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Other's Archives : KSCWE vs SKCW: Episode 4
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 4/8/2008 11:52 PM
*** Before reading the episode, please read this. This is a PARODY. It is meant to be stupid and means nothing in SKCW. Everything said in here is a complete joke and nobody should take offense to any of the material. It is all stupid, well known inside jokes that we have here in SKCW. I am not actually taking a stab at anybody. We all need to laugh at ourselves sometimes, so please just take this for what it is, A JOKE. Most people love these things, and find no problems with it. Also this will be extremely vulgar. The language, actions, and references will be very dirty and distrubing, and thats really the point of this. If you are looking to read a nice story about everybody complimenting each other, then DONT READ THIS. If you can handle laughing at yourself and you can handle some of the crude humor used, then please continue, and please give me your feedback. Thanks***
Regular Text = Normal Speaking
Bold Text = Confessional (Nobody else can hear you)
*Stars around something means it is an action or explaining something*
*The theme song plays and the scene opens up with the media whores sitting in the living room playing a rousing game of bingo. They are already far into the game as an annoyed Baby Spice is reading the numbers*
Natalie: I'm doing really good in Bingo...maybe if I win I'll make some friends
*Steph screams out*
Steph: O 69!!!!

Steph: Oh sorry, that wasn't the number, I'm just in the middle of something right now
*Natalie sighs*
Baby Spice: B 4
Baby Spice: If you'd let me finish....Before you call Bingo you must stand up.
Baby: G 39
Baby Spice: Gee, 39 students were arrested for the possession of marijuana. What's up with teenagers
*Natalie growls*
Baby Spice: I 8
Natalie: Bingo? Please
Baby Spice: I ate a steak and I feel bloated
*Natalie slams her head off the table 492 times*
Baby Spice: ...could you keep it down? Oh, N 20
*A "bingo" is heard and everybody turns. The cardboard cut out of Tara is seen grinning and Zoe holds up the cutout's Bingo card*
Baby Spice: And we have a winner!!
*Natalie flips over the table and storms out of the room*
Baby Spice: What a bitch. Anyways congratulations cardboard cut out of Tara, you have won the new spice girls cd entitled "holy shit, we're still coming out with albums, shouldn't we all be dead by now?"'ll be the first to own it!
Natalie *under her breath* : And probably the only
Baby Spice: What was that? Didn't you leave the room?
*Natalie sighs and continues being gone from the room....cuz technically she left awhile ago*
Natalie: Everybody here thinks I'm a boring character and thinks I DONT MATTER...well I'll show them. I've been an alcoholic for a long time, and they're gonna see a different side of Natalie!
*Natalie begins pouding the beers. Production gets bored and shuts off the confessional*
Baby Spice: That was so fun let's play another game. This one is musical chairs
*Ryan and Shay sprint over to the chairs and begin to stare each other down*
*The following is the set up of musical chairs*





Cardboard Tara











































*The music starts and it is Little Richard. Many cover their ears in horror, but have to leave them uncovered so they know when to stop. Gary is seen jamming out to this music in the corner. Natalie is very intoxicated and stumbling and struggles with every corner. The music stops as everybody goes diving for a chair. Ryan clotheslines down 10 people to grab his chair and Shay snags the one next to him as the two musical chairs rivals sit next to each other. John sits next to Shay and begins to stroke her leg and tell her good job. Everybody else snags a chair except Natalie is too drunk to realize to sit down and the cardboard cutout of Tara snags the seat in the clutch*

Natalie is eliminated.

*The music starts again this time Steph and Brittany use their vaginas to their advantage to scare Jason, Brandon, Daveand Mikey away.*

Jason, Brandon, Dave and Mikey are eliminated.

*Once again the music starts and this time ITS ON. The cardboard cut out of Tara gets into a bitch fight with Krystal and the two fight out of the area. Zoe runs after The cardboard Tara. Brittany and Steph get into a fight over who can suck Matt's dick, but Matt fears gonorhhea so he runs off screaming profanities and the two whores quickly follow*

The cardboard cutout of Tara, Krystal, Zoe, Matt, Steph, and Brittany have been eliminated.

Ryan, Shay, John, Tim, Nick, Stevie, Kelli, Scott, Kaci remain.

*Scott accidentally steps on Kelli's shoe as Stevie begins to bitch at him and the two couples begin to get into a fight as Scott and Kaci dress up as Superman and wonder woman and Kelli pulls out her scissors. Stevie writes angry results poking fun at Scott and Kaci. The 4 are restrained by security.*

Scott, Kaci, Stevie, and Kelli are eliminated.

*The music starts and then ends as Shay is left without a chair, but John gets out of his chair and offers it to her. Shay says no and goes to leave when John lunges at her for a hug and Shay dodges and ends up landing in the chair.*

John has been eliminated.

*Ryan is seen degrading Tim and Nick because he can and Shay is seen just concentrating on the chairs. Nick asks Ryan if he wants to be best friends forever and Ryan says yes and asks him to make a card so Nick runs and grabs some crayons as the music stops and he is left without a chair*

Nick has been eliminated.

*The music starts again as Ryan and Shay look at each other and nod as they both pick up Tim and throw him in the dumpster that happens to be lying there. Several former KSCWE/SKCW jackasses are already lying there and Tim had been there until recently. The music stops and Ryan and Shay walk calmly back and sit in each chair*

Tim has been eliminated.

*The entire world is at the edge of their seats waiting to watch this epic showdown. Ryan and Shay stare at each other and each begin to circle the chair. The music seems endless and eventually they begin to play the cotton eyed joe as Ryan and Shay perform the dance while walking around the chair. The music stops when out of nowhere Shantell (Noticeably a hefty black man wearing a wig) runs into the scene and sits in the chair. Ryan and Shay are shocked*


*Shantell goes to get her prize when her wig falls off exposing her bald head. She nervously puts the wig back on and scratches her ass and then gets her prize and runs out. On her way out, she grabs someones booty shorts and quickly leaves*

Zoe: I think she stole something!!!

*Brandon is seen staring in amazement and checking Shantell out*

Brandon: Yeah, my heart

*Many of the castmembers feel nautious after this*

Baby Spice: Well this wasnt even the mission,....and Im not really the host. Ok bye!

*Baby Spice snaps her fingers and the Spicemobile appears as the 5 spice girls drive away but Scary Spice's fro gets in the way of her driving and they drive off a cliff and plumett to their death*

Gary: They will truly be missed...

*Long pause*

Gary: ....No they wont, stupid bitches

*Everybody enjoys a good laugh, except the group wont let Nick into the laugh*

Nick: It's fine, I'll just go call my GIRLFRIEND!

*The laughing stops and everybody turns to Nick*

Nick: It's sending right now!

*Nick is seen with a huge smile waiting for his "girlfriend" to answer the phone*

(Note: Nick doesn't realize he pressed speaker phone and everybody can hear the conversation)

Nick: Hey babe

Girl: Babe?....i'm your little sister...creep

Nick: I know I miss you so much too

Girl: I dont miss you, at all. Nobody does. We all hope you're gone forever

Nick: I love it when you talk dirty to me. You little bitch

Girl: I'm telling mom you said the B word

Nick: NO DONT!! Sometimes I forget how old you are

Girl: I'm 9, Nick, I'm 9 years old

Nick: Baby, i'm sure you know how old I am in bed

Girl: You're 28...

Nick: Girl, I love the sound of your voice

Girl: Mom wants to know when you're gonna get a job and move out

Nick: I cant wait to sleep with you either

Girl: You sleep with your stuffed tiger "Debra Lynn" and even she doesnt like you

Nick: Im getting hard just thinking about it

Girl: Ewwww Nick go get a life and stop pretending I'm your girlfriend. You always do this when you want people to think you're cool. Well guess what everyone IM HIS 9 YEAR OLD SISTER...and in case you're wondering, he stands in front of the mirror every night and takes pictures of himself naked and tries to send them to different girls...and some guys...over the internet

Nick: I'm glad we talked, I love you soooooo much

Girl: I hate you.

*Nick hangs up*

Nick: I'm totally getting laid this weekend

*Everybody just rolls their eyes and doesnt even seem suprised by the conversation*

Gary: If nobody minds, musical chairs wasn't the mission, and I'd like to have one...SO LETS FUCKING HAVE ONE

*Gary knows that he is about to be attakced and turns around and karate chops. Sure enough Matt was set to pounce on him but Gary just nailed him*

Gary: I fucking knew it

*Gary begins to boast as Matt then kicks Gary in the testicles*


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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 4/8/2008 11:52 PM
Gary: Now that I have recovered my balls we can begin. The mission is called "Mini golf." The purpose of this mission is I am going to give you a quote and you all have to vote who said it. You cant get it wrong or you're OUT...bwhahaha bitches
*Nobody seems remotely phased*
Gary: The first quote. When asked "What is your favorite sex position", who responded "Smallville Style"...write down your answers
*Half write Scott, half write Kaci*
Gary: Everybody's still alive, next question. When asked "What is your favorite thing to do" who responded "I love to sit down and read a good book...while sipping lemonade. Oh boy, do I love lemonade! I also love books about children doing heroic things. I wish my life was a story!" Who said it?
*Everybody stares at each other strangely because they have no idea who would have said that. So they all write Natalie, except Krystal writes herself*
Gary: Umm...everybody got it wrong, except Krystal. And we cant just end the mission right here, we have viewers to please! So you're all still in. The answer was Krystal by the way.
*Everybody turns awkwardly to Krystal who is picking dead skin off her elbow. She looks at everyone then smiles sadistically as the sky goes gray and lightning strikes Krystal but she continues to laugh*
Gary: Creepy...anyways...When asked "Who is the most attractive guy in the house, who responded Nick?" ANSWERS, NOW
*Everybody sighs and writes Nick, Nick writes "every girl in the house"*
Gary: Sorry Nick, you've been eliminated. The correct answer was Nick, suprise suprise. Anyways moving on.
Nick: I'll just go have phone sex with my girlfriend!!
Gary: You know kid, phone incest is never a good thing. Now next question. When asked "What is your favorite color, who responded "Anything Shay wears"
*Everybody writes John*
Gary: Stop getting all these questions right! Aaaaaah. When asked "What is your favorite television show", who responded "Oh my god! I totally dig Grey's Anatomy because there's alot of nurses...very disappointed they are not English however. But I love any show that me and the girls can have a good cry to. I also love Sister Sister, because it reminds me of me in so many ways.
*Everybody once again sighs and writes Dave. Dave writes Brandon*
Gary: Sorry Dave, you're eliminated. You answered the question, you figure you'd get it right
Brandon: Do yall think I'm gay?! Cuz IT AINT TRUE!!!
*Brandon runs out of the room crying*
Gary: Guess he's eliminated too. Anyways When asked "Who do you want to bang", who responded "Gary Coleman"?
*Everybody refuses to write down an answer, except Steph who writes her own name*
Gary: Ugh. Unfortunately nobody said that so Steph you're eliminated. But I appreicate the vote
Steph: No problem, do you wanna have sex?
Gary: No. I enjoy living thank you. Next question "When asked "Who wrote the Declaration of Independance", "who responded "I not Coach T."
*Everybody writes Tim. Tim writes Kaci"
Gary: Sorry Tim you're eliminated
*Tim waves at Kaci as Scott throws a spatula at him.*
Tim: I not win lifeshield. I go to unfortunate conclusion. I upset.
Gary: When asked "Do you feel lucky punk, well, do ya?" who responded "yes."
*Everybody stares at each other confused. They all write different names*
Gary: The correct answer was Nick. Mikey, Jason, Zoe, and Ryan are eliminated. They all wrote terrible answers that we wont go over. Next question When asked "What is the weather like today" who responded "Im really boring"?
*Everybody writes Natalie, Natalie writes nothing*
Gary: I know, production edited your you're eliminated
Natalie: I'm gonna resort to alcohol!
Gary: You do that. Don't tell me how it works out, cuz I dont care. Next. When asked "What is the most important part of your religion/faith who replied "Fuck."
*Everybody writes Matt, Matt writes Faith Hill*
Gary: Matt's eliminated. Next question is When Asked "Hi, how are you?", who responded "Whats that supposed to mean?! Does somebody want a haircut? Cuz I can arrange that."
*Everybody writes Kelli*
Gary: Damnit, you're all still in the game. The next question is When asked "What is your favorite activity?" who replied "Penis."
*Everybody writes Brittany, Brittany writes Steph*
Brittany: Steph is such a ho
Gary: Sorry Brittany, you're eliminated!
Brittany: WHAT?! This is an outrage! I'm gonna resort to sex to cope with my depression
Gary: Whatever helps you sleep at night, you cow
*Brittany is seen in pursuit of some lovin' , but obviously can't find anyone willing
Gary: When asked "Who is the best couple in the history of ever who responded "Scott and Kaci"
*Everybody writes Scott or Kaci*
Gary: Actually you're all wrong. Scott and Kaci wrote "Clark Kent and Lana Lang"
*Scott and Kaci wink at each other and then shoutout random Smallville facts*
Gary: When asked "How hott is Gary Coleman", who responded "Damn, break me off a piece of that"
Everybody: Shut the fuck up Gary
Gary: OK ASSHOLES MOVING ON. When asked "What do you love the most" who responded "My husband"?
*Everybody writes Shay, John writes himself*
Gary: Sorry John you're eliminated
Gary: I dont know, maybe you answered the question wrong. Get the hell out!
*Gary removes John and continues*
Gary: When asked "Who is the biggest bitch in the house, who responded Cardboard Tara"
*Everybody writes cardboard Tara, Zoe writes Kaci, cardboard Tara writes nothing*
Gary: Zoe and cardboard Tara you've been eliminated
*Zoe gets pissed. Cardboard Tara frowns and crosses her arms as the two angrily leave the room*
Gary: If we could speed this up, that would be terrific. The only players left remaining are Scott, Kaci, Stevie, and Kelli
Shay: What about me?
Gary: I had to randomly choose to eliminate one of you
Shay: And you choose me???
Kelli: Well it's certainly not going to be one of us!
*The four co-owners of SKCW share a laugh then the two couples realize they dislike each other and give dirty looks*
Gary: Next question. When Asked "Who is the best candidate for a replacement manager", who responded "Nick"
*Everybody writes nobody*
Gary: Ooh...I'm sorry you all got it wrong. Nick wrote himself. You should have all known. Well I have to eliminate you all but I need to give a "get out of jail for free" so I'll give it to Scott and Stevie!
Scott: I'll give mine to Kaci
Stevie: Oh yeah! Well I'll give mine to Kelli!
*Evil stares once again*
Gary: Whatever! Lets have the Unfortunate Conclusion RIGHT NOW. Kelli do you want to save Tim?
Kelli: Um no? What kind of question is that?
Gary: Apparently a terrible one. Now Kaci do you wanna save cardboard Tara
Kaci: Tara can back her shit up! Wait...can she even shit?
Scott: Good question babe I've wondered that myself
Kaci: It's just that she can change appearances and still be cardboard...and she can compete in missions? So can she shit?
Scott: I'd imagine she can because you cant compete in missions if you cant shit
Kaci: Is it cardboard shit though? Or is it real shit?
Scott: Hmm...I'd have to go with cardboard shit. Even when she changes facial expressions, they're still "cardboard facial expressions"
Kaci: When do you think she'll shave her "cardboard legs" ..because they're getting prettttttty hairy
Scott: Good point. If she can grow leg hair, she can probably shit
Kaci: UNLESS!....she had the leghair before
Scott: I dont think she did though
Scott: No, I do not check out cardboard
*This conversation continues on for a good half an hour. Finally Scott and Kaci kiss and make up and then run off for this afternoon's airing of Smallville*
Gary: Wow, way to waste airtime.
*Natalie walks in on the picture and the producers fear the audience will grow bored so they stop airing the show*