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Other's Archives : KSCWE vs SKCW: Meet The Cast
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 4/8/2008 11:48 PM
*** Before reading the episode, please read this. This is a PARODY. It is meant to be stupid and means nothing in SKCW. Everything said in here is a complete joke and nobody should take offense to any of the material. It is all stupid, well known inside jokes that we have here in SKCW. I am not actually taking a stab at anybody. We all need to laugh at ourselves sometimes, so please just take this for what it is, A JOKE. Most people love these things, and find no problems with it. Also this will be extremely vulgar. The language, actions, and references will be very dirty and distrubing, and thats really the point of this. If you are looking to read a nice story about everybody complimenting each other, then DONT READ THIS. If you can handle laughing at yourself and you can handle some of the crude humor used, then please continue, and please give me your feedback. Thanks***
Scott(Triple H, Scott Hill): I'm Scott and of course I'm on this challenge...this entire fed was my idea. I am very god like. And had the writer of the inferno finished writing my team would have gone on to win in the end. My only fears this challenge is that Steph will try to interfere with my relationship with Kaci, and that Stevie and Kelli will think they're better, which they're not
Ryan(Maven, Ryan Cage): I'm on the KSCWE team because I actually used to accomplish things there, and be viewed as a threat. No but seriously I was the best until that cold hearted bitch Jackie decided to fuck with my heart. Now I'm out to seek vengeance and just maybe try not to be an asshole for more than 5 minutes. But this task could be harder than I think.
Mikey(Mikey G): Just for the record, I OWN AT EVERYTHING. I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. Never has there been anyone better. When I was in KSCWE, I was the best. If I had joined SKCW, I would have been the best. I'm Italian and italians are the best.  I'm going to be the best on this challenge, because I am the master of the G's.
Jason(Christian): I was huge in KSCWE and now Im taking time away from SKCW, but you know what I was huge there too. A lot of people made fun of me because on the Inferno, I struggled with reading and writing but I'll have you know this fall I am entering the 6th grade and I plan to improve my grades greatly by being on this challenge. In my spare time, I listen to Celine Dion, shes my idol.
Brandon(JBL, Brandon Davis): Which one of yew dirty rednecks called me a jackass? I will find yew n I'll git yew boi. Yew cant hide from me. I did awesome on the Inferno n I wont do any worse on this thing. So what if I got me removed from SKCW, I dont need any friends, all I need is mah fists. So what if the gurl of mah dreams dont love me anymore, I dont need her...I dont need none of yews!
KSCWE Females
Kaci(Victoria, Kaci Hill): Ok first of all, shut the fuck up. Second of all, NOBODY better try to approach me or become friends with me because I DONT WANT ANY FRIENDS. Scott's all the friend and booty I need. I am the most powerful woman in the history of either company and the rest will fall to me. If anybody attempts to fuck with me or my game, or Scott's game, they will pay. Trust me.
Zoe(Trish Stratus, Zoe Mason): HELLLOOOOOOOOO. *giggles* I'm like so stoked to like be here on this challenge! Weeeee. Haha. *Blinks* Me and my BFF Tara came onto the Inferno but those meanies decided to SEND HER HOME. *becomes all serious* I am going to get revenge on those who sent Tara home last time. You dont mess with my little sister. In fact, I brought Tara with me, so we could be togehter in spirit! *Zoe reveals a cardboard cutout of Tara* See, I'm FINE!
Steph(Stephanie McMahon): I only came onto this challenge to meet men. You see, sometimes I struggle in that field. I've been told I'm a whore, I come on too strong, ect ect. But it's not true. I was in a committed relationship with John until I found out HE WANTED MORE THAN JUST SEX, so I called it quits at that second. Maybe while I'm here I'll find myself a good penis or two....or three...or more. That's all a girl really needs in life
Jai(Jai 1.0): Before coming on this challenge, I robbed the local 7/11 and now I am well stocked on skittles and pringles. As far as I'm concerned this should get me through the challenge. NO, I dont plan to share my skittles and NO, I dont plan to share my pringles. If you all wanted some, you should have gone and robbed your own 7/11. My name is in the paper you know, theyre looking for, THEYRE ALL LOOKING FOR ME. *Jai throws skittles at the camera and vanishes*
Dave(Rose Thorn, Jamie Gunz): Haha, for some reason, they cast me as one of the girls on the KSCWE side. I have no idea why, it's not like I'm feminine or anything hehe *Dave is seen painting his nails flourescent pink and admiring them in a mirror* But seriously, Im as masculine as they come. I only shop at Victoria's Secret and Express and I get the best prada bags. I also watch Gilmore Girls with my gal pals and we cry whenever she gets her heart broken. I cant wait to compete on this challenge girls!!!
SKCW Males

Stevie(Eric Bischoff, Stevie Hill): Unfortunately the producers though it would be a magnifcent idea if i went on the side with the "less than adequate" people. Whatever, I dont need my other allies because I have Kelli and she's all I need to make it to the end and win. And just so everybody knows, I control all your asses in results and if you do something to me, you'll pay, oh you'll pay. Oh and hi Kelli
John(Raven, Randy Orton): I recently celebrated my 39th birthday and I couldnt be happier about where things are going. Other than the fact that Shay never writes me, things have been going really good....Actually Steph doesnt write me either, and sometimes it makes me stay up late and contemplate things....but I know in my heart that Im a good guy and one day I'll find Mrs. Right. So in the meantime, I'll compete in this challenge to get my mind off of them...oh wait, theyre both here...never mind
Tim(Coach T, Tim Wilkins): I not know why I sign up and do challenge. I not know why I no get respect I deserve. I not know why people no like talk to me. I not know why I made to look like fool on national tv. I not know why people think I not a good wrestler. I know I better than Triple H. I know I not annoying. I know I win challenge and share money with friends!
Matt(Jerome Morris, Jason Morris): FUCK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I signed up to do this fucking challenge because I've been in a bad fucking mood lately and I need to get my fucking mind of some fucking terrible things. People say I have a fucking attitude problem, but they're all fucking clueless. Im a fucking nice guy and I'd fucking kill to protect my family and my dog, Spunky. I fucking love that fucking dog. Now dont fucking cross paths with me and we'll all have a grand fucking time
Nick(Stanley Ryan Tiger): You know what sucks? I know Im the best one in the history of KSCWE and SKCW and I should be World Champion! But Stevie and Scott dont realize my full potential. Im better than them too, so they probably just dont understand how it feels to be this good. I may have been kicked out of SKCW 923 times, but I still feel like I've developed great relationships with everyone there, and I know that we're all going to be best friends forever!!
SKCW Females
Kelli(Kelli Hardy, Marrisa Bischoff): My approach on the last challenge was to just cut everyone's hair off and make them scatter...but I think I've calmed down a bit. Now Stevie and myself are very happy to be back here and we just wanna prove that our team is better than Scott and Kaci. Kaci is a conniving hobag that's all blah blah I helped KSCWE and SKCW soooo much when in actuality it was me that helped out all along. So I may need my trusty scissors after all
Krystal(Stacy Mason, Torrie Wilson): I HAVE RETURNED FROM THE FIERY DEPTHS OF HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHHAHAHAHA YOU WILL ALL SURRENDER TO MY WRATH...I work part time as a librarian, I love working with children and teaching them to read. It was actually I who taught Jason to read not too long ago. I also work part time as a witch, casting spells on people, creating potions, lighting things on fire, ect. I love what I do and I hope one day to be a famous author and/or assassin.
Natalie(Scarlett, Jezebel): I feel like I'm way too normal to be on this challenge. Everybody is so weird, and there's like nothing wrong with me. Even the writer of this thing cant find something to make fun of me for. I want to be weird and funny to read stories about! Why cant I be weird damnit! I'M A STRANGE GIRL, I SHOULD BE PERCIEVED AS STRANGE....I'll show you all my crazy side!
Shay(ShayDawg, Sara Orton): Hello I'm Shay and I'm happily married to a great guy and things are just going fantastic. Well other than the fact that each day John writes me with a new love husband doesn't appreciate that too much. I'm a lot older than some of the people here so that's a bit awkward, but you know I'll just look past that. John, leave me alone, and everything will work out great
Brittany: So I'm no longer with Matt and I'm no longer fucking Brandon or Jared....haven't sucked off Dave in awhile, I got bored with Tim's loving or "Lack there of" and it just isn't the same when I'm with John. I may be out of luck. There's a few guys here on the KSCWE side that haven't felt my wrath/vagina, so I'll have to make sure to give them a taste. Yay boys! If there's any other sluts here, I'll be pissed, because thats MY thing bitches.

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