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Other's Archives : KSCWE The Inferno: Episode 12
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 8/16/2005 1:13 AM
Episode Twelve
Regular Text = Talking out loud
Bold Text= Confessional(nobody else can hear them)
*the show opens up with Scarlett getting a text message*
Scarlett: I get a text saying to meet Michael in the main room so we all go
*the teams meat in the main room*
Michael: Hey guys it's not time for the mission yet. I was watching the Inferno yesterday and we didn't get such good ratings. It seems as though there are a few problems. There was a certain word used yesterday that was continuously overused and from what I heard several viewers could not bear to watch it tomorrow. As of now the word Mike Jones is a swear
*everybody gasps*
Michael: It is the "m" word  and it is worse than any other swear you can think of!
Ryan: But we're just fans!
Jai: You cant take away our music
Michael: How can you call that garbage music! I'm Mike Jones, I'm Mike Jones...
Zoe: Ooooohhh, Michaelll
Michael: Damnit, I'm a bad boy! Which leads me to my next point. Anyone caught using the "m" word must go to the chamber of secrets
*everybody laughs*
Michael: Damn you all! We couldn't come up with a better name. ....Anyways you must go down there and face the consequences
Dave: I'm English and I'm a nurse
Michael: Thats it! As of now anybody caught using the word English and/or nurse must go into the Chamber of Secrets
Dave: But I am Eng...
*Dave stops himself*
Michael: See...dont wanna be caught saying that now do you?
Jason: Not to interrupt but didnt you just use the "m" word?
Michael: I'm going, I'm going
Zie: Wait? So how do we get there?
Stevie: Why do you wanna know Zie?
Zie: Shut up Stevie! Stop talking to me!
Michael: Actually Zie thats a good question. You see these two windows?
*everybody nods*
Michael: You must walk between them well chanting "Lenguardwin Leviosa" with your eyes closed well wearing loafers and cloak
Jackie: I feel like I'm in Harry Potter
*Michael changes his clothes*
Michael: Lenguardwin Leviosa
*Michael disappears*
Kelli: Great, now we're going to have another special host today
Steph: You guys I've been thinking
Jai: There's a change
Steph: No listen for a minute. Everybody here. I dont wanna feel like I'm making anybody uncomfortable with the way I act. It's just the way I am..or should I say was
Scott: I like what I'm hearing
Steph: So I got you all a present
*Steph hands all the guys in the room boxes*
Scarlett: I didnt get one
Steph: You little greedy bitch. The girls presents are....uh...on the way
Ryan: Sounds fair enough
Steph: Wait dont open them until youre alone
Brandon: Okay now I dont really wanna open the damn box
*Brandon, Stevie, Jason, Ryan, Mikey, and Dave throw them away*
Scott: Whoa...looks like that trash is full. Let me go find another one
*Scott sneaks off into another room and opens up the box. Suddenly the room goes dark*
Steph: *you can only hear her voice* Hello Scott...I knew you would open that box
Scott: Damnit! I thought it was chocolates or something!
Steph: I work in mysterious ways. You didnt actually think I would change my ways did you?
Steph: Now I have you all alone and there's no escaping
*Scott begins to feel something touching him*
*The lights turned on and a bloodied Michael Jordan walks into the room*
Michael: What the hell did you just say?
Scott: I slipped?
*Scott and Michael turned to Steph who is covered in whipped cream and wearing a dinosaur costume*
Michael: .........thats it Scott! You're going into the "Chamber of Secrets"
*eerie music begins to play*
Scott: In a desperate choice between getting it on with Steph and going into the "Chamber of Secrets"...
*eerie music plays in the confessional*
Scott: I chose the .. *waits for music but it never comes* ...chamber of Secrets
*eerie music comes*
Michael: Come with me Scott
*Scott follows Michael back to the main room*
*Scott gets changed into the uniform*
Michael: You know what to do
Scott: Lenguirwin Leversour
*Scott runs and crashes into the wall*
Michael: No, no, no its Lenguardwin Leviosa
Scott: Lenguarwern Levosar
*Scott runs and crashes into the wall*
Scott: Long Guard Loverson
*Scott runs and crashes into the wall*
Michael: JUST FORGET IT! Your mission is an hour on top of the hill but I'm not hosting it so have a nice day bitch
*Michael runs away*
Scott: This has been a fun day now hasnt it?
*the teams arrive at the mission*
Kelli: Yeah after we had Mi....that guy for a host yesterday then he got replaced by that poor excuse for a human being Jimmy Fallon I'm not really excited to meet the host today
*Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasely all fly in on brooms*
Harry: Hello all I am Harry Potter and I am here to host your twleve mission, which is called...
Jason: How come you're talking like that?
Harry: Oh sorry...its because Im English
*everybody gasps*
*Michael Jordan appears and tackles Harry Potter*
Michael: Thats it Harry you're going to the....
*evil music plays*
*Michael carries Harry Potter off*
Ron: That was bloody...
Jason: How come you're talking like that?
Ron: Oh, I, um...
Hermione: Oh dont mind him. You're twelvth mission is called "bloody skunks"
Hermione: No you see, bloody is a term the English u....oops
*Michael Jordan comes back up the hill*
Hermione: Oh Shit!
Michael: Do I need an explanation?
Hermione: No, sir, I'll go quietly
*Michael takes Hermione Granger away*
Ron: Well I'm not stupid like those two. "Bloody Skunks" requires you to go into that cave there and just collect dead skunks and put them in your bag there. The cave smells bloody rotten though! The team who collects the most skunks in two minutes wins! Also the person on each team that collects the most wins a lifesaver!
Jackie: Well this sounds like a fun mission
Stevie: Why must this mission involve dead skunks? Why did I come on this show?
Ron: Ready Krystal. In 3, 2, 1 GO!
Krystal: I love this pit
*Krystal smells the pit and inhales the fumes*
Krystal: YUM!
*2 minutes are up*
Ron: Lets see Krystal how many did you get
*Krystal's bag is empty*
Ron: You got nothing!
Krystal: I dont care, it was great being in there
*everybody stares at Krystal who hisses at them*
Ron: 3, 2, 1 go
*Dave goes into the pit*
Dave: UM EWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I'm En....and a nur....
*Dave grabs a dead skunk and then begins to almost cry*
*On his way out he grabs another one*
Ron: Times up, how many did you get? ....Okay thats 2 skunks
*Dave runs down to the beach to wash himself*
Ron: 3, 2, 1 GO!
*Scarlett goes into the pit and doesnt move*
Scarlett: I think death is upon me or something
*a white light shines through the cave*
Scarlett: This just may be the equivilant to dying
*Scarlett cant find any*
Ron: Times up and you got no skunks! Next up. 3, 2, 1 GO!
*Jason enters the pit and tries to ignore the smell*
Jason: I'm pretending I'm at a Celine concert right now
*Jason grabs 2 skunks*
Ron: Times up and you also got two skunks
Jason: I could really give a shit about this mission....thats just gross
Ron: 3, 2, 1 GO!
*Kelli enters the pit and begins to breathe heavily*
Kelli: Yeah I think I'd rather listen to Jimmy Fallon talk about himself then be in here
*Kelli cant find any*
Ron: You got no skunks! Next up. 3, 2, 1 GO!
*Ryan enters the pit*
*Ryan gets 1 skunk*
Ryan: Better than I thought I would do
Ron: Next, 3, 2, 1 GO!
*Zoe enters the pit*
Zoe: This was my chance at a Lifesaver and I dont wanna face the Inferno but thats just nasty
*Zoe comes up early*
Ron: You still have 1 minute left
Zoe: Then just DQ me, Im done!
Ron: Fine. Next. 3,2,1 GO!
*Mikey runs in*
Mikey: Come on skunks, I own you all!
*Mikey grabs 3 skunks and then writes on the wall "M.G. owns you"*
Ron: You got 3 skunks, the most today!
Mikey: Fuck yeah, I own you all!!
Ron: 3, 2, 1, GO!!
*Stevie enters the pit*

Stevie: I cant think of the word I'm looking for. But...
*Stevie grabs a skunk and throws it in the bag*
Ron: You got 1 skunk. Next up. 3, 2, 1 go!
*Zie puts her head inside the cave then comes out*
Zie: DQ me...thanks
Zie: Wow, I really did good in this mission!
Ron: 3, 2, 1 GO!
*Brandon goes in there and tries to pretend the smell isnt there*
Dave: No wonder he's doing so good in there...everybody in the south smells like that anyways
*brandon hears him from inside the cave and comes up with no skunks*
Brandon: What did you say boy?
Dave: americans
Brandon: That douche wouldn't last a minute down south
Ron: Thats a dq!
Brandon: What?
Ron: DQ!
Brandon: Damn wizard wouldnt last a minute down south

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 8/16/2005 1:14 AM
Ron: Next up. 3, 2, 1 GO!
*Jackie goes in there and begins to shreek*
*Jackie runs out of the pit and down to the water where Dave is and jumps on him*
Ryan: He's stealing my woman!
*Ryan chases after them*
Ron: Next! 3, 2, 1 GO!
*Scott goes in and tries to breathe through his mouth. He ends up getting 4 skunks then comes up*
Ron: Lastly, we have Steph. 3, 2, 1 GO!!
*Steph enters the cave*
Steph: Such gentle creatures
*Steph's odor causes all the skunks to rise from the dead*
Steph: Yes skunks, come to me, I havent many friends
*The skunks all crawl into her bag*
*Steph slaps one of the skunks on the ass as it sprays her*
Steph: Ohhh...I never go that far on the first date
*Steph winks at the skunk as it tries to get away but she jumps on it and rides it out of the pit*
Ron: Thats a bloody large amount of dead skunks
*the skunks all spray Ron*
Ron: Hey there! I meant alive skunks
*Ron counts them all*
Ron: Steph you got a total of 416 skunks
Steph: One to share each disease with!
*all the skunks flee in different directions*
Steph: But I have one more I need to share with someone
*Steph takes off after Scott who has already began running*
Ron: Well let me count up the totals and get back to you guys
Dave: I think we have a chance guys!
*everybody angrily stares down Dave*
Ron: Nice team, you guys had a grand total of 7 skunks!!
*the mean team hysterically laughs at the nice team who shamefully walks away*
Ron: And as for the mean team you guys had a total of 422 skunks!!!
Ryan: It's kind of funny how Steph's total amount was almost 90 times greater than the nice team's team total
Ron: Congratulations to Scott for winning a lifesaver even though he is not here..and congrats to Steph for winning it for the mean team!
*Steph goes up and gets it*
Steph: It really is an honor. I'd like to thank Scott, my mom, my dad, my brothers, my sisters, my aunt, my uncle, my cousins, Tim, Scar, Milaskan, my skunk friends, Monica Lewinsky, all the members who made hookers anonymous such a success, and lastly my pubic lice
*everybody including Ron Weasley pukes*
Ron: *In the process of blowing chunks* in *pukes* fer *pukes* no *pukes
*Everybody leaves*
*later at the Inferno*
Michael: Welcome back to the Inferno.....can you believe this is already the 6th inferno?
*nobody cares*
Michael: Well I'd just like to get a round of applause for Celine Dion. She's been a great help these past few days
*everybody except for Jason laughs*
Jason: Michael give it up. You cant play basketball anymore, you cant play golf, and you cant tell jokes
*Michael scowls at Jason*
Michael: Lets meet the players. First from the mean team we have Zie!!!
*the mean team cheers*
Michael: And for the nice team, we have......Zoe!!
*the nice team cheers and so does Jason*
Michael: Look, its the battle of the Z's. HAHAHAHHAAH, Oh my god, thats priceless, AHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!! Battle of the Z's! Michael you've done it again
*Michael pats himself on the back as everybody stares at him*
Michael: *clears throat* excuse me. Tonight's Inferno is called "i cant hear you" What you have to do is balance on one foot on this small wooden platform. But thats not all. Tonight the other team will play a part in this. There will be a small circle and the platform is in the center. The other team can stand outside that circle to distract you. Once you fall off or stop balancing on one foot you lose. First lifesavers. Scott cant step in for Zoe but Steph would you like to save Zie from the Inferno?
Zie: Maybe I'll get lucky and Steph will save me

Steph: What happens if I save her?
Michael: You go into the Inferno
Steph: And what happens if I lose
Michael: You go home?
Steph: I cant go home! My one true love is here
*Scott looks sickened*
Michael: So is that a yes or a no?
Steph: Yes
Michael: Yes you'll go into the Inferno
Steph: yes I'll marry you
Michael: I give up! Just start already
*Zoe and Zie start balancing*
Ryan: Ready to fall Zoe?
Jason: Shut up Ryan let her think
*Jason pushes Ryan out of the way*
Scarlett: Zie, Dave doesn't love you!
Dave: Yes I do
Zie: I see how it is Dave!
Stevie: Zie you suck! You smell. Get a life. You're a whore!
Zie: I just wanna strangle Stevie right now but I have an Inferno to do now
Brandon: Come on Zoe, Tara's at home waiting for you
*Jason hits Brandon causing Brandon to clothesline Jason down*
Krystal: Zoe if you come down I'm going to beat you senseless with an axe!
Jai: You're supposed to make her want to fall
Krystal: I mean...I'll give you a book at half price
Zoe: Ohhhh
Jason: Zoe, dont fall!
Jai: Clearly my team does not know how to distract someone
Scott: Zie if you come down, you'll be closer to Dave
Zie: I dont think the other team likes me very much
Kelli: You're losing Zie, there's no way you're gonna win
Steph: Zoe, Im sleeping with your man!
Jason: What the hell Steph
Steph: I thought we were supposed to upset them
Jason: Dont make up rumors you dumb slut
*Steph pounces on Jason*
Steph: Look at me Zoe
*Zoe is getting angry*
*Stevie blows bubbles at Zie*
Zie: Do you mind?
Stevie: Does it upset you
Zie: Yes
Stevie: Good!
*Stevie blows more bubbles*
Stevie: I wrote a song. It's called Zie sucks. Here we go. *starts singing* Zie sucks, she really really sucks. She sucks in the day, she sucks at night, she sucks Dave, she sucks Mikey, she..
*Zie falls*
*Zie grabs a crowbar and begins to go after Stevie with it and disappears chasing him into the night*
Stevie: You cant catch me, because your AIDS are slowing you down
Zie: I'm gonna catch you then I'm going to kill you asshole
Stevie: Zie's got AIDSSSSSSS
*back in the Inferno pit*
Michael: Well Zoe congrats on winning your Inferno
*everybody hugs Zoe*
Michael: And tell Zie, I'm sorry. And that if she kills Stevie she owes us 500$ for murdering one of the castmembers
*everybody goes back to the house*
Zoe: I'm so glad I won!
Dave: I'm so glad I'm English!
*Dave is oblivious to what he just said as Michael comes up to him*
Michael: Dave....congratulations
Dave: On what?
Michael: On entering...
*the eerie music plays*
*Michael takes Dave to the room*
Michael: It's all you now
Dave: Lenguardwin Leviosa
*Dave runs through the wall and enters....McDonalds*
Dave: EWWWW Fatty Foods! American food!!!
*Ronald McDonald approaches Dave*
Ronald: We've been expecting you
Dave: Oh um....I think you might wanna dye your hair. It's so like ew. You're so American
*Ronald McDonald takes out a whip*
Dave: Why do you have that?
Ronald: Because I dont like NURSES!
*Ronald begins to whip Dave as he runs right into the janitors closet where he looks in the janitos' bucket where Harry Potter and Hermione Granger are both lying dead there*
*The Hamburgler comes out of the stall*
Hamburgler: Welcome to hell!
*Ronald McDonald, The Hamburgler, Grimmace, and Birdie begin to beat Dave and shove McDonalds food into his mouth as the show ends*