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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 8/5/2005 2:30 AM
Episode Two
Regular Text = Talking out loud
Bold Text= Confessional(nobody else can hear them)
*Zoe and Tara are in the confessional together
Zoe: I dont think anybody realizes we have an alliance
Tara: Oh absolutely not...we hide it so well
Zoe: And we also don't know if we can trust Jackie, Scarlett, and Kelli but we'll see
Tara: Shh
*Tara and Zoe sneak away from the confessional
Jackie: It's so obvious that they have an alliance
Scarlett: So maybe we should form an know me, you and Dave
Jackie: But we have to make sure nobody finds out
*Steph bursts out of the closet sweating very hard. She acts as if nothing is wrong and runs off in her bra and panties. A man wearing just boxers runs by holding his clothes*
*Jackie and Scarlett stare at each other*
Jackie: ......lets go talk to Dave about the alliance
Stevie: You can just tell that this game is all about alliances. Zoe/Tara, Jackie/Scarlett/Dave and of course I have an alliance with Scott...this game is already getting dirty
*mean teams guys room*
Ryan: I got a text message from Michael Jordan!
Jason: Something you dont hear everyday
Ryan: It says "meet me in the main room in an hour"
Jason: Who has missions in their own house?
Ryan: I dont know but lets go tell the others
*they meet in the main room an hour later*
Michael: Welcome to your second mission, "Spelling Bee"
Zie: These mission names are just awful
Tim: A spelling bee? What the hell is this
Michael: The name speaks for itself. Its not a physical mission, its a simple spelling bee. You are eliminated if you spell a word wrong at any time. The last person remaining on each time wins a lifesaver. If there are more than one person from a team left at the end after the mission has been won then that team will continue until there is only one player left so a lifesaver can be distributed. I will just call on you in a random order and give you the word repeats. Lets get started
First up is Brandon. Brandon your word is regurgitate
Brandon: What the fuck am I getting myself in to?
Brandon: r-e-g-u-r-g-i-t-a-t-e
Michael: Tim, your word is disciple
Tim: d-i-s-s-i-p-l-e
Michael: Thats wrong, youve been eliminated
Tim: So much for the lifesaver
Michael: Ryan, your word is scoundrel
Ryan: s-c-o-u-n-d-r-e-l
Michael: Scott your word is egg
Tim: I think this game is cheating for Scott just because he's KSCWE's owner
Scott: e-g-g
Michael: Good...that was a toughie
*The entire mean team stares blankly at him*
Michael: Zie, your word is indices
Zie: i-n-d-i-c-e-s
Michael: Zoe your word is macaroni
Zoe: m-a-c-a-r-o-n-i
Michael: Mikey your word is scrumptious
Mikey: s-c-r-u-m-p-s-c-i-o-u-s
Michael: Wrong, youre eliminated
Mikey: I own you all!!
Michael: Stevie your word is coalition
Stevie: c-o-a-l-i-t-i-o-n
Michael: Jason your word is mademoiselle
Jason: m-a-d-e-m....yeah im done
Michael: Youre done. Jared, your word is hydrolysis
Jared: h-y-d-r-o-l-o-s-i-s
Michael: Wrong, youre done. Matt your word is implicit
Matt: i-m-p-l-i-s-i-t
Michael: Thats wrong
Ryan: Yeah the guys arent too great at spelling..I was the only one that made it past the second round
Michael: Scarlett, your word is exterior
Brandon: Even I know that one!
Scarlett: e-x-t-e-r-i-o-r
Michael: Stephanie your word is disease
Scott: It really just figures that Steph gets the word disease
Steph: d-i-s-e-a-s-e
Michael: Kelli your word is locust
Kelli: could you repeat that?
Michael: I said at the beginning no repeats
Kelli: But I dont think I understood what you said
Michael: Tick Tock!

Kelli: What an asshole!!
Kelli: l-o-c-i-...
Kelli: Michael Jordan doesnt like me
Michael: Jai your word is stupid
Jai: Whats the word?
Michael: Stupid
Jai: Thats great but whats the word?
Michael: ITS STUPID!
Jai: This has been established!!
Michael: Times up, youre done!
Jai: I didnt even get my word!
Michael: It was stupid!
Michael: Tara your word is professional
Tara: p-r-o-f-e-s-i-...wait I forget another s! hold on!
Michael: Sorry thats wrong
Michael: Dawn your word is bimbo
Dawn: Are you implying something?
Michael: No..
Dawn: ILL MAKE YOU MY BITCH!!!!!!!!!
Michael: Thats wrong! Jackie your word is citrus
Jackie: s...
Michael: WRONG!
Jackie: Somebody wants this mission to be over fast
Michael: And lastly we have Krystal. Your word is antidisastablishmentnterianism
Krystal: .............
Michael: WRONG!!
Scarlett: This is a sexist game!
Michael: Moving on to round 2 is Scott, everybody clap
*everybody claps*
Michael: And Stevie, Ryan, Zoe, Zie, Stephanie & Scarlett. Scarlett youre up first your word is
Scarlett: Let me guess it's going to be hard just so I lose?
Michael: Well it was going to be cat, but now I think its going to be catisidiarchiseborsubial
Scarlett: c-a-
Michael: Just give up now
Scarlett: Fine
Michael: Ryan your word is club sandwich
Ryan: c-l-u-b-s-a-n-d-w-i-c-h
Michael: Terribly sorry but you forgot a space, so thats wrong. Scott your word is egg
Scott: e-g-..i wanna say g?
Michael: Correct! round of applause people
*Stevie, Jason, and Kelli clap*
Michael: Zie your word is wrong
Zie: But I didnt get to spell yet?
Michael: I know its wrong
Zie: I didnt even spell yet!!
Michael: im sorry thats incorrect
Zie: i-n-c-o-r-r-e-c-t
Zie: I spelled it right!
*Michael takes off his shoe and throws it at Zie*
Michael: Zoe your word is fragile
Zoe: f-r-a-g-i-l-e
Michael: Nope im sorry to be a downer but thats wrong
*the nice team begins to complain*
*all of the sudden Michael Jordan runs into the room with a gag over his mouth and clotheslines Michael Jordan down and begins to beat him senseless then throws him down the stairs. He then rips off the gag*
Michael: I'd like to apologize. That was an imposter. He was trying to get into KSCWE by sucking up to Scott so he gagged me and tied me up but luckily I got myself out of the situation
*everybody stares blankly into space*
Michael: Zoe thats right. Stevie your word is chlostrophobic
Stevie: c-o-l-o
Michael: Thats wrong. Steph your word is sluttiest
Steph: s-l-u-t-t-i-e-s-t
Michael: Correct..Round 3 we have Scott, Zoe & Stephanie. Zoe will start things off. Zoe the word is insubordinate
Zoe: i-n-s-u-b-o-r-d-i-n-a-t
Michael: Wrong because you forgot the "e" at the end. Stephanie your word is virgin
Steph: v-u-r-j-e-n
Michael: Im sorry thats wrong
Scott: It figures Steph can spell disease and sluttiest but when it comes to being a virgin, she hasnt been one since she was like 10
Michael: That means the nice team wins once again giving them 20,000$ and 0 for the mean team. Meet me in 2 hours for the Inferno!

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 8/5/2005 2:31 AM
*the teams arrive at the Inferno*
Jai: I think everybody wants Matt to win...nobody wants to see Tim win, not even his team
*the nice team is very quiet and says nothing*
*the mean team is very loud*
Zie: Do you like hearing yourself talk?
Dawn: I'LL MAKE YOU MY BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zie: Oh, congrats?
*Krystal lights a nearby toad on fire*
Scarlett: The mean team is just plain creepy
Mikey: I would own at this Inferno!
Brandon: Then why didnt you step up douche?
Mikey: Because I didn't feel like it
Brandon: Figures
Mikey: I own that bitch!
Kelli: The mean team is all getting haircuts tonight!
*Michael Jordan enters the scene and everybody cheers*
Michael: Hello and welcome to the first Inferno..lets meet the players. Competing for the nice team, give it up for Tim
Jared: Yeah Tim!
*Jared realizes he is the only one cheering and stops*
Tim: Im hoping I can survive the Inferno. I have no idea what I'm in for, but I did beat HHH one time in a mat...
*Tim's confessional gets cut off*
Michael: And competing for the mean team, we have....Matt!
*some cheering from the mean teams girls*
Zie: I hope Matt wins he's a good friend of mine
Matt: I will fucking win this fucking Inferno FUCK YEAH!
Michael: Now for the Lifesaver winners. From the nice team, the LS winner was Scott. Scott do you wish to sacrifice yourself and save Tim from going into the Inferno?
Scott: Let me think about that for a second......NO!
Scott: Nope
Michael: And on the mean team, Steph won the LS but a girl cant step in for a guy so Matt you have to face the Inferno. Tonights Inferno is called "la comida mexicana"
Jason: What a stupid name
Michael: Its a simple Inferno. You have to eat 4 tacos, 3 burritos, 2 jalepeno(sp?) peppers and 1 jar of salsa. Whoever can do that the fastest wins. Now Tim and Matt go to your tables..oh and by the way you must eat them in that order that was given. You will start when I say go...........3, 2, 1 GO!
*Tim starts off with the lead eating a lot faster than Matt*
Tim: I think I got this...I finished 4 tacos before Matt finished 2
*Tim finishes the tacos and starts on the buritos*
*Tim finishes 1 burrito*
*Matt finishes the tacos*
Elapsed Time: 8 minutes
*Tim finishes the burritos at 10 minutes and stars on the jalepeno peppers*
Tim: I have a huge lead then I get to the peppers. I cant even get them near my mouth they're so damn hot
*Matt finishes the burritos and starts on the peppers*
Matt: Fuck these fucking peppers are fucking hot
*Tim takes a bite of the pepper and drops it on the ground*
*Matt finishes 1 pepper*
Matt: All the fuck Im thinking is how I am gonna fucking finish another fucking pepper?
*Tim takes another bite and turns away from it*
Jared: Come on Tim, you need to go faster
*Matt finishes the second pepper*
Matt: Now I have to fucking eat fucking salsa? Just fucking great
*Matt starts on the salsa*
Scott: Tim cant even get a pepper does he expect to be a member of this team?
*Matt downs the salsa*
*horn blows*
Michael: Congratulations to Matt for winning the first Inferno. You may now return to your team
*Matt runs up to his team*
Matt: I need a fucking drink!
Krystal: How about some blood?
Steph: Would you like some of my milk?
*Jason pukes*
Michael: Mean team you guys can leave now. As for you Tim sorry you didnt do so hot. I mean first you get accused of being gay, get turned down by every girl basically in the world, you sucked at life, ect,ect, now you lost the Inferno
Tim: Okay I get it
Michael: Well take a minute to say goodbye
Jared: It sucks you lost
Tim: Oh well I try hard and I give all but I not do good?
Stevie: What the hell did you just say?
Tim: I said..
*Stevie walks away*
Tim: Nobody really likes me here but at least I got to win 2 missions I guess..maybe you'll see me again sometime?
*Tim walks away*
*back at the house*
Scott: I dont know what would have happened if Tim won. I would probably leave
Jason: Well Matt's not much better. He cusses like its a religion
Stevie: Tim doesnt speak English
Ryan: I think we should make an alliance so that none of us go in so that way all the guys we dont like have to go in
Stevie: Works for me
Ryan: I suggested an alliance because I dont wanna go in the damn Inferno and eat freakin peppers. I know mine and Jason's alliance with Scott and Stevie will work because we're all the team leaders so I think the teams will listen to us
*in the mean teams girls room*
Zie: Thank god you won Matt
Matt: I fucking know Im so fucking happy I could just fucking shit myself right about now
Zie: Well thats just great..but we need to start winning missions
Matt: I fucking know
Zie: We better start winning missions or I will seriously leave
*episode ends*