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Other's Archives : KSCWE The Inferno: Episode 10
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 8/13/2005 7:36 PM
Episode Ten
Regular Text = Talking out loud
Bold Text= Confessional(nobody else can hear them)
Steph: Today could be the last day that Scott or Matt is here. And I want to fuck both of them!  but in the mean time there's still a few guys I havent tried to get with that might want some of this
*shows Steph stalking Mikey as he brushes his teeth*
Mikey*talking to himself*: I completely own this toothbrush. And this sink!
Steph: He seems maybe I should approach him
*Steph comes up behind Mikey G*
Mikey*to himself*: Is something...tickling my armpit?
*Mikey turns around and screams*
Mikey: Who do you think you are sneaking up on the master of the g's like that?
Steph: I just thought I could........screw you?
Mikey: You wanna get with the G Spot?
Steph: Yes, please
Mikey: Do you realize I own you
Steph: I would let you own me
Mikey: Sorry but I've got some work to do
*Mikey cockily walks away*
Steph: Drat! So close!
*Steph sees Jason still asleep*
Steph: Ohhhhhh, after Zoe hit him with the truck and they got into a fight he's probably just craving some milk and pie
*Steph sneaks into Jason's bed*
Jason*half asleep*: Oh Zoe...i dont wanna fight with you, Im sorry
Steph: Its quite alright..and correct me if Im wrong but I heard you were the milk and pie man
*Jason fully awakes*
*Jason jumps out of the bed*
Steph: Was I being too forward?
Jason: Get theeee hellllll out of my room!
Steph: Do you know what you're missing out on!
Jason: Crabs, herpes, gonorhhea...
Steph: You're just jealous because Zoe doesn't give you the sex I do!
Jason: Leave!
Steph: You'll be sorry!!!!
*Steph leaves the room*
Steph: That didnt go as planned. Lets see. Brandon, Ryan, Scott, Matt, Dave, Mikey, Jason....a hahhhhh
*Steph sneaks into Stevie's room where he is getting dressed*
Steph: I dont mean to interrupt but...
*Kelli comes out of Stevie's bed*
Kelli: Oh no. You can chase every single guy in the house around but you dont go near it
Steph: I think we should let Stevie decide
Kelli: ......okay?
Stevie: I pick Steph
Kelli: WHAT?!
Stevie: I'm just kidding. I wouldnt go near that piece of trash
Steph: Are you saying I'm dirty?
*Steph runs at Stevie but Kelli trips her and she falls out the window*
*After hitting the pool which is convieniently there Steph sheds her clothes and then begins to walk about until she gets a text message*
"come meet me on top of the hill in an hour or so. happy humping- michael"
Steph: I think I'm in love
*Tim comes out of the porter potty*
Tim: Having bad luck?
Steph: It's just that nobody understands me!
Tim: I understand you. But see me...I dont get much action myself
Steph: No,
Tim: Shocking I know. You would think I was a pimp
Steph: Indeed I do...but what are you doing here?
Tim: I never left. I was always watching you from the closet...then I came out of the closet just now
Steph: You came out of the closet?
Tim: Yes I had been hiding in the closet all that time but now I'm finally coming out to you!
Steph: Damnit! I thought out of all guys you would be the one I could score with!
Tim: You can!
Steph: I only do straight guys!
*Steph storms away angrily*
Tim: After all that hiding in the closet I finally had the courage to come out to you! I thought you would understand
*Tim turns around to see Scott and Brandon staring at him*
Scott: What the hell are you talking about?
Tim: I never left....I had been hiding in the closet than just now I came out
Brandon: What the hell? I knew you were a fairy all along
Tim: No, youre misunderstanding me. I was in Steph's close...
Scott: Just leave
*Tim walks away with his head down*
Brandon: I dont even wanna know
*the teams arrive at the hill but Michael isnt there*
Zie: I wonder where he is?
*Celine Dion walks up to the group*
Celine: Is this....
Celine: This isnt the Infe...
Jason: NO! Just stop torturing me!
*Celine shrugs then walks off as another lady in a skimpy black dress, smoking a cigarette walks up to them*
Lady: I just got a page from Celine Dion saying the host the Inferno. My name is Monica Lewinsky and I am a whore. I slept with the most powerful man in the country just to get publicity
Steph: You're my hero!!
Monica: Yeah, yeah, aint it the truth? Anyways your mission is called "the cheese stands alone" Pretty stupid if you ask me because it has nothing to do with the mission. Notice the mud pit and notice the jelly balls in the middle? Well there are 16 people here and each time there will be 2 less balls than people. You must start on the outside of the circle and when I blow the whistle everybody runs into the center and grabs one. You can help out your teammates and you can fight for them. You're safe once you get the ball out of the circle. Each time 2 people will be eliminated. The first team to lose all their players loses. One person from each team wins a Lifesaver. So go get into position
Mikey: I am going to own at this mission
Monica: Ready........GO!
*everybody runs into the center*
Steph: Scott lets mud wrestle!
*Steph pounces on Scott and begins to playfully wrestle with him*
Scott: Security!!
*everybody grabs a ball and brings it to the outside. Zoe grabs the last one*
Monica: Scott and Steph you've been eliminated!
Scott: You stupid whore! I was supposed to win the Lifesaver!
Steph: Lets do it again!
*Steph once again pounces on Scott*
Monica: GO!!
*everybody pours into the center again*
*Mikey elbows Dave*
Mikey: Thats my ball!
Dave: Haha, you like balls!
Mikey: Thats not true!
*as Mikey argues with Dave Jackie grabs the last ball*
Monica: Mikey and Dave have been eliminated!
Mikey: I still owned!!!
Monica: GO!!!
Scarlett: This mission is hard because teams are fighting each other just to advance to the next round
*Zie pushes Krystal to grab a ball*
*Brandon kicks Matt out of the way*
*Stevie snatches a ball from Zoe*
Monica: Zoe and Krystal have been eliminated
Krystal: Zie!!!!!
Zie: Sorry
Monica: GO!!!
*Jai elbows Scarlett out of the way*
*Steph runs back in and jumps on Matt*
Steph: Matt!! I want you to win the Lifesaver so you dont go into the inferno!
*as Steph is jumping on Matt he cant get to a ball*
Matt: Fucking get the fuck off me
Steph: Fuck me!
Monica: Scarlett and Matt had been eliminated
Stevie: Our team has way less people out there right now. We only have 3 left to their 5
Monica: GO!
*Kelli spears down Zie and steals her ball*
*Ryan steals Jackie's ball*
Monica: Zie and Jackie have been eliminated!
Jackie: Ryan you ass!
Ryan: Sorry baby
*Jackie begins to make out with Dave*
Ryan: You bastard!
Monica: GO!
*Ryan is too busy paying attention to Jackie and Dave and doesnt even go in the middle*
Ryan: Stay away from my woman!
*Jai clotheslines down Kelli*
Jai: Hahahaha!!!
Monica: Ryan and Kelli have been eliminated!
Brandon: You MORON!
Ryan: Just because you dont have a woman...
Brandon: Doesnt look like you do either!
*Jackie is still kissing Dave*
Ryan: I hope you lose!
Monica: GO!!
Stevie: I'm the last one left and I have to face a team of 3 people
*Brandon hits Stevie down as Jason and Jai grab the 2 remaining balls*

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 8/13/2005 7:37 PM
Monica: Stevie and Brandon have been eliminated!
Brandon: I took myself out just so our team can win
Jai: Yay we already won!
Monica: This is the final battle for the Lifesaver on the mean team and its Jason vs Jai. Ready GO!!
Jason: I could have beat her if I wanted to but I dont need the Lifesaver and then I wont look like an asshole for not stepping in for Matt
*Jason pretends to slip as Jai grabs the ball*
Monica: Congratulations to the mean team for winning the 10th mission. The Score is now 6-4. As far as the lifesavers go Stevie won it for the nice team
*Stevie gets the Lifesaver*
Monica: And congrats to Jai who won her first lifesaver for the mean team
*Jai gets the lifesaver as everybody cheers for her*
Monica: Now....
*Hilary Clinton walks by*
Monica: Hey bitch!
Hilary: Are you talking to me slut?
Monica: I think I am!!
*Monica Lewinskychases down Hilary Clinton and the two begin to "quarrel" in the mud*
*the teams arrive at the Inferno a few hours later*
Michael: Welcome back to the inferno. So did you guys enjoy having Celine Dion as the host again?
Jason: Real funny Mike
Michael: No seriously...she offered to do it because she heard her number one fan was there
Jason: Alright, haha
Michael: Anyways welcome to the Inferno
*everybody cheers*
Michael: First lets meet the players....from the mean team we have competing for a second time......Matt
Matt: FUCK!!!
*no cheering*
Matt: Fuck all of you!
Michael: And for the nice team we have..............Scott!
*the nice team goes crazy*
Michael: Tonights Inferno is who can last the longest getting a lap dance from Steph
Steph: I knew this day would come. THIS IS MY CHRISTMAS!!

*Steph begins to run down as Scott and Matt are seen praying its a joke*
Michael: You may not use the lifesavers. Who wants to go first
*Scott and Matt point to each other*
Michael: I'm just kidding
*Steph is already naked trying to get at them*
Michael: Steph go away
*Steph walks away depressed*
Michael: The Inferno is called "milk it"
Scott: Another joke right?
Michael: This Tonight both of you will have to milk this
*A farmer brings in two goats*
Matt: What the FUCK?!
Michael: You will each have to milk a goat and get the milk past the line on this container. Its very simple. But first the Lifesavers. Jai won it on the mean team and Matt she cant step in for you so congratulations you have to milk a goat. As for the nice team, was Stevie that won the Lifesaver and Stevie would you like to step in for Scott?
Stevie: Something tells me I have to save Scott
Stevie: Sure I'll go in
*Scott is shocked*
Jackie: Aww I think its so sweet. Stevie's going to milk a goat for his friend
Michael: Well Stevie, Matt get ready to start milking. The first to get the milk to pass the line wins. Get ready. On your mark, ...get set, ...GO!
*they start milking*
Stevie: I think it's pretty easy...not exactly exciting, but easy
Matt: This fucking goat does not fucking like me
*Matt grabs the goat and it kicks him in the face*
Matt: Come on you fucking goat!
*Matt jumps on the goat and tries to get it calm but the goat shreeks and runs away from Matt with Matt holding on by the tail*
Zie: Matt let go of the damn tail!
Matt: Fuck no Im not losing this fucking goat!
*Stevie is having a very easy time milking the goat and it is calm*
Stevie: Whose a good goat?
*Stevie pats the goat*
*Kelli stares at Stevie*
*The goat bites Matt on the ass*
Stevie: I think Matt is a complete moron. You dont have to eat mexican food, go at it matrix style or whip softballs at each other. You have to milk a goat! He hasnt got a single drop in and I just...
*Stevie finishes*
Michael: Congratulations to Stevie for winning the Inferno "milk it". You may now return to your team
*Stevie says bye to the goat and then joins up with his team and hugs Kelli*
Matt: Get this fucking goat away from me!
*the goat is eating Matt's pants*
Michael: Matt that was a sad performance and you lost
Matt: Just take away the goat
Farmer: Come here Annabell, come here
*the goat runs over to the farmer and rubs up against his side*
Farmer: That a girl
Michael: Sorry I just dont think the goat liked you. Either way you lost and its time to leave. Say goodbye to your team and all that good stuff
*Steph enters the Inferno with Matt*
Steph: That was a great try Matty
Matt: Look I dont wanna fucking deal with you right now
Steph: Well I just want you to know before you leave that I have never experienced great sex like that. You are one of the hottest pieces of ass I have ever seen
Matt: Thats just fucking great, now I have to leave
Steph: Wait! One last time, lets...
*sexual music begins to play throughout the Inferno pit*
Steph: Ready...hit it!
*different music begins to play*
Steph: All day long I dream about sex and all night long I think about sex and all the time I think about sex with you, WITH YOU! All day long I dream about sex and all night long I think about sex and all the time I think about sex with you, WITH YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!
*Matt stares at Steph with a horrified look on his place*
*Steph jumps on Matt and begins to hump him wildly*
Steph: These were the best 20 days of my life. Matthew, I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES!!
*Matt tries to escape but Steph grabs him by the legs*
Steph: Dont leave yet baby theres still time to canoodle!
*the entire mean team begins to get sickened looks on their faces and they all run out*
Steph: Now that we're alone how about we shag?
Matt: I just wanted some fucking money. Now I'm getting raped!
*Matt breaks free and runs towards the door*
Steph: Matthew, wait I wanna talk about our relationship
*Steph throws a lasoo and catches Matt*
Steph: I hope you aren't afraid to get a bit frisky
*the show ends with Steph sexually assaulting Matt*