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Other's Archives : KSCWE The Inferno: Episode 14
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 8/29/2005 3:58 AM
Episode Fourteen
Regular Text = Talking out loud
Bold Text= Confessional(nobody else can hear them)
*Steph walks in to Scott's room where Scott is reading "How to escape a slut*
Steph: Scott I have a question?
Scott: The answer is NO!
Steph: But I haven't asked the question yet
Scott: I dont care! NO!
Steph: It's not a yes or no que...
*Scott runs out of the room*
Steph: (to herself) It must be that time of the month
*Steph crawls into Scott's bed and begins to feel around and lick it causing the cameras to rush out of the room*
*The Rocket gets a text message*
The Rocket: I got a text message!
Stevie: What the hell are you doing here?
The Rocket: I'm here to kill the Inferno and take members with me to join the Flame! This challenge is for jobbers, if you wanna join a real challenge come join the Flame!
Stevie: Um no
*Stevie kicks the Rocket out of the house*
*5 minutes later*
The Rocket: PLEASE LET ME JOIN THE INFERNO...ITS SUCH A GREAT CHALLENGE!! I want to join a challenge that doesnt shut down so quickly. I think I could give good advice to you guys. Maybe you could check out I'd also like to thank Stevie for giving me this time to speak, and........
*Mikey drops an anvil on the Rocket, killing him*
*everybody applauds Mikey on a job well done*
*Steph gets the real text message while she is enjoying herself in Scott's bed but fails to read it so this is what it looks like...*
"Meet me on top of the hill in a few hours -Michael"
*the teams meet at the hill in 2 hours*
Michael: Hello and welcome to your fourteenth challenge, "Blowing Chunks"
*several of the castmembers get sickened looks on their faces*
Michael: We've noticed many of you guys puke....a lot. So we thought it would be fun to a challenge where you're eliminated if you puke
Jason: Fuck
Michael: We are going to make you take part in random activities in which you can not puke...or go to the bathroom. And you may not go now. The last person on each time standing wins a Lifesaver. And this is all starting now
*everybody stares at each other*
Ryan: So what do we do?
Michael: Dont puke or go to the bathroom
Brandon: Thats it?
Michael: There is going to be activities too, like your first one
*Michael takes the cover off of something*
Zoe: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*It is 28 bottles of water*
Michael: You each have 10 minutes to drink 2 bottles of water
*everybody drinks the water except Krystal*
Krystal: I would rather drink blood!
*Krystal waits until 9 minutes and 50 seconds then majically causes the water to be drank*
Ryan: Every time she does that...*sighs*
Michael: Thats not all. We are now going to do aerobics!
Scarlett: But we just drank
Michael: That would be the point! Now everybody get into your aerobics clothes!
*everybody changes into aerobics clothes as Steph strips down to her birthday suit*
Michael: And 5, 6, 7, 8!
*the cast begins to do random aerobics*
Michael: Shoulder Up! And jump!
*Steph jumps on Scott*
*Scott sticks his hand down his throat and purposely makes himself puke*
Michael: Scott you're out!
Scott: Thank god!
*Scott runs away*
Michael: Okay the aerobics are over. Remember not to puke or go to the bathroom
*everybody sits down*
Steph: I like to bang things
Jai: We've heard
Steph: I like to bang many different things
Jai: Super
Steph: I especially like to bang Scott
Jai: Oh my god! PROTECTED SEX!!
*Steph pukes uncontrollably*
Steph: Thats so gross!
Michael: Steph you're done
Steph: Jai, that was so gross!
*Steph continues to puke*
Jai: I thought that would work
*Ryan sits next to Jackie and begins to bite gentily at her neck*
*Jackie makes herself puke*
*Jackie runs away from her own puke*
Michael: 11 left
*awhile passes and Jai rushes to the bathroom and pees*
Jai: I had to take care of some business....before the challenge I robbed seven eleven and had 47 slurpees 
Michael: Time for the next activity. This may be a little gross but we are going to try to make you puke
Scarlett: I cant wait!! no
Michael: Exhibit A
*the girl from the ring walks by as zoe pees her pants*
Michael: Zoe youre out. Now for Exhibit B
*A video projection comes down and it showes Niagra Falls*
*Ryan pees*
Ryan: Oops

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 8/29/2005 3:58 AM
Michael: Well if those too didnt work out, then you'll all love this one. Lets check out Exhibit C
*Steph walks out naked and begins to shave her pubic hair with a leaf blower*
*Jason, Brandon, Stevie, & Scarlett puke*
Michael: I thought that may get rid of some of you
Stevie: I did not need that
*Jason continues to be sick*
Kelli: I dont know how I held it in but somehow I did
Michael: Alright you guys have all earned some chocolate milk
*Krystal, Kelli, Mikey, & Dave all drink the chocolate milk*
Mikey: I owned that chocolate milk!
Michael: Thats good because we helped make it with chocolate laxatives!
*everybody stares at Michael*
*a few minutes pass....*
Mikey: BATHROOM!!!!
*Mikey rushes to the bathroom and shuts the door*
*2 hours pass*
Michael: Well I think its safe to say Mikey has been eliminated
*Dave farts*
Kelli: Um ew.
Dave: Im sorry!
*Dave continues to pass gas*
*everybody is staring at Dave so he starts to sweat*
*all of the sudden it is silent and something happens*
Dave: Ummmmmmm....I have to go
*Dave rushes into the bathroom*
*Kelli pukes*
Michael: You know what that means Krystal! The mean team has one again
Krystal: May I throw up just for the pleasure?
Michael: Um....
*Krystal sadistically smiles and then begins to puke*
Jai: What a psycho!
Michael: Okay teams meet me at the Inferno tonight
*the teams arrive at the Inferno*
Jackie: Tonight's Inferno is scary. I dont want my BFF Dave to go home!
Michael: Welcome to the final mens Inferno. EVERYBODY GIVE IT UP!!!!
*nobody claps*
Michael: Jerks. Anyways welcome to the final mens Inferno. It's time to introduce the competitiors. First from the nice team. He's Scottish and he's a janitor at the hospital, everybody give it up for Dave!
*Jackie, Zoe and Scarlett cheer*
*Dave comes out very upset*
Dave: Hey, Im English and i'm a nurse!! You got it all wrong
Michael: Who cares. Anyways. Next up we have a guy who claims to suck everyone. Give it up for Mikey!
*Mikey comes out furious*
Mikey: Dude, I dont suck everyone! I own them
Michael: How nice for you. Anyways because the guys here obviously suck and they let two of the girls win Lifesavers I guess it means it's Dave vs Mikey. Tonights Inferno is whoever can give me the most money out of their pocket
*Mikey and Dave stare at each other than at Michael*
Mikey: Um..
*Mikey gives Michael all his money*
Dave: Im English
*Dave gives Michael all his money*
Michael: Okay Im not gonna lie....Im an imposter and I just ripped you off
*Dave and Mikey stare at him and then he runs away. The real Michael then walks in*
Michael: Sorry about that guys, I needed a fill in while I was constipated but now Im all better. Anyways tonights Inferno is called "Uh Oh"
Dave: Yikes!
Michael: It's actually funny because in tonights Inferno it will be whoever can survive a lapdance the longest.....from a man
*Mikey looks sick*
Brandon: This Inferno is rigged. It's like Dave's heaven
*Dave is seen trying not to smile*
Michael: Alright lets meet them now. Mikey this guy is for you
*A 400+ pound asian Sumo wrestler walks out in a diaper*
*Mikey looks even more sickened*
Michael: Okay Dave it's your turn
*Dave anxiously looks at the entrance when Ronald McDonald walks in*
Ronald: Hey there my special friend
*Dave turns pale white*
*Dave runs out the door and into the night but as he is running away with Ronald in pursuit you can hear this...*
Dave: I-M-E-N-G-L-I-S-H-A-N-D-I-M-A-N-U-R-S-E!
*Dave was never seen again*
Michael: Well I guess that means Mikey wins the Inferno without having to talk part in it!
*The Sumo wrestler looks very upset*
Mikey: Haha Tubby I own you!!
*The Sumo Wrestler attacks Mikey*
Michael: Well we didn't get to see an Inferno tonight but somebody did go home so it's all good
*Jackie is seen crying hysterically*
Jackie: Poor Dave! He was so young and so shecksy! I'm going to miss him sooo!!!
*Jackie blows her nose on Ryan's shirt*
Ryan: Although I ended up with snot all over me Im still happy Dave is gone because I could tell he was after my woman
Jackie: WHY LORD? WHY?!
*Jackie is annoying everybody*
*All of the sudden the Backstreet Boys show up and Jackie immediately stops crying*
Jackie: Oh my gaaaaash it's the Backstreet boys!! I want to fuck you all!
Steph: I already have!
Jackie: ............Never Mind
Nick Carter: I have crabs!
Steph: Aww cheer up! So do I, it's not so bad, you'll get used to it. Be positive
Nick Carter: How can I be positive when I contracted over 10 diseases from you??
Nick Carter: You said it would make me look straight! ....which I am
*everybody stares at Nick Carter as he runs away crying*
Steph: Whose next?
*Steph slaps Howie on the ass*
Michael: Okay I've seen enough for one night. Congratulations to Mikey for not winning an Inferno and for being assaulted by a sumo wrestler. Congratulations to Steph for infesting each member of the Backstreet Boys with various diseases. Congratulations to Nick Carter for coming out of the closet on live television. Co...
Jason: Oh shut the fuck up
*Jason picks up a spear and throws it at Michael*
*Later back at the house*
*Zoe is seen talking to a lifesize cardboard replica of Tara*
Zoe: Tara, It's so hard being here without you! I miss you! And I've become possessed!
*The cardboard Tara stares at Zoe*
Zoe: Ever since those two oversized men grabbed me I've been afraid of every little thing. *whispering* Today I thought I saw a zombie
*The cardboard Tara stares at Zoe*
*Zoe's cell phone begins to vibrate and she thinks she is being possesed by the devil so she shrieks fearfully and runs out of the room*
*The cardboard Tara quickly jumps out the window so it doesn't have to listen to Zoe complain anymore*
*Zoe runs down the hall and crashes into Scarlett who is holding a ton of dishes and all the dishes fall to the ground and break*
Scarlett: Calm down there
*Zoe is spazzing out on the ground as Scarlett grabs her cell phone and sees Michael sending them a message to meet in the main room*
*Scarlett carries Zoe to the other room where everybody else is already there*
Michael: Hello everybody. It's the real me this time. I just wanted to inform you of something happening in the game. Due to the fact that somebody almost dies on every episode of this show......
*Zie comes out of the wall with a marchetti attempting to kill Stevie but trips over Ryan and ends up stabbing the door and stumbling down the stairs and into a large pile of tacks*
Michael: .........we have decided to somewhat shorten the show. Before tomorrow's mission you will nominate a girl from the other team into the Inferno and it will be your last regular mission and a lifesaver mission. So there will be another Inferno tomorrow. And after that Inferno there will be a special suprise. All the guys that are standing here now....congratulations on making it to the final mission
Jason: yey i mad it to tha finel mishon!
Brandon: I wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for my Southern Heritage
*everybody celebrates as Steph grabs Scott's ass*
*the episode ends*