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PPV : Starrcade 12/28/03
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 11/22/2006 7:07 AM

Results 12/28/03 Live From Washington D.C.

Promo's for the PPV are shown

Pyro Then Explodes!!

JR: Welcome everyone to WCW Starrcade!!! I hope you all had a Happy and Safe Christmas

King: Boy do we have a Great Post-Christmas Present tonight

JR: Tonight may be the Greatest Pay Per View in KSCWE History

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW Starrcade is for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship(Crowd Cheers)(Live For The Moment hits,Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring, He is a Challenger, Representing Mattitude and Weighting in at 175 Pounds, He is From Cameron, North Carolina, The #1 M'Fer, Shannon Moore!!!

King: Shannon Moore picked up a win on Nitro Monday Night against The Hurricane which is a big win in my mind

Penser:(Eye of The Hurricane plays,Crowd Cheers) His opponent, He is also the Challenger, He is from Raeligh, North Carolina and weighs in at 191 Pounds, The Hurricane

JR: I think The Hurricane has what it takes to pull this match

Penser:(Jamie's Music hits,Crowd Boo's) Finally there opponent, Being accumpied by his girlfriend Nidia, Weighing in at 200 Pounds, He is the WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Jamie Noble!!

King: These 3 Men could steal the show right here

JR: This is going to be a steller contest

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Jamie Noble(C) W/Nidia vs The Hurricane vs Shannon Moore
Match starts out with Nidia staying at ringside as Jamie climbs into the ring. Shannon and Hurricane both gang up on Noble with tons of kicks while he's down. Shannon and Hurricane then grabs Noble up to his feet then do a double running clothesline knocking Jamie down as he rolls out of the ring. Hurricane turns to Shannon and pats him on the back for a well done job as Shannon goes to shake Hurricane's hand but Shannon then punches Hurricane in the face and starts battleling him out and whips him to the ropes and then this him in the gut and goes for a twist of fate but Jamie comes in and tackles Shannon down. Shannon falls. Jamie grabs Shannon by the hair and goes to hit him across the face but Jamie's arm gets stopped as Hurricane is seen grabbing Jamie's arm. Hurricane turns him around and whips him to the ropes and Shannon and Hurricane both flapjack Jamie down. Hurricane then turns to Shannon and hits him in the face with a right hand and then whips him with a fakie irsih whips and knees Shannon in the stomach as Hurricane goes to cover Jamie for the first cover in the match. 1………………�?2……�?. and Jamie gets a kick out. Shannon comes in and kicks Hurricane in the side with a baseball slide. Shannon now the only one on his feet looks around at his fallen oppents.  He grabs Jamie up and picks him up for a twist of fate and hits it. Shannon covers Jamie. 1………………�?.2�?and Hurricane comes in with a back elbow to Shannon. Shannon and Hurricane now arguing over the pinfall. Both men get into each other's face and then Shannon pushes Hurricane back into the turnbuckle and grabs him for a monkey flip. Hurricane flys to the other side of the ring. Shannon proud at what he does is surprise when he is rolled up to a pin by Jamie. 1…………�?2……�? Shannon struggles and gets a kick out. Jamie grabs Shannon by the hair and holds Shannon and then holds him into a sleeper hold. Shannon to his knees struggling to the ropes but Jamie making sure he keeps back. Nidia now being heard rooting on for her boyfriend at ringside. Shannon is then almost seen to be out cold but sure enough Hurricane comes in and grabs Jamie by the back of the neck which causes him to let go of Shannon who falls to the mat face first. Hurricane grabs him for a hurricaslam and hits it. Hurricane covers Jamie with a hook of the leg. 1………………�?.2……………�?and the pin is broken from Nidia grabing the Hurricane by the ankle and pulling him off. Hurricane looks over at Jamie's girlfriend. He then rolls out of the ring and chases Nidia and grabs her by the hair and rolls her into the ring. At this time Shannon goes to clothesline Jamie but Jamie pulls Nidia in his way causing Shannon to nail a running clothesline on Nidia. Shannon shocked at what he did as Hurricane rolls back into the ring. He jump double kicks Noble in the back as he lands on the fall Nidia. Shannon looks at Noble and grabs Noble by the foot and drags him off of Nidia. He pushes Nidia out of the way as Hurricane is taking advantage and covers Noble but Noble counters with his own pinfall to hurricane as he counters as well and pins Noble for a 1 count and Jamie kicks out of it. Shannon now back up to the match as he rolled Nidia out of the ring. He comes in as Jamie and Hurricane are about to double clothesline him but Shannon ducks and whips himself to the ropes and comes back with a flying double clothesline to both Noble and Hurricane. Shanno covers Hurricane. 1…………�?……�?.5 and Jamie comes in and breaks the count.  All three men breathing hard in the ring. Jamie is to his feet first as secondly Hurricane. Hurricane grabs Jamie by the arm and arm drags him across the ring twice. Shannon comes in and comes with a swinging DDT to hurricane and Jamie comes with a running bulldog to Shannon. All three men out laying down on the mat. Ref counting to 2 as both men start to move as he reach 3. Shannon struggles to the ropes while Noble trying to get to his knees as ref hits 4. Hurricane now coming to causes as ref yells 5. Shannon now holding the ropes trys to get up. Ref yells 6. Jamie now to his feet first. Jamie comes in with a clothesline but Shannon ducks and pushes him to the ropes. Hurricane comes up as Shannon picks him up for a sidewalk slam. Shannon hooks the leg of Hurricane. 1……�?2. and Hurricane kicks out. Jamie comes in and grabs Hurricane and nails the Tiger Drive and Hurricane looks to be out cold! Jamie covers him. 1…�? And Shannon pulls Jamie off of him. Shannon turns Jamie facing him as he kicks him in the gut. He picks him up for a suplex. He covers�? And hooks the leg. 1…�?.2……�?.6 and Jamie kicks out. Shannon holding up three fingres at the ref. Shannon looks ticked as Jamie and him both up on they're feet. Shannon kicks Jamie in the gut and then signals for the twist of fate and hits it finally. He slowly covers up Noble. 1…�?2�?. and Hurricane slowly climbing over to them. 3…�? Hurricane to late to make the save as Shannon rolls out of the ring. Nidia climbs into the ring and looks over at Shannon as she tends to Noble. Ref climbsout with Shannon and raises his hand in victory as he hands him the title.
Winner: Shannon Moore (Cruiserweight)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Shannon Moore!!

King: We have a New Cruiserweight Champion!!!

JR: Shannon Moore has previeled here at Starrcade but I know that Jamie Noble and The Hurricane are not done with Shannon Moore or The WCW Cruiserweight Title

:Parking Lot:

:A Limo is shown parked as Scott & Kaci Hill get out of it and Kaci is carrying the baby along with her:


JR: Scott and Kaci are here!!

King: Oh that is not good

JR: Why is that not good

King: Scott and Kaci are RAW now not WCW

JR: They own the Company, then can be here or There

King: Mr. McMahon won't like this

:Video Preview for Cynthia/Kristin:

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship(Cynthia's Music hits,Crowd Boo's) 1st making her way to the ring, From Tacoma, Washington, Cynthia Diamond!!

King: I think Cynthia will win

JR: Why is that?

King: Well I talked to her backstage

JR: Yeah so

King: Well lets just say it got really nippy in there

JR: Oh my

King: Get your mind of puppies, JR

JR: I beg your pardon

King: You were thinking about puppies

Penser:(Kristin's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) Her opponent, She is from Raeligh, North Carolina, Kristin Styles

JR: This rivalry has been going on for about 2 monthes now since Cynthia arrived

Cynthia Diamond vs Kristin Styles

Bell rings and Kristin runs at Diamond and knocks her down with a clothesline. Styles lifts up Diamond and clotheslines her down again.  Kristin lifts up Cynthia, but Cynthia reverses and hits a DDT on Kristin.  Diamond stomps on Styles twice, and Kristin rolls over, and Diamond stomps on her back.  Cynthia climbs the turnbuckle, and goes for an Elbow Drop, but Kristin rolls out of the ring, and grabs a chair out from under the ring.  Cynthia tries to lift up Kristin into the ring, but gets hit in the head with a chair.  Kristin slides into the ring and waits for Cynthia to get up, and hits her in the head with a chair again, and covers, 1�?�?.5.  Kristin grabs the chair, and waits for Cynthia to get up, and goes for a chair shot, but Cynthia kicks her in the gut, and delivers a dropkick to the chair into the face of Kristin sending her through the ropes.  Cynthia rolls out of the ring, and whips Kristin into the steel pole.  Cynthia lifts up Kristin and smacks her head against the pole, and then backs up, and whips her into the steel steps.  Cynthia looks under the ring, and pulls out a fire extinguisher, and sprays Kristin with it.  Cynthia grabs a garbage can from under the ring, and wedges it in between the second and bottom rope.  She grabs Kristin, and holds her legs, and launches her headfirst into the garbage can.  Kristin falls to the ground, and Cynthia covers, 1�?�?.6.  Cynthia covers again, 1�?�?.5, and then she covers again, 1�?�?.5.  Kristin gets to a knee, and punches Cynthia in the gut, and then gets to her feet and punches her in the gut again, and then grabs the garbage can, and nails Cynthia right in the head with it.  Kristin goes under the ring and pulls out a table.  Kristin sets it up, and puts Cynthia on it, and Kristin gets on it, and hits the Many Different Styles through the table.  Kristin covers, 1�?�?.9.  Kristin can’t believe it.  She goes over and gets a trash can lid from under the ring, and waits for Cynthia to get up, and nails her right across the head with it.  Kristin removes a step off the steel steps, and runs around the ring, and hits a Bulldog to Cynthia onto the steps.  Kristin takes the belt off one of the Spanish announcer’s waist, and whips Cynthia across the back with it.  She does it again, and goes for it a third time, but Cynthia rolls out of the way and clotheslines Kristin down.  She lifts up Kristin and rolls her into the ring, and climbs the turnbuckle, and hits a Moonsault on Kristin, 1�?�?.6.  Cynthia gets up, and goes to lift up Kristin, but Kristin reverses into the Many Different Styles, but Cynthia counters into a Many Different Styles of her own, and covers, 1�?�?.

Winner: Cynthia Diamond (Women's Hardcore)

Penser: Your winner and new WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Cynthia Diamond

JR: Cynthia Diamond got the hard fought win here, Hats off to both of these ladies

King: What a great match for the Women's Hardcore Title but Cynthia pulled it out

JR: Kristin Styles has not had alot of luck with Gold but I know her day will come

:Video Preview for Test/TLM:

JR: Well King, We got The WCW United States Title on the line now

King: Both Test and The Love Machine have developed quite the rivalry lately as we saw in the Video Preview and I can't wait for these 2 men to brawl

"You'll See" hits as Stevie Richards makes his way to the ring:

JR: Stevie Richards who is not booked tonight is coming to the ring for whatever reason and has gotten a mic

Stevie Richards: Well I know your all wondering why I am out here but you see a few week's ago, Goldberg had the nerve to stab Mr. McMahon in the back but whats worse is he speared me!!! The GM of Heat!! Tonight I get my revenge becouse Goldberg, Mr. McMahon has approved me vs you but....You must beat The 2 men who we have paid to take you out, The APA

"APA" Theme hits,Crowd is stunned:

King: Goldberg is dead meat

JR: Goldberg has to beat I guess Both Members of the APA and then Stevie Richards here tonight in a impromptu match

"Invasion hits, Crowd Chants GOLDBERG:

:Security bangs on the door as Goldberg knocks it down:

JR: Goldberg is on his way and he is ready

King: This is going to be a massacre one way or the other

:Crowd Goes Nuts when Goldberg comes to the entry way and heads for the ring:

JR: Well here we go

Goldberg vs Faarooq
Faarooq attacks Goldberg as he gets into the ring and Faarooq whips Goldberg off the ropes and Goldberg delivers a huge spear on Faarooq, Goldberg picks up Faarooq for the Jackhammer and delivers it into a pin for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Goldberg
Goldberg vs Bradshaw
Bradshaw immediatly attacks Goldberg and Bradshaw overpowers Goldberg, Bradshaw whips Goldberg into the ropes and Goes for the Clothesline from Hell but Goldberg ducks and bounces off the ropes on the other side and as Bradshaw turns around, Goldberg spears him, Goldberg is about to Jackhammer him when Stevie Richards attacks Goldberg
Winner: Goldberg by DQ

Penser: Your winner, Goldberg!!

JR: Goldberg got past the APA

Goldberg vs Stevie Richards
Stevie Richards delivers several clubbing blows to Goldberg's back and Stevie whips Goldberg into the ropes and Goldberg spears Stevie into next week!!! Goldberg then picks up Stevie and signals the end and hoists him up for a 1 handed Jackhammer!!! and Goldberg drops him down into the pin for easy 1---2--3.
Winner: Goldberg

Penser: Your winner, Goldberg!!

King: That was unheard of

JR: Goldberg just beat Faarooq, Bradshaw, and Stevie Richards in a matter of minutes, Can Anyone beat Goldberg?


:HHH is shown leaving from Scott & Kaci's Office:

:Another Part of Backstage:

Vince McMahon: I just wanted to inform everyone that tonight's US Title Match is now a No DQ Match in the interest of fairness


King: What do you think that was about?

JR: I have no idea

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW United States Championship(Crowd Cheers)(TLM's Music hits,Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From St. Paul, Minnesota and weighing in at 230 Pounds, he is "Mr. Monday Night" The Love Machine

JR: This Love Machine has a Huge Ego and I hope Test brings him down to earth

King: The Love Machine is The Greatest US Champion of all time and that is not a lie on his part

Penser:(Test hits,Crowd Cheers) His opponent, He is being accumpied by his wife Stacy Keibler-Martin, He is from Toronto, Canada and is weighing in at 282 Pounds, He is the WCW United States Champion, Test!!!

JR: Test has been a fighting US Champion and I think Test may have the advantage here tonight

WCW United States Championship: No DQ: Test(C) W/Stacy Keibler vs The Love Machine
TLM and Test are face 2 face as the ref holds up The US Title, TLM then takes a Cheap Shot on Test knocking Test back and TLM then delivers several hard chops to Test backing test into the corner where TLM starts to kick away at Test in the ribs but Test ends up reverseing and then delivers several knee's To The Love Machine's gut and Test whips The Love Machine across the ring into the other corner where Test follows up with a huge clothesline, Test grabs TLM and swings him around and throws him back into the corner and TLM ends up hitting it hard and flipping upside down out onto the apron where Test knocks him off and flying back into the guard rail. Test, goes outside after The Love Machine and Test picks up TLM and drops him throat 1st off the guard rail. Test then picks up The Love Machine and bodyslams him down on the floor, Test picks up The Love Machine again and rolls him back into the ring, Test gets into the ring after The Love Machine, Test picks up The Love Machine and whips him off the ropes and Test delivers a powerslam on him, Test covers for a 1---2--2.8-kick out, Test then procedes to deliver several right hands on TLM and Test finally lets up to pick up The Love Machine and Test goes for the Pumphandle Slam but TLM wiggles free and catches Test with the Sky High, TLM is slow to cover but finally does for a 1---2--2.6-kick out, TLM then gets up and waits for Test to get up and TLM whips Test off the ropes and puts his head down but Test stops and delivers a DDT on The Love Machine, Test then picks up The Love Machine and whips him off the ropes and Test delivers a sidewalk slam on TLM, Test then goes up top and attempts a Flying Elbow but The Love Machine moves out of the way. TLM then rolls up Test for a 1---2--2.9-Stacy Keibler pulls the ref out of the ring, The Love Machine is pissed and grabs Stacy by her hair and brings her up on the apron but Stacy then slaps TLM across the face and Test then delivers a full nelson slam on the Love Machine, Test covers TLM for a 1---2--2.6-TLM gets his foot on the rope, Test can't believe it and gets off and gets in a position waiting on The Love Machine to get up and Test then goes for the Big Boot but The Love Machine moves and Test ends up straddling the top rope, The Love Machine then is able to a full nelson pin on Test for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. The Love Machine can't belive it and The Love Machine goes up top for a Frog Splash but JT Mystikal comes running down to the ring and shoves The Love Machine off the top rope. JT gets into the ring and then delivers the Doomsday Knockout on The Love Machine and JT Rolls out of the ring and heads to the back as Stacy tells Test to cover The Love Machine but Test instead picks up The Love Machine and delivers the Pumphandle Slam into a pinfall for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Test

Penser: Your winner and still WCW US Champion, Test!!

JR: Test has walked out of here as The US Champion

King: I can't believe what we just saw

JR: JT Mystikal who was The Love Machine's Former Tag Team Partner just cost The Love Machine his dreams of being US Champion again

King: The Former Impact Players are now at War I guess, Where is Dawn Marie at when you need her

:Video Preview for The Royal Rumble:

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 11/22/2006 7:08 AM

JR: Well King, We have seen some great Action thus far tonight and I am sure that the action will only get better

King: I know what you mean

:Video Preview for Orton/Batista:

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW Hardcore Championship(Batista's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) 1st making his way to the ring being accumpied by Kristin Styles, Batista

JR: This Batista broke away from Evolution and Tonight Randy Orton who is the so called "Right Hand Man" of Triple H attempts to take out Batista

Penser:(Evolution theme hits,Crowd Boo's) His opponent, Being accumpied by "Nature Boy" Ric Flair and Kelli Helmsley, He is from St. Louis, Missouri and is weighing in at 245 Pounds, He is Representing Evolution and he is the WCW Hardcore Champion, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton!!!

King: Randy Orton is in great shape

JR: Orton has Flair in his corner which could be the X Factor now

WCW Hardcore Championship: Randy Orton(C) W/Ric Flair & Kelli Helmsley vs Batista W/Kristin Styles
Match starts off with Batista running down the ramp way and slides into the ring. The former Evolution memeber stares down at Randy Ortan. Randy looks right back him as the bell sounds. Both men lock up. Both men not willing to give up the hold as Randy kicks Batista in the leg and then back eblows him in the face as he whips him tot he ropes and then hits a sidewalks slam. Randy gets to his feet and shouts. Kelli and Ric at ringside rooting on the young Evolution member. Kristin who is on Batista's side isn't looking happy while Batista slowly gets up. Randy comes up and grabs Batista by the back of the neck pushing him up but Batista takes him with a lowblow. Batista does a quick roll up on Randy. 1.....................2............ and Randy kicks out. Kelli screaming for Randy to get up. Kristin Styles climbs the apron yelling at the ref it was a three count. Batista goes over and tells her to get down and not to worry. Batista turns and gets a jump kick to the chest by Ortan as Batista hits the ropes. Randy then grabs Batista by the legs and nails a big time decapataor to Batista. Randy pulls Batista out of the ropes and covers him. 1........................2............ and Batista kicks out. Randy rolls out of the ring and is joined with Ric patting him ont eh back. Kelli smiles and hands him a steel chair. Randy smiles takes it and climbs back into the ring. Randy begins to raise the chair over his head and is about to hit Batista with it but he see it coming and grabs the chair and snatches it away from Randy and hits him across the head with it as Randy falls to his knees. Batista then slams it over his head once more. Batista throws the chair out of the ring and covers Randy. 1.........................2............. and Ric flair grabs Randy by the foot and places it on the ropes as Ref spots his foot on the rope and stops the count. Batista looks over at Ric and climbs out of the ring and goes at Ric but Ric takes off running to the other side while he's chasing him Kelli kicks Batista in the stomach as Batista grabs his stomach Ric grabs the chair that was thrown out and slams it over his head. Kristin comes over and attacks Kelli from behind as she grabs her by the hair and slams her down on the ringside flooring. Ric rolls Batista back into the ring as Kristin goes back to her side. Randy picks Batista up to his feet. He then nails a DDT. Randy goes to the top ropes and nails a droping elbow to Batista's stomach area. Batista heard yelling from the pain. Randy goes to cover him. 1...............................2....................2.9 and Kristin grabs the Ref by the ankle and pulls him out of the ring. Ref looks over at Kristin then climbs back into the ring. Randy looks ticked off at Kristin as Kelli is taking care of her outside of the ring. Both Randy and Batista are at there feet. Both men kinda tired out. Randy comes charging at Batista with a running clothesline but Batista ducks it and grabs Randy by the back of the neck and pick shim up for a sit out powerslam but Randy manages to climb and struggle out of it and counters it to a big time RKO as Batista hits the mat hard. Randy taking in a huge breathe as he crawls over to Batista and hooks the leg for a cover. 1.................2..................3 Young Randy rolls out of the ring and joins Ric and the ref who both raise his hands in victory.
Winner: Randy Orton

Penser: Your winner and still Hardcore Champion, Randy Orton

JR: Randy Orton picks up the huge win

King: Orton has gotten Evolution's Revenge

:Ric Flair gets into the ring while Batista is getting up and Flair chops blocks Batista and then locks in the Figure-4-Lock on Batista until Ref's pull Flair off and Batista needs helped out:

JR: Ric Flair may have just taken Batista out of the game

King: I think Evolution just passed Batista by!!!

:Evolution's Locker Room:

Vince: Now Hunter, I didnt come here to fight with you....I came here with an offer that you can't refuse

HHH: You got 5 minutes becouse Victoria's Match is up next so I need to watch that to make sure that it stays fair

Vince: It will but......My Offer is something Grand, I am going to give you what you want.....a Chance to be The WCW World Heavyweight Champion(Crowd Cheers)but.........You must beat The Love Machine on Friday Night Main Event along with My "Crown Jewel" of the Corperation so what do you say

HHH: Well Vince...I think you got yourself a....

Scott Hill: No Deal here becouse Vince, I know what your trying to do and I know what the fans really want to see which is why I am changing The WCW Main Event for Friday Night Main Event....See The #1 Contendership will be on the line at Friday Night Main Event and It will be a Great Contest becouse it will be for the 1st time on National TV, The Elimination Chamber(Crowd Goes Berserk). I know There has only been 2 Chambers and they have both been on RAW but This Time its coming to WCW and The 6 Men who will be in the chamber are.....Triple H(Crowd Cheers), Test(Crowd Cheers), The Love Machine(Crowd Boo's), The Loser of The Kurt Angle/Matt Hardy World Title Match(Crowd is mixed), Kevin Nash(Crowd Boo's), &.....The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton(Crowd Boo's).

Vince: What the hell are you trying to do?

Scott: Im giving the people what they want to see

Kaci Hill: You know Scott, I think we need something for the ladies

Vince: What are you trying to do to My Brand?

Kaci: Shut up Vince, Before I fire your ass...Now....I'm going to have to think at what the Ladies need to see but hell since We are going all out for Friday Night Main Event and since The Chamber will already be there, we may as well have a Female Elimination Chamber for The WCW Women's Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts), So Im thinking the 6 Ladies should be of course The WCW Women's Champion, The other 2 female's who are in that match this evening so that means Molly Holly, Sara, & Trish Stratus.....Kristin Styles, Cynthia Diamond and since the Winner of the Victoria/Stephanie McMahon match gets a Prime Shot in the Diva Rumble....The Loser of The Victoria/Stephanie Match will be included in

Scott: Great Idea darling

Kaci: Thanks but Vince, Do you mind for a second,

Vince: Mind what?

Kaci: Holding the baby, He needs Changed

:Kaci hands Vince the baby and Vince looks confused and the baby throws up on Vince!!

Vince: What the hell

:Vince hands Scott the baby as he leaves pissed off:

HHH: Smart Kid


King: Poor Mr. McMahon

JR: Vince will get over it but how about those 2 Matches Made for Friday Night Main Event!!!

King: 2 Elimination Chambers!!

JR: That is huge

:Video Highlights of Victoria/Stephanie Fued:

JR: These 2 ladies hate each other's guts to put it simple

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall(All Grown Up hits,Crowd Cheers) 1st making her way to the ring from Grenich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

King: Let's Not forget if Stephanie wins then She gets 5 minutes with Kelli Helmsley

JR: The Winner of This gets #25 in the Diva Royal Rumble Next Month while The Loser Draws #1

King: The Loser though gets into the Elimination Chamber and a Shot at The Women's Title

Penser:(All The Things She Said hits,Crowd Boo's) Her opponent, Being accumpied by Kelli Helmsley, She is from San Berdino, California and Representing Evolution, Victoria!!

JR: Victoria and Stephanie have battled over The Women's Title but Victoria did win The 1 thing that Stephanie loved the most and that was her husband who is now Victoria's fiance

King: HHH and Victoria are in love though, You know that JR, They are always together

Victoria W/Kelli Helmsley vs Stephanie McMahon
Victoria and Stephanie both start the match off by staring at each other and talking trash to one another, Victoria goes up to Stephanie and says something to her that causes Stephanie to deliver a huge bitch slap on Victoria and Stephanie then spears down Victoria and starts to pound away on Victoria as Victoria covers up, Stephanie then gets up and grabs Victoria by the hair and Stephanie delivers a hair toss sending Victoria flying across the ring, Stephanie then knocks Victoria into the corner and Stephanie starts to stomp away on Victoria in the corner and Stephanie then starts to choke Victoria but Victoria then kicks Stephanie down, Victoria pulls herself up and Stephanie charges but Victoria then lifts herself up and Stephanie runs into Victoria's foot, Victoria then goes up top and delivers a flying cross body on Stephanie for a 1--2--2.5-kick out. Victoria then picks up Stephanie and bodyslams her down, Victoria then locks in the Figure 4 Leg Lock on Stephanie as Stephanie is riving in pain and is trying to reach the ropes and does reach them as The ref orders the hold broken which Victoria does, Victoria though doesnt let Stephanie back up and immediatly delivers a few hard kicks to Stephanie's ribs sending Stephanie across the ring, Victoria then picks up Stephanie and starts calling her rather rude names and Victoria throws Stephanie over the Top Rope to the floor and tells her that is a Royal Rumble Preview and Victoria starts to get in the ref's way as Kelli Helmsley then goes over to Stephanie and Kelli delivers a few shots to Stephanie, Kelli picks up Stephanie is about to throw her into the Post but Stephanie starts to fight back and Stephanie shoves Kelli down and Stephanie then grabs Kelli and throws her into the Side of the guard rail. Victoria then goes to go out after Stephanie but Stephanie delivers a right hand knocking Victoria back into the ring, Stephanie then gets back into the ring and takes down Victorai with a Lou Thez Press and Stephanie pounds away on Victoria, Stephanie then picks up Victoria and Stephanie kicks Victoria in the gut and Stephanie goes for the Pedigree but Victoria drops Stephanie down and then slingshots Stephanie right into the ref knocking him down, Victoria then catches Stephanie with a kick to the stomach and Victoria delivers the Pedigree on Stephanie, Victoria covers Stephanie but there is no ref to count and Victoria goes over to get the ref up as Nidia then runs down to the ring with a Steel Chair and hits Victoria over the head with the Steel Chair from behind, Kelli Helmsley though gets into the ring and Kelli knocks Nidia over the top to the floor with a clothesline, Kelli picks up the chair as Nidia is heading to the back, Victoria starts to get up and see's Kelli with the chair and Victoria grabs the chair from Kelli and starts to cuss at her for hitting her and Victoria then delivers a forearm shot to Kelli knocking her down, Victoria then grabs Kelli by the hair and sets her up for the Widow's Peak but Stephanie delivers a kick to Victoria's stomach and Stephanie then hits the Pedigree on Victoria, Stephanie then covers as the ref is slow to get there and starts to count the 1-------------2------------2.999999-shoulder up. Stephanie can't believe it and goes to pick up Victoria ut Kelli then knocks the ref back down and Kelli goes to hit Stephanie but Stephanie ducks and Stephanie rips off Kelli's shirt revealing Kelli's blue bra as Kelli is shocked and covers herself up and Stephanie delivers a Chick Kick knocking down Kelli Helmsley, Stephanie then picks up Kelli Helmsley and delivers the Pedigree on her, Victoria though catches Stephanie with a Chick Kick as Stephanie gets back up and Victoria rolls Kelli out to the floor as Victoria goes out on the apron and Victoria has Stephanie set up and Victoria does the flip over leg drop, Victoria covers Stephanie for a 1--------2---------2.6-kick out.Victoria then tells "Princess" that she is going to finish the job and Victoria sets Stephanie up for the Widow's Peak and drops down with it and then covers Stephanie for the 1----------2----------2.9999-Vince McMahon yanks The Ref out and Vince tells The ref he is now the ref and Vince gets into the ring and Victoria goes up to Vince and Vince starts to tells Victoria that she can't win now and Victoria delivers a kick below the belt to Vince and Victoria has Vince set up for the Pedigree but Stephanie the rolls up Victoria as Vince covers the 1-2-2.9-Scott Hill comes out and yanks Vince out of the ring and Hill delivers a right hand knocking down Vince and Hill tells Vince that he is the owner and he is going to ref this match and Vince pulls Hill back out as Stephanie and Victoria exchange right hands in the ring, Hill and McMahon are argueing and Victoria catches Stephanie with a Chick Kick but Holly Mathews comes out of the crowd and has a Steel Chair and is about to hit Victoria from behind but Kaci Hill then comes out to the ring and yanks Holly out of the ring before she can hit Victoria and Kaci delivers a right hand knocking down Holly and Security comes out and escorts Holly & Vince to the back as Scott tells the Regular Ref to ref it as Scott & Kaci head to the back. Victoria has Stephanie covered as the ref finally counts for the 1---2--kick out. Victoria picks up Stephanie and Victoria whips Stephanie off the ropes and Victoria delivers a high knee to Stephanie, Victoria then picks up Stephanie and Victoria delivers the Widow's Peak to Stephanie and Victoria covers for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Victoria

Penser: Your winner, Victoria

JR: Victoria gets the Victory and #25 in the Diva Royal Rumble

King: That was not fair

JR: Mr. McMahon and Holly Mathews tried to aid Stephanie but Scott and Kaci Hill made that not work and Victoria gets the Victory

King: I hope Stephanie wins This Friday in the Chamber

JR: That could be a Match of the Year Canidate

:Video Preview for Molly Holly vs Trish Stratus vs Sara:

JR: It's time for the Women's Title Match, All 3 of these ladies have 2 things in commen

King: The WCW Women's Title and....

JR: They have all had relationships with Matt Hardy, Molly Holly dated Matt for a time, Trish was married to Matt while Sara has been and currently is a M'Fer

King: I wish I was Matt Hardy

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW Women's Championship(Crowd Cheers)(Sara's Music plays,Crowd Boo's) 1st making her way to the ring, She is from Long Beach, California and she is Representing Mattitude, Sara!!!

King: Sara is a Former SCWE Women's Champion and Im sure she can win the WCW Women's Title

JR: Shannon Moore another M'Fer won the Cruiserweight Title earlier so maybe this is the night for Mattitude

Penser:(Time To Rock N Roll hits,Crowd Cheers) Her opponent and also a challenger, From Toronto, Canada, Trish Stratus!!!

JR: Trish has made a good comeback and can cap it off with a Women's Title win

Penser:(Molly's Music plays,Crowd Cheers) Finally, She is from Forest Lake, Minnesota, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Molly Holly

King: Molly got her hands full if you ask me

JR: She may becouse Trish and Sara while they dont get along now were both in Mattitude together so there is history there with them

WCW Women's Championship: Molly Holly(C) vs Sara vs Trish Stratus
The Match starts out with Sara & Trish forming an alliance and both ladies attacking Molly Holly, Sara & Trish whip Molly off the ropes and both ladies put there heads down and Molly then hits a Double DDT on them, Molly then knocks down Sara with a right hand and delivers several chops to Trish knocking her back into the corner, Molly then puts Trish on the top turnbuckle and Molly climbs up for a Super plex but Trish shoves Molly off and Trish then delivers a flying lariet on Molly Holly, Trish then gets met with a clothesline by Sara, Sara then picks up Trish and whips her off the ropes and Sara delivers a powerslam on her, Sara covers for a 1---2--Molly breaks it up, Molly then grabs Sara and throws her into the corner and Molly starts to stomp away on Sara until Trish Stratus comes over and backdrops Molly Holly, Trish then picks up Sara and puts her on the top turnbuckle and Trish delivers the Stratusphere on Sara, Molly goes to hit Trish but Trish does the Matrix Move and Trish then catches Molly with the Chick Kick, Trish covers Molly for a 1---2--2.6-Sara breaks it up, Sara then picks up Trish and Sara goes for the Twist of Fate on her but Trish pulls Sara's pants down revealing Sara's purple thong, Sara goes to pull them up and Trish delivers a Chick Kick to her, Trish covers Sara for a 1---2--Molly breaks it up and Molly then delivers a Devistating DDT on trish Stratus, Molly then goes up top and Molly is about to go for hte Molly-Go-Round on Trish but Sara shakes the ropes, Sara then grabs Molly and throws her off the top rope, Sara then catches Trish with the Twist of Fate and Sara waits for Molly to get up and Sara goes for the Sara Bomb on Molly but Molly rolls through into a roll up for a 1---2--2.8-kick out. Molly and Sara exchange right hands and Molly delivers a hard chop to Sara's chest and Molly then backs Sara up into the ropes and Molly clotheslines Sara over the top to the floor, Molly then leaps over the top rope onto Sara and Molly then gets up but Trish rams into Molly with a baseball slide knocking Molly back into the guard rail, Trish then leaps over the top onto Sara who was getting back up, Trish and Molly then exchange right hands and Trish tries to whip Molly into the steel steps but Molly reverses and sends Trish into them back 1st, Molly then picks up Trish and rolls her back into the ring, Molly goes up top for the Molly-Go-Round and hits the Molly-Go-Round on Trish for the 1---2--2.9-Sara breaks it up, Sara then delivers a Twist of Fate on Molly Holly and Sara goes up top and Sara connects with a Swanton Bomb on Molly but Trish picks up Sara and Trish delivers the Stratusfaction on Sara, Trish covers Sara for a 1---2--2.9-Sara gets her foot on the bottom rope. Trish can't believe it and Trish then goes for another Stratusfaction but Sara backdrops Trish, Sara then catches Trish with a Chick Kick sending Trish down and Sara goes to pick up Trish but Molly Holly rams Sara from behind knocking Sara into the ring post and Molly then rolls up Sara for a 1---2--2.6-kick out, Molly & Trish are standing side by side as Sara charges at them and Molly & Trish both duck and backdrop Sara over the top to the floor, Molly then kicks Trish in the stomach and Molly sets up Trish in a odd looking move where Trish for a Upside down Widow's Peak and Molly does the move, Molly then covers Trish Stratus for the 1--2--3.
Winner: Molly Holly

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Champion, Molly Holly!!!

JR: Molly Holly got the Big Victory!!

King: Sara came close but Molly got took out Trish with a nasty move

JR: That kinda looked like a Vertebreaker that Shane Helms used to do

King: Well Shane Helms is the Hurricane and The Hurricane is friends with Molly Holly so it makes sense

:Preview for Highlight Shows This week:

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 11/22/2006 7:09 AM

JR: Well King, It's time to see who will walk out of here as The WCW Tag team Champions

King: This is going to be good

:Video Preview for HHH/Nash vs Booker/Goldust:

JR: Normally I think HHH and Nash may be 2 good for Booker and Goldust but Mr. McMahon has vowed to take out HHH 1st and then Nash so you never know what he will be plotting for this one

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW Tag Team Championship(Can You Dig It hits,Crowd Cheers) 1st making there way to the ring, The Challengers, The Team of Booker T and Goldust!!

King: Booker and Goldust got there hands full but I think they can pull it off if Nash and HHH have any problems at all becouse those 2 may be friends now but they have not always gotten along

Penser:(Diesel Blue's hits,Crowd Boo's)There oppoents, 1st From Detroit, Michigan, He is The WCW Television Champion along with being 1/2 of the WCW Tag Team Champions, He is Kevin Nash!!!

JR: This is Kevin Nash's Pay Per View Return

Penser:(The Game hits,Crowd Comes to there feet and Cheers) His Tag Team Partner, He is the other half of the WCW Tag Team Champions and he is From Grennich Connecticut and weighs in at 260 Pounds, he is The "Game" Triple H!!!

King: The Fans seem to love HHH again

JR: I can tell, HHH's attitude on things havent changed but the fans seem to like it now

WCW Tag Team Championship: Triple H & Kevin Nash(C) vs Booker T & Goldust
Triple H starts the match off with Booker T as both men get face 2 face and Both men are talking trash to one another and the two men finally lock up with Booker T backing HHH back into the corner and Booker gives HHH a clean break but HHH takes a cheapshot knocking down Booker T, Triple H then delivers another right hand on Booker as he gets up and HHH goes to whip Booker T into the corner but Booker reverses and sends HHH into the corner, Booker then hits a charging clothesline on the Game and Booker delivers a Bulldog on HHH as he staggers out of the corner, Booker T then waits for HHH to get up and Booker delivers sevral chops to The Game backing HHH up against the ropes and Booker then whips HHH off the ropes and hits a high leg to the face on HHH. Booker then delivers a boot to the stomach and goes for the Ax Kick on HHH but HHH moves out of the way and catches Booker with a Boot to the stomach and HHH sets Booker up for the Pedigree but Booker backdrops The Game, Booker then tags in Goldust as HHH tags in Nash. Goldust catches Nash coming into the ring with a right hand knocking Nash down and Goldust starts to stomp away on Nash, Goldust then picks up Nash and whips him into the corner and attempts to follow up with a clothesline but Nash delivers an elbow to Goldust's face, Nash then clotheslines Goldust down, Nash then drops a big elbow on Goldust and picks up Goldust in a powerslam position and Nash then carried Goldust over to the corner and drops him face 1st on the top turnbuckle, Nash then grabs Goldust and delivers a sidewalk slam on him, Nash covers Goldust cocky for a 1---2--2.5-shoulder up, Nash picks up Goldust and whips him off the ropes but Booker T makes a blind tag and Nash delivers a Big Boot on Goldust, Nash is unaware of the tag and picks up Goldust and puts him into position for the Jacknife and Nash puts down his straps and then is about to lift Goldust for it when Booker T attacks Nash from behind, Booker T delivers several clubbing blows to Nash's back and Booker then slams Nash down, Booker goes up top and as Nash gets up, Booker hits a Missle Dropkick on Nash, Booker T then waits for Nash to get up and Booker catches Nash with the Book End, Booker covers for the 1---2--2.9-HHH breaks up the pin, Goldust then catches HHH with a clothesline taking down HHH, Goldust and Booker then pick up Nash and deliver a Double Suplex on Nash, Goldust then sets Nash up in the corner for the Golden Globes but HHH knocks Booker T from behind into Goldust, Triple H then grabs Booker T and throws him outside to the floor while Nash grabs Goldust but Goldust delivers a uppercut on Nash catching him off guard, Goldust then kicks Nash in the stomach and tries to set up Nash for the Curtain Call but HHH nails Goldust from behind, Triple H then whips Goldust off the ropes and HHH delivers a huge spinebuster on him, Booker T though is behind HHH and catches him with a kick to the gut and Booker then hits hte Ax kick on HHH, Booker does the spinaroonie back but when he gets to his feet he gets met with a Big Boot from Kevin Nash, Nash then picks up Booker T and delivers a Jacknife Powerbomb on Booker T. The ref is trying to restore order and finally gets HHH outside and Nash covers Booker but The ref tells Nash that Goldust is the legal man, Goldust is behind Nash and Goldust catches Nash with a hard right hand knocking Nash back and Goldust charges but Nash hits a Big Boot on Goldust. Nash then tags in HHH who comes into the ring and picks up Goldust and whips him off the ropes and HHH delivers a high knee on Goldust, HHH picks up Goldust then and sets him up for the Pedigree but Kevin Nash then delivers a Big Boot on HHH!! Nash then grabs HHH and delivers a Jacknife Powerbomb and puts Goldust on top of HHH for the 1---2--3. Nash then picks up Goldust and Throws him to the floor as Jamie Noble, Nidia, & Stevie Richards come to the ring and Richards rolls Booker out to the floor as The 3 Men start to work over HHH until Randy Orton, Ric Flair, & Victoria hit the ring and chase out Nash, Richards, Noble, & Nidia.
Winners: Goldust & Booker T (WCW Tag)

Penser: Your winners and New WCW Tag Team Champions, Booker T & Goldust

JR: I don't believe what we Just Saw, kevin Nash just sold out to Vince McMahon

King: I told you Nash and HHH were not as tight as they seemed to be

JR: This Vince McMahon Led Faction was going to injure HHH but Evolution showed there loyalty to HHH by making the save

King: Things are going to be getting good I think

JR: Triple H and Kevin Nash have never met one on one and I think there now on a Collision Course


:Matt Hardy V1 is shown heading for the entry way:

:Another Part of Backstage:

:Kurt Angle is making the walk for the Entry Way:


JR: Before we get to the Final Match of 2003, Let's Look back at a Memorable Year

:Highlights of 2003 are shown:

King: What a Great Year it has been and to think we were on RAW at the start of 2003 and now we are on WCW

JR: Let's Look at the Kurt Angle/Matt Hardy Fued which is going to come to a head now

:Video Highlights of Matt Hardy V1/ Kurt Angle Fued:

Penser: The Main Event of WCW Starrcade is Scheduled for One Fall and it is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts)

JR: Well its go time now

Penser:(Mattitude Countdown into Live For the Moment,Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring, He is From Cameron, North Carolina and he is weighing in at 225 Pounds, The Leader of Mattitude, Matt Hardy Version 1.0!!!

King: The Sensei of Mattitude is here!!

JR: Matt Hardy is going to have his hands full tonight

Penser:(Medal hits,Crowd Breaks into a You Suck Chant) His opponent, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Weighing in at 220 Pounds, The WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle!!!

JR: Angle got the Fan Support but can he knock off Matt Hardy and walk out of Starrcade still World Champion

JR: Well King, Here we go

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Kurt Angle(C) vs Matt Hardy V1
The Ref shows Kurt Angle and then Matt Hardy The WCW World Title and The 2 men lock up with Angle going behind Hardy and Angle attempts to German Suplex Hardy but Hardy elbows Angle in the back of the head and Hardy goes behind Angle and takes down Angle with the Stroke, Hardy covers angle for a 1--2--kick out. Hardy keeps on Angle by kneeing him in the gut as he was getting back up and Hardy locks in a sleeper hold on Angle with both on the mat and Hardy is able to put his feet on the ropes for extra leverage but Angle starts to go down as the ref raises Angle's arms for the 1st time and then the 2nd time and is about to for a 3rd time but the Ref catches Hardy's feet on the ropes and orders The Hold to be broken, Matt Hardy starts to jaw with the ref and Angle is able to roll up Hardy for a 1---2--2.8-kick out. Angle then kicks Hardy in the gut and delivers a T-Bone Suplex on Hardy sending him across the ring and Hardy rolls out to the floor to catch his breath. Kurt Angle follows Matt outside to the floor and Angle and Hardy exchange punches and Angle ends up getting the upper hand and Angle grabs Hardy by the head and throws him into the guard rail, Angle then starts to stomp away at Hardy and picks him up and rolls him back into the ring and follows Hardy back in, Hardy starts to back away from Kurt Angle and is begging off and Hardy tries to roll back out but Angle grabs him by his pants and gives the crowd a butt shot of Hardy as he was trying to get outside but Angle lets go of Hardy's pants and Hardy crashes head 1st on the floor, Angle is laughing about what just happend and goes out to the floor after Hardy but Hardy goes under the ring and Angle starts to follow under but Angle suddenly falls down and Then Matt Hardy emerges from the other side and rolls into the ring restarting the count and then goes over and drags Angle who seems to be out cold from under the ring and throws him back in the ring and Hardy then gets in and picks up Angle and bodyslams him down and goes up top for the Mattitude Leg Drop and connects, Matt covers Angle for a 1--2--2.9-Angle gets his foot on the bottom rope, Matt Hardy can't believe it, Hardy waits for Angle to get up and Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but Angle swings Hardy around and Angle hits a German Suplex and then hangs on and delivers a 2nd German Suplex and still hangs on and finally delivers a 3rd one. Both Angle and Hardy are down as The Ref starts to count again, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-Matt Hardy and Kurt Angle both start to get up and Hardy goes to hit Angle but Angle catches Hardy with a boot to the stomach and Angle delivers a belly 2 belly suplex on Matt Hardy. Angle then gets up and pulls down his straps and waits for Hardy to get up and Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Hardy rolls out of and then Hardy hits the Side Effect on Kurt Angle, Hardy can't cover right away though becouse he is hurting as well but finally covers after several seconds for a 1---2--2.99999999-shoulder up. Matt hardy can't believe it and gets up and waits for Angle to get up and goes for the Twist of Fate again but Angle swings Hardy around again and this time connects with the Angle slam!! Kurt Angle instead of covering grabs Hardy by his ankle and locks in the Angle Lock on Matt Hardy who starts to scream out in pain and Angle has the hold in the middle of the ring, Matt Hardy is about to tap out but Shannon Moore hits the ring and gets in which causes the ref to stop Shannon Moore and Matt Hardy starts to tap out in the center of the ring, Kurt Angle refuses to break the Angle Lock but Sara comes running out and gets into the ring and goes to hit Angle but Angle see's her coming and lets go of the Angle lock to block her attempt and Angle lays a kiss on Sara!! Sara can't believe it and rolls out to the floor trying to whip the kiss off and Angle goes right back into the Angle Lock on Matt Hardy who starts to tap out some more but Shannon Moore is still trying to get into the ring, Angle lets go of the Angle Lock and goes over and delivers a right hand knocking Shannon Moore off the apron and Matt Hardy rolls out to the floor and is clutching his ankle, Angle goes outside after Matt Hardy and grabs Hardy who then sprays Angle with something in the eye's blinding Angle, Matt Hardy struggles to his feet and rolls Angle back into the ring and Hardy rolls in and pulls himself up and kicks Angle in the gut and Hardy delivers the Twist of Fate to Kurt Angle, Hardy covers Angle for a 1---2--2.9999-Shoulder up. Matt Hardy, Shannon Moore, or Sara can't believe that Kurt Angle kicked out. Matt Hardy once again pulls himself back up as Angle is struggling up and Shannon Moore gets on the apron again as Sara then slides The WCW World Title in the ring to Matt Hardy who goes to hit Angle with it but Angle ducks and Angle catches Hardy with another Angle Slam!!, Angle then covers Hardy for the 1---2--2.9-Shannon Moore yanks the ref out of the ring, The Ref then throws Shannon Moore and Sara out of the ringside area or else Matt Hardy will be DQ'd. Angle goes for the Angle Lock in the ring on Matt Hardy again as the ref is getting back in and Matt Hardy kicks Angle back into the ref knocking the ref against the ropes and the ref appears to be out cold, Angle catches Hardy as he was getting up with another Angle Slam and Angle goes over to the ref and tries to wake him up but Stevie Richards then hits the ring and goes to take out Angle who ducks the Stevie Kick and Angle delivers a release German Suplex on Richards, Noble and Nidia also hit the ring but Angle ducks Noble charging and Noble runs into nidia and Angle knocks them both out to the floor but Kevin Nash also gets into the ring and Angle turns around right into a Big Boot, Kevin Nash then picks up Kurt Angle and delivers a Jacknife Powerbomb to Kurt Angle, Nash then puts Hardy on top of Angle and shoves the ref into position to count as the ref counts the 1----------2-------------3.
Winner: Matt Hardy V1 (WCW World)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT Champion, Matt Hardy Verison 1!!!

JR: Matt Hardy is the new WCW World Champion but becouse of Kevin Nash!!!

King: Well Kurt Angle did kinda dump Stephanie McMahon who is Vince McMahon's Daughter so I guess Vince sicked Nash on Angle for revenge

JR: That is wrong and Kurt Angle should still be WCW World Champion

King: He is not though and Matt Hardy is ending 2003 On Top of the Mountain

:Goes Off The Air: