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Other's Archives : KSCWE vs SKCW: Episode 5
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 4/8/2008 11:53 PM
*** Before reading the episode, please read this. This is a PARODY. It is meant to be stupid and means nothing in SKCW. Everything said in here is a complete joke and nobody should take offense to any of the material. It is all stupid, well known inside jokes that we have here in SKCW. I am not actually taking a stab at anybody. We all need to laugh at ourselves sometimes, so please just take this for what it is, A JOKE. Most people love these things, and find no problems with it. Also this will be extremely vulgar. The language, actions, and references will be very dirty and distrubing, and thats really the point of this. If you are looking to read a nice story about everybody complimenting each other, then DONT READ THIS. If you can handle laughing at yourself and you can handle some of the crude humor used, then please continue, and please give me your feedback. Thanks***
Regular Text = Normal Speaking
Bold Text = Confessional (Nobody else can hear you)
*Stars around something means it is an action or explaining something*
*Steph, Matt, and the cardboard Tara are seen playing. Cardboard Tara has her game face on*
*The board reads; Aus_in Powe_s*
Pat Sajak: Steph, your turn
*Steph spins the wheel and it stops on 69 dollars*
Steph: I'd like to solve the puzzle, sexy
Pat Sajak: Then solve it, you irresponsible stripper
Steph: I want to bone you later this evening
Pat Sajak: Im sorry thats not even close
Steph: Oh I wasn't solving the puzzle...i REALLY want to bang you this evening
*Pat Sajak has a creepy smile and then realizes who just said this and begins to sweat nervously*
Pat: Uh...thats incorrect. Matt, youre up
Matt: Fuck?
Pat: Spin the damn wheel
Matt: Impact?
*Matt spins the wheel and lands on bankrupt*
Matt: FUCK!
Pat: Would you like to take a stab at it?
Pat: No thats wrong
Pat: Get the hell out of here
*Vanna White kicks Matt in the testicles and delivers a fierce Neckbreaker to him*
Pat: Thank you. Anyways cardboard Tara, you're up
*Tara is motionless as strangely the wheel spins itself and lands on jackpot *
Pat: Weird?? Anyways would you like to solve the puzzle?
*Cardboard Tara says nothing as the camera goes to an annoyed Pat Sajak. All of the sudden a Woman's voice calls out "Austin Powers." The camera quickly pans back to Tara as she has a relieved smile on her face*
Pat: Well...I guess...thats right
*Before Pat can say anything else, an already nude Steph pounces on Pat and the two of them engage in what we will call "love making" for Tim's sake*
*All of the sudden we are in the living room of our lovely house. Natalie is seen sitting on the couch with a zoned out look on her face and holding a toddler in one arm and in the other she has a bottle of gin. She realizes that its too heavy to carry both so she tosses the child away and begins to rock the bottle of gin and kiss it on the forehead.*
Kaci: What a drunken must be a trend of the English
*Camera goes to Dave who is giving a "ghetto black girl stare down" look*
Dave: Bitch please, we English are a sober people
*Natalie can be heard singing "I cant regret what I did for love" to the bottle of alcohol*
Dave: Well us MEN are cool
*Everybody laughs at Dave's refrence to calling himself a man, then continues on with their daily lives*
*Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes down through the center of the house and the floor breaks and tons of things fall into a large black hole, never to be seen again. Everybody assumes this is Krystal's doing, but she can be seen in the corner reading "Go Dog Go" and appears to be very interested. Gary Coleman emerges from the black hole dressed as Darth Vader*
Gary: Luke....I am your father
*Crickets Chirp*
Gary: BITCHES the ratings are in and I have character summaries. It seems some characters are BORING THE SHIT out of the viewers. So we decide to replace you ugly ass hoes, to make room for some foxy mamacitas. First off Tim, you lost the Unfortunate Conclusion so get the hell out
Tim: We not do Unfortunate Conclusion yet
Gary: Oh well, you suck, LEAVE NOW
*Gary shoves Tim into the endless hole*
Gary: Next state of business...Mikey
Mikey: Dude?
Gary: You suck as an entertainer...and you also suck as a boyfriend...*everybody gasps* ....erm....friend
Mikey: Duuuuuude
Gary: So get the hell off my show!
*Gary pushes Mikey into the endless hole*
Gary: We have replaced Mikey with a beautiful woman and I'm sure she will bring the ratings she is
"I'm Every Woman by Whitney Houston plays and the lights dim as a runway appears. Shantell emerges from the runway but forgets to put on her wig, so her bald head is visible. She quickly puts on the wig and scratches her underarm then bats her eyelashes at Brandon. Brandon creams his pants*
Brandon: I think I'm in love
*Gary is seen rustling through notes*
Gary: Well the desciption said she was beautiful....oh well she'll have to do, we don't have anyone else
*Everybody cringes as Brandon begins to write a poem about Shantell's beauty*
*****For those of you are wondering what Shantell looks like*****
photo of  Terry Crews 
*****Picture Terry Crews in a Wig*****
Gary: We also have a special suprise....Steven....come on down!
Stevie: Dont ever call me Steven again, or I'll kick your ass
Gary: Aww, does somebody have their period...
*Stevie punches Gary in the face and he starts crying like a little bitch*
Gary: Ok remind me to never touch you again. Anyways heres the suprise!!
*Kat comes walking out angrily*
Kat: WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE *points to Kelli*
Stevie: Competing on a challenge....what are you doing here?
Kat: Well I found out my little baby is on this challenge and I thought "HEY, I'm cool, I should be a challenge"
Stevie: Yes you should...I agree 100%
Gary: Luckily I made it happen...we didnt replace anyone, but hey Kat's hott, she'll bring up ratings
*Stevie once again punches Gary in the face*
Gary: I get real tired of the abuse I suffer from you assholes here
Gary: So Kat goes to SKCW and Shantell goes to KSCWE....wooo!
*Nobody woos*
Kaci: Oh great, Kat's here...just what I need. Now I have to do the whole "Nice Kaci" act to get ahead in this game. This should be great
Kaci: Oh my god Kat, I'm so excited you're too Shantell...we can all gossip together
Shantell: *really deep voice* Yeah, we can talk about which boys are the cutest
Brandon: I really hope Shantell says my name!!
*Shantell scratches her balls and adjusts her panties*
Kaci: Shantell, you're really pretty
Kaci: Who am I kidding, you look like Sasquatch
Shantell: Thanks bitch
*Shantell slaps Kaci on the ass very hard and begins chewing tobacco*
Scott: Excuse me?
Shantell: What, we're just two...chicks...fooling around
Scott: Um...
Shantell: Get me a beer, will ya?
Scott: No
Shantell: Thanks
Gary: Now if you bitches are done talking, I've got something to say. Halloween is in a week, thats why I'm in this Darth Vader Costume. So we're going to have a Halloween type mission. Everybody better dress up in a costume. Once you're all in costume you will play dodgeball...with pumpkins, cuz I'm friggin festive like be ready in 28 minutes or ELSE
*Gary then takes out a lightsaber and swings at the cast, but they all dodge and he loses his balance and falls into the endless black hole*
Stevie: Anybody else hope he stays down there for good?
*Everybody raises their hands*
*Scott comes out of nowhere and bitch slaps Stevie*
*Kaci then bitch slaps Scott*
Kaci: Sorry that wasn't nice
*Kat bitch slaps Kaci*
Kaci: EXCUSE ME??!
*Kaci grabs Kat by the throat and begins to choke her*
Kaci: Wait...come on....NICE KACI....
*Kaci lets Kat go and smiles*
Kaci: What a funny joke...
*Kelli bitch slaps Kat*
*Nick comes out of nowhere and bitch slaps Kelli*
Nick: Haha, I joined the joke!
*The entire cast takes turns bitch slapping Nick*
*Matt then bitch slaps Brittany*
*Brittany slaps Brandon's dick*
*Brandon SUCKS Shantell's dick*
*Shantell bitch slaps Krystal*
*Krystal bitch slaps Zoe, becuase she cant think of who to do it to*
*Zoe bitch slaps Ryan*
*Ryan bitch slaps Jason*
*Jason bitch slaps Natalie*
*Natalie bitch slaps the bottle of gin and it shatters and glass gets caught in her finger*
Natalie: over
*Kaci runs into the scene*
*Kaci runs away as the thread is posted so Scott cant delete it*

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 4/8/2008 11:53 PM
*Gary is seen with a pick axe climbing out of the hole*
Gary: I MADE lets see your costumes*
*Matt walks out dressed as JD Drew*
Matt: Red Sox, Fuck, Impact?
*Krystal walks out dressed as a witch (The kind with the hat and broom)*
Gary: I guess I can consider that a costume
*Nick comes out dressed as Hugh Hefner*
Gary: Well Halloween is about Imagination...
*Nick giggles and then tries to mack on Krystal, who hits him with her broom*
*Shantell walks out dressed as a man(which basically means she took the wig off)*
Shantell: I'm a man
Gary: Yeah, its kinda freaky how much you look like one...
Shantell: If they only knew... *winks at crotch*
*Brandon walks out dressed as Christina Aguliera*
Brandon: She inspires me! And that should be enough!
*Natalie walks out dressed as herself*
Gary: Bitch, I told you to wear a costume
Natalie: I'm not myself, I came sober!
Gary: Wow you are different...that'll do just fine
*Ryan walks out dressed as Kelly Kelly*
Ryan: If I cant look at her, I might as well look like her
*Ryan recieves multiple dirty looks*
*Shay walks out dressed in her wedding dress*
Shay: I just wanted to dress as a bride...since I am a great guy
*Sure enough, John walks out dressed as a groom*
Shay: I cant take this shit...
*Jason walks out dressed as Ghandi...and nobody (including me) knows why*
*Dave walks out dressed as a nurse*
Dave: It feels good to be back
*Zoe walks out dressed as Tara*
Zoe: Imma win this for you, girl!
*Brittany walks out dressed as a vixen*
Brittany: Hehe, I look silly
*Steph walks out dressed as Mother Theresa*
Steph: I'm told we have a lot in common
*As a reader, you can imagine the strange looks given to that comment*
*Kat, fittingly, walks out dressed as a Cat*
Kaci: Oh my god you look so adorable
Kaci: Actually you look like a whore
Kaci: I wish I had your costume
Kaci: I'm so good at this nice thing *snickers evily*
*Stevie walks out dressed as a Jason Vorhees*
Kat: Baby you look so hott
Stevie: You're hotter
*Kelli rolls her eyes and walks out dressed as a Hairdresser*
Kelli: Dont mess, dont mess
*Kaci walks out dressed as Lois Lane and Scott walks out dressed as Superman*
Gary: Suprise Suprise
*Scott turns angrily to Gary*
Gary: Sorry.
*Alyssa walks out dressed as an angel*
Kat: Where the hell did you come from?
*Everybody looks around and Kaci is nowhere to be found*
*Alyssa giggles awkwardly and then runs away*
*Kaci returns in 5 minutes in her Lois Lane costume, but strangely has angel wings on. She quickly disposes of them in the official KSCWE/SKCW dumpster and smilies widely*
Kaci: I not Alyssa
Gary: Shit gets weirder and weirder around here every day...
******I decided to write this like a match, cuz I mean, we are a wrestling fed*****
Dodgeball: Elimination Rules: Superman, Ghandi, Christina Aguliera, KellyKelly, Lois Lane, Tara, A Nurse, & Mother Theresa vs Jason Vorhees, A Groom, JD Drew, Hugh Hefner, A Cat, A Barber, A Witch, A Vixen, A Bride, & Natalie
Everybody all laughs at each others costumes, because lets be honest, they all look pretty rediculous. The pumpkins are distributed as everybody starts going crazy. Christina Aguliera whips a pumpkin right at Natalie and she goes down. Natalie is eliminated. As Natalie is walking off, she grabs a bottle of booze and screams that being sober for too long gives her a headache. Hugh Hefner chucks a slipper at Superman, only to have Superman chuck a Pumpkin back and hit him square in the face. Nick is eliminated. Mother Teresa is quite aggravated and she throws a pumpkin that just misses the Vixen. The Vixen cracks her whip and throws one back but Mother Theresa catches it and then smashes it on the ground. Brittany is eliminated. Jason Vorhees looks angry (shocking, i know) and starts throwing pumkins left and right but continues missing. Finally Jason Vorhees manages to hit Ghandi, who was meditading in a corner. Jason is eliminated. The witch is seen flying around on her broom, dodging pumpkins. Finally though, KellyKelly manages to peg her down. KellyKelly however is having a rough time walking in heels and gets pegged back by the Bride. Krystal and Ryan are eliminated. Mother Teresa winds up and pegs one at the bride, but the Groom jumps in the way and takes the hit and the elimination. The bride sighs. John is eliminated. Lois Lane seems to be after the Cat as Jason Vorhees isn't too happy with this. The Hairdresser is also aggravated with the Cat even though they are on the same team so when a pumpkin is thrown at the Hairdresser, she shoves the Cat in the way and the Cat gets hit. Kat is eliminated. Jason Vorhees and the Hairdresser exchange hateful words as Christina Aguliera winds up and takes out the hairdresser. Kelli is eliminated. Jason Vorhees mocks the Hairdresser and Christina Aguliera throws another one but Jason Vorhees catches it shockingly. Brandon is eliminated. The Bride and Tara seem to be exchanging words as they both throw pumpkins at each other and they both get eliminated. Shay and Zoe are eliminated. The nurse is lurking in the corner and wants to take out JD Drew, but JD Drew snags it in his glove and the nurse walks solemnly away. Dave is eliminated. Mother Teresa searches for a pumpkin, but cant find one as Jason Vorhees pegs her in the breast. Steph is eliminated. It is down to the final two on each team as Superman and Lois Lane stare down Jason Vorhees and JD Drew. Lois Lane makes her move and takes out JD Drew. JD Drew lets out a loud 'FUCK' as he leaves. Matt is eliminated. Jason Vorhees is now up against Superman and Lois Lane and they both grab a pumpkin as he prepares for their shots. Superman whips one but Jason Vorhees uses his knife to stop the shot, but is too late to stop the shot thrown by Lois Lane and it hits him on the side as he is eliminated. Jason Vorhees is eliminated.
Winners: Superman and Lois Lane (Dodgeball)
Lillian Garcia: Your winners and new Dodgeball Champions....Superman and Lois Lane aka KSCWE
*Scott and Kaci embrace and celebrate their win as Stevie and Kat look pissed*
Zoe: I knew Steph was great at grasping balls...i just never thought it would actually be of use to us
Kaci: I think we should nominate the weakest player to be fair
Kaci: Fair? Are you kidding? I dont care if we're fair...I just dont wanna seem like a I seem like a bitch?
Kaci: I love everyone here! We're going to nominate Kelli, because we decided as a team
Kaci: Fuck the team, I just dont like the bitch, so I'm gonna try to send her home
Scott: Uhh...Kaci...we never agreed on that
Kaci: Just go along with it!
Scott: K
Brittany: We're going to nominate Jason because that asshole didn't want to have sex with me and I have no idea why
Jason: I'm sure they're all quite aware
Stevie: I'm sorry, did we agree on sending him in?
Brittany: Yes
Stevie: I never got to vote
Brittany: Well it's done now. So you can either have sleep with me or stop talking
Kat: You'll shut the hell up if you know whats good for you
Brittany: Wow, ok, bitch...
Kat: Damn sluts tryna steal my man!
*Alyssa walks into the area*
Alyssa: Hey guys, its almost time for Smallville!
*Alyssa gets ready for Smallville as everybody else watches too...although Kaci seems to be missing from the group. The camera zooms in on Alyssa as she winks and the show goes off the air*