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Other's Archives : KSCWE: The Inferno Episode 5
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 8/5/2005 2:34 AM
Episode Five
Regular Text = Talking out loud
Bold Text= Confessional(nobody else can hear them)
Jackie: Since we all survived the first eliminations we decide to go out clubbing!
*shows them all arriving at the club*
Scott: It's kind of funny watching some of these kids at the club. They're all underaged and you know something is gonna happen
*shows Jared drinking a lot*
*shows Dave and Jackie grinding*
Ryan: Jackie thinks she can get to me by screwing with Dave but I'm gonna get both of them...when they least expect it
*shows Jared intoxicated on the floor*
Tara: Me and Scarlett decided to take Jared home after he was drinking way to much because he could barely stand up
*they lay Jared in his bed as he falls asleep right away*
*Jared then "wakes up" as Scarlett and Tara are wearing lingerie sitting at the end of his bed*
Scarlett: Oh're so sexy
Tara: Yeah you big, strong man
Scarlett: Watch this sweetie
*Tara and Scarlett begin to kiss*
Jared: Woo, keep going!
*Tara spanks Scarlett*
Jared: This is like a porno and its great because I'm involved in it!
Scarlett: Oh sorry Jared did you wanna get involved?
Scarlett crawls over to Jared and gets on top of him. Tara then slides under the covers next to Jared*
Tara: Come on Jared you look hot in all that clothing, why dont you slip out of it?
*Tara slips Jared's shirt off*
Scarlett: Tara youre burning up, why not lose some of that clothing?
*Scarlett takes Tara's panties off as Jared wakes up for real sweating heavily. He stares at Tara and Scarlett*
Jared: Hey girls...last night was awesome huh?
Tara: Not really...we had to leave early so you dont kill yourself
Jared: Fine deny know you had a great time
*Jared gets up and his bed is soaking wet*
Scarlett: Ok thats gross
*Stevie walks by*
Stevie: I dont even wanna know what Jared dreams about
*Jared walks into the kitchen where Scott is talking to Jason*
Jared: The King is here
Scott: What are you talking about?
Jared: Lets just say...well you were having an awful time with Steph I was upstairs with not one, but two girls
*Scott stares at Jason*
Jared: Pass the orange juice to the man
*Scott and Jason leave the room*
*Dave gets a text message*
Dave: Somebody tell Michael Jordan to stop flirting with me! He always sends them to me
Mikey: Well whats it say genious
Dave: It says meet me in the field in an hour
Mikey: Dude...I am going to own at this mission
Dave: Mikey needs help. And I may be able to help because I was a nurse
*the teams meet in a huge open field in an hour*
Michael: Welcome to your 5th mission...Unfortunately Im going to my aunt Agatha's house for brunch so I will not be the host for this mission...I will however be back for the votes wait here for your new host
Jai: I wonder who the new host will be?
*Celine Dion walks by*
Celine: Where is my concert at? I dont get paid enough for this job
*Celine walks off*
*everybody comforts Jason*
*some random overweight man walks in front of them*
Zoe: The Celine concert isnt here
Man: I'm not here for the Celine concert...I'm here for the Inferno?
Zoe: Oh....I think thats a few blocks down from here
Man: Oh, I are you sure?
Zoe: Oh wait no...this is the Inferno
*cheers from everybody*
Man: Hehooooooooooo, I'm Milaskan Von Dubious
Ryan: Are you?
Milaskan: And I'm the voice of Patrick on Spongebob
Brandon: No you're not...
Milaskan: ....Yes....yes I am.....lets get started
Brandon: That douche wouldnt last a minute down south!
Milaskan: Todays mission is called "Capture the Flag"
Zie: I wonder what we're gonna do!
Milaskan: For those of you thinking "how complicated does this sound" "why did my wife leave me" "why dont I have a job" "why am I doing this" "I dont even like Spongebob" "Patrick is such a bad character
*stares from the 18 remaining players*
Milaskan: basically you capture the other persons flag and bring it back to your side. If you get tagged you go to can free anybody in the jail but only one at a time. If all but one member of a team is in jail then there is a 30 second timer and if the last member can last 30 seconds protecting the flag then there is a jailbreak allowed in which all members of the team are allowed to leave the jail but you can be tagged again before reaching your side
*both teams go to their sides*
Krystal: We have Steph on our team....that slut....but it will help us win because everybody will be afraid to touch her
Milaskan: Ready.......................GO!
*there is no movement*
Stevie: Clearly everybody is afraid to make the first move
*Stevie runs on the mean teams side and avoids being tagged by Krystal but runs right into Zie and gets tagged*
Stevie: I tried
Kelli: Stevie, IM COMING TO GET YOU!!
*Kelli runs on to the mean teams side and shoulder blocks Zie down and then dodges Brandon but gets tagged by Mikey*
Mikey: Dude...I own you
Kelli: I'm not a dude
Stevie: Mikey is going to die when I get out of here
*Steph runs on to the mean teams side and runs right towards Scott as Scott runs away from her*
Jared: Scott youre supposed to tag her!
Scott: You try tagging her!
Jared: I will...because I'm a ladies man
*Scarlett and Tara glare at him*
*Jared tags Steph as she jumps on top of him*
Milaskan: Steph you have to go to jail
Steph: Ohhh...handcuffs. Kind of kinky dont you think?
*Steph is thrown in jail by Milaskan*
*Dave runs to try to tag Stevie but is tagged by Brandon*
Brandon: Hahahahhahahahha
Dave: Are you finished yet?
Brandon: Damn bastard wouldnt last a minute down south!
Krystal: What?! I am not!
*Krystal walks on to the mean teams side and gets tagged by Scarlett*
Krystal: Oh I hope you like fleas!
*Krystal casts a spell on Zoe and Tara but nothing happens*
*Zoe and Tara laugh*
Krystal: We'll see who gets the last laugh!
*a lightning bolt hits Krystal as she sadistically laughs*
Zoe and Tara: .....
*Jackie gets tagged by Jai*
*Jai though in the process walks on to the nice teams side and gets tagged by Jared*
Milaskan: You guys may now have a team meeting where neither team may go on the other teams side..everybody in jail stay still

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 8/5/2005 2:35 AM
*the teams have a meeting*
Jason: I think we have a really good defense with me, Brandon and Ryan so Matt, Mikey and Zie you guys have to try to get the flag
Matt: What if I dont fucking wanna get the fucking flag?
Brandon: Then leave the game numb nuts
Mikey: Dude I would so own at getting the flag
Jason: Then go get it!
*nice teams meeting*
Scott: I think I'm gonna go for the flag because I'm the top player and thats just how it should be
Jared: Maybe but I'm the top ladies man
Scarlett: Will you shut up! you didnt get any action last night
Jared: I can see you're in denial
*Scarlett rolls her eyes*
Jackie: I think we should all go for the flag except for one of us
*everybody looks at Jared*
Jared: Hey theres enough of me to go around
Scott: God help him...he's so clueless
Milaskan: The meeting is over now!
*Jackie, Tara and Zoe all run over to the mean teams side*
Zoe: Cant get me, cant get me!
*Tara gets tagged by jason*
*Zoe runs right near Jason but she gives him the puppy dog face and he goes after Jackie and tags her. Ryan then tags Zoe in a rage*
Jason: Why did you tag her?
Ryan: You tagged my woman first
Scott: That didnt work out too good for our team
Scott: Scarlett we gotta make a run for it..theyre distracted
*Matt runs on the nice teams side and is jumping for joy that he made it over there but he jumps right on to Scott who tags him*
*Scott and Scarlett run on to the nice teams side as Scott gets tagged by Zie and Scarlett gets tagged by jason*
Milaskan: Start the 30 second timer!
Jared: I'm all alone then Zie and Mikey come running at me
Zie: Hey Jared
*Jared turns towards Zie*
Jared: want some of the total want some of this buff daddy
Zie: Oh please could I?
*Mikey grabs the flag and starts running back to their side*
Stevie: Jared....the mission!
*Jared turns around just as Mikey is crossing the line*
Milaskan: That does it...the mean team wins this one!
*The mean team celebrates*
Mikey: Dude I totally told you...I would own at this mission
Milaskan: That makes it 30,000 to 20,000$. Its time to go nominate a guy from the other team into the Inferno and all that fun stuff. As for me, well I'm done....theres nothing left to look forward to. That was my 20 minutes of fame! I just wanted to thank you guys for sticking through with me even though I'm fat...ugly....worthless
Steph: Thats not true...I tend to look past whats on the outside and look at whats on the inside.....of your pants
Milaskan: Huh?
Steph: Goodbye Milaskan...I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU!
Milaskan: And I, YOU!
*Steph and Milaskan begin to make out as everybody pukes*
*the teams leave and go back to the house*
*mean team meeting*
Krystal: If I can say something I think you guys should try and take out Stevie in the Inferno tomorrow
Jai: I agree
Jason: NO...he's um, ...bad?
Jason: I made an alliance with Stevie..he would probably kill me if he had to go in the Inferno
Jason: We should go with Jared. Besides im sure you girls dont want him making up rumors of him sleeping with you
Ryan: I agree lets play smart for now. We gotta go with Jared
Brandon: Sure whatever
Matt: I'll fucking take any of them fucking pussies on
Mikey: I would own them all
Ryan: Then Jared I guess?
*Nice team meeting*
Stevie: I'm voting for Matt. Plain and Simple
Scott: Me too
Jared: Thats so stupid, Matt already won an Inferno. Lets put Brandon in and then we can take out one of their stronger players
Dave: I agree because Brandon is mean to me so I wanna beat him up!
*all the girls except kelli vote for Brandon*
Scott: I swear to god I better not go in...I'm not up for facing Brandon
*back in the main room*
Michael: I'm was Celine?
Jason: What?
Michael: Celine Dion. She was supposed to host this mission well I was gone
Jason: SHE WAS?!
Michael: Yes, did she do a good job
*blank stares*
Michael: Okay now mean team who will you be sending into the Inferno tomorrow night?
Jason: We decided to send Jared in
Jared: I figured
Michael: Nice team who will you be sending into the Inferno tomorrw
Jared: We're sending  Brandon in
*everybody gasps*
Jason: What idiots. There's no way Jared can beat Brandon
Michael: Well it looks like we're gonna see Jared vs Brandon in the Inferno for now. But remember there's a chance for a lifesaver in tomorrows mission. As for now, you guys are done
*Zoe and Tara go back towards their room. They open the door and the room is covered with flies*
Zoe: She couldnt..
Tara: No, its a coincidence
*Tara slams the door and they run away*
*Jared, Scott, Stevie, Scarlett, and kelli are in the kitchen*
Jared: So Scarlett how about round 2 with the man tonight?
Scarlett: For the last time Jared I never slept with you! My god you act like such a child! Get over yourself!
*Jared walks away with his head hanging down. He goes upstairs and opens the closet door and sits down*
Steph: Owwwww...somebodys sitting on me
Jared: Oh, sorry...this is where I go when I need my "alone time"
Steph: Thats okay...this is where I go for fun
*Jared gets up and realizes he is sitting on Milaskan*
Jared: I was never here...and Im never coming back
*Steph slams the closet door shut as the episode ends*