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Other's Archives : KSCWE The Inferno: Episode 8
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 8/8/2005 10:27 PM
Episode Eight
Regular Text = Talking out loud
Bold Text= Confessional(nobody else can hear them)
Steph: I need to get myself some action well I'm here. It's boring watching all these fine men walk by me, I WANT TO SLEEP WITH THEM!! And my main target is Scott...he's my favorite piece of meat. I will get to him by the end of this challenge. But for now I'm up for screwing anything that has a penis
*Dave walks by the confessional room*
Steph: Excuse me for a moment
*Steph approaches Dave*
Dave: Who me?
Steph: Yes you
Dave: What do you want?
Steph: Would you mind dropping your slacks?
Dave: Well...alright Im overdue for my blowjob anywho
*Dave drops his pants*
Steph: Okay nevermind...
Dave: What?
Steph: Im looking for a real man. A "big" man
Dave: And whats wrong with me
Steph: I dont have a microscope!
Dave: Well Jackie, Zie, and Jai seem to be satisfied
Steph: They're into the whole PG-13 relationships. As for me Im XXX all the way. I need sex, and I need it now!!
Dave: You're such a whore
Steph: You're the whore, WHORE!
Dave: You bitch!!
*Dave slaps Steph*
Steph: Slut!
*Steph slaps Dave back*
Dave: You're the slut, SLUT!
*the pattern continues for a good 30 minutes*
Scott: Hey, whats going on in here!!
Steph: Oh nothing Scotty. And might I say you're looking great in that bathing suit
Scott: I'm gonna go now...
Steph: Wait! Before you go there's something I have to show you
Scott: What is it?
Steph: Come closer
Scott: I'm not sure I want to
Steph: Just for a second
*Scott goes a little bit closer*
Steph: Oh come on!
*Scott turns around then Steph jumps on his back and begins to ride him well spanking him. Scott freaks out and launches Stephanie out the second story window. He then sprays himself with disinfectant*
Scott: Why do all the psychos like me!
*Scott storms out of the room*
*Jai walks into the room and sees Dave with his pants still pulled down. Jai winks at him*
*back in the nice girls room*
Tara: Zoe I dont wanna go home today!! Im having a fun time
Zoe: Well I think we should get you the Lifesaver. That way we can send Kelli in again and she'll win
Tara: I dont wanna go home. I have nothing better to do because if I go home Zoe will be here!!
Zoe: If I win it, I'll step in for you
Tara: You would do that for me?
Zoe: Of course
*Jason pokes his head out from under the covers*
Jason: Zoe....are you coming back in?
Zoe: Um.....what are you doing there?
*Tara just looks at Jason then leaves*
*Ryan gets a text message*
Ryan*reading aloud*: Hey you sexy bitch, whats up? I wanna grind with you until my body gets weak. Thats right, thats right insert your.....stop Steph! Im sending the text message! Sorry about that Steph just came into the room and stole my...oh you could care less. Anyways meet me in the nearby studio in an hour. It will be a fun mission
Ryan: I bet it will be fun
Brandon: Do you think we get to beat up foreigners
Ryan: ...No
Brandon: Damn
*the teams arrive at the studio*
Michael: Welcome guys to your 8th you will each have to fake an orgasm and whoever sounds the most realistic wins
*everybody stares at Michael*
*Steph begins to practice*
Steph: Hey Michael hows this!
*Steph is about to start*
Michael: NO, I was just kidding....please dont. Todays mission is called "What sex am I?"
Steph: Did you say sex?
Michael: You will each have to dress up as a member of the opposite sex using the clothes and wigs and everything else provided. Your goal is to trick the audience. They will vote on each person whether you are a guy or a girl in actuality. If you are a guy you want people to believe you are a woman and vice versa.
Dave: Yay this mission sounds fun!
Brandon: Queer wouldnt last a minute down south!
Michael: You may now go in to your team closets. You will be able to pick everything else out yourself. And by the way at the end of the mission we will add everybodys percents up and the highest number wins. Also since there are 9 mean members and 8 nice members, one mean member wont compete. You guys can decide on your own. Finally the person who tricks the biggest percentage of the audience wins
*all the guys on the mean team argue*
Ryan: I'm not pretending to be a lady in front of all these people
Jason: Hell no, Im not doing it
Mikey: I definately wouldnt own at this mission
Matt: Fuck
Brandon: No way in hell I'm dressing up as a woman
Jason: Let the girls decide...whose sitting out?
*the girls huddle and dont let Steph into the huddle*
Zie: Brandon
Matt: What the fuck??!
Zie: Its simple..Brandon would be least likely to pass as a girl
Brandon: HAHAHAHAHA Douchebags!!
Michael: Everybody start getting ready
*Nice closet*
*Dave puts on a white dress and make up. Then puts on a black wig*
Stevie: The sad part is Dave is probably enjoying this
*Dave puts on high heels and paints his nails*
Michael: Alright...models lets get ready. I have the order right here so just go out there and they have 15 seconds to decide. You will see how much percent you trick then you can tell the audience. Ready go!
*Dave goes out on the stage and struts around then spanks himself*
*31% of the audience believes its a woman*
Dave: IM A MAN!!
Brandon: I think thats what he would like to believe
*Stevie comes out wearing an orange halter top with fake breasts and white highpants with tall sandals*
Stevie: That was by far the most embarrasing moment of my life
*11% of the audience believes its a woman*
Stevie: .....yeah youre wrong
*Jai comes out in bikers outfit and helmet*
*23% of the audience believes its a man*
Jai: Haha, Im a girl!!
*Jackie comes out wearing a sweatsuit but her breasts are noticible*
Jackie: Oops...i forgot I had boobs
*2% of the audience belives its a man*
Jackie: Whoops...hey you guys make sure you hide your breasts
Tara: How the hell do we do that?
Scarlett: I have the perfect idea!
*Scarlett comes out in a dress but walks like a man*
Scarlett: I figured that since girls have a hard time dressing up like and hiding it I thought I would just go out as myself and try acting like a man*
*Scarlett scratches her ass*
*51% of the audience belives its a man*
*the nice team congratulates her*
Scarlett: I thought it would work
*Jason comes out wearing a light purple dress and a long red wig and walks out in shame*
*10% of the audience believes its a woman*
Jason: Whatever I could care less about this mission
*Ryan walks out wearing a yellow sundress with a brown wig and a flower in his hair*
*28% of the audience belives its a woman*
Ryan: Im not exactly proud that these people thought I was a woman but at least I got a good score
*Mikey comes out wearing a pink tank top and booty shorts*
Man in audience: Look at those legs!
*you can see mikey's leg hair*
Mikey*said in regular voice*: I own you all!!!
*0% of audience belives its a woman*
Mikey: Dude you all suck!!
Man in audience: You wanna say that to my face, punk?
Mikey: Bring it on!
*Mikey kicks off his high heels and walks into the audience then sucker punches the man in the mouth. He then locks him in the Sharpshooter*
Mikey: I..
*the man screams*
Mikey: OWN..
*the man screams louder*
Mikey: YOU!!
*Mikey breaks the mans legs off*
Michael: We will now take a quick intermission as Mikey goes to jail

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 8/8/2005 10:31 PM
*Mikey gets taken to jail*
Michael: And we're back..sorry about that folks
*Krystal comes out wearing a football uniform and helmet*
*45% of the audience believes its a man*
*Krystal rips the helmet off*
*Krystal lights a fire in the audience*
*Brandon quickly extinguishes it*
*Zoe comes out wearing a hockey uniform*
*20% of the audience believes its a man*
Michael: Next up is Tara. Tara this is your chance at a lifesaver
Tara: Wish me luck
*Tara comes out wearing a suit and a bill clinton mask*
Michael: Take off the mask "t"
*Tara removes the mask and you can see her regular face*
*13% of the audience believes its a man*
Tara: Damnit Zoe! I would have done good if I didnt have to take off the mask
Zoe: Its okay you'll still win the Inferno
*Matt comes out wearing a nurses outfit and a blonde wig*
*48% of the audience believes its a man*
Matt: Im a fucking man you fucking idiots!!
*Zie comes out wearing a regular mens outfit and a wig but her wig falls off*
Zie: Oops
*3% of the audience believe its a man*
*Scott comes out wearing  a brown tent dress and a long brown wig*
*8% of the audience believes its a man*
*Steph comes out naked*
Steph: Does anybody want to have sex?
*0% of the audience believes its a man*
Michael: And last up we have Kelli
*Kelli comes out wearing a santa claus outfit and a fake beard*
*49% of the audience believe its a man*
Michael: Lets bring all the real people out here now...we're going to count off the votes well you stare at the real people
Jason: I'm guessing we lost again
Stevie: I just want to leave now so I dont care if we win or lose
Michael: Okay we're done tallying up the votes. Nice team, your final score was...185
Jai: We dont know if thats good or bad...but we're hoping we beat it
Michael: And the mean team. Your final score was...145
*the nice team celebrates*
Brandon: I dont compete and we lose...tells ya something right there
Michael: Congratulations nice team for winning your 4th mission. its all tied up at 40,000 now. As for the Lifesaver winners on the nice team we had Scarlett who tricked most of the audience today
Scarlett: Im happy with this mission because now my team probably respects me more
Michael: And on the mean team it was Matt. I'll see you guys at the Inferno
*teams meet at the Inferno*
Michael: Welcome to the fourth Inferno. Lets introduce the players. First from the nice team we have Tara!
*the nice team cheers*
Zoe: GO TARA!!!!!!!!!
Michael: And from the mean team we have, Krystal!
*some cheering from the mean team*
Michael: Todays Inferno is called "the menacing paint"
Tara: Please dont tell me Im actually competing in this
Michael: You will both be wearing a bucket of paint strapped to your head. You will also both be given softballs. The goal is to stay on your side of the line well throwing softballs to hit the others persons button on their helmet. If you hit the button the paint will drop all over them. Also if you drop any of your own paint, the other person will be given a penalty shot where you cant move. First though is lifesavers, Matt cant save Krystal but Scarlett would you like to save Tara?
Scarlett: Tara can handle it!
Michael: Will it change your mind if I tell you that the paint is blue?
Scarlett: no?
Michael: Okay then..get your helmets on and lets begin. In 3...2...1. GO!
*Krystal starts whiping softballs at tara's head*
Tara: This is such a stupid Inferno...I'm facing Krystal. I cant beat her in this!
*Tara whips one and hits Krystal's knee*
Krystal: Need a bit more power than that sweetie
Zoe: I cant watch
*Zoe turns away*
*Krystal throws one and hits the bucket but not the button*
*Tara throws one and hits Krystal in the chest*
Krystal: Come on barbie!!
Tara: No matter how hard I try I can not hit anywhere near the bucket!
Krystal: Tara is going down!
*Krystal whips one and it hits right off Taras bucket making some paint spill out*
Michael: Stop right there. Krystal you just earned a penalty shot. You can throw from anywhere on your side and Tara can not move from where she is
Tara: Fuck, I cant believe I am giving her an open shot at me!
*Krystal throws and everything is in slow motion*
Tara: *crosses fingers* Please dont hit me, please dont hit me
*the ball hits Tara on the button and the blue paint spills all over her*
Jackie: NO!!!!
Zoe: What, WHAT!
Stevie: might not wanna look
*Zoe looks down and Tara is covered in blue paint*
*Zoe's mouth drops*
Michael: Congratulations to Krystal for winning the Inferno
Krystal: Come on down team and lets celebrate by dousing ourselves in oil and jumping into the fire!!
Krystal: FINE!!
*Krystal jumps into the fire*
Michael: Sorry Tara you gave a great effort but your time is up. Goodbye
*Tara rushes up to Zoe*
Tara: Oh. my. god.
Zoe: You cant leave!
Tara: This sucks so bad!
Zoe: We were gonna have a slumber party tonight!
Dave: You had a slumber party ever night you were here though?
*Zoe and Tara hug*
Zoe: im gonna miss you!
Tara: I know...I'll miss you too
Scott: Oh give me a break
*the mean team leaves except for Tara and Zoe who continue to hug*
*later back in the house*
Jackie: We're all happy to make it past the first half of the game. Now we can have some fun
*shows everybody at the club dancing*
Steph: Who wants to learn a new dance move?
*Steph begins to hump Matt*
Matt: Fuck you! Get the fuck away from me!
*Mikey is seen dancing with Jai*
Mikey: This song owns! And so do I
Dave: So Jai wants to go and cheat on me too huh?
*Dave and Zie begin to grind*
*Steph then gases the DJ and the song stops*
Ryan: Who turned off the music?
Steph: Who wants to hear a new song? This is karaoke night! Hit it Paolo
*the mexican dj plays the song*
*Scott breaks Stephs mic*
Jason: But I'm ready to learnnnnnnnnnnn of the power of .... loooooooveeeeeeeeeeeee
*Brandon breaks Jason's mic*
Mikey: Flash before my eyes, now its time to die. Burning in my brain, I can feel the flame
Krystal: Flames? Where?
Scarlett: By far the worst group of singers I have ever seen
Paolo: Whose up for some cotton eye joe?
*the entire group does cotton eye joe as the show ends*