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PPV : Summerslam 8/29/04
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/3/2006 11:39 PM
SCWE Summerslam Results
8/29/04 live from Madison Square Garden

JR: Welcome everybody to SCWE Summerslam! I am Jim Ross alongside Jerry the King Lawler.

The King: Hello everybody and welcome to Summerslam. People have been waiting for Summerslam ever since Vengeance and it's finally time.

JR: Tonight all 8 of our titles will be on the line.

The King: And dont forget the paddle on a pole match!!

JR: Plus the number one contender will be decided.

The King: Tonight is Mikey's chance to prove he is the best on RAW when he challenges for the World Championship.

JR: The same for Scarlett as she gets her first shot at the SCWE Womens Championship. But first....

(JR Is cut off as So Far Away by Staind hits. The crowd boos as Vince Russo comes out alone and makes his way to the ring, then requests a microphone)

Vince Russo: Hello everybody and welcome to SCWE Summerslam! (Crowd cheers) Night of the Alliance! (Crowd boos) Tonight I come to you with some news. Some changes with SCWE. As you all know, Smackdown is returning to the KSCWE. And in order for Smackdown to exist as a brand it needs a few superstars and as much as I hate to admit it, we have had to give up people to Smackdown. Not all have been announced yet, but I am aware that Coach T, The Cheat, Fallen Angel, Vader, Rikishi, and Anna Kournikova have all left RAW. Now what Smackdown and WCW chooses to do with them is not my call. Those are not the only superstars leaving RAW. More will be announced tomorrow night and even some more tonight so I will keep you posted. Now I am going to make sure I get to keep everyone that I want and so far Im proud to say that I havent lost anybody that means a lot to me yet. So to all those superstars that I named, have a good life wherever you go, but RAW will always be dominant. You'll be seeing me more tonight but for now, enjoy the show.

(Vince drops the mic and leaves as So Far away by Staind hits again)

JR: I wasnt aware we were going to be losing superstars.

The King: Coach T and The Cheat are gone? Goodbye Crimson Calling. Then we lost some new guys and Anna Kournikova.

JR: Vince doesn't seem too upset by the loss.

The King: It's not like he lost the Alliance members or any of RAW's biggest names.

JR: Well were gonna start off the night with the Juniorweight Championship on the line.

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Juniorweight Championship.

(I am by TNA hits and the crowd cheers loudly)

Lilian Garcia: First making his way to the ring, from Gainsville Georgia, weighing in at 202 pounds, he is the SCWE Juniorweight Champion...AJ Styles!

JR: AJ has been the Juniorweight Champion for quite some time now and his opponent tonight is a guy sort of new to the RAW brand but a very determined competitor.

(619 by WWE hits and the crowd continues to cheer)

Lilian Garcia: And his opponent, from San Diego, California, weighing 165 pounds...Rey Mysterio!

The King: This kid thinks he stands a chance tonight?

AJ Styles(C) vs. Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio looks very determined as the bell rings. He goes right for AJ, but AJ locks him in a sleeper hold. Mysterio battles out with an elbow, and bounces off the ropes and comes back with a lariat. Rey goes up top and as AJ gets up, Rey takes him out with a top rope Hurricanranna and pins, 1........2......AJ kicks out. Rey gets right up and goes up top again and tries for a moonsault, but AJ moves out of the way but Mysterio lands on his feet and goes for a clothesline but AJ ducks and dropkicks him. AJ picks him up and connects with a powerful Scoop Slam, he covers, 1.............2...........Mysterio kicks out. AJ goes up top and calls for the Shooting Star Press, but Mysterio gets up and instead, AJ takes him out with a flying Crossbody. He covers again, 1............2.............Mysterio kicks out again. AJ Styles picks Mysterio up and goes for a piledriver, but Rey Mysterio reverses into a head scissors take-down and hooks the leg, 1.............2............AJ breaks free and Mysterio jumps on his back. AJ throws him outside the ring and dives outside himself with a flying clothesline and connects. They both get up, and Mysterio knees him in the gut then throws him back in the ring. Mysterio jumps back into the ring, but AJ is waiting for him. AJ takes some shots to the forearm of Mysterio and whips him off the ropes, followed up by a powerful backdrop. AJ covers, 1....................2...............Mysterio kicks out and AJ is angry now and he goes over to Mysterio and picks him up and then hits his head off the turnbuckle. Then he takes him out with a Facebuster. AJ picks up Mysterio again and follows up with the Styles Clash! He covers, 1...................2................3!

Lilian Garcia: Your winner and still SCWE Juniorweight Champion...AJ Styles!

The King: I told you AJ would keep the title.

JR: Great match and Rey Mysterio really showed me something. I know there will be future title shots for him.


(Vince Russo is seen in the backstage area when he is approached by Paul Heyman and Russo does not seem happy)

Vince Russo: What the hell do you want?

Paul Heyman: Well Vince it seems like you've been ignoring my calls. But I have some big news for you and all of RAW.

Vince: You're being fired and being replaced by an attractive female?

Paul: Not quite. Well you know how we had to lose several Superstars due to the draft?

Vince: Yeah, and?

Paul: Well earlier today I got a call from Scott Hill and learned about one that I think you'll be interested in.

Vince: Get on with it.

Paul: Starting next week Shawn Michaels will now be a part of Smackdown.

Vince: What?! He's the Intercontinental champion...oh wait. I should say he's the former Intercontinental Champion.

Paul: What do you mean by that?

Vince: It's simple. He's not going to be on my show he's not going to be my champion. And I know exactly how to settle the problem.

Paul: Wait.

(Vince walks off down the hall leaving Paul confused)

Back at Ringside:

JR: Well it looks like we are going to have a new IC Champion tonight.

The King: Mr. Russo was not happy when he found out he might lose a champion, so he wanted to get rid of the title as soon as possible.

JR: Well I have a feeling, I know his plan. Give it to DDP, fellow alliance member.

The King: What a move by our General Manager.

(Summerslam ad is shown)

 JR: Coming up next on our show, we have Billy Gunn taking on Jerome Morris.

The King: But first we have to look at how this match became.

(Footage is shown of August 10th RAW with Jerome Morris attacking Billy Gunn after his match)

JR: Billy can not wait to get his hands on Jerome and Jerome probably feels the same about the European title.

The King: Jerome has only held Juniorweight gold in KSCWE but tonight he wins European gold.

JR: What makes you so sure?

The King: He is facing Billy Gunn, hahaha.

JR: Billy has been with KSCWE for a long time but I think he has is hands full tonight.

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE European Championship.

(Thoughtles by KoRn hits and the fans boo)

Lilian Garcia: Making his way to the ring, from Denver Colorodo, weighing 195 pounds....Jerome Morris!

JR: I'll give him credit, he is an impressive superstar.

The King: That he is JR.

(Ass man by WWE hits and the fans come to their feet in cheers)

Lilian Garcia: And his opponent, from Knoxville Tennessee, weighing 246 pounds, the SCWE European Champion....Billy Gunn!

JR: I'll have to say the fans are more impressed with Billy.

The King: Well I am more impressed with Jerome.

JR: Shut up King.

Billy Gunn(C) vs. Jerome Morris

SFX: DING DING! Gunn and Morris tie up. Billy locks in a suplex. Snap suplex by Billy Gunn, Gunn rolls to his feet. Another snap suplex, Billy rolls again, Morris is lifted but comes back down using Billy’s weight and suplexing him. Morris lets go of Billy, Billy is up, Morris nailing a clothesline. Billy up again, another clothesline. Morris bouncing off the ropes, Billy Gunn up, Morris going for a Flying Forearm Smash! NO! Billy catches him and hit’s a Belly To Belly suplex. Morris looking dazed, Billy with a off canvass elbow drop, But Morris moves. Jerome hit’s a trip up, Billy this the matt face first. Morris locks in a Mexican Surfboard…Billy is in the middle of the ring with no where to go! , Billy slams his head back into Morris’s with a  head butt, Morris lets go, Billy lifts Morris up,  But Morris punches Bilyl in the stomache. Knife edge chop by Morris. Crowd goes WOOO! Billy ducks the next chop and hits an STO on Morris…cover�?...2... rope break. Billy getting on the top rope. Morris to his feet. Billy is on top but Jerome climbs on top also. Jerome and Billy fighting it out on the turn buckle! Jerome gets the upper hand. Jerome grabbing Billy Gunn and forcing him to switch places Jerome locking a suplex and standing on top of the turnbuckle. Morris lifts Billy up, He holds him then leaps off as far as he can MORRIS LEAPS OFF THE TURNBUCKLE AND NAILS A SUPERPLEX FROM  THE TURNBUCKLE TO THE ANNOUNCING TABLE! Both men are down and out as the crowd is chanting "HOLY SHIT!" Billy and Jerome are both motionless for awhile, but eventually Jerome gets up and pciks Billy up. Jerome throws Billy into the ring and he struggles getting into the ring himself. He rolls in and he drapes an arm over Gunn, 1.............2............2.9.........Gunn shockingly kicks out!! Jerome cant believe it and he gets very pissed. He picks Gunn up and goes for a Powerbomb, but Gunn counters into the Fameasser!! He covers, 1............2..........Jerome kicks out. Billy struggles getting up and is aided by the ropes. He begins to stomp away on Jerome and finally he picks him up. Jerome goes for a right hand, but Gunn ducks and ends up behind Jerome. He takes him out with the One and Only. He crawls over and he covers, hooking the leg 1................2............3!

Lilian Garcia: Here is your winner and still European Champion...Billy Gunn.

JR: That was a chaotic match I have to say.

The King: Second of the night, and theyre already putting each other through tables. It's madness.

JR: Billy put on a show and earned his win tonight.

The King: Do you know what it's time for?

JR: What?

The King: Puppies!

JR: Paddle on a Pole is up next.

(Footage from 2 weeks ago is shown cutting into lasts weeks bikinki contest where Duchess attacked Jai)

The King: Oh JR, I know it's time.

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is the paddle on a pole match! (The fans go absolutely nuts)

(Last by Nine Inch nails hits and the fans cheer suprisingly)

Lilian Garcia: Making her way to the ring, from Miami Florida....Jai!

JR: They're cheering a 42J member?

The King:'s a paddle on a pole match.

JR: Oh yeah, thats true.

(I wanna be bad by Willa Ford hits and the fans continue to cheer and start a "We Want Puppies" Chant)

Lilian Garcia: And her opponent, from Dudleyville, USA....Duchess!

JR: I am not used to these 2 being liked.

The King: Every girl is liked when in a bikini.

Paddle On A Pole: Jai vs Duchess

The bell rings and Duchess and Jai go right after each other. Jai locks Duchess in a sleeper but she lets her go and whips her off the ropes. Duchess on the way back though kicks her and tries to rip her top off early, but Jai kicks her away. Jai delivers a DDT to Duchess. Jai goes for Duchess' pants but Duchess kicks her away. Duchess gets up, but Jai clotheslines her back down. Jai picks her up and delivers some shots to Duchess' head and then she throws her off the ropes and delivers a backdrop. Jai stays in control by stomping a mudhole on Duchess and a few elbow drops. She tries to rip Duchess' pants off aagin but Duchess fights back with a kick to the face. Duchess gets off the ground and she spears Jai down and tries ripping her top off. Jai struggles to avoid it but finally Duchess rips her top off revealing Jai's pink bra! The guys in the audience are going wild as Jai tries to put her top back on but Duchess locks her in a submission. Finally Duchess lets go, and she tries to rip Jai's pants off, but Jai delivers a kick straight to the head and Duchess turns around as Jai rips her top off! Both divas are topless now and Jai continues to hit Duchess and she goes for Duchess' pants but Duchess kicks her in the face and delivers a move like the side-effect. Duchess tries to rip Jai's pants off but Jai gets to her feet and she spears Duchess down. She climbs the turnbuckle then delivers a moonsault, and rips the pants right off of Duchess. Duchess tries to cover up, and Jai goes right for the paddle, but Duchess dropkicks her right into the turnbuckle. Duchess tries once again and finally succeeds ripping the pants off of Jai. As Jai gets out, Duchess connects with the running bulldog and then she grabs the paddle. She goes to paddle Jai, but Jai rolls out of the way under Duchess' legs. She grabs the paddle from Duchess and paddles her for the win. After the match Goldberg hits the ring but J does as well and helps Jai to the back.

Lilian Garcia: Here is your winner...Jai!

The King: Oh my god JR!

JR: That was a nice win for Jai.

The King: The true winners were the fans, and ME!

JR: The alliance goes 0-1 for the night, probably not making Mr. Russo very happy.

(The camera goes backstage showing an angry Russo)

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 11:40 PM

JR: Well King, I know this will please you.

The King: What?

JR: We got more diva action coming up right now.

The King: This is what I live for.

JR: Two weeks ago, Spazz won the Womens RAWCore Championship in the finals of the tournament when she beat Stacy Mason.

The King: And tonight she defends it against not one, but three divas!

JR: Lets head down to ringside.

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is for the SCWE Womens RAWCore Championship(Crowd cheers)

(Aint Love Grand by Atreyu hits and the fans are mixed)

Lilian Garcia:First making her way to the ring, from Orange County, California...Karissa Laryss!

The King: Looking hott as always.

(It's About Us by Velvet Revolver hits and the fans boo loudly)

Lilian Garcia: Her opponent, from Inglewood, California....Ivory!

JR: Ivory went from being a loved to a now hated woman ever since joining up with 42J.

The King: But now she is very successful.

(Hotel by R Kelly and Kassidy hits and the fans cheer)

Lilian Garcia: Opponent #3, from Knoxville, Tennessee....Brish Ness!

JR: Brish is the favorite in the match.

The King: Mine too.

(Duality, the ADD remix hits and the fans boo loudly)

Lilian Garcia: Lastly, from West Minster, Colorado, she is the SCWE Womens RAWCore Champion....Spazz.

The King: That is one freaky woman, JR.

JR: No kidding.

Spazz(C) vs Brish Ness vs Ivory vs Karissa Laryss

The bell rings and Spazz and Brish go right for each other. Ivory hangs by her corner, but Karissa walks over to her and slaps her. Ivory proceeds to spearing her down to the ground and punching her repeatedly. Ivory picks Karissa up and delivers a DDT. She covers, 1...........2.........Karissa kicks out. Brish and Spazz are exchanging punches and Brish gets the best of her and delivers a dropkick. She picks Spazz up and whips her off the ropes but instead Spazz hits Ivory. Ivory is pissed and she charges at Brish, but Brish moves and Ivory sends herself out of the ring. Brish knocks Spazz down but Karissa knocks her down and stands over her. She tries to rip her top off but Brish kicks her and trips her down to the floor. Outside the ring, Ivory gets a chair and she enters the ring with it. She takes a shot to the head of Brish. She drops it and covers, 1............2...........Karissa delivers a chairshot to ivory's back breaking it up. Ivory screams in pain as Karissa picks her up and goes for Exist in Fiction but Spazz clotheslines Karissa down. Spazz covers Brish who is still down, 1.............2...........Brish kicks out. Ivory grabs the chair and spazz turns around but Ivory hits her in the legs with it, followed by a head shot. Ivory crawls over and covers, 1.............2...........Spazz kicks out and everybody is shocked. Ivory gets up and walks right into a Brish Bomb. Brish goes to cover, but Karissa comes up behind her and pantses her! Brish pulls her pants back up, but Karissa begins to kiss her and they both fall of the ground. The ref mistakes it for a pin and counts, 1............2...........Brish gets a shoulder up. Brish looks completely disgusted as she wipes her mouth, but Karissa climbs the turnbuckle and delivers a moonsault. She covers again, 1............2............Brish kicks out again. Ivory then throws Karissa off her and throws Brish over the ropes. Karissa though kicks Ivory in the gut and hits her with a trash can lid. Brish gets back on the apron but out of nowhere, Mark Jindrak appears down at ringside and hits Brish with a steel chair. She falls to the ground and he takes another shot. John Cena rushes to the ring and chases Mark away. Meanwhile Spazz and Karissa are the only two left standing and Karissa goes to clothesline her but Spazz ducks and then delivers the X of blood and covers, 1........2......3.

Lilian Garcia: Here is your winner and still Womens RAWCore Champion...Spazz!

The King: Oh great, Spazz is still the champion. Damn that Jindrak.

JR: Kind of a frightening woman, but thanks to Jindrak, she retained her title here tonight.

The King: 3 title matches so far, and all 3 champions have retained if that means anything towards future title matches.

(So Far Away by Staind hits again and the fans come to their feet in boos. Vince Russo again comes out and gets into the ring with a suitcase and gets a mic)

Vince Russo: I know that I was out here earlier tonight, but something has come up involving the Intercontinental Championship. You see as part of the superstars leaving RAW because of the draft the Has Been Kid, Shawn Michaels is no longer a member of the RAW Roster. (Crowd boos) I know, depressing isn't it? Well I'll say one thing, if you're not gonna fight on RAW then you have no right being a champion on RAW. So as of now, HBK Shawn Michaels is a former Intercontinental Champion. (Vince opens the suitcase and takes out the IC title) So without further adieu, I would like to call out none other than Diamond Dallas Page.

JR: Why is he calling out DDP?

The King: Hmmm...I wonder JR.

JR: You dont think he's just going to give the title to DDP, do you?

The King: Yes in fact, I do.

(Bang by WCW hits and the fans erupt in boos)

Lilian Garcia: Making his way to the ring from Jersey Shores, New Jersey, weighing 240 pounds...Diamond Dallas Page.

(DDP gets in the ring and looks at Vince Russo as Vince Russo raises the mic)

Vince: Welcome DDP, how are you? Tonight I called you out here for a very special reason. I know that you had a match tonight for Shawn Michael's Intercontinental Championship, and well as much as you will hate to hear this, Shawn Michaels is no longer on RAW. (DDP pretends to be depressed) I know a shame isn't it? But what are we going to do with this title? Well I think it seems only right that we give it to the number one contender. So I hearby award you, Diamond Dallas Page with the Intercontinental Championship.

(Vince Russo gives DDP the title as DDP and Russo pose for the camera but suddenly, ECW hits and Paul Heyman steps out onto the entrance way)

Paul Heyman: Hold up there Vince, who said you can just give DDP the title?

Vince: I said, so why dont you just mind your own damn business.

Paul: Well just so you know, I am the commissioner of The RAW brand and I can do as I please. And you know something I will. Before you get comfortable with that title, DDP I suggest you listen to this. You're still going to get a shot at the title but I am going to give another member of the RAW brand a shot at it as well.

Vince: What the hell? You cant do that!

Paul: Oh but I can. So let me introduce to you your opponent.

(Soon To Thrill by ACDC hits as the fans go nuts)

Lilian Garcia: Making his way to the ring, from Knoxville Tennessee, weighing 241 pounds....Brandon!

The King: I am disgusted with Paul Heyman now.

JR: I think he made the right decision here tonight.

Brandon vs. DDP

Bell rings and both men walk up to one another and get in each other's face.  Brandon backs off a second, and gives DDP the finger.  DDP gets pissed off and shoves Brandon.  Brandon shoves him back, and DDP punches Brandon and gives him a few more right hands knocking him down.  Brandon gets up quickly.  He and DDP then lock up.  DDP gets Brandon in a headlock but Brandon hits DDP with a backdrop.  Brandon lifts up DDP and whips him into the turnbuckle.  He runs at DDP but DDP puts his elbow out and elbows Brandon in the face.  DDP goes to punch Brandon, but Brandon blocks the punch and shoves DDP into the corner and forces him to the ground and begins stomping a mudhole in DDP.  The ref tells him to stop and counts, 1...2...3...4...5.  Brandon and the referee start to argue and DDP gets up and elbows Brandon in the back of the head.  DDP then gets Brandon with a Reverse DDT and covers, 1...2...2.1.  Brandon gets up and both men circle the ring.  Brandon charges at DDP and goes for a clothesline but DDP ducks and Brandon turns around and DDP hits Brandon with a clothesline of his own.  DDP gets down on the canvas and locks in a headlock.  Brandon waves his arms in the air trying to break free.  DDP applies more pressure as Brandon begins to fade.  His arms then hit the canvas.  The referee lifts up one arm and it drops.  He lifts it up again and it drops.  He lifts it up a third time and before it hits the canvas, Brandon comes to life.  Brandon gets to one knee and elbows DDP in the gut a few times.  DDP releases and Brandon kicks DDP in the gut.  He hits DDP with a double powerbomb pin, the ref counts, 1...2...2.6.  Brandon gets the crowd into the match and goes over to DDP and lifts him up and hits him with a Scoop Slam.  He turns DDP over onto his stomach and locks in a Camel Clutch.  DDP is in pain, but he won't tap out.  After a minute Brandon lets go of the hold and goes to pick up DDP, but DDP reverses into a Small Package.  DDP grabs the tights and the ref counts, 1...2...2.8.  DDP is pissed.  He lifts up Brandon and kicks him in the gut and goes for the Diamond Cutter and connects!  He covers, 1...2...2.99999999.  DDP is pissed.  He whips Brandon into the turnbuckle and lifts him onto the turnbuckle.  He goes for the Diamond Dust but Brandon fights out of it and hits DDP with a Superplex.  Both men don't seem to be moving.  The ref begins his count, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9.  DDP and Brandon both make it to their feet.  DDP walks over to Brandon and hits him with a slow right hand.  Brandon exchanges it back.  DDP kicks Brandon in the gut and goes for the Diamond Cutter but Brandon shoves him away and hits the Rush!  Brandon is slow to cover, but does, and the ref counts, 1...2...3!

Lilian Garcia: Here is your winner and the NEW SCWE INTERCONTINETAL CHAMPION...BRANDON!!

JR: Brandon is the new IC Champion!

The King: Damnit, he got lucky tonight. If Paul Heyman didnt have to come out here and ruin DDP's celebration, DDP would be champ.

JR: He was just being fair, and my hats off to Brandon tonight. Coming up next is the SCWE Hardcore title match.

(Footage from two weeks ago is shown)

:Raven turns around and Foley takes him out with a Double Armed DDT. Mick and Joey then double team Tre2 and takes him out with a double suplex. Suddenly, Goldberg appears on the entrance way and begins to walk down to the ring. He gets into the ring and waits for Raven to get up. When Raven does, he spears him! Then he lifts Raven high in the air and delivers the Jackhammer. He gets out of the ring and walks up the entrance way and smiles. Mick Foley comes over to Raven and tosses him over the top rope, unaware of what just happened. Tre2 Ozbourne and Joey Ryan continue to battle it out as Mick goes outside of the ring and comes back with a stick wrapped in Barbed Wire. Joey bounces off the ropes, as Mick hits Tre2 in the head with "Barbie" but Joey comes back and accidently clotheslines Mick over the top rope! Joey grabs "Barbie" and is about to hit Tre with it, but Tre knocks it out of his hands. Tre grabs the chair and low blows Joey Ryan with the chair. Joey is in severe pain now and Tre grabs the stick with barbed wire and nails Joey square in the head with it. As Joey struggles to get up, Tre2 nails Joey with the X of Blood and Joey goes right over the top ropes and hits the ground:

(Footage Ends and cuts into footage from last weeks RAW of Tre2 vs Joey and John Doe vs Mick Foley)

JR: The RAWCore title is on the line, now.

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is for the SCWE RAWCore Championship. (crowd cheers)

(Duality ADD Remix by Slipknot hits the pa system and the fans boo loudly)

Lilian Garcia: First making his way to the ring from West Minster, Colorodo, weighing 160 pounds...Tre2 Ozbourne.

The King: A very strange man indeed. But will Tre be as lucky as Spazz tonight?

JR: I certainly think there's a chance.

(Trying to find a balance by Atmosphere hits and the fans cheer loudly)

Lilian Garcia: Opponent #1, from Los Angelos, California, weighing 210 pounds...Joey Ryan!

JR: A very successful RAW superstar and I do think Joey will go far on the RAW brand.

The King: Tre2 has beat him countless times though.

(When World's Collide by Powerman 5000 hits and the fans boo loudly again)

Lilian Garcia: Opponent #2, weighing 210 pounds...John Doe.

The King: Where is he from?

JR: Im not sure.

The King: That's weird.

(Dude's Shack by WWE hits and the fans go crazy)

Lilian Garcia: And lastly, from Knoxville Tennessee, weighing 287 pounds....Mick Foley!

JR: The favorite in this match by a longshot. Mick Foley hasnt been too successful on RAW but he is looking to change things around.

The King: Haha, aren't we all though?

Tre2 Ozbourne(C) vs Joey Ryan vs John Doe vs Mick Foley

The bell rings and Joey Ryan goes right for Tre2. Tre2 backs off from joey but Joey clotheslines him right over the ropes. Mick Foley and John Doe get into it in the ring while Joey takes it to Tre2 outside the ring. Mick delivers some right hands to Doe and then he whips him off the ropes but Doe fires back with a powerful clothesline. John Doe picks him up and delivers the Side-Effect then he makes the first cover, 1.............2...........Mick kicks out. Joey Ryan throws Tre2 into the steel steps and then he picks him up and kicks him in the gut followed by the Synthetic. Tre2 is hurting, but Doe throws Foley over the ropes onto Joey and Tre2. Doe delivers a Suicide dive outside the ring taking out all 3 of his opponents. All 4 men are down and Mick Foley is the first one up. He puts the boots to John Doe as Joey Ryan takes out Tre2 Ozbourne. Mick then comes up behind Joey and rolls him up, 1............2...........Joey kicks out. Joey is pissed and he spears Mick's down and begins to punch him, but John Doe picks Joey up and throws him off of Foley. Doe picks Foley up and delivers a Powerslam. Then he climbs onto the ring apron and delivers a 450 Splash from the apron. He covers, 1.............2..........Mick kicks out. Tre then gets up and comes up behind Joey and delivers a Reverse DDT. Tre grabs a kendo stickl and hits John Doe over the head with it. Then he takes him out with a Tornado DDT. He goes for a cover, but Mick comes up from behind him and delivers a Double Armed DDT. He covers Tre, 1...............2..............Joey breaks it up. Joey dropkicks Mick and goes for an Influential, but John Doe chokelsams him. Doe covers Joey, 1..................2................Joey kicks out. Mick lands an elbow on John Doe and throws Joey Ryan into the steel post. Tre2 dropkicks Mick into the Barricade, but John Doe delivers a backdrop to Tre2. Doe gets back into the ring, and is followed by Mick Foley who opens up on Doe, but Doe low blows him and delivers a shot to the face of Mick. Doe delivers a Hurricanranna onto Mick. Then he goes back outside the ring and grabs a wrench. He gets back in the ring and goes to hit Mick, but is hit by a flying crossbody from Joey Ryan. Joey hooks the leg, 1...............2...........Doe kicks out. Tre2 then gets in the ring and pins Foley who is down, 1..............2.............Foley kicks out. Tre then runs at Joey, but Joey backdrops him over the ropes to the outside. Joey is yelling at Tre, when Foley comes up behind him and clotheslines him over the ropes. As Foley turns around, Doe kicks him in the gut and DDT's him. Doe then picks him up again and delivers the Amnesia Attack onto Foley. He covers, 1.................2................3!

Lilian Garcia: Here is your winner and New RAWCore Champion...John Doe!!

JR: How about that, John Doe is the new RAWCore Champion.

The King: I knew he would win all along. Wasn't a doubt in my mind.

JR: Sure there wasnt.

The King: Well tonight seems to be all about championships and right now its time for the SCWE Tag Team Championship.

JR: Well tonight there have alread been 5 title matches. 3 champions have retained if thats any clue to what will happen next.

The King: I have to give it up for Point Blank Range, Mr. Bullion is a KSCWE legend.

JR: Well you cant really say that J and JJ Stallion haven't been great champions.

The King: You're right I cant, but I still think Bullion and Johnson are gonna take it here tonight.

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship.

(Enemie by the Mage Mob hits and the fans boo)

Lilian Garcia: First the challengers, from Cleveland, Ohio at a combined weight of 445 pounds...Mr Bullion and Josh Johnson, Point Blank Range!

JR: Bullion and Johnson are former Tag Team Champions, this should be good.

(Immortal by Adema hits and the fans boo louder)

Lilian Garcia: And there opponents, at a combined weight of 535 pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Ivory and Jai, first from Quincy Illinois...J and his tag team partner, from Long Island New York...JJ Stallion, 42J!

JR: Ivory was not successful here tonight in winning her match, however Jai did succeed in beating Duchess.

The King: Now Im not so sure, I mean 42J does have the ladies.

 J and JJ Stallion w/ Jai and Ivory vs. Mr. Bullion and Josh Johnson

Bell rings and J and Mr. Bullion start off the match. Bullion goes right for J and catches him in a headlock, but J elbows out. J tosses Bullion off the ropes. J kicks him in the gut and he bounces off the ropes himself and catches Bullion with a clothesline. J goes down towards Bullion's feet but Bullion kicks him. Bullion gets back up and delivers a rake to the eyes of J. Both guys make the tag to their partner. They are both hesitant, but Josh looks at Ivory and blows her a kiss which pisses Stallion off and he runs at Josh but Josh moves and JJ throws himself from the ring. Josh hits a baseball slide knocking JJ down and Ivory and J go to see that he is okay. Josh exits the ring and Ivory runs away as Josh goes after her but JJ Stallion comes up behind him and knocks him down with a big right hand and then he throws him back in the ring. JJ flexes for the crowd as the guys boo but the ladies cheer. Josh gets up now and as soon as Stallion gets in the ring Josh attacks him with a number of fists. Josh then bounces off the ropes and delivers a neckbreaker to JJ. He covers, 1.............2............JJ kicks out. Josh Johnson climbs the turnbuckle and delivers a moonsault to JJ Stallion. Then he tags Mr. Bullion back into the ring. Bullion delivers several forearm shots to Stallion and he whips him off the ropes. When Stallion comes back, Bullion catches him with a powerslam. Then he locks JJ in the Sharpshooter. JJ screams in pain, but doesn't give up and finally Bullion is forced to break the hold. As Bullion is picking him up, JJ counters and Superkicks Bullion down. Then he tags in J. J clotheslines Bullion down and he follows with another one. He waits for Bullion to get up and he goes for the KnockOut but Bullion shoves him away and follows up with a big boot. He tags in Josh who immediately jumps on the turnbuckle and delivers a moonsault to J. He covers, 1..............2.............J kicks out. Josh puts the boots to J and he bounces off the ropes followed by his own version of rolling thunder. He covers again, 1.............2...........J kicks out again. Josh stands up, but JJ hits him. Josh turns his attention to JJ, and delivers a right hand knocking him off the apron. Josh turns around walking right into an Olympic Slam from J. J covers, 1...............2............Bullion breaks the pin up. Bullion Scoop slams J down, and the ref has a few words with him as JJ hits the ring and delivers the J crush to Josh Johnson. He leaves the ring and J covers him as the ref continues to talk with Bullion. Finally he turns around and he counts, 1.................2.............2.9...............Josh gets his foot on the ropes. All four members of 42J are in shock as J picks up Josh and goes for a powerbomb, but Josh counters into a hurricanranna. Josh then makes the tag to Bullion. Bullion is on fire as he takes out J with a right hand and then he knocks JJ from the apron. He takes J down again, but JJ grabs his leg from outside the ring and he falls. J tags JJ Stallion back in and JJ picks Bullion up and does some chops in the corner. He throws Bullion into the opposite corner and fires back with a clothesline. JJ picks Bullion up, but Bullion fires back with a shot of his own, as Josh tags himself in leaving Bullion a little upset. Bullion then hits J down and does a suicide dive taking J and himself out. Josh climbs the turnbuckle and takes JJ out with a Missle dropkick. He covers, 1.................2............JJ kicks out. Outside the ring J gets up and as Johnson gets up, J trips him allowing JJ to make the tag. Josh bounces off the ropes and hits J, but it has no effect and J delivers the Knock Out and covers, 1.............2................3!

Lilian Garcia: Here are your winners and still SCWE Tag Team Champions...J and JJ Stallion!

JR: What do you know, 42J retained after all.

The King: And Josh went after Ivory again. Haha, I think there's a little crush going on here.

JR: Well I guess 42J is going to have a happy night after all.

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 11:41 PM


(Paul Heyman approaches Karissa Laryss' locker room and knocks on the door as Karissa answers)

Karrisa Laryss: Hey there Pauly.

Paul Heyman: Karissa I have some news for you. It may be good or bad, but I'll let you decide that.

Karissa: What would that be?

Paul: Well you know about the draft right?

Karissa: Yes, because of Smackdown we lose some Superstars.

Paul: Well guess what you're one of those superstars?

Karissa: Really? I am?

Paul: Yes and RAW wishes you the best of luck on Smackdown, you start September 1st.

Another Part Backstage:

(Vince storms into the Alliance's locker room where Duchess, Goldberg, and DDP are all waiting)

Vince Russo: What the hell is up tonight. First Jai cheats to beat you, I just cant allow that. And what was up with Paul Heyman anyways giving Brandon the shot, and you were unprepare to face him! Since when is it his job to do that. This was supposed to be the night of the Alliance but it looks like some people have other plans for us. Goldberg, tonight that Number One Contender spot is yours, i dont want you to beat Raven, I want you to humiliate him.

Goldberg: Will do boss, it's not like he has a chance anways.

Vince: Now as for the 2 of you (points to Duchess and DDP) You know the game plan for tonight, right?

(The alliance has a group meeting as the cameramen leave)

Back at Ringside:

JR: The alliance is obviously upset about losing twice tonight.

The King: Well their opponents cheated.

JR: I wonder what he means by the game plan?

The King: Anythings possible with Vince Russo.

JR: Well that match is coming up right now.

(Footage is shown of Goldberg/Raven history)

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and the winner will be granted a World Heavyweight Championship shot at Autumn Annihilation! (Crowd cheers)

(I stand alone hits and Raven comes out alone as the fans boo)

Lilian Garcia: Making his way to the ring, from Short Hills New Jersey, weighing 237 pounds....Raven!

JR: Raven has been with KSCWE a long time, longer than anyone on the RAW roster in fact and he is yet to get a World title shot, however tonight could be his chance because if he wins, then he gets his shot At Autumn Annihilation.

(Invasion hits and the crowd boos loudly as Goldberg comes out alongside Vince Russo and Duchess)

Lilian Garcia: And his opponent, from Atlanta Georgia, weighing in at 283 pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Duchess and Vince Russo...Goldberg!

JR: Goldberg is a former SCWE World Champion, he beat Maven at Curse of the Game but lost the title shortly after.

The King: I'll have to give it to Goldberg tonight, simply because of his backup. Raven didnt even think about bringing the Dark Carnival out with him.

Goldberg vs. Raven

Goldberg and Raven meet toe to toe in the middle of the ring and stare each other down, Goldberg steps back and connects with a right hand to the face of Raven, and then sends Raven to the ropes, Raven comes back and Goldberg bends down sending Raven over his shoulder to the mat. Goldberg pulls Raven up by the hair and connects with afew punches before he hits Raven with a DDT.. Once again he pulls Raven up and trys to throw a punch, but Raven kicks Goldberg in the stomach and pushes him away as Raven falls to his knees. Raven gets up and Gldberg charges after him, Raven steps to the sind and throws Goldberg heaed first into the turnbuuckle as Goldberg falls to the mat. Raven pulls Goldberg away from the ropes and goes for the cover, 1..2. kick out. Raven pulls Goldberg up and sends him to the ropes, Raven charges after him and clotheslines him over the rope rope, the ref starts to count 1..2..3..4, Raven gets mad and goes after him, he pulls Goldberg up and wips him head first into the steel steps. Raven stands over Goldberg lauhhing as the refs new counts continue...6...7..8 Raven then pulls goldberg up and rolls him into the ring and enetrs himself. Raven goes for the cover 1..2..kick out, Raven jumps up in dis belive and gets in the refs face and starts to yell at him as the ref fights his case, Goldberg gets strentgh and hits Raven with a rool up pin 1..2..kick out. Both Raven and Goldbegr get up and exchange punches untill they lock up, Goldberg breaks loose and kicks Raven in the stomach and then hits him with a sharp DDT. Goldberg goes and stands in the corner just waiting for Raven to get up so he can spear him. After 10 seconds Raven gets up and Goldberg charges at him, Rvaen sees that and ducks making Goldberg fall. Raven rolls Goldberg over and picks him up and carrys him uptop the top turnbuckle and superplexs him off as both men are hurt and the ref starts to count them out..1..2..3..4..5..6..7..they both begin to get up. DDP then hits the ring as Duchess begins to distract the ref. DDP hits the ring and nails Raven with a Diamond Cutter. Then he exits the ring, and the ref turns around and makes the cover, 1.................2..................2.9................Raven kicks out! Everybody is shocked as Duchess gets back on the apron, and DDP gets back in the ring, but out of nowhere Shaydawg hits the ring with a steel chair and takes out DDP! She then delivers a shot to the head of Goldberg. She throws DDP from ringside and gets out herself, as Raven gets up. He picks up Goldberg and follows by a beautiful Evenflow DDT. He crawls over, and covers, 1...............2............3!!

Lilian Garcia: Here is your winner...Raven!!

JR: Im shocked, King I am really am. The numbers game seemed to much for Raven, but we saw Shaydawg hit the ring and take out the Alliance with a Steel Chair, giving Raven the chance to take out Goldberg one final time for the win.

The King: Shaydawg's back! I wasn't expecting that.

JR: Well a few weeks ago Shaydawg did give birth and now time has passed and she's ready to return to the ring.

The King: I know the Alliance is upset. Every member is down here and had to watch. Looks like Duchess' plan backfired though, haha.

JR: It certainly did, however we still have 2 more matches here tonight, the World Heavyweight Championship and the match coming up next for the Womens Championship, Intolerable Cruelty.

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is for the SCWE Womens Championship and it is Intolerable Cruelty(Crowd cheers) The rules are simple. The two divas may battle wherever they like in a Hardcore/Street fight function, but the only way to win is make your opponent clearly say I quit into a microphone.

JR: I know this is gonna be a great match. Two divas that cant wait to get their hands on each other,  and anything is allowed in this match, but it can only end when somebody quits.

The King: Cynthia has been the champion since Curse Of The Game, and looks to hold onto it for awhile. Scarlett has been here for awhile and is deserving of this shot, however Cynthia named this match, and I dont know if Scarlett knows what shes in for.

(Foxy Lady by Jimi Hendrix hits and the fans are mixed)

Lilian Garcia:The challenger, from London England....Scarlett!

JR: She looks focused tonight.

The King: Scarlett has been on a role and looks for her first Women's title here tonight.

(R.E.M. by Sugar Rey hits and the fans boo)

Lilian Garcia: And her opponent, from Tacoma Washington, she is the SCWE Womens Champion....Cynthia Diamond!

JR: Although I like Scarlett, I have to give it to Cynthia because she has been with KSCWE for awhile and is one of the most experienced RAW divas there are. Intoleable Cruelty was created by Cynthia, and Im no sure how Scarlett feels about this match.

Cynthia Diamond(C) vs. Scarlett

The bell rings as Cynthia and Scarlett both stare each other down. Scarlett is the first to make her move as she runs right at Cynthia but Cynthia moves out of the way. Cynthia spears her down and begins to pound away on her. Scarlett rolls her over and now Cynthia is on the ground and Scarlett hits her head off the mat and delivers a big right hand, but Cynthia escapes. Cynthia goes outside the ring and comes back with a crobar. She hits the ring and nails Scarlett in the head with it. Scarlett doesn't show much reaction and she kicks Cynthia in the gut and DDT's her. Scarlett runs her hand through her hair revealing that she is bleeding slightly but Scarlett continues to assault Cynthia. She grabs Cynthia by the hair and throws her over the top rope and Cynthia hits the ground hard. Scarlett follows her outside the ring and she grabs the microphone then she hits Cynthia with it several times and then she holds it up to Cynthia's mouth, but Cynthia says nothing. Scarlett then searches under the ring until she comes out with a hockey stick. Scarlett begins to hit Cynthia with the hockey stick repeadetly and finally she throws the stick away and puts the mic up to Cynthia but still she gets no response. Scarlett continues to search under the ring as finally Cynthia comes to it. Cynthia grabs the hockey stick Scarlett used and hits her in the back with it. Cynthia goes over towards the announce table and grabs a steel chair. She folds it up and hits Scarlett over the head with it. Scarlett is bleeding heavily now, and Cynthia continues to beat her with the steel chair. Cynthia grabs the mic and holds it up to Scarlett, but there is no response. Cynthia picks Scarlett up and hits her head off the ringpost then she throws her over the barricade. Cynthia hops over herself and then she grabs Scarlett by the hair and leads her towards the backstage area. Cynthia starts to open up on Scarlett up top, but Scarlett begins to fight back with her own punches. Scarlett throws Cynthia up against a wall and she grabs a lead pipe. She comes over but Cynthia crawls under Scarlett's legs and trips her. Then she locks Scarlett in the Boston Crab, but scarlett does not give up. Cynthia once again picks up Scarlett by the hair and she throws her over towards a car. She picks her up and hits her head of the window and the window shatters. Cynthia smiles and she picks up the mic and holds it up to Scarlett but Scarlett does not give up and instead she grabs Cynthia by the throat shockingly. Scarlett gets to her feet and she pushes Cynthia against the car. Then she begins to deliver several chops to her neck and she Irish whips her into another car. Scarlett picks her up and lifts her over her shoulder, followed by a Powerslam onto the concrete ground. Scarlett searches for the mic and finds it and holds it up to Cynthia but gets nothing. Scarlett tosses the mic down and she grabs a rope. She ties the rope around Cynthia's neck choking her out. Cynthia cant breathe but still does not give up and she kicks Scarlett in the gut and DDT's her with the rope still around her neck. She unties the rope then begins to hit Scarlett with it. Then she picks Scarlett up by the hair and tosses her into a wall. Cynthia picks Scarlett up and DDT's her onto the concrete. She holds the mic up to Scarlett, no response again. Cynthia is aggrivated as she grabs Scarlett and begins to bring back towards the stage. On the stage Cynthia throws her head onto the ground and then goes back down towards the ring. She gets a table from under the ring and brings it back to the top of the entrance way where Scarlett is on the ground, Cynthia sets it up and she is about to put Scarlett through it when all of the sudden Vampiro appears from the backstage area, and grabs Cynthia. He then delivers a Book End to Cynthia through the table and Scarlett as well as everybody else are shocked. Vampiro leaves as Scarlett gets the mic. She takes it with her and she puts Cynthia in a painful sleeper and she holds the mic up to Cynthia as Cynthia says softly into the microphone "I quit." The ref calls for the bell as Scarlett drops Cynthia and she is presented with the belt. Scarlett takes the belt and she wipes away blood as she celebrates her win. Paramedics begin to check on Cynthia and help her to the backstage area.

Lilian Garcia: Here is your winner and the NEW SCWE WOMENS CHAMPION...SCARLETT!

JR: Oh my god, Scarlett has done it, King!!

The King: I definately wasn't expecting that.

JR: Scarlett has proved us all wrong here tonight and I think she is going to make a great champion.

The King: Congratulations to her.

(Starrcade ad is shown)

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/3/2006 11:41 PM

JR: Mikey G has been with KSCWE for about a year and has failed to win the SCWE World Championship, but because he is the King of the Ring he was guarenteed a shot here tonight.

The King: I hope Mikey G wins and sends Taker to retirement.

(Footage from King of the Ring is shown)

:Charlie falls to the ground as Sonny calls for a Sex Drive. He taunts the crowd for a bit. Undertaker than slowly walks up behind Sonny. Sonny walks backwards and bumps into Taker. Sonny turns around and is met with a Tombstone! Taker goes for the pin 1�?…Mikey G breaks it up. Mikey and Taker both get up and exchange slow blows to the head. Mikey blocks Takers right hand and than hits Take with a few consecutive punches. Mikey is than about to go for a 3 Handed Cadenza but Charlie Haas hits a drop kick to the side of Mikey’s head. Charlie Haas than ducks a Big Boot from Taker and hits him with a German Suplex. Charlie gets up and turns towards Mikey G. Charlie goes for a German Suplex on Mikey but Mikey fights it and kicks Charlie in the gut. Mikey goes for a 3 handed cadenza but Charlie pushes Mikey away and than goes for a clothesline but Mikey ducks it. Charlie turns around and is met with a Superkick! Mikey sees Sony and goes for a Superkick but Sonny catches Mikey’s foot. Sonny than goes for the Sex Drive but Mikey fights out of it and drops Sonny with a reverse DDT. Mikey climbs to the top rope and Delivers a Top Rope Elbow Drop into a pin. 1�?�?!!! Taker just misses breaking up the pin:

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winner and he is your 2004 King of the Ring... Mikey G!!!

JR: What a great victory for Mikey G. He will be facing whoever the champ may be at SummerSlam. This young star has a birght future.

(Footage cuts to other footage from RAW, July 13)

Mikey G: Ok, I'm not going to stand out here and bore all of you people with some crappy speech.  It's a lot worse. *Mike laughs*  Ok, well, It's a great honor to have been the second RAW King of the Ring, and there was a time I didn't think I could make it; but I did.  Before my match in Round 2 against Brandon, I realized I had gone soft and had to kick it up a notch, which I did mind you.  And then from there on out, I had to work hard to even get to the finals.  Just goes to show you how long of a way hard work can really take you.  From my horrible days in wXw, I erased the word "jobber" from everyone's mind as I measured myself up against all the superstars here on RAW, and look where it's taken me now.  I would like to thank all my fans out there for supporting me and actually believing every word I say.  Like I always mention, I never break a promise.  Thank you all once again, I appreciate this honor.

(Cuts into August 3rd RAW)

Goldberg than calls for a spear as Taker slowly gets up and turns around. Goldberg than meets him with a spear and Goldberg jumps up and spits into the crowd. Goldberg than picks Taker up and puts Taker into the casket. Goldberg walks away taunting the crowd. He turns around and walks back to the casket and goes to close it. Takers arm holds the casket door. Goldberg than goes to punch Taker but Taker grabs him by the throat. Taker gets up and than chokeslams Goldberg into the casket! Taker goes to close it but decides not to. Taker picks Goldberg up and than brings him back into the ring and tombstones him in the middle of it. Taker than puts goldberg back into the Casket and shuts the door!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner...and still the SCWE World Champion!!! The Undertaker!!!

JR: What a match that was. The Undertaker has done it and he is still the SCWE World Champion!

("St. Anger" By: Metallica hits and fans erupt with cheers as Mikey G walks out to the top of the ramp and stares down The Undertaker and shows he is the next champion... Taker gives an evil glare back...)

(Footage Ends)

Lilian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE World Heavyweight Championship! (Crowd cheers)

(St. Anger by Metallica hits and the fans erupt in cheers)

Lilian Garcia: The challenger, from Bronx, New York, weighing 200 pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Torres Davis....Mikey G!

JR: This is Mikey's chance here tonight.

The King: Go Mikey Go!

(Da Minstry by WWE hits and the fans continue to cheer)

Lilian Garcia: And his opponent, from Death Valley, Texas, weighing 328 pounds, the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion...the Undertaker!

The King: The old timer goes down tonight for the final time.

Undertaker(C) vs. Mikey G

Bell rings and Mikey G. gets on the turnbuckle and claps his hands to get the crowd into the match.  Taker walks over to Mike and grabs him and throws him off the turnbuckle.  Mike stands up and gives Taker that "what the f*ck?" look.  Mike and Taker lock up and Taker gets Mike in a hammerlock.  Mike writhes in pain but ends up rolling out of the hold and turning it around on Undertaker.  Taker grabs Mike's head from behind and hits him with a Snapmare Takedown.  Taker lifts up Mikey G and whips him into the turnbuckle.  He takes Mike's arm that he wrenched before (right), and slams his arm right into the ropes.  Taker takes Mike's arm and does the same thing again.  Taker backs up and goes for a turnbuckle splash but Mikey G. moves out of the way.  Taker runs right into the turnbuckle and turns around dazed.  Mike runs and clothesline Undertaker right outside the ring.  Mike takes a second to collect himself and throws one arm up in the air as Taker gets up.  Mike runs to the ropes and jumps over and hits a Vaulting Body Press.  Mike slides in the ring and the ref counts as Taker is down. 1...2...3...4..., Taker gets into the ring and both men circle the ring.  Taker goes to lock up with Mikey G but Mike ducks under his arms and dropkicks Taker for behind.  Taker turns around and is staring Mike down.  Taker charges at Mike but Mike hits him with a drop toe hold.  Mike grabs Taker's leg and slams it into the canvas a few times.  Mike then lifts up Taker and begins to punch him, but Taker doesn't feel anything.  Taker battles back with a few right hands of his own, knocking Mikey G down.  Taker goes to pick up Mike, but Mike hits him with a Small Package, 1...2..., Taker rolls it into a Small Package of his own, 1...2...2.1, Mike kicks out.  Taker sits up and Mike kips up.  Both men circle the ring again.  Mike motions for Taker to come.  Both men lock up, and this time Taker whips Mike into the ropes and runs at him and hits him with a DDT.  Taker then signals that he's going for the Chokeslam.  Taker grabs Mike by the throat and lifts him off the mat, and hits him with a huge Chokeslam.  Taker covers, 1...2...2.9.  Taker can't believe it.  He lifts up Mike and goes for a tombstone, but Mike slips out and hits Taker with a reverse DDT.  Mike locks in a headlock, and keeps the pressure on to wear Taker out.  Taker though, makes it to his feet, and Mike is still hanging on.  Taker rams Mike back first into the turnbuckle, until Taker begins to feel the pressure and falls to one knee.  Taker hits the canvas as Mike applies more pressure.  The ref lifts up Taker's hand and it hits the mat.  He lifts up up a second time, but Taker regains conscienceness and gets to his feet again, and flips Mike off his back.  Taker falls to one knee feeling the effects of the headlock.  Mike slowly gets to his feet.  Taker goes over to Mike and whips him into the turnbuckle.  Mike reverses it, and whips Taker into the turnbuckle.  Mike takes the oppurtunity to rest.  Taker gets out of the turnbuckle and Mike hits him with the Superkick!  Mike covers, 1...2...2.9999!  Mike can't believe it.  He gets up and goes over to the turnbuckle and waits for Taker to get up.  Mike goes for the Missile Dropkick and connects.  Both men are down as the ref counts, 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8.  Mike and Taker are up at the same time.  Taker has his back to Mike as Mike tries to rally the crowd as he sets up for the Superkick.  Taker turns around and Mike connects again!  He slowly gets into the cover, 1...2...3!



The King: YES! YES!

JR: Mikey G's dream has finally come true. But we are out of time Goodnight!

(Summerslam goes off the air)

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