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PPV : Vengeance 7/25/04
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/3/2006 11:00 PM

7/25/04 SCWE Vengeance, Live from the Fleet Center in Boston, Massachusetts

.::Camera shows Fleet Center::.

 .::Lillian Garcia sings the National Anthem::.

.::Pyros Explode and reveal the SCWE Vengeance Entrace ramp::.

.::Steel Cage is shown::.

Jim Ross: Welcome ladies and gentelmen! We are here live in the Fleet Center in Boston Massachusetts! I am Jim Ross along side with Jerry "The King" Lawler!
Jerry Lawler: Thanks for the introduction JR. Tonight we have a huge SCWE Vengeance card. There will be SEVEN title matches! Thats right all of the SCWE gold is on the line tonight!
Jim Ross: Also we have a 7 Woman over the top Diva Battle Royal, where in my mind I think Scarlett is the favorite. She is a house of power. Also Twister-X has a huge match tonight to try and get his hands on the SCWE Juniorweight Championship!
Jerry Lawler: This is an outrage though! He won it fair in square at Rampage but Ernest Miller restarted the match! If it wasnt for Ernest Miller Our Idol would be the SCWE Juniorweight Champion!
Jim Ross: Well if Twister-X can prove himself here tonight than everything will be ok for him. But lets not forget about the huge structure hanging over the ring. Its a steel cage! This match is not for the weak, and that structure is not just for the men. Because tonight it is going to be Kristin Styles challenging the SCWE Womens Champion, Cynthia Diamond for the gold!
Jerry Lawler: This will be a brutal match to say the least but we have the RAWCore title on the line and we both know that Raven will snap at any minute and could very well end Mikey G's carrer!
Jim Ross: Although Mikey G isnt a big hardcore match man I think he can and will hold his own here tonight and he could be the man to take that RAWCore title away from Raven.
Jerry Lawler: Well in our main event Goldberg will defend his title against none other than The Undertaker! This match is going to be a pure brawl and I for one cannot wait to see that one!
Jim Ross: Me either King it will definitely be a slobberknocker! But lets head to the ring where Joey Ryan will face off against Sonny Siaki!

("In Da Club" By: 50 Cent blares over the PA system as the fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall! First making his way to the ring from the Isle of Samoa, weighing in at 254 pounds, Sonny Siaki!!!

Jerry Lawler: Here comes Sonny Siaki. He has been in a real rut of late and at RAW he seemed fired up to get his hands on someone and try to regain focus on his winning ways.
Jim Ross: He will have his hands full tonight with Joey Ryan who has been on a winng streak ever since returning to the SCWE. He has alligned himself with Raven now!

("The Way You Like It" By: Adema blares over the PA system as the fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring, From Los Angelas, California, Weighing in at 210 pounds. Representing The Flock! Joey Ryan!!!

Sonny Siaki vs Joey Ryan

Joey and Sonny lock up. Joey puts Sonny into a writst lock and yanks back. Sonny reverses it and puts Joey into a reverse wrist lock and than sweeps his legs out and sends Joey to the mat. Sonny than picks up Joey and throws him into the ropes. Sonny misses a clothesline and is taken down with a shoulder block. Joey gets up and picks up Sonny. He hits a few knife edge chops and than goes for a vertical suplex but Sonny stops it and delivers a vertical suplex of his own and than goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Sonny picks up Joey and throws him into the turnbuckle. Sonny goes for a splash but Joey moves and Sonny nails hte turnbuckle. Joey than takes Sonny down with a neckbreaker. Joey jumps to the top turnbuckle and waits for Sonny to turn around. Sonny is than hit by a Joey Vandaminator! Joey than picks up Sonny and unleashes on him with lefts and rights and than hits a dropkick that takes Sonny down to the mat. Joey goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Joey cant believe it. Joey gets angry and he picks up Sonny and than throws Sonny into the ropes. Sonny comes back and ducks a heel kick. Sonny comes back and hits a cross body block. Sonny goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Sonny is slow to get up but he picks up Joey and goes for the Sex Drive. But Joey reverses it and hits the Influential! Joey goes for the pin 1...2...3!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner! Joey Ryan!!!

Jim Ross: Joey Ryan had made quite the impact on Sonny Siaki here tonight. Sonny Siaki's losing streak is continuing to go down hill.
Jerry Lawler: Well as I said Joey Ryan would win. Look at that King was right! Haha.

("I Stand Alone" By: GodSmack hits and fans boo as the whole Flock comes out lead by Raven with ShayDawg by his side)

Jim Ross: You never said tha- O forget it. Wait look the whole Flock is comming down to the ring. What do they want?
Jerry Lawler: I dont know but Joey Ryan looks confuzed as does Sonny Siaki. Joey Ryan has his team mates comming down I wonder why he looks scared.

.::Raven gets a mic and looks as if he is going to talk he than walks up to Raven and pats his back. Sonny Siaki back walks and runs into Damian Rage who laughs. Sonny turns around and Damian kicks him in the gut and hits the Raging Effect! Everyone begins to lay into Sonny Siaki with boots to the face as Raven and ShayDawg sit by watching and smiling. Raven goes to the outside and gets a chair. He sets it up in the middle of the ring. Damian Rage throws Sonny towards Raven who drops Sonny with a drop toe hol dinto the chair. Sonny is busted open as...::.

("Glass Shatters" and fans jump to there feet cheering as Stone Cold Steve Austin comes down the ramp)

Jim Ross: Oh my god! Its Stone Cold! Hes back.
Jerry Lawler: Whats he doing here?

.::Stone Cold gets in the ring and ducks a Damian Rage clothesline and begins to unleash on him. Damian Rage than hits Stone Cold down from behind as Billy Gunn slides into the ring. Billy Gunn fights Damian Rage off of Stone Cold and battles Damian Rage over the top rope. Stone Cold than takes out Raven with a Stunner as Billy Gunn continues to duke it out with Damian Rage all the way to the backstage area. Austin grabs a mic...::.

Steve Austin: If yall just liked what you saw give me a Hell Yeah! (Crowd responds with a loud Hell Yeah!) Stone Cold Steve Austin is back in buisness and hes whipping ass 24/7! (crowd cheers) Damn it I need a beer! (Steve Austin catches a beer and drinks it) There! Now I have been sitting at home and I saw that The Flock pryed its beety little head into the SCWE ring of late and they are saying that they are able to take down anyone! Now uh uh thats just not about to happen to Stone Cold Steve Austin! Stone Cold Steve Austin is back in business and he is here for two things that is to kick some ass and drink some beer and thats because Stone Cold Said so! (Steve Austin drops the mic as he gets more beer and drinks it)

Jim Ross: I cant believe this? Stone Cold is back. This has already been a legendary Vengeance! I cant wait to see the Texas Rattlesnake kick some more ass.
Jerry Lawler: Calm down JR. Geeze your like a silly little school girl. I dont know why Stone Cold is here but I wish he would just leave!
Jim Ross: Well we still have 9 matches left and who would of thought Stone Cold would be here tonight in Boston!
Jerry Lawler: Our next match up is going to be some tag team action when Eminem & Halo make there debut as a tag team.
Jim Ross: But there opponents are no push overs. J & JJ Stallion have made quite an impressive team thus far.
Jerry Lawler: Well also tonight we will decide who eis the Tag Champs when Team Style defends against Crimson Calling.
Jim Ross: Well lets head on down to Lillian Garcia who is in the ring.

("Bawitaba" By: Kid Rock hits and fans give mix reaction as J comes out with a mic.)


Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a scheduled tag team match and the winner will be granted a SCWE Tag Team title shot! First making there way to the ring being accumpanied by Ivory! The team of J and JJ Stallion!!!

Jim Ross: This team has been on quite a roll they are on a 2-0 streak comming into tonights matchup.
Jerry Lawler: They will have there hands full tonight though when they meet up with rap sensation Eminem and his partner Halo!

("Slim Shady" By: Eminem hits and fans cheer as Eminem comes out with his mic rapping to his song)

Lillian Garcia: And making his way to the ring one half of there opponents, from Rockford, Illinois, weighing in at 234 pounds... "The Real Slim Shady" Eminem!!!

Jim Ross: Eminem is gettning the crowd into a frenzy. He is a rap sensation known all over the world. Lets see how his wrestling Pay Per View debut turns out.
Jerry Lawler: We are now awaiting his partner Halo. I wonder where he is.
Jim Ross: Well I have no idea but mayb-

("Paul Heymans Theme" By:WWE hits as Paul Heyman makes his way to the upper ramp way with a mic.)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen please welcome the SCWE Commishoner Paul Heyman!

Jim Ross: What does Paul Heyman want now?
Jerry Lawler: I dont know JR but be quiet I want to hear the mastermind talk!

Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentelmen. Tonight is going to be a great night. But the factor for Eminem is one sad thing. You see Eminem it seems that your tag team partner, Halo has been fired and will not be able to accompany you in your tag team match up! (crowd boos as Paul HEyman laughs) But this match will still happen! It will be a handicap match though! Now if Eminem pulls out a miraculous win he and a partner of his choice will get an SCWE Tag Team Title shot in two weeks when we go to Albany, New York! However if J & JJ Stallion win than they will take the title shot in New York for the belts! Thank you ladies and gentelemne and I will see you later!

Jim Ross: Theres Paul Heyman throwing his weight around again!
Jerry Lawler: Its only fair! Lets head down to the ring now!

J & JJ Stallion w/Ivory vs. Eminem

Stallion starts off with emienm, stallion tosses eminem into the corner and delivers short jabbs to the abdomen area then kicks him in the gut and delivers a piledriver. Stallion gets up and taunts to the crowd. Stallion then picks up emienm and throws him into the corner and hits a knee to the stomach then whips him inot the ropes and delivers a dropkick knocking eminem to the mat. Stallion then picks eminem up and throws him into the corner. Stallion tags in J. J brings eiminem into the middle of the ring and delivers a russian leg sweep. J then hips into the ropes and delivers a leg drop. Eminem is a little wozzy but gets up and J connects with a superkick, and then stallion comes off the top rope with a shooting star press and connects.J pins 1 - 2 J Lifts eminems head up and says he's not done. J stes him up for a powerbomb and connects. J goes and tag stallion. Stallion picks Eminem up and Throws him into the corner and puts him in a tree of woe and starts kicking  him in the gut, stallion then takes him down and lifts him up and sets hium up for the J Crush - Stallion nails the vertabreaker, and pins  1 - 2 Stallion lifts eimens head up. Stallion signals for a chair, J Get off the spron and gets a chair, All of a sudeen Eimnem low blows stallion and Gets a rollup wit the tights 1 -2 - J makes the save, Eminem gets up and j swing but eminem kicks the chair back in J face. Eminem then grabbs j and tosse shm over the top rope, stallion gets the chir and hits eminem in the head knoking him down bloody. Stallion picks Eminem and delivvers another J Crush and then he tag in J. J picks eminem up but eminem hits a low blow then a stunner, eminem pins 1 - J gets the sholder up. Eminem gets up whi[s j in the corner grabbs the chair, emine knocks J lights out. J Is out cold eminem pins 1 - 2 - 2 1/2 J gets the sholder up. Eminem picks J up and delivers a suplex to a bloody J. J get yup and hist a big boot on eminem. J goes ot the ref and tuggs the ref to trn around, stallion comes in and delivers a KNock _ut (Tombstone) on to the chair, then slides out of the ring J picks eminem up and delivers a Powerbomb then pins 1 -2 - 3

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winners! J & JJ Stallion!!!

Jim Ross: Well no suprise there in that match. Eminem gave it all he could but in the end the numbers game was just to much for him.
Jerry Lawler: Well when we head to Albany, New York J & JJ Stallion will have a Tag Team Title Shot! We need to head backstage JR.

.::Backstage Raven and Damian Rage are shown beating down Billy Gunn. Raven sets him up for an evenflow as he is blind sided from behind by Brandon. Brandond begins to unleash on Raven with lefts and rights and than hits The Rush on Damian Rage. Brandon gets up from the shot he gave Damian and turns around. Raven hits him with a clothesline. Raven than turns around and is kicked in the gut he is than met with a famasser from Billy Gunn. Billy gets up and than looks at Raven. Billy sees a ref walking by and pulls him over. Billy tells the ref that hes going for the SCWE RAWCore title. Billy goes for the pin 1...2...3!!!. Billy flees the site laughing::.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen we have a new SCWE RAWCore Champion! Billy Gunn!!!

Jim Ross: How about that King? We have already had one title change hands and we havent even started any of our title matches. What an explosive night this has been. There is still so much more to come!
Jerry Lawler: Billy Gunn blind sided attacked the SCWE RAWCore champion! It was unfair! Raven should still hold the belt!
Jim Ross: Thats the rules of the 24/7 title King. Raven knows it and thats what he likes. Although I dont think hes gonna like losing his title.
Jerry Lawler: Whats going to happen tonight in the SCWE RAWCore title match now that the SCWE RAWCore champion is not Raven?
Jim Ross: I dont know King. Im sure we will find out tonight though. Our next match is going to be for the SCWE European Champion. Billy Gunn could hold two titles at once if he wins this match. Wouldnt that be amazing?
Jerry Lawler: He wont win Damian Rage has this in the bag even after that brutal attack he just suffered.
Jim Ross: All three of these competitors were in a brutal brawl backstage and it could play a factor. Lets see how things turn out.

("Sinner" By: Disturbed hits and the fans boo as a very soar Damian Rage slowly makes his way down to the ring.)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a triple threat match for the SCWE European Championship! First making his way to the ring from Chicago, Illinois. Weighing in at 255 pounds. He is the SCWE European Champion! Representing The Flock! Damian Rage!!!

Jim Ross: Here comes the SCWE European Champion! He beat Brandon to win the title when he first came to SCWE. Lets see how he does now that he is defending it.
Jerry Lawler: This match shouldnt happen! This is an outrage! Damian Rage looks hurt.

("Shoot To Thrill" By: AC/DC hits and fans give mix reaction as Brandon looks pretty soar but fights it off and raises his hands in the air as fans cheers are heard)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring, from Knoxville, Tennessee. Weighing in at 241 pounds. Being accumpanied to the ring by Molly Holly! Brandon!!!

Jim Ross: Brandon has been going dowh nill of late and he has fire in his eyes to get the SCWE European title back around his waist!
Jerry Lawler: Well even though Damian Rage is in pain he is still going to show what a true champion is and he will win this match!

("Ass Man" By: WWE hits and fans go nuts as Billy Gunn walks out holding his ribs in one hand and raising the SCWE RAWCore title in the other hand.)

Lillian Garcia: And finally making his way to the ring from Knoxville, Tennesse. Weighing in at 246 pounds! He is the SCWE RAWCore Champion! "The One" Billy Gunn!!!

Jim Ross: The SCWE RAWCore Champion is looking to hold two titles once this match is done.
Jerry Lawler: Well Damian Rage is going to keep the European title so he wont be holding both of them! Lets get this match star-

("Paul Heymans Theme" hits and fans boo as Paul Heyman walks out laughing.)

Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentelmen. Due to the fact of the brutal attacked laid on Damian Rage I have decided to make this match not only be for the SCWE European Championship but also for the SCWE RAWCore championship! (crowd cheers) But this will not have any weapons allowed in the match! (Paul Heyman laughs and fans boo) Also I dont trust that ref so please leave the ring as this match will have a special guest referee and his name is none other than... Jerome Morris!!!

("Jerome Morris Theme" hits and fans give a mix reaction)

Jim Ross: Jerome Morris is back King! What a night. We have seen Stone Cold and JErome Morris come back into SCWE action. What will be next?
Jerry Lawler: I have no idea but thank god we have some order in the ring now! I hope Jerome makes the right calls.

 Damian Rage(Euro C) vs Brandon vs Billy Gunn(RAWCore C) W/ Special Ref. Jerome Morris

Billy and Brandon look at each other than slowly turn there focus to Damian Rage. Damian talks Brandon into double teaming Billy Gunn as they double clothesline Gunn down. Both men begin to stomp a mud hole into Gunns face. Billy than picks up Damian and throws him into the turnbuckle. Damin runs into Billy with a clothesline. Damian than throws Billy towards Brandon who clotheslines him down but contineus to run and clotheslines Damian into the turnbuckle. Brandon begins to unleash on Damian with lefts and rights and kicks to the gut. Damian than drops to the lower turnbuckle and is met with some hard Brandon boots. Billy gets up and blind sides Brandon into the turnbuckle and than goes for a roll up 1...2...kickout! Billy and Brandon get up and stare each other down. They notice Damian slowly getting up as they than both clothesline him over the top rope. Billy and Brandon exchange lefts and rights and than Billy drops Brandon with a hard right hand. Billy picks up Brandon and throws him into the ropes. Brandon comes back and is met with a swinging neckbreaker. Billy goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Billy picks up Brandon and goes for a vertical suplex but Brandon wraps his leg around Billys and reverses it into a suplex of his own. Brandon than waits for Billy to get up and hits Billy with The Rush! Brandon goes for the pin 1...2...Damian pulls Brandon out of the ring. Jerome Morris gets in Damian Rages face and tells him that he needs to get back in the ring. Damian laughs and unleashes on Brandon with lefts and rights. Damian than throws Brandon into the steel barricade. Damian picks up Brandon and drops him neck first over the steel barricade. Damian taunts the crowd and than goes back into the ring and pins Billy 1...2...kickout! Damian yells at Jerome who threatens to DQ him. Billy gets up and is behind Damian who back walks into him than a look of fear strikes his face. Billy turns Damian around and unleashes with elbows and knife edge chops. Billy throws Damian into the ropes and drops him with a back body drop. Brandon gets back in the ring and clotheslines Billy down from behind. Brandon than locks in a sharpshooter on Billy. Billy tries to get to the ropes but Brandon pulls him back to the middle. Billy looks ready to tap out but Damian dropkicks Brandon off of Billy. Damian than goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Brandon than truns Damian around and they exchange lefts and rights. Brandon gets the upper hand as the fans get behind him. Brandon hits Damian with lefts and rights and than throws him into the turnbuckle and goes for a 10 punch count 1�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?0! Brandon jumps down as Damian falls to the ground. Brandon than picks Damian up and hits The Last Stop! Brandon is just about to go for a pin when Billy turns him around and kicks him in the gut. Billy than drops him with The One and Only! Billy pins Brandon 1�?�?!!!

Lillain Garcia: Here is your winner and still the SCWE RAWCore Champion and your new SCWE European Champion! "The One" Billy Gunn!!!

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 11:01 PM

Jim Ross: How about that? Jerome Morris took charge and did a good job. Im suprised he kept things even and fair.
Jerry Lawler: This is an outrage! Damian Rage got robbed. You saw that slow count Jerome was making for him!
Jim Ross: It seemed very fair to me King. In the ring Jerome and Damian are getting in each others face.

("I Stand Alone" By: GodSmack hits and fans boo as Raven, Joey Ryan and ShayDawg all come down to the ring.)

.::Billy Gunn points to Ravn and lays his SCWE RAWCore title on the ground in front of him daring Raven to attack him.... Raven laughs and he enters the ring with a mic.::.

Raven: Billy Gunn I am not here for your title that you stole from me. I am here to make a change in The Flock. Now Joey Ryan you won your match today. But Damian Rage you lost your match. The Flock is not made for losers. The Flock is a winners only group. You will not be allowed to lose matches. Now thats why you have one shot right now and that is to take out Jerome Morris!

.::Damian Rage, Raven and Joey Ryan all look to attack Jerome Morris but Billy Gunn and Brandon step up and get infron of Jerome Morris and it looks to be a 3 on 3 battle. Jerome than pulls out a pair of brass knuckles and he smacks Brandon in the back of the head. Jeromer Moris than delivers a neckbreaker to Billy Gunn. Raven than throws him into the ropes and Joey Ryan hits a drop kick on him. Raven than throws Billy Gunn into Damian who hits the Raging Effect! Raven picks up Damian and hits the Evenflow DDT. Raven than goes to pin Billy Gunn as Jerome Morris counts the 1...2...3! The Flock poses in the ring laughing as tehy than exit through out the crowd::.

Jim Ross: That might have been the fastest anyone has held the SCWE RAWCore title.
Jerry Lawler: Hahaha. That was great. It was all a set up. Look at Billy Gunn and Brandon laying there on the mat. The Flock just taught them a hard earned lesson.
Jim Ross: What can we expect next King?
Jerry Lawler: I can tell you whats next JR! Next up is a 7 Diva over the top rope battle royal! And the winner will recieve a SCWE Womens Championship shot at SummerSlam!
Jim Ross: All seven of these women have the chance to make a huge name for themselves. The competitors are Allysa Cullen, Christine Corruption, Ivory, Joan Holly, Karissa Laryiss, Sammy Risen and in my mind the favorite is Scarlett!
Jerry Lawler: Scarlett is a dominate female and she is the next SCWE Womens Champion! With Twister-X in her corner she cant lose!
Jim Ross: Well lets head down to Lillian Garcia.

("Holler" hits and fans give a mix reaction)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentelmen the following contest is the 7 Diva over the top rope elimination match. Both feet must touch the floor for a player to be eliminated! The winner will get a SCWE Womens Title shot at SummerSlam! And the particiapants... First making her way to the ring from Hartford, Connecticut... Alyssa Cullen!!!

Jerry Lawler: Look at Alyssa she is HOTT!!!
Jim Ross: Stop Salivating. King!

("Slither" By: Velvet Revolver hits and fans give a mix reaction)

Lillian Garcia: and now making her way to the ring from Ottawa, Canada... Christine Corruption!!!

Jerry Lawler: Christine Corruption looks a bit angry.
Jim Ross: She is definitely one of the more experienced Divas in this match.

("Aint Love Grand" By: Atreyu hits and fans give a mix reaction)

Lillian Garcia: and now making her way to the ring from Orange County, California... The Sin Sational Karissa Laryss!!!

Jerry Lawler: The Sin Sational Diva is here and she is sensational!
Jim Ross: This is a big chance for her tonight.

("Megalomaniac" By: Incubus hits and fans give a mix reaction)

Lillian Garcia: and now making her way to the ring from Ontario, Canada.... Sammy Risen!!!

Jerry Lawler: Another big chance for a Diva tonight. Sammy Risen has been here less than a month.
Jim Ross: Thats right and if she wins this match her carrer will be launched!

("Haunting" By: Evanescence hits and fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: and now making her way to the ring from Orleans, France... Joan Holly!!!

Jerry Lawler: Joan Holly needs to get on a winning streak if she wants to have a chance against the womens champ!
Jim Ross: Very true King.

("Its About Us" By: Velvet Revolver hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: and now making her way to the ring from Inglewood, California... Being accumpanied to the ring by J...Ivory!!!

Jerry Lawler: And here comes Ivory. She could run away with this thing. She is the most experienced Diva the SCWE has to offer.
Jim Ross: She is definitely a worthy opponent for these Divas tonight.

("Foxy Lady" By: James Brown hits and fans boo heavily as Scarlett appears with Twister-X by her side)

Lillian Garcia: and now making her way to the ring from London, England... Being accumpanied to the ring by Twister-X...Scarlett!!!

Jerry Lawler: Here comes Scarlett the next SCWE Womens Champion along with Our Idol!!!
Jim Ross: Scarlett and Twister-X are the self proclaimed Golden team. This could be a step to prove that right. Well lets start this match now.

Alyssa Cullen vs. Christine Corruption vs Karissa Laryss vs Sammy Risen vs Joan Holly vs Ivory w/J vs Scarlett w/Twister-X

All seven divas enter the ring and look around at each other. Everyone than just goes after each other causing a big brawl. Alyssa and Joan are shown exchanging punches and kicks. Alyssa gets the upper hand when she drops Joan with a dropkick. Alyssa than hits a leg drop and lays into Joan with lefts and rights. Sammy than comes over and pulls Alyssa off. Sammy lays into Alyssa with boots to the gut. Sammy drops a few elbows to the gut. Sammy than picks Alyssa up and throws her into the turnbuckle. Sammy tries to throw Alyssa over the top rope and Joan comes over to help. Alyssa than takes Joan by her hair and throws her over the top rope and both of Joans feet hit the ground. (Joan Holly is eliminated via Sammy Risen) Sammy turns around and is knocked down with a leg sweep from Alyssa. Scarlett and Karissa are shown duking it out with Scarlett over powering her into a turnbuckle. Scarlett chokes her into the turnbuckle and than hits some hard knife edge chops. Christine than jumps onto Scarlett  from behind and hits her with some hard kidney punches. Christine drops Scarlett with a snapmare takedown. Christine than goes to Karissa and begins to hit her with some kicks to the gut. Karissa drops to the bottom turnbuckle and Christine begins to choker her with a knee to the neck. Christine pushes off the ropes to get leverage. Ivory pulls Christine off of Karissa and hits her with a few european uppercuts. Christine than grabs Ivorys arm and puts her in an arm lock. Ivory grabs the top rope and flips backwards. Ivory than clotheslines Christine down. Ivory than picks up Christine and throws her into the ropes. Christine comes back and Ivory goes for a back body drop. Christine kicks Ivory in the face. Karissa than grabs Christine from behind and throws her over the top rope where both feet touch the ground! (Christine Corruption is eliminated via Karrisa Laryss) Karissa turns around and she is met with a Scarlett dropkick that sends her down to the mat. Sammy and Alyssa are shown batteling it out with Alyssa having the upperhand. Alyssa than takes Sammy down with a faceplant DDT. Alyssa than picks up Sammy and throws her into the ropes. Sammy holds onto the ropes and Alyssa runs and goes to clothesline Sammy over but Alyssa drops down ad pulls the ropes down. Alyssa flies over the top rope and the momentum is to great for her to stop herself. (Alyssa Cullen is eliminated via Sammy Risen) Sammy, Ivory, Scarlett and Karissa all look at each other on who to attack next. Scarlett than clotheslines down Ivory and lays into ther with boots to the face as Sammy and Karissa battle it out. Scarlett unleashes on Ivory and throws her into the turnbuckle and hits her with a few hard kicks to the legs and gut. Scarlett than sets her on the top rope of the turnbuckle and takes her down with a tornado DDT. On the outside Twister-X clotheslines J down and than throws him over the steel barricade. Refs go to check on J as Twister-X jumps into the ring and helps Scarlett throw Ivory over the top rope with ease. Ivory hits the floor hard and X clotheslines KArissa and Sammy down. Twister than slides out of the ring as he helps the refs back and show that Ivory has been eliminated. (Ivory is eliminated via Scarlett) Ivory laughs in the ring as she decides to pick up Sammy and attempts to throw her over the top rope. Sammy hold on to the middle and top rope for dear life.Karissa than slowly gets up and sees Scarlett. Karissa kicks Scarlett in the back and than hits a reverse DDT. Scarlett hits the mat hard. Sammy falls into the ring and Karissa picks up Sammy. Karissa goes to throw Sammy into the ropes but Sammy holds her ground and  hits a spinebuster on Karissa. Sammy than grabs Karissa legs and catapults her over the top rope. Karissa lands on the outside hard and is eliminated! (Karissa Laryss is eliminated via Sammy Risen) Scarlett is slowly getting up and Sammy runs into her with a dropkick that sends Scarlett over the top rope. Twister-X catches Scarlett and rolls her back into the ring. Sammy thinking she won is celebrating and she is than clotheslined from behind over the top rope and both of her feet hit the ground. (Sammy Risen is eliminated via Scarlett)

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner... Scarlett!!!

Jim Ross: Well how do you like that King? Scarlett won that match with the help of Twister-X.
Jerry Lawler: Hahaha. JR. I love it! Scarlett the next SCWE Womens Champion won the number one contednership spot at SummerSlam and Twister-X and Scarlett could not have things go anymore there way tonight.
Jim Ross: Well whatever the fact may be. Scarlett will get her title shot at SummerSlam!
Jerry Lawler: And later tonight Twister-X will win his SCWE Juniorweight title that is right fully his in the first place!
Jim Ross: King, you dont stop talking do you? Up next we have our Tag Te-

("Hit Me" By: James Brown hits and fans cheer as Ernest Miller makes his way to the ring)

Lillian Gacia: Ladies and gentelmen please welcome the SCWE General Manager... Ernest "The Cat" Miller!

Jim Ross: Here comes Ernest Miller. I didnt even know he arrived yet.
Jerry Lawler: I wish he werent here. Paul Heyman has things in control and things on Vengeance have been going good so far today. I have a feeling they are about to be ruined!
Jim Ross: Well lets listen to what the GM has to say!

 Ernest Miller: Hello Boston! (crowd cheers) I hope you are all enjoying the show. Well let me get right into buisness. Tonight is a memorable night for SCWE. We have a Steel Cage Match still to come with the SCWE Womens title on the line. Alos Team Style will face off against Crimson Calling and lets not forget about our Main Event where Goldberg will face The Undertaker! But you know something that is kind of bothering me today. Its Raven and Mikey G. Now Raven is putting his SCWE RAWCore title on the line but lets have Mikey G put something on the line to make things a bit more fair. (crowd gives a mix reaction) I think that if Raven is able to defeat Mikey G than he will be awarded the number one contenders slot at SummerSlam (crowd boo's) Now hold on a moment. This only happens if Raven is still RAWCore Champion at the time of the match starts. In which case if he is not the champion than whoever is champion will get to face Mikey G for the same stipulation! (crowd cheers) It is going to be a wild night! Hit me!!!

Jim Ross: Well how about that King? Raven is going to be haning one hard night tonight. He will have to be on the watch for anyone who gets in his path and be ready to fight at all times.
Jerry Lawler: This is unfair for Raven! He cant even trust his own Flock members!
Jim Ross: Well up next we have the SCWE Tag Team Championship match! Now Coach T and John Doe won a number one contenders shot at King of the Ring and tonight they will face Josh Johnson and Mr. Bullion they make up Team Style!
Jerry Lawler: Lets head down to Lillian Garcia so Team Style can retain there titles!

("Back In The Mudd" By: Bubba Sparxxx hits and the fans fill the arena with boo's)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentelmen the floowing contest is scheduled Tag Team contest and it is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship! First making there way to the ring, weighing in at a combined 445 pounds. They are the SCWE Tag Team Champions! Mr. Bullion and Josh Johnson... Team Style!!!

Jim Ross: Team Style are on the winning side of things tag team wise but singles competition isnt there thing at the moment.
Jerry Lawler: They will come through tonight. And its all because they have the Style of true champions!

("Crimson Calling Theme" hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And the challengers. Being accumapnied to the ring by The Cheat! Weighing in at a combined 430 pounds! Coach T and John Doe... Crimson Calling!!!

Jim Ross: The Crimson Calling is down here and they are ready to get there first taste of gold here tonight. In what will be a memorable match Im sure.
Jerry Lawler: Lets get this show started.

.::Paul Heyman shows up on the titantron::.

Paul Heyman: In light of the Hardcore actions that have taken place thus far and still to come I think this match will be a Hardcore Rules match! (Crowd cheers) Hahahaha. Have Fun Coach T and John Doe!

Jim Ross: This is now a hardcore match what will happen next?

Mr. Bullion & Josh Johnson(C) vs Coach T & John Doe

Bullion stares at Doe as they lock up, Bullion drives doe into a wrist lock Doe flips out of it and knocks bullion out with a spinning wheel heel kick. Bullion immediatly gets up, but doe connects with a standing dropkick whitch drop bullion back to the mat. Doe gets up and taunts to the crowd, then he goes back to work on bullion putting him in a headlock, bullion fights out of hit and then whips doe into the ropes and attempts a big boot, but doe goes under the boot then whips off the opposite rope and takes bullion down with a clothesline. Doe gets fired up as bullion get up doe goesfor a another drop kick but bullion counters doe gets up to meet a sidewalk slam by bullion. bullion picks doe up and throw him sholder first into the ring post, doe bounces out of the corner holding his sholder. Bullion sets doe up for a powerbomb, bullion drop doe right onto his neck with the powerbomb. bullion covers 1 ~ 2 ~ 2 1/2 ~ Doe gets his foot on the rope, Bullion takes doe and throws him into the corner and tags Josh. Josh comes in and delivers a swigning Hurricanrana witch sends Doe into his corner and he tags in Coach T. T comes in and takes down Josh with a lariat line. bullion comes into the ring but T takes him down with a spear. T Turns around and counters Josh Superkick and then hits a T-Bone Suplex sending Josh to the mat, T whips off the rope and hits a leg drop and pins 1 ~ 2 ~ 2 1/2 ~ 2 3/4 ~ bullion makes the save. bullion knee drops T to the back, then stes him up for the Bullion bull-dozer,but the cheat from no where pulls bullions leg and bullion falls to the mat. The ref warns the cheat as cheat backs away. Doe from the top rope takes down Josh as he gets up woith a cross body splash. Doe covers Josh 1 - 2 - Josh gets the sholder up. Doe picks Josh and puts him up for a Death valley driver and connects. doe gets up to me a chokeslam from bullion, bullion turn around and T delivers a clothesline but bullion ocunters and knocks the refree out. T turns aorund and get put up for the Bull-Dozer and connects. Bullion covers thers no ref. the cheat comes in but bullion get uop and takes him down with a clothesline. Then takes the cheat and tosses him over the top rope and he bounces of the floor into the announcers booth. Doe gets up to meet a big boot by bullion. Josh gets up and sets T for a shooting star press but the cheat get up and shoves Josh off the spron into the crod where josh lays motionless on the crod floor. Cheat comes in with a chair bullion turn and gets wacked in the head. T comes to life and pins bullion, the ref gets up 1 - 2 - Bulliobn gtes the sholder up. Bullion Gets up slowly and Doe and T work together a connects with a 3 D. Bullion is out cold. T covers Bullion 1 ~ 2 ~ 2 1/2 ~ 2 3/4 ~ Bulliongets the sholder up. Josh climbs over the baracade outside the ring and slides in to the ring, Bullion Get up and T Hits afew shots to the face and abdomen, Josh comes and takes doe out with a superkick. T turns around but counters josh Superick and tosses him outside of the ring. Meanwhile the cheat grabs josh throws him into the side of the steel stairs, then he takes the bloody Josh and hits him over the head with a chair. josh is out cold on the outside. Bullion takes T and tosses him to the other side of the ring, doe gets up and meets a Tombstonepilediver from bullion, bullion then takes Doe and toses him outside of the ring. T comes in and Bullion delivers a knee to the lower abdomen then steshim up for a powerbomb and connects. Bullion pins 1 - 2 The cheat comes inand makes the save, Cheat backs away from bullion.,menawhile T grabbs a Chain and raps it aorund his fist, Bullion gets low blowed by T, Bullion bends over and cheta slides out of the ring. T Hits bullion square in the head with the chain knockin bullion to the mat. t covers 1 - 2 Josh makes the save,Josh Takethe chain of ts hand raps it on his. Meanwhile Doe gets up and gets a table and sets it up on the outside. Josh hits T in the head with the chahin, the cheat gets on the apron and josh decks the cheat in the head sending him onto the spanish announce table. doe lurks outside the ring josh doint see him.Josh drops the chain and gos to the top ro-pe and hits a shooting star press on the cheatt hrew the spanish announce table. Josh and cheat are out cold. Doe comes in and pins bullion 1 - 2 - bullion gets the sholder up. bullion get up and takes doe out with a foot drop toe hold. bullion see the tableoutsdie and brings it in the ring. T gtes up and knockc bullion lights out with chair shot. T and doe take bullion and put himo n tyhe table, doe goes to the top and goes and hits a frog splash. The ref comes to his senses but dont see the cover. Josh mkae his way back into the ring. Doe gets up hurting And Josh pushes t who hits Doe to the outside into the barcade, Josh rolls T Up with a school boy and gets a 1�?…kickout! Josh and Bullion pick up Coach and go for a double suplex. In mid air Coach reverses it and rolls both men up the ref makes the count 1�?�?!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winners and the new SCWE Tag Team Champions!!! Coach T and John Doe... Crimson Calling!!!
Jim Ross: Well Paul Heyman's hopes of keeping Crimson Calling from the gold faultered.
Jerry Lawler: This is an outrage! The Cheat did what his name is and thats Cheating! Without The Cheat, Team Style would have won and retained there titles.
Jim Ross: It was all fair. Thats the rules King.
Jerry Lawler: We need to head backstage.
.::Backstage ShayDawg is shown walking down the hallway when she suddenly bumps into Scar. Scar looks over her and is than hit from behind by Raven with a chair. Mr. Bullion and Josh Johnson come walking down arguing about there match tehy lost. When Josh stops Bullion and points. Both men than clothesline Raven down. Bullion picks up Raven and hits the Bullion Bulldozer. Bullion goes for the pin as Josh is stopping Shay from getting involved a ref makes a count 1...2...3!!!::.
Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentelmen we have a new SCWE RAWCore Champion... Mr. Bullion!!!
Jim Ross: The SCWE RAWCore title has changed hands once again. As of now Mr. Bullion will be facing Mikey G.
Jerry Lawler: Mr. Bullion got a little retribution from losing his SCWE Tag Team title. He will have a hard time keeping that gold.
Jim Ross: Well King up next we have a huge match. IT will feature two stars that recently came back. Jamie Gunz and the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels!
Jerry Lawler: Jamie Gunz won the Intercontinental Championship from Maven when he shocked the SCWE World and returned to SCWE!!!
Jim Ross: And HBK returned moments later and called JAmie Gunz out and the fued has been growing into this.
Jerry Lawler: Well lets head down to Lillian Garcia so we can this show on the road.
("Closure" By: Unjust hits and the fans boo as Jamie Gunz graces there presence)
Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship! First making his way to the ring from New York, New York! Weighing in at 230 pounds! He is the SCWE Intercontinental Champion! Jamie Gunz!!!
Jim Ross: Jamie Gunz is in great shape since comming back and tonight he will be put to the test against The Heart Break Kid!
Jerry Lawler: Listen to yourself JR! You think HBK is going to win. Jamie Gunz is a real fighter and he will win this week.
("Sexy Boy" By: WWE hits and fans go crazy!)
Lillian Garcia: And the challenger... Making his way to the ring from San Antonio, Texas. Weighing in at 225 pounds... The "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels!!!
Jim Ross: Here comes HBK and my pick to win this match up.
Jerry Lawler: Well you pick the loser and Ill pick Jamie Gunz... The man who will win!

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 11:02 PM

Jamie Gunz(C) vs Shawn Michaels

Bell rings and both men lock up.  HBK grabs Jamie’s arm and gets him into an arm lock.  Jamie gets out of it meanwhile getting HBK into an arm lock.  HBK rolls out of it, kips up, and chops Jamie under his knee, knocking him down to the mat.  Jamie gets up and both men lock up once again.  This time, Jamie gets the advantage and gets HBK into a headlock.  HBK pushes Jamie against the ropes and shoves him to the opposite ropes.  Jamie runs back and gets hit with a drop kick.  HBK gets onto the attack and locks in a headlock on Jamie.  Jamie begins to get to his feet.  Jamie gets to one knee and elbows HBK in the gut.  Jamie elbows him in the gut again and runs into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but HBK ducks.  Jamie stops and nails HBK with a right hand.  HBK battles back with a right hand of his own.  Jamie and HBK exchange right hands until Jamie gains the upper hand and forces HBK into the corner.  Jamie gets onto the turnbuckle and begins punching HBK.  HBK then reverses by power bombing Jamie.  HBK covers, 1�?�?.1.  HBK gets on the attack and locks in a hammerlock.  Jamie gets to his feet and elbows HBK in the head.  HBK turns and Jamie kicks him in the gut and hits him with a DDT.  Jamie covers, 1�?�?.3.  HBK gets up and both men lock up.  Jamie goes for a punch, but HBK ducks under and hits him with a German Suplex.  HBK goes to cover, but Jamie gets him with a Small Package, 1�?�?.4.  Jamie gets up and goes to the turnbuckle.  He waits for HBK to get up.  HBK turns around and Jamie jumps, but HBK drop kicks him right in the gut, and both men are down.  The ref begins his count, 1�?�?�?�?.  HBK gets up and goes over to Jamie who is holding onto the rope trying to get to his feet.  HBK grabs him by the head but Jamie battles back by punching HBK in the gut, and spearing him down.  Jamie goes to the top rope and hits a Shooting Star Press.  He covers, 1�?�?.9.  Jamie can’t believe it, and begins to argue with the referee.  HBK gets up and dropkicks Jamie, and Jamie bumps right into the referee, and the referee hits his head on the turnbuckle.  HBK lifts up Jamie and chops him across the chest.  Jamie returns with a chop of his own.  Both men exchange chops until HBK knocks Jamie down with a right hand.  HBK goes to lift up Jamie, but Jamie hits him with a low blow.  Jamie then pins HBK with a handful of tights.  Jamie realizes that the referee isn’t up, and goes over there and starts to push him to wake him up.  Jamie gets pissed, but doesn’t realize HBK getting up.  Jamie turns around and is met with some Sweet Chin Music. HBK climbs the turnbuckle and signals for Diving Elbow Drop pin.  HBK jumps, but Jamie moves at the last second, and both men are down, as so is the referee.  Finally, both men arrive to their senses, and get to their feet.  They exchange right hands until Jamie ducks a punch and gets behind HBK and goes for the Osaka Street Cutter, but HBK gets free and lands on his feet, and hits Jamie with an Osaka Street Cutter.  HBK then grabs Jamie’s feet and locks in the Sharpshooter.  Jamie crawls towards the ropes but HBK pulls him away.  HBK continues to apply the pressure as Jamie is stuck in the middle of the ring, and as the ref sees the move locked in and Jamie tapping out.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and the new SCWE Intercontinental Champion... Shawn Michaels!!!

Jim Ross: The Heart Break Kid has done it! Shawn Michaels has became the new SCWE Intercontinental Champion!!!
Jerry Lawler: He cheated! Jamie Gunz will get his title back. This is a outrage JR. Its unfair! We need justice!
Jim Ross: What we need to do is head backstage.

.::Backstage area is shown and all of The Flock is taking out Mr. Bullion and Josh Johnson in the parking lot. Raven throws Josh Johson into the trunk and than hits Bullion with a Russian Leg sweep. Raven goes for the pin 1...2...3!!!::.

Lillian Garcia: Ladis and gentelmen we have a new SCWE RAWCore champion... Raven!!!

.::Backstage Raven is shown walking away as the rest of the flock continues the assaultt on Mr. Bullion. Raven turns a corner and he is nailed in the head with a chair. Jeff Corruption is shown holding a chair. He than pins Raven for the 1...2...3!!!

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentelmen we have a new SCWE RAWCore Champion!!!

.::Backstage Jeff runs into Paul Heyman who gets furious with Jeff Corruption....::.

Paul Heyman: What the hell do you think you are doing? I am Paul Heyman! The mastermind of the SCWE! You know what I think you have crossed the line Jeff. And well I think its time you face some RAW and Order!!!

.::Jeff looks at Heyman funny and than Twister-X shows up behind Jeff. Jeff turns around and Twister-X goes to hit him with a chair shot. Jeff ducks it and Twister-X nails Paul in the face with the chair. Paul Heyman is layed out as Jeff flees the scene. Twister-X attends to Paul Heyman but Scarlett comes and tell him his match is next as they leave Heyman there.::.

Jim Ross: Well Paul Heyman was mad at Jeff Corruption and looking for some RAW and Order. But it looks to me that he is the one that got the RAW and Order!
Jerry Lawler: This is a bad day for Paul Heyman. Twister-X and Scarlett had to leave poor Paul because Twister-Xs big match is next!
Jim Ross: Well Twister-X has his chance for some gold next and he has had an on going fued with all of these competitiors expecially Tre2 OZbourne and AJ Styles. These three men hate each other more than anything. Jeff Corruption is going to be the odd man out I think.
Jerry Lawler: Twister-X will be competing with Tre2 Ozbourne, Jeff Corruption and AJ Styles for what should be his title the SCWE Juniorweight title.
Jim Ross: King he lost it fair in quare. Hell he didnt even ever hold it. When are you going to get over that? Lets head down to the ring.

("I Am" By: TNA hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentelmen the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Juniorweight Championship! First making his way to the ring from Gainsville, Georgia. Weighing in at 202 pounds... The SCWE Juniorweight Champion! AJ Styles!!!

Jim Ross: Here comes the Phenomenal AJ Styles! HE is the only man to hold both the SCWE Juniorweight and Cruiserweight title on different occasions!
Jerry Lawler: Dont you mean the not so Phenomenal? Tonight is the night that AJ will be put in his place.

("Duality" By: Slipknot hits and fans give mix reaction)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from West Minster, Colorado. Weighing in at 180 pounds. Being accumpanied to the ring by Spazz... Tre2 Ozbourne!!!

Jim Ross: Here comes the sedistic and psychotic Tre2 Ozbourne. And he is accumpanied by Spazz.
Jerry Lawler: I wonder what Spazz sees in that psychotic freak anyways!

("Down With The Sickness" By: Disturbed hits and fans cheer)

Lillian Garcia: And now making his way to the ring from Ottawa, Canada. Weighing in at 185 pounds... The SCWE RAWCore Champion! Jeff Corruption!!!

Jim Ross: Jeff Corruption has been very quiet of late but he is now holding the SCWE RAWCore championship.
Jerry Lawler: Jeff Corruption is doomed because he is going to be on The Flocks list now!

("Closure" By: Chevelle hits and fans boo heavily)

Lillian Garcia: And finally making his way to the ring from Albany, New York. Weighing in at 235 pounds! Being accumpanied to the ring by Scarlett... "Your Idol" Twister-X!!!

Jim Ross: Here comes the extremely cocky and errogant Twister-Z along with his manager Scarlett!
Jerry Lawler: Scarlett already won a match for the Golden couple of the SCWE and its now Twister-X's turn. Lets get this thing started.

AJ Styles(C) vs Tre2 Ozbourne w/Spazz vs Jeff Corruption vs Twister-X w/Scarlett

Twister-X is having last words about the match before he enters the ring. Right away all other men in the ring attack Twister-X when he enters. Scarlett is yelling at the ref about how it is unfair. AJ Styles than stops attacking Twister-X and gets in Scarletts face. Scarlett goes to slap AJ Styles but AJ grabs her hand he than goes in for a kiss but Scarlett drops down and AJ's arms slams across the rope. Tre2 and Jeff begin to battle it out exchanging lefts and rights. Tre2 gets the upperhand and begins to deliver continuous eye rakes to Jeff. Tre2 than delivers a snapmare that takes Jeff down. Tre2 goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Tre2 gets up and grabs Jeffs leg he than delivers a elbow to his leg. Tre2 than yanks back on Jeffs leg causing Jeff to yell in pain. Tre2 picks up Jeff and clotheslines him over the top rope. Tre2 grabs the top rope is about to springboard himself over when the lights go out. When the lights turn back on Jeff Corruption is nowhere to be found. Twsiter-X is cleaning house as he delivers a spear to the back of Tre2. Twsiter than delivers a hurricanrana to AJ Styles. Twister than goes to pin AJ 1...2...kickout! Twister yells at the ref but Scarlett gets him to calm down and focus on the match. Twister turns around and notices AJ Styles getting up. Twister  runs up to AJ and drops him with a dropkick to AJ's knees. Tre2 than runs towards Twister but Twister delivers a spinebuster to Tre2. Twister than signals that its over. Twister picks up Tre2 and goes for the X-Effect. Twister picks Tre2 up into the air. AJ than leaps at Twister and clotheslines his legs causing both men to fall to the mat. AJ gets up quickly and puts a sharpshooter on Twister mimicking him and taunting Scarlett. Scarlett gets on the apron as the ref tries to get her down. Twister-X is shown tapping out but the ref is buzy dealing with Scarlett. AJ than breaks the hold and walks up to Scarlett and they yell back and forth. Scarlett goes to slap AJ but AJ catches her hand and pulls her into the ring. He threatens to put her in a sharpshooter but Twister dives to the rescue and clotheslines AJ over the top rope. Scarlett rolls to the outside as Twister slowly gets up. Twsiter turns around and Tre2 meets him with the X of Blood! Tre2 goes for the pin 1...2...Twister just gets his leg on the rope as the ref stops the count. Tre2 than yanks Twisters leg off and hooks the leg and goes for the pin again 1...2...kickout!Tre2 looks pissed as his face is beat red. Tre2 picks up Twister and delivers a DDT to him. Tre2 than climbs to the top rope and calls for the Unhopeful. AJ climbs up behind Tre2 and tosses him off the top rope. AJ than goes for a moonsault but Scarlett pulls Twister out of the ring and AJ hits the mat hard. Kristin Styles is than shown comming down to the ring. She goes right after Scarlett and clotheslines her down. Kristin than connects on a bulldog. Spazz attacks Kristin from behind but Kristin drops her with Styles. Kristin than pounds on the mat urging for AJ to get up. Twister is slowly getting up and he sees Kristin Styles. Twister picks up Kristin Styles and throws her into the ring. Twsiter slides in and looks to go for the X-Effect. Aj hits an axe handle on Twister to break it up. Kristin rolls out of the ring reluctantly. AJ than hits the Styles Clash on Twister and goes for the pin broken up by Tre2. Tre2 pounds on AJ with boots to the back. Tre2 than picks up AJ and unleashes with many knife edge chops. Tre2 than lays AJ down with a DDT and than hits a lionsault type manuever off the top rope but doesnt go for the pin. Tre2 than climbs to the top rope and hits the Unhopeful on AJ! Tre2 goes for the pin 1...2...Twister desperately just breaks up the pin. Scarlett and Spazz and Kristin Styles all begin to battle it out on the outside. Twister and Tre2 are slow to there feet. Tre2 goes for a clothesline but Twister ducks it and hits Tre2 with a belly to belly suplex. Twister goes for a roll up pin 1...2...kickout! Twister gets back up and picks up Tre2. Twister throws Tre into the ropes. Tre2 comes back and nails Twister with a spear! Tre2 jumps up and gets pumped. He motions for Twister to get up and signals for The X of Blood! Twister gets up and sees it comming. Twister pulls the ref into the way and the ref is than layed out. Tre2 looks down at the ref but when he turns around Twister meets hime with a superkick. Twister turns around and sees AJ getting up. Twister runs to him and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Twister than goes to the outside and grabs a chair. Twister waits for Tre2 to get up before he knocks Tre2 out with a chair. He than does the same to AJ! Twister wakes up the ref and helps him over to AJ. Twister than pins AJ for the 1...2...3!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and your new SCWE Juniorweight Champion! Twister-X!!!

("Hit Me" By: James Brown hits as Ernest Miller walks onto the top rampway and begins to talk)

Ernest Miller: Whoa whoa whoa! This match is not over! Twister-X used a chair in this match and therefore I am forced to restart this match. Also Scarlett, Spazz and Kristin Styles must all leave ring side. And Twister dont be looking for Paul Heyman to come out and save you because he is not here. He left in an ambulance due to that chair shot you gave him. Goodnight Twister! Haha Hit me!!!

Match continues as Scarlett eventually leaves and Twister looks down at AJ and goes for the pin in hope that hes still out from the chair shot 1...2...kickout! Twister looks pissed. Twister gets up and Tre2 is waiting patiently and nails Twister with a X of Blood! Tre2 taunts the crowd and he than turns aorund to go for the pin but AJ is standing by and hits the Styles Clash! AJ than goes to pin Tre2 1...2...3!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and still the SCWE Juniorweight Champion... AJ Styles!!!

Jim Ross: Thank god for Ernest Miller settign things right. I thought Twister-X was going to get a way with that one. But AJ Styles is still the SCWE Juniorweigt Champion!
Jerry Lawler: This is terrible JR! How can you be happy? Things are going bad for Twister-X tonight. He knocked out Heyman and he got robbed of his SCWE Juniorweight title again!
Jim Ross: Well if Twister-X could win without cheating than maybe his life would be different!
Jerry Lawler: JR what are you talking about? Twister-X has won two matches fair in quare. You know it just admit that Your Idol is a world class athlete and you will feel better.
Jim Ross: Ill try that one day. But we have to get re-

("I Stand Alone" By: GodSmack hits and fans boo. The Flock lead by Raven is shown comming down to the ring. Joey Ryan is holding an unconcious Jeff Corruption over his shoulder. The flock gets into the ring and Raven speaks)

Raven: Right here we hold Jeff Corruption. A man who stole my SCWE RAWCore title. Well right now I will get my title back. You will all try and steal my glory but you will fail! Quote The Raven Nevermore!

.::Raven pins the motionless Jeff Corruption as a ref makes the count 1...2...3!!!::.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentelmen we have a new SCWE RAWCore Champion!!! Raven!!!

("Glass Shatters" The crowd goes nuts and Stone Cold comes down to the ring.)

.::Steve Austin unleashes on all flock members stunning one man after another until its just him and Raven. Stone Cold than flips Raven off and stuns him in the middle of the ring. Stone Cold goes for the pin 1...2...3!!!::.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentelmen we have a new SCWE RAWCore Champion! Stone Cold Steve Austin!!!

.::Stone Cold taunts Raven and than walks his way back up the ramp::.

Jim Ross: Stone Cold is the RAWCore champ and the match is next! There isnt much time for anyone to be able to take that away from him.
Jerry Lawler: Dont say that JR. The bell still hasnt sounded yet. Someone can put an end to this unjustice still. I just hope they do it soon. This is making me sick.
Jim Ross: Right now we are needed backstage where Todd Grisham is standing bye.

Todd Grisham: Thank you JR. Im here with the SCWE World Champion... Goldberg! Now Goldberg tonight you defend your title against your biggest rival, The Undertaker. Do you have any final thoughts on this match?

Goldberg: Well you see Todd. Its going to be quite simple. Im going to finally give the Deadman what he wants. Thats make him Dead. Tonight I will put my belt on the line and proove to everyone in this arena that I am the best SCWE has to offer!

Todd Grisham: So The Undertaker doesnt concern you at all?

Goldberg: The Undertaker is a legend in his own right but I am the most powerfulforce in the SCWE. And well all I have to say to the Undertaker is... Your Next!!!

Todd Grisham: Thank you Gold- (Hank attacks Goldberg from behind) What the hell?

.::Hank pounds Goldberg with lefts and rights. Goldberg than over powers Hank off of him and throws him down. Hank gets up and turns around. Goldberg than spears him down. Goldberg walks away.::.

Jim Ross: This has been an unbelievable night. The backstage area has just been a rough night so far. People have been getting banged and bruised all night.
Jerry Lawler: Hank made a suprise return here tonight. He tried to take out the champ but in the end Goldberg was too powerful for him.
Jim Ross: I think Hank might have gotten re injured from that shot. That was a massive blow Hank took.
Jerry Lawler: Well up next is the SCWE RAWCore title match. And as of right now Stone Cold is going to be getting that shot. I hope someone takes it soon.
Jim Ross: Lets head down to Lillian Garcia.


("Glass Shatters" and Stone Cold comes out to fans cheering)

.::Raven sneaks up behind Stone Cold and turns Stone Cold around. Raven than sprays a fire extinguisher into Stone Colds face. Raven grabs the tights and hooks both legs as a ref comes out and counts the 1...2...3!!!::.

Jerry Lawler: There is a god!
Jim Ross: I cant believe this. And the bell has now sounded for this match and Raven is now the current SCWE RAWCore champ and its final. Well Raven is in the ring but he cant be at 100% We are now waiting for Mikey G.

("St. Anger" By: Mettalica blares over the PA system as fans go nuts)

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE RAWCore championship! Alreayd in the ring. From Short Hills, New Jersey. Weighing in at 237 pounds. The leader of The Flock! He is the SCWE RAWCore Champion! Raven!!! And now making his way to the ring. The challenger. From Bronx, New York. Weighing in at 200 pounds... Mikey G!!!

Raven(C) vs Mikey G

Raven and Mikey G lock up. Mikey G puts Raven in a headlock. Raven is alreeady very worn out and soon falls down to the mat.Mikey than picks up Raven and throws him into the ropes. Mikey begins to unleash ov Raven with lefts and rights and kicks to the gut. Mikey climbs to the top rope and begins a ten punch count 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10! Raven falls to the mat as Mikey G goes to the outside and throws in a chair. Mikey slides back into the ring and grabs the chair. He than looks to wait for Raven to get up. The Flock members than rush down to the scene and circle Mikey G in the ring. Mikey takes down Joey Ryan with a chair shot. Mikey than ducks a clothesline from Damian Rage and takes him down with a chair shot. Mikey and Jerome Morris than stand toe to toe and begin to unleash on each other with lefts and rights. Mikey throws Jerome into the turnbuckle. Mikey than picks up the chair and hits Jerome in the gut. Mikey drops the chair and than drops Jerome with a 3 handed Cadenza. Mikey G than gets up and looks for Raven. Mikey goes to the outside and is met with a fire extinguisher. Raven goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Raven begins to pound on Mikey head with several lefts and rights. Raven than goes for another pin 1...2...kickout! Raven picks up Mikey and throws him into the steel barricade. Mikey leans against he barricade and Raven than hits him with a dropkick! Raven than picks up Mikey and slams him shoulder first into the steel pole. Raven than catpults Mikey back into the steel ring post. Raven trhows Mikey back into the ring and hits a leg drop into a pin 1...2...kickout! Raven yells at the ref and than picks Mikey up and goes for a Evenflow DDT. Mikey doesnt fall butRaven does. Mikey than grabs Ravens leg and does a bridge pin 1...2...kickout! Mikey grabs a stop sign and waits for Raven to turn around. Raven is than met with a hard shot to the cranium from Mikey. Mikey throws the stop sign to the side and than goes to the outside and looks for a weapon.

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 11:03 PM

Mikey ends up pulling out a table. He slides it into the ring and than sets it up. Mikey than picks up Raven and brings him over to the table. Mikey goes for a vertical suplex but Raven hooks his leg and reverses it into a vertical suplex of his own. Raven goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Raven than picks up Mikey and throws him into the ropes and drops Mikey with a drop toe hold. Raven grabs a trash can and he pushes it into the turnbuckle. Raven than throws Mikey into it with velocity. Mikey stumbles forward and Raven takes him down with a reverse rusian leg sweep. Raven goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Raven looks around and than sees the table and picks up Mikey. Raven puts Mikey on the table and than climbs to the top rope. Mikey sees Raven about to jump and he rolls off the table. Raven just catches the top rope in time to keep himself from jumping. Raven goes for a cross body block but Mikey catchs him and than drop Raven on the stop sign. Mikey goes for the pin 1...2...kickout! Mikey cant believe it. Mikey picks up Raven and they exchange very slow punches. Raven goes for a lariat but Mikey grabs his arm and ducks it than hits a 3 handed cadena throught the table. Mikeys arm ends up on top of Raven as both men are laid out cold. the ref makes the pin for the 1...2...3!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and the new SCWE RAWCore Champion! Mikey G!!!

("Yo its me its me its DDP" hits and fans go crazy! as DDP comes down to the ring and helps Mikey G up...)

.::DDP looks to shake Mikey G's hand. Mikey G than shakes DDP's hand. Mikey turns around and begins to walk away as DDP's face turns stern and he turns Mikey around and than hits him with a Diamond Cutter! thhe fans fill the arenas with boo as DDP makes a non chalant cover and the ref is forced to count the 1...2...3!!!::.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentelmen we have a new SCWE RAWCore champion! Diamond Dallas Page!!!

Jim Ross: DDP has returned! And he suckered Mikey G into a Diamond Cutter so he could walk away with the SCWE RAWCore Championship.
Jerry Lawler: This has been an amazing night JR. We have had so many SCWE RAWCore title changes I dont even know what to make of it.
Jim Ross: I have lost count thats for sure.
Jerry Lawler: Its got to be in the double digits by now JR and we still have so much more left. We have two matches still to come.
Jim Ross: Up next it will be the SCWE Womens match up. The steel cage will finally be put to good use.
Jerry Lawler: Two hot Divas inside a steel cage. I dont think I could ask for aything more JR.
Jim Ross: Well you dont have to wait much longer because the match is next and its going to happen now! Lets head down to Lillian Garcia who is standing by.

.::The Steel Cage slowly lowers down to the ring::.

("Sweetes Sin" By: Jessica Simpson hits as Kristin Styles comes out to the sound of cheers)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentelmen! The following contest is a scheduled Steel Cage match! And it is for the SCWE Womens Championship! First making her way to the ring, the challenger. From Las Vegas, Nevada... Kristin Styles!!!

Jerry Lawler: Kristin Styles is so hot! JR.
Jim Ross: I know King. She has a huge oppurtunity to be the second style tonight to brign gold home to the family!

("Toxic" By: Britney Spears hits and the fans boo heavily)

Lillian Garcia: And her opponent. Making her way to the ring from Tacoma, Washington. She is the SCWE Womens Champion! Cynthia Diamond!!!

Jerry Lawler: Ooh my god JR!!! Cynthia Diamond is so hot JR!
Jim Ross: I know. This is going to be a brutal match just like the whole night has been. I wonder who will win. Lets head to the cage and find out!

Kristin Styles vs Cynthia Diamond(C)

Cynthia and Kristin look around at the steel structure that surrounds them. Cynthia and Kristin begin to circle each other before they finally lock up. Cynthia gets the upperhand with an arm lock. She yanks down on the arm and than flips Kristin over nad drops her leg across Krisitns arm. Cynthia than drags Kristin to the ropes and puts her arm across the ropes and jumps on it. Kristin looks to be in a lot of pain. Cynthia than grabs Kristins arm and throws her into the ropes and hits a snap suplex on her into a pin 1...2...kickout! Cynthia gets up and begins to climb the cage. She gets to the top but Kristin gets up and grabs her by her hair and Cynthia gives in and makes her way back down to the mat. They exchange lefts and rights with Kristin getting on a roll with knifed edge chops and than a pump handle slam. Kristin goes to the top rope and waits for Cynthia to get up. Kristin tin than hits a missle toe dropkick that sends Cynthia down again. Kristin than picks up Cynthia and throws her into the ropes she hits a back body drop. Kristin goes for a pin 1...2...kickout! Kristin picks up Cynthia and hits a few european uppercuts. Kristin than hits her with a hurricanrana. Kristin than hits a summersault splash onto Cynthia and hooks the leg for the 1�?…kickout! Kristin kicks Cynthia before climbing up the cage. She is just about at the top when Cynthia yanks her down to the mat the fast way. Kristin collides with the unforgiving mat and Cynthia sees the opening to escape the cage. She climbs to the top ans is about to go down when Krisitn leaps up and grabs Cynthia by her feet and than puts her onto her shoulders in a firemans carry type maneuver and sends her down with a firemans carry drop. Both Divas are down for some time when the ref begins the ten count 1�?�?�?�?�?�?…Both Divas struggle to there feet. They exchange lefts and rights as Kristin gets the upper hand with hard elbow shots to the face. Kristin than goes to throw Cynthia into the riopes but Cynthia holds her ground and hair whips Kristin into the steel cage! Cynthia than grabs Kristin and pulls her into the middle of the ring. Cynthia hits a few hard elbow drops on Kristins abdoman and than puts her in a leg lock. Cynthia yanks back and Kristin has no where to go. Cynthia soon breaks the hold and than climbs to the middle rope and hits an elbow drop onto Kristins head. Cynthia than picks up Kristin and takes her right back down with a Russian leg sweep. Cynthia than goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Cynthia cant believe it. She begins to lay into Kristin with boots. She than puts Kristin in a half boston crab. Kristin yells in pain and Cynthia continues to apply more and more pressure. Kristin tries to get out of it but as much as she struggles Cynthia holds her cround. Cynthia than stops moving and the ref begins to see if Kristin is unconcious he raises the arm once and it drops. Raises the arm a second time and it drops. The arm is raised a third time and it just stays up. Kristin gets the fans cheering and fights the pain. She than turns around pushes Cynthia off with her legs causing Cynthia to go over the top rope and hit the steel cage. Both Divas lay down as the ref begins his ten count 1�?�?�?�?�?�?�?…Both Divas just get up and the ref checks to see how they are. Kristin and Cynthia exchange slow blows Cynthia begins to get the advantage with Kristin hitting a few series of quick jabs to the gut. Kristin gets the fans nuts. She throws Cynthia into the ropes and hits a knee to Cynthias face. Kristin picks up Cynthia and throws her into the turnbuckle. Cynthia chases after and hits Kristin with a hard elbow. Kristin than puts Cynthia on the top rope and goes for a Tornado DDT. Cynthia holds on to the ropes and than throws Kristin down. Cynthia than hits a moonsault off the top rope and goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Cynthia rolls her eyes and just lays on the mat for a bit. Cynthia gets up and she picks up Kristin. Cynthia goes for the D-Railer but Kristin muscles out of it and hits the Styles! Kristin is slow to get up but she soon does. She than slowly begins to climb up the top of the cage and reaches ot the top. Cynthia crawls to the cage door and tells the refs to open it they do. Kristin sees this and she jumps from the top of the cage onto the floor and hits the floor at the same time that Cynthia does! The refs argue back and forth on who won. Both declaring each other Diva the winner.

Lillian Garcia: This match has been declared a Draw so still your SCWE Womens Champion! Cynthia Diamond!!!

Jim Ross: What a cheap way to end this match. Kristin Styles looked to have it in the bag but Cynthia just barely was able to keep the title!
Jerry Lawler: HEy JR. Thats the rules of the game. I must admit I am happy with the outcome! I mean two Divas. This is a great night.
Jim Ross: Well King we are almost ready for our Main Event. I wonder who will walk out of here the SCWE World Champion.
Jerry Lawler: We will find out momentarily but lets take a look back at Curse of the Game... Where Goldberg won his World title!

.::Footage is shown::.

Maven collects himself and stands up.  As the ref goes to check on Goldberg, the lights go out in the arena, and when they turn back on, the referee is down, and Goldberg is down.  Lightning then flashes and a bell rings and Undertaker appears in the ring.  Maven turns around and is met with Taker’s hand on Maven’s throat.  Taker climbs the turnbuckle too, and chokeslams Maven right off it.  Taker then moves to the middle of the ring and the lights go out, lightning strikes the turnbuckles and when they turn back on, the Undertaker is gone.  After about a minute of no movement, Goldberg comes to and sees that Maven is down.  He picks up Maven and whips him into the turnbuckle, and Goldberg waits for Maven to turn around.  Maven does and Goldberg runs at him and hits him with a huge spear.  Goldberg then does the sign that he is going to go for the Jackhammer.  Goldberg picks up Maven and sets him up for the Jackhammer.  Goldberg lifts Maven in the air, leaves him there for a second, and hits the Jackhammer.  The ref comes to it as Goldberg is pinning, and counts, 1……�?……�?.

.::Footage ends::.

Jim Ross: That was memorable night for Goldberg King. It was his first world title he ever won in the KSCWE.
Jerry Lawler: He beat Maven so bad that Maven went crying to WCW.
Jim Ross: Haha. Well The Undertaker and Goldberg fued has been growing week after week and The Undertaker may be the reason Goldberg is holding that title.
Jerry Lawler: Either way good riddens to Maven. We didnt want him on SCWE anyways. But back to this match. The fued is huge JR and its time to put an end to it all.
Jim Ross: The Undertaker is looking to gain something that he hasnt held before and tonight might just be his night.
Jerry Lawler: LEts head down to Lillian Garcia.

("Da Ministry" By: WWE hits and the Taker fans cheer while Goldberg fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentelmen! The following contest is the Main Event!!! And it is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE World Championship!!! First making his way to the ring. From Death Valley, Texas. Weighing in at 328 pounds... The Undertaker!!!

Jerry Lawler: The Undertaker is looking to take out Goldberg and be the new man in the business.
Jim Ross: This will be a brutal match to the very end. Who will win? We are moments away from finding out.

("InVasion" By: WWE hits and Goldberg fans cheer as Taker fans boo)

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent! Making his way to the ring... From Atlanta, Georgia. Weighing in at 283 pounds. He is the SCWE World Champion!!! Goldberg!!!!

Jerry Lawler: Goldberg didnt bring Duchess to the ring I think he is going to win this one without her by his side tonight.
Jim Ross: Goldberg is definitely focussed here tonight.

Undertaker vs Goldberg(C)

Goldberg and Taker lock up. Goldberg overpowers Taker into the corner. Goldberg than releases the hold and walks back. They than lock up again and this time Taker over powers Goldberg into the opposite turnbuckle. Taker lets go and walks back. They lock up again and struggle all over the ring until Taker gets an arm lock onto Goldberg and than he yanks on it hard. Goldberg than reverses it into a wrist-lock and he pushes down on Takers wrist. Goldberg than trips Taker down and allows him to get up freely. Goldberg than clotheslines Taker right back down. Goldberg than delivers a few hard right hands to Takers head. Goldberg gets up and hits Taker with a few boots before picking him up. Goldberg takes Taker back down with a scoop slam. Goldberg hits an knee drop to the gut of Taker and than goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Goldberg picks up Taker and throws him into the ropes. Taker comes back and ducks a clothesline he than takes Goldberg down with a big boot. Taker picks up Goldberg and hits a right hand than throws him into the ropes and takes him down with a tilt a whirl sidewalk slam. Taker goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Taker helps Goldberg up and hits him wit ha few elbows followed by a throat thrust than another elbow. Taker throws Goldberg into the ropes. Goldberg ducks a lariat and takes Taker down with a shoulder block. Goldberg than hits an elbow drop onto Taker and than puts Taker into a head lock. Goldberg cranks on Takers head but soon releases it and hits a few fore arm blows to Takers head. Goldberg than picks up Taker and hits him with a few tough kicks and than picks him up and drops him hard with a spinebuster. Goldberg goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Goldberg gets up and picks up Taker. Goldberg throws Taker into the turnbuckle and chases after and hits a elbow to Takers head. Goldberg than climbs the ropes and delivers a ten punch count 1�?�?�?�?�?…Taker punches Goldberg off of him and than grabs Goldbergs arm and goes Old School on Goldberg. Taker than delivers a belly to belly suplex which lays both men out and the ref starts the ten count 1�?�?�?…Both men get up and begin to deliver lefts and rights. They lock up and Goldberg over powers Taker into the turnbuckle. Goldberg than unleashes with eurepean uppercuts and elbows to the face of Taker. Goldberg than drives his shoulder into Takers abdoman. Goldberg picks up Taker and puts him on the top turnbuckle. Goldberg than delivers a super-plex to Taker. Goldberg slowly makes a cover 1�?…kickout! Goldberg picks up Taker and delivers a Press Slam to Taker. Goldberg than lays into Taker with boots to the gut. Goldberg hooks the leg and goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Goldberg picks up Taker and throws him into the ropes. Taker comes back and hits a swinging neckbreaker on Goldberg. Taker than hits Goldberg with a powerful leg drop and goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Taker calls for a chokeslam as Goldberg slowly gets up and turns around. Taker grabs Goldbergs neck. Goldberg than kicks Taker in the gut and DDTs him down to the mat. Goldberg than picks up Taker and throws Taker into the turnbuckle. Goldberg chases after but is met with a Taker elbow. Taker than drops Goldberg with an atomic drop and than a Russian leg sweep. Taker picks up Goldberg adnd throws him into the ropes. Goldberg comes back and is met with a Taker DDT. Taker than calls for a chokeslam as Goldberg gets up. Goldberg turns around and Taker delivers a chokeslam! Taker goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Taker looks at the ref annoyed and cant believe he didn’t get the pinfall. Taker picks up Goldberg and throws him into the ropes and misses a clothesline. Goldberg comes back and both men collide with clotheslines. Both men are laid out as the ref makes his ten count 1�?�?�?�?�?�?…Both men struggle to get up. Taker clotheslines Goldberg over the top rope but Takers momentum sends him over as well. Taker gets up and picks up Goldberg. Taker throws Goldberg into the steel steps. Taker than slams Goldbergs head against the ring apron. Taker slides Goldberg back into the ring and slides back in himself. Taker goes for a pin 1�?…kickout! Taker gets up and hits Goldberg with a few knees to the gut. Taker than grabs Goldberg by the arm and flips him over. Taker than puts pressure on his arm as Goldberg looks to be in pain. Taker than lets go and picks Goldberg up. Taker throws Goldberg into the ropes and misses a big boot. Goldberg than comes back and hits a falling scoop slam. Goldberg slowly gets up as does Taker. Taker walks towards Goldberg but walks right into a Goldberg press slam. Taker picks up Goldberg and lays into him with kicks and punches. He throws Taker into the ropes and hits a runing powerslam. Taker hits the mat hard! Goldberg than gets amped and sets up for the Spear! Goldberg goes for the spear but Taker dodges it. Goldberg hits the ring post and turns around dazed. Taker takes him down with a big boot. Taker than signals that its over. Goldberg gets up and turns around. Taker than puts Goldberg in Tombstone form and Taker drops Goldberg hard. Taker hooks the leg and goes for the pin 1�?�?!!!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and the new SCWE World Champion!!! The Undertaker!!!

Jim Ross: How about that King. We have ourselves a new SCWE World Champion. The Undertaker has done it.
Jerry Lawler: It was a great match but in the end The Undertaker was too much for Goldberg. Here comes Mikey G.

.::Mikey G comes out with a chair and knocks Undertaker out with the chair from behind. Goldberg than gets up and Mikey G knocks Goldberg down too. Mikey G grabs the title and points to Taker. In the crowd Raven is shown fighting DDP all the way down to the ring. Raven throws DDP into the ring. Mikey hits DDP with a chair shot and than pummels DDP. Raven gets into the ring and takes a tire iron and knocks Mikey G out. Raven than picks up DDP and hits the Evenflow. Raven goes for the pin 1...2...3!!!::.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentelmen we have a new SCWE RAWCore Champion! Raven!!!

.::Raven celebrates his win as he walks up the ramp way. He turns towards the carnage in the ring and points to his title. Mick Foley than sneaks up behind him with his barbed wired 2 by4 and Mick turns Raven around and nails him in the face with it. Mick than goes for the pin 1...2...3!!!::.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentelmen we have a new SCWE RAWCore Champion! Mick Foley!!!

Jim Ross: Mick is the SCWE RAWCore champ! Ladies and gentelmen what a night it was but we are out of time!

.::SCWE Vengeance goes off the air::.

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