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Other's Archives : KSCWE The Inferno: Episode 13
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 8/23/2005 6:55 AM
Episode Thirteen
Regular Text = Talking out loud
Bold Text= Confessional(nobody else can hear them)
*it is 6 am and the teams are sleeping when...*
*Two overweight men grab Zoe and drag her out of her bed. They put her in a van and speed off. The van is dark and Zoe cant see anything*
Zoe: Oh mah gawd! I saw a movie like this once. IM GONNA DIE!!
*Zoe begins to shriek evily until all of the sudden a candle lights and the remaining members of the nice team except for Stevie are all in there*
Zoe: What are you guys doing here? Did they kidnap you too?
Scarlett: No....this is for the mission
Zoe: Think what you want BUT OUR LIVES ARE IN DANGER!
Overweight Man #1: We have one stop to make then its smooth sailing
*The van pulls over to where Zie is chasing Stevie through a forest*
Zie: I'm gonna get you Stevie and I'm gonna kill you!
Zoe: See, SEE! It is a horror movie!
Scott: Oh give me a break. Thats just Zie trying to kill Stevie
*The men grab Stevie as Zie catches up and begins to beat Stevie with a crowbar as one of the men hits Zie over the head with his sneaker*
Overweight Man #2: And stay down!
*They throw Stevie in the van*
Stevie: What the hell is going on?!
Overweight Man #1: Dont worry anybody we're all going to be safe
*Zoe is writing out her will and breathing heavily*
*Back at the house, Steph is sleeping when....*
*Two different overweight men grab Steph and drag her out of her bed and bring her into a van*
Steph: Oh, you want a private session with me?
*The men drop her*
*They throw her into the van*
Steph: Ohhh, its dark. Maybe there's some men in here
*Steph begins to feel around until she feels somebodys knee*
Steph: The harder the better!
*Steph begins to hump away ferociously until a candle lights and Steph realizes she is humping a very disturbed Jai*
Jai: ........................Please get off me
Steph: Sorry I thought you were a man!
Jason: Does anybody know what we're doing here?
Overweight Man #3: We're taking you to a secret location, trust me we're not in any danger
*You can hear the screaming of Zoe in the distance*
Jai: Wh-what was that?
Overweight Man #4: It was nothing
Krystal: Tell me is there going to be blood in this location?
Overweight Man #4: No
Krystal: Vampires?
Overweight Man #4: No
Krystal: Cauldrons?
Overweight Man #4: No
Krystal: Childrens fairytail books?
*The man blankly stares at Krystal for a good 14 1/2 minutes then turns away*
*Both vans arrive at a lake and then stop and let everybody out*
*Scarlett clubs Zoe*
*Stevie hands Scarlett a 20*
Stevie: Thank you!
Overweight Man #1: You'll all need to board this boat. Sail down the river. You will recieve further directions later
*everybody boards the boat*
Ryan: I wanna be captain!
*Ryan puts on the captains hat*
Dave: What if I wanted to be a captain?
Ryan: Sorry theres no room for captains that are english nurses!
*everybody waits for something to happen but it never does*
Dave: I guess the curse is lifted. IM AN ENGLISH NURSE!!!
*a lightning bolt comes out of the sky and hits dave knocking him out of the boat where Jai drags his corpse back in*
Krystal: Oh give me a break!
*Krystal shocks Dave back to life*
Dave: I can breathe!
Krystal: Damnit, I didnt mean to give him air
*Kelli gets a text message*
Kelli: Whats with all the texts?
Stevie: Whats it say sweatheart?
Kelli: I love youuuuuu
*Steve and Kelli begin to passionately kiss as everybody looks sickened*
Mikey: I'll read it because I own at reading text messages
*Mikey grabs Kelli's cell as Stevie knocks Mikey out*
Stevie: Dont touch her! ....Whats it say baby?
Kelli: It says to sail until we see a rock that says "The Challenge is here"'ll have to use your brains from that point to figure out what to do next
Jackie: What do you think we'll have to do once we get there?
Scott: Who knows?
Brandon: You think they could give us something we understand
*the team sails on peacefully not realizing they are all complete dumbasses. They get to the rock*
Jason: What does that rock say? Tha chalinj iz hayre?
Brandon: Oh give me a break dumbass it says the challenge is here
Stevie: But would could it mean?
*the team contemplates on what "The challenge is here could mean" for about 76 minutes and 21 seconds when finally a light bulb appears over Steph's head*
Steph: I got it! It means we should all have sex!
*Everybody sighs*
Jason: I got it! The challenge is here!
Ryan: What makes you say that?
Jason: Well its a tough situation but I can see that Michael Jordan has been here because the footprint on the dirt over there comes from a size 21 foot shoe and there's no way anyone else would have that big shoes
Jai: Wow, that was pretty complicated but good think we have Jason
*everybody claps for Jason*
*Michael Jordan storms out towards the boat*
Scarlett: Actually the script says its been 76 minutes and 21 seconds
*Michael coughs nervously*
Scarlett: I mean what script?
*Michael glares at Scarlett*
Michael: Anyways if you'll follow me your next mission is up here
*The team follows Michael up to a hut with torches all around*
Michael: Welcome to your thirteenth mission. This one is called "Sagging Man Boobs"
*Several of the castmembers puke*
Michael: In this mission you will be playing a survivor like game. You will all be trapped inside a very small uncomfortable room with each other. But its not necessarily a team mission. You want to be the last one in the room. The team that has members remaining at the end wins the mission but the one person that stays in there the longest will have immunity from the Inferno and will automatically make it to the final mission. There is a lot at stake here. You will not be able to eat or drink, or do anything unless its inside the room. When you've had enough you can just walk out. There's no digging out allowed. This mission may last several years, if you let it. But it will all be worth it if you make it to the end. Everyone in the room!
*Everybody enters the room*
Michael: Good luck
*Michael shuts the door*
Steph: I think we should call this the Orgy Spot
Brandon: Only you
*Zoe is huddled up in the corner*
Zoe: Big. open. spaces. Big. open. spaces.
*Zoe runs out of the room*
Krystal: One down, 12 to go
*34 hours later*
*Jai eats a pringle from her pocket*
Mikey: She's got food! I own food!
Ryan: You've got food too?!
Mikey: No, I own...
*everybody jumps on Mikey and Jai and begins to grab the pringle and the food that Mikey doesnt actually have*
*Dave grabs the pringle and eats it*
Krystal: Damn you!!!!!
*Krystal casts a spell and Ronald McDonald walks into the room*
Dave: AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Dave runs out of the room with Ronald McDonald in pursuit*
Jackie: That wasn't very nice, Krystal
Krystal: Do you want Gwen Stefani to break her spine?
Jackie: This game is unfair
*Michael walks into the room*
Michael: How are you guys doing?
Jackie: Krystal's cheating!
*everybody looks at Krystal and she is reading "101 ways to cheat"*
Krystal: I am not!
*Krystal burns the book to ashes and flashes a cheap smile*
Michael: No spells are allowed in this mission
Krystal: DRAT!!
Michael: Well good news. You've all reaches the first vote off in which you can vote any person in this room out of the game. You must write it down and explain why just for the fun of it
Brandon: It's pretty obvious nobody is gonna vote to win the mission...we all want certain people gone *coughs*
*Steph is seen nude rolling around on the ground*
Michael: Let the voting begin
Jackie: I am voting for Krystal because she threatened my hawttt lesbian lover and thats just something you dont do
Krystal: I am voting for Michael Jordan because he criticized my witchcraft on a previous occasion!
Scott: I'm voting for explanation
Steph: I am voting for everybody except for Scott so we can have some alone time
Ryan: I'm voting for Krystal because Jackie is far more attractive
Jason: I'm voting for Brandon for making fun of my inability to read and write!
*Jasons vote looks like this: bren-dan*
Jai: I'm voting for Mikey because he told everybody I have food. Good-for-nothing-asshole!
Scarlett: I'm voting for Krystal because in all honesty she's just evil
Stevie: I'm voting for Mikey for touching Kelli
Kelli: I'm voting for the swamp thing. I mean Krystal
Brandon: My vote today is for Tits Mcgee. I mean Steph, but Im not gonna write that, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
*Brandons confessional shuts off*
Mikey: I am voting for Jai because she made me get beat up by a large group of people
Michael: Alright thats everybody. Here's how the votes went. Krystal, Michael Jor...what? Who wrote this?
*everybody looks at Krystal who is reading the book "I voted for Michael Jordan"
Krystal: Um...where did this come from?
Michael: Moving on. Next we have Steph. And then we have....well it seems every one here listed except for Scott. Guess this vote goes to waste, huh?
Scott: Steph needs to be kicked off the show immediately
Michael: Okay oand we have Krystal. Then we have...somebody named bren-dan? Who is that?
Michael: Okay. We have Mikey. Krystal. Mikey. Krystal. and.....Tits McGee?
Steph: Yes?
Michael: ...Nevermind. And lastly we have Jai
Jai: You wanna mess?
Michael: Well it looks like Steph has 1, I have one, Tits McGee has 1, Mikey has 2, Jai has 1, bren-dan has 1, and Krystal has 4. Krystal the tribe has spoken
Krystal: YOU'LL BE SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michael: You may now continue on with your lives
*Michael leaves*
Jai: I'm hungry
Mikey: Why dont you eat some of the pringles you have in your pants?
Jai: I have none
Mikey: You have a whole can
Jai: LIES!!
Mikey: I own you!
*Kelli begins to cut Mikey and Jai's hair as they both run out of the room*
Kelli: Just leave it to barber Kelli

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 8/23/2005 6:55 AM
*29 days later*
Random Voice: 9 players remain. They are all hungry
*shows Brandons stomach growling*
Random Voice: Hot
*shows Kelli whiping sweat away from her forhead*
Random Voice: Tired
*shows Jackie yawning*
Random Voice: Horny
*shows Steph chasing Scott around and attempting to rip his clothes off*
Random Voice: And illiterate
*shows Jason*
Jason: Okay, whose the random voice?
Random Voice: Im um......
*Tim falls through the roof of the room*
Jason: What the hell are you doing?
Tim: ITS A PART TIME JOB! I needed a job ever since I came out of the closet!
Ryan: Do us all a favor and leave
*Tim leaves*
Scarlett: Does anybody wanna leave to make this easier?
Kelli: No but you can be my guest and leave
Scarlett: I was just putting it out there
Kelli: Maybe a haircut will make you change your mind?
*Kelli takes out her clippers but Stevie grabs her*
Stevie: Calm down Kellz
Steph: I've been deprived of sexual activities for the entire month! I need some ass!
*Steph delivers a huge spank to the ass of Jason who ends up feeling violated and eventually leaves*
Stevie: Thats one way to take care of things anyways
Steph: It's hot in here
*Steph goes to remove clothing but realizes she is already naked*
Steph: Oh thats right, I forgot to put on clothes this morning
*Scarlett gets a sickened look on her face*
Scarlett: I've had enough of this!
*Scarlett storms out of the room*
Jackie: Now who am I supposed to talk to?
Ryan: You can talk to me babe
Jackie: ........I guess
Ryan: Why doesnt she like me. LORD WHAT DID I DO TO YOU?!
*10 weeks later*
*Michael Jordan storms into the room*
Michael: We're getting very upset now. This show has been airing for several months and none of you are leaving. So we decided to make this easier on us. There are seven of you left so we decided to invite  back the eliminated cast members. Each of them will choose only one of you to save and the person that does not get saved is eliminated
Remaining Players in the game: Stevie, Kelli, Ryan, Jackie, Scott, Steph, Brandon
Eliminated Players: Tim, Dawn, Jared, Tara, Matt, Zie
*The eliminated players enter the room*
Michael: Go and save someone!
Tara: Where's Zoe??!?!?!?
Jared: Tell me about it baby...where's Scarlett?
Tara: Shut up Jared!!
*Tara saves Jackie*
Jackie: Why thanks
Tara: Oh shut up. I just wanted to get away from him
Jackie: *under her breath* bitch
*Dawn saves Scott*
Scott: Why do all the sluts like me??
*Tim saves Steph*
Steph: Aw thank you Timothy
*Tim blushes*
Tim: Please dont call me that. I only saved you because I was hiding in the closet from you then I came out
Ryan: GO AWAY!!
*Tim leaves again*
*Jared saves Kelli*
Jared: Kelli I was hoping we could go back to my hotel room and....
*Jared catches Stevie glaring at him and runs away*
Matt: FUCK!
Ryan: What the fuck are you doing here?
*Matt saves Ryan*
Ryan: Why the fuck did you save me?
Matt: because you said fuck?
Ryan: Shit
Michael: Zie you're the last choice between Stevie and Brandon
*Zie runs at Stevie with a chainsaw and chases him around the room*
Michael: I guess Zie saved Stevie
Zie: I'm gonna kill you Stevie!
Stevie: Get these AIDS away from me!
*Zie is taken out of the room*
Michael: Thank you now Tara, Dawn, and Matt you guys can leave. And Brandon it looks like you weren't saved so you have to go bye, bye, bye
Brandon: Asswipe wouldn't last a minute down south!
*Brandon leaves*
Michael: 6 of you now remain
*Michael leaves*
*92 months past*
Stevie: I'm getting a bit hungry
Kelli: I havent given out a haircut in years
Jackie: I wanna screw Gwen Stefani
Steph: I wanna screw anything
Ryan: My girlfriend hates me
Scott: I hate Steph
*the scene swithces to Michael Jordan outside the room*
Michael: Whoa! It looks as though things are heating up!
*back in the room*
Stevie: I have an idea!
Kelli: Whats your idea sexay?
Stevie: Well we could play Yahtzee (which is convieniently sitting there in the room) and the winner gets to eliminated somebody
Ryan: I'm up for it
*the 6 of them play Yahtzee*
Steph: YAHTZEE!!!
Scott: No way
Steph: YAY! Who should I!
Stevie: WHAT?!
Steph: Well I looked at all the guy s in the room and then I contemplated the rough sex we all took part in and you came up a bit short if you know what I mean
Stevie: WHAT?!
*Michael comes in*
Michael: Stevie, you're gonna have to leave now
*Stevie leaves*
*Kelli gets aggrivated and begins to cut Steph's hair*
Kelli:What do you have to say to that bitch?
Steph: Now it wont get in the way when I'm having sex!
Kelli: Excuse me?
Steph: My hair used to go everywhere when I was banging up a storm. Now the only hair that will get in my way is my pub...
*Kelli gets up and walks out of the room*
Remaining Players: Ryan, Jackie, Scott, Steph
Ryan: Jackie I'm beginning to get a vibe that this relationship isnt working out too well
Ryan: We can go to a few of those courses and learn to better our relationship
Ryan: It's okay to tell yourself we're not together
Jackie: WE'RE NOT!
Ryan: I'll book them as soon as possible
*Jackie storms out of the door and the door stays open for a minute*
Ryan: I'll get it
*Ryan goes to the door to shut it when he sees Jackie making out with Dave*
Ryan: That bastard is stealing my woman!
*Ryan parades out of the room to go after Dave then he turns around and tries to get back inside*
Michael: Sorry you cant go back in there
Ryan: But he was stealing my woman!
Michael: Kid. You dont have a woman. She doesnt like you anymore
Ryan: You're just jealous because you dont have a woman
*Michael rolls his eyes*
*back in the room*
Steph: Scott, I'm soooooo happy we made it this far. How about a celebration?
Scott: Thanks, Im good
Steph: Suit yourself
*a few minutes pass*
Steph: All day long I dream about sex, and....
Scott: Please dont sing
Steph: Right. You'd rather just fuck?
Scott: No thanks
Steph: Oh come on Scott. I know you find me attractive!
Scott: I would rather screw my dog
Steph: Oh he's welcome to join in!
Scott: You are one sick girl
Steph: You're my hot sick ass Scott
*Steph begins to grind on Scott*
Steph: Baby grind on me, now come and kiss me until your body gets weak
*Scott makes a run for the door*
Steph: Scott, quit playing games and lets GET IT ON!!!
*Steph blocks the door and goes to grab Scott but he clotheslines her and runs out of the room*
Michael: It looks like we have a winner
*Steph bursts out of the room looking for Scott but Scott is already long gone*
Steph: Where did my hott sick ass go?
Michael: Steph congratulations. You have won the mission for the mean team and immunity from the Inferno. You are now automatically entered in the final mission
Steph: Wow thats super. Now where is my hunka chunka cheese?
*Steph runs away*
Ryan: I can not believe she is going to be in the final mission with us
Michael: Now go back to the houses and nominate a guy from the other team into the Inferno. This is the last guys Inferno keep in mind
*back at the house in the nice teams room*
Stevie: To play it safe we should send Mikey in
Scott: I agree...he would be the easiest guy to take out
Dave: But I wanna face Brandon because he's a meanie!
Scott: Nobody cares
Dave: Im English
*A truck runs through the wall and plows through Dave*
Kelli: I vote for Mikey
Jackie: I vote for Ryan. Oh my god does he need a slap
Scarlett: I guess I'll just vote for Mikey......because
Zoe: WERE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stevie: You know what you dont even get a vote you possessed freak. Mikey it is
*the girls all angrily stare at stevie*
*mean teams meeting*
Ryan: Lets just vote for Dave. That selfish girlfriend stealing bastard
Mikey: I own Dave
Brandon: Douche wouldn't last a minute down South
Jason: He sucks
Krystal: Dave is a fool
Jai: The sex is awful
*the meeting gets cut off and goes back to the main room*
Michael: Welcome back. Nice team who is going into the final male inferno from the mean team?
Scott: The master of the G's is going in
Mikey: Dude Im going to totally own at this
Michael: And the mean team? Who have you nominated?
Michael: Alright well it looks like Mikey vs Dave tomorrow night. You guys know about lifesavers so have a good night
Mikey: I'm going to own at this Inferno!
*Jackie is talking to Dave when Ryan hits Dave with a honey baked ham*
*the episode ends*