT on Jai as Tapanga then hits a running head scissors take down on Skylar as Tapanga then goes up top in a hurry and comes off taking down Jai with the Tapangacanrana, Tapanga gets up again, Skylar knocks her down from behind as Skylar then takes Tapanga's head and rams it face first off the mat several times as Jai rolls out to the floor and gets a steel chair and returns into the ring as Jai goes over and hits Skylar in the back with the chair as Skylar goes down as Jai then waits as Tapanga gets up and Jai hits her over the back as well, Jai then throws the chair down as she picks up Tapanga and Jai sets her up for the Mind-Eraser but Skylar gets up and grabs the chair and Skylar hits Jai in the ribs with it and then over the head laying out Jai as Skylar then goes to hit Tapanga but Tapanga blocks it and hits a kick to the ribs of Skylar as Tapanga hits a big snap suplex on Skylar as Tapanaga then grabs the chair and hits Skylar over the head again and covers for the 1---2--Jai breaks up the pin. Jai then takes Tapanga and throws her out to the floor as Jai then slingshots herself over the ropes onto Tapanga as Jai pounds away at her as Skylar rolls out to the floor as well and Skylar grabs the camera cord and starts to choke Jai with it but Jai ends up backing up ramming Skylar into the ring post as jai then kicks Skylar in the gut and Jai hits the Mind-Eraser on Skylar but Tapanga then hits a bulldog on Jai as Tapanga then covers Skylar for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Tapanga Britt (WCW Women's Hardcore)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Tapanga Britt

Tony: Tapanaga Britt has just won the Women's Hardcore Title

Madden: Well Jai never got pinned so I think she should get a rematch

Tenay: It's the rules of a Triple Threat Match and Tapanga is the Champion whether Jai likes it or not

:Backstage: Paul Heyman's Office

:Paul Heyman is shown as Holly Mathews enters the office:

Holly Mathews: Mr. Heyman please reconsider what you said earlier

Paul Heyman: Holly you are a very attractive girl, I am sure you will have no problem finding a guy to team up with your clients

Holly Mathews: But maybe I can do something to change your mind

Paul Heyman: Holly, I am not like most of the male GM's of the past, you can walk in here naked for all I care, I am not going to change my mind and since you think you can work your way out of any situation then Next Week Holly you are going to wrestle

Holly Mathews: What?

Paul Heyman: Yes I can see it now, it will be Holly Mathews taking on......FLAME in a Hardcore Rules Match

:Holly's mouth drops open:

Holly Mathews: She will freaking kill me

Paul Heyman: Sucks to be you then, there is the door

:Holly storms out of the office slamming the door shut:

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:40 AM

Tony: Well Holly Mathews just got burned no pun intended

Tenay: Holly tried to use her sex appeal to her advantage and Paul Heyman would have none of it

Madden: Flame is going to kill Holly

Tony: I think that was the point

Tenay: Don't cross Paul Heyman

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd Boo's as The Limo pulls out

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, being accumpied by The Basham Brothers and Orlando Jordan, Representing The Cabinet, Christy Hemme and John Bradshaw Layfield!!

Madden: Well here comes a Real American

Tony: The only match on the card that is not a title match but features plenty of former champions

"War Pigs" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, 1st from La Jolla, California weighing in at 339 Pounds, Californian

Tenay: Well here comes The Californian who is a former SCWE European Champion

Madden: Yeah big deal JBL is a former World Champion

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: His partner, From Cleveland, Ohio, Jackie Gayda

Tony: Well here comes the Former Women's Champion

JBL & Christy Hemme W/Orlando Jordan, Doug Basham, & Danny Basham vs Californian & Jackie Gayda
JBL and Californian start things off in the ring as JBL tells Californian that he shouldn't be in the same ring with him as Californian smirks as Cali tells JBL that he respects him and offers his hand as JBL smiles and takes it and then sucker punches Cali as JBL then whips Cali off the ropes and JBL goes for a big boot but Cali ducks it and hits the ropes on the other side and hits a big shoulder block knocking down JBL as JBL gets up and Cali grabs JBL and hits a La Jolla Slam on JBL but Orlando gets on the apron as The Basham's enter the ring and attack Californian as Orlando has Rudy Charles attention and The Basham's end up going for the Ball and Gag and hits it as they get out of the ring as Orlando gets down as JBL covers for a 1---2--Jackie Gayda enters the ring and jumps on JBL as JBL gets up with Jackie on his back and JBL laughs and flips Jackie off as JBL then goes to grab Jackie but Californian gets back up and attacks JBL as Cali knocks JBL back into the corner and Cali charges in and hits a big running clothesline and Cali then goes for the Fight On and hits it as Cali hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Californian can't believe it as he picks up JBL but The Basham's both get on the apron as Cali goes over and knocks down Doug and Danny Basham and then gets Orlando but JBL then gets back up and JBL hits a clothesline from hell when Jackie once again tries to get involved but Christy cuts her off as JBL tells Christy to hold Jackie which she does as JBL then comes off the ropes as Christy pushes Jackie into a clothesline from hell!! JBL then starts to smile as Jackie is laid out and appears to be hurt as referee Rudy Charles calls for the bell to stop the match as paramedics tend to Jackie Gayda as the Cabinet walks away smiling as Maven hits the ring and Maven goes to check on Jackie and Maven starts to have words with JBL and Maven tells JBL he will get his revenge on him.
No Contest

Penser: The result of this match is a No Contest

Tony: Damn that JBL

Tenay: JBL had no right doing that to Jackie Gayda

Madden: Jackie got in the way and JBL took her out

Tony: Well I am glad to see Jackie's husband Maven out here and Maven is doing the right thing for once by checking on his wife

:Backstage: Paul Heyman's Office

:Paul Heyman is shown watching the monitor shaking his head when Holly barges into the Office with SRT and Christopher Daniels:

Paul Heyman: Can I hope you?

Holly Mathews: Paul you change that match right now or else SRT and Daniels are going to make you a short lived GM

:Paul Heyman starts to laugh:

Paul Heyman: Boys I suggest you stop listening to your little slut leader because if you lay a hand on me, You will both be fired from not only WCW but from KSCWE

:SRT and Daniles both stare at each other and start to back up:

Holly Mathews: You're bluffing

Paul Heyman: You think?

:SRT and Daniels both grab Holly's arms and drag her out of the office as Heyman just smirks:

Paul Heyman: Stupid slut thinks she can order me around. I am Paul Heyman

:Just then Heyman's Phone rings as he picks it up:

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Tony: Well So far tonight we have seen it all

Tenay: What else can happen

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Championship

Tony: Well its time for the ladies of WCW to fight it out for the Women's Title

Tenay: This should be a great contest

"Planet Hell" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Boise, Idaho, Torrie Wilson

Tony: The Former Multi-Time Women's Champion is looking to regain the gold once more

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Her opponent, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, Flame

Madden: If Flame doesn't do something stupid like getting herself DQ'ed I think she can win the gold

Tenay: The question is if Flame can avoid breaking the rules

"LoveFuryPassionEnergy" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Finally, From Sanford, North Carolina, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Lita

Tony: Here comes the champ

WCW Women's Championship: Lita(C) vs Torrie Wilson vs Flame
Referee Rudy Charles sounds for the bell as all three divas have some words with each other as Flame tells Torrie and then Lita that she is going to kill them both and Lita and Torrie both look at each other and nod there heads as they both attack Flame. Flame fights back raking the eyes of Torrie but Lita kicks Flame hard in the gut and Lita then hits a big DDT on Flame as Lita pounds away at Flame with right hands as Torrie stomps away at Flame as well. Both divas then pick up flame and whip him off the ropes and hit a double hip toss on Flame. Flame rolls over by the ropes and gets up but then gets double clotheslined over by Torrie and Lita as Torrie then quickly attacks Lita as Torrie knocks Lita into the corner as Torrie hits several big chops to the chest of Lita and Torrie then climbs up and starts to deliver the 10 punches but gets up to about 7 when Lita moves out of the corner and drops down driving Torrie face first off the top turnbuckle as Torrie rolls out to the floor grabbing her face as Lita then is about to go out after Torrie when Flame hits Lita from behind, Flame then whips Lita off the ropes and Flame hits a big clothesline knocking Lita down as Flame starts to smile as she grabs Lita's shirt and rips it off revealing Lita's black sports bra and Flame then starts to choke Lita with her own shirt as Referee Rudy Charles warns Flame to stop but Flame continues to choke her until Torrie attacks Flame stopping the hold as Torrie then whips Flame off the ropes and Torrie goes for a chick kick but Flame ducks and Flame then kicks Torrie in the gut and picks her up and hits a big spinebuster on her as Flame picks up Lita's shirt and starts to choke Torrie with it as Torrie is screaming out when Lita attacks Flame and Lita then takes her shirt and starts to choke Flame with it!! Lita is screaming at Flame asking her how she likes it but Flame kicks Lita in the gut knocking Lita down as Flame gets up and Flame jumps on top of Lita and starts to choke her again until Torrie lays out Flame with a Chick Kick from behind as Torrie then drags Flame to the corner and Torrie goes up top and comes off hitting the Rose on Flame but Lita picks up Torrie off Flame and Lita ends up hitting a Twist of Fate on Torrie as Lita covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Lita

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Champion, Lita

Tony: Lita scores the impressive win here to retain her Women's Title

:As Lita is celebrating her win, Christy Hemme hits the ring and attacks Lita from behind knocking her down as Christy then takes Lita and hits the Hemme Letdown on Lita as Torrie then goes to hit Christy but Christy catches Torrie with the Hemme Love laying her out as well as Christy picks up the Women's Title and holds it over Lita and Torrie before throwing the title down and telling Lita she is coming for the gold:

Madden: I love that Christy

Tenay: Christy Hemme just attacked Lita and Torrie after there match and put down both divas

Tony: I think Christy wants a Title shot

:Paul Heyman then appears once again on NitroVision:

Paul Heyman: At Halloween Havoc, it will be Lita putting that Women's Title on the line against the #1 Contender....Christy Hemme and next week to show what kind of Take Action GM I am, It will be Lita taking on Jai in a Non-Title Match plus Christy Hemme and Skylar Thomas will team up to face Torrie Wilson and Tapanga Britt.

:Paul Heyman disappears from the Nitro Vision:

Tony: Christy vs Lita for the Title at Havoc and Next week some more diva action when Jai goes head to head with Lita in a Non-Title Match and Torrie will have her chance for revenge against Christy in a Tag Team Contest

Madden: Paul Heyman is definatly a take action kind of GM thats for sure

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 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:41 AM

Tony: Well Paul Heyman's impact on this Nitro has definatly been felt

Tenay: He has already announced the first Halloween Havoc and several matches for Next Monday's Nitro

Madden: And he did make tonight the Night of Champions too!!

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Tag Team Championship

"In Da Club" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, The Challengers weighing in at a combined weight of 475 Pounds, The team of Sonny Siaki and Rob Conway better known as S.E.X.

Tony: Sonny Siaki is back in the company now and right here on WCW teaming up with Rob Conway

Tenay: These two men hve formed a very odd partnership as Conway wants to get back his Tag Team Gold

"MNM" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: There opponents weighing in at a combined weight of 436 Pounds, They are the WCW Tag Team Champions, Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury

Madden: Well here comes the champs and I like they alot

Tenay: Well this match is going to be good

WCW Tag Team Championship: Johnny Nitro & Joey Mercury(C) vs Rob Conway & Sonny Siaki
Referee Charles Robinson calls for the bell as Mercury and Conway start things off by locking up with Mercury as Mercury backs Conway up into the corner as Charles Robinson orders a break which Mercury gives but Nitro takes his tag rope and starts to choke Conway with it as Mercury as Charles Robinson tied up as Nitro stops as Mercury then delivers a few big right hands to Conway dazing him in the corner as Mercury then grabs Conway and holds him as he tags out to Nitro and Nitro comes and kicks Conway in the gut and Nitro then picks up Conway and slams him down as Nitro then delivers a few big elbow drops to Conway. Nitro then picks up Conway once more and whips him off the ropes and Nitro hits a big powerslam on Conway. Nitro then picks up Conway gloating and Nitro delivers a big side suplex to Conway as Nitro tags out to Mercury who goes up top and Mercury comes off hitting a big splash for a 1---2--Sonny Siaki breaks up the pin as Nitro goes to hit Sonny but Siaki opens up on Nitro and whips him off the ropes as Sonny backdrops Nitro to the mat and then catches Mercury with a backdrop as Charles Robinson gets in there then and tells Sonny Siaki he has to get on the apron and while doing this, Mercury & Nitro start to double team Conway once more as Mercury makes a tagging sound as Nitro picks up Conway and Nitro whips him off the ropes and Nitro then goes for the Media Blitz but  Conway is able to leap frog it and Conway then catches Nitro once he gets up with a big superkick taking Nitro down as Conway out of desperation reaches his corner and tags in Sonny Siaki who enters the ring and knocks down Nitro with a right hand and then catches Mercury who enters the ring with a dropkick, Sonny whips Nitro off the ropes and Sonny hits a big powerslam on Nitro and a big hip toss on Mercury as Nitro is getting back up, Conway enters the ring and catches Nitro with the Ego trip as Sonny Siaki clotheslines Mercury out to the floor and Sonny Siaki then goes up top and hits the Siakalypse on Nitro for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Sonny Siaki & Rob Conway (WCW Tag Team)

Penser: Your winners and new WCW Tag Team Champions, Rob Conway and Sonny Siaki

Tony: We have new Tag Team Champions!!

Tenay: Conway hit the Ego Trip on Nitro and Sonny Siaki hit the Siakalypse and just like that new champions

Madden: I can't believe it

:Backstage: Paul Heyman's Office

:Paul Heyman is shown smiling in his office:

Paul Heyman: I knew Signing Sonny Siaki would be a good move

:Maven then barges into the office:

Paul Heyman: Well if it isnt the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Maven, what can I do for you

Maven: I want JBL tonight

Paul Heyman: I can't do that, you're facing Brandon Davis

Maven: Screw that, JBL attacked my wife, I WANT JBL

:Maven then grabs Heyman by his suit coat:


Paul Heyman: Maven calm down, you want JBL you got him

:Maven lets Heyman go and starts to leave:

Paul Heyman: At Halloween Havoc

:Maven then turns around and looks ready to hit Heyman:

Maven: Fine I can wait until then to take him out

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After The Break:

Tony: Well Maven is going to take on JBL now at Halloween Havoc

Tenay:  I guess it will happen no matter if Maven is World Champion or not

Madden: I think Maven has gone off the deep end

Tony: You think

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Television Championship

"99 Problems" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied by Holly Mathews, From Atlanta, Georgia weighing in at 253 Pounds, Scott Wright

Tony: Well here comes Scott Wright who is still looking to become TV Champion

"Getting Away With Murder" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Penser: His opponent, From Cape Breton, Island, Nova Scotia, Canada weighing in at 225 Pounds, Matt Matlock

Madden: Well here comes the former TV Champion

"Lie, Cheat, Steal" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Finally, From El Paso, Texas weighing in at 235 Pounds, He is the WCW Television Champion, Eddie Guerrero

Tenay: Well here comes Latino Heat

WCW Television Championship: Eddie Guerrero(C) vs Matt Matlock vs Scott Wright W/Holly Mathews
Referee Mark Johnson rings the bell as all three men circle each other with Wright and Matlock both going after Guerrero as Eddie fights back and knocks down Wright and then Matlock with right hands as Wright gets up first, Eddie knocks Wright back and then clotheslines him over the top to the floor but Eddie walks right into a kick to the gut as Matlock picks up Eddie and hits the Matlock-Go-Round as Matlock then goes for and locks in the Matt-Lock on Guerrero who is screaming out from the pain but Scott Wright gets up top and comes off hitting the Wright Elbow into Matlock breaking the hold as Wright covers Matlock for a 1---2--Eddie breaks up the pin. Guerrero then starts to pound away at Wright but Scott Wright knees Eddie in the ribs as Scott Wright then picks up Guerrero and slams him down hard as Scott Wright then drops several big elbows as Matt Matlock is getting back up and Scott Wright then hit a big high impact dropkick knocking Matlock down again as Scott Wright then goes to pick up Eddie but Eddie catches Wright with a small package for a 1---2--kick out. Eddie gets up but gets hit from behind from Matlock as Matlock takes Eddie and throws him into the corner as Matlock then delivers a big kick to the gut and picks up Scott Wright and drops him throat first over the top rope as Matlock then kicks Wright out to the floor but Eddie is up top and comes off and grabs Matlock hitting a Tornado DDT on him as Eddie Guerrero then waits as Matlock gets up and kicks him in the gut as Eddie then hits the 3 Amigo's to Matlock as Eddie beats on his chest as he heads to the top rope but Scott Wright pushes him from the top to the floor as Wright goes up top and comes off hitting another Wright Elbow on Matlock as Scott Wright then covers for a 1---2--2.6-shoulder up. Scott Wright can not believe it and starts to pound on the mat getting frustrited as he grabs Mark Johnson and tells him he is tired of being screwed over as Matlock is back up and goes to hit Wright but Wright moves as Matlock then delivers a big clubbing blow to Mark Johnson laying him out as Scott Wright grabs Matlock and hits the Wright Bomb and covers but no referee as Scott Wright can not believe it but Eddie Guerrero is up top and comes off hitting a missile dropkick on Wright as Eddie then grabs Matlock and hits a snap Brainbuster to Matlock as Matlock is out cold as Eddie then goes to hit Wright but Wright kicks him in the gut and goes for a Wright Bomb again but Eddie counters into a sunset flip but once again no referee as Eddie gets up smiling and slides out to the floor and grabs the WCW TV Title belt and re-enters the ring with it as Eddie is eying up Matlock and Eddie goes to hit Matlock with it but Matlock ducks it and grabs the title and then lays out Guerrero with it as Scott Wright is also getting up and Matlock lays out Wright and Matlock throws the title to the floor and covers as Mark Johnson is starting to move around so Holly gets on the apron but nobody is paying her any attention so Holly ends up taking her pants down and turns around showing off her thong covered backside as Matlock gets up and goes over and ends up grabbing Holly's butt!! Holly tries to get off the apron but Matlock puts his arm around her and turns her around and Matlock starts to try to kiss her when Scott Wright gets back up and Wright goes to hit Matlock but Matlock moves as Wright hits Holly knocking her off the apron as Matlock then catches Wright with a big clothesline sending him over the top to the floor as Wright then checks on Holly as SRT and Daniels also come out as Matlock turns his attention to Guerrero who is still down as Matlock picks up Eddie saying its over and picks up Eddie for the B.F.A. but Eddie counters into a small package for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Penser: Your winner and still WCW TV Champion, Eddie Guerrero

Tony: Eddie Guerrero just scored the win

Madden: No thats not fair he cheated

Tenay: Eddie countered The B.F.A. into a small package for the shocking 1-2-3 and Matlock can't believe it

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 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:41 AM

Tony: Well we still have two more huge title matches to come

Tenay: We sure do but and the first of the two is going to be this four way US Title Match

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW United States Championship

"Escape Artists Never Die" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From New York, New York weighing in at 242 Pounds, Jamie Gunz

Tony: Well here comes Jamie Gunz who seems to have returned to his good ways

Madden: Yeah and thats why Jamie has no chance

"You Think You Know Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The 2nd Challenger, From Toronto, Canada, weighing in at 278 Pounds, Edge

Tenay: Well here comes Edge who even if he fails to walk out as champion tonight will still get another shot as Edge earned a one on one US Title Match

"Chop Suey" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The 3rd Challenger, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 268 Pounds, Billy Gunn

Madden: I think we are looking at the next WCW US champion right here

"Learn To Fly" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Finally, making his way to the ring, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is the WCW United States Champion, Jason Walker

Tony: Well here comes the US Champion Jason Walker now to the ring

Tenay: This is going to be a good match thats for sure

WCW United States Championship: Jason Walker(C) vs Jamie Gunz vs Billy Gunn vs Edge
Referee Charles Robinson rings the bell to start the match out as Edge starts it out with Jamie Gunz. Both guys have some words before locking up with Edge getting a headlock but Jamie sends Edge off the ropes as Jamie drops down with Edge leaping over Jamie and coming off the ropes and Edge then hits a big jumping shoulder block taking down Jamie. Edge then opens up on Jamie with several big right hands as Jason Walker enters the ring then and Jason waits as Edge gets up and Jason then hits a running bulldog on Edge putting him down when Billy Gunn hits Jason Walker from behind as Billy pounds away at Jason Walker and throws him over the top to the floor as Jason Walker lands on his knee hard and instantly starts to grab it as other referee's come running out to tend to Jason Walker as they help him to the back as Billy Gunn is smiling at his handy work when Edge hits a Spear on Billy once he turns around!! Edge then covers but Charles Robinson informs Edge that Billy is not legal as Edge gets back up and walks into a kick to the gut as Jamie then hits the Hallow Bullets on Edge as Jamie then goes up top and comes off hitting the Gunz Sault on Edge for a 1---2--Billy breaks up the pin. Billy then picks up Jamie as both men start to exchange rights and lefts with Billy kneeing Jamie in the gut and Billy goes for a Jackhammer but Jamie blocks it and Jamie then knees Billy in the gut and Jamie hits the Shooting the Gunz on Billy but Edge attacks Jamie knocking him down from behind. Edge then picks up Jamie and hits a big snap suplex on him as Jamie gets back up, Edge grabs him from behind and hits a reverse X-Factor on Jamie as Edge hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.6-shoulder up. Edge then pounds away at Jamie with several right hands as Edge then gets back up and picks up Jamie and Edge sets up Jamie for the Edgecution and hits it as Edge covers but Billy quickly drops a big elbow into Edge as Billy then picks up Edge and Billy whips him off the ropes but Edge hits another spear on Billy coming back as Jamie Gunz is back up and Jamie turns Edge around and kicks him in the gut and Jamie sets up Edge for the Last Breath and hits it on Edge but Billy Gunn then hits Jamie from behind knocking Jamie out to the floor as Billy covers Edge for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Billy Gunn (WCW US)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW US Champion, Billy Gunn

Tony: Billy Gunn is the new US Champion after stealing it right under Jamie Gunz's nose

Tenay: Billy was not legal but Charles Robinson lost control

Madden: I told you all Billy would be champion and he is

Tony: Well we have gotten word on Jason Walker that he has been taken a local medical facility due to his freak injury


:Paul Heyman is shown on the phone when Holly Mathews walks into the office with a ice pack on her head:

Paul Heyman: Miss Mathews what can I do for you now?

Holly Mathews: You win, I got a third man

Paul Heyman: Really who

Holly Mathews: The Hardcore Legend.....RAVEN

:Paul Heyman starts to smile:

Paul Heyman: Well thats great then, I look forward to seeing Raven next week

Commercial Ad for SCWE No Mercy-Long Ad

Tony: Well we just heard before the break that Raven is back!!

Tenay: Next Monday Night, Raven returns to lead The Fallen Angel and SRT into battle against Team Canada

Madden: Nobody has seen or heard from Raven in monthes

Tony: Well as great as that is, up next is the Main Event

Tenay: Brandon Davis finally gets his rematch

Penser: The Main Event of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

"For Whom The bell Tolls" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 252 Pounds, The "Badass American" Brandon Davis

Tenay: Well here comes the challenger, Brandon Davis

Tony: Brandon is very deserving of this title rematch seeing as how he was screwed over by then GM Christian

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent from Charleston, Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Maven

Madden: Well here comes the champ

Tenay: This is not the first time we have seen Maven tonight but Maven has to be focused on Brandon and not worrying about JBL or else we are going to have a new Champion

Madden: Maven will be just fine

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Maven(C) vs Brandon Davis
Referee Nick Patrick shows off the WCW World Title and then sounds for the bell as Brandon and Maven both have some words as Brandon then locks up with Maven as Brandon forces Maven into the corner as Nick Patrick orders a break but Brandon refuses and knees Maven in the ribs several times before breaking and Brandon then rams his knee into the gut of Maven again knocking Maven down on his butt as Brandon then stomps away at Maven until Maven is down and Brandon then gets on top of Maven and starts to open up on him with several big right hands to the head as Nick Patrick tries to get Brandon off but Brandon ignores Nick Patrick and continues to pound away and finally gets off but Brandon drags Maven out of the corner and spreads his legs open and Brandon then stomps his foot in between as Maven rolls around in extreme pain as Nick Patrick warns Brandon that if he does it again he will be DQ'ed as Brandon just smiles and picks up Maven and Brandon whips Maven off the ropes and Brandon hits a big powerslam on him as Brandon then picks up Maven once more and Brandon goes for a Sharpshooter but Maven is able to block it and kicks Brandon back as Maven starts to get back up but Brandon hits Maven from behind and Brandon turns Maven around and hits a big belly 2 belly suplex on him as Brandon then picks up Maven once more and Brandon kicks him in the gut and Brandon hits a Fameasser on Maven as Brandon then locks in the Walls of America on Maven as Maven is screaming out while trying to reach the ropes but Brandon sits down applying more pressure when "Longhorns" hits as The Limo pulls out into the entry way as The Basham's, Orlando Jordan, & JBL emerge as Brandon breaks the hold and Brandon tells The Cabinet if they want some to come get it but JBL tells The Cabinet something as they just stand next to the limo waiting but during this, Maven is able to get up as Brandon turns around and Maven hits a big dropkick sending Brandon through the ropes to the floor as JBL then nods his head as Orlando and The Basham's go to ringside as OJ gets on the apron as The Basham's then start to double team Brandon but Maven goes up top and comes off hitting a crossbody taking down both Basham brothers!! Maven then gets up and looks to the entry way but Orlando Jordan goes to hit Maven but Maven turns around and backdrops Orlando as Maven then hits a big right hand to Doug Basham and Maven rams him into the ring post while Brandon Davis is back up and does the same thing to Danny Basham as Maven and Brandon then stare at one another before re-entering the ring as Maven attacks Brandon coming in and Maven goes to whip Brandon off the ropes but Brandon reverses sending Maven off them as Brandon puts his head down and Maven stops and kicks Brandon in the face as Maven then goes for a Fisherman suplex but Brandon punches Maven in the gut several times and Brandon then hits the Extreme Shudder on Maven as Brandon quickly covers for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Brandon can't believe it as JBL is now near the ring and Brandon and JBL have some words as Brandon also waits as Maven gets up and Brandon is about to go for the Rush when JBL grabs the foot of Brandon preventing him from doing the hold as Brandon turns around and Brandon reaches between the ropes and knocks JBL back with a right hand when The Basham's then get into the ring and attack Brandon Davis as Nick Patrick orders for the bell.
Winner: Brandon Davis by DQ

Penser: Your winner by a result of DQ, Brandon Davis but the WCW World Title can not change hands via a DQ so still WCW World Champion Maven

:The Basham's continue to double team Brandon as JBL gets into the ring as JBL pounds away at Maven as Orlando is helping out when Jamie Gunz hits the ring as Jamie Gunz takes down Orlando Jordan with a right hand and then hits a dropkick knocking down Doug Basham as Brandon gets back up and Brandon knocks Danny down as JBL bails out to the floor as Paul Heyman walks out into the entry way:

Paul Heyman: At Halloween Havoc for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, it will be Maven defending his title against JBL....Brandon Davis.....and Jamie Gunz in a Four Way Elimination Match. Thank You

:Jamie Gunz looks at Brandon Davis and then Maven as JBL is not happy in the entry way:

Tony: The Cabinet ruined a good match here but Brandon Davis will get another chance at Havoc as will JBL and Jamie Gunz!!

Tenay: Well what a great Halloween Havoc Main Event that is gonig to be

Tony: Well we are out of time tonight, So Good Night

:Nitro Goes off the Air:

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