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Nitro : Nitro 10/17/05
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/13/2006 2:48 AM

Results 10/17/05 Live From Seattle, Washington

Dark Matches Air before Nitro:

Dark Match #1: Tapanga Britt defeated Teal Moore

Dark Match #2: Petey Williams defeated Californian

:Footage From Last Week's Nitro is shown with pyro going off to open up Nitro:

Tony: Welcome back to WCW Monday Nitro, we are back after an unexpected hiatus but from talking with the Hill's, No More Hiatus should be occuring

Tenay: That is a good thing too

Madden: Well tonight's Nitro should be awesome I think

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Tag Team Championship

"The End of Heartache" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, The Challengers being accumpied to the ring by Holly Mathews weighing in at a combined weight of 565 Pounds, Represneting The Conspiracy, They are the team of Raven and the WCW Hardcore Champion, Stanley Ryan Tiger

Madden: Well here comes the next WCW Tag Team Champions

Tenay: Well Raven is back and teaming up with the current Hardcore champion SRT

Tony: Raven is known for being Hardcore, how can he work with SRT

"In Da Club" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 475 Pounds, Representing S.E.X., They are the WCW Tag Team Champions, Sonny Siaki and Rob Conway

Tenay: Well here come the champs who are going to be no push over

WCW Tag Team Championship: Sonny Siaki & Rob Conway(C) vs Raven & SRT W/Holly Mathews
Referee Rudy Charles rings the bell as Sonny Siaki and SRT start things out as both men lock up with SRT overpowering Siaki and sending him down to the mat. Sonny gets back up to his feet as SRT smirks as Sonny goes to lock up but Sonny then hits a few right hands to SRT and Sonny then hits a dropkick to SRT knocking SRT back but not down as Sonny gets back up and charges at SRT but SRT hits a big boot on Sonny taking him down as SRT then picks up Sonny and SRT then bench presses Sonny up over his head and Gorilla Press Slams him down as Sonny is grabbing his back as Rob Conway enters the ring and hits SRT from behind knocking him forwards as Conway opens up on SRT with right hands as Sonny Siaki joins in as Sonny & Conway whip SRT off the rope and both men then hit a double team clothesline knocking SRT down as Raven stands on the apron shaking his head as Rudy Charles gets Conway out of the ring as SRT hits a few big right hands to SRT and Sonny hits a Sonny Driver on SRT as Sonny covers for a 1---2--2.7-SRT powers out. SRT then gets back up as Sonny Siaki hits a few right hands to SRT and Sonny goes for the Ace of Spades but SRT backdrops Sonny as Rob Conway enters the ring but SRT hits a big clothesline knocking Conway down as SRT then goes over to tag out to Raven but Raven gets off the apron and Raven then tells SRT that this is tough love and he must take them both out as Raven grabs Holly and leaves as SRT tells Raven fine as he turns around and SRT catches Sonny Siaki in position for the Tiger Trap but Rob Conway attacks SRT breaking it up as Conway then goes to whip SRT off the ropes but SRT sends Conway off the ropes and SRT goes for a big clothesline but Conway ducks it and then catches SRT with a Super Kick dazing SRT as Conway then kicks SRT in the gut and Conway goes for and somehow hits the Ego Trip on SRT as Sonny Siaki is up top and comes off hitting the Siakalypse for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Rob Conway & Sonny Siaki

Penser: Your winners and still WCW Tag Team Champions, Rob Conway and Sonny Siaki

Tony: Rob Conway and Sonny Siaki are still WCW Tag Team Champions but the bigger story is that Raven walked out on SRT

Madden: It was tough love, Raven told SRT he has to learn how to really be Hardcore basically and SRT didn't win but I think it was still a lesson that SRT learned


Rue: I am standing here right now with WCW World Heavyweight Champion Maven, tonight Maven you are teaming up with JBL who took out your wife, what are your feelings on teaming up with JBL?

Maven: Rue, I am going to kill the bastard, teammate or not, he is going to pay, nobody puts there hands on my wife and gets away with it. I know I should wait for Halloween Havoc but screw that because tonight JBL is going to find out a lesson that you don't cross the line with Maven and expect to be perfectly fine.

:Maven walks away:

Rue: Well it sounds like Maven wants JBL, back to you

:Promo Airs for The Love Machine's Return at Halloween Havoc:

Tony: Well Maven has a plan I guess

Tenay: Well I am glad to see Maven showing emotion after what happened to his wife and maybe this is the old Maven starting to come out

Madden: God I hope not

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"American Idiot" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada weighing in at 220 Pounds, Representing Team Canada and being accumpied by Scott D'Amore, Johnny Devine

Madden: Well here is Team Canada's Johnny Devine

"99 Problems" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Atlanta, Georgia weighing in at 253 Pounds, Scott Wright

Tony: Well here comes Scott Wright who has recenlty parted ways with Holly Mathews

Madden: He is stupid for doing so

Tenay: Well Scott Wright wants to make an impact and he felt Holly was dragging him down

Scott Wright vs Johnny Devine W/Scott D'Amore
Referee Mark Johnson rings the bell to start the match as Devine tells Scott Wright he is better then him and Scott Wright smirks as he tells Devine to lock up as Devine goes to but Scott Wright kicks Devine in the gut and Scott Wright delivers a few right hands to Devine as Wright then whips Devine off the ropes and Scott Wright connects with a big high impact dropkick taking Devine down as Scott Wright then picks up Devine and Scott Wright kicks him in the gut as Wright picks up Devine and slams him down as Scott Wright then goes up top and comes off hitting the Wright Elbow on Devine as he covers for a 1---2--2.6-shoulder up. Scott Wright smiles as Johnny Devine starts to get up and Scott Wright hits a kick to the ribs of Devine as Scott Wright then takes Devine to the center of the ring and hits the Wright bomb on him as Scott Wright then covers Devine for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Scott Wright

Penser: Your winner, Scott Wright

Tony: An impressive win for Scott Wright here

Tenay: Scott Wright's decision to go on his own looked like a wise move right here

:Scott Wright is celebrating when Raven hits the ring and attacks Scott Wright from behind as Raven pounds away at Wright and whips him off the ropes but Wright ducks a clothesline attempt and hits the other side and Wright hits a flying elbow to the face of Raven taking him down but SRT hits the ring and blasts Scott Wright in the back of the head with the TV Title laying him out as Raven smiles and picks up Scott Wright and delivers the Evenflow DDT as SRT gets a Steel Chair as Raven puts Scott Wright's right ankle in the chair and Raven starts to go up top when Californian hits the ring as Cali delivers a right hand knocking down Raven as Cali and SRT get in each other's face as Raven tells SRT to leave as SRT leaves the ring at Raven's order as  Cali then checks on Scott Wright:

Madden: The Conspiracy was going to break Scott Wright's ankle there

Tony: Yes but Californian made the save showing what kind of guy he really is

Tenay: I think SRT is also under Raven's spell or something because Raven told SRT to leave and SRT left

Madden: SRT knows his spot in the pecking order

:Backstage: Cabinet's Locker Room

:Christy Hemme is shown on the phone with somebody in the background as the rest of the cabinet is sitting around:

JBL: Tonight boys its about sending a message, It is about time that JBL become WCW World Heavyweight Champion once again. I AM A WRESTLING GOD yet I have been playing second fiddle for the longest time to a bunch of no good ingrates

Orlando Jordan: I agree boss

JBL: Tonight Brandon Davis, Jamie Gunz, Edge, and even Maven will find out that I am who I say I am and that is a Wrestling God, Tonight I show the world that the countdown is on until the JBL Era in WCW starts once again

:Christy is shown hanging up the phone and about to leave:

JBL: Christy where are you going?

Christy Hemme: I have to go talk to Flame for our match

JBL: Christy there is no need for that, you a Wrestling Goddess. You could beat Lita and Scarlett with both arms tied behind your back and blind folded

Christy Hemme: I know

JBL: So how about you stay here and help me get ready to become WCW World Heavyweight Champion Once Again

Christy Hemme: Your title shot isn't until Havoc

JBL: Christy, tonight is the start of the road to the title just like it is for you too

Christy Hemme: Oh...yeah then lets get ready

:The rest of the Cabinet smiles as Orlando forces the camera man out:

Commercial Ad for WCW Halloween Havoc-Long Ad

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:49 AM

Tony: Well so far tonight on Nitro we have seen Scott Wright look impressive, Raven walk out on SRT only to work with SRT later in the night in there attempt to take out Scott Wright and up next we are going to see the WCW Return of Lance Storm

Madden: It's great to have Lance Storm back on WCW where he belongs

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"American Idiot" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Scott D'Amore and Representing Team Canada, From Peterborough, Ontario, Canada weighing in at 230 Pounds, Bobby Roode

Madden: Well here comes Bobby Roode

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Penser: Her opponent, From Calgary, Alberta, Canada weighing in at 240 Pounds, Lance Storm

Tenay: Well here comes Lance Storm who is back on WCW

Lance Storm W/Kristen Storm vs Bobby Roode W/Scott D'Amore
The match starts with Lance Storm and a Bobby Roode circling the ring, after a moment the two lock up Bobby Roode gets the upper-hand at first throwing Lance into a powerful headlock . Bobby squeezes hard as Lance yells out in pain, after a few moments of the headlock Lance picks Bobby Roode up and delivers him a nice belly to back suplex Lance then jumps to his feet and runs over to Roode and begins kicking him in the stomach, Lance then picks Bobby up and tried to shoot him off the ropes but Bobby holds onto Lances arm delivering an very powerful clothesline knocking Lance to his feet. Booby then picks Lance up and shoots him off the ropes catching him with the big Boot. Roode then gets on top of Lance begins punching him over and over in the head, the Ref stops Roode. He gets pissed and starts arguing with the ref, Lance begins to slowly get up but Bobby notices this and runs over to stop Lance but is dropped as Storm moves to the side and trips Roode making him fall on his face.  Storm then gets to his feet He walks over to Roode and picks him up by his hair and gives him a suplex, Bobby is grabbing his back in pain, Storm then starts kicking Roode before picking him up once again, it looks as if Storm is going for a ddt but is stopped short by a low blow by Roode, the two men lay in the ring for a second both in pain, hey both slowly begin to get up, Roode  reaches his feet first and picks Lance up and gives him a VERY powerful DDT and covers Lance The Ref counts 1......2...... kickout! Roode begins yelling at the ref saying it was a three count, Roode grabs the ref by the shirt backing him into a corner pointing his finger in the refs face, Lance slowly gets up still holding his neck and sneaks behind Roode and grabs his legs and rolls his up into a small package., the ref counts 1....2.....2 3/4, but Roode kicks out. Storm then jumps to his feet quickly and so does Roode. Lance catches Roode with a Leg sweep knocks him to the ground, Storm begins kicking  Roode's legs and finally applies a Sharpshooter, Roode is in terrible pain he reaches for the ropes but is close enough, Scott D'Amore then reaches into the ring to help pull bobby to the ropes he grabs Roode's and pulling him a little towards them but the ref sees it and kicks D'Amore's arms off of Roode's Lance Storm then lets go of the Sharpshooter and pulls Roode to the middle of the ring he then signals for the Maple Leaf he applies it. Roode screeches in pain, D'Amore gets up on the mat but before he gets into the ring Kristen Storm runs over and pulls him off the side of the matt by his pants leg causing him to  fall to the outside of the ring, Roode is nowhere near the rope and is in terrible pain... he handles the pain for a few more minutes but then after a while Taps out
Winner: Lance Storm

Penser: Your winner, Lance Storm

Tony: Lance Storm scores the impressive win in his WCW Return

Tenay: Well Bobby Roode looked good but Lance Storm was just to much for him tonight

:Promo for The Love Machine's Return at Halloween Havoc Airs:

Tony: Well The Love Machine returns at Halloween Havoc but right now we are going to see a WCW TV Title Match

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Television Championship

"Pull Harder on a String of you" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Holly Mathews and Representing The Conspiracy from Fayetteville, North Carolina weighing in at 226 Pounds

Madden: I smell a title change

Tenay: Well Christopher Daniels is getting a golden chance here to leave as WCW TV Champion

Tony: It would be Daniels first title reign

"Lie, Cheat, Steal" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From El Paso, Texas weighing in at 235 Pounds, He is the WCW Television Champion, Eddie Guerrero

Tenay: Well here comes the TV Champion

Tony: Well Eddie has been very impressive as TV Champion

WCW Television Championship: Eddie Guerrero(C) vs Christopher Daniels W/Holly Mathews
As the match starts, Christopher Daniels points towards Eddie's waist showing that Eddie's titled would soon be in the hands of himself. The two men move into a collar and elbow tie up. Eddie gets the upper hand with a flipping arm bar. Eddies then grabs Daniels in a headlock where Daniels escapes his grip, pausing Eddie into the ropes and catching him with a powerful clothesline. Daniels then begins to taunt the crowd stating that he will soon be the new TV Champion. he turns and steps back to Eddie kicking him in the head knocking him back down on the mat. Daniels grabs Eddie up and does an inverted DDT on him. Eddie looks to be unconscious. Daniels covers Eddie as the ref slides in for the count.... just as the ref goes to count he stops due to Eddie's foot being on the rope. Daniels looks mad and yells at the referee and the turns his attention back to the crowd taunting them again. As Daniels draws his attention to Eddie and turns around Eddie catches him with a tornado DDT. Daniels falls to the mat hard and the ref goes to check on him. With the refs back turned Eddie climbs to the top rope to do his frog splash... Out of nowhere Holly Mathews comes from behind and pushes Eddie Causing him to straddle the turnbuckle. Eddie falls to the mat... by this time Daniels is getting his strength back and starts to kick Eddie in the upper mass. Daniels exhaustedly pics Eddie up...and gives him a swinging Neck Breaker. Daniels applies the Cobra Clutch. Eddie, in severe pain, reaches for the rope... after a struggle he finally grabs the bottom rope and the referee begins his count for the rope break. Daniels breaks the hold and starts to taunt the fans more and showing off to Holly. As Daniels turns Eddie bounces off the ropes and catches Daniels in a head scissors. Eddie then begins climbing up the turnbuckles again. Holly once again attempts to push Eddie off... but Eddie kicks her off the apron. Eddie the gains his balance and alls for the frog splash. Daniels opens his eyes to see Eddie jumping from the top rope!  The frog splash is landed perfectly as the ref come in for the count... 1!.....2!..... 3
Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Penser: Your winnre and still WCW TV Champion, Eddie Guerrero

Tony: Another impressive retain for Eddie Guerrero

Tenay: Eddie Guerrero continues his winning ways

:Raven and SRT then hit the ring and attack Eddie Guerrero from behind taking him down until Californian hits the ring followed by Scott Wright as Californian clotheslines Daniels out to the floor as Eddie Guerrero takes SRT out to the floor and Scott Wright hits a big dropkick clearing Raven out as Scott Wright and Eddie Guerrero then stare at each other and Scott Wright tells Eddie he will take his TV Title when Dawn Marie appears on the Nitro Vision:

Dawn Marie: Hello boys, Now As WCW Assistant General Manager, I have the power to book matches and well I have decided that seeing as you six have a issue with each other then Next Monday Night its going to be Raven, SRT, and Christopher Daniels taking on Eddie Guerrero, Californian, and Scott Wright. So boys I hope you can get along.

:Dawn disappears from the Nitro Vision:

Tony: How about that big match just made

Madden: Dawn Marie is back!!!

:Backstage: Paul Heyman's Office

:Paul Heyman is shown sitting at his desk when Holly Mathews walks into the office:

Paul Heyman: What do you want now Holly

Holly Mathews: Well Mr. Heyman I would first off like to thank you for not making me face that freak Flame.

Paul Heyman: Yeah no problem

Holly Mathews: And the second thing is I would love to offer my services to Assistant General Manager, I have plenty of experience and I am very VERY good at pleasing my bosses

Paul Heyman: I am sure you are Holly but I have an assistant already

Holly Mathews: Please, Dawn Marie is no real Assistant GM, she is a washed up old hag

:Paul Heyman starts to laugh as Dawn Marie is then shown standing behind Holly as Holly realizes it and turns aroudn to see Dawn:

Dawn Marie: Washed up old hag huh

Holly Mathews: Yeah you are one, I would so be a better assistant

Dawn Marie: YOU WISH, This isn't Slut 101

Holly Mathews: You should talk Dawn, your the Professor

:Dawn looks pissed and then slaps Holly across the face as Holly then spears Dawn back into the wall as Paul Heyman just sits down in his chair and watches as Holly and Dawn are both fighting with each other as Security rushes into the office and seperates the two divas:

Paul Heyman: I just got a great idea, At Halloween Havoc its going to be Dawn Marie taking on Holly Mathews in a Match to be decided at a more convinet time.

Holly Mathews: GOOD

Dawn Marie: GREAT

Commercial Ad for The Miss KSCWE Contest

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:49 AM

Tony: Well Dawn Marie and Holly Mathews obviously got a personal problem with each other

Tenay: Yeah and now at Halloween Havoc, Dawn Marie returns to the ring to face Holly Mathews

Madden: With the stip to be decided at a later date!!

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall

"Viva La Raza" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Mexico City, Mexico weighing in at 165 Pounds, Juventud

Tony: Here comes The Juice

Madden: It's great to see Juvi back in WCW

"Slow Chemical" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, weighing in at 325 Pounds, Kane

Tenay: Well lets just hope Juvi knows what he got himself in for

Tony: It has been a while since we have seen Kane but he is back

Kane vs Juventud
Match starts off with Kane grinning at Juvi. Juvi runs at Kane trying to knock him down as Kane gives Juvi a elbow to the face. Juvi walks towards the corner with Kane following him. Kane quickly spins Juvi around, but Juvi quickly rakes the eyes of Kane. The ref yells at Juvi and then goes to check on Kane. Juvi attacks Kane from behind, knocking him down. Juvi starts kicking Kane as the ref tells Juvi to let up. Juvi lets up and goes to kick Kane again but Kane quickly sits up and stares at Juvi. Juvi goes to kick Kane but Kane quickly snatches Juvi's throat. Kane stands back up and mouths off Juvi and goes for a chokeslam, but Juvi breaks free and turns it into a DDT. Juvi quickly pins-1....2....Kane kicks out and tosses Juvi across the ring.  Juvi quickly gets up and slides his boot into Kane. Juvi pins Kane again while grabbing a hold of Kane's tights-1....2....kickout. Juvi gets up quickly and hops on the top rope while Kane is getting up. Juvi goes for a Juicy Elbow but Kane catches Juvi in mid air and quickly hits a sidewalk slam on Juvi. Kane signals its over and lifts Juvi up. Kane grabs Juvi by the throat once more and hits the chokeslam on Juvi. Kane covers Juvi-1.....2.....3
Winner: Kane

Penser: Your winner, Kane

Tony: Kane scores the impressive win in his return

Tenay: Well Juventud put up a heck of a fight but Kane was just too much

Madden: Kane is back and boy what an impact he made tonight


Rue: I am standing here right now with Brandon Davis. Now Brandon the first question on everyone's mind is what are your thoughts on Christian, Trish Stratus, and Tyson Tomko being sent to SCWE?

Brandon Davis: Well I say good ridance to them, I know they are all out for whatever reason but thats one little bastard I have to worry about

Rue: Well what are your feelings on the new WCW GM Paul Heyman?

Brandon Davis: Well Paul Heyman can be a bastard from what I hear but at the same time, so far he has been fine by me so its a I'll see what happens approach

Rue: Well at Halloween Havoc, you are set to face Maven, Jamie Gunz, and JBL for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, are you ready for that?

Brandon Davis: Rue I was born ready for that, I should still be WCW World Champion so that little bastard Maven, that little freak Jamie Gunz, and that rich hillbilly JBL are going to find out that The "Badass American" is still the same guy he was before and I will be WCW World Heavyweight Champion once again come Halloween Havoc

Rue: Well I just found out before this interview that the returning Love Machine was added to this match as a Special Guest Referee, what are your feelings on that?

:Brandon smirks:

Brandon Davis: So The Love Machine is coming back, does he want a ticker tape parade? The Love Machine better not screw me over or else The Love Machine's grand return is going to be short lived because the days of Brandon Davis being screwed over are over, Anyone who crosses me will find out what the Rush is all about so Rue thats all I have to say

:Brandon walks away:

Rue: Well guys there you heard it from a very focused Brandon Davis

Commercial Ad for SCWE No Mercy Replay-Long Ad

Tony: Well we just heard some strong words there from Brandon Davis

Tenay: What about what Rue said and that being The Love Machine is going to be the Special Guest Referee

Madden: Well thats a good thing, The Love Machine will make a very good Referee

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

"The Future" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Holly Mathews, Representing The Conspiracy, From Palm Springs, California weighing in at 220 Pounds, The "Future" Frankie Kazarian

Madden: It's great to see Frankie back in WCW

Tenay: Kazarian is a guy who shows alot of promise

"Broken Man" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Penser: His opponent, From Milwaukee, Wisconsin, weighing in at 206 Pounds, He is the WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Chad Chaos

Tony: Here comes the champ

Tenay: Chad Chaos is another fine athlete who I am happy to see back on WCW

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Chad Chaos(C) W/Bliss vs Frankie Kazarian W/Holly Mathews
The match starts off with the two cruiserweights in the ring, bouncing around very energetically, the both take off toward each other at the same time, Chad comes out on top with a quick arm drag, Frankie gets up and Chad gives him yet another snap arm drag, this time Frankie don't rush Chad,  Chaos then runs toward Kazarian and catches a huge kick to the chin, Chaos bounces onto the mat holding his face apparently in pain, Bliss runs over to Chad to check on him then she jumps up on the ring apron yelling at Kazarian for hurting Chad, this sets Holly into a fury and she begins walking toward Bliss quickly, Bliss backs off. After seeing this Frankie laughs and begins walking toward Chad not paying attention, Chaos stands up and delivers a beautiful standing drop kick to Frankie knocking him down. Chad then sees an opportunity and runs off the ropes and lands a Lion sault. He then pins Kazarian 1......2...... but Frankie kicks out.. Chad gets up and begins dropping old school elbows to Kazarian's head. After a few elbows Chad gets up showing off to the fans, he walks over and picks Frankie up by the hair on his head, he slings him into the ropes on the way back Kazarian ducks a clothesline from Chad and catches him in a backwards Hurricanrana making Chad fall front first on the mat. Frankie goes over to him and kicks him a  few times =. Bliss then jumps up on the mat distracting Kazarian, He walks over to her and is about to grab her hair when Holly shows up beings Bliss, the two women begin fighting, Frankie then looks back at Chaos and see' he is starting to get up, Frankie begins a run toward him and goes for a Spinning Heel kick when Chad pulls the Ref in front of him knocking the referee out. Chad then jumps out of the ring and goes and grabs a chair, he walks to Kazarian with it and is about to hit him when Holly Matthews grabs the chair, Chad turns around and goes for Holly. Frankie takes off in a run giving a awesome dropkick to the back to Chad's head. Frankie picks Chad up off the mat and slings him into the ring. Holly decides to distract  Bliss ,     she begins attacking Bliss and the two are fighting on the outside, Kazarian then goes up top and delivers an elbow drop to the center of Chad's chest, Frankie then gets up and picks Chad up and locks in the Future lock, Chad is screaming in pain and Bliss cant get to the ring to help him, after a few more seconds of pain Chaos beings fading out, by this time the ref is beginning to get up he sees that Chad is out and raises his arm once it drops, twice it drops, and finally the third time Chad's arm drops, the ref call for the bell
Winner: Frankie Kazarian (WCW Cruiserweight)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Frankie Kazarian

Madden: We got a new Champion!!

Tenay: Kazarian has just become WCW Cruiserweight Champion

Madden: I told you Holly was a great manager and now she manages the WCW Hardcore and Cruiserweight Champions

Tony: Well I tell you what, I would love to see Kazarian vs Chad Chaos again


:Security is shown trying to restrain several superstars who turn out to be Maven, JBL, Billy Gunn, Edge, Jamie Gunz, & Brandon Davis as Paul Heyman walks into the scene:

Paul Heyman: What the hell is going on here

JBL: Mr. Heyman sir, I was just getting a cup of coffee when that SOB *points to Maven* attacked me from behind and then that SOB *points to Brandon* attacks Maven and when I think I will be ok, he shows up *points to Jamie Gunz* and attacks me again and then Billy Gunn tries to be a stand up guy and come to my aid but that freak Edge attacks him

Paul Heyman: I see so since you six all have a problem and can't listen to authority then I am going to cancel the Main Event tonight and send you all home and you better show up next Monday Night with more respect and patience or else, Now Security REMOVE THEM

:Security escorts Brandon Davis who is smiling, Jamie Gunz, Maven, & Edge to the Parking Lot as JBL and Billy Gunn then are let go as they get into JBL's waiting limo:

Final Commercial Ad for WCW Halloween Havoc-Long Ad

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/13/2006 2:50 AM

Tony: Well since our Six Man Tag Main Event got scrapped, I guess its time now for our New Main Event

Tenay: This should be a good contest

Penser: The Main Event of WCW Monday Nitro is scheduled for one fall

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Flamming Starr, Massachusetts, Flame

Madden: Well here comes the Psychotic Flame

"Feel Good Inc." hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Penser: Her partner, From Telemuca, California, Christy Hemme

Tony: Christy Hemme is going to be challenging Lita at Halloween Havoc for the WCW Women's Champion along with this next diva

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, 1st from London, England, Scarlett

Tony: Well its great to have Scarlett back in WCW

Tenay: It sure is

"LoveFuryEnergyPassion" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Penser: Her partner, From Sanford, North Carolina, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Lita

Tenay: Well here comes the champ

Madden: I just hope Lita enjoys being champ because Christy is going to take it from her

Lita & Scarlett vs Christy Hemme & Flame
Christy Hemme and Scarlett Start off the match with a collar and elbow tie up. The two divas push and pull at one another. Christy pushes Scarlett into the turnbuckle causing the ref to praise the two divas apart. Christy charges right back at Scarlett and drives her knee into Scarlett's gut. Christy grabs a handful of Scarlett's hair and flips her over with a snap mare. Christy locks in a sleeper hold to Scarlett who is in a sitting position. Christy screams out in anger as she applies more and more pressure to Scarlett's head and neck. Christy lets go of Scarlett and takes a step back from the sitting Scarlett. Christy steps forward and kicks Scarlett in the back of the head causing a sadistic thud. Christy gets on top of Scarlett and starts to viscously slap at Scarlett's head. Eventually the referee has to pull Christy off Scarlett and when her head is revealed to the camera we can see a small trail of blood dropping from a cut above her eyebrow. Christy spots her carnage and laughs as she walks back over to Scarlett and picks her up to her feet. Christy hits a chop to Scarlett's chest and hoists her up nailing Scarlett with a snap suplex. Christy jumps up and praises her self but Flame leans over the top rope and tags herself in. Christy turns and frowns at Flame as Flame's once bored face turns to one of excitement as she stalks Scarlett. Flame grabs a handful of Scarlett's hair and throws Scarlett around the ring with a hair toss. Flame grabs Scarlett and locks in the Flamming Ambition. Scarlett screams out in pain. Lita is seen turning to the crowd, trying to get them to clap, to try and motivate Scarlett into breaking the force of Flame. The crowd begins to clap and stomp their feet as Flame is starting to get pissed off with everyone. Scarlett is starting to get up but Flame grabs Scarlett's neck and slams Scarlett down. Flame gets up and runs at Lita, who is still facing the crowd, Flame hits a forearm to Lita's back sending Lita flying off the ring apron into the ring barrier. Flame looks down and laughs at Lita as Scarlett manages to crawl up behind Flame and hit her with a tight roll up pin 1...2... 2.8 Flame manages to kick out and gets up straight away. Scarlett gets up and Flame runs towards Scarlett but Scarlett ducks a clothesline from Flame and hits Flame with a backdrop. Scarlett is still beaten up by the vicious attacks from Christy and Flame. Scarlett crawls over to her teams corner and reaches out but Lita is still down on the outside. Scarlett is looking for Lita as Flame comes up behind her, once again grabbing a hold of her hair. Flame picks up Scarlett and Flame whips Scarlett to the corner where Christy is standing. Flame tags in Christy and the two self proclaimed bitches start to kick at Scarlett who is still in the turnbuckle. Flame grabs Scarlett as Christy goes down on one knee, Flame grabs Scarlett's head and slams Scarlett's head down onto Christy's knee. Flame gets back on the ring apron as Christy covers Scarlett 1...2...2.9 Scarlett gets her foot on the bottom rope. Christy grabs Scarlett and nails her with the Hemme Letdown! Christy smiles as the crowd boo her. Christy shouts out "It's Not Over Yet!" Christy picks up the limp and lifeless body of Scarlett. Christy sends Scarlett to the ropes and when Scarlett bounces back Christy kicks her in the gut. Christy steps back and waits for Scarlett to stand up straight, and when she does Christy goes for the Hemme Love but Scarlett ducks it! Lita has just got on the ring apron and Scarlett jumps forward and tags in Lita. The crowd erupt into cheers as Lita takes down Christy with a clothesline. Flame gets in the ring and is taken down by a clothesline from Lita too! Christy gets back up and is taken down with a big drop kick from Lita. Flame gets up and charges at Lita but Lita tosses Flame over the top rope to the floor. Christy gets up but is once again taken down with a lou threz press from Lita. Lita starts to smash Christy's head off the ring canvas. Lita picks up Christy and sends her to the turnbuckle. Lita runs at Christy and hits a turnbuckle clothesline to Christy. Christy stumbles out of the turnbuckle and is hit with a big spinning out powerbomb from Lita. Lita picks up Christy's legs and hits a bridged pin 1...2...2.8 kick out by Christy Hemme. Lita picks up Christy and Lita locks her arm around Christy's neck and performs a picture perfect Inverted Twist Of Fate! Christy is laid out in front of the turnbuckle. Lita climbs up top and launches off with a beautiful Lita Sault! Hemme manages to her knee's up! Lita rolls around the ring holding her stomach. Lita starts to crawl over to her teams corner while Christy crawls to her corner. Christy tags in Flame as Lita tags in Scarlett. Flame and Scarlett collide with punches and Slaps. Christy and Lita both roll out of the ring as Flame gets the upper hand over Scarlett who is still beaten from earlier in the match. Flame manages to catch Scarlett with a powerbomb. Flame climbs up top  and launches off with the Flame Bomb! Flame hooks Scarlett's legs and gets the 1...2...3
Winner: Flame & Christy Hemme

Penser: Your winners, Flame and Christy Hemme

Tony: Flame and Christy get the win

Tenay: Well Scarlett and Lita put up a good match but Flame and Christy were to much tonight

Madden: Flame deserves to fight for the WCW Women's Title now too since she beat Scarlett

Tony: Well thast up to Paul Heyman but we are out of time tonight so See you next week

:Nitro Goes off the Air:

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