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PPV : Armageddon 12/14/03
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 11/22/2006 7:05 AM

Results 12/14/03 Live From Los Angelos, California

Promo's for the PPV are shown

Pyro Then Explodes!!

Coach: Welcome to SCWE/nWo Armageddon!!!

Al Snow: What a Great Night of Pay Per View Action we got for you tonight

Coach: Let's Not waste anymore time and lets get this baby on the road

Lillian: The Opening Contest of Armageddon is Scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE European Championship(Crowd Cheers)(Millenium Countdown then explodes into King of my World,Crowd Boo's) 1st Making his way to the ring, From Winnepeg Manatoba, Canada weighing in at 230 Pounds, The self proclaimed "King of Bling Bling" Chris Jericho!!!

Coach: Y2J seems ready for his chance at becoming The European Champion

Al Snow: If Jericho wins here, he can rightfully say he is the king of Europe

Lillian:(Hello Ladies hits,Crowd is mixed) His opponent, He is From Las Vegas, Nevada and is weighing in at 245 Pounds, He is the Defending European Champion, Val Venis!!!

Al Snow: Val Venis may have the advantage and that is in the form of his new found "Friend" Rico

Coach: I don't see Rico out here but I am sure Rico is watching in the back

European Championship: Val Venis(C) vs Chris Jericho
Match starts out with Val and Chris looking at each other as Ref raises the title over his head and calls for the bell. Val and Chris circle around the ring and finaly lock up. They both struggle as Val grabs Chris by the neck and pulls him around for a neck hold. Chris quickly back fires with a back elbow knocking Val away from him. Chris comes around and whips Val to the turnbuckle. Chris comes running up at him but Val moves and throws Chris threw the turnbuckle hitting his shoulder on the steel post. Val comes under and rolls him up for a pin. 1..................2. and Chris kicks out. Val kicks down at Chris. Val then grabs Chris by the hair and brings him to his feet and chops him across the as he whips him to the ropes and Chris runs back with a boot to the face. Val covers him with the hook of the leg. 1........... and Chris kicks out. Val gets tohis feet first taunting his stuff to a few ladies in the crowd as Chris slowly gets to his feet. Val turns and goes for a clothesline to Chris but Chris ducks and kicks Val in the back and Val falls out of the ring hitting the ring floor. Chris climbs out of the ring onto the apron. He messsures up from the distance and is looking to do a lionsault outside of the ring. Chris flips and Val moves and Chris lands on his feet. Val gets up and punches Chris as Chris punches back. The two share punches as Val whips Chris as Chris counters and Val goes flying into the steel steps. Ref now at 5 of ring count out. Chris rolls into the ring and then out. Chris grabs Val by the neck and rolls him into the ring. Chris climbs in and looks to pin as Rico comes running down the ramp way. 1................. Rico hits the ring 2. and Rico kicks Chris in the face. He grabs Chris and grabs his arm and brings his arm underneath him and nails a back heel kick to Chris's face. Ref grabs Rico and tells him to get out. Val takes the advantage and covers Chris for a one count as Chris quickly kicks out but holds his jaw from the heel kick. Val grabing the ropes for support up. Chris and Val come to each other and lock hands and both struggle as Chris grabs Val and nails a suplex. Chris then grabs Val by the legs and starts to turn Val around locking in the submission hold of the Walls of Jericho. Ref now down on his knees asking Val over and over if he gives up. Rico at ringside slaping the apron over and over for Val to get to the ropes. Val struggling to the ropes while Chris yells for him to tap. Val then manages not to get to the ropes but to twist around spining Jericho out of his way. Val gets to hsi feet as Chris comes at him with a runnign clothesline but misses as Val ducks under and Val grabs him for a russian leg sweep and hits it. Chris struggles up and Val goes for a boot to the face but Chris moves the ref in the way. Ref is hit and down. Rico takes the advantage and comes in. Rico grabs Chris and whips him to the ropes and then hits a german suplex. Val and Rico then get together and pick up Chris and nail a flap jack. Chris is out. Val covers him but the ref is out. Rico grabs the ref waking him up. He begins to count. 1...............2................. 2.5 and Chris kicks out. Val begins to climb the nearest turnbuckle as Rico attacks on Chris. Rico goes for a spinning heel kick almost nailing it but Chris counters and nails a backbreaker. Val setting up for the money shot. Rico who has no idea what's going on now then goes to clim the ropes for support as Val is about to leap for the money shot on Chris but Rico holding the ropes shakes Val and Val falls face first to the mat. Rico crawls out of the ring thinking Val had hit the shot. Chris then smiles turns Val over and runs to the ropes and nails the Lionsault and covers. 1................2............... Rico now sees what's going on and trys climbing in. 3!!!! Chris unpins Val takes the title and runs out of the ring with Rico running in. Ref climbs out and holds Chris's hand above there heads as Chris Jericho celebrates his victory with his new title.
Winner: Chris Jericho (European)

Lillian: Your winner and new European Champion, Chris Jericho!!!

Coach: Chris Jericho just got the victory over Val Venis after Rico ended up costing Val the match

Al Snow: There may be some trouble in paradise now

Coach: Congratulation goes out to the "King of Bling Bling" Chris Jericho for his victory here tonight

:Video Preview of the History of Mikey G & Do or Die:

Coach: Well our next contest is going to be a great match in my mind

Al Snow: No Doubt coach, 2 of the good up and comers squaring off in the ring

Coach: Do or Die started out on the Old Smackdown teaming up with Gunz and then moved onto WXW and Mikey G was a WXW Exclusive but since WXW folded and Die and Mikey were 2 of the rare superstars who found themselves retained, Both Guys have been making a name on The RAW Brand

Al Snow: Die is a former European Champion while Mikey is a Former Tag champion and currently holds the IC Title

Lillian: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship(Crowd Cheers)(Die's Music hits,Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring weighing in at 215 Pounds and from Miami, Florida, Representing "Thug Life" Do or Die!!

Al Snow: If your wondering where Duchess is, I heard she was backstage earlier and disappeared someplace so I guess she wont be here

Lillian:(Mikey's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) His opponent, from The Bronx weighing in at 200 Pounds, He is The SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Mikey G

Coach: Mikey G captured The Title in a Battle Royal This Past Thursday Night which also featured Do or Die, Goldberg, Sting, Val Venis, & panCAKEman

SCWE IC Championship: Mikey G(C) vs Do or Die
Mikey G and Do or Die lock up. Die catches Mikey with a headlock, and takes him down to the ground with a fireman's carry. Die dropkicks Mikey and goes for a quick, early cover 1..2..kickout by Mikey G. At this point, Mikey assumes control and knocks Die down with punches to the head and a stiff clothesline. Mikey goes up top and nails a big legdrop. He continues the assault with elbow drops and then scoop slams him. As Mikey poses, Die trips him, and locks him in the Death Trap. Mikey screams in pain, but refuses to tap. The ref tells Do or Die to break the hold, but he wont. After Mikey still won't tap, Die breaks the hold. Die then picks him up and catches him in a X-factor like move. He covers for a 1..2..but Mikey G kicks out. Die tosses Mikey G to the outside. He sets up, and dives over the ropes, but Mikey moves at the last second, and Die hits the ground. At the count of 6, the two struggle to get up, and Mikey tosses Die's head off the ring post He throws him back in the ring and gets himself in before the 10 count. Mikey delivers a reverse DDT to Do or Die and climbs the turnbuckle. He signals for the Diving Elbow Drop and hits it. He covers for the 1..2..2.5..2.9..shoulder up. Mikey can't believe it. He covers again, 1..2..kickout. He gets aggrivated and covers for a third time, 1..2..kickout again by Do or Die. Mikey starts an argument with the ref, as Do or Die makes his way to his feet. Mikey turns around and is met with a boot to the midsection. Die then nails a perfect Death Drop in the center of the ring. Die covers for the 1.....2.....but Mikey battles out. Do or Die is shocked. He picks Mikey up, and attempts at another Death Drop, but Mikey shoves him off and nails the 3 handled Cradenza. He crawls over, and covers for the 1..2..3.
Winner: Mikey G

Lillian: Your winner and still Intercontinental Champion, Mikey G!!!

Coach: Mikey G just scored a Huge Win over Do or Die

Al Snow: Way to go kid

:Video Footage of Lead up to Women's RAWCore EYOB Match:

Coach: Well Al, even though we just saw The  Video Preview for the Expose Your Opponents Breats Match, That is not our next match

Al Snow: Unfortunatly we have to wait a while longer for that one but we do got a Tag Team Match

Lillian: The Following Contest is a #1 Contender's Contest for the SCWE Tag Team Championships(Crowd Cheers)

Coach: The Winners are really going to make out, They get to face the nWo's Sting and Hollywood Hulk Hogan which is something I would not want to run in to

Lillian:(Thuganomics hits as The Crowd Boo's) 1st making there way to the ring, Representing Thug Life, John Cena & B2!!!

Al Snow: I think Thug Life got the advantage just becouse there on the same page

Lillian:(You Look So Good to me hits,Crowd Chants Rico Sucks) There opponents, 1st From Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 228 Pounds, Rico!!!

Coach: Rico is an odd one but his kicks are very dangerous

Lillian:(panCAKEman's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) His partner, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 180 Pounds, panCAKEman!!!

Al Snow: These fans love panCAKEman for whatever reason

John Cena & B2 vs panCAKEman & Rico
The match begins with both teams in the ring.panCAKEman is talking trash to Cena meanwhile Rico  is doing the same with B2. They keep talking trash to one another when out of no where, panCAKEman levels Cena with a hard right hand and before B2 could react, Rico clotheslines him out of the ring. The ref tries to regain order when he forces Rico to his respected corner. Meanwhile panCAKEman picks up Cena and repeatedly punches him in the face with hard right hands. Cena staggers back against the turnbuckle when panCAKEman kicks him hard in the mid-section, the force drops Cena down to the mat with his head resting against the bottom turnbuckle. panCAKEman pushes his right boot into the throat of Cena choking him when the ref makes panCAKEman stop. panCAKEman walks to the opposite turnbuckle, then he charges toward Cena and kicks him directly to the side of the head,Cena goes tumbling out of the ring when panCAKEman walks toward B2 who just recently got on the ring apron, panCAKEman  flips him off and makes him come into the ring but the ref runs toward B2 and blocks him from attacking panCAKEman. Meanwhile outside of the ring, Rico grabs Cena by the left hand and Irish whips him into the steel stairs, shoulder first. Cena rolls on the mat grabbing his shoulder when panCAKEman exits the ring and picks up Cena and tosses him back into the ring. panCAKEman stands up and tags in Rico, they both pick up Cena when panCAKEman lifts Cena up for a sidewalk slam when Rico grabs the back of Cena's  head and at the same time panCAKEman does the sidewalk slam just as Rico does a neck breaker. panCAKEman exits the ring when Rico goes for a cover. Ref: 1... 2... kick out! Cena just barely lifts his shoulder off the mat before the ref could count to three. Rico stands up a little frustrated but remains his composure. Rico lifts Cena to his feet and Irish whips him into the ropes, as Cena rebounds back Rico connects with a spinning heel kick to the face of Cena who goes down hard. He grabs his face in pain when Rico runs to the ropes and as he comes back he goes for a jumping elbow drop but Cena just barely rolls out of the way. Rico holds his elbow in pain when Cena crawls to his corner, Rico uses the ropes to get back up just as Cena tags in B2. B2 charges in and clotheslines Rico down to the mat. panCAKEman gets into the ring but gets levelled with a hard right from B2, B2 grabs Rico and Irish whips him into the turnbuckle and runs toward him and connects with a Splash. Rico runs toward B2  but he moves aside and dropkicks the back of panCAKEman's head who tumbled right into Rico. B2  runs to the opposite side of the ring and charges forward, panCAKEman quickly ducks at the time when B2  goes for another Splash but Rico quickly hops onto the second turnbuckle and kicks B2 directly into the jaw. The ref forces panCAKEman and Cena back to the corners when Rico picks up B2 and hooks him arm when he lifts B2 high into the air, he holds him there letting the blood flow to his head when he nails him with a vile brain buster.Rico doesn't let go of the hold, when he gets back up and lifts B2 with him. He grabs B2 by the hair and walks over to his side of the ring, Rico tag in panCAKEman who climbs onto the top turnbuckle, from there Rico lifts up B2 as if going for a suplex when panCAKEman jumps off and connects with a cross body at the same time Rico does the suplex. B2 hold his back in pain when Rico goes to the ring apron and panCAKEman goes for a cover. Ref: 1...2... Cena quickly gets in and kicks panCAKEman in the back of the head breaking the count and saving the match. Cena leaves the ring and gets back on the apron meanwhile panCAKEman stands up and lifts B2 with him. panCAKEman Irish whipsB2 into the turnbuckle and runs toward B2 and delivers a powerful clothesline. B2 is still standing but is dazed when panCAKEman lifts him onto the top turnbuckle. panCAKEman stands on the second turnbuckle pad and grabs the head of B2, then he falls back and does a vicious top rope DDT. B2 lays motionless when panCAKEman stands up and taunts to the crowd who is booing loudly. panCAKEman starts to toy with B2 when he slaps him across the back of the head, B2 starts to get life back in him when panCAKEman rushed toward Cena and levels him with a right hand, Cena is still standing when he enters the ring but the ref stops him. panCAKEman  laughs when out of no where he gets a low blow from B2 and then a spine buster. Both men lay on the mat when the ref utilizes the ten count. Rico is watching all this, panCAKEman crawls over toward Rico, as he reaches his hand up wanting the tag, as Rico just jumps off the ring apron, panCAKEman just looks in disbeilf as Rico slowly starts to walk up the ramp leaving panCAKEman to defend for himself. The ref reaches eight when B2 tags in Cena, panCAKEman irriated by Rico leaving  gets up and turns around only to get met with a powerful Spear from Cena . panCAKEman gets back up and  picks up Cena and connects with a back suplex, Cena  grabs his head in pain when PanCAKEman kicks him directly into the face. panCAKEman  then grabs Cena and whips him into the turnbuckle, panCAKEman lifts Cena onto the top turnbuckle pad and climbs up with him. panCAKEman  hooks the arm of Cena and falls back and connects with a superplex. panCAKEman floats over for the pin fall. Ref: 1... 2... kick out!Cena, just barely gets his sholder up in time, as panCAKE man gets pist as he slams the mat with his fist, panCAKEman gets up and starts to kick and punch Cena while he is down. B2 runs into the ring and spears panCAKEman down. panCAKEman gets back up hitting Cena with a drop kick and comes to his feet and hits B2  with a base ball slide..panCAKEman comes back up and close lines Cena on his way up. As Cena gets up again panCAKEman runs to the ropes and returns connecting with a swinging neck breaker on the self-proclaimed thug life member. panCAKEman quickly goes for the cover as he hooks Cena's leg the ref starts to count ref 1.2.....kick out. Cena gets his shoulder up, as B2 comes into the ring delivering a devasting swinging neck breaking to panCAKEman, With panCAKEman  now lying on the ground, Cena decides to keep on his opponent, now stamping on panCAKEman's  chest until he is forced to roll over onto his side, clutching his chest in pain. Cena then shoots a vicious kick to panCAKEman's  stomach, the force causing panCAKEman  to roll over and end up on his back. Cena kicks panCAKEman in the back of the head, Cena waits for the right moment, as panCAKEman groggily gets back to his feet, panCAKEman looks to spears Cena but Cena counters it into an FU. Cena looks up at B2, as the ref goes down for the cover.
ref: 1, 2, 3
Winner: John Cena & B2

Lillian: Your winners, John Cena & B2

Coach: Cena and B2 will now face Hogan and Sting for the titles

Al Snow: Rico walked out on panCAKEman and thats what allowed Cena and B2 to win but hats off to panCAKEman

:Backstage: Eric Bischoff's Office

Eric Bischoff: Jerome, I got some good news and some bad news

Jerome: Give me the bad news first I guess

Eric: I wanted to give you the Juniorweight Championship but Scott Hill wont allow that to happen

Jerome: Whats the good news then?

Eric: I did come to an agreement with him and a Match is going to be set up soon where he picks One Juniorweight and I am allowed to pick One Juniorweight and the winner of the match is the Champion and You are my choice

Jerome: So in other words, I am The Juniorweight Champion then

Eric: That is what I like about you


Coach: How about that announcement, The Juniorweight Championship is coming soon and The nWo's Jerome Morris will be one of 2 men competeing for it

Lillian: The Following Contest is for the SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts) The Only way to win is remove all your opponent's clothing until there breasts are exposed(Guys go crazy)

Al Snow: It's time for the Real Fun to begin

Lillian:(Ivory's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) 1st making her way to the ring from Inglewood, California, Ivory!!

Coach: I wouldnt mind seeing what Ivory has going on upstairs

Lillian:(Jasmine's Music plays,Crowd Boo's) Her opponent, From Freemont, California, Jasmine

Al Snow: I wouldnt mind seeing those "Milkshakes", I think that is what she calls them

Coach: She has nicknames for them?

Al Snow: It's better than puppies

Lillian:(Flame's Music plays and cuts into nWo,Crowd Boo's) Opponent #3, She is from Flamming Starr, Massachusetts and is representing The nWo, Flame!!!

Coach: I won't discuss Flame's Chest becouse in our memo we got earlier from Mr. Bischoff, We were told not to

Lillian:(Stacy's Music plays,Crowd cheers) Finally, Making her way to the ring, From Right here in Los Angelos, Representing "Thug Life" Stacy Mason!!

Coach: Can You imagine if the hometown girl gets her hometown breats exposed here!!

Al Snow: That would be nice

SCWE Women's RAWCore Championship: EYOB: Flame vs Ivory vs Jasmine vs Stacy Mason
All 4 Ladies look around the ring at each other and seem kinda disgusted about the match there in. Flame & Stacy Mason go at it as Jasmine & Ivory get at it, Ivory whips Jasmine off the ropes and hits Jasmine with a Lou Thez Press while Flame & Stacy Mason exchange right hands back and forth. Ivory tries to remove Jasmine's shirt but Jasmine kicks Ivory off and rolls out of hte ring, Ivory gets up and instead of going after Jasmine attacks Flame from behind, Stacy & Ivory team up and whip Flame off the ropes and deliver a double clothesline on her, Jasmine gets into the ring and delivers a Chair shot to the back of Ivory and then a chair shot to the back of Stacy Mason knocking down both diva's. Jasmine then yanks off Ivory's pants revealing her purple thong. Jasmine then grabs off Ivory's shirt as well revealing her Purple Bra as The Crowd Cheers for more and Jasmine goes for Ivory's bra but Flame delivers a dropkick on Jasmine knocking her down as Ivory rolls out to the floor. Stacy Mason is getting back but Flame delivers a stick kick to Stacy's ribs and Flame then rips off Stacy's shirt revealing her red bra and Flame then grabs the front of Stacy's bra and is going to to rip it off but Stacy kicks Flame in the gut and then grabs Flame's shirt and yanks it off revealing a black bra. Stacy & Flame lock up again but Jasmine charages and clotheslines both diva's over the top rope and out to the floor, Jasmine is gloating when she turns around into a Fire Extinsher going off as Ivory then delivers the facebuster to Jasmine and Ivory removes Jasmine's shirt revealing her blue bra and Ivory then unsnaps Jasmine's bra and is starting to pull it off when panCAKEman streaks into the ring and Ivory seems confused at The Naked Man and Jasmine is able to fix her bra thus not exposing anything and Jasmine then shoves Ivory into panCAKEman and Jasmine rolls up Ivory coming back and has her in a Walls of Jericho set up and Jasmine is reaching for Ivory's bra but Ivory delivers a stiff right hand to Jasmine knocking her back  and Ivory grabs Jasmine's pants ripping them off revealing a blue pair of panties, Flame & Stacy Mason have disappeared from the ringside area and have fought backstage while Jasmine is trying to get away from Ivory who is going after Jasmine who is retreating backstage as well with panCAKEman streaking through the crowd. In the Backstage Area, Stacy & Flame are still fighting and Stacy gets the upper hand and knocks Flame back and rips off Flame's pants revealing Flame's black thong and Flame swings widly and Stacy grabs Flame's bra and is about to yank it off when Jerome Morris delivers a stiff shot to Stacy Mason from behind, Jerome tells Flame to eliminate her as Flame rips off Stacy's pant showing off her thong and Flame is going to take off Stacy's Top when John Cena pushes Flame off, Cena and Jerome Morris then get into a fight backstage as Security tries to break them up, Meanwhile Ivory & Jasmine have made there way backstage with Ivory still stalking after Jasmine who has disappeared and Ivory goes around the corner and Jasmine delivers a 2x4 Shot to Ivory knocking her out cold and Jasmine smiles as she see's Eric Bischoff's Office and Jasmine drags Ivory into the Office as The Camera Man gets shut out. Flame & Stacy Mason are both laying on the ground as Security finally restrains Cena & Morris and order them away from the action, Jasmine is shown leaving Eric Bischoff's Office with Ivory's bra and Eric Bischoff pokes his head out and announces Ivory has been eliminated. Jasmine then spots Stacy & Flame laying at the end of the hall and Jasmine goes after the 2 diva's, Eric Bischoff follows them down to another locker room and tells Jasmine that this will do as an "Exposing Room", Jasmine grabs Flame and drags her into the room and Stacy Mason gets up and goes in after them. The Camera Man attempts to get in but The Camera Man gets knocked to the ground by Shaniqua!! Several Seconds later, Eric Bischoff pokes his head out and announces That Flame has been "Exposed" thanks to Stacy Mason and then Shaniqua blocks the door again, The Door finally opens up again as Jasmine gets thrown out by Stacy Mason and Stacy grabs Jasmine's bra and rips it off while Jasmine was laying on the ground and Stacy is going to turn over Jasmine when Shaniqua knocks the camera down knocking out the sight and leaving only the sound as Eric Bischoff then announces that Stacy Mason is the new Champion
Winner: Stacy Mason (Women's RAWCore)

Lillian: Your winner and New Women's RAWCore Champion, Stacy Mason!!

Coach: What a Rip off

Al Snow: Stacy Mason got the win here in her hometown but we didnt get to see Ivory's Rack, Jasmine's "Milkshakes" or even Flame's Unmeantionables and That is not good

Coach: These fans here are very angry about that

Al Snow: Wait, I just read This and if you read the Rules Discrption for the match in very small print it says Expose Your Opponents Breasts to Eric Bischoff only to win

Coach: Luckily for me and Al though we are good friends with Mr. Bischoff so we know we will get to see the Video of this match with the Footage of the Breasts so its all good for us

:Video Preview for Lacy vs Jackie vs Marrisa:

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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 11/22/2006 7:06 AM


:Duchess is shown leaving out of a locker room and then Sting pokes his head out and Duchess goes back and gets her purse from him and Duchess then readjusts her bra and heads for Die's Locker Room:


Coach: Our Next Contest is a Going to be a good one as it will be the Triple Threat Women's Title Match

Al Snow: Jackie Gayda who has never defeated Lacy Alexander will have a super hard time becouse she is facing off against Lacy and Marrisa who both are in the nWo

Lillian: The Following Contest is for the SCWE Women's Championship(Crowd Cheers)(Marrisa's Music starts and cuts into nWo theme, Crowd Boo's) 1st making her way to the ring from Greenich, Connecticut, and Representing The nWo, Marrisa McMahon!!!

Coach: Marrisa is a Former Women's Champion and is The Co-Assistant GM of RAW and lets not forget that she is also Mr. Bischoff's Main Squeeze

Lillian:(Tough Enough Theme hits,Crowd Cheers) Her opponent From Chattanooga Falls, Ohio, Jackie Gayda!!

Al Snow: I really feel bad for Jackie becouse she has no chance of winning this match

Lillian:(Papercut plays,Crowd Boo's) Finally there opponent, From Baltimore, Maryland, She is reprsenting The nWo, The SCWE Women's Champion, Lacy Alexander!!

Coach: Lacy has been a very dominate Women's Champion and just a few weeks ago she took out Torrie Wilson

SCWE Women's Championship: Lacy Alexander(C) vs Jackie Gayda vs Marrisa McMahon
Jackie is in the corner as Lacy & Marrisa seem to be talking strategy and the 2 diva's go after Jackie who comes out fighting and knocks down Lacy & Marrisa with a clothesline, Jackie then delivers several chops to Lacy and Jackie knocks Lacy out to the floor but Jackie turns around into a Chick Kick from Marrisa, Marrisa then picks up Jackie and whips her off the ropes where Marrisa then delivers a powerslam on Jackie and covers for a 1---2--2.5-kick out. Marrisa then delivers a few kicks to Jackie's ribs as Lacy gets back into the ring & Jackie then gets picked up by Lacy & Marrisa who then do a Double Suplex on Jackie, Marrisa goes to cover and Lacy is not happy and shoves down Marrisa, Marrisa & Lacy have words now and Lacy ends up delivering a right hand knocking down Marrisa, Lacy then goes to cover Jackie but Marrisa knocks Lacy out of the ring to the floor and Marrisa tells Lacy that she is winning the Title but Jackie Gayda then rolls up Marrisa for a 1---2--2.8-kick out. Marrisa swings wildly at Jackie Gayda who ducks & Jackie then is able to whip Marrisa into the ropes as Lacy was coming up at the same time and Marrisa ends up knocking Lacy off the apron and jackie hits a backdrop on Marrisa, Jackie then goes up top waiting for Marrisa to get up which she does and Jackie hits a Blockbuster on her, Jackie then covers for a 1---2--2.8-Lacy breaks it up, Lacy then whips Jackie off the ropes and Lacy delivers a belly 2 belly to Jackie sending her across the ring, Lacy then picks up Marrisa and delivers a Hair Toss to her, Lacy then grabs Marrisa again and is going to deliver the Freakliner but Jackie then attacks Lacy from behind and Jackie backdrops Lacy down, Jackie then goes for a pin but Marrisa breaks it up before the ref can count, Marrisa then DDT's Jackie down and Marrisa goes up top for her moonsault and Marrisa hits the lights out Moonsault on Jackie and covers for the 1---2--2.9-Lacy breaks it up, Lacy then picks up Marrisa and delivers several clubbing blows to her back before Lacy delivers a belly 2 belly suplex, Lacy picks up Marrisa again and Lacy delivers The Freakliner to her, Lacy then covers for a 1---2---2.9-Torrie Wilson yanks the ref out to the floor!! The ref is down as Torrie gets into the ring and Lacy goes to meet her but Torrie blocks Lacy's punch attempt and Torrie knocks down Lacy and mounts her opening up on her with right hands, Torrie then picks up Lacy and delivers a stiff right hand and Torrie then delivers a Super Kick to Lacy Alexander knocking her out, Marrisa is getting up and Torrie delivers a Super Kick to her as well and Jackie Gayda gets up and Torrie gets out of the ring as The ref gets  back into the ring and Jackie covers Marrisa for a 1--2--2.8-Lacy is about to break it up when Torrie grabs her leg not allowing her to break it up-3. Torrie then hurries to the back as Lacy goes after Torrie.
Winner: Jackie Gayda

Lillian: Your winner and NEW SCWE Women's Champion, Jackie Gayda!!!

Coach: Torrie Wilson just screwed Lacy Alexander and hand fed the Title to Jackie Gayda

Al Snow: I think Torrie got her revenge against the nWo and Mr. Bischoff may not be happy becouse it was Marrisa who got pinned

Coach: Jackie Gayda defied the odds and won here thanks in large part to Torrie Wilson but Jackie Gayda still has not beaten Lacy Alexander who did not get pinned

:Video Preview for Maven/Bullion:

Coach: Well Al, our next Contest is to determine The New RAWCore Champion and we got 2 men that have no love lost

Al Snow: Maven & Bullion have battled before with Maven coming out on top but The Former ECW World Champion Bullion can easily pull this one out and I am still shocked he is back

Lillian: The Following Contest is for the SCWE RAWCore Championship(Tough Enough Theme hits, Crowd Cheers) 1st making his way to the ring from Shendoandoa Valley, Virgina weighing in at 220 Pounds, Maven!!

Al Snow: Maven has really been making strides and a Win here tonight will cement his status as The Future of RAW in my mind

Lillian:(Bullion's Music hits,Crowd Boo's) His opponent, From Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. Bullion!!

Coach: I think Bullion has enough skill to pull this one out against Maven and The RAWCore Rules plays towards Bullion more than The Goody 2 Shoes Maven

SCWE RAWCore Championship: Maven vs Mr. Bullion

Bell rings, and Mr. Bullion and Maven quickly slide out of the ring, and look for weapons.  Maven grabs a chair, and Bullion is still looking, and Maven does a Baseball Slide into the chair into Bullion’s face, knocking him into the security wall.  Maven drops the chair, and does a Vaulting Body Press to Bullion, knocking both of them down.  Maven reaches into the ring, and grabs the chair and hits Bullion in the stomach with it.  Bullion rolls over, and Maven hits Bullion across the back with the chair.  Maven then waits for Bullion to get up, and goes to blast him with the chair, but Bullion ducks, and grabs the chair, and nails Maven over the head with it.  Bullion then goes under the ring, and pulls out a table, and sets it up.  Bullion lifts up Maven, and powerbombs Maven right through the table.  Bullion covers, 1�?�?.1.  Maven gets the shoulder up.  Bullion walks over to the announcer’s table, and begins to take stuff off of it.  Meanwhile, Maven gets up, and grabs the chair.  He strikes Bullion across the back with it, and then whips Bullion into the steel steps.  Maven stomps on Bullion, and lifts him up, and rams him headfirst into the steel post, and then rams his head in again.  Bullion is split open.  Maven lifts up Bullion, but Bullion nails Maven in the head with the chair again, and then holds him up, and blasts him with the chair again, splitting Maven open.  Bullion then grabs another table, and sets it up again, near the announcer’s table.  Bullion rolls Maven into the ring, and puts him up on the Turnbuckle, and Chokeslams Maven through the table from the turnbuckle.  Bullion climbs off the turnbuckle, and goes and pins Maven, 1�?�?.8.  Bullion can’t believe it.  He rolls Maven back into the ring again, and goes for From Heaven to Hell again, but Maven shoves Bullion off the turnbuckle, and waits for him to get up.  Maven then goes for the Blockbuster and connects.  All of a sudden, the fans begin to boo as Jerome Morris runs down the ring with a steel chair, and nails Maven over the head with it.  Morris begins to celebrate, and the crowds boos turn to cheers as Shawn Michaels runs down the ramp, and gets in the ring, and signals for Sweet Chin Music.  Morris turns around, and Shawn Super Kicks the chair into Jerome’s face.  HBK celebrates, and he puts Maven’s arm over Bullion, and the ref counts, 1�?�?.9999999. All of a sudden, John Cena runs down to the ring, and waits for HBK to turn around, before hitting him with the F-U.  Cena lifts up Maven and hits the F-U on him, and puts Bullion’s arm over Maven, and the ref counts, 1�?�?.9999999999.  Cena can’t believe it, and neither can Bullion, who is half dead as it is.  All of a sudden, Mikey G. runs down to the ring, and waits for Cena to turn around, before giving him some Sweet Chin Music.  Mikey helps Shawn up, who begins to beat up Jerome Morris, and Mikey G. lifts up Bullion, and hits the 3 Handled Credenza on Bullion, and puts Maven on top of Bullion, and the ref counts, 1�?�?.99999999999.  Bullion gets the shoulder up.  All of a sudden, Bull Buchanan runs to the ring, and goes for his finisher, but Mikey G. reverses, but Cena gets up, and goes for the F-U, but Mikey G. reverses, and connects with a F-U of his own.  Buchanan then hits a huge Powerbomb on Mike.  All of a sudden, Rico runs to the ring, and he goes for the Spinning Rico kick on Bull, but Bull rolls out of the ring, and helps Cena out as well.  Shawn clotheslines Jerome out of the ring, and Cena, Buchanan, walk up the ramp.  All of a sudden, the ref begins to count, as Bullion begins to pin Maven, 1�?�?.9999999999999999999.  Mikey, Shawn, and Rico stay on one side of the ring, watching the action.  Maven and Bullion finally get up, and Maven dropkicks Bullion down.  Maven then slowly climbs the turnbuckle, and hits a Moonsault.  Maven hooks the leg, and the ref counts, 1�?�?.  Mikey G., Shawn, and Rico hold up Maven’s hand in victory. Winner: Maven (RAWCore)

Lillian: Your winner and New SCWE RAWCore Champion, Maven!!!
Coach: Maven has pulled it out and Won the RAWCore Title
Al Snow: I told you Coach, My Boy has the skills and he just proved it here
Coach: Whats up with Rico and your boy though
Al Snow: I have no idea, I always knew Shawn and Mikey swung the other way but I had no
idea about Maven but Im not going to discuss it with him
:Video Preview for Goldberg/Sting:
Coach: Well we are down to our final Two Matches and We got a Huge Epic Contest up next
Al Snow: The Monster vs The Scorpion
Coach: That's right we got Sting/Goldberg up next
Al Snow: This Match has been building for monthes and tonight it finally explodes
Lillian: The Following Contest is Scheduled for one fall
:Security knocks on Goldberg's Door as the Crowd Goes Nuts:
Lillian:(Invasion hits,Crowd Chants GOLDBERG)1st Making his way to the ring, From Atlanta Georgia and weighing in at 283 Pounds, The Man known as GOLDBERG!!!
Coach: What these fans see in Goldberg is beyond me
Lillian:(Seek and Destroy plays and cuts into nWo,Crowd Boo's) His opponent, From Venice Beach, California weighing in at 252 Pounds, Representing The nWo, The Man They Call Sting!!!
Al Snow: This is going to be great
Coach: Can Sting End the Streak or will he be just another Person added to it?
Goldberg vs Sting
Goldberg & Sting get face 2 face with each other and Sting tells Goldberg he is going to end his winning streak and Goldberg tells Sting to just try to beat him and The 2 men lock up with Goldberg overpowering Sting and forcing him to the mat. Sting & Goldberg lock up again and The Same outcome occurs with Sting being forced to the mat again by Goldberg, Sting and Goldberg go to lock up again but Sting instead delivers a kick to Goldberg's stomach & Sting delivers a few clubbing blows to Goldberg's back and then delivers hard chops to Goldberg's chest as he backs Goldberg in the corner and delivers another chop which has no effect and Goldberg growls at Sting, Goldberg then delivers a right hand knocking down Sting and then delivers a shoulder block as Sting got up, Sting gets up and Goldberg grabs Sting and bench presses him and slams him down, Goldberg then goes over to the corner and is waiting for Sting to get up to go for the spear but Sting wisely rolls out to the floor. Sting is catching his breath as the ref starts the 10 count, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-Sting finally gets back into the ring. Sting then challenges Goldberg to a Test of Strength and as they are about to lock up in it, Sting delivers a kick south of the border to Goldberg taking down Goldberg, Sting then starts to stomp away on Goldberg and Sting goes for the Scorpion Death Lock but Goldberg kicks Sting away. Goldberg then gets up and delivers a big clothesline knocking down Sting and Goldberg then gets in the corner and is about to go for the spear again when Sting gets up and pulls the ref into the spear instead, Sting then whips Goldberg into the corner and delivers a Stinger Splash and then is going to do another one when Goldberg spears him in the air, Goldberg then says thats it and picks up Sting and delivers The Jackhammer to Sting but there is no ref to count, Jerome Morris makes his way to the ring and gets into the ring and is going to go after Goldberg but Goldberg deliivers a huge spear to him, Val Venis then gets into the ring wearing an nWo Shirt and goes after Goldberg and hits him in the back with a steel chair but Goldberg is able to shake it off and Val goes to hit Goldberg again but Goldberg spears Val!! Hollywood Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring with a baseball bat which he slides into the ring to Sting as Hogan gets on the apron and is taunting Goldberg who goes after him but Sting then is able to deliver a baseball shot to the back of Goldberg and Sting then breaks the bat over Goldberg's head as Sting then picks up Goldberg and delivers The Scorpion Death Drop and covers as The ref is finally coming to and the ref starts the count 1------------2------------2.999-shoulder up. Sting is shocked as is Hogan who is still on the floor, Hogan signals to the back for something as Shaniqua comes to the ring with a Tazor as Hogan gets on the apron now destracting the ref as Shaniqua gives Sting the Tazor and Sting delivers The Stun Gun Shot to Goldberg taking him down and Sting then rolls it out to the floor and Sting covers Goldberg for the 1-------2------3.
Winner: Sting
Lillian: Your winner, Sting!!
Coach: It took alot but The Streak is over!!!
Al Snow: The nWo defeated Goldberg and Sting is just the lucky guy that Hogan handpicked to pin him
Coach: Val Venis is the newest member of hte nWo I take it although he got a spear for his joining but all of that played towards the end where a Stun Gun put down the Monster and Sting gets the credit of ending the Streak
:Scott Steiner & Lacy are shown heading for the ring:
:Video Preview for Steiner/Douglas:
Coach: Well its time for our huge Main Event now
Al Snow: These 2 men have been at each other since Psychotic Games when Scott Steiner took out Shane Douglas and now Douglas wants revenge
Lillian: The Main Event of Armageddon is a No DQ Match for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Cheers)
Coach: The No DQ Stipulation was added Last Thursday thanks to Scott Hill
Lillian:(Perfect Stranger's hits,Crowd Cheers) 1st making his way to the ring, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, The Challenger, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas!!!!
Coach: Shane Douglas is going to have his hands full here tonight
Lillian:(Sirens go off and then Holla if Ya Hear Me hits,Crowd Boo's) His opponent, From Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 255 Pounds, Representing the nWo and being accumpied to the ring by his Girlfriend Lacy Alexander, He is The SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner!!!

Coach: This is going to be a Pure out fight in my opionion but I think Scott Steiner is going to pull it out

Al Snow: I think its going to be a fight as well but I know Shane Douglas and I think The Franchise is motivated enough to pull it out

SCWE World Heavyweight Champinship: No Holds Barred: Scott Steiner W/Lacy Alexander vs Shane Douglas

Steiner & Douglas are face 2 face as The ref shows The Title to both men and Steiner is telling Douglas how is going to break him in half and Douglas responds by Slapping Steiner across the face, Steiner is livid and goes to hit Douglas who blocks Steiner's attempt and Douglas delivers a few right hands knocking Steiner back and Douglas then clotheslines Steiner over the top to the floor. Scott Steiner is livid as he tells Lacy to get him a Chair which she does and Steiner throws the chair into the ring and then Steiner goes under the ring and yanks out a Garbage Can full of weapons and throws them into the ring, Steiner gets on the apron to get back in but Douglas knocks him back off, Douglas doesnt See Lacy who got into the ring and Lacy delivers a low blow to Shane Douglas & Lacy then delivers a Freakliner on Douglas!! Scott Steiner gets back into the ring & picks up Shane Douglas and Steiner whips Douglas into the corner and Steiner grabs a Kendo Stick out of the garbage can and Steiner delivers a stick shot to Douglas's stomach and then another one to his back knocking Douglas down and Douglas has no choice but to roll out of the ring, Douglas is trying to get his breath back but Lacy delivers a clothesline knocking him down, Lacy grabs Douglas and has him up for a bodyslam but isntead drops him throat 1st off the barracade. Lacy then rolls Douglas back into the ring, Steiner picks up Douglas and delivers a belly 2 belly suplex on Douglas and Steiner then does his trademark push ups next to Douglas telling him to get up and Steiner stops and drops an elbow on Douglas, Steiner then picks up Douglas again but Shane pokes Steiner in the eye's and grabs the front of Steiner's trunks and pulls him into the corner face 1st, Douglas then grabs a chair and delivers a Stiff Chair Shot to Steiner knocking him out cold, Douglas is about to cover when Lacy gets into the ring and knocks Douglas from behind, Lacy goes to DDT Douglas but Douglas instead backdrops Lacy, Douglas then clotheslines Lacy out to the floor but by the time Douglas turns around Steiner is there waiting and Steiner delivers a Steiner line on Douglas knocking him inside out, Steiner then kicks away at Douglas and notices Lacy is down on the floor and Steiner goes outside the ring to theck on his #1 Freak allowing Douglas a chance to get some rest. Steiner makes sure Lacy is ok and goes back into the ring but Shane Douglas is waiting and Douglas goes to hit Steiner but Steiner blocks it and Steiner grabs Douglas and delivers an overhead belly 2 belly release suplex, Douglas is grabbing his neck as Steiner tells everyone that its over and Steiner picks up Douglas for the Freakliner but Douglas delivers a right hand knocking out Steiner and its revealed Douglas had brass knuckles on and Douglas covers Steiner for the 1---2--2.9-Lacy breaks up the pin. Lacy delivers several stiff kicks to Shane's ribs and Lacy then tries to help up Steiner but D ouglas grabs her by her hair and is going to deliver a Franchiser to her but Scott Steiner clips out Douglas's legs, Steiner then goes to work on Douglas's right leg and attempts to lock in a Figure 4 Leg Lock but Douglas counters it into a small package for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Douglas and Steiner both get up and Steiner goes for a right hand but Douglas ducks and catches Steiner with the Franchiser, Douglas then picks up Steiner and attempts to hit the Pittsburgh Plunge but Lacy Alexander once again gets involved and clips out Douglas's leg, Steiner then stomps away at Douglas and Steiner picks up Douglas and goes for the Freakliner but Douglas delivers a few elbow shots to him and then Douglas catches him with the Pittsburgh Plunge for a 1---2--2.9-Lacy breaks it up. Shane Douglas is becoming increasingly pissed about Lacy's constant interference and Douglas tells Lacy to bring it to him and Lacy does and Lacy goes to hit him with a Kendo Stick but Douglas trips her up and She ends up hitting Scott Steiner with the Kendo Stick!! Douglas then throws Lacy over the top to the floor, Douglas then tells everyone its over and goes up top for something but Shaniqua comes out and grabs Douglas's leg as Douglas finally kicks her off the top but Steiner meets Douglas up top and Steiner delivers a Top Rope Freakliner on Douglas, Steiner then locks in the Steiner Recliner on Shane Douglas who is out cold as The Ref checks on Douglas's arms and Raises it up once and it falls down and then he does it for a second time and the same outcome and finally for a 3rd time and the same outcome as the Ref calls for the bell.
Winner: Scott Steiner

Lillian: Your winner and Still SCWE World Champion, Scott Steiner!!!

Coach: Scott Steiner pulled it out thanks in large part to Lacy Alexander

Al Snow: Somebody needs to help Shane Douglas

:Scott Steiner still has the Recliner locked in as Shaniqua & Lacy deliver kicks to Douglas until Jackie Gayda hits the ring but Lacy & Shaniqua are 2 much for but Torrie Wilson then comes out and Torrie takes down Lacy, This causes for Sting to make his way to the ring and Sting grabs Jackie Gayda and delivers the Scorpion Death Drop to her!! Sting then grabs Torrie but Torrie delivers a kick below the belt but Shaniqua then grabs Torrie in a bear hug like move and is shaking her like a rag doll. Suddenly, the "Hardy Boyz" hits the PA as Jeff Hardy makes his way to the ring and Jeff goes up top and delivers a crossbody on Steiner & Lacy taking them down and Jeff ducks a Sting clothesline and Jeff Hardy knocks Sting back to the ropes and clotheslines him over the top rope to the floor. Shaniqua lets Torrie go and gets out of the ring as Jeff is begging for the nWo to come back to the ring, The Rest of The nWo does come out but they hold back Steiner & Lacy who want back in the ring, Steiner & Lacy end up walking away from the rest of the nWo with a Pissed off Look on there face:

Coach: That was Jeff Hardy!!!

Al Snow: Scott Steiner was gonig to take out Shane Douglas but Jeff Hardy has returned and ended up clearing out Steiner and Torrie and Jackie got rid of Shaniqua and Lacy

Coach: There is trouble in the nWo though, Scott Steiner & Lacy just walked out on Hogan

Al Snow: I can't wait to see RAW this Thursday and to find out if Jeff Hardy is back full time and what is happening with the nWo

Coach: We hope you enjoyed Armageddon, Good Night!!

:goes off the Air: